pac : i ; . mn m m PRESS BOX Graduates 0 aMMXS0 w.iij i- :? :; -.! .V UEARD - - 4 , ) ( , Married Sunday, I . "s nnr-nnTT' " .AND i SEEN ; e-yt 'V; V TUP NEVVS-RECU..:) By "POP" 0 0 $ PERSONAL and ''W'S Dial r -v)f Mrs. Cheeyer Ramsey accom : panied . Mr. . and t Mrs. Ellsworth i Rector;, to Detroit, Mich., last ,; weekiwhere'they visited Mrs. RamseyV son-in4aw and daugh ' ' ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eastman. .Mr, and Mrs. M. . Deaver and son ' returned to their home in Orlando, Florida last Saturday I after spending a week with his ".mother, Mrs. Will Deaver, and (his brother, Bill, and other relatives. Mr. and' Mrs. Maeo Wallin spent a faw days last week at Atlantic Beach, ,N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sprinkle and two sons of Stanley spent the week-end in Marshall with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eads and Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle. Mrs. Corbett Baker and three children, Danny, Sheila and San dra Wray, left by train last week end to join Mrs. Baker's husband and another son, Gary, in River Rouge, Mich. Mr. Baker holds a position with Whitehead & Kales steel plant there. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Ramsey and family, of Greenville, S. C, were in Marshall Saturday visit ing friends and relatives. 'Mrs. Vivian Rlhea, of Canton, visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Sams, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jervis and daughter, of Pontiac, Michigan, were visitors here Wednesday. Mr. W, Ted McKinney and Mr. a Wade Treadway returned . Tues A day nigbt'from a trip to Montana Ssna other ' States. Mr.-and Mrs. J. T. MoCarty, Charlotte; spent Sunday with and Mrs, John: Conbett and nily. y Their daughters, . Joan I iBarbara, who have been viait- the Corbetts since last Thurs- returned to their home with and Mrs. McCarty. f Ir. and Mrs. Crawford Bryan, of Ststesville RFD 4, spent the week-end here with their daugh ter, Mrs. Ralpi Ramsey, Mr. Ramsey and family. !Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McElroy and arnily -returned last week from ;. 10-day vacation to Sarasota, Florida. V ADISON DRIVE-IN THEATER LOCATED BETWEEN 'MARSHALL And WALNUT Show Starts Each Evening' At Dusk V . . .a . ,..;. (A ..... v, Friday Trrr Saturday (Double JOCK MAHONEY t LINDA CRISTAL . . GILBERT ROLAND "LAST OF, HTHE1 FAST .GUNS" 1 r X1 and BARRY SULLIVAN PETER CRAVES s"WOLF JLARSEN'! - Sunday 1 . Monday - Tuesdayv GHEGOHY PECK HARRY GUARDINO "P0?.i: CHOP HILL" : Vc'Jrrcdsy end Thursday T ' A 1 1 OTHERWISE 3261 ' o Qfa fll With The Sick o Mrs. Vena Davis, of Marshall, returned last Friday from Aston Park Hospital Where she had un dergone surgery. She was able to return to her duties at Roberts Pharmacy Saturday. Mr. Fred 0. Tilson is a patient in Memorial Mission Hospital where he is undergonig treatment and observation. Mrs. John Nesbitt, of Marshall, is undergoing treatment " at Me morial Mission Hospital. iMr. Fleet Nix, of Marshall, was admitted to Aston Park Hospital Wednesday for treatment. Michael Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iverson Bradley, of Mar shall, was admitted to St. Jo seph's Hospital Wednesday, for observation. His condition is im proved. ' Mrs. Arthur Banks, of Ashe ville, who has been a patient in an Asheville hospital, is now recu perating at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, of Marshall. Mrs. A. E. Cole, of Marshall, humorous remark about the play is a patient in Aston Park Hos-1 ers, a particular play, an umpire pital where she is undergoing or each other. I've never been as- treatment. Hew Arrivals At Memorial Miss: lion To Mr. and Mrs. "Ralph Lewis, Marshall, a daughter August 19. .To Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Chandler, Marshall RFD 4, a eon August 25. Ramsey Reunion To Be Held Sunday The descendants of Billy and Sallv Ramaev will hnM their an- nual family reunion Sunday at' the Rhododendron Park in Ashe ville beginning at 12:30 o'clock. Feature) ; ?.V 'i. C r ' 4 By JIM1 &T0RY t The average baseball fan has no idea what goes on in the press box at MoCormick Field during a baseball game. It is actually a "double-feature" every time a person is perched high above the playing field back of home plate. The first feature, naturally, is the ball game and the second fea ture is the fun of listening to and knowing the personalities in the press box. It has been my pleasure dur ing the season to be a "member" of this august and select group of experts (?) and fine people. Although I've sat in numerous places throughout the grand stand and bleachers, for the ma jority of games, I've found my self up in the press box. The kind invitation by the personable aports conps of the Asheville Cit izen and Times to join the "gang" has added greatly to my enjoy ment of the baseball season. First of all, there's the "work ing press," usually composed of Bob Terrell, Al Geremonte and Richard Morris. These fine and expert sports writers stay busy most of the time, taking time-out occasionally for a bright saying or a soft drink (soft drinks are free to members of press box). One of these three is the official scorer, making split-second deci sions of hits, errors, etc. Although we don't always agree" with the official scorer, his word is final and as a rule, is right. It's not all work during the game, however, They're never too busy to make a sociated with three nicer fellows than Bob, Al and Richard. Other members of the "press box gang" include the witty and humorous Leo Willette, news di rector of WLOS-TV, who is an ex pert as public address "barker." Leo always a serious announcer when seen on - television, is a bright, witty person with person ality "to burn". His' spontaneous remarks oyer the P. A. often bring laughter Jfrom the; , thous-s4-of vpecUtoTWJfea;- Leo can't be there,; Fred Brown, a more' serious-minded TV person ality, "pinch bits". He is also very good over the P. A. Also aiding greatly is the wis dom of Dick Kaplan, a "walking encyclopedia" on sports. Dick is also a pretty fair "guesser" on how many spectators are present i at a game. (We always have a little "pool" as to who can guess the number of paid admissions at the ball game). Other regular personalities are Emmette Goodman' who usualJy contro18 the large scoreboard lights. This is not an easy job but requires a knowledge of the game and the many gadgets which control the score board. Emmette has a "frog-voice" which can be heard at great distances, especially by the umpires and pitchers. His encourgement to Tourist players ia usually "All right, boys, let's bat around". He certainly lends moral support regardless of the score . Emmette's never de feated until the last man is out. Don MoCurry, one of the electric ians who sees that the lights are in shape, is also an important member of the "press group". Al so often in the box "up stairs" are Dr. Jack ; Kaplan, Dick's father; Mrs. Goodman and also numerous other "celebrities', in cluding the one and only "Yank" Young. "Yank" Is , a - Linotype operator by trade .but likes to join the aports -writers ocoasion- ki'MMn ; Art Perkins, the genial busi ness manager of 'thel Asheville Tourl8ts,r visits " the Ibox". often and is aWaye am (inspiration to the gang by' adding; information about th 'ptayers,' etc, ?f'T IVe thoroughly enjoyed watch ing fti t Asheville Tbnrists- this season and am a' 100 Tourist ''backer''. I've also enjoyed being in the press box this season and hope to join this same gang of fine fellows next season. ? Friers? .-Up 'Club ' lie!.! ncrJcOnriv I:!-.:;:! TI.t:r:'Jay . ' !? c: Mist Emma i Ruth Edward Among the; 2$ graduate of the School of Nursing of Memorial Mission Hospital, Asheville, re ceiving diplomas at exercises last Friday night was Miss Emm Ruth Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert . Edrda, of Marshall. Following the exercises, Miss Edwards accompanied her broth er, Hubert Jr., to Ortonville, Michigan, where she will spend a week. Mr. Edwards came from Michigan to be present for the graduating exercises. . Miss Edwards was active in Dramatic Club, was on the annu al staff and also on the basket ball team. ,Miss Edwards will remain on at the Memorial Mission Hospital las a staff nurse in the Emergency Room. DDGM Makes Official Visit To OES Chapter Here Mrs. Mildred J. McLean, of Weaverville, district deputy grand matron of the 20th District, Order of the Eastern Star, made her of ficial visit to the Marshall Chap ter on Monday evening. She was accompanied by W. Kelly Roberts, of Asheville, district deputy grand patron. Mr. Roberts is a native of Madison County. Both Mrs. McLean and Mr. Roberts were presented gifts from the Marshall Chapter. Mrs. Grace S. English was pre sented a 25-year certificate of membership in the Order. Mrs. Myrtle F. Rogers, also eligible for a 25-year membership ": certi ficate, was unable to be, present at the meeting. A social hour was held at the close of the meeting and refresh' ments were served. Marshall OES ' , Members .Yisitius Home In Greensboro Mrs. J. J. Bailey, Mrs. Kate H, Reed, Mrs. Jim Story and Miss Aldeen Waldrup, members of the Marshall Eastern Star Chapter, along with other Eastern Stars in Western North Carolina, left Asheville this morning by chart ered bus to spend the day at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro. Each year members of the Eastern Star from all over : the state gather at the Home on the last Thrusday in August to cele brate the birthday of Rob Morris who founded the Order more than 100 years ago. A picnic is held on the lawn of the Home with resi dents . of the Home as guests of the Eastern Stars. y wivio Met luesday In REA Building The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Marshall (Baptist Church met Tuesday evening at the REA building. , Mrs. Annie May White, president, presided. Mrs. Listen B. Ramsey present ed the program which was enti tled "Mexico Songs In; The Night" A social hour was held a; the close of the meeting. - '' Lions Picnic ,1s ; Enjoyed Monday t . iwv" ;,: i t , r , '.Approximately 75 members of the ; Marshall Lions 1 Club and their families t and other guests enjoyed a picnle on the Island last Monday night . Members of the club prepared the delicious barbecued ' chicken ' while wives of the Lions prepar ed all he 'fixings." , ; Families Move tMr. and Mrs. Harold Worl have moved into the W. W. F home, vacated last week when t Peeks moved to Mocksville. Patrolman and Mrs. Cha; Tear?m end t vo children J r ovf.(i fr,.o t' r - r i Pr 1 ' n !" ' " " ' ; r Weather Report , In response to Comrade Ivan Petrosky's comment to Comrade N. Kruschiev about discussing the weather, we hereby an nounce the present weath er conditions here: Hotter 'n 'ell, man, real gone hot. Above comment written and signed by Jim" Story brave, man, brave! Bernard S. Brigman Accepts School Post At Whiteville High Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Brig man and son, Bernie, left last Saturday for Whiteville, N. C, where Mr. Brigman has accepted a position as history teacher and Driver Training Instructor at Whiteville High School. Mr. Brgiman served as prin cipal of the Marshall school for the past nine years. Mrs. Barnwell Will Again Conduct Kindergarten ilt's about time to begin Kin dergarten again this year. Have you a child, aged four or five, whom you'd like to enter? If so, please contact Mrs. Howard Barn well. Some of the activities enjoyed by last year's Kindergarten chil dren are: frequent visits to the Madison County Bookmobile, weekly attendance at Sunbeam Band, several teacher-pupil plan ned parties for brothers and sis ters and friends, rhythm band and marching activities, listening and dramatizing ' records, finger painting, water colors, folk danc ing, singing, tuimMtng, 'building activities, sewing, various kinds of handwork story telling. Group work" and "play " acUvities 'wTiicn the children learned to work to. gether were stressed. Records of height and weight, immuniza tions, and social adjustments were kept. Each child was encouraged to grow at his own rate and each was given every opportunity to learn about those things in which he was interested. More than 200 stories were read and over 50 songs learned. Mrs. Barnwell plans to have Kindergarten in her home where she has access to a Hi-fi record player, a piano, a special room of materials, and a nice fenced-in play yard. Interested parents may contact Mrs. Barnwell, so that registra tion may be completed and fall plans be made. For further in formation as to the benefits of the Kindergarten, you may con tact Mrs. Ray Frisby or Mrs. Leonard Baker. 'ouuie peujiie seem i.u uiiua iucjt c j. i 4.U:1- i.AW have to wear a stony face so they cam be considered a pillar in their I church. SHORT AND Short Term Loans For Annual Operating Expenses I , ( ,:;-SuclA.:-.V,;; , ' .'y. ,:v FERTILIZER '.. , ' LABOR ; v - 1. SEED 1 '.- ' FUEL OIL & GAS - FEED T INSECTICIDES I AND MANY OTHERS Our representative will be in Marshall Every Monday .! ' v at 10:30 at P. R. Elam Farm Supply Co. Come in and Discuss Your lFarm Credit Needs. Intermediate-Term Loans on a 1 SiYear Basis fcr t!.3 -'' ' . v 'Financing of ! Tractors, Hay Balers, Combines or Any and All T ment and Machinery, Tickurs, Trucks, r.. For Many Other Co: .'-H r ' y See Us At cut Yc I" V f -' ' - KG P1 isillSMpliill Mrs. and Mrs. Cut Miss Jenice Elizabeth Harris IVeds Clarence Liston Pegg Miss Jenice Elizabeth Harris daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Decatur Harris of 8 Crown St, Asheville, N. C, became the bride of Clarence Liston Pegg, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Hermon Liston Pegg of Marshall, at a double ring ceremony conducted Sunday afternoon, August 23, 1959, in Trinity Methodist Church in Ashe ville, by the pastor, the Rev. A. J. Cox. The bride's aunt, Mrs. William Harris, sang wedding music ac companied by Miss Viola Owen by, organist. The bride was given in mar- raige by her father and she wore a floor length gown of Chantilly lace over nylon tulle. Her bouf fant' skirt was fashoined of alter nating tiers of lace and tulle and shMrA.yM. si iJSEorted illu sion anacnea to a crown oi isce trimmed with pearls. Miss Joyce Williams of Dur ham, cousin of the bride, was her maid of honor, and Miss JoAnn Dalton, Miss Joy Cook, both of Asheville, and Mrs.' Robert Hast ings, a cousin from Columbia, S. C; were Miss Harris' bridemaids. They wore pastel dresses of sheer dacron with taffeta cummerbunds, and carried sprays of yellow pom 5th Sunday 'Meeting At Bradburn Chapel Church Of God Sun. The regular Fifth Sunday Meeting will be held with the Bradburn Chapel Church of God, on Bailey Branch south of Mar shall, on Sunday, August 30. Services will start at 1:30 p. m., with all public speakers, spe cial singers, and the .public invit ed to attend. INTERMEDIATE-TERM LOANS r "1 t wmmmmmm af ' Clarence Liston Pegg courtesy Atheville Citizen-Timee pom mums. William Caldwell of Marshall, was besti man, and the bride's brother, Josep'h Harris of Ashe ville and her cousin, Edward Har ris of Forest City, and Laiwrence Ponder of Asheville were ushers. A cake cutting in the reception room of the church followed the ceremony. Assisting were Mrs. J. L. Burgin of Columbia, S. C, aunt of the bride, Miss Patricia Owens of Asheville, Miss Sarah Edmondson of Oak Ridge, Tenn., Mrs. Walter Brank of Asheville, Mrs. E. F. Laughter of Asheville, Miss Martha Ann Fair of Ashe ville, and Mrs. William Laughter of Asheville. For a wedding trip through the Smokies and Tennessee, the bride changed to a periwinkle blue cot ton suit Both bride and groom will, make, their home "hare , where. , both are students1 at Blanton's Business College. The bridegroom is a bookgeeper at Shenwin Wil liams Company. He is a graduate of Marshall High School and the bride gradu ated from Lee H. Edwards last year. She work as secretary at Ha j oca Corporation. The bridal party was entertain ed in the bride's "home following the rehearsal Saturday evening. Medical Society Enjoys Family Picnic Tuesday Members of the Madison Coun ty Medical Society and their fam ilies enjoyed a family picnic on the beautiful lawn of Dr. and Mrs. Otis Duck in Mars Hill Tuesday evening. . i : Approximately ' 40 persons at tended the occasion. ... 1 rf r -i r- y r 1 .r?Kt VIA