COUNTY FARM NEWS ' I i irTTrrirf I V y n "CAMELS MAKE meal tatt better, and help dlgetdon,". aays Claire Huntington, public itenogripher. nee (From 4th, Page) and North Carolina. Madison County is losing her part of this enormous loss from till JOHNNY NEVOLTA, .L.,w.ilu.iJ...MaW - 1 """"L TTTT TTTn Owners; experiences show ihaLthc Fonl V- is the fce. iWsWnt fu can make in an autotnohile A great many people do not buy an automobile ererj year and the true tat of ear economy come after the first year . . . And owner of Ford V-8a agree hnt-"The mechanical depreciation on a Ford it leu than mo I car, especially after the first year." . The reason that thi is true of Ford ear gees way back to the raw material of which they are built... Men who make ateel know that "Ford buy the beat steel". .. And thia rigid inalatence on extra value goea right through the whole manofaeture of a Ford V-8 . . . hw-prieed Ford re placement part are built toali aiw ldgh atandard aa thoM in the new, car. rf Because the oar iuclf buta longer, eot4eM to keep, op, yet cost no more in the firat place, Ford erwnere agree thmt-the 1936 Ford V-8 it iht bott automobile invest at you can make today. YOUR FORD DEALER AND UP F.O.B. Detroit y' W $25 Month Altar Haul DaTra-PaT aat taraaak Aa- 1 The most Vnderfriced Car in America In No Other Car Under $1645 Except Ford V-8 Eataa Ttmi mm taa road by aaar 3S 00,000 Tr4 VAt. Sara) Baakfca. Iim 9 9 at weight, sraatar Urn mnj ket ear aaaafc eaws . .j In No Other Car Under $1275 Extent Ford 5: Tb CaataraBiaV" aal laar aaa waaal.m. A IM Aaliiaa O WaaW-Ti laialil aprla mt dwa Oil aad MWa?. Fr4 Lw Caatar at GrarttT FaMaagwa rida lawar taaa la aar alaar car andar tiri. . 4 FloaUo Bear AxW Car mlchl aa haaaiag, aal aa aala Ball. Only In Can Costing $250 More Than Ford Tarqaa-Taaa Drtra ffraa yaa frtitir aafalT aa raadabllltT. CaalrUaraa Qatea alrln aaar paaal aaUaa aaal laa Ufa. Daal Dma-Drill Carkaratar tar rata- Levi Bucltners's place, Ivy, N. v.. rflioon a dtp at Ions. In Mr. Buck- o oer's bottom land that is most valua- Jlftof any of his crop land on the fnrrn. The bottom Is 660 yards long. A new stream bed has been cut all tye way through the bottom. Xt "is from forty to eighty feet wide. I his land was worth $300.00 per acre and there has been over two acres completely destroyed. Three acres more are greatly damaged with another wash threatening in the same bottom. Valuating this land at $300 Der acre like the approximate los anil ftamnloji nn thin hnttom land a- lone due to soil loss is approximately SinOiltnn. A -number nf Mr. Bnck- ner's neighbors have had consider- nhla djimnott flnna hv arosion alfiO We must do something to stop erosion in our nation or we will sure see it a weaker nation than it is to day. If the land perish, how shall man survive. SAVING FARM SEEDS Mav we call attention to the farm ers who have any grass or clover seed. th importance of lavimr them for Dlantimr numoies. The indications are now tnat me nrice of trrass and clover seed will be twice as much next season as they were this. ' Where orchard grass seed can be saved the hay will be worth just as much after it has been run through A theshingr machine as it is to mow and shock in the field aufl lose all. the-, seed. r' J s ' h i U I fNO ictr wnwi eat or where," he say, "Camel make my meals digest be ter." Camels .dm , ulate.-digeadon , increase uauuotj. , . .i , ! ' .. t.M A 8:00 vim., at Foster's Creek I No,, 10 township, June' 26, 2:30 p. m.; at Sr-tifvol- No. in townshiD. June 26,' 8:00 j). an., at Big Laurel School; and No. 15 townsmp, june it, a.ov p. m. at the College. ' . Do vour nart to have a better or ganization by votiHj-. . Death Claims Mrs. Wells at Leicester ORGANIZATION MEETINGS ""UP w" voaj '""JMr. Reeves, Mrs weiia la aumvea cy step .is .t TMrgaaws Lne HiBister, : Jlra. JameeliMuppa, ti .vatinn Tarmflra ' Thia f.t .... i . , iL .n ; . iWniuier; ana me jlouuwiiik cuucu. T. M. Wells, of Leicester; Mrs. James 1 Service Motor Sales ."e Marshall, N.G. . Since the signup will . close June, !0 the next . ti !ha anil innsprvat.ion " f flrmpro. ' 'Thi'a applies to all farmers who have filled in work sheets previously or will fill in work sheets at organization meetings. Here is a schedule of meetings for navt. vtm1t Tha ramntnripr nf meat- intrs for county will be published in i the next issue of the News-Record. (Try to arrange to attend your town- snip meeting in oraer to taice pan in tha renrtrftnizatuiTi. No. 2 township, June 24, 8 :00 p. m., ship, June 26, 2:30 p.m., at Ebbs Chapel; Mrs. Angie Reeves Wells; mother nf Mivnr Rnbt M. Wells, of Ashe- villfl. and a sister of the Buncombe Pmmtv treasurer. Mr. T. died at 2:00 o'clock June 11, at ner home at Leicester. Mrs. Wells, who was 88 years of age, had been ill 'or 2: jnonths, i vciui a-mnjher nf th Southern LMethodist church: at ieicester. Born in'Madison Ootrrvty, she was tne daughter f ie late "Mr. ; nd: :Mrs. M. W.T Reeves. i-Jnf. addition . to Mayor Well- nnd, 'JMr. Reeves; Mrs Wells is survived by I . . - .- T -TT! 1 setited Friday evening to the child with the greatest number oi votes She had 8,896. votei. Other contestants were: Billy Rnthria Bobhv McClnre. Richard Reese, Emma Lou Boswell, Herbert Rectorand Walter Newton Lieb. Celery is beinar grown as a demon stration In Washington County. i SLUDER-HENSLEY a waddinc which comes as a sur- DUDCOmiW - H. ReeTBBiSirlse to their many friends is that f Jnr. KOy Biuaer ana juibs uum lv. The weddine took place at 'rk'o Imii nf the Rev. and Mrs. CanUD inaJfan;.ill i and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. .M. uanup, at 8 o'clockHatuW!ay eswting .un lS, 1936, in the presence of a few intimate friends. TTha bride, a eharmintr aarunette, .tfiru) - in a love-lv creation of (white crepe, with accessories tot match wearinjf. a shoulder corsage of roses. Mrs. Sluder is tne taientea uaugn- ter of Mrs. Etta Hensley, of Dilling- J U V arvaww-wa. ( am-ar " 1 fed Ul iUlOl aaV VIUVJ a va a Robert Taylor, of Asheville; and Mrs. huim . c. She was an honor grad IT a. Miller, of Lavicejiter Funeral services were conducted Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at the Leicester Methodist church. Bur ial followed in the Brick church cem etery, near Leicester. Wina Baby Contest uate of Baroardsville High School, . ... . 1 .11 . XT. i. l a student at tne Asnevuie and at Western Carolina Teachers r.nlWe. She has been a successful teacher in the Elementry schools of Buncombe County for a number of years. , Mr. Sluder, a prominent fanner of Leicester, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Sluder, of Buncombe uouniy. The young couple lelt lmmieaiaie- Virsrinia Ann. the two year old 25, 2:30 p.m., at Ebbs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Artnun - ..'. ,a, hom No. 16 township, June 25, Cook, won the silver loving cup, pre- JV ceremony for theu- home Ringing Convention daughter were visiting her sister, .Nellie Crowe Sunday of last week. n.i 1 I Mia nn1 Mixa l i-kVtn I .rVtiT9t g&IIAfl Mrs. Burnett Keese, inursaay. Mrs Frank Ball is able to be out on tneir aaugnier, r.ssie nau, ouu- The Spring Creek Singing Con wention, which meets every 3rd Sunday, will meet at Mt. Pheasant church Sunday June 20th, at 2 p. m. We are expecting a large crowd. Mr. Sebren, of Asheville, N. C, has heen invited to send his quartet. We -wish to extend an invitation to all classes and singers to meet with us And have a nice time. W. V. PLEMMONS, Chairman RAY MO N PRICE, Sec'y. airain after beinar confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. Andrew Ball, who nas Deen wnrVimr at Hickory N. C, returned Hhome Saturday. Miss Eloise call spent oaiuruaj night with her cousin, Miss Dollie Ball. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Coble Ball were vis inc her oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Blazer of Dry Branch. Mr. Joe Wild and uurgin du took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ball Sunday. Mrs. Ester Keese called on jhibs CREEK Mrs. Luther Ball has been sick for none time and does not seem to be ian proving. ' :. Mrs. Grover Ramsey and small " J.H.HUTCHINS DENTIST OFFICE ' nvrn CITIZENS BANK: MAIiU3JrlALlNA. T Try CARDUI For FiiiKtional Monthly Pains Women from the teen agate tba aKanna of life hat fOOTJid OaiXtul WuSaelf helpful for the rettaf of fcUonal monthly parna due to lack of lust tba right atrengta from tba food tbar eat. Mm Or XUynaol KUo.wttee: n uaao Oardul m iM car aranm and tiaiai anniaL I bar . eartnf th , aaa7ba4 hi a aminy a - nunp( and toani tk verr at raoanOr takaa 0M mull. I a IWT ar- I araatlr.' -minutXreeCTafmra July 519361 M A. M. -i Sunday School 5 "- ' lOiGS) A. M. Singing. ' . lievotionsu, oy n uiiara tt uncjr. 10:lfrA, M. ,(10 Minutes) 10:26 A M. Our 8-Year Program, by V. A- Browning. (2S .Minutes) 11 rtn A M nr ratt Tro,blem--The enlistment of adults. 5 min- , . . ... t. fnllnwiTio RiinfrirjtaniientfK Max W if Ivy: Enoch Thomas, California; Crawford Bryan, day afternoon NOTICE 5i NORTH CAROLINA, MArvrsnM rnTiNTY. Under and by va-tue of, the power in me vested m a certain deed ox trust, executed by, Cecil Banks and wife Plota Ranks of Madison Counf jr. ' N. C, on the 19th day of May. 19331 ' and recorded m deed qi trust booh " No. 88-at page 28, in the office of the register of . - deeds for Madisorlj County. N. C, to secure said indebtt; edness therein -described. Default . havinhr been made in the navment of : the indebtedness therein secured' and having' been, requested to fore ' close, the undersigned trustee, wiuj at tne court nouse aoor in tne toww of Marshall, N. C, at twelve o'clock noon, on Monday, July 20th, 1936, laall tha hlla fnv oaak rA satisfy said indebtedness H undivided interest in the following described real estates :i' . . Adjoining the. land of Bill Crow, ' and being all that certain parcel orljl . (arfOMrtaX IBirlirl.dai1 Wtfit.lil 1 wilM JP.iwiaw'aa"M. naiw wwnwrvr I V-a I ninmwnnppaaita a Ralafce saaiuti I ill ill I i . mmm il :UkJ;M.4M.M TVA.MV.o1 ff Tanill1""! ! wm piwawiiiit y aaajilillrl . aaiB""aia awai, vu axiv kCouaty4tMi)t3 tefm-h Spriny 1 I low the S. C Allen home, T jit being I the cornel- of T. A. Banks land, and runs JNorthwest with the meanders oi the road, and with the line of S. V. Allen and Bill Crow .; poles to a stake in the road, and in the county home line. Beinir the corner of S. C. Allen line and runs, a westward direction with, tha Una of-tha count fiama anf tha ft.. Allan liiva mfirnnm Max Wild, little Ithe grave yard Hill to the corner of rnon, tne vounty name lanon, tnence witn Upper the line of the ' C. E. , Allen tract. and those that it adjoint to a stake in the aaid line to " the T." A. Banks corher, in aaid line, and thence with : .T W Willi Urmer TaiareLi 11:30 A. M. Address M. A. James. (30 minutes) 32:00 M- Dinner en grounds." . 1:00 P. M. Singing by Walnut Creek, Long Branch, Ivy Hill, t:S0 P.M. Sermon, by Willie Ray. (26 tnfeotfsW 8tastaf.-u. 2. -00 P. M.. "My Sunday School And 1U possibiliUew. 6 minute UHta by following Secretaries: Lucy Reese Fore, Madison Sem ' Jnary; Phym Phfflipa, Gabriel Creekt Marietta Hollifleld, - - - California: Marjorie Rmnbough, Forks Ivy; - Marian Marchbanks,. Secretary of AssciaUon; lnees FUher, .'.. , . Long Branch. : ' : ''-' f ' -2:M P. M. Address te young people, by Mrs. CTaxton Corn. "310 P. M. Singing." - ' : - ' . :;. . ' --- r'. 320 P. M. "Evangelism Among Rural fAurcbee, by J. A. Mcleoo. (20 minutes) . - " ' ' '- "" . ' :W P. M. Reports of Committees Adjournment ,T,,rT(, . g A.l HUK " ' . t-ttt vnra fiao i Thia 17th aT of June. 1938 . WADE WHITE. Associate Suptl. MYRTLE MASHSUJIN, Tnutea, JOSS FTJCES Associate Sec J. 18, 25, Jo. Ju 2, 9 ithe T. A. Banks line to the beginning '.afm.V fhia Vlu t aan J..fT ed by S. C. Allen and husband, W. E. Allen to Mrs. Lovada Blankinship and Mrs. Joe Alice Robinson, by deed aaiea an. 10, iwzi. ana recoraed in AaA TanV. V A 9 A AH n tha vaanavla af affAftianm fnnnfv a mvhn1i reference is hereby made, excepting, however, "from the above lands a niaaa nf lanrf 1 foot aauara tn be used as a cemetery lot on which W E. and S. C. Allen are buried ad joining eounty home cemetery. il This is notice to all taxpayers in Madison County that the Board of County Commissioners sitting as a Board df Equalization will meet at the office of the County Confmissioners of Madison County in theCourthouse at Marshall, N. C. on the third Monday in June, 1936 (June 15), for the purpose of hearing any and all taxpayers who own or control taxable property assessed for taxation in the County in respect to the valuation of such property or the property of others. The Board will adjourn from day to day while engaged in the Equalization and Review of the proper ty on the tax list and assessment roll until that work completed Done by order of the Board of County Commissiolrera at its regular session, June 4,1936. WelAcafJBi : . June. iSMoriday . Uvaid r64TWcly3t i.-, June' 1 1-, Wednesday June 18-Thur$day Ulic ar a uc.jr -TNo.3 ariJNo. CTownahips No. 5 and No. 6 Towmhipa i i i r i i i . VW . W e-w-r--Bj-- ' t ,,- . ;y '01 SECOND WEEK s,: 'i:"-"?: June 22-Monaay f , ; No. 8 and No.' 12 Townhip June 23-Tuesday ; -No. 9 Township June 24-Wednesday 1 o. 10 and No. 1 1 Townships June 25-Thursaay No. 13 and 14 Townships June 26-Friday V . .. ! No.15 and Uo16 Townships : - Wm. V. FARMER M. T.A.HIGGIi;3 i. -; B. E. GUT! 11112 Board of County Ccnn:::sieners ' a? .1