'. , ;ev-C MARSHALL, N. C, MAY 28, 1057 THE NEWS-RECORP PAGE SEVEN w ' 1 ANDERSON AND ROLEN V0WSSP0KEN READING AND DECLAMATION WINNERS HEARD n and SEEN nCTWFFN LOCALS p"""""""" mm . '""w"""'"" US, V'" . O M E N THE FARMER'S "WIFE PERSONAL and Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Eserihow er and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rudi sill, all of Hickory, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rudisill and son, Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Landers and sons, Jimmy and Kenneth, spent Thursday night in Rock Hill, S. C, with relatives-. Boyce Ramsey, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Ramsey ,of Mar shall RFD 3. Alfred Shelton and Gene Free man of River Rouge, Mich., are spending this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Freeman, of Walnut RFD 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilds of Wayne, Mich., are spending sev eral days this week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Wilde of Marshall RFD 4. C. B. Cole of Carthage, is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole of Marshall. Miss Carolyn Worley returned home Wednesday from Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn., where j she was a freshman this year. Mr. W. F. Holland . returned Wednesday night from Myrtle1 and son of Marion. The Messrs. Beach, S. C., where he attended a ' Kuykendall are uncles of Mrs. An Belk's managers' meeting,- which' ders, seeing them for the first has been in session since Monday. ' time in her life. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owens and three sons of Burlington spent the week-end here as guests of Mrs. Owens' mother, Mrs. H. K. Rog ers; and her sister, Mrs. Joe Eads, and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farmer ' of Charlotte, were the week-end guests oi Mr. Farmers iainer,' William V. Farmer, of Marshall. Mrs. Vivian S. Rector, of Rome, Ga., spent the week-end here m Marshall with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Sams. , . j ' , . . Mrs. Grace S. English and Miss Flora Wilkie spent the at Bryson City as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy English and fam.ly. They also visitea Mr. ana mrs. c.i E. Smith at Cherokee during the week-end. , j Colonel Edward F. Rector of Waco, Texas, spent the week-end in Weaverville with his mother, Mrs. George H. Rector. Col. Rec tor, a Marshall High School grad uate, was the guest speaker at the M.H.S. Alumni Banquet held Sat urday night in the school cafeteria. MADISON DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5H0W STARTS EACH NIGHT AT DUSK Friday Saturday (Double Feature) "THE PEACEMAKER" and "THEY WERE SO YOUNG" Sunday Monday "STAR 1N THE! DUST" Tuesday Wednesday "4 GIRLS IN TOWN" Thursday Only "TARANTULA!" Friday Saturday (Double Feature) "MAN FROM DEL RIO" "THUNDER OVER SANGOLAND" Our Concession Bar U open at all ttae tte show, mtt- ? EOT DOGS, HAMBUBGEBS, HOT POPCORN, COLD rr.IKKS, Cijmrettet ni Candy. v . , . ' OTHERWISE Mr. Woodrow Roberts of De troit, Mich., arrived Monday night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley M. Roberts, and other relatives and friends. He was ac I companied home by his father who I had been visiting in Detroit, and I in Canada for a few days. Mrs. Jessie Boyse, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wiley M. Roberts for a few days, will leave today ((Thursday) for her home in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ramsey of Greenville, S. C, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends and attended the M.H.S. Alumni banquet Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Rudisill of Orlando, Fla., arrived here Tuesday where they will spend several days with Mr. Rudisill's mother, Mrs. C. L. Rudisill Sr. ! Miss Pauline Dobbins of Bre i vard Road, West Asheville, spent the week-end here with her cous in, Miss Peggy Anders. Among those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anders and daugh- ter Py, Sunday -were Mr- and Mrs- Hal Gregg and Mr. and Mr. Lee Russe11 and daughter, all of ,Black Mountain, Mr. George Kuy- Kenaau oi luiaway, renn., ana Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuykendall Mrs. Matila Fisher of DeLand, Fla., is a guest of Miss Sue Tweed and Mr. E. R. Tweed. I A3c John McElroy, who has , been overseas for several months, i arrived here Tuesday where he will spend a 30-day furlough be- ore truing to San Francisc0, caijfornja Request For Blood stea crver of Mar8nan hjw Mquested that .replacement of four pinta of biooj 'fo,. her sister, Mrs. F. J. Blumhagen, of Drake, North DakoU are bad)y neede() and she wU1 greatly appreciate m voiunteering to donate Wood for cause during next visit of the bloodmobile here or elsewhere in Madison County. CITIZENS BANK GIVES COUNTY SENIORS $5.00 It was announced here this week that the Citizens Bank is donat-inn- to each Senior in Madison County $5.00 on a savings t count. Gosh, it was certainly a thrill to see so many friends at the Alumni Banquet Saturday night I could easily write a col umn or more about what I heard and saw over on the Island but Hpace doesn't permit I1 must mention, however, that perhaps the greatest thrill was seeing and talking with Mrs. Fred (Wilma) Redmon she looked grand and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the occasion although Wil ma has leen seriously ill for a long time, her spunk, de'termina-. tion und grit has resulted in her being able to be present for this great reunion of schoolmates anil friends secondly, the thrill of seeing and hearing Colonel Ed Rector I'll never forget his great talk his easy manner and knowing full well that "Husky" KNEW what he was talking about it was also thrilling to see more than 122 MHS students and former stu dents give him siuch a well de served ovation certainly Madison County can be justly proud of Colonel Edward F. Rec- tor and his great record it was so fine to see "the old gals and guys" the only thing I don't like to think of, however, is now last tne years are pass ing and how seldom we see so many of our friends many of the ex-grads visited the new gym after the meeting and were oooing and awwwing over it gosh, it was ail a thrill speaking of the new gym, W. H. Worley, now of Hickory, was ask ed by Earl Robinson to go with him to see gymnasium W. H. looked up at Earl and asked, "Jim Nasium, who is he?" oh, well, we had a big laugh over it and many other things Wayne Bradburn, Herman Brad- burn and Hugh Bradbum, p1us Karl and some of the rest of us, I discussed football for 30 minutes! as the clock at the courthouse neared midnight we didn't care we were havin fun thought Wade's introduction was fine he could have spent two hours introducing "Husky," but wisely, he knew we all knew about Husky so he only hit a few high spots that's one fellow who needs very little introduction around here gosh, some of the ex-grads (girls) are just as pretty as ever some pretti er than they were years ago I started out by saying space won't permit me to write too much so I'll just say that I ap preciate all the nice things told me about "getting The News Record" by so many who live way off here's hoping you con tinue to receive your paper ev ery week and here's also hoping that we can meet again on the third Saturday night in May. 1958 congratulations to the Girl Scouts on their serving also to Mrs. .lak Sprinkle and staff imagine they had THREE banquets within a week I happened to be lucky enough to attend all three and I can truth-' fully say , that all three dinners : were exeellently prejiared if you could have attended the ban quet and DIDN'T you really missed a fine program and a won-' derful talk by Husky- let's , have even more present next year ooops, I'm about to beein again about that Alumni Ban quet must quit howev er l ww take tnis opportunity to commend the past officers for their splendid Job rendered and congrautlate the new officers for being hondred to guide and lead us next year I thought I'd have space for many more "Heard , and Keens" but Und out au tne space is taken and 1 don't want to wear out Coley completely anytway, congratulations to the Graduates of Madison County who will soon be receiving diplomas. MOVE TO MARSHALL Mr. and jjrs. A. E. Cola moved this week from Raleigh to their new home on Hardwick Branch in Marshall. Mr. Ool has retired front his job with the Stat after 45 yean servic. Mrs. Cola la the sister of ha Misses Georgia and Lottie Owalt ney ef Marshall. r-y .. -'" -' - - ! ' ' Motorists who set safely through the weak-end hare a fairly good chance to last- the rest of the i .- . Now is a good time to trans plant or divide iris they'll live planted any month in the year, but about August they make plans for next year's bloom so if disturbed then they may not bloom next season this year I shall plant a few petunias about' the middle of June by Sep- : tember the early comers are al ways leggy and seedy the plants probably won't be as strong i as early spring plantings but it's worth a try how long will ; a pair of scissors last? that is, with normal wear and tear i we've always used barber l shears for household scissors and : have gotten really good service I from them, but boys being hard . on scissors, ours are about shot i leather and inner tubes for 1 slingshots, cardboard for this or j that, plastics or what have you all businesses seem to have a seasonal slump even the business of news ' from May to October, most of us miss the radio and TV broadcasts on ac count of outside work or play or iust sitting outside we lay the paper up look over after wfi iniah the canning or garden- . WOnder why so many Chinese and Japanese wear glass es just read Edgar Hoover's report that juvenile delinquency was up 20 in 1957 a few delinquent parents might do well to give a few minutes now and then in getting acquainted with their children an easy sub ject to get long-winded, on . Marshall 8th Grade Graduation Exercises Next Tuesday Night I Graduation exercises for the 8th i grade at Marshall High School will be held Tuesday evening, May 28, at 7 :30 o'clock. The Scripture and invocation will be, given by i Johnny Flynn and 4 JSiome i address by Raymond jme. Fol lowing this Hazel Norton will speak on the subject, "We Believe In North Carolina" and Jerry Ricker, "We Believe In Madison County." The Class Prophecy, to be presented by Margaret Corbett and Max Edmonds, will be follow ed by a group of songs by the 8th Grade Chorus. "We Believe In Our School" will be delivered by Luther inix ana "We Relieve In Ourselves" by Jane Ramsey. These speeches will be followed by the presentation of class gifts by Betty Ann Davis. The certificates of promotion will lie presented by Mr. Bernard Brig-man, principal of Marshall High School. TTVIW-Imr the Pledge to the Flag, led by Lewis Rudisill, and "America, The Beautiful," sung by the eighth grade chorus, the farewell address will be presented bv Joyce Frisby. Joyce Slagle and Kafcherine Co dy are accompanists for the group h the ushers representing the 3 seventh grades, are Judy Ball RtHr Tiii Rradlev. Peggy Davis, Velda Hairan. Shirley Parris and Craig Roberts. Faculty sponsors . --nHfl are Miss 1UI ift'HW! 6 Elizabeth Anderson D. Gross. and Mrs. D. , . JVJJgg Ina Henderson Given A Surprise Birthday Party A surprise birthday party hon oring Miss Ina Henderson was given May 18 by Misses Viola Caldwell and Wanda Elliott, of Washington, D. C. Miss Hender son, is the daughter of Mrs. Quay Smathers of Canton, N. C. Those In attendance were the following: Ms Henderson, Pete Welch, Rth Waldroup, Richard dark, Elda Hudson, Sam Barn ham, Viola Caldwell, Ronald Bur riss, Wanda Elliott, Jim Weta- man. Miss Henderson vt employed with the Bureau, of Ships, Navy Department. . She it a graduate of -the Class of 1WS of Spring Creek High School, and hu been In Washington, D. C since No vember 14, 1955.' - Miss Barbara Gail Anderson became the bride of Ronald C. Rolen, April 27, 1957 in the Bry son City Baptist Church. The Rev. Wayne A. Slaton performed the ceremony. Tho bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Richard Anderson of Mars Hill and the bridegroom is the S()n of Ml. and Mrs. W. C. Rolen of Cherokee. Miss Martha (' r a n s t o n Greensboro was the bride's attendant. Dale Rati 1:11' of nly of Waynesville was best man, Mr. and Mrs. Rolen are students at Western Carolina College, Cul lowhee. Mrs. Rolen is- now doing her practice teaching at Oakley School and Mr. Rolen is doing practice teaching at the Mecklen burg High School in Charlottte. They will graduate on June ;(, and will make their home in Charlotte. Firemen To Meet Tonight At 7:00 Fire Chief Allen Durkctt an nounced today that the Marshall firemen will meet tonight (Thurs day) on the Island at seven o'clock instead of 7:30. The siren will blow at 6:30 instead of 7:00 o'clock, he said. The next meeting of the fire men will be on June 6, with no meeting on May 30, due to com mencement exercises. Jim Story, assistant chief .will be in charge of the June 6 meeting in the ab sence of Chief Duckett, who will be on vacation. Fain Sprinkle and Bill Zink will act as assist ants during Chief Duckett's ab sence. Graduafes From Maryville College Miss Mary Ann Wor' 'y, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wor ley of Marshall, received a Bach elor of Arts Decree Wednesday, May 22 from Maryville College, Maryville, Tehn. Attending ttu' coivnuK-vment axercisea were Miss Mar- T. Mor ris, Mrs. Robel Redmon, and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Worley and Miss Thora Belle Worley. A man must be a super mixer if he combines business and pleasure. Judy Elam Miss Mars Hill, Judy I'.lam, itaughter won first ilace honor.-: ty wide high school Reading and Declamation Contest which was held in the Marshall High School auditorium May Miss Khun'.- topn was "Into A Better Kingdom." Second place honors went, to Mis Dora Lee Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Hubert Edwards- f Marshall. Miss Edwards' topic was "The Raven." Other cont'-slant s in the Reading division were Miss Ticva Ann Ray of Laurel High School and Miss- Sharon Chandler of Walnut Miss Ray's topic was "Gladys (iocs In For BasWall" and Miss Chand ler's was "Gwendolyn Meets The Dentist." In the Declamation eoniest. Olin Jarrett Jr., of Marshall High School, won top honors, using as his subject, "The Race Problem." David Lynch, Mars Hill student, won runner-up honor, using as his subject, "I Am Glad To Be An American." During the interim Pender McElroy entertained the audience with a comical selection, "What ft Was, Was Football." The following schools were represented: Marshall, Walnut, Laurel and Mars Hill. Johnny Corbett Jr., was program chairman. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. H. S. Davis, of Spring Creek, is a patient in a Waynes ville hospital where she was- tak en Monday night following a fall in her home in which her hip was broken. Her condition is as well as could be expected, Pressure Canner CUn'c To Be Meld Here It was announced here this week that a Pressure Canner Clinic will be held for all members of Home Demonstration Clubs in Madison County in the Home Electric and Furnituie Building. The clinic is scheduled for the last week of May and continues through the first week of June. It was stated that the clinic is being held to help the homemak ers get ready for the canning season. Belk -Broome Co. MARSHALL, ft C Olin .larrett Jr. .1 Mr. and Mrs. 1'. U. Klain of in the Reading division in the coun Mrs. Buckner Is Honored Tuesday With Stork Shower Mrs. Marie Buckner, assistant home demonstration agent, was honored at a coffee hour and stork shower, held in the Court House Tuesday, May 21. She received many lovely gifts. Garden Club To Conduct Plant Sale The Marshall Garden Club will conduct a plant sale this Saturday morning, May 25, from 10:00 un til 12:00 o'clock, in front of the Marshall Baptist Church. Annuals and perennials and small shrubs will be for sale. Proceeds will be used in beauti fying the Marshall school grounds, it was stated. ' . 1