'5 J" r FOURTH PAGE THE NEWS RECORD Marshall, N. C, Apr. 25,' 1930 i r THE NEWS-RECORD LANKFORD STORY, Editor. a L. STORY, PkIUkr. Eater m ead clut audi u4t.r at tk paatoffiea at MarakaH, R C Ml of March 9, 1ST. - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE CNZ YEAR ; : -ft 0t ' CX MONTHS : IM .THREE MONTHS .10 TUBES YEARS (io advance) fo.00 SINGLE COPIES .8 4' J27 (ordered before press day) .4 f r t IT . I- SIGN YOUR NAME Da't UiM lU pablieliar f tfc Nawa-Reeord for not pab BaUag wbal yoa writ, Iff jra d aa alga yr mm aadl ad drasa. W caanet pabHsh ar tides bbUm wa know who aaa tbaav Wa will not paMiah tk sum if yo objact. UNDER YOUR NAME ON THE LABEL th 11a tails yo wb.n yoar sabscrlptioa expire. If I h paper deaa not atop wkaa yr tinM is oat, a la postal sard or latter addrossod to MR. H. L. STORY Marshall, N. C will slap it. If ao does aot bear froas yoa, k will think yea wish Ik paper eoatiaaad aad ra mm otmmmqt W 1 it at Ik rat of 50c vry tar l BUM, FROM GRAPE VINE There was a large crowd present ' for Sunday School Sunday. After j ' Sunday School, Mrs. Maxie Morgan assisted by Miss Znla Wilde, passed t I out mere than a hundred pack of candy to some of the smaller boys j who passed them oh tothe eongre V ' gatian. The candy was furnished by . f Mrs. Ogle at WeaverviD. We ran re grateful to. Mrs,. Ogle and ht be half of the school I THANK YOU, MRS. OGLE. Mr. Robert Sams of Asheville was the guest of Mr. A. H. Sams for din ner Sunday. W were glad to have him (with os in Sunday School and he also mad ea short talk on the les son.,. s' Mr. H. B. Brown and daughters, Minnie Bell and Robbie Lee; of Bull .Creek, were the guests of his broth- r Feattep Shop daily at your AtSP Food Store. Make consistent daily savings in your FOOD BUDGET ? GRANDMOTHER'S PAN 21-OUNCE - araaw oc awe Fresh dally from our Charlotte Bakery SNOWDRIFT, 61b. pail 81.09 CAMPBELL'S I Tomato Soiip 4 C"M 29c li rsi DELHI ON TE PEeBH3S Sliced or Lge O fifl: Dalvea CufipC ION A COGOA 3 lb. Can DELMONTE or IIBBY'S ' FRUIT SALAD No 1 Can 24c DELMONTE or LI BAY'S Bartlett Pears Lde. Can 39c DELMONTE SLICED PINE APPLE"-3 c"n 25c FANCY RIPE BANANAS Lb. 7 l-2c - Hard Head Lettoce 3 for 20c SYRUP Golden Crown or. Haro Bine . S 65c . 35c old nuMcn rx i ii 7 2 1.2 LS. Can " I 2r SHAKEN SAM SEZ: Oh, man, ,how tough I do feel. Don't know whut'a wrong wid me 'less, if a de spring fever. But; I ain't really a tough guy, .in de gen'al sense ob de word. Naw, suh 'cause a feller come up t' me jes' de other day, an' sez to me, he sez: "Sam, you ain't ' tough; whut you need is a shave". Well,. I guess he's right;' I ain't never claimed, t'ibe no tough guy, but wheait comes f a tight pinch, I gin git purty handy wid de yaz ter, I reckon T sss 4- Oat wuz a pretty good play at de school house las' FHday night, wuzn't it I don't know whether I made a hit wid Cleopatry erftbt, but I do know dat she wuz one good-lookin' black -gal. SSS . ' v 1 Hit makes me a littlei pit envious t' see some o dese guys goin' fiishin , now, knowin' dat l can't -yery well git off t' go mysefe 1 1 don't know whether dey s catchin' any fish er Snot, but anyhow, I'd like t'-git out an' try my luck some. sss I Whut wuz it dat de Trus' writer done sed 'bout :me las' week? Oh, yeh, sh sed she wanted t' see a better photygraph o' me sed dat de one now looks pitifully crippled.. Sale's right,all right. I dont only - lok crippled I am crippled. But maybe I'll recover sdiiie tame. ; Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gosnell (were the guests of Mr. and . Mrs. Van Wallin Saturday might. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and fam ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Al E. Fisher Sunday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Cody and fam ily were guests of Mr. . Cody's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. " W. M. Cody, Sun day. . .' '"' '-.f ' . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Rochester and Mrs. Easter Gosnell had as their guests for dinner Sunday, 'Mr and Mrs. L, C. West and family, Mr. J, B. Fisher and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hunter and son, Mrs. Pearl Gosnell and children. . " Mr. Dan Norton was (working for Mr. Elbert Hensley Monday. Mr. A. H. Sams is buUding Mr. Jess Grimn a nev house. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hunter were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dewey Wallin Sunday night , Mr. Frank Presnell was elected chorister for the little boys and girls Sunday. We hop to soon have a fine class of little singers. There were several egg hunts on the creek Easter Sunday. Mrs. Easts? Gosnell is visiting her son, W. H, GosnelL . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DilL a fin baby girl, on April 18, W are all proud to see Mrs. Vera Sprinkle, who has been seriously iH, out at Sunday School again. . Mrs. Clara Ramsey of East Fork was visiting relatives on Grape Vine Sunday:- v -"v--V'; Mr. Billie Bradley of Beech, N. C, was on Grap Vine Sunday. . Next Saturday at 2 o'clock is the time to elect a pastor for. the; chaxoh to fill out the unexpired term of oxir late pastor, Rev. Jaa. R. Lamb, de ceased, j. ' Most of. the farmers are getting ready to plant corn; some are plant- " .;' ' ; ;i From Walnut Creek , 1 1 ... i i u - L.", 1 1 !T77!rTrwTTTr cash mm 1 Lot Ladies' Patent Straps 1 Lot Black Calf Cotnpoakioa Sols Ladies' Oxfordsuse 8 ( White, Blond and Patent Leather Covered . Heel Sfrmps (sizes 2Vfc to 7) - Children's Oxfords 5 to 2 Tan -Color lace . 1 Group Ladies' Strap Oxfords, Tie), in oar 93.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Grads- only a few pairs of e)ach'kinbV-all going for 1 Lot Ladies' Spring CoaU 1 Lot Ladies'. Spring Hats New styles-. Narrow and 'wide ' briins ., - : ' : , 1 Lot Of $6.50 Value Ladies' Silk Dresses . Big lot of Ciaxanteed fast color Prints MB : ;W IUUS t er, Mr. John Brown Sunday. Misses Ola and Gkn Hunter of Ball Creek, and Messrs, John Silver and Hubert Davis of Petersburg were on Grsp Vin Sunday afternoon. . Mr. Theodore Lewis of Big Laurel preached at the forks of the ereek Sunday afternoon.; Several othef folks from Bis; Laurel were hers also. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Coates of Van HiH were visHdni- relatives on Grap Vine Sunday. Mr. i. L Gosnell was the guest of Mr. Jodson BaBey of Petersburg Son dsy. ' A large crowd of 58 enjoyed an egg hunt, at the horn of Miss Bell Buckner Sunday afternoon. Among those .who wer there were Mr. An burn Wild, Frank Smiley, Phil Wal lin and Homer Faulkner. Miss - Jessie. Ball spent ; Saturday nighit with Misses Geneva , and Edna W words ;r less Site for on weak We for four wMkaAddKional wrd 1 cent a word a weekCASH First WANTEJDt An old Grandfather Clock. Aho old- wamnt 'furniture. -Give description and price Jn letter C H. DAVIDSON, ' Swanaaaea, M. .C. X0 EGG STRAIN, white, brown, buff leghorn pullets, fifteen dollars, doses. eock free, May delivery.- White Wy andotte, black Min areas, - Anconas, R. L Reds (Mayhood) Owen,Thomk- ins strain, Barred Plymouth . Rocks, 118.00 dosen, cock free, July deliv ery. v . - :k . , j O. S. ROBERTS, : O-May 16 , . Mars HiD, N .C $m $1.98 $258 98 $28 W8 . 98 $498 - inc JL7r 12' $1.00 $490 $60 IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK- OF MEN'S CLOTHING WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE $4.50 $1.35 $1.98 $2i)8 1 Big Lot New patterns 36-in. Printo 2 Pain Curtain , . For , ; 1 Lot Boys' Long Pants SoiU i - , , , ': , Boys' Wash StiiU 1 Lot Men's Salts We have a few 9x12 Congoleaitt Rags left Going' for .... ., ' ; ' , , 1 Lot Men's $2.00 and $2.50 Hats Going for : Elk Hide Scout Shoes for Men 1.. . 1 Lot Men's Slip-Over Bradley Sweaters $3404o $S.0OValueW- k?4$ Spring weight and -colors ,4 ', .. i - ; ... "... " -l . ' 1 i amsaaaaj awaaaasBSBBw- . r 9" , M v. m RnnnioiH':? . . i Miss Ma King .was 41m dinner guast of Miss Mary Fanlkner Sunday. i Miss Anni WaDtn and Mrs. Bssis Reese irer visiting Mrs." Lwora Reaa Saturday. 1 - - " ' ' ' Hiss Lacy Ball was visiting-Mr. EtU Kellsy Sunday. r Messrs. Cleatus Ball and Carl Crow wer visiting Mr, Frank; Bockaer Bnv Mr. Maoo Wallin took dinner vKh Mr. Winslow Reee . Sunday. - ' 'is Mr. and Mrs. B. F. WaDia were' visiting Mr. aad .Mrs. Nelsoflj Buck aro;aftereOB,,;'' if , Bb. Jim ..Ball .speni; Sunday nigMi with his ion Mrl Ton Ball .'J . Mrs. Bessie Rose and family wre visitint Mn Cora Wallin Monday evenins; ' ' '. , : i Aad Sons Driak Thalrs Black : : Scotch ysrsioa of. a popular song; TaVrs the Skim Milk to My Coff ee.t -The Pathfinder. ... - . Mo) 7L UQ mmf c !V . ? t ' - - We have a stock of Model T; Fords and : ; Chevrolets which we are I J '.it S-i 4 .J.iJ' 'r ( .

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