THE NeWs.RECOL 0., 17, 1058 'page ti;:.: TT y LoxwooJ Production Is (Profitable ' : j; V rsday Bible Club I : itponea Meeting-! Roatinq ' -Ml?.l. HTTTiRRT P ANGUS. Correspondent ; MRS. J, W. HUFF, Correspondent t r hnrk News ; : h- Otis Waldroup of the Bluff section of Madison County has been producing1 boxwoods for 24 years. He still has two that are 24 years of age, but at the present time, most of them are 18"x24" in size. He has sold about $1,500 worth up to date at from $5.00 to $9.00 per plant. Otis has gradually 'grown into the business by making cuttings from the original plants and rooting them near the house in a damp place. After the plants are rooted he transplants them to a field where he grows them out. He uses 500 pounds per acre of a 5-10-10 fertilizer to keep the plants in good growing condition. He gives them a pruning during the fall of the year to even up the growth to make a full rounded plant. Otis has been cultivating his boxwoods four times a year until last year. Then he decided to use a lawn mower (rotary type) to cut the weeds and grass around the plants. At the present time Otis has two acres of the boxwoods at an average size of 18"x24" which is the right size for sale. He estimates that there are 4500 ready to go at the present time. eviaral To Start At Middle Laurel Church Of God The Rev. Hazel Earle and the Rev. Chapel Shelton will begin Mrs. Pearl Shelton Passes Monday; Funeral Today c How "Easy" Are h . it -.A- Tl i O They may add up to much mora of a nmhlpm t hnn vmi think. SUte Farm's "Bank .Plan" nay cut $75 to $150 off your nest car! Call soon. JAMES ALLEN , Home Elec & Furn. Co. Phone 8541 MARSHALL, N. C. StAFmBrfnlMMaWilnraciCMpwr 2 Mrs. Pearl Shelton, 58, of Wal nut RFD 1 died Monday, July 14, 1958 at 1:15 p. m., in a Mar shall nursing: 'home after a long illness. Services will ibe field today (Thursday) at 2 p. m., at the Anderson Branch Free Will Bap tist Church. . ? , - The JUt., Walter Wilson and the Rev. Kalph Hogan will off ici ate and burial will be ; in Dry Pond Cemetery' Pallbearers will be friends of the family. . ,r Surviving are a son, Albert Shelton of Walnut RFD 1; four step-sons, Raymond, Glenn and Willie Shelton of Aleander RFD 1, and Lester Shelton of Norfolk. Va.; four daughters, Mrs. Eugene Chandler, Mrs. Eugene Roberts, and Mrs. Levy Roberts of Walnut RFD 1, and Mrs. Bill Treadway of Marshall; a step-daughter, Mrs. Ora Lunsford of Asheville; a sister, Mrs. Doyle Henderson of a revival at the Middle Laurel Church of God on the third Sun day in July. All singers and speakers are invited. Among the quartets ex pected to sing is Roy Rice's fine quartet. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shetley had as their guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shetley &ni fam ily of Big Stone Gap, Va. Mra. Oma Gosnell and Jean vis ited Mrs. Roy Beasley one day last week. Mrs, Grady Balding called on Mra. Roy Beasley Tuesday night; aso Mrs. Oma Gosnell and Jean visited this home. Pat and Shirley Gosnell were spending a few days with . their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ma rion Gosnell. Mr. Marvin ' Gosnell made a business trip to Marshall Mon day. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Caldwell and soA, Allen, were visiting her father, Mr. A. E. Graves, Friday. We are glad to. hear that Mr. Grady Balding is at home after spending sometime in ttie hospital. Mr. Jennings Beasley visited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Graves Fri day; and Mr. Soy Beasley visited this home Thursday afternoon. Misses Wanda and Christine Beasley called on their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shetley Friday. Mr. Jim Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shetley one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shetley were visiting his son, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shetley, in Big Stone Gap, Va. Mrs. Weaver Allison called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shetley one day last week. Mr. Floyd Shetley called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shet ley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beasley and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Grady Balding Friday night. Misses Eller and Vinetta Cald well was visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gosnell Friday afternoon Jim Shelton called on Mr Marion Gosnell one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Allison had as their truesta Friday night, Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Allison and familv of Waynesv.iHe: WM? 1 Jim Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Graves one ''Jday ' .last week. ' J;'t''iii : iMrs. Sanford Blankenahip, Mr. and Mrs. Odis Dixon and children Dona and Charles of Maryville, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blaokenship and children, James, Betty, Mary and Larry at Chica go, served a surprise pfcnkj' din ner at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Hubert Pangrle Sunday. Mr.. .'J. K. Parker. Mrs. Pole Holt 10 were present. All enjoyed the oc casion very much. Cletis Pangle of Chicago, niM is home for a two weeks vaca tion. He and his mother, MM. Carolina Pangle and two listers, Laveonia and Mrs. David Friabee and Gary and Stevie left Tuesday for Virginia to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Holland. Mrs. Nell Creasman and uncle, Mr. Will Parker, called on Htt Hubert Pangle Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardln of Shutin spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Gardln. Cletis and Laveonia Pangle' and Gary Frisbee called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Parker Monday. Mra. Wilson Payne was visited the past week by her sister and family of Raleigh. They also vis ited Mrs. David Frisbee Wednes day. ' ' t; r ,f...'. I Mrs. Lucy Parker is slowly re coverimr from her illness.'; She was visited Sunday by Mrs. Mil dred Blankenahip, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Balding and children, Mrs. Chan Balding and Joel Pangle. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ingle vd children are visiting her father Mr. Ishaim Rollins. , Mr. Carl Ingle is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Allison at tab time. v, ' The Thursday Bible Cfub of Klutf ' had to postpone their meet ing untdlf Friday afternoon because Of rain, " They ii) ;finished studying the Book, of Esther. Next week they will - begin the Book of Ruth. Those attending were Joyce and Jeanette Finley, Willene and Do ris Lankford, Mary Pruden and Violet Ann Woody. j f The meeting will be held again! Thursday at 2:00 o'clock on the porch of Miss Logan's Cabin. Violet Ann Woody, Secy. '$'-. REJJEW YOUR . Subscription To The NEWS-RECORD r 1 sv3BSH SANEX The trouble is that the speed merdhant of today usually breaks his neck and the necks of others at the same time. SLES taltowa sto ef TJtJ, ' Set, AcMag MutcU wUh STANBACK TablMt m ftmltn. (TANBACK'S pmcriprton. tff .fcrawla MmbinM awnl DMtt fMf provm baradlMta lot fadar i f aiii. STANBACK hn Imm nalMl tfw Good HowwIcMpIng St lake STANBACK with ceaBdMce, aata SNA BACK Willi STANBACK. Walnut RFD 1; two brothers George Worley of Walnut, and John Worley of New York City; and 23 grandchildren. Robinson, Native Of Madison County ? Dies In Accident : - Rov Sarland-Plem!bn8, 8 Jacksonville, F3a,. a native of Med ison County, and a former resi dent ; of Bunicoimibe County, was killed in a traffic accident early Sunday morning, July 13,1958, in :he Jacksonville area. H was drowned when he was thrown into a bodv of water in the accident. Robinson, an employe of the Southern Railway, left Buncombe County a year ago to work in . mean longer life for your cfohW the biggest dry cleaning bargain. All clothes cleaned by vs not only receive scientific cleaning, personal i car...butrhii extra morhproor Ing service ABSOLUTELYPREI. EDWARDS CLEANERS MARSHALL, N. C Mrs. E. R.. Elmore, Miss Sarah K klmore and Mr. and Mrsr. E 0. Bryan have had t'he four Fred erick children, Casey, Myrtle Grey, Jane and Jean, with them for a 6-weeka' visit. Mr. &nA Mrsr. Frederick came from Kinston on Sunday, July 6 and with Casey and Myrtle Grey, weht to Lex ington, Ky., for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frederick. The family has all returned to Kinston except Myrtle Grey, who will re main with her grandmother, Mrs. Elmore, for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Sprinkle, who have been in Madison, Wise., for the past year, have been here for the past ten days spending t!heir vacation with Mr. Sprinkle's mother, Mra. Carrie Sprinkle, and others relatives in this sec tion. Guests of the B. H. Tilsons ov er the week-end were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ghae. Peterson, and little daughter and son. of Marwilk: and also their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Til son, of Raleieh. and her mother. Mrs. W. F. Young, of Lexington. Ihe Tilsons gave a reception at their home Saturday evening hon- oring Mr. and Mrs. Leonard! T1K son, who were married early last month. Mrs. Robert Champmian is re turning this week from WCUWC, Greensboro, where she has been completing work on her master's degree. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Mumford Jr., and family of Knoville, are visiting here this week with his parents. Mrs. John A. Walker Jr. (the former Miss Jaoquelyn Amnions), whose wedding was announced last week, has come to araenH a few weeks here with her mother and other relatives while her hus band is on an assignment to Cuba. Mr. Bill Powell, who was mar ried recently to Miss Cecelia Chapman, of Hendersonville, has brought his bride here to live. They are in one of th apartments in Miss Jamie Anderson's home. Dr. Robert E. Sevmour. who entered the Mary Elizabeth Hos pital in Raleigh on Tuesday of last week and received surgery on Thursday, was reported Monday to be showing improvement. Mrs. Seymour, who was there with him, returned home late Monday. Son Of Former County Residents Killed In Wreck Jacksonville. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robinson and a awr-hcr of Victo ry1 Baptist Church. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at 4 p. tn., in the ItfTtryTOaptisfr Chnrefc ;,.. The Rev, 'Tom Young arid the Rev. Tom Henderson officiated, and burial was In West Memorial Park,' Weaverville. He is survived by four sisters, Mrs. George Rice and Mrs. Hor ace Chandler of Mars Hill RFD 2, Mrs. Mabel Rhymer of Alexan der. RPD 1,' and Mrs. Nannie Jones of Erwin, Tenn.; and two brothers, Elmer and Paul, both of Asheville. Roy Bronce Ramsey. 18. son "of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Ramsey, of Oortez, Colorado, and former residents of Madison County, was killed in an automobile accident in Colorado on June 28, 1958. He was alone at the time of the ac cident. He was a member of the Church of the First Born and graduated from Montezuma County High Sdnool at Cortex in May. 1958. where he was a member of the glee club, mixed choral club and was active in other clubs. He is survived by his Barents: three brothers, Ehomie, Eugene and Ray; his grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Lewis, of Cortes: several uncles and aunts and a host of other relatives and friends. Metcalf - Corn Reunion To Be Held On Aug. 3 FULL THE FIX 3 mttMMsrraptbgsleeaersNrtl Wbn constipation sours your Taken at bedtima. Bittck-Drauatat ib umea 10 relieve constipation without stomach, you feel losy. headachy. first thing' in morning- harsh rriplnir or nrcencvl Thin amailng "overnight" laxative helps sweeten sour stomach too. Then life looks sunny againl Made from Sure vegetable herbs, thorsugh ut gentle. Get Black-Draught. FomUr or OnniiM Km . . . 4 now to M, mtf-ta-Ulu retted, tee. When oonittDatlon onn Bjrvs of Blaek-Drausht. TutM Boacr-sWMtl The annual Metcalf and Corn reunion will be held at the Bull Creek church, near Bill Silver's store, on Sunday, August S. All relatives of the two families are invited to come and bring a pic nic lunch, and have a good time together. MRS. ETHA GAERETT MRS. ALLEN METCALF ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 48c bade at any drug counter. This STRONG germicide sloughs off infected skin. Exposes more germs to its killing action. Use instant-drying T-4-L day or night. New at MOORE', 'S PHARMACY VALUABLE FLOTSAM Nanaimo,' Canada Nearly 24,000 bottles, worth SI each to finders are floting somewhere in the North Pacific Ocean. The bottles were released from Nanaimto by authorities studying . ocean currents. Each bottle con tains a card worth $1 if it is sent back by the finder, telling where he found the bottle. UCalnM Alr-CmiUHIuiwd FO go ... It cattt w tkm mmy usilnw .Winlr $ $ $ $ $ Q. $ Win your chore of ' UWlVUV 111 LllUi - I $ Q ) GetoatheCrsvyTraial If you haven't already entered the exciting Phillips 66 RHYMES-LINE CONTEST, doa't wait any longer. Drive in for your entry blank today at any Phillips 66 station. No purchase required h-jtit write the last line for a simple limerickv.y ."1 IftPtlllt AfiMnwtaed Incons of $225 per won for , ' 44 on yeonl or $15,000 s toM ; '. r!: i 2nd MIZIi $100 pw north for 46 aenriit, or (4,400 .hcol, " , ' - -i ' ( ." rt PIli $2500 heoihl . '- ! ' ? : C ' Alto 660 VolwxbU MurthanAitt Prises v 10 V-M $taraer1Ubi W-KdelBy Sete ! : IOWsrthghovwl3cali.UprlgMFrstrt V 50 Revere 8 rem ComaraC Projector Ssh A .- ' IC3 Svnbeeni 2d' Kotary Power Mowen (' ( '. - ' 490 Stmbeasi Astwsatie PrypaM V " ; -t r'.: ; ..... - ..... .... . "t-j '"....7- Eoter a many times as you with. Role are printed on your entry blank. Hurry . . . all entries must be post m.n kr,1 not later thin midnight,' July 26, 1958. GOOD LLCM , I ' . ". ' t . r.r -3 . --v.- "DUCTS ' are distributed in ' iyD. O. EIXVINS Or,f3, - " ' ' ' t. . - . ,, mnsin-ir"- 'iT--eiiTn null i"i rrr - .''V hrf llinSiii8aa:"'r-iii iiiiiin t .. ...m!1.. i, - r..rv..3aMriimi.),,nim. Em? M tm UrCTI SLAU k wmn NOW MORE THAN EVER .... ,' ' y. -j v J , '" ' "'- i .... nil in ww nraB iinri tiiHiwi irauuf runs you cu in suisMra naiuwwuii nw owiuw ltr-..f v - .-. 7 ; it. ... jt K,Hft,1 nan KS : . mmtim avnrv Fnrrl Mr. And onlv Ford in its field w CDMF IN ANn sAVP nilRlMfi TUP " " ' . w trv.iV.. ... .nhltla VJI aulgn hna frmmnhaf nailHino' lit ftZZ front Seatav - :.. 'CV ' ' .." .i.if. . ..n i& j a.. ik. ImmuI : . i .. k . . - tj or station wagon, yvuu uuu ruiu uaa u x Y ? kaviTtedei1a7iC0,'Wwi k fu .-1 its field.Team i. with new Cruise-O-Matic - :r . , V w k . a . I mm & ft r y price in all the land! . ; '.if V - v-S in ' . rort met m mam w m orm, nuiiactiiora r-r - -.. -7 .- 7 : i 1. ? : . ; s . v . ..a . V....u a ...MB W 1 1 MM atMSitaSa kh. la 'n tK 1 F F (V M P f J K s . a- it k - .,.12 J L T T n unsM ilf Y t , .., , ... . out aeuwreu uw uiust uu mum jw ywv y. .m ', any car in Class, A fa the past tw Mobilgas ( : ' ,. Economy Buns! I ,1 ,- i ne in and discover how little it Costa to own s of these beautiful new 68 Fords! i , , ' . . ( SERVICE 07OR SALES; I 'ALL,' ri, c. 1 1 i 4 to :

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