FOURTH PAGE THE NEWS-RECORD LANKFORD STORY, Editor. H. L. STORY. Publuhar. " Eotared a. .aeond class mail Her aadar act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE YEAR 20 BIX MONTHS I-00 THREE MONTHS THREE YEARS (in advance) 15.00 SINGLE COPIES Many (ordered before press day) .4 UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL tha line telU you when your ubicription expires. If the paper doe not (top when your time i out, a lc postal card or letter addressed to MR. H. L. STORY Marshall, N. C. will stop it. If he does not hear from you, he will think you wish the paper continued and that you are willing to pay for it at the rate of 50c every threo months. SIGN YOUR NAME Don't blame the publisher of the News-Record for not pub lishing what you write, if you do not sign your name and ad dress. We cannot publish ar ticles unless we know who sends them. We will not publish the name if you object. MARSHALL SCHOOL THANKSGIVING DAY Thanksgiving Day is not far away, And the turkey will not have long to stay. You will see the old turkey put on the table, And the people will eat him if they are able. EDNA PAYNE. THANKSGIVING DAY How ever when comes the day For the turkey to say "Good-bye! I'll meet you again some dav Oh! Oh! What a roast we'll have that day. When will come the day When yori will say Hurrah for the fun, is the pudding j done? I Hurrah for the pumpkin pie! SUITS! 4 One Special lot W Boys' Suits, 2 pants $4-75 $ Men's Sheep Lined Coats, Boy's Sheep Lined Coats, $ Leather Coats, Leatherette Coats, Dux Bax and Dry Ifi Box Suits for men. X If you need a good serviceable Overcoat we an Hi supply you for --------W We also have them in the better grades, priced right. S Men's Lace Leg Khaki Riding pants, any style $1.25 Men's Slip Over Sweaters $150 J This is blanket season. Look over our stock. Heavy red Plaid, Part Wool, full size, pair $2.95 5 One lot Cotton Blankets, per pair $1.35 jjj We have one lot of Ladies' Coats, size 16 to 44 Fur Collars that we are selling for $4.98 ffi One lot Ladies' Satin Back Crepe, Jerseys, and J Flat Crepe Dresses, going at $4.98 4- Ladies' Felt Hats going for 98 cents and up $ - We have wide brim Ladies' Hats, priced at $1.50 T 36 inch Fancy Prints, selling at bargain price !bf 1 5c yd. J Gingham going at 10 cents per yard and up 2 One lot Children's stitched-on Shoes, sizes SY2 $ to No;2 - - $1.25 " " Size 5 to Jrauns Shoe going at ?$ cent - I Army Hob Nail Shoes, bargains at $3.00 ; ffi Men's t A Boy's High Top Shoes, Mens 16 & 18 in top. J Peters. Diamond Brand and Wolverine Horse Hide. We g also carry" Huniadori and AlA. Cutters. If your feet r are tender wear Wolverine Work Shoes. They never get hard. : ; We give you 100 cents value for every dollar you spend Vi and a chance for each dollar on the New Ford Car to be given away on December 24. . 'c:l:: : :c li xi x z at tha poitoffic. at Mar.haU, N. C.. Then for the dinner hurrah What a thrill there'll be Cakes, pies and peaches, you see, Shall be a good dinner for thee. RAY FRISBY. i THE TURKEY Hurrah for the turkey, Hurrah for the date. Thanksgiving is coming, But he won't like his fate. Hurrah for November, Hurrah for the twenty-eighth. rv., ; licioV v-prH strnttinc about. wut in wmvi. j ... O ' Is the old turkey, knowing what he s about. C. L. MILLER. MAKING GEOGRAPHY A PLEASURE There are many maps in our room. They are male of salt, flour and water. Miss Casey told us how to make them. After we make them them with water colors. We have also made some sand maps. We have ordered some geography books. When they come we will take a trip around the world. I know we will enjoy riding on a sleigh a cross the North and South poles. We have bought a bulletin from Miss Casey. . She has certainly been nice to let us have her books and beautiful pictures to study. We are going to order illustrated circulars from the Chambers 0f Com merce in different cities. The mate rial for the booklets we are going to study comes from states we are planning to study. By RAY FRISBY, Grade 5. THE FOURTH GRADE CHAPEL PROGRAM The 4th Grade gave a chapel pro- PTum ast. Wednesdav morning, ii w as a Thanksgiving program. It was 1 1 1 very funny and was enjoyed by ev erv one. LOUISE RECTOR, LanK iage. At our first regular meeting of the students' club of the 7th Grade, the following program was given: November 15, 1929 Unck" Remus' .Stories Bernice Ram sey; Robinson Crusoe Harry Lee ; Oiezentanner; Wi!l;am Tell Neta i .Miller; The Little Lame Prince j Pnttie Tom Tvo"d; Wild Animals j Pearl Andeiv. Joan of Are Mary Riulirill; Princess of the Dwarfs ' Christian Cook; Afrcan Animals j J. C. Dodson; Animal I Have Known Pmorf T?nV,oi-t - TVip Ppnnpr Pam- ilv Wade Huev; Great Cities of U-! nited States Katy Deal. ' SUITS! a;"UjllE) Goods of r.lcrit c in x z x li x l in t THE NEWS President Monroe Ramsey, Secretary Helen Rector. Vice-President-Pattie Tom Tweed. Cotton is a plant of the marllow family, whosfc fabrics provide the wnlf1 with a Iawa nnrtion blTUlACU " .. O I of its clothing and' whose products are utilized in counuess ways- ior the comfort and happiness of man kind. in h&VA been esneci Mnthr Nature for the welfare of the human race and a world without it would jack the com mmoaf n apnaaitipft ftf life. This fact has been stated in a se rine nf familiar ruptures bv Frank VI Carpenter, in his interesting book, "How the World Is Clothed." THOMAS RUDISILL, Sixth A. SF.rrtND GRADE B Last Monday our room set sail on the good ship "Study." We are sail ! ino. r tho "Town nf Good Reading." The one who read the best was chosen Captain, and so on down the line un til the crew was made up. Each day we read good we go one hur. red miles The ones who have sailed the most miles are: Hazel Davis Captain Margie Clark First Mate Hubert Candler. Second Mat Edith Nix Third Mate Knox Brigman Fourth Mate Lucille Frisby Sailor Annie Davis Sailor Robert Davis Slailor Paul Worley Sailor Carol Pressley Sailor Ollie Fisher Sailor Bula Sprinkle Sailor Polly Redmin Sailor Tn the crame scheduled for this af ternoon (Friday) at 3:00 (o'clock, More Will Wiirb School will BTatmle with Fruitland Institute in another o-nr.-o r.f ffiot.IT.!! on l!;" Jt ..?.? Til VTicrh Schnnl Athletic Field. This is nnnnKPrl n be close came throughout and it may be that Mars Hill's record of winning all games lor the turn vpnrs will hp smashed. - v j All this week Coach Kuykendall of Mars Hill has been training his men . .. k H - . 1 J in preparation lor qne runianu plaaVi Fvprv mpmber of the sauad is in god physical condiiton, and is all keved ud for the big game We are all very glad that Mars TTill line rnnsanfpA to lisp Marshall as their home ground because it offers quite a bit of thrills that would not be coming our way. What do you say that we show them our apprecia tion bv attending the games? On Wednesday. November 27. Mar shall will have the privilege of see in? two life-lone rival teams clash in what i- termed to be the best pnrop of the season in this section. TVia i-ivaU orn Wpnvprvillp ATlfl Mftrs Hill. If vou miss this srame vou will mips one of the best high school grimes of the year. SUITS! ( tot LC XL Carolina 4 lt x l" xii x r. x i" x - RECORD BARGM Just received a factory close-out in Geo; P. Ode Dress Shirts. This is one of the best brands of shirts made, and we have a good assortment of colors and sizes. The cheapest shirt in this brand retails for $2.00. We have values ;from $2.00 to $3.00 and we are going to sail them at $ 1 .50. id n l fi iJ 1 i. i-rfl IB II ' I I HI i i 1 1 1 ri a , g I Htf Vi m I . 1 fefl i XA s P. POETS' CORNER BY MEMBERS OF TEACHER TRAINING CLASS MISS CASEY ' Our teacher, Miss Casey, she lays down the law, ' But she's the best teacher at ever you saw. She comes to our class room a-mean-in' to stay, A-wishin' to lengthen the hours of each day. . She even suggested forgettin a Sun day An' make it a school day, same as a Monday. Yet Miss Casey, our teacher's so aw fully good, She thinks of us alius, as good toanhors Rhnulfi. ' When travelin' and traipsin', it mat ters not where, A-seein' of sights that are rich and a fa rnrp She's alius remarkin', "Oh, looky, my dear! I'm wishin' my class, every one, could be here." Each week when she visits the R. F. D. schools. She leaves sich assignments we la- hm-lilce milieu. You'd think we'd enjoy being left for a day, But, the work she puts on us, we d In spite of her whimseys there ain't any douDt She's just the best teacher our state has sent out. Ruby Payne, Nell CantrelL PRACTICE TEACHING - Ai the ran eoe peeping brightly - f rom senna ma monuuuni uik", Groups of children all about us Mean that practice nour is nign. Practice Teaching ia not easy; Plana for lessons there most be. And to .keep the children busy Ia a problem, you wui aee. . i Striving well to do our teaching" aj IV. lftlA mind, imnreis. Drill, they terra it, ta onr method, ; Most important I acts to stress. Ev'ry lesson making better ;. Better teaewng is our goat Working, planning, motivating, ; Higher standards to nphold. ;,. . (Vivian Rector, f , Ruby Payne, ' - And Class. . My wife has horrible manners. The other evening : at dinner she was scratching her head with her fork. I ws so shocked that all the pea roll ed off my knife The Pathfinder. A COMPLETE LI Of Boys Suits and Over coats at Special prices. "CURLEE" nt eed Suits for Men. 1 1 "STAR BRAND" Shoes Are Better! V. RECTOR "The Quality Store" Marshall, N. C. , FROM GRAPE VINE Our day school at this place which is being taught by Mr. Wayne Fisher , r rmiuK and Miss Same Joe Morgan of Democrat, we wish to say is moving on one. E. S. Morgan was visiting his xi T anil J. G. Morcran at Forks of Ivy last week, and attending the revival meeting at tnat piace. Rosco Cargile was at Grape Vine Sunday. . Rev. James Lamb took dinner with Mr. A. H. Sams Sunday. Professor Hudgins was at the home of Mr. Morgan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morgan and family were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Morgan Sunday. Mrs. Bill Cody was visiting her son Mr. Neal Cody Sunday. We all feel grateful for the great revival meeting at this place, held by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Lamb and Rev. Cecil Reece, Rev. Mr. Bullman, and Rev. Mr. Ballad. Twenty-two joined the church and were baptized. A great number renewed the church, greatly revived. From BIG LAUREL Mr. W. A. Wallin killed a fine hog Tuesday morning. ' " Mr. Carlie Rice got his house burn ed down Thursday, the 14th. Mr. Reho Bishop and wife have moved into their new house. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A.- Wal tin was a son, who died Nov; 11th, and f buried Nov. 12th. The mother :.nvvL...-;: V . . ..... . fQ Come in. Let us help you fixure out tht extra room, new floors or roof. Now is the time to make those, improvements jrou have been wanting to make. Prices will never he any lower than now. We have all kinds n( mt K riirlit Dricea. Feeds we have them 1 w O I. S. Meal, Hay, B&S Dairy and Poultry reeds, you liable to need some good block coaL - If you need 5 . - .t-' 1 : -n a a fi nJtAt,. Cfat --i- A are t o t any of the above, call 49 Remember, we give chances on the New Ford Car to be given away Dec 24th, for every dollar paid us either on account or cash purchase. Some one will get this Ford for $1.00. I COAL, FEED & LULIBER C02IPANY 2, UPPER BRIDGE ST. - - - MARSHALL, N. C Marshall, N. C., Nov. 22, 1929 S flE is still in the White Rock hospital,, slowly improving. ."..! u... n..ii PnTit.roll and children JIIILD. Pw ' ' took dinner with Mrs. Loane Wallin Sunday. ,. Mrs. Amy Wallm is spending a week with her daughter at Walnut,. Mrs. Spurgeon "Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. H. Holland spent the week-end with Mr. Loane Wallin. Several people from Big Laurel at tended the revival at Chapel Hill. Mr. Pat Bishop motored to Marsh all last week, taking his son, Edwin, to the doctor. They have all been quite sick, but are improving nicely. I'll be darned, if this misses the waste basket, if I don't come again. LOST & WANT ADS, 26 words or less 25c for one week 75c for four weeks. Additional word 1 cent a word a week CASH Fir.i. FOR SALE Two good fresh Jartay eowi for sale. C. B. MASHBURN Marakall, N. C. FOR SALE Soma good mmmi wheat, both baardad and slick, for sala. . C. B. MASHBVRN Marshall, N. C. FOUND One fo hound. OwnexjrJl call at COOK'S SERVICE STATION and pay for this ad., and receive dog. it. pd. "--- ' w t A " . .... t c C Upper Bridge Street. o o