THE NEWS-RECOUP THIRD PAGE 4- Marshall, N. C., May. ,13, 1930 r s I t r t r mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmma99a9mmi9mammammmBBmmmmmmmmmmmmm9mai&wmm9mamm jJOOAllAND IPERSCMVAli s nauueuiiiMis a aim in ear lYiarsiiau s Rev. A. A. Angel, of Franklin, N. C., was.' in Marshall Friday - of last week. Mr. Angel moved his family from near Hot - Springs about the first of April to his present location. Mrs. Hilda Knotts" and daughter, Miss Olive, of Edgewood, Maryland, came Sunday night and are guests of Mr. and Mrt. P. V. Rector. ... Mrs. Robert Dowtin of Asheville came down , Monday and spenV the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch. Rector. ' ' yy4. '.'"' Marshall Pharmacy is going to give away absolutely free five-dollar fishing rod or reel to the man or wo man, boy or girl who ; catches the largest bass this season.. This offer is also good for the largest trout Come Here for Cool Refreshment Now that warm weather is approaching you'll appreciate a cool, refreshing drink or a tasty sundae now and then. Before you oHoose your headquarters, examine our cool,, sanitary fountain and notice the prompt, courteous service. MARSHALL PHARMACY Phone 6 ORATION CONTEST MARS HILL COLLEGE May 17, 1930, 8 P. M. Piano Solo: Hunting Song Vernon "THE MARK William Fox , , "EDUCATION AND CHARACTER' Cooper Gretter -"THE TOHi OF Edd Fox ;Violin Solo ; Gavotte , ' . j ' . .... r Elliott Harrell. i "PEACE" ,v . Milton Hamby - . --- "THE HAND OF FATE" T. Carl Brrrrrt r "AMERICA'S CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILIZATION HrtimPA Piano Solo: Valse- Impromptu ? .en'.r.iui i ft Katherine Presidenl-G. RT'Mumford, Pitt County Secretary T. L.' Austin, Caldwell County , ' v MARSHALS: Ray O'Brian (Chief) ; : .W. D. Lackey : : J . ' Talmage W, Regan - - Era Stewart v . - - ; Helen Woody - r , Graydorf Jordan 1 -T :?'; ... Robert.Tolbert , . " ' . v.-,., Grace Elkins. I " n!r;j-i t presented by ,. , - , j; I iHOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL 4V i . A f - .5 A' f .... m CAST OF CHARACTERS : Tom Spark; a young carpenter 1 Wally Allen, in advertising Ma AvenlL everybody s mother Lark Marie Sumner, Ma'a niece, : Mane Su A TTTlt f io w any Calvin McCay, a henpecked husband ;?. John Garenflo Mrs. Blossom McCay, his wife and Harry Booth; in real estate Smudge, the cook at Ma Averill's -Kitten Blake, a beauty specialist" Dick Smith, a real estate salesman Roger Gail, Wally'a pal : Directed by Miss Elizabeth Lawson - ' PJjACE--Ma Averill's boarding house, in a live town ' in California. . i Mona Spark, Tom's sister, an - ugly - TIME Present. . : Rev. S. M. Sexton and son, Mr. R. G. Sexton, of Hot Springs, were in town Monday, ; ' Mrs. Clarence Ramsey and small son have arrived here to be with her husband. ' ' 1 Mr . Jim Rice, of Walnut, father-in-law of Rev, . E. Guthrie, is in a critical condition at his home. .He is suffering from a weak heart. Miss Meda Peek and Miss May Ev ans' of Mars Hill, were in Marshall Monday. t Mrs. Frank' Roberts spent a day last week with Mrs. J. N. West. Friends of Mrs. Roberts mill be glad to know she is able to visit since her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins and Mr. and Mrs. , Adair of Asheville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell. Mr. A. W Whitehurst spent Sunday at Greeneville, Tenn. - His fauher. Mr. T, W. Whitehurst, returned with him and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ; Whitehurst and daughter,. Miss Lil lian, at their home on the hill. Mr. A. R. Hampton of Asheville was in Marshall Tuesday, having den tal work done. Mr. M. L Plemmons of Marshall, Route 1 the Leicester section. was in Marshall Tuesday having some dental work done. Mr. Jack Parris of Hot Springs was in Marshall Tuesday. Mr. John Chrisman of Asheville, formerly of Madison County, was in Marshall Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. W Zink will leave Thursday to visit his parental home "Uncle" George Lloyd has return ed after being away several weeks at the veterans hospital in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. David Harris of Ral eigh, who have been spending part of the .last week with her mother, Mrs.,Minnie Ramsey, have returned to-Raieig-"-: 0 . Mendelssohn Jordan OF CAIN' Tennessee Mississippi MAN'S SOUL" Yancey County (iossec South Carolina Iredell County '.-'.i' 1.J Iredell County - Upcraft Hill Irene JLayton -- :-f vtrginialsenhour t r t i i . , 1 Tom Bruce Charlie Jack Runnion L'r Lucille Ramsey engagedfi i ty'r:-:- . Mary Lee Hill boss , : v : Edith Fleming Charles Williams ; r - 1 Ethel Cloer X--"Daisy Smelser -Beverly Izlar ' ,' Walter Chockley duckling Elizabeth Heilman .' ! NORTON- BULLMAN. J Mr. Ovid Norton and Miss Sophia Bullman, both of Revere, were mar ried at Marshall, last Saturday after noon, : May. 10th, about two o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. B, E. Guthrie." The bride is the daughter of MrTand Mrs. Scotty tfunman. na tfla irroom is too buu of Mr. and Hts. Lemmona Norioinl They viill ma&e their home at';Re- UAftf . . MR. BALL IMPROVING , i Mr. Ewart M. Ball of 135 Rum- bough Place, West Asheville, owner, a d menager of The Plateau Studios, 1 1-2 Biltmore Ave., is recovering f:oni an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Ball was taken to the.Norburn Hospital four weeks ago for a rupi tured appendix. He was seriously ill for several days, and his case was considered grave,, but he got along fine, even though he suffered much. Mr. Ball is 0ut of the hospital now and iwe hope h'e will be able to re sume his duties in another week or so. ' ' . ' PRE-"SCHOOL DAYS" i Friday we went to ride on the big school bus.' There were sixteen of us. We went up the river road. Mr. Andy Rice was the driver. He ii a good driver. He stopped at railroad crossings. , He did not go too fast We saw the pretty flaws re and trees. We saw a train drinking water, . We had a good time. We want to go again. . u - Composed by the Kindergarten. COMMUNION SERVICES TO BE HELD AT LAUREL TON CHAPEL NEXT , SUNDAY Saturday and Sunday, May 17 and 18 will be the regular monthly ap pointments for Rev. G. W. Briggs of Marshall R-3, at Laurelton Chapel, on Foster Creek. This will be the reg ular Communion Services on Sunday, and Mr. Briggs states that he is ex pecting Rev. J. A. Martin of Marshall R-l, and Rev. James Collins of th'e Alexander section to accompany him, and .that the Dry Branch choir will probably be present Sunday. ' An old-fashioned foot-washing ; will ! be W to ddon I ,ervica- : " McINTOSH GUTHRIE Mr. Arthur Mcintosh, of Flag Pond, Tenn., R-l, and Miss Edith Guthrie of . Marshall R-3, were mar ried Saturday afternoon at the home of Rev. George W. Brigs, of Mar shall R-3, Mr. Briggs performing the. ceremony. The couple spent the night at the Wome of Rev. and Mrs. Briggs, and made a trip to Weaver ville Sunday, returning to the Briggs home. Sunday night They left Mon day morning for Laurel, where they will make their home. ffW Graht Parmnt . C. E. Huff of Salina, Kansas, just elect-d president; ofr Uie Fanners National Grain Corporation!' nation it cooperative marketing agency. IliGHSCilOOLPLAYS MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, Mky 16, S .'clock P. M. Admuuon ! Childrca 25c, AdalU 35c I.. INDIAN SUMMER. x When is Indian Summer? Come and see "Indian Summer In France" in America at the .Marshall High SchooL Auditorium,. Friday, May 16, at 8 o'clock F. M. S. NEIGHBORS. .:' . When did you have your last good laugh? Bring your friends and come see "Neighbors" in Marshall ; High School Auditorium, Friday, May 16, at 8 o'clock. -r 3. PIERROTS MOTHER. . , Is playing the fool an art? Pier rot says it is. Come and see what a person who plays the fool can do In "Pierrot's Mother," in the Marshall High School Auditorium, - Friday, May 16, at 8 o'clock. ' J M'V"" f SwceedjHugbei illlilll Roland W. Boyden of Boston, , pointed by President JHooren 1p 'succeed Chief Justice Hughes on , the Permanent Court of Arbitration 'J The Hague. - H-,,: . J. Five hundred head of fat hose have been shipped to northern mar kets by Cumberland County growers this spring. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL s by train. The safest Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costa less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM MEMORIAL SERVICES AT GRAPE VINE BAPTIST CHUURCH MAY 11, 1930 Rev. John Lamb died a few days ago at Grape Vine Baptist church in Madison county. Memorial services were held in his honor in the beau tiful new church there of which he ras the pastor at the time of his de cease. The Grape Vine church was organ ized by him, about forty years ago. It was there that he preached both largely to his first and last ministries his first and last sermons. It was due there, t4it the large membership of the church and splendid citizenship of the community now exist. The sermon by Rev. Roberts was the leading feature of the memorial service. A beautiful tribute in rhyme was read from the pulpit, written by Mrs. Alice Briant, who is well known in the community and is virtually one of the church community, although now temporarily a resident of Weav- erville. She and some others from Weaverville were present at the mem morial service, and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goslin. Several others who have known the deceased and know of his merits as. a splendid citizen . and laitmul preacher, and talented author, also paid respects to his memory and worth in short addresses.. ' Notwithstanding the rainy weather, and muddy highways the attendance was large and the sorrow in their loss of this splendid pastor was plainly ev ident. Between his first and last pas torates here, he has also served the people of his denomination at Athens, Georgia,' and in two churches in Ten- nessee, which was his native state. He has also served in the home mission work of his church. Wherever he has labored he has left the impression of his talent and character. "r.-"r;-.r " A collection was taken for the ben efit of one of the Asheville hospitals to be used in behalf of needy patients. Bethel Home Sanitarium, which is The Weaverville delegation was from operated by Rev. Homer Casto, large ly on a non-profit basis. . ' George Hartfield. JlienRod I Sours i s Lota Of folks vha think Uia km "indiiretioan have enlv aa acid eoBditioB which could be corrected la five or ten minutes, Aa effective anti-acid like Phillip. If ilk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. , i. Phillips does away with all that wa rn and cms right after aMalsV It rc- venta the distnas so apt to occur two ours after eating, 'What a, pleasant j reparation io onai aim bow good n U or u aystemi vnuuee a Burning aose soda which 1a bat tannorarv relief at betWPhilliDS Milk of Manaaia aen faaliaes many times Its volume in acid. Naxt tfane a hearty meal or too rich diet haa broucixt aa. the laaat dbcom' fort, tiy . : .. :. ; 4 of 'iV a ar W , i From LUCK We are having some rain at this writing. The sickness of this community has somewhat subsided since school closed. Mr. Wilson Kirkpatrick is running his sawmill on the head of the creek, where many of the men of this sec tion are employed. - ; We are glad to state that Mrs. M. C. Rogerts is recovering,, although lowly, from a serious illness. 1 Mr. Bill Murray and daughter, Mabel, were in this section Thusday. We are glad to report that Miss Paney Miller is improving rapidly from an operation and long illness, and is able to go around among her friends. ' Mr. Ben Plemmons has returned home from Detroit, Mich., where he has been at work for some time. ' We are glad to have Ben with us again. Mrs. Pink Coward has been on the sick list for some time. We hope she will soon be well agabk Come on, Shakin' Sam, (with your column. We enjoy it very much. He "You see, we've gone into truck farming." Visitor "You can't fool me,' you don't raise trucks, they, come from a factory." Ex. From MARION We are having some fine weather at Marion. ' . Rev. J. Frank Armstrong of Ashe ville. will conduct a revival at the Clinchfield Methodist church, begin ning May 4th The Clinchfield school will close for the summer vacation on May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright spent the week-end with Mr .and Mrs. J. H. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hicks motored to Marion Monday. The two mills at Clinchfield are standing idle this week, giving the people , of this community a much needed rest. CHAPEL HILL Our S. S. is getting along nicely at Chapel Hill. There were sixty five present Sunday. Those who called on Misses Roxie and Eoeppia Gentry Sunday, were Misses Mary, Lola, Vinie and Lillie Lamb. They reported a fine time. Those wih'o called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gentry Sunday, were -Messrs; Bud and Jack Lamb and Doaard Gentry. Mrs. Susan Gentry is on the sick list last week. Farmers are very busy planting corn in this section. Our prayer meeting has started a- gain at Chapel Hill. We wish every' one to come and attend. Miss Ruby Franklin of Greeneville is visiting her cousin, Miss- Roxie Gentry. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and family with us as neigh bors. Messrs. John, Doward and Emerson Gentry, and Jack Lamb were visiting in Belva Sunday afternoon. Miss Carry Franklin is staying jwith Mrs. Mitchell Gentry. - Little Doward Gentry has been on the sick list. - IN MEMORY Of MITCHELL GENTRY Dear uncle has departed from this world. I know we will . miss you, No one can fill your place. .You have quit all hard work and labor, and have gone to' a better place. We are weeping every day, because we can see you no more on this earth, but we hope we will meet you in that happy glory land, where all tears will be wiped away from ' our eyes. You leave here your life and little children, ri-1; We trust they will be ready to meet you in the sweet bye- andye;ii:S v ? iW$?r' We can see where" yo lie upon the little hill in sight of the home, We can go to" see where you. lie in the little graveyard on the' hill V No tongue; can tell how we miss you here on earth'. . f .We can see the work, you "have done.17 It makes us sad to see where yon nave worked this spring. Oh, how it shocked us when we heard you were kffled ; , ' You were always smiling and talk ing" 'when you met me, and I can't hear you any more. -. It nearly breaks my heart, -jr. jfy;$5-;-V- i' S- ky He has fiinshed the work God gave htm. ' He has a father, sister and two brothers and two little children gone on before. He was loved by all who knew him. . He was a smiling, talk ing uncle. He always spoke when he saw you' whether you spoke or not. He was 45 years of age. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. N. H. Griffin and Dr. W.E. Finley. - Sent in by his niece, . " ROXIE GENTRY, - A -"O i V t White Hock, N. C ' V4 You probably know from experienco how promptly and completely Bared Aspirin relieves a headache. ; But un til you try it for some deep-seated pain' such as neuralgia or neuritis too can-1 not know its full effectiveness. Bayer! Aspirin long ago proved that mow suffering is needless. Doctors know U is safe to use freely. ' Just be certain to get eenuint Aspirin with Bayer ad the box and on every tablet SPIRIT INVITATION TO LUSK CHAPEL This is an invitation to Lusk Chapel : Spring Creek from Conn's CUappeL - Little Creek. Dear brothers and sfc- Iters: You are. cordially invited to ram, nnri h with nil nn thu flrfit Run- d.v , jnne. Brother Com is onr pastor and that is his meeting day ' and he tells us so often of his friends on Spring Creek that we want yon all to come and be with us. We (want to meet you all, and will enjoy it, I am sure we will, and if it is not con venient for you all to come that day. (veicant you all to pray for our sue- . cess, as uod nas commanded us to pray for one another. From a sister in the Lord, Mrs. Eddis Jenkins, R 1, Flag Pond, Tenn.-; - FROM WALNUT, (Special) The farmers of this section are ,, very busy "getting ready to set out tobacco plants. - Mr. John Chandler, Eloise Cody, Glen Ramsey and Laura Cody, were motoring Friday eyehing. , ., ' ; Ansel Freeman, and John Lunsford were pleasant callers of Misses Mar garet Leak and Sallie Chandler Fri day night. ' ; Banks, Bernicf Jayne, Richard Dockery and Vonalee McDaris were motoring through Walnut from Hot Springs Saturday afternoon. A social party '.was given at the Presbyterian church Saturday night which was enjoyed very much. . Two hundred pounds of cucumber seed have been delivered to growers hi Hoke County. More than 150 , acres of the crop' will be grown thii season. .. ' ,, - . What Will When juvr Children Ciy for It is hardlv a aousahold that b nt heard ef Caatoriat At leaat f v minion heonas an aarer without it. If there era childraa la year faatily, tbere'i alm t daily seed ectUeeiBiorti iri r-r r t may and you thank. 1 t boUle in the 1 honae. . Just a f " r jwd that colic or constipation i Or diarrhaa ehaekad. A vefet dct baby remady measi f folka. Osateiia is about the on row have ever heard doctors adv n to tnfr-'x Ctronser Ined.c ;nt daepwona , av tiny b"-, ho parulea i may ha t Uood eU ( al 'Eisme aad reiB - boy it r yoei a a , anxious l anrmye reau, aiwaya sale to i jemerranciea, or for aTeryday Any hour of the day or n t V )eoomea fretful, or re. ( Mrer mors popular wiih r" is today, tvery drv t 1 a r dof "- )

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