m Hi-- t J Ci r te-a C O I D ma:::all, n. c, ji i 1 . -J NEVS-RECORD NON-PARTISAN IN POLITICS J i j ii 1 i it ' ill i ' t r si -"'mii.- . - ' ' . "ft I STORY, Otmtr and' Publithtr ' : p; . J. , STORYt Managing Editor . SUBSCRIPTION RATES 15 Months - . ,'.,L-;.,.., . S8.00 On Year ......... 12.60 Eight Months . .;.., $2.00 Sbt Months T , $1.50 Pour Months . ' 1.00 EDITORIAL o' v SLOW ME DOWN, LA WD Seldom, if ever, has Marshall and Madiaon Coun ty been so shocked as they were last Friday when it was learned that an expectant mother, and a Marine had been instantly killed and the husband of the ex pectant mother seriously injured on the N. C.-Tenn. State Line. Mr. Dwight McDevitt had started to Greeneville, Tenn., with his wife, who was soon to give birth to a child. On the way to Greeneville they befriended a Marine who was hitch-hiking by stopping and offer ing him a ride. As they reached the State line, an approaching car, swerving from one side to the other went out of control, climbed the embankment and toppled over on top of the McDevitt car. Investigation revealed that the driver was drunk, and didn't even have an operator's license. A coroner's jury decided that the .victims met death "because of the carelessness" of the Tennessee driver. This, in our opinion, is a most po lite way of saying that these fine .people met death due to a drunken 28-year-old murderer who had Jit tie enough sense to first, drive without a license; sec ond, get dogged drunk; third, get behind the wheel of an automobile; fourth, attempt to drive on a heavily-used highway; and fifth, drive at a reckless, in sane speed. Yes, he has been charged with manslaughter, driving drunk and having no operator's license. Let's hope that this man will get "justice" in the eyes of our courts. No matter, however, what sentence he receives from our courts, it will not bring back Mrs. McDevitt, the Marine, or the unborn baby. We read daily where some reckless, intoxicated driver "floorboards" the accelerator, making our highways dangerous for all the public. Our lawmak ers MUST pass laws with more "teeth" and our courts MUST punish the drunkards and speedsters much more .severely if our highways are to become safer. A suspension of a driver's license for a few months, suspended sentences, acquittals when all evidence seems to. point to guilt, or "failing to answer" when ' a case is called merely encourages those who drink to "try it again." C ? , , - jf0t oniy alcoholic beverages are the cause of so many accidents but the present emphasis on SPEED V J is also a major highway problem. Spin the wheels, j see how much "she'll do," listen to the tires on a curve, gutted mufflers, drag races these seem to to be the order of the day. Horsepower and more horsepower seems to be the goal of our manufactur - ers. Year by year, faster cars, faster drivers, inade quate laws, unsafe highways. How much longer will we go on without doing something? All this speed brings to mind a prayer which has a great deal of good, common, down-to-earth sense. The prayer was made by a Negro preacher in a re vival meeting. LORD, PLEASE SLOW ME DOWN "Slow me down, Lawd. Ah's goin' too fast. Ah can't see mah bruther when he's walking past. Ah miss a lot o' good things day by day ; Ah doan't know a blessin' when it comes mah way. Slow me down, Lawd. Ah wants t' see more o' th' things that's good for me. A little less o' me an' a mite more o' you ; Ah wants th' heavenly atmosphere t' trickle through. Let me help a bruther when th' goin's rough ; when folks work t'gether it ain't so tough. Slow me down, Lawd, so I c'n talk with some o' your angels; slow me down t' a walk." Jim Parker, Chatham News. 1 4 Taking Course At U.N. C. Mr. Florence Bell, County Pnb - lie Health None, left Wednesday , ' for .Chapel 01, where she is tak ing courses la Maternal Health nd Principles' and Practices of Itoblie Health Nursing at the ' School of Public Nursing:, at the University. she Is ' expected to - return home July 6. It was also stated that Mrs. Al Feldman of Mars HOI has accept ed a position as clerk in the Mad ison County Health Department, replacing MrsV Joe Bice, who has taken a leave of absence. ' . ... Decoration To JBe . At Runmon Onttery Sunday" T" r "l be a decoration' t t C -.rn'ery enVTalm t , Jane 0, tt 2:CC ' " r ' "'c- ar Will B. Ramsey Lands 15-Inch Rainbow Trout Will B. Ramsey, J. J. Ramsey and Hobart Davis enjoyed a suc cessful fishing trip on HickeyV Fork last Sunday. All in all, th three sportsmen caught 24 trout. Wall B., however, had the "prize catch" of the day when he landed beautiful 16-Inch Rainbow, . He used a spring lizard fof blt Russell Thomas Receives Degree At Lees - JVfcRae Russell Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Thomas, ;of Walnut, received the associate arts degree during graduation exercises last week at Lees-.?.lcltae College, Ean- ner Elk, N. C. .,:.-, .: . I'r. Tli'js- grada-ated from 'Jiiut, r' ' i irrs ix-re 'it a sUr " i.l i, EMMA TIIOMAS ) From tkt Filet of I THE NEWS-RECORD -V 'o . c ONE YEAR AGO Superintendent W. W. Peek an nounced that Howard W. Barnwell, popular coach at Franklin, for the past two years, had been named head coach at Marshall ;; High School, succeeding Glenn Painter, who resigned. ' . f-'iviTj.f i r::udeiit.,Gcts; .IcrVpitet;2l;;; '.'f.V'i The tax rate of the Town of Marshall was redued from f 1.65 to $1.10 per 1100 valuation. , David Metcalf graduated from Barber College, Winston-Salem. TEN YEARS AGO The Rev. James L. Hyde preach ed his final sermon at the Walnut Presbyterian Church after serv ing as its pastor for twenty-six and one-half years. Miaa Clyde MoLeod of Mars Hill and Miss Ruth Delphine Cogdill of Mars Hill RFD 1, graduated from WOUNC, Greensboro FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Miss Helen Rudisill, of Mar shall, was one of 431 students to graduate from the Women's Col lege of the University of North Carolina in its 60th anniversary commencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennis, of Marshall, announced the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Dr. Robert C. Peacock, of Dunkirk, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ramsey had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. W. A .Meyerhoff, of New York, N. Y. I va Wild, vaedicianf f the i. uduating class at Marshall High . hooL was ; ghrea';:;fedUiiinnl Award of i Tha Reader's Digest Association' for students j: who by their successful' school work give promise of attaining leadership in the canwnunity, it was announced last Thursday by Bernard Brig- man,: principal. Miss Wild will receive an honor ary subscription to The Reader's Digest lot one year and an en graved certificate from the Ed itors, "in recognition of past ac complishment and in anticipation of tinuaual achievement to come." ? Ths Reader's Digest Association has presented these awards yearly in 'Senior high schools throughout ths, United States and Canada to the highest honor student of the graduating class. ' Tha award to Miss Wild, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wild of Marshall RFD 4, was mad possible through the c- operaiton of Mr. Brigman and his teaching staff. They selected Miss Wild to receive the award, designed to stimulate scholarship, citizenship, and continued contact with 'good reading after gradua tion,'- - Gross,To Leaye 'S?-1! Sunday For Camp-;;:4' ;. Tha Rev. D. D. Gross, pastor of the Marshall Baptist Church, will leava Sunday morning ; for Fort Bragg 'Where he will spend two iweeka attending the annual sum mer encampment of the North Car olina; National: Guard;,;;; . ypr. Robert L. , HoJt,t vice presi dent of Mars Hill College, will conduct both the morning and eve ning worship services at the Mais shall Baptist Church during the pastor's absence, and will also be on call for emergencies. The Wed nesday evening prayer service will be conducted by members of the Brotherhood. Mr. Gross expects to return to Marshall on Sunday, June 23, in time to conduct the evening service. Macon S. Lisenbee Passes In Canton; Funeral Sunday i i" ..... MR. AND MRS. E. B. GILBERT, who observed their golden wedding anniversary May 29, were hosts v ni vcu uvuoo uuuua; ccicuiauug wo even etc their home in Asheville- They were married in Mar shall, where he was editor of The News-Record at one time. They have lived m Asheville for more than 20 years. There are six children, seven grandchil Mn 3 j i t 1 H 1 uicu auu two greai-granacnuaren. Cut courtesy Aiheville Citizen-Times. TWENTY YEARS AGO Ben Frisby, of Marshall, at tended the 12th annual conven tion of the International Brother hood of Magicians, at High Point. The Madison County Board of Public Welfare was formed, with Mr. W. K. McLean and Mr. G. L. McKinney of Marshall, and Mr. I. N. Carr of Mars Hill being named board members. rVith Our ioys r :r,I n S ervic v V V flP fr- 1 i Clyde B. Griffin YN3 left Sun day, June 2, for San Diego, Cal ifornia after spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Griffin, of Marshall RFD 1. County Girls Are Awarded Choir Medals At M.H.C. Decoration To Be Held At Ramsey Cemetery June 16 There will be a decoration at the Ramsey Cemetery, 2 miles south of Marshall, the 3rd Sun day in June at 2 o'clock. ROME WOODSON Decoration To Be At Ball Cemetery Sunday, June 9 There will be a decora; the Ball Cemetery, Mar' 1, Sunday, June 9, !A11 singers and cordially invited to- T A m PPHWMMIHWHIW J A-,,., . r. H ' '.wflWMWMUMU.u.r.MnwrMiaMyua.ijjfiaw.ilinlil.M.. n M.Yrp...,! f , f ,, iii,iiiiiiOMllHimiHMii.,IWli;wWMWi.BjmijiJBati,j) !JLUI,m" ''' jis..:.:. : u ; ; ::Z.i:i..:J.i: ' ; " : -' 1 -: ' - -- i Macon S. Lisenbee, 45, of Lan ham, Md. was found dead in a Canton city parking lot . last Thursday night, May 80, 1&67, Authorities attributed, death to natural causes. Mr. Lisenbee had been working in Canton for few months. 'He was a jeweler and was native of Madison County. Funeral services were held Sun day morning at ten o'clock in. the chapel of Bowman-Rector Funeral Home here. The Rev. Jack Davis, pastor of Davis Chapel Baptist Church, officiated and burial was in Station Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Vergie Worley Lisenbee, and one son, Jerry; his mother, Mrs. Md- lie Lisenbee of Route 1, Marshall; two sisters, Mrs. Bruce Greene of Washington, D. C, and Miss Nan cy Lisenbee of Route 1, Marshall; 6 brothers, Kenneth and Dewey of Asheville, Harold of Lanham, Md., Robert and James of Wash ington, D. C, and Forrest of Falls Church, Va. Marshall OES To Meet Monday Marshall Chapter No. 35, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a regular meeting Monday evening, June 10, at 8 o'clock in the Ma sonic Temple. All members of the Order are Invited. To Attend Golf Assn. Fred O. TUson, of Marshall, plans to leave here June 14 for Miami, Florida, where he will at tend the Southern Golf Associa tion meeting there June 17-22. The Association includes 14 states and Mr. Tilson is a member of the Rules Committee. MONEY MAD Dollars cut such a figure with some men that they feel they have to disfigure themselves to get them. Attend Handicraft, Workshop Thai Week At Camp Schaub The 8th Annual "Western Dis trict Handicraft Workshop ends today (Thursday) after a three- day session at Camp Schaub. Some 175 home demonstration club women and agents attended, according to Iola Pritchard, N. C. Agricultural Extension Service food conservation and marketing specialist. , The workshop, designed especial ly for home demonstration club, women in 20 western North Car olina counties, began Tuesday of this week. Club women and ag ents participating from Madison County were: Mrs. Janie Ramsey, home demonstration agent, Mar shall; and Mrs. J. E. Carter, Mar shal) R-2. Mrs. Shadrack Mace, Mars Hill Rl, is an instructor in . chair bottoming at the workshop. Among the list of choir members I at Mars Hill College receiving I .medals last week were Miss Fran ces Anderson, of Mars Hill, and Miss Kathaleen Shelton, of Mar- hall RFD 3. CARD OF THANKS Words 4o not express the ap preciation we feel for the kind nesses show us at the time of his death. THE FAMILY OF MACON S. LISENBEE County Farmers Build Practical Building For Use By PRINTESS W. ENGLAND Assistant County Agent Farmers are cooperating in pro viding facilities together that in dividually they could not provide economically. Frank Massey, WeWel Massey and Arthur Tran tara Of the Baltimore Branch community in Madiaon County have built a tobacco esse house (Which is two stories high. This. hous is 24 feel wide and 82 feet long. These farmer use the bottom story to case and hand the bVley 'v Tha top story Is used io pack tins tobacco. ; By using lights they can class and hand theih to bacco m a short time regardless el weather conditions. At one time fast season they had ten thousanl pound of burley, ready; for .marf Icet ' - By TUding the proper siz !oor In the upper story th ' tobacco ean be loaded easily on truck and hauled to" market with a minimum use of time and labor. TTJs building Is used for storage of fam supplies during the sea- s n v' en not! in use for working There's no need to pay a "fancy price" to enjoy fine-car luxury. Ford is lowest priced of the low-price three, yet offers values you'd expect only in cars costing far more! . To start with, you can easily pay twice the money, and not find lines that can r hold a candle to' Ford's for lowness, - loveliness, or just plain good taste. . ' 1st step hsid. Haf s wkaa real ;v- lad lb reel vidaac f FaaTs aesiltyl !' And, on the way in, note that Ford ' ' offers door checks that hold doors open in either of too positions-far easy en trance or exit A little thine. Hut, in a , fine car, why not?. Then, inside, notice extra kindly, too with spring assists to help them open and dose the doors with the most leg room in Ford's field! Fine can art sawara-aad that's ( Bsather atacs Fard natty shews ttt stall Ford delivers its famous V-8- power smooth as whisper. That's because only Ford take the pains to electron-. . .kaDy balance each engine vMe run ning under U own power, Not even the makers of the most expensive automo- how comfortable those, phish, foamy . bftes go this far to bring you- super- ruDDer seats are. Tbey Jl stay that way. f bubjum penonnance. And on long trip. For (heyr cientif--;. " Ford rides fine-car smooth and auiet fcaJy contoured over non-sag springs. ; todX You can thank the ne "Inner part, Ford is the fine car at half the Your rear-seal passengers are treated A Ford" for that. Ford, for instance, has fine-car price. Come In and seel Amaileo'i fowdH comrtlbll h on 0 JI fori aodali for 197 a swept-back front suspension that actually "rolls with the punch" of every road bump. Ford's rear springs automatically ad just to give the right ride for every road. And Ford ktept things quiet, with the most sound insulation in its fiejd. Ism cm are hall Ii star taU. Se'i Faral , Ford has die only frame in its field to make use of rugged tubular steel beams. ' No car at the price offers so many rootv-,7 . strengthening beams. Expensive csuV ? u aren't bult of thicker body steel or with sounder engineering skffi. Then,: of f j 1, course, in Ford you can have all the Power assists and other conveniences f found in fine cars. And they cost far lest ' m otu." let sir I in every feature, every : Get in on the fun and savings now prp rr ; In the new kind of .LS J ERVICE MOTOR SALES IF : nuni ittmn tnrm MATwIlALL, 21, . Dealer FnnchUt No. t

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