1 II V lav . . B . B M M Fzm. I 0 of the Sage I By HAL G. EVARTS Copyright by Hl O. Kvarti WNU Servlo THE STORY CHAPTER I. At the Warren ranch the "Three Bar." on the fringe of the cow country," a stranger applies for work a a rider. He la engaged by the Swner, Wllllamette Ann Warren Sown to aU aa "BHlle." The "!;: ther, Cal Warren, had been the original owner of the place. The Queetlon whether the territory 1" to remain fcow country" dr be opened to settle ment la a troublesome one. CHAPTER II. Cattle "rustlers" have been troubling the ranch owners, he Three Bar, with a lirtkoM. - lBST auoerea won un new hand slvea his nam as Cal Har fla. By his announcement la favor or guaiterr ne incurs m uiuivi friend. auieu hrlt Mmltcsh-1 Increased by Soael that the glrji marry him 4 aKttle; ta. matter of the rwich owier- ,inan declares he "wttl rssasia on the &ao and restore Its prosperity, waning yadcr Blllle'a rule. '. i wonder now why Morrow to whet ting his tommyhawk for me," Harris 'remarked as he inspected the big Lroan, "You're a hard one, Blue. I'U let that saddle warm up on you before I top you off." "Well, step up on him and let's be going," Morrow ordered surlily. Harris took a short hold on the rope reins of the hackamore with his left hand, cramped the horse's head toward him and gripped the mane, his right hand on the horn, and swung gently to the saddle, easing Into it without a jar. "Easy Bluet" he said, holding np the big roan's head. "Don't you hang your head with me" He eased the horse to a Jerky start and they were off for Brill's at a shuffling trot Three times In the first mile Bine bunched himself nervously and made m few stiff jumps but each time HaiS ris held him steady. . v .t XoB'd ha, mads one .geod little horse,. Blue? a.ssJd, tttaoa por hada't apoilMt yenontb Alert" . j i1iMmfo&)im Metal saub "rails before i&e post and 'llWrtrt In wuw -Si iom omdmA thenhselveevfrom tne writing. ServaalsUrtsd a garoe-of jstud poker at osw of thr many tablea, I Harris wrote a few1 tetter before Join lag to the play, and as be looked .up 'from tlnta uto time he canght many curious ..glances . leveled - upon - aba, Morrow had been, busily spreading the tidings that a would-be squatter was among thenx and they were- curious to ee the man who had deliberately de fled the unwritten law of the Cold river range. 'Waddles had Instructed Evans to tart the men back before the spree had progressed to a point where they 1 S In iSIda end Dack I BAD EKKM niiaerable tot a lwg ttmav ; My health, was poor, and -X'Suflertd lot from waasnew Ot , tma etrangft f- waa m cKttia that I oonld not1 Mrtaai oa my faaj 1 I -wodl bswav to flP f ! to ai. ;v (i,,l)ek..-k,3tt I rrd.tSalDeii 1 'i't9L ieh IT .gbOBtWf- f -..t bat ' ' I" J.r -Lilf ,r- J. y... V I J I, r 'tti 1 1 fi;.,sr"A.r' - - Jr. i sU..itr''-" JKJ ml f , I i ' - .f - a,. IV 'V-.-. : : r CeTwarMn rttpuiatsd that half the i T9VT should go to the son of hie jiidriead. WUltam Harrla,moer oer Jala conditions. Th new arrival la e 47i5 and her disclose the tact to Bll- eider Known aa Morrow, xam hi er and takes counsel With her "A ranch cook. "Waaoiee.- ue Mr tear. ( -u 6t r ,tm rmsa tn leave terlll'IThd leave' the Thref Bar1 aorVaanded.' tat the end of twjo hoars h looked at nto watch and snapped. It abnt "Turn out!" ha shouted. "On your horses 1" CHAFTER IV It is said that there comes a day In the life of every handler of bad horses when he will mount one and ride him out, master him and dis mountand forever after decline to ride another. Riley Foster was. evi dence of this. For three years Kile and Bangs had been Inseparable, rid ing together on every Job, and the shaggy youth topped off the animals in Foster's string before the older man would mount them. As Bangs went about his work his faded blue eyes were ever turned toward the Three Bar boss who stood In the door of the blacksmith shop. The girl was vaguely troubled as she noted this. Bangs and Foster had returned for their second season at the Three Bar. All through the pre vious summer the boy had evidenced his silent adoration, his eyes follow ing her every move. The scene ronnd Billie was one of strenuous activity, every effort bent toward whipping the remuda into shape for the calf round-up in the least possible space of time. Green horses were led out, one after another, to be saddled for the first time, and those previously broken re quired a few workouts to knock the wire edga off their unwillingness to carry a rider after a winter of free dom on the range. . . Three men were shoeing horses tied to snubbing posta at tan-yard Inter tala before tha aiiop. One animal that had fought viciously against this treatment had been thrown and stretched, bia four feet roped to con .ninf noata. and while he, straggled and heaved on the ground Bila Foster Umly fitted aad nauea too anees an him. Cal Harris finished shoeing the colt he-waa working. rThat'a the last touch," he said. My string is all set to go." Tnn have five colts gentled for your circle -bunch," aha said. flBut you aa nick a -single cowi horse. The boys have sorted out the best ones and the few that are iert won i an swer for a man that Insists ou a gen tied string.- "Creamer and Calico will do for me," he said. "I broke them myself and maybe I can worry along." "Did you break them tike that?" she asked. Banga was topping a horse that strenuously refused to be conquered and as they looked on the animal threw himself. "Like that? Well, no not precise ly," Harris said. "They're not break ing horses. They're proving that they're bronc-peelers that can ride 'em before they're broke. A horse started out that way will be a bronc till the day be dies." Three men were lashing their bed rolls and war bags on three pack horses and when this task was com pleted they rode down the lane, each one leading his pack animal. Harris Bangs Waa Topping a Horse That Strenuously Refused to Be Conquered. knew this as evidence that they would Start after the calves on the following : day.J 'The custotnwas to' exchange " representatives to ride with each wag on within a reasonable distance, the repg to look after the Interest of the brand foe whlcb-tbef .rede. 4- ,:Mr,tMg iin, i w-rrndy her , (TTmwa - Bh'Mi4, a Tfslfmesn P T L and with BUda.' n rThr-iflsilfnin1ilTr 1st nyt fiftOSS snetwM'.s) otof the hOJg he ifilt' eana;diatance W i UW-Wv 1M MbtfM away wa pocas ( that ie weu sacs, una tne oasw os. uie aBge, )rbmpara0viy,fcS3Jta Hmtfit owneo ay ;im, oraaoosst fiur aw-whsM.even r?rtto t --tha, I . tetV their -jfeye ,sn"-;!2j k l .thiiAi ltoM haalii aji a pelade's lionsr efcace .lay -forty miles ota and a little -west .and 4ua eowo . erased for ever a hundred sllea,'re gutring three wagons to "cover, his range. - :-'!-'.- i-' f- "- Daring the afternoon the three reps came . in to replaeo the men who had left. The surplus horsea, had been cut out and thrown hack on the range, only '.those, required for the remuda remaining In; the pasture lot. 'The chuck wajon was wheeled before the coi;hoDee dfr nud racPti r E- U' ZTVaTart Hefor the 'first streaks i of dawn Hhtf 'men1 hJ "saddled and breakfasted. It was turning (ray in the east when four Jtdrsasi necessi tating the attentions of four meat were -hooked to thewagoa. A man, bung on the bit of each wheel horsa while another grasped the blta Of the lead team as Waddles made on last hasty trip inside. .,.' "Thla will be a rocky ride fors) mile or two," he prophesied, aa h mounted the seat and braced tin self. "These willow-tails haven't had on a strap of harness for ninny a month. All set Turn loose!" The men stepped back and the four horses hit the collars raggedly. One wheel horse reared and Jumped for ward. The off leader dropped his hend and pitched, shaking himself as if struggling to unseat a rider, then the four settled into a Jerkey run uud the heavy wagon clattered and lurched down the lane. The wrangler, whose duly It was to tend the horse herd hy day, and tin nighthawk who would guard Ir r night sot on their horses at the fni end of the corral and urged the herd out ns the gates swung buck. Th remuda streamed down the valley; the two first riders swinging wldf tt either flank while the nighthawk an wrangler brought up the rear. ' fihnrrlv before noon the wagon Was halted In a broad bottom threaded by a tiny spring-fed stream, 'ine teams were nnhitched; mounts were unsad dled and thrown into the horse herd, which waa then headed into the moutlt of a branching draw and allowed to graze. Waddles dumped off the, bod rolls that were piled from the. broad lowered tall-gate to the wagon to onH aph man sorted out his own and unread it upon some spot which him aa a llkelr ber ground. . .It wag net long before WddleS,was dispensing, nourishment from the fowf ered tail-gate, ladling food, ends hot .wtito intn,.th.nlates-aiid cubs which : the men held out tfr him. They drew ...-. and vaat Mroas4eaged on Itbe ground. The meal waa almost ;fin , .,hn ,-s4i. horsemen -rdde down the valley and pulled up before the wagon. - ' "What'a the chance for scrapsT" tht iahHai naked. aton Anwn." Waddles Invited. "And throw a feed in you. She's still a steaming." Four of the men differed m no ma toriRi wnv from the Three Bar. men in annenrance. The fifth was a mat- ton with little forehead, a ftice of gorlll:i cast, stamped with brute fe rocity and small intelligence. The last of the six was a strll;iii: figure, a big nun with nu e while hair r.nd brows. his p.ile eyes peering from a red face. "The roiisted ulliino is Harper, our leading bud mun In these parts, Evans remarked to Harris. "And the human ape is Lang; Fisher, Coleman, Barton and Canfleld are the rest Nice layout of murderers and such." Harper's men ate unconcernedly, u:u U""",-D,"c" conscious wai uiey were uiumeu "iSr8. Hubert Woriey, r-ari mcuireain, men who had violated every law on Ralph Sharp and Shelt Jones were the calendar, but knowing also that I guests of Miss Ora King Sunday no man would take exceptions to their afternoon and enjoyed some nice presence on that general, ground f music. ' 1 . , alone, and as they had ncared the! ;sM ti and Mrs. Edd Ward had visW wagon each, man lu.d -scanned the) tors Sunday evening. t faces nd-up crew, to mahe t sriauit.ttere were none amoag caaoarawial disHke, The Three Bar men ehe.fd and frattralsedlth sbem aa tuy would Iildaailth'ha-tMeiW'ny'' (itimaU outfit. Harper , praised .the feod that Waddles tendered them, Blllle Warren farced a Smile as she nodded to them, then movad' off end sat upon a rock some orty, yaros. irom the wagon, despising the gig men who ate, her fare and Inwardly raging at the conditions which forced her to.es-' tend the hospitality of the Three Bar to men of their breed whenever they chanced bFi 'i ? ''' TO BE CONTINUED NEXT' WEEK From ALEXANDER W. ora Viavinv n frnnd S. S. at the Tivnoh Broad Church and also have some good singing on Sunday - and Wednesday nignts. aaiuraay auu Sunday are our regular meeting days Martn RnplrhAI h&9 retUHied uii. - home after making a short visit to Newport, Tenn. 1U.D rtolin Pnrria 1 e-ettinir alontr nicely with her baby chicks. She has Mr. Claud Farm ia on tne sick list now.: Hope he will soon be welL Mrs. Hester Foster and, baby were vkitinsT her- mother Sunday, Mrs. T, D. -Buekner. ,"'... Mr. - Will Parris has gone into-tne oiy!)amiriear .sw?MX-rH La. u T.aa. iav(a la Imnmvtna after beinr m riwTiwBaWttf'' , .C"'l i!x'-u- ... Um till) i nnvse viiMuitj BncknerSunday' wete Mrs. Laura HoUihgsworth1 and Mrs. Etta Buck- mM tf.MK- iO Wm."H wk-S; ; - lir: W.UrkW has been uf- tering wna tooxnacoa. I - ... v i . - JH iM j0Dn Allmaa a few days ago. -s: g . iVftV."- haaCns' to the si'iool at Cu-whe. "" ; . ' , eMr. Roberta Johnson haa purehaaed ( i MrM ,HattJirds Is r'nlf goi kcin to S. S. when U'w-hsii getd a aew suis. . , : . . t aturaay nigm atra. mmrj Anmon iand two children, Grace and LSEoy.T' Mr. Claude Foster was here Satur day afternoon. Miss Lillian Padris .waa V'. visiting" Mtsa 31 ae jonnson sunoay auiernoon. Mr. Paul Farris waa tne pleasant caller of Miss Pearl Emblers Sunday. From SANDX MIJSH The S. S. at Chestnut Grove is" go- L- on n;e'7. It is rejwted by the pfe4 SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 nn. n, rvMvnll started to Dractice iSn Wk in 1876. the needs for a I &S?ZZtZZJr , .r Si . , . . 1.. ITK" ":?Jr , ntentv of 'fresh . Wu. -r--1 , rPhy anTnu 'for rilief ' ..rd arrived on Big Pine Monday ?tmmuo X 'rf CiiL - n.Mn iiMu rtn- urih tiv Mime in H eonsupauon wnicn . not believe were good for human beings. The preeenpwon ir he used early is hla pracuoe, ana waica P" T,-mS.-T- f 1. I ROC nnder the name of Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepaia. I. a liquid vegetable J-"-ftf far waeaaa, emiaren snu tr, aad they 'need just such a mild, safe bowel stinralaat ' i worth liaaid iwrihs. It has wtt tb ostmdeace or paaple who nesd tt Ujrst.raUfl sdaehea, r aawMassa, '""TzL TZZm apsryaalr. Wa llbiwitM that the- nesCr & a. m u wmy ia being had-at Chestnut Grove ChurcK, Tk. firnoM of this COBUnUnitV Way and a; good many hands turned out to neip. I Thosa that took dinner at the home M Un Jn Luilr wurt Mil. Edd Ward, Mrs, Frank Surdett ancl Mrs. Dsnsa surretx. ; Mr. Linton Claw is very sick. Mr. Joe Lusk is cmfwypmmmm vr;a nnhv TTannah halt an bar srnest wua - Sunday from S. S., Mr. Hayden Haw. kins. Mrs. Meda Ward called on Mrs.l. T. King Saturday. Mr. Roscoe King spent the week nrtA ot Marinn. N. C. Mrs. Effie Clark called at the home so at tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. 1 T. King Wednes- 5" Rev. B B. Plemmons of Trust will o!.k rv,otnnt Crovp the 16th preach at Chestnut Orove the Rev. Mr. Abel of Mars Hill preach ed a good sermon at Chestnut Grove Sunday morning. Hope he comes back soon. Misses Bonnie Jones, Rubv Hannah Elsie Surrett, Julia aurrew ana jes i" ?ZZttiXtom of DealWtt4Ccaby;' r-' ."jSSSSSiM working ,tffi JmtotoW .acjea, Mr. enail Surrettls hsi workings ' , (( Hoping the1 Omee?Kat good'Luelt wth axnew of tobacco and a dip of gnnff. - " " ' v :-. tw BsWAsDirin ami -end m ahurryLPhysfciaoa prescribe f U mmA annmm (t free ttse. for . lt M Wlv"' " . does not affect theheart Every drog Vfist has Jfc bat don't faa to ask the JrJrf trm nM Kadf 't it& .any, bet awn tmaays amycr.'ww w4 ew f4 f Frdsi Lower Biff Pine Wo are still having a rood S.8. ai-this places-- . Mr. aad Mrs. uenry woriey 01 Walnut was visiung on cig nn i Sunday.)) A Wi i- - Misses Lizsie and Eula Waldroup of Firing Creek spent the week end j .rt- "r id"Mr. Everett Wodlev. ' ' ! : s Annie Worley spent the week ; fr i 1 : :ast vn.a uvs fcyrue i or- i.,.IUlWta.lllMYL Wm 7 h . ASliX VIIXE S .PHONE 4013 ... W r just as close to you your telephone, Poat Of fice, or Mail Box. All orders filled promptly. We pay postage. Give our Mail Order Department a trial. We are always glad to open charge ae ' mnta with resDOnsible parties. . . Ilov W Lily Worley spent Sunday nirht with Mrs. Everett Worley. - wnrtlv and Mr. Han- irom letruii., uiu.., I: to M their sick mother, Mrs. tieagan. vtroriey. Mr. and Mrs. Keagan woriey nave gone to Georgia to et treatntent for Mrs. Worley. We hope she will comei back home wen ana in gooa uuui. From LITTLE CREEK i . if anil Mr. Matter Wheeler have nwrnH i farthnridown the -creek to ward Corns Chapel. . .The little daughter ox r. anai rs. John JenkioU very aiok. r Mr. Cardett Kay was on uie cree last : - -TMA'i Yera i;Tmiaaa'oeoinw" Miss Viola Petaraoti ihomes8arday, xt riarono ,Ykankas- jFone 'to Juptter to speid vthe; tfans till next fan wHh ila attntHandHinclei- Mrs. MaeffnMirps antrAira. iay Honeycutt were the Utoner guests of Mrs. Clay and Charley Honeycutt Sunday. IN MEMORY or MR.;AND MRS. J.H.:REECB My father died November 1 25th, fevember J th, 1027. in 72 years, his home being locatid by the waters of Big Laurel. They were tadd to rest by his request near their home. Those survived to mourn the loss of these Beloved ones, are r. ueonjo and Wiley Reece of Walnut Creek, brothers of the deceased y n " or Torn danirhters. Mrs. Bailev Rice nf mr TaiitwI aind Mrs. W. L. Moody "iTr"- zc 1no .i, ,. n. al?Q i"?"y.fc"r 'J5T. ZZl I living m uiinoiB at m I death. She was serious ' car wreck, and waa taken to a hos- Dital where sh, died immediately. . It is very lonely Since she departed, but I have the sweet assurance of meeting her sometime, in the future, where no separations ever come. It seems lonely to visit' the home place, where my loved ones who have passed on welcomed me so much. Father waa liked by all who knew him, and waa good to everyone. He always gave good counsel. . 'The life of my beloved father is not yet dead, hie good works toward establishing churches,, leedingprayer and church chorister is yet reaooadr ing in tte,,Baotist cnarfh .tiBig ever taat; the another Ufa childrea an fatter, will thari8iaHa gweet eunion is heavea'e gnm Thraweet aoperBow- a . -a S -.-.-U. .sf mtheraiaH1a a sWeet eunion iwhere ieaisng8-ar Miknowft. Fathers Companion-waa left lonely 'ill . 1IIIWM- 1 irmM ww, She passed on to join ner oeioveo one atober 26tt428jShrta4 UnrtW who knew her. They were kind to all who visited their home. She went to ennron ana prayer meeting- aa iras as she was able, and did her duty nobly. i . V . Ripened in years' and fully, prepar ed for another state of existence, they have passed on to enjoy the re ward of a life well spent on earth. Over in the beautiful land, they are free from the pains that they endur ed here, and when we gather at the river, it is a sweet consolation that I will meet them on the other side. 'Written by their daughter, MRS. BAILEY RICE. From BLUFF Rev. John Price preached at Zion church Saturday and Sunday. Every one enjoyed his sermon. Mr. lhhd Mrs. Homer Caldwell vis- ited Mr. Jim Holt Sunday afternoon T ... --w. ' m.i . J ! Ji J ft 1 MISS KOSA Vf aiuroup vmitou rauc, Nannie Lou andAjanie Bell Caldwell Sunday afternoon. -; l?isss Ruth aid Beulah Trantham spent Saturday with their sister Mrs. l i'amsadthTwithaiir spent1 Satur- day night with Hra. Vtrgie uonnor. i Mr. Harrison Payne spent the week ead withOBMfelks. ' " . I i.. Weldl of IFarmlrlg a 0 ''Corner Soathslde a"d Cfcarcb ..V tA pjcusy' - ..,": - AsrievillefNtC J.t'lit j 1 A.' a V LEADIIW CTORt HAYWOOD ST. . j tr- Tnm Kimsell and chil- 1 mi. uu ". -- vt dren visited Mr. and Mrs. Jeter I nor Saturday aiwrnoon. Mr. Bruce Mom 01 visiting ?VSSTS Miss Rosa Waldroup spent tu HI1U15 Mva'- - Rnn Waldroun spent Tues day night with homefolks. THIS "FLU" EPIDEMIC Doctors seem to have tomeeessarily alarmed the country about . There is a lot of sickness, wj 00 v..4. i 4. min r the imiwe'rioty than the more aerious influensa pl- demio of the l Worldr ay VI.. .vnlatnail ' )V the SUdden aKt:iany ichangss of weather we have had wiswrnter.. I . .Thooghmaay tpeople g ..M.lki. nM:rn elaimiae? they irfsaii 1 TJ 1 JBH SRI ftw 1 w recently haa the flu.'itbsigroa a jotny of oases mti w ,yM2; !' -Jr .a. , imiMiiBi' 5at..' the wpwtoUt;Wjj mcian expuina van ww wv influensa are literally knocked -off eirfesV'SoawtthWWi- iminates tnase wno iwj '-. - ibed or remato,wow otaws .ww think ttW"-':!. ; Aa tne asacnuM i.- -i.h... W rha .hrred sU icomes homeiaad iitt talt5t,S?- v UA.,niiM.. .Berfd If rthi lord' and JiT 'iZZiSku I ta ilL why I V. i'pi, PathAader. rr- -" ,, ir XT Vnr, Hffln JirMrfile Is jnro. jvw - - - . . .a u... - mm st.vij.avii'lc.-Mavbe he will get to be president when he row. .gtickieback Oh, don't say that don't say that. I don't want ', . . .,,,1, wa.wnrkine , 1. m.. T4-G-nAav jod as rau w ! . . . . ' . . A oite on e chin ny ner pe poeuw caused a New Jersey woman's death. N h accident. ever happened to a I"?"' f ho,dw a baby on her The pthflnder. FROM HOT SPRINGS Mrs. Safford spent several days last week in'Rsleigh, C. Mrs. Oscar Treadway spent Mon day afternoon with' her mother, Mrs. Dave Melton; Mrs. Melton remains about tte aamev " Mr. Andy Woody of Trust, N. C, inrtoelsst weak' ' - ' ' apeftV TrWay fa AaheviUe. '"Z 'vm W; i V. sirt. Mr. ana 'ra weos bhw mn Grabbaaad idamghterasabbtt fad;twd. spent tne wesk-ena -wrui rewtiveaw Knoxvflle, TeV . .';' tlr; and!Mra. Uter and ehUdrcn spent the week-end iit .ClurUitte, N. ;d'i5t .: iii.: !!" w 1 ir t w Rm-n t Unff esent Friday aad Saturday with relatives in Hot Springs, . u. ' - -Mr. and jiMrs. Boy Huffman of Knoxville are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waddell. ' . " Mrs. Edd ' Husley is visiting her parents in Gainesville, Ga. ' -Mrs. Ltppard and Mrs. Clark and several teachers of Dorland Bell Rphool attended the movies ill Ashe- ville Monday night. ' Mr. Calaway leit xuesaay ior Franklin, N. C. to attend the funeral of his father-in-law. His - son,- who has been in the hospital, was brought home Sunday and is very much "improved. ' ' ' " " " Mrs. W. T. Davis spent several days last week with her sister in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. Joe Brooks and Mrs. C C. A F-nnlr motored' to WeaV- erville and spent Sunday afternoon ..... V ,1 . J with. Mr. ana . jirs. u. j. i uuw; family.rii . . Miss Mary Roberson returned homa .Wednesday after a week's visit with her nnde, Mr. and Mrs, .Jack Robera0i, of(Uhwvillf:J' rr?V-.. - ttm' rinn Twann ia risAt sick with ,h.r I ;..Mrsw;.itj Ellerson spent. Thurs- day in snvwiy ,-, " ' n" H- 4-isN- s1? 151'.:-.-' I,l j -... ,'5-!' r'-T;i'', ai llWng Wahhrery i St. " x ' ; " PHONE lilt k. ."A,A. A A A A. A. A. AA ix DHAD DDT MT