HoioioiaiiLOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Lost Her Double Chin-L ost Her Prominent Hips-Lost He r Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor Gained i n Vivaciouness Gained a Shapely Figure FROM MARS IIILL Some of our people went to attend the funeral of Mr. J. C. Brigman at Ivy Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Fred Holcombe, of the Holcombe & Tilson firm, had charge of the funeral. Mr. Tilson ia with their business at Burns ville. Mrs. L. D. Edwards, who has been in a hospital in Asheville since she and her husbond were so seriously in jured in an automobile wreck, result ing in his death, returned home last Saturday. She is recuperating as rapidly as could be expected. About half the new road between Mars Hill and Murslhall-the half If you're fat remove the cause! Notice also that you have gained.in KRUSCHEN SALTS contain the energy your skin is clearer your 6 mineral salts your body organs, eyes sparkle with glorious health elands and nerves must have to func- you feel younger in body keener in tion properly. mind. KRUSCHEN will give any fat j nearest Mars Hill is closed while it JJT,25iE Pe!n mTVpTTHPM ! bein oiUd and the old road is aIq onH lriirifvq em't throw rt ff t.hnt SALTS nt t)ip Marshall Pharmaev ' ewg usea as a detour. lte waste material before you realize it I (lasts 2 months). If even this first you're growing hideously fat"! bottle doesn't convince you this is tle Try halt a teaspoonlul oi ;tasiert, surest and surest wav to lose j the roaa toward Asheville has been JUtUSLnUN SALTS in a glass oi lat it you uon t leei a supero un- . wofai. avrrv mnrn'tntr in .'I tu'nvompnf in hpjilOl sn tr! nrinnsl V ! mailO QUltt get on the scales and note how many ,in.'rgetic vigorously alive v our Mr. ana Mrs. h. C. Metcal: and (pounds of fat have vanished. money gladly returned. Adv. , her sister, Miss Mary Bradl y, of i Asheville, spent Sunday in town with con tinuous rains last week did much to make travel less pleasant. However, passable. o X o 0OO0000 000000000l rvi WASHirJGTOrJ From BLUFF ; their mother, Mrs. W. T. Brad -y. i The family of Mr. C. W. H .--lsley We are sorry we couldn't carry 0n our S. S. Sunday, on account of rainy weather. Everybody come next Sunday. Mrs. Oddie WaJdell and children spent Sunday night with Mrs. Edd Waldroup. Mrs. Waddill and chil dren went to Alexander Monday, where she will spend a while with her Wednesday'. out to hear him. Mr. Howard Worley motored to Miss Nola Freeman is on the sick j nave moved away from Mars Hill, list this week. probably to Asheville, where Mr. Mr. Jess Keener went to town last i Hensley has bee,n working for some Friday. t;me Mr. Chester and Mr. M. F. Free- T ,, , , , ., . . j ! r; In the front of the Bank of Mars man made a business trip to Fine Creek Thursday. Hill can be seen an unusual lemon Mr. T. T. King was on Little bandy . tree. They call it a ponderosa lemon tree. It is yet quite small but bears O o A. -4 oiifiir The common cause of digestive diffl- ulties is excess acid. Soda cannot altei JT his condition, and it burns the stomach,'? lomething that will neutralize the acid ty is the sensible thing to take. T at if vhy physicians tell the public to uea : 'lulling COUHTY TOBACCO WAREHOUSE Under New Management Johnson City, Tennessee W. M. Brit ton, Manager epa its nnvnnfo r . . nr TT 7 " 1 1 1 ITT ., 1 ""Messrs. Oddie Waddell, Hubert and edZZ "gaiurda "'u""jat the present time two immense Willie Waldroup motored to Greene-. Mr. Ambers Teague, Mr. Walter lemons. It started off with more, ville, Tenn., Sunday afternoon. Mr. grown and Misses Nola Freeman and 1 but Miss Hutchins and Mr. Eller fear Waddell went on to Kingsport, Tenn., pear Clark were motoring around ' ed its branches would not be strong wnere ne win worn xor a wnne. I the 17th. ' enough to support more Uian the i.vo Miss Ruby Waldroup spent Sunday Miss Maud and Mr. Paul Cark Sn the others were clipp afternoon with Miss Rosa Waldroup. L t Saturdav night with Mr T C. I i V otners were cnpp Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Waldroup Ciwk. i ed off' The branchfis beann the and children spent Sunday afternoon j jyirj g j Capps who has been ill two lemons are supported now to iwith Mr. and Mrs. Edd Waldroup. j ;s improving, we are glad to say. 'enable them to carry their burden of Mrs. Edd Waldroup, who has been. Come on with news from Teague's fruit. Each lemon measures several sick for a good while, is improving chapel. We are glad to hear from inche, ar0und and it is said that a little. vm, , , . , ; trom eacn lemon can oe maue us TAXI SERVICE i ' muc'1 as fifteen glasses of lemonade. Open and closed cars. Better serv- I The tree was a mere twig four years pa Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this delightful ation can neutralize many tini rolume in acid, it acts instantly: eliel is quick, and very apparent. All is it dispelled; all sourness is soon goiu , the whole system is sweetened. Do try thl periuub hiili-uciu, una reuieuiuvr ii is jusv ia good for children, too, and pleasant (or tnem to take. Any drugstore has the genuine, pre' scriptional product. Phillips 1 . Milk a of Magnesia o MARKE T OPEiJS DEC. 4 tf Messrs. Ernest Thomas and Hubert Gillespie took dinner Saturday with Mr. Thelmer Waldroup. Miss Mae Finley. Mrs. N. C. Wal droup anj Mrs. Crawford Waldroup and children visited Mrs. Edd Wal droup Tuesday afttrnoon. " Mr. and Mrs. Boy,. Waldroup ,?rd children and Mr. ami Mis. 0: drouii from Jnhr-)i' C't ' Ti'vi.. have tn.iv I t.i B p,:". V. ::,;:,! to have ihcm in iur e-i'O'nun'tv. We arc- glad t-i have .U Oiii.-c Kat write again. Ji m ker V-.u pa; er more interesting. His pi-i'iiv looks much better, lie look- though ho' had eaten seveial mice sir.c his pic-, ture was taken before. II ami his' cousin nre inst nliUp lhv ln,,t nmi-u i very like twins. We hope he will keep improving and write more. o o t c o t o X Prices are right. Phone, write or telegraph S. B. FERGUSON Phone 58. From BEAR CREEK A , ago when it was potted at Mars Hill land it was allowed to hear one lemon 'Inst year. Already it is budding fol ia s.-cond crop, t.'ioiirrh the hr;t crop i : ne yet :r :i t 'ire, i? being capable of ; ,ii-ie;e, -rrr two rrop:- a v'ear. M-. S. OlMis v,-i;i- !- -,1'i-liing the him out again. Mr. and Mrs. Zade Rice spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hunter. Several people from this place are attending the revival meetings at Sexton and Gabriel's Creek. Miss Erelene Merrell was the guest of Misses Annis and Beatrice Edwards Sunday evening. Next Saturday and Sunday are our regular meeting days. We hope to l,r;v a lirge crovvd present both Sell your tobacco at the Old Reliable Washington County Warehouse where f you can get the highest prices, courteous J treatment and best of services. J All the big companies and a number of independent buyers will be on the Johnson t City market this year. o Let an experienced warehouseman sell 1 your tobacco. o o t The best lighted warehouse in thetate You can leave home in the morning, sell your tobacco and get back home the CARD OF THANKS same day. t X AN OVERSIGHT l':; li , c in, .-. w l a i huniii ed ecie ivcintly a. thing happen nil iiiore'.' I never pajier from there.' At II,- W, ! H. I,. of t'-.e Hill K 11! was r. .se Ine- 1' Jin, 'hall, pub-rtecoi-., va; in v afternoon on , ,11 i-r v. im live '.ie.-s a -, ay froai i. iK'iJ-n't any Liear Cicek an.. anything in the Well, there isn't much that happens that would . be of interest to outsiders. ' There have been two births in this settlement recently to Mr. and Mrs. Brant Johnson a boy; to Mr. and ' Mrs. Woodward Treaway, a girl. j Mr. Clement Ball's new house is ni,,,v n ri 1 1 nrYi mnlata f rtV thorn t ft I move into it, of which they are all I Those assisting the chairman, Mr. L. proud. JZ. Eller, are Mrs. P. C. Stringfield, We were sorry to learn of the ill-! Mrs. W. T. Bradley, Mrs. Roy Wall, - lf T-l T 1 TT r T 1 . T-, 1 ueas ox iui. juuu juiiusuu. hc va anu ivirs. uougiaa nooinson taken to the hospital in Asheville Mr and Mrs. Luke Griffin of Bie Re" J. r SJflS" fatheF SatUrda IIS ( f Mar- b u --i ft ess. Mrs. Roy Tillery nosit:on at Mr. T. L. succeeding the late who recently passed away. The Red Cross roll call is progress ing satisfactorily in our community. has accepted a Bramlett's store, Miss Robinson NURSES know, and doctors have declared there's nothing quite like Bayer Aspirin for all sorts cf aches and pains, but te sure it is genuine Bayer; that name must be on the package, and en every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine in red is on every box. You can't go wrong if you will just look at the box: Amtrtn to thm trade mirk rt Maaoactttetcldattar rt flU7UeH From ODESSA, N. C. Next Sunday is our regular meet ing day at the Brick Church. Rev. Mr. Lovett will nreach at 1 1 A'u.k Hope the whole community will turn Friday. Mr. W. M. Dockery is building a chimney for Mrs. H. E. Ball's house. Our school is progressing nicely with Miss Sallie Fisher as teacher. Mrs. Clement Ball is able to be a bout again after being sick for some time. We elected Bro. Bergan Robert son pastor of our church for the coming year and changed our time of service from the fourth Sun day to the second. On Saturday before the second at 7:00 P. M.. and on the second Sun day at 2:30 P. M., on account of Canc-y Fork preaching time being at 1 1 :00 A. M. We like to be w;th them and would be glad if they could be .'. ith us at our service. I here were several sick at our last church service time and not so niaay were present as woulj have been otherwise. Mrs. Jane Ingle Worley was taken to the County Home about 3 weeks ago. Mrs. Seth Thomas has been sick for several months and doesn't seem to be improving any. We ask the prayers of the Chris tian people who read this for our church and community in general. We wish to hank our many f Hen is , and relatives, especially Mr. and Mrs. I P. A. Fisher, for their kindness shown j toward ns during the sickness and I death of our beloved mother and grandmother, Mrs. T. J. Guthrie. MR. AND MRS. W. K. HUNTER and family, Marshall, N. C 666 MR. J. C. BRIGMAN DEAD Mr. J. C. Brigman, of near Ivy, oied at his home Tuesday, November 19. He is survived by two daugh ters, Mrs. Radford and Mrs. Maney, both of near Ivy. Funeral services were Wednesday afternoon. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding p-eatly reduced fares for short trips, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM "I'd like to buy a petticoat," said a young woman, somewhat hesitantlv "Antique department on the third noor, miss," chirped the floorwalker, Frisco Employes' Magazine. tV 4 - T" ASHEVILLE'S LEADING STORE PHONE 4013 HAYWOOD ST. We are just as close to you as your Tele ; , ; phone, Post Office or.Mail Box '. . : All orders filled promptly. ; .. v , pay postage;, Give our Mail Order Department a trial. We are always glad to open charge ac . . counts with responsible parties ; WHEN CHUDKSN Need a Laxative "W ibv nea " ' Thedford's Black Draught in our family for ninateo.i years. I hava found it of great help in raising my family. "I have given it to all six of my chil dren. Whenever they complain of upset stomach, or begin to look pale and sickly. I make a tea of Black-Draught and begin giving it to them. In a day or two they are all right. . "I give it to them for con. stipation, and my husband and I both take it I always give it for colds in wintr, for I be lieve a way to prevent them is to keep the system dean." Mrs. Dothie Terry. 1206 Fourth Avenue, Decatur, Ala. mm 3 fcYVVVi w w BVnI 5 From BULL CREEK We are all' sorry to .hear of the death of - Mrs. T. J. Guthrie, which occurred last Wednesday.; Miss ' Clota Merrell was the guest of Miss 'Glen . Hunter Sunday- for lunch,. ' ' i z:?k:v:lr:-:-ty:A ' Mr. C B. Arrowood is improving very slowly. Wo will be glad to see U Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It i the most speedy remedy known. MRS. ELIZABETH SLUDER DEAD The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. A. F. Sluder and took away a loving wife and mother on Novem ber 2, 1929, at 7:10 o'clock P. M., age 65 years, 8 months, 4 days. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, Mr. A. F. Sluder, three chil dren, Dillard Sluder, Mrs. J. Frank Payne and Mrs. Curtis Price, all of Marshall, N. C, Route 5; two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Mary Tweed of Marshall, N. C, Route B, Mrs, Sa rah Bradburn of Marion, N. C; Mr. Jack Dockery of Raleigh, N. C, and Mr. John Henderson of Big Pine, N. C. ; ten grandchildren and a host of friends. The funeral service took place at the Kirk Payne Cemetery on Mon- dav. Nov. 4. 1929. at 11 o'clock A. M. Services were conducted by Rev. Ev erett Spprinkle, assisted by Kev. J. N. Watts and Rev. W. N. Martin. Mrs. A. F. Sluder was ill only twelve days when death came. She endured her sickness wihout a complaint. The cause of her death vm ar.ute bronchitis. , if ha was a faithful servant of God, was alwavs a faithful member of Rundav School and also of church ser vice. v She has been a member of the church for forty years. Up until her Heath she was a Sunday School teacher and a church clerk. On Sun day mornings you would see her get her Bible and say "Let's go to Sun dav School and learn more about Jesus." ' She wanted - everybody to n to Sundav School and church. But her nlace in church and home are vacant No one' can:" fill her -vacant place. " But oh, how we do miss ner no one knows. But we realise that our loss is Heaven's gain. When troubles and 'trials are o'er we are going to meet her in Heaven again. By a friend, CARRIE PRICE. O. O. Mclntyre, famous columnist, says if he had his way he'd live six months in New York, two in Europe, two in Texas and two in California. What a slam at Claremont, Okla., . . 1 Ml -vr yt . a.. "i-jiemie, i. k,., ana Marsiiail in the uce Wailin Saturday night, same state. However, a lot of our' ms- Hie Griffin visited at the people will not resent or even notice j ?,e J Mr3 P"ncie Wailin Friday, this slight They a re too busy at Gr CSAX getting ready for the tobacco market! ! Miss Geneva Wailin called at the STR j home of Mr. J. A. Griffin Friday r c nuc Burrv to npar at m r rhi " viiaoi VJ ,f H- Rice of Heck Creek vis.ted Mr. J. A. Griffin Thursday. n M-n wfn-y 9riffin called n Miss Ophie Wailin Sundav evnino- Mr. Burnett Reerp mj.. Wailin Saturday night. "What head?" "Because," said "I'm the only one itches." Ex. makes you scratch your the youngster, that knows it Louise This question of the length of skirts is getting to be very serious. still ivice getting his house burned last Wednesday night. Mr. Elisha, Lloyd and Cullis Rice were motoring Sunday and while out they went to Big Laurel. Mrr Joe - Faulkner has finished his new house and we hope he will move in soon. r .Susan Moore a"d Mrs. Sarah Hall called at th hnm f . m Manon Yes, very serious. Now I Princie' Wailin Saturday. mr. isewey Urimn spent Sunday night. with Mr Grayson Griffin. Miss Enna Wailin visited Mrs. Cecil Recce, Sunday. Mr. John A. -Flynn called on Miss Eula Wailin Sunday. Mr. Walter Wild of Big Laurel was on Walnut Creek Monday. Mr. James and David Wild Were on Walnut Creek Monday, s - Mr; Paul WaUin visited Mr. Marion Griffin Sunday evening. Mr. Otto Reece was on Walnut Creek Monday. must buy a longer coat, and I have $95 to pay on my old one, RANGER RECIPES CARD OF THANKS t wish to thank our many friends for their kindness during the Sickness and ' death . of mother, especially thanks to Dr. Roberts for his nice wreath and kindness and also all of the people that brought flowers. ' I cant express my thanks to all of the good people. : : " - ;ai :-:vVt .? MRS. CUKTIS r"KlCJfi. HINTS ON MAKING COFFEE We entered a public eating place in the old home town one morning this week and asked for coffee. The brew itself was of tolerable quality but not up to the standard of that place. We did not specify cream with this cup of ciffee, for which rea- on we got White Milk. Take a weak solution of coffee and mix in some white or blue milk and the color blend is anything but enticing to us, The aroma of this coffee seemed to be far, far oft'. The prospect was discouraging to a coffee lover. Still, we esteem this lady so highly that we would not offend her feelings for the best cup of coffee in New Or leans. How could the situation be handled tactfully We had no in tention of drinking this weak, pale fluid, called coffee by courtesy. Like a flash the solution of the dilemma came to mind; We Intentionally up set the cup and spilled the contents on the floor; for all the world as if an accident had occurred! J The hostess was very, very kind, so sorry this had happened and told us not to reel bad ly over this little mishap. We didn't. She brought us another cup and this time the milk, by some magic, was real cream, v, That made a palatable drink. After all, rich cream im proves under-strength coffee, if you take cream., ;'. The second cup, with genuine cream, revived our good hu mor, However, we felt better too .fast, for when we paid the check it in eluded two cups of coffee, one of Which had to be the cup we spilled overboard by accident I If you do not believe this, ask her I . . .. ' STR Upper Walnut Creek ' ' There was no S.. S. at this olacs Sunday on account of so much ram. Hope everyone will come out next Sunday.-. -v ! , .--.s , Mr. Manuel Massey and familr are preparing to move to Black Moun tain." We are sorry to see them ro. Mr. Phil Wsllin and Taft Griffin What Will r ', c When you)- Childrien Cry for It ' There Is hardly a household that sssvt teard of Castor ir At least five aullioa kernes are never without IU If there are ' ibildrea la tout family, there's almost l&ily need of its comfort. Aud any night nay find you very thankful there's a ' tottle ia the house. ' Just a few drops, " tad that eolio or eonstipation f s relieved it diarrhea, checked. A vegetable pro- -Inetr a baby teuedy meant -for young Uks. Cmstoria is about the only thing ion have ever heard doe rs advise giv ng to infanta. Btrongr medicines are langerons to a tinv babv. however karmless thay miy be ,to growa-ups, sooa oia uascoriai itemeinoer tne i -'. .Tragedy ' And here 'lies the man ; ; ; V StflL ; white and cold Who in the blindfold test -Didn't say "Old Gold!" , . The Pathfinder, took a hike to Big Laurel Sunday. ina remeniDer to puv it. it mar snare on a sleepless, anxious eight It is always ready, ahmvs safe to vsei ia emergencies, or for everyday ailmr U any hour of the day or night that Br -sseomes fretful, or restless. Oaatorta w . per aaora npopular with mcthers uaa 14 today. Every druggist has it. t -c- 1 1 L: Ld

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