i ,t . ; f Eimert ricre Again 3 E, J. KEINHARDI, widely known Rupture Hernia) Shield Ex pert of Chicago and Michigan, will be at th George Vahderbilt ' ' jiotel, Asheville, Friday, March 17th. I Office Ilouri 11 a. m., . to 6 p. m. only. (Positively no evening office hours). He has I' been coming here for 20 successful years. Thousands recommend him. Ask your neighbors. . :W The Meinhardi Shield positively prevents the Rupture or Hernia from protruding in 10 days on the average thereby guarding against dangerous strangulation. (No surgery, no medicines or injections, and no time lost.) The smallest or largest and most ' difficult eases are all invited. There is no charge for private ' consultation or demonstration during above specified days and t office hours. ( This visit is for men only.) J. H. HUTCHINS DENTIST , OFFICE! OVER CITIZENS BANK MARSHALL, N. Q. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Kelse Brigman, de ceased, late of Madison County, N. Gi this is to nAtify all (peiBons hav ing claims against said estate to' pre sent them at the home of the under signed at Mars Hill, RFD 2 on or before twelve months from the com pletion of the publication of this no tice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reccovery. All) persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to make prompt settlement with the undersigned. This Feb.a4,il950. . M. . RADFORD, Administrator of the estate of Kelse .Brigmon, deceased. 2-168-28 For Ail Lumber And Mill Work EXECUTORS' NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MADISON Having qualified a. executors of the estate of Robert Lee Moore and Edna C. Moore, laterof Madison Coun ty, N. C, under his last will and tes tament, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate, to present the same to the undersigned at Mars Hill, N. C, within twelve months from the expiration of the publication of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons uowing said es tate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This February 21, 1950. NONA ROBERTS and ERNEST C. MQORE, executors of Robert Lee Moore and Edna C. Moore, deceased. 2-233-30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE "Quality Pint" SHUPE LUMBER COMPANY ; NOTICE QFSVUUdks ' NUKXH CAROLINA ' MADISON COUNTY ''iN THE SUPERIOR COURT GEORGE J. CALDWELL vs . ROBERT HOLT. NELLIE BROWN HOLT.- SUIX BREWER, WILBURN BREWER, DOROTHY BREWER, RUTH BREWER BLANKENSHIP, ALLAN BLANKENSHIP, MARY L. BREWER, RICHARD C. BREWER, T. JEAN .BREWER, SALLY F. BREWER, B. W. LUSK, GUARD IAN. Tb Defendants, Su Brewer, Wil burn Brewer and wife, Dorothy Brewer, Ruth Brewer Blankenship and husband, Alan Blankenship, Ma ry L. Brewer, Richard C. Brewer, T. Jean Brewer and Sally F. Brewer, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County, North Carolina, to cancel a deed from the Defendants Brewer and B. W. Lusk, Guardian, to the De fendants, Robert Holt and wife, Nel lie Brown Holt, dated the day of January, 1950 and filed for reg istration on February 1st, 1950 and recorded in Deed Book No. 79 at page 22o et seq., and also a Special Pro ceeding in the Superior Court of Madison County, N. C, which par- ports to be an Ex Parte proceeding by B. W. Lusk, Guardian of MaryL. Brewer; Richard C. Brewer; T. Jean. Brewer and Sally F. Brewer, minors, to sell their interest in the lands de scribed in the proceeding and . Deed, said proceeding being duly docketed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court in Special Proceeding Docket No. "M," at page 166. The said Deed and proceeding pertaining ' to the title to Lands in No. 8 Township, Madison County, and described in said Deed and proceedings. , And th Defendants will further take notice that they are required to- be an ap pear at tne oince oi ine oiera m Superior Court at MS office 1A- Mar NOKTn r MABl.X t Under tn . of sale cont of trust exec, husband,' O. . 14th day of i corded in Do completion of the, -publication of this notice, or this notice W1U Be pleaded in bar of therTtecovery: All persons indebted to saM estate are hereby no tified to make Wsmpt settlement with the "undersigned. "'' This March 4, 1960. EDWARD 3. BROWN, Administrator of the estate of Andrew Jackson Brown, deceased 3-9 4-13p Having qualified as administrator of the - estate of Andrew Jackson Brown, deceased, late of ' Madison County, n. C this is to notify all persona bavin- ehrims against said es tate' to present them at the home of the unHeraiened t Leicester. RFD 2. on or before twelve months from the f shall, N. C., Oh or Wore the 1st day m Maf. 1950- and answer or oensur to the Contptaint filed. i 'tW action, or the Plaintiff will Apply- f 'the Cotirt for the relief demanded in' the complaint. f s This is the 21st day of February, 1950. FRSD ENGLISH. 1 Clerk Superior Court, 2-2S 8-16 H7 400,000 norSh carolininn ; I , .?-. f-V ........ ' ....... a ? - - i , . jl ,, . I . . ..'t..":i...'.i 7 l I : : I ' i n T jU-loe of the1 power J'i eertain deed . l' Ines Brooks and . Trooks, dated the ' t r, 1948, and re. at Trust Rook Mo 46, atnatre loJ. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madiao nCounty, N.C., default having been made in the payment Of the indebtedness thereby secured and said1 deed of trust be ing by the terms, thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale' at public' auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door ) in Marshall, North Carolina .a noon, on tne 8th day of Apru, ivou, tn0 property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the - Town of Hot Springs, County of ' ; Madison and State of . Worth Carolina. Nn P Township , and more particularly de scribed as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING on a stake in the West side of Bridee Street, 25 ft from the creek side of th wing at the East end of Snrinr Creek Bridge and runs a Northerly course aoout ix it, more or less to the Huff line; this Kne at all times the same distance zrom the D.H. Duckett line: thence with Huff line Z n. more or less to Snrinsr Creek: thence with same up Spring Creek to the line of Bridge Street; thence with saia line of Bridge Street to the BEGINNING. TRACT TWO: BEGINNING bn a stake corner of Spring and Hill (Streets and runs S. 64 30' W. 153 fU to a stake, corner of C. Burarin's lot on Hill treetf whence S. 17r 80' Ei60 ft to a stake in C. Burgin's line; thence -N. 64 30' E. 153 ft to a stake in margin of Spring Street; thence N. 17 JO' W. 60 ft to BE GINNING' tRATtaKEE7 BEGINNING in Will Fleming's .corner runninir N. with Spring 8tree 72 ft to Harry Hill's corner: thence an .Easterly coarse' with Hatfr? Hill's- line 80 ft to- Spring- Creek;, thence S. wiQi the meanders? Of Spring Creek 72 ft to Will Fleming's- corner: thenice a Westerlyfeoufse with' Will Fleming's line -so fti tO"tne Bi;ifiNlN. TRACT FOUR anif FIVEi BE. ING those two .certain lota of land In Tye Town Of Hot Springs" conveyed from R.1H. Plemmons and wife, Myrtt Plemmons and Martha Plemmons, Widow, to O .S. Brooks and Ines Brooks by deed dated Sept 3, 1941, recorded in Book 71 at page 418, Madison County Registry, which said book' and page is specifically made a part of , this dead of trust the same as if herein set out This 7th day of March, 1950. CHARLES E. MASHBURN, Trustee! 3-9, 16, 23, 30. .cements r i ANNOUimiENT I hereby announce myself sis a candidate for the office of Clerk of 4he Superior Court of Madison County, subject to the will of the Republican vot ers in the Primary Election to be held May 27, 1950. . If elected. I pledge to' main tain the office in an efficient manner and to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. F. RAY FRISBY 1 -; f-1 J- ii- v, isp H 1 ", ANNOUNCEMENT if '-o' m -- ft' SAYEKONEYBY wr. TUP k ADS V .Hospital Surcital Protection p . Each year thousands join Hospital Saving Association's Blue Cross-Blue Shield Plan to get really good protection without a lot of "if s" "and's" or "butV Unlike policies that pay fixed amounts for certain limited 'terns of hospital care, Blue Cross pays for a broad range of hos- pital services, no matter howju'gh the cose The sole purpose" of Hospital Saving is : to provide sounH , husiness-ltke vtzy for (North Carolinians to get the greatest possi I bid benefits at a minimum cost and no red :tape. C hi a' Crcso c: :: J Dlub Shield A, V t1 )T,:-f f NOTICE COTRUSTEE'S SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON - COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power vfBlea n tne underaiened i rustee, dt a certain DeeH execuiea Dy Selmer Shelton and wife. Savannah Shelton. U Trustee, dated April 2nd, 1949 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison Coun ty in ueea or Trust Book No. 46 page 284, and default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured and having uren requesiea oy tne holder of such indebtedness to make operative the power Of sale contained in said Deed of Trust and to sell said property uciciMuw-ynmiMQ to satisiy such indebtedness, I will therefore on the zuth day of , March, 1950 at 11:00 o'clock a.'m at the courthouse door in Marshall, N. C. sell to the hitrh est bidder for cash, under the power oi saie contained in the above de scribed Deed of '.Trust the following described real estate: BEGINNING on a stake on top of a rocs in ens line- oi Ueorge Franklin and running South 93 poles to a chinquapini peai the old shop place; thence down and with the branch to the Rock Branch; thence down and with tne KOCK Branch to a stake in the center of " Highway No. 212; tnence wren ma center of said high way as follows: S. 81 E. 8 poles 10 links; S. 21 E. 15 poles to a stake in the center of the road; thence leaving said road S. 69 E. 8 poles- 7 links to a beech in John Hanley line ; thence with the Chandler line to the buckle berry knob; ..thence ' with ,th old Franklin line to a . chestnut oak Ar- tnur :neiton corner; thence with his Old line S. 62 W. 4 poles 18 finks to a chesfrnnt ak; 65 E. 4 poles 8 links to a stake and. white pine stump; S, 81 W. 22 poles to C stake; S. 65 W. 4 poles 22 links to a water oak; thence N. 61 E. 8 poles 7 links to a' stake above spring; thence N. 50 W. 15 poles 9 links to a stake in the branch; thence N. 62 W. 10 poles 19 links; N. 43 W. 5 poles 12 links; N. 21 W. 13 poles S links; N. 48 W. 4 poles 17 links to the forks of the branch; thrn N. 25 E, 4 poles; N. .66 E. 2 po's 6 links; X. 88 E. 8 poles toa g'nke, Aruthur Shelton's corner in: Eak Branch In ' .tlje'v old. Franklin lbie; tbence with the old .Franklin lir a to the beginning, con- I hereby announce myself a a candidate for Sheriff of Mad- iaon County, subject to the will of the Republican voters in the rrimanr Election to be held May 27, 1950. Is nominated 'and elected,. will serve in this capacity to iour aupporc wui do greauy appreciated. I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for Sheriff subject to the will of the Republican voters of Madison County on May 27, 1950. If nominated and elected, I pledge my full time to the du ties of the office. I Tfcill appreciate your sup port. FRANK H. RUNNIOI HAYES RUN lainiftg 44! This beiiv fey Roland I I.finders to ? r-v.i, 1;: - '. s more or less. Fsme land conveyed s, Cristal Pearl r !ieltnn an.l vi't1 ' yi i dat 1 Ai i. 1 I ia t' f ' cf . Raleigh V. English ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Representative of Madison County to the Gen eral Assembly, subject to the will , of the Republican voters in the Primary Election to be held May 27, 1950. Your suport will be greatly apreciated. R. SPENCER RICE AMWUNpiENT - ' I - I 'i I ,' .r y? ! I hereby announce myself as , a candidate for Madison Conn ty Clerk of Court, subject to the will of the Republican par ty on May 27, 1950. Your vote will be highly ap preciated. Herman C. English ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Due I o ' circumstances yond myi control namelyi an automobile accident caused' by bebg run Into by anotLer car, Whett-IIwas't' fellow citizen, I L&ve L fmed to mj home for tLrce weeks,: but wish 1 to assure my friends thati will be a candi date far tbe office cf Sheriff of Rladison County ia the com ing Republican Pninary. : ; i W. C. RECTOIl, Sr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S. E. Moore, deceased, late of Madison County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present lb same to the undersigned at Route 2, i Marshall, N. C, within twelve month ' after the date of the expirations of 'the publication of this notice, or said . notice will be pleaded in bajf their ( -recovery. A11 persons owing said ea- , tate will please make immediate pay- ; ment to the undersigned. a This February 13, 1050T - ? HERMON MOORE, ! ' ZENNIE JC.. WILDS, v ' " AihninlatraJnva. M-3-23r ADinNISTSATOR NOTIC ceased, lata of Mad! a County. N. L' : c- this is to nowTy I f ;rson tar- s.- uyf claims against s-'l "-pts ttt rr. """t the- f" V ' ! . i.uaj, N. C I.-u,,3 ., o.i, c i tr". before, twelve rac "..s f.am 'the c ,v ' pletion of "the uL.;icit;vn f V.' r-- ticeor this notice w.J be 'or, 1 i i bat of their reccovery. - . r i indebted to said estate are In -tified to make prompt Settle iu4 the undersig-ned. ' f This Feb. 14, im. ' Yv jam::s ii. i Administrator of the c s " Rice, deceased. . 2-16 S 23 - d?.. err v.

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