rnrsliall, N. C, Nov. 22, 1929 BIRTHDAY FUN We requested a , young business man of Marshall to register his fam ily in our Birthday Club, and he did this without hesitation. This anan knew Birthdays, too. Many of our home folks give qualified dates; that Is. they think the wife's anniversary is on a stated date but they are not sure. We wish in every case to be eg sure we are right as you feel sure that George Washington was born on Feb. 42. .After our friend had given us the desired, information he inquired to know what it is all about. We ex plained fully to him, particularly the sentimental value of Birthdays, as we see it. We suggested to him that every man, on the morning of his IwifeV Birthday, should celebrate the occasion by presenting her with some token of affection, if nothing more than a kiss! In all good nature he said to us . We are deeply sorry we can not iQo tv,io HttiA storv. Our type writer ribbon has broken for the third time today! We are using a pencil to let you know that we will finish tne narrative in imci We have a most welcome letter Ashe County iiimi mciiwv - - Teacher Training Dept., Seated at Grassy Creek, JN. u., in wmcu me honor us with a request that we en- tk.t. names, sixteen VOUWT la- itci ll.d ....... 1 . . in nnr Ttirthdav Club. It has ikon Ann. And we are proud oi our : .v;tinr ihrnnirh the uirtnaay Club with these young ladies of Ashe County. . . , tv,,q .fiiHoTif teachers of Ashe County seem to appreciate the News Kecord as a bright and original small town weekly. 'At any rate, they write tw that our paper finds an in our library. Even though we had a rule against ad mitting outsiders to our Birthday ri..t. o armiM ha compelled to break it in' behalf of this group of young women. We welcome mem " open arms, as it were. We will not be able to open our Birthday Club to all of the teachers and student teachers in the entire state, much as we would like to have every one of them. The way to get in is by saying something nice of the News-Record and by joining our growing subscription family! slR m. n e i n o n - ' Tilt. i k. j - w w - CARL R. STUART Attorney at Law Office Over Citizens Bank Marshall, N. C. IT Is Indeed a beneficent influence that for a season, however brief, deflects or withdraws the mind from the mad rush of commerce and Industry and directs it Into the ways of 'pleasantness and peace. And it is Indeed a blessing to have the turmoil and hurry of life lowed down a bit annually tor the sake of humanities. - Our calendar year is marked by days, weeks and months. We live not by months or weeks, but by days. It Is therefore Important that we take account of the contribution each day makes to our lives. We look upon "special days" as mors attractive, enlivening and conducive to Increasing our happiness and enriching our domestic and social relations than. other days. THANKSGIVING is ono of the "special days' which, doring recent years, comes to North Carolinians freighted with the spirit of good- tii - .fmnaaa f hnnnv eraetinirs fra- w Hit VI ,.......- o grant wlih friendship that means service where service wf e need J. If we would enter Into ...., ni unlrlt of Thanksadvtne we most keep our mlrds and our hearts tlxed upon tm Star of tort Mufeem's manger from which emanated a spirit rf meokness, love and help fulness unsurpassed in the history of mankind. rightly appreciate the spirit of Thanks giving must have the spirit of the Christ who car vx little ones to jainiseu auu Biu . "Suffer Jrv eiitA to come anto Me and forbid them not, rtO is the Kingdom of Hoaven." It Is wtn T-nvo the sweetness of love and the spirit tho Master In our lives that we brighten ana cheer the lives of those around us. Each of us have an Individual part to perform In life's drama- ach has duty Incumbent upon him, each has a responsibility wi'd denend on -ndlvldualUiDg our al'ottod share of the senrlo to be renderen n maaiae too place In wh?c to Ue. iw .itiiim i. life are more distressing thnn thut nf .hl'dren without homes. No loss on w,mt nn that cli narental love VMvemn: oifll.is lw stroke with acutest , a c cuts all tho tonrr ties that w- lliraa nf father nil -LAOthef tO " . h..art nthr rrrowB. oC. MT 1088 68 r mai h.r nith fortitude. Other bereave- icn:; even sees not to fill oar spirit with well 1 ter fcuniiiatio.-r; for thiy come to us in nvhat learned to bear the lessons of griaf, d wh -nanhood ir v. unianhood has brought us increased power if tt, durance. '- ' Ihood, with all Ks Ignorance of worldly oti and with oi lu f.fai:iy of srlrlt. is . J need by tribulation 2? boi3 orphan""! v -- . ; han, therefore. Is -OiU-l to pecuii tymputiiy and protection. The child bereav, of Its natural piardlanshlp and left, In i: lonocency and tears, to the mercies of a cold world, becomes the very symbol of defenBcless affliction; and as such. It should receive the protection of every man s arm auu mo of every woman's heart. To the North Carolina Orphan Association, It Is the solemn consideration that God Himself has made especial promises of protection to the orohan, friends who will "stick closer than a brother." Friends who eome in tne noiir oi need and become venicies oi and Justice flashing no raies oi ww ....... f btnerp hut maklne the circuit of the world with help for (he destitute and honor for the lowly. Those capable of estimating the value of the life of a child bereft of the blessings and com forts of a home, shoula realize what it mean3 to enlist in the movement to swelJ the treas uries of the orphan homes in tha State at Thanksgiving, remembering that the Master TJlmself gave expression vo m iubijhuuuo. pronouncement, "It Is more blessed to gi -e tlian nv thnu nhn are looklnm for some LU 1 CLl'l T V. w " - " outlet for the Joyful spirit of Thanksglv ig we commend, to their consideration, the ap?eal of the North Carolina Orphan Association which Is, once again, asking every citizen of the mj fun Mnrth stata" to contribute the in- come of one day out of 866 to the orphanage nhniro. on or before Thursday, November 28, the day set apart by the Presi dent of the United States and the Governor of North Carolina for the celebration of divine goodness. EVERYBODY, old and young, rich and poor, learned and illiterate, are asked to Join in this holy movement and thus "visit the fatherless in their affliction." Respond In the right spirit and realize a continual wannBeivinB m yum soul which will enable you to scatter sunshine t mfhwiir nf nthArs on the lournev toward the "setting sun." Make the offering on the basis oi your earning capacity ior B single day more if yoa will; less if you can v.ntA UiV It thrnneh vmir church. UW UU WVW. mm - u . your lodge, or forward direct to the orphanage In which you are moot Interested. tv. nsaii for nWal Thanks id vine ortarings has not been so apparent in a long time as it . . w . i a it.. At a n il is tr,s year, uei us nn w mo us""-j demand of the hour by each doing his level best to bless the State and lift It to a higher plane of beneficence ana gooa win. ii Thanksgiving season is a most approrr: period during which our people may s:m.. their appreciation of the splendid service the orphan li "ir.es are rendering In the care, pro tvr'ioii tir.iiii:'!', and education of orphaned vi . n .; o niisht otherwise become a men- -i to : - r.ml a care upon the public. ( ;-.. ,r orh Carolina, do your duty to vourscivcii. to your community and to the State at Thanksgiving this year and realize the full delights of service by making glad the lives of hundreds of bright Doys ana girie, Dcn-n m nssantfl BrtlA QTA TlflV under the fostering: care of the fine orphan homes located in various sec tions of this spienaia oia uommonweuiui. Very respectfully, M. L. SHIPMAN, Chairman, REV. A. S. BARNES, CAPT. SPRAGUE SILVER, W. A. GRAHAM, MISS FANNIE H. YOUNG, MRS. KATE BURR JOHNSON, MRS. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Publicity Committee. Raleigh, N. C. 1929. LIST OF ORPHANAGES AND SUPERINTENDENTS Mills Horn Dr. M. M. Kesler, Thomaaville, N. C. Uithodiat Orphanage Rey. A. S. Barnes, Rnleigh. Presbyterian Orphan Home Jo. B. Johnston, Barium Springs. TZ., Children'. Home Rev. C. A. Wood, Wlnston oiOem. ThomrtCll Cj-phamgeRev. W. H. Wheeler, Charlotte. MftVrlist Protestant Home Ilev. A. 0. Dixon, High Point. ChrMian Orphanage ChaB. D. Johnson, Elon College. fixtard Omhanaoe Rot. C. K Proctor, Oxford. Odd Fellow nome Charles H. Warren, Goldsboro. Pylhla-i Home J. W. Knowles, Clayton. E!iita rtmhnnane Rt. L. B. Compton, Asberllle. ChMr't Home Society J. J. Phoenix, Greensboro. Nawrert Orphan' Home Rer. W. H. McNalry, Rock well. Falcon Orphanage J. A. Culbretb. Falcon. Freewill Bapli't Borne J. H. Bennett, Middlesex. Cotnoho OTan0e Rev. Geo. A. Woods, Naiaretn. tfoewtoto Orphanage J. H. Gruver, Black Mountain. (Jrandfatker Orphan Borne W. L. Painter, Banner Elk. Alexan-ler Home Mm. Fannie Sharpe, Charlotte. Wright Rk'W Kts- Octavla Evans, Durham. Manorial la. Sonool (Col.) W. F. Crutcher, Wlnston Balem. . Colored Orphanage M. C. H. P. Cheatham, Oxford. BwmmiN) County CTMIdren'i Home Mlse Emily 8. Dho, Aabevllla. Jimtor Order OtrKanooe W. M. Bhuford, Lexington. Junior league Babg Home Mrs. W. H. Williamson. Jr., Charlotte. ton Tweed, Louie Zimmerman, Paul ine Banks, Calonia Cantrell, Roy Hensley. First Grade Viana Gentry, Bertha Slielton, Frank Brazille, Hubert Cantrell, Barnabas Cutshall, Burnice Franklin, Grace Rogers. Second Grade Perman DockeTy, Rube Gosnell, Quenton Norton, Stan ford Shelton, Burnice Tweed, George Shelton, Helen Cantrell, Rose Chand- ley, Susie Ramsey, Qota Shelton, Roxie Tweed, Daisy Wallin, Lela Mae Franklin. Third Grade Grace Cantrel, Junior Cook, Frederick Franklin, Ralph Mas sey, Miletus Norton, Lena Mae Rice, Travis Ray, Mary Tweed, Golda Tweed, Minnie Tweed, Ruth Tweed; Fred Plemmons. Fourth Grade Herman Brazil, At- man Cutshall, McCray Gentry, Ovet K:n-, Joseph Norton, Ruth Cantrell, Zula Franklin, Vergie Gentry, Koep nie Gentry, Faye Hensley, Bertha Shelton, Vadie Taeed, Pollie Tweed, Agnes Wallin, Glennis Wallin, Glen dora Wallin, EloK-e Zimmerman, Jean Zimmerman. Fifth Grade Grove Franklin, Co man Gentry, Coleman King, Earl Tweed, Fred Tweed, Minta Banks, Marie Shelton, Sabrah Tweed. Sixth Grade Guy V. Tweed, Rankin Wallin, Delia Cantrell, Eleanor King, Ellen Sams, Faye Tweed, Wesley Tweed, June Wallin. Seventh Grade Nelson Franklin, Thelma Franklin, Irena Gentry, 01 gie Rice, Ruby Wallin, Stacy Letter man, Rosa Lee Gentry. .jlitutlon. . i. iv rtiigion and undented before God and the Father Is this. To visit the fatherless and widows in thIr affliction, and to keep himself unopottod from te world." "It sv more blessed to give than to receive." FORWARD THE INCOME OF A DAY TO THE ORPHANAGE OF YOUR CHOICE AT THANKSGIVING. WALNUT HIGH SCHOOL ruled by a political "boss" or dis honest men in po.ver. He should do the right thing in everything, fear lessly, justlv. willingly, and, if he i.; a good' politician, he will never re rvci it. FIDDLERS ASKED TO ATTEND MEET IN MADISON COUNTY Old-time fiddlers and string bands t T5,.,..vil,n MiHiinn and other 'SPRING CREE SCHOOL NEWS Stiperii.tendent Blankcnship as m the school last week. He met w.tn the tenches and was checking over i ptai.dard i o i . i. -ments. Many sup The Walnut school has just bought uniforms for both the girls' and boys teams. ,We -are planning to begin our Sfwdttle of basketball thlaweek with Jfgame with Hot Springs. s We-' hope that our inter-scholastic relations this year will be satisfactory and benefleial to all concerned-. , It can not be said that this situation is true in the past. I athletics we play for'-the sport of the game as well a the spiritual and physical training. In playing we do hot just select teams that we can hope t defeat but i iL.i. intn 'bimaTrini' t.A US. It take a bigger sport to tafce-def eat ungrumDimgiy.ana in me riguu tude than one that is always success Dm.yiiaic vf the . ftenre the team loses that is always knocking the roughness of tne otner siae, me refeTee, or things in general. Some folks when defeated, always find an "alibi" or "pass the buck." If we are beaten we should shut up. The nMnn ia Knnietimes A'on iptcatcoi. y.vwv.j . - when the team has done its best and loses then shows t'ie victor :ts re.i?e?t courtesy, and the true athletic spirit a winniner' loser, ueieai is wcu transformed into victory, a success. 1UI louuit. . Tht .'administration hopes tnat all aViin. misconduct, or dis respect of rules, on the part of our students while visiting otner b.hwio, :n k- 4tnnvfol tn iir We shall en. Will UC ispwtw" . . . , , deavor to satisfactorily adjust these misunderstandings ana aissunsn". The school is now conducting a '..1. AJ fiKalnt'lATIR tn the "Souths era Ruralist." The Bchool keeps fifty - per , vcii" v - vEsch student that sells one subscrip- - tiopi' gets a. iree.nn. m afeMUarshall; those" that sell five sub scriptions get a free trip and also a founum pen. - - r. nr 41nMMin Oft ft niATiAl f .4; rrkonlravitfiti0 nm err m- This program will be given at three o'clock hof nr ' Thankssriving Day. As usual in addition to the pro- srram we are aBtung i -r.. . .n.!r, - nnlp.' tiotatoes. .: irive " sou:wus -m - wi . ? .n.1tlnr that he has, (i rAn .:n V ;ri tho noedv Of All tnui wui " - - - .t ...:t-n Thna snail w caFTT out the' purpose of the Day, the gi ' ihg - of. ','Thahks'f and of our means to some one mat is ibsb wiwu. The publie is invited, to attend the exercises. j ; . . ' . nL. la follows 1 tic ytuKiwu " " ....... . Urn of Harvest Story . - Wrtih Turkey Driv Ron - - : - - Thanksgiving V buted by Wis of the graaes. We engaKc i n "-j v - - - . .. h0e to announce soon a saiuui held at Walnut high achool n Mndi- nope 10 son county November ana ou. ue- opening exercises were ginning at V:30 o'clock each evening, . enam s acC?Ldi!!!i0. "TSr " So ey had Wednesday with upper grades perii.LeuuwM - - i j fiieh ' SCnOOJ ana preBwiwu hool. -iw nf 'Ashe. I very entertaining burlesque. Bascom Umar' Lnnsford, of Ashe-ive y th ville, knownas the ' JW.efJ " and seventh grades. These made a Appalachian has i been elected , J . X.Ucially in singing. mJiRlWufc Lunsford. "is One should appreciate the!dvantagres luttuuiu', "IT.i-'i " j - i,- 4.V- revr school alTOrQS cmiuren wire" m Amf 6d nddlhi' and artists the new fflwi ,w.w, bad the Weif good 'Mdlta tne n Vrth what we had &totrVau1 the G- v. lm onr ratine irom uircuun"-. 1 U"S5".' j ..;jncb hlirht Some one nas bubkc - . i iK:::::::n::::n l ::::::::::: : m .. a Hut -'w' rriBeB 'wm u , ji - m ine ioiiowihr : Ci.v.j v.. .election; and best pana itcom ... . .- , aggregation. mere win we . also for bdys and girl dancers. The ! nrogramv is to ne gww -wms. .--, auspices -Of the school, and musicians j and dancers from any and all sections j of the mountains are jnvixeo a.m u.- j fA hv snonsors oi me tend and paricipate. The admission pnee io will be 20c and 35c. Pageant . J Thanksgiving : SEVENTH GRAINS.. ,v'!f ,,-J Civics t'--v- m c'i ennn pni.ITICIAN T.l VunTTc wnm.EY. Bth Grade i 4 -'i;tiiin ihnnid bs one il.i if,A...a4,Avfhv invftl tn the nartv who elected him, but apt loyal enough to be disaoneft. -ne -snowia yn aunt " o , , is elected, he should do all he could to have 'good 'roads,'" school houses, and better communities in his state ct county. He should b as Just and generons to one party as another. A good politician should not be :-rhcol need.-; a flag and so it does. We have been looking f oi" the Junior Or!"T arc-.i'it! to pre ent a Has and ; Bible. We should have had a llnu for Armistice Day program Monday. Yo-Yo has invaded or school. It's bftt-r to Yo-Yo 1h:in to yo'v-yow. So here b a moral. The school expects to have Mr. Ben Fvi-hy of Mar-hall for a program very ooi. The Seniors ?eem very dignined since they have tneir ciass rins FROM WHITE ROCK SCHOOL exercises will Our iTmr.kr-giving lu gn at 10:30 A. M. , p:ach department of the school has ' arranged to take part in rendering the program. Mrs. Sarah Thomas a ill be in charge 71 tne music I We mo.-t cordially invite our pa- The basketball boys were almost j trons to be present. smothered out by the Fines Creek Mr jasper Ebbs, member of the Board of Education, will deliver the team last week. The score stood a- , Creek school. Believe it or not, one of our high i i K,ro ion mod the multinlica- ivja - tion table before he was five years, old. Can you beat it? M:ss Pansy Miller is oaca in b After an illness. Were glad to have Pansy bacK. F. L. HIPPS, Principal. Honor Roll for White Rock School Primer Honor Roll Marie Gentry, Odell Cook, Mamie Gloria Tweed. nave i v tliuiiy Harry Fleming is still out recupe- charlotte RaVi Earlus Johnson, Es- First Goof: "If you give a girl an inch nowadays " Second Goof: "Yeah. She'll make a dress out of it." New York Times. Ma: "That boy of ours gets more like you every day." Willie's father (meekiyj : "wnats he been up to now?" The Artists Know and Wonder In a quarter 0f a century of mixing with mus-ic-hall people, I have scarcely ever heard one wont said in favor of perform ing animals by the rtists that is, t'ie people who have to work with them, who know the trainers, and who understand the conditions. Whenever there is a perform ing animal turn on a bill the other artists invariably talk a bout it with disgust in their dressing-rooms. When there is a lion or tiger in a cage they live in horror lest it escapes. If there is a performing dog, or there are performing cats, they wonder what cruelty goes on when they are not there. By Hannen Swaffer, In Our Dumb Animals. DO YOU KNOW 'IM? tv,o foreman of a certain -V . u ii,.Vi more about the Back End of the Shop than of Editorial and Uterary """J"-"-Pretty good fellow but given to rath- er rougn. ianguaKe f" k and especially on P"",. addressed him as a "Vulgarian .be cause of hia Eastern Kentucky Dic fon He" shot back "Fd sooner be a Bulgarian than a Wop". DEATH OF AMANDA GUTHRIE ,:if... finthrie. aee 77, -.of Mar shall Route 3, died Nov. 13, 1929, S&K M:, cancer bein the cause of death-i She naa Deen uei r5 rr.rf .,,mM. and had been in ill health.for,more than year. .. The funerai;Was on at 2:60 M. conuucicu j -- - -?i rr A- a. o- ptrv Snrmkle; and the body, wns..interred Vr Cemetery. h!r grand-son. . Wmj prttf bearers, ana ner psu-u.u,.v .- ing flower gins. .... vv .The deceasea b "'"7 "ma sister, Mrs; Mattie Hojcombe, C? r 1 a ' "fM li.. MIIU . . f KhalU Route 3; d.four jgrt.: Mrs. OSsie Hunter, V f A1nder. N. I Mrs. . rnae uuvV, f- C.. ana mn. . "-j-, h- ndchiWren and a host of frienfls, '"The dialed rewed an orphan ; , prL.Professed faRh in Chnst in early womannooo. -,-- - to ' dist rroteswnk culm.". ui. lv, nl Rod until the nd came: Shi was a loyal and devoted lv j , iA miod neiehbor, and a inena, maeeu. . . - vt ,v . She died at the home of her daugh- ( ter , Mr, w. i. xunir, vi i""""t . ttouve o. . . print i ot ::: ::::-::::::"j:Xr'W?ftS::::::l 1 To Our Patrons: RATEFUL, indeed, are we for the progress this Bank has made in the past year . . for the new friends it has won and for the confidence and esteem it holds m this enter J r,u,r tfmiallv cf ad. too. are we for having had the opportunity observing so many of onr fellow citizens, for, SlSthat by hoping others we've helped ourselves. Our institutions growth attests to it. AGAIN FOR TOUR PATRONAGE! May yours be as Joyous a Thanksgiving as you have made ours. And may our services mferit your continued friendship and loyalty! t t j-' n ri a MawHall, N. C. Hot Sorinirs. N. C. w 1 - .