VOL. 49 NO. 10 1 If 1 LITTLE OYHPHOflY, T0 GIVE CONGERT, AT nnilCUALL HIGH SCHOOL HOIMY PROGRAM TO BEGIN AT 10. -00 O'CLOCK; FIRST VISIT HERE Musis lovers of Marshall and vici : nity will have the opportunity .of f bearing the North Carolina Little ',; iur. March IS. in the 'Marshall Hisrh ; ; School Auditorium. The program ; , Will begin at ten o'clock and will last V for over 45 minutes. The orchestra, nader the expert baton 01 Benjamin Swalin, will give musical numbers which will delight the adults as weU V M the hundreds of school children whn 'will be present "This program is being brought to , Marshall by the untiring efforts of . W. W. Pees, principal of Marshall . . high school, and Dr. W. J. Cunning. ' bam, 'well-known musician and mu- - ' - r 1.-11 v rpk. 1. 'V W. wyjfw. vmmammwj v kvhw. v area ana aw w to jwr uu magni . Mjiti4- fcajVsMiea aVf astlsum svmnHr ass "awaaw mm 1 ip'f w wwaavf for such little cost y ' ''p. ''!) dinnino4im and Iff. Peeks . navs .mass au necessary arrange- r as. 1m 4sa4- ! SMvhltj MSH aalsUK ML. .. IIKUW t)V fJMrW Tliq yUHw; Ve esjsnvw wr joy this1 concert on Monday morning, .- A ...... w .. Pharmacy and a, capacity audience 'is expected to hear- this ' musical i re flonn Carolina . ijishb.. cym j x j," - Ur. I ww..e a1 miaUken impression about "ha:, i the i;orth Carolina Symphony," Some fc.U Ml V" va it is a It' a H is a group of - men cm who wake . music their,, hob .. or sideline, 'f f V "This w definitely, not the case," he continued, -"for all players in the N. C. Symphony ate professional mu sicians and they must pass stiff au ditions before joining the Orchestra." , Another mistaken idea that -people have 9 concerning the Orchestra is V (Continued On Page Three) Pre-School Clinics Will Be Held In Madison County 'The Madison County Health De partment Pre-School Oinic dates for Marchf 1950 are as follows: S m-SPRINO CREEK SCHOOL '-tijirfS Msrcb 14, 1950 WHITE ROCK SCHOOL Vjf-U: March M, I960 ' S k" EBBS CHAPEL SCHOOL ?-;; March: I960 - Dr. H.C. Whims, County HeaKb Of ficer, will be present at Spring Creek, TTLite Rock, and Ebbs Chape schools t e amine all children who srs to c - r school next fatt. I rents are urged, to corns with ' t children t the pre-schooi elln- ' rl listed clinics weia-fll bxpr immunise, children against i 'hooping Cough, ' : and i. It is Important that chil-j ' r 1 yer be- proteweu V.Tiooping Cough -au4 ;Diph- ' 't aites-'f or immunisations t-s: '3 ft ' ' Cough -Two months and. - -s, - ; "J. ,. Cix months and '.over t r"r and over. ' ' -" frwa Whooping ia is muh high 3 groups; there f to bring t' "-e 'nics I V ,' 'ed : , r. t'.la 8 PAGES MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, SPRING PASTURE PRACTICE ENDS MARCH 31 As previously announced by the County PMA Committee, approvals for assistance in the, purchase of pasture seeds for spring seeding of pastures will end Friday, March 31 Farmers who need (0 establish or improve a permanent pasture on their farm this spring and desire ths assistance available through their 1950 soil conservation program, should make application at the PMA (AAA) office prior to April 1, saxs-t the County Committee. Each year several farmers wait, until after the closing date for securing prior ap proval on their pasture practice to make application, thereby losing the assistance offered, the Committee ex plained. . To qualify for assistance or credit for the practice a good seed bed must be prepared, lime, phosphate or fertiliser applied if needed and good mixture of at least one grass and one legume used in; the seeding. ,Au Interested farmers are urged to act promptly, tiie Committee concluded. : ,vin.wi w J v SIO J Jr j "occupied by a t in the cpurb houti i.dB . being used by F. Bay Friby,-ladisott County Tax "ff!.'Supervlw'Ji'!t5 "' -V ' A n1 1 V' V.t.M .takl "l.l.'Alr that he plans to be in the ,'pffici every Monday and Saturday but someone wilt be there at all times. Madison Farmers Attend Federation Dinner In Asheville Several fanners from Madison county were honored by the Farmers Federation last Saturday1 at the fed eration's annual lOO-Bttshcl Corn Club dinner at the George'Vanderbilt hotel in Asheville. The dinner is given annually by the Farmers Federation in tribute to each farmer, future farmer or 4-H club member who has grown-100 more bushels of corn on one acre land. This represents from three to five times the amount normally' grown on one acre a f ewjM ''sgo. Governor Wr Kerr Scott was prin cipal speaker-for the event, whcih was attended by approximately 200 formers and county agents of 15 counties. v Those attending the meeting from Madison county were A. W. Huff, Coy Morgan, ,W. L. Worley and V. L. HoUoway. r, , RE-CONSTITUTION OF FARMS WITHIN THE COUNTY In reviewing the applications filed for 1950 farm transfers in owner ship, a decrease in farmland turn over within the County is evident when compared with the number of applications of prior years at this season. It is probajile that some land transactions have taken ' place for which en application for a division or transfer in ownership has not been made. In releasing this announce-, meat Ralph W. Ramsey, Secretary to the Madison County PMA Commit, tee, stated that May 15, 1950 had. been set as the closing date for making ap plication for -1950 divisions or combi nation of arms and that all persons who have either bought or sold farms Lor pans 01 farms should request a transfer in their Tecorda .prior . to May 15. As tobacco acreage quotas are involved in . most ail transfer cases within this County, it is. essen tial, that ths individual farm records be kept current if future trouble is to be avoided by the parties involved, Ramsey concluded. - J 3 Schools Are Urged To Plan Arbor r Day Programs , 1 t Stite Poretter W, 'K.Befchler to.' day r " " 1 t " "s of NoVth Car- kolin : y t'.ia j'-ar. wIU 1 - - I?-- Cxijion Ljrvice U r.alc'sh, will pi., . i'-'H a pro -am, "9 discuss the. feeding and management Ha Uservance by school children, in V0 sheep 'and .ths possibilities of in order, that they may be taught to sptereasing sheep production in Madison prectate the true vatue of treea and County; " , . forests to their State. The State Forester offered the help of foresters and county forest wardens of the Department of Con servation and Development to the schools tn the planning of a proper Arbor Dav program. Beichler said that all field men of the Forestry Division have been notified to help in anv way they can to encourage the planting of trees in observance of the Day. For schools planning such exercises, the State Forester susrgested the following Arbor Day Program: 1. Opening Song; 2. Invocation or Scrip ture Reading: 3. A recitation by pu pils: 4. An Address by Visiting Of ficial; Planting the Tree (In hole ""eviously prepared) ; 6. Dedication Of Tree; 7. Song (America); 8. Ben ediction. Dairies Graded . .. The following dairies mde the fol lowing grades according to the in spection that was set up by the milk ordinance' adopted by the Town of Mars Hill, M. C. Anderson Dairy Qrade A. Southern Dairies Grade A. Madison County Health Department ' t CI LENDON COX, Sanitarian. TO PRESENT PROGRAM HERE MONDAY, MORNING r; ?:i9,i95o 1 y, ' '"). ' . ' ! " "1""'. '-.r LIVl toc: TUES. I.1ARCH 14 According n inwiuuixincni from ths eoun m agent s oiiice, a Special livei day has been planned for M iunty on Tues- A. MT.f.k V 11,1. Amrt th- livestock specif ""N. C State GoUege will bf weBtn our coun- tv to discus.'"0" Biases of the livestscs farmers of the;counTy7.vw0,1in,' tb the farm sgenf s office. sufndg specialists in the field' of be8t cattle swin.e sheep and other livestock will assist .frith; an-.nll day school which will be held- in the courthouse at . Marshall. It Js hoped tiiat aH. farmers interest ed in the1 production of livestock will make an, effort .to attend Jkhis meet ing on March 14. ,' ' . Mr.1 John Winfleld.of the N C. Department of AgricuHurs will dis cuss tht outlook " for the production of beef cattle, hogs, sheep and otiier livestock 'and should .furnish onr farmers with some valuable informa tion and be of great assistance in developing future plans, y - 1 i Mr. Jack Kelley, Extension Swine SpeciallRV wUl discuss the feeding and nianafsment of hogs; Mr. I J, Cwi Extension Beef Cattle' Special- Jist, will'; discuss" various , problems if fi'nSr' hoof 'i-hMJa nnulneent anil will vi-fc-e latest information in'W.' , r ' I f" s fe-- - j a"i management , t I ' ',' I V. L. Hollowsy, Madison County Farm Agent,-states that this is one of the most important farm meetings that has ever been scheduled for our county and urges all livestock pro ducers to make an effort to attend j the entire session. The meeting will 1 bepin at 10:00 o'clock March 14, and will close with an educational film on livestock feeding at 3:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION SATURDAY The- Republican County Convention will be held si the courthouse here Saturdar afternoon at tw0 o'clock. ! Various prednct meetings will be 'held Friday when precinct officials and delegates Wilt be elected. The j county officials will be elected at the county meeting and other business will be transacted. All Republican are urged to at tend the convention. Li VAX Hi Marshall Andjiot Springs TojHave Gymnasiums; Other Plans Approved EXPLANATION OF SCHOOLBUHDING NEED SISGI YEN By EDNA G. RHODES, Supt. There have been no buildings or additions to the County Schools since 1940. The enrollment in most schools has increased due to consolidation or an increase in the school population: Therefore, almost all of the larger schools are unusually crowded and classrooms have been improvised wherever any small space could be found. This resulted in using: class-; poms about half or even in some cases one-third the size of a regular classroom. These teachers could seat only about 25 pupils and therefore other teachers with standard size classrooms have had to be burdened with more students than they were supposed to teach. A thorough sd extensive study of the existing conditions were mads and the following. facts were found:' , "5 ; SPRING CREEK r Osed the principal's' former office f or a . classroomi v The 'lunchroom consisted or oniy one standard Class, room which was used both for cook ' nd serving y: pn;is lunch oe classruuut ati i mwi .yip IsJLJwing fulfilled bra, building lunchroom and a home economics de partmenb V ' HOT SPRINGS No Gymnasium.' The High School Basketball teams were transported to Walnut to practice basketball at a (Continued On Page Three) PTA To Sponsor Big Sale Here On Saturday v Officials of the Marshall Parent Teacher Association have announced that they will sponsor a big sale on Saturday,, March 11 at the Gudger Home on Main Street. "Everything for the home will be sold on this day, including groceries, pans, pots, clothing, etc.," one offi cial stated. BTU Mass Meeting At Mars Hill Sunday The Associational Training Union Mass Meeting will be held Sunday af ternoon, March 12, beginning at 2:S0 o'clock at the Mars HilL Baptist Church. The Rev. Oscar Edmonds Jr., associate director, will ' have charge of the program for ths after noon. ' PRICE $2.50 A YEAR nnnnn CONSTRUCTION WORK MAT BEGIN BY JUNE 1; MANY IMPROVEMENTS On February 23, J. Clyde Brown, E. Y. Ponder, members of the Board of Education, and Mrs. Edna G. Rhodes, Superintendent .appeared be fore the Building Panel Committee, of the State Board of Education in Raleigh to discuss building plans recommended and approved by the county board of education and also a survey group which visited the Madison County schools in January. The Pane Committee gave a unan imous approval of the f plans ; and gy the "go? signal to nroceed with drawings of the blue prints for the DuiMhrg. The Committee also passed a 'resolution' commending the Board of Education for a well planned building program. The following building plans were approved: Spring Creek Lunchroom and Home Economics (separate building). Hot Springs Gymnasium and three high school classrooms (separate building). I White Rock Three high school classrooms (separate building). , Walnut Two .classrooms (these are to, be built at rear of present building between the two, wings), ' Marshall Eight primary class- Tooms, ttincnroom and home econom ics (TMs I to be slmarafe hufldW ""fr tJ"ent Hiding on tits high side of the Island at am angle which will not obstruct ths view , of present building). , A gymnasium is to be built on ths hbrh side of ths ' Island at the rear of present build- ing. V, . Mars HiN Eight classrooms (sep arate building) . Ebbs Chapel1 two classrooms ad joining the auditorium of the pres ent building. Lindsey M. Gudger has been em ployed by the Board as architect to draw plans and supervise the con struction of the buildings. At the present time be is working on the preliminary sketches - and he says construction can possibly get under way by June, 1st March Of Dimes Fund Still Growing Mrs. Hattie Teague, Director of the March of Dimes Drive, announced this week that there were still a few reports yet to come in before tits fi nal results would be known in the recent drive. ' Below are a few of the late reports received: vv- Mars Hill Colored SehooL $12.00; Hot: Springs Methodist, S Un day School, 15.00 ' The Three i Laurels Miinn NAAAAJ Li. V t- NMIII ... 'HS'..1 School, M (additional)) WahuitGap Store collector).' USS. ? " ""' m i Yc-ag Republican I' Meeting PcstpccJ ,v I T:i ti,....j.. TIE vrThs regular monthly w the Young Republican C Uon Couhty which vr- t be held Monday, r postponed until T' due to the confl'it t l vent'nn. . ' , All Ec- '"' . ' ' f : l.fe t

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