non i f i .t r u a v a iu THE NEWS-RECORD PAGE SEVEN 3 1 -ft in i ; Schedule of Home " Demonstration t Clubs In County m Monday, May 13 Spring Creek 4-H meetings. Tuesday, May 14 Paint Fork H.D. meeting. Wednesday, May 15 Mara Hill Contact president. Thursday, May 16 Laurel Mrs. Stella Reeves. Friday, May 17 Grapevine Mrs. Kenneth Hensley. THIEF SURPRISED Hollywood, Calif. R. P. Cow an and George Pedcrson, Sheriff's deputies, sat smoking in their car across from a service station. Watching a man in the station, they suddenly realized that the man was holding up the attend ant. When the holdup man look ed up while trussing the attendant with wire, he gazed right into the muzzle of Cowan's riot gun. The NOTICE North Carolina Madison County Uipon a court order signed by the presiding judge, the following cars, apprehended in Madison County containing a quantity of non tax paid whiskey, will be sold to the highest bidded for cash at public auction at the county jail on Saturday, June 1, 1S)57. at 12 o'clock noon : One 1950 Ford-convertible coupe, motor number BQNR-143234, seri al number BONR-143234. One 1946 Ford Coupe, Motor numler 99A-888(iO, Serial num ber 99A-988H60. One 1947 Chevrolet tudor se dan, Motor Number LAM l()Xr;U, Serial Number 14EKH-44179. One 1936 Plymouth sedan tudor, Motor Numler PD-l 67060, Serial Niimlvcr 2756094. This the 1st day of May, 1957 K. Y. PONDER. Sheriff. Madison County. ".-2.9,16,23c Money may talk, but the amount most of us handle barely speaks :ilM)ve a whisper. man, Iester W. Yoder, 25, Murrietta, Calif., was booked suspicion of armed robbery. of SHUPE PLANING MILL We Manufacture WAGONS, TRUCK BODIES Plane Lumber and any kind of woodwork SHUPE PLANING MILL Formerly Brigman Wagon Co. GEORGE B, SHUPE, Owner WALNUT, N. C. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR MADI SON COUNTY, NORTH CARO LINA, OF A SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD ON SATUR DAY, JUNE 29. 1957, IN HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MADISON COUNTY AND OF A NEW REGISTRATION THEREFOR. Hold your horses trolled horsepower half of last year's ties. -- it was mi that caused traffic fatali- mm CONCENTRATE A&P mm (111 Ji ll I II i 12- Oz. CAN 2 - 6-oz. CANS 27c 25c ru m nil? HUM l I A&P't OWN PURE II mm nil 3 IMTU 7.0-. IAR .1 st , . , . 'V r" 2QOVV I I iTiiimi I I value ANN PAGE CREAMY If I Villi 1 IH1K1 fifc pint 9 fan JAR llf SULTANA SALAD 47c 419 DELICIOUS FLAVORS TO SELECT FROM ANN PAGE Ckeeri-Ade tigs. 19c CKAGE MAKES RTS OF ADE MLIL ANN PAGE SALAD ran QUART JAR 45c QUART JAR FRESH, GOLDEN, TENDER WED EARS FOR 20s SPECIAL! JANE PARKER PEACH or BLUBERRY Pies J? BIG 8? SIZE' EACH VIRGINIA SALTED VACUUM PACKED A&P 0 uis 7V.Oz. CAN 5c PRICES THIS AD EFFECTIVE THRU SAT, MAY 11th COUNTY OF MADISON NORTH CAROLINA NOTBCE OP SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election will be held in the County of Madison, North Carolina, on May 25, 1957, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Coun ty, for their approval or disap proval, the following propositions: PROPOSITION NO. 1 SHALL the qualified voters of the County of Madison approve the bond order which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 1, 1967, and which (1) au thorizes bonds' of said County of the maximum aggregate principal amount of $200,000 to finance the reconstruction and enlargement of the existing County Court House Building ( the acquisition of the new equipment required for such reconstructed and enlarged buildinsr. and (2) also authorizes the levy of an annual tax suffi-'tn(' cient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds authorized thereby; and also approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? PROPOSITION NO. 2 SHALL the qualified voters of the County of Madison approve the bond order which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 1, 1957, and which (1) au thorizes bonds of said County of the maximum aggregate principal amount of $10,000 to finance the construction of a new building to be used as a County Health Cen ter and the acquisition of the new equipment required therefor, in ducing me installation or water NdNG at the point whore V. S. and sewer facilities, and (2) also. Highway 70 crosses the North authorizes; the levy of an annual I Carolina-Tennessee Line and run- tax suiiicieni w pay ine principal nin(, jn a generally Southwesterly direction approximately five (") Notice is hereby given that Ihe Board of Commissioners for Mad ison County has ordered an -.lection to he held on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1!'."7, in :he Hot Springs school district of Madison County fur the purpose of voting upon the question of issuing bonds in the name of MADISON C (I I! N T V in an amount not to exceed Thirty-six Thousand Dollars ( $:i;.(MKMiU ) and levying a suffic cut tax upon the taxable property in the Hot Springs School District of 1 id ison County for the Daymen: of principal and intercs on, tor the purpose ol and equipping a school to include a gymnasium t tin re build ng bV lii ng in sjid District, said ImiikIs t() bear inter est at a rate or rates not to ex "eod six per centum ((i'i ) per nullum and to mature not later than thirty (30) years fiuin the date thereof. .The Hot Springs School Dis trict of Madison County is com prised of all of Township .No. !) of Madison County and bounda ries of said district an' co-terminus with the boundaries of said No. !) Township. All of No. It Township and more particularly described as follows: BKC1N- of and interest on tne ponds au thorized thereby; and also approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock a .m., and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock p. m., Eastern Standard Time. The election will be held at the same polling places at which the last election was held in Madison County for the elec tion of members of the General Assembly. The registration books shall open for the registration of vot ers at 9 o'clock a. m., on Satur day, May 4, 1957, and shall be closed at sunset on Saturday, May 18, 1957. On each day (Sunday and holidays excepted) during such period the Registrar for each precinct in the County will keep his book open between the hours of 9 o'clock a. ih., and sun set forgxhe registrant!) f voters in suchlNection f SaturdA irinoc bit t. On each period such the polling nrecincti be- RegistraV i tween the and sunset) voters. y ord sion ikvA TP" Dated Atoril 23 TED R. RUSSELL. Board of Commissioners of Mad ison County, North Carolina. 4-255-9 Vlinjc,iltkm Cfe rk of the NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOV ERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS. NOTICE is hereby given of intention of the under signed to file application with the Local Government Cotmmis sion, rialeign, in. u., tor its ap proval of the issuance of the fol lowing proposed bonds of the Hot Springs School District of Madi son County, which bonds will be subject to approval of the voters of said Hot Springs School Dis trict of Madison County at an election : Thirty-six thousand dollars ($36,000.00) of bonds for the purpose of building and equipping- a school building to in clude a gymnasium in said District. This notice was first published on the day of May 2nd, 1957. Any citizen or taxpayer objecting to the issuance of all or any of said bonds may file with the Local Government Commission a verified statement setting forth his ob jections, as provided in Section 159-7.1 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such statement with the undersigned at any time within (10) days from and after such first publi cation. A copy of this notice must be attached to the statement so filed. Objections set forth in said statement shall be for considera tion of said Commission in its de termination of whether or not it may hold a public hearing as pro vided by law on the matter of is suance of said bonds. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY OF MADISON. By DEWEY WALLIN, Chairman. 5-2, 9 HEIR TO $100,000 IS SOUGHT Santa Ana, Calif. .Mrs. Mar jorie Spender, attorney handling the estate of Loris Adrian McCain is looking for a cousin of the late McCain known as. Rosemary Sto ry, who was last heard from 20 years ago. At time she was liv ing in Paducah, Ky., and is be lieved to have gone to Wisconsin. The cousin is . entitled to one eighth of the McCain estate,, val ued at between $860,000 and $1,000,000. a-. miles to the top of Sheep Moun tain where the boundary line of Township No. 8 Ward No. 2 in tersects the North Carolina-Tennessee line; thence in a generally Easterly direction and with th top of the ridges approximately five (5) miles crossing High-way 209 and to Spring Creek at a point approximately three (.1) miles south of Hot Springs; thence in a generally Southeaster ly direction and running with the ridges to a point where the bounda ry line for No. 12 Township inter sects said boundary line and being on the headwaters of Doe Branch; thence in a generally Easterly di rection to the Big Pine Road at a point approximately one ( 1 ) mile West of Barnard ; thence with the Big Pine Road in a East erly direction to the French Broad Rive; thence with the riv er approximately two (2) miles to Sandy the point where the river cUi .es in a west erly direction; thence crossing the river and right-of-way of t h e Southern Railroad and running with the ridges in a Northeaster ly direction approximately two (2) Whiles to the Stactchouse Road at alooint 800 feet from the junction from the said Stackhouse Road with U. S. Highway 25-70; thence approximately one (1) mile in a North-Northwesterly direction to Laurel River; thence approxi mately one-half ( Vi ) mile up and with Laurel River to a bridge where U. S. Highway 70 crosses I said river and at the junction of 70 and 20N: thence in a Northerly direction with said river one half (') mile; thence leaving said riv er and following the ridge in a Northwesterly direction three (3) miles to the North Carolina-Tennessee State line at a point equi distance between the headwaters of Big Hurricane and Rich Moun tain; thence in a Southwesterly direction and with the state line t Rich Mountain; thence follow- iny the state line crossing the French Broad River end the right-of-way of the Southern Rail road at Paint Rock and thence with said state line to Iwginning point. Metes and bounds as given are co-terminus with boundary lines of No. 9 Township, Madison County. A new registration will be had and the registration books will 1h opened at 9:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, the 25th day of May. 1957. and will continue open until sunset on Saturday, the 15th day of June, 1957. The Registrars will be at the polling places for the purpose of registering voters from 9:00 a. m.. until sunset on Saturday, the 25th day of May, 1957, on Saturday, the 1st day of June. 1957. on Saturday, the 8th day of June. 1957. and on Satur day, the 15th day of June, 1957. The Registrars will be at the poll ing places from 9:00 a. iru. until 3:00 p. m., on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 1957, for the pur pose of receiving challenges. The polling place and the reg istrar and judges for said elec tion are as follows: PLACE HrtT SPRINGS CITY HALL. REGISTRAR T. A. RUSSELL: JUlXiK HE. IN BUKUIS H"U JOHN LEWIS MOORE. This, the 23rd day of April, 1957. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR MADISON COUNTY MOTHER'S DAY 50 YEARS OLD Mother's Day dates from just a few years back 1 907 or 50 years ago. Yet it has already become nationally accepted and generally observed in this and other cou t lies. Miss Anna M. Jarvis of Philadel phia persuaded o n e of t h e churches in that city to hon or mathers and asked that sons and daughters wear white carna tions in Honor of their mothers. This was done and soon the cus tom spread to all parts of the United States. Today we wear eithvr w'hitc or red flowers on this special day depending on whether our mother is still alive. An there is little doubt that the observance of Mother's Day led late r. t esta'blishniMlit of Ktithei's Day, which is held in .lone. It is nro.ner and well to observe Mother's Day and a tradition of giving present to mothers on the second Sunday in May has be come established in recent years. But observance of the clay has dttie much good through the years. Organizations il e il i c a t e d to the goal of reducing the loss of life in childbirth long used the da to stimulate thought anil generate -import ''or that cause. In l!tl1 Congress officially recognized .Mother's Day and I'li-sident Wood row Wilson first called i pon I". S. officials b dis ji I v the flag in honor of the day. A mother is a common posses sion of all. Observance of the day knows no distinctions, no limits and no special classes. And the fact that observance of the day has grown so rapidly in this country and abroad is proof that sons and dauvhtei s. ol all of us. think it only right to pay respect and do honor t'i the love anil care and bother that once was - and usual ly still is spent on us by those we remember this second Sunday in Mav, 1957. AIR TRIP AT 100 Fitchburg, Mass. Although 'Mrs. Louisa I. Smart, celebrated her 100th birthday on February 20, she has flown 22,000 miles and ig looiking forward to another air trip this summer. 3 STOP THAT ITCH! IN JUST 15 MINUTES If not pleased, your. 40c back at any drug store. Try instanit-dry-ing ITCIf-M E-NOT for itch of eczema, ringworm, insect bites, foot itch or other surface itch. Easy to use day or night. Now at MOORE'S PHARMACY NOTICE OK SERVICE OF PROCESS BY m!BI.ICATION North Carolina Madison County i the RICHARD SUPERIOR COURT FOX. Plaint if CLARA .1 KAN El "IE BRYAN KOX, Defendant. TO CLARA JEANKTTK BRY AN FOX, TAKE NOTICE. The defendant above named will take notice that a complaint against the said defendant has been filed in the above Court and a civil action instituted wherein the above named plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the defend ant upon the grounds of two years separation, and seeks the exclus ive tuition, custody and control of Delores Elaine Fox. infari' daug1 tor of the plaintiff and ihe de fendant : The above named defendant "ill further lake notice that she is rt iiuired to appeal at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Su perior Court of Madison County. North Carolina, on or before tin 29th day of June. 19.ri7. and an swer or demur to the complaint that has been filed in this acti'm. and that if she fails to do so the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief sought in said action. This the lith day o! .May, HERBERT HAWKINS, the Superior Court. 5-9, lfi, 2o..'i0p Clerk of COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE ) Pick-up and Deliveries ON TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS IN AND AROUND MARSHALL Weaverville Laundry SPENDS LIFE IN PRISON Williamsburg, Va. It has been one prison after another for Pat Henslee. new student at William and Mary. The past six years of her life have been spent in a suc cession of Federal Prisons her father is a Federal prison official. The fellow who sponges his way through life merely soaks up the fruits of others' labor. I mam Doitcccaa l.t.llllVATJ Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a. m., May t, 1957: Killed this year 37 Killed to datf last year :53 If safety is worth a life, drive and walk carefully 1 By DEWEY WALLIN. 6-2. 9, 16 Chairman. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED DR. LOCRARD OpUmtritt 8 A. M. to 12 Noon F R ID AYS in THE L. P. ROBERTS BUILDING MARSHALL. N. C. . DO YOU HEED TIRES SEAT COVERS BATTERIES ACCESSORIES BICYCLE PARTS FISHING EQUIPMENT IF YOU DO, SEE Cody'o Auto Store & Texaco Station TEXACO GAS & OIL THE BEST OIL MONEY CAN BUY -YOU CANT BEAT CODY'S FOR PRICES MARSHALL, N. f ' - ' r ,