ili i, - c : ' -.t I it "y ; nllng it'ld J.Hiia CBsh. ) 1 9 i a are rtn the iwsv. I'liaiy the 1 amid profiitu-Me Post Po- e. . ,n igaime in ttihe uiiailitiimiore A rnei'ican. - You may win , but you can't lose. 1 See entry blank, easy rubes in ., ' . ' 1 Baltimore' ' sunday american , On tale at your local newsdealer. FOR SALE i- Benrus, s Bulore, 'and Elirin Watches. See . FAIN or JIM. SPRINKLE at Sprtnlde- Sbelton Co,, Marshall.' . 'Mtfc J, ' , OPPORTUNITY - Avon Calling to jcffee, you i success. , We mature ,. women with suf i tcient . tiime end ambition to represent fine - Avon Products in Madison : County. Writes - . MRS. bOROTBY BRVTON v v 183 Dunstan'a Drive ' AsheviUe, N C work, $1 p Is7 Wtfoor r earrt yoor ho Vrctttt yoar ftti.Be 4 ' ...;ritlt-'!ook mrf J IhtIm o!4et ' ; CHAHDLER : .iiahdvare- ca Marshall, N. C. . ' ' WHY SUFFER? 1 (f r 75c you can get 1 ief from thttt SORE ,f, ,FO"E GUillS, or iUilHl with FOR f A U JiLEJNOLATED : I.wi uaed aa a enough' it 1 e day. Satiafac 1 r your money , i . - 1 try one botaie L.a luiir Lruskt NC7T f-yne c" lny DIRECT f-"- U. S. (.OVERNMENT t is !!!!. TlWPOTS. hv mail f ir yourself or 1 for i- resale. Cameras,, binoculars, cars, i 3, trucks, boats, nardware, machines and equipment, ts, tools and tens-af-thous-f la of ther items at a frac a of their 1 original ; cost ny items brand new. For ! t of hundreds of U. S. Got Sumliis Denota. locat- e 1 in every State and overseas wivh pamphlet now uovera f rent Can Ship Direct To You," r procedures, HOW TO I JY and how to get FREE ' jRPLUS, mU 12.00 to : UKPLUS SALES IN FOR -f ' T ATinitf SERVICES. P. O. I x No. 1818 Washington 5, Kr:LP WANTED Be your- own imaa Fnm . more . AeUiatf Raw- ..; 1i Products . everybody kiHws and likes them.' worit T .t time at etart, if your are ious. See for youMelf. Va , "v ir iMadieon Qoumty, Write ,:h's, Dept. NiOB-58(6, md, Va., or See: G. R. sr, Moore St, Weaverville, .. Carolina; Tel. MI-54582.. . : .1), 16,23p TING G-U3 CATALOG r Free on Tequeat Offer r V' Tenia's Largest Gr?w- ; 1 nut and I. ixt Thni, 1 iants, Grpe Vines, Lliri'lv, i. verjwis, 1 Biov ; , Tre3, TO Nur iro, 11ns MALE HELP WANTEDr SALESMAN to sell N ly Advertised WalUns I'ivi1 iota to establish customers da East Madison County. .H ih earnings and no investment If interested write P. O. ox Not 1092,' boro, N. C. . VVT ir 2- 3-p ' Criminal Court- (Continued From Page One) , '?,- other two. . . ' v -j , , . I .Rothchdld also has & Hife sen tence (pending in Georgia having tconiesseoi to mworaer unere jusi in time to save a - South Garouma man convicted of it . from ' ; the death chamber, . 1 The' three face 'trial for mur der, burglary and robbery. 1 The 'charges came from A he Sept, '28, 1955, events at Carsan Lawson's tome and' store" in the Shutin commumdty near Hot SipTings.y ' xt't .Swain eaid .that night's events were: 1 ' Three men entered the Lawson home; bound Laiweon his 80-yeat-old mottier, iMirs. ; Joe Laiwson, a brother-in-flaw, Ed Church, and bag ieter; ;MM. Church, with bal ing wire w,.' ..' -i , ' ip f . As th three men ithwtaitenod Lawson,Jf ho,'did vot tel) them iwthere his money was Jcept, Law son's mother beaded) with ' the men to' leave bim alone., ; She told them lie had heart trouble. Lawson had a v heart , attack wliile being tbreaitened, land died. ? T be three '' men, 'meantime, found $40,000 and took that They overlooke&d eigw box contain- ittigTimother 29,000. , - Sheriff Ponder, ' Saiid . iSwejin, first broke. 'the case with4 Rothe- oiuld's ' confession, which am- plicated he other two. He' traveled all over ' ithe country trying -to eolve'i&e ease and bring the- three A to 'tria),' said Swain1. " ' 1 . -- Effort to 0 exrtmadite Gemrter bogged down (when Carrier fougjhit being returned to North Carolina. After the Supreme v Count ruled with , North CaooHnaV 'lriegotfia tj(cma JegnjrtJ3eceriiS)er, 160 "ll Meantime, Gamer 5iad been re leased en bond and ehot end -kill ed Jake Rubin in 'Illinois, ' He aa convicted of manalaiughter and sentenced to dght to 12 years. ' , " ' Finally, en. tntaratate pact was worked out whereby Gamer could be returned here for trial, then returned to MHnois to complete hoe eentence there. ; 1 Now, more 1 than five years iter the crime was cornnvitted, trial Is scheduled to be fceld. ' ' :"' . List Of Jurors . ',; The Hat - of jurors drawn for this term of court itt as follower John Sexton, iRoscoe ,' Sprinkle, Aude t. Norton, - Bryaa " Teagu, Claude Cody, Swan Huff, Huberts Teague, . Dock MitdheiQ, Arthur 1 McDevitt, Brant , Jdhnsan, ' Burlto Boone, Wand Rdce, 'Handy Cow ard, Nathan West, Fuller .Stones, Jess . Payne, Jesse I. ' Ammons, BfaCiph fBalqer, S J. Clyde Brown, John D. Ray, Oscar - Wilde,- Wiiliie Collins, , iBumett Reeves, Roacoe KSnigr. Ted 'RueseU, LeRoy iShel- ton,t. Roy Keith, Reeves' Howell, Howard ' Ogle Freff . - lOhainidle, J)ay Chaoidler, iMonroe Paymje, frank ClaTk, W. J. Ammone, Roy CaMweM, . Bill Wihitten, MoKinley Tweed, Roy vFranklm, L. B. JAice, 1 Willaird Angel, Carl Cody, Elijah Allen: ' .lz : I Dismissal Of Suit- (Continued From Page One) wae 'questioned wfiule - observing t';e election from bis car. He alleged be waa arrested be cause PonJor, Meadows, Nomiis, Worley and Payne 'Mid not desire tfht the oamiuot of the eleofuon be oL served by anyone who mij.'.t report irreTulariuies or vUnat' ff t m .-cl-on Jaws en J t..ti y r . the presence cf it" j ? '5 ''a 1 r 1 j 'k Junal pl.i ' : I now irnifat work itliruu. i i e I Department, of iConswrvu'lrta t Devettjpment in projects i,i.volvu : fedei-al iid. ' , - . I The ! governor Indicated ; ih e would eigm the order, but eail he wished first to check with. C&D and the aAtorney general 'a ofifiee. ' jTufming ito( bis edueaitijon pro grtaim', he said the -legislature's 'one big proWlem'' ' will b ec5iool finances, - end toM . ithe WNC group, "It you are ever -goiing to Iff t up your part of the country, you've" got do1 it baf- ducatkHl I'm 'counting heavily on your votes and support" , ' ' ' - , He said that' because of prop erty val'ue daftference,' every dol lar drawn from, iflie 'Western cownties would be topped by three or four dollare fromTthe richer Piedmont counties." - ' At the saime time, he promised more state action in hfejiway con struction end industrial develop ment In ftSve west. " "Western North Carolina - has trernendoua ' possibilities (but ( it also has some tremendous hamidi cajps," Sanford said. ' "Our "'pro gram presento a great opportunity for Western North Carolina wnd in no other way can get going on tihe educetional program you need until you get statewide' pantdcip tion.".' - (He specified three major pos pasbiUtieS for W1N1C WgWay 'de velopment. . ': .'J 1 1. More general bigWay con structkm. 2. AoeeleratkM of the dgeon (River Interstaite Highway Ptro- jeot, to put it ahead of the 10 years now contemplated for Its construction. 1 , 3-, Construction of " 'Vunother eastwest throughifare", going deep er into the .western" part of the state." , . OvereJU; the said, "we sn have greater activity out ' this end K Raleigh) in epening up th1at part of .North Carokna, end the people living in the Ptedmanjt, where the greater bulk Of the state's .wealth is found, ought to be just as con cerned,, wi the development of Western .North Carolina a you are, - t V , N J- 1 "This is the finest example of how to go . about - getting your Ouwn .protiliarne sovled. It im a model for the rest of the state," i'Peroy IB, Ferebee of Andrews, WNIORPC . aiaoimsn, assurred the governor that "there is no question of our arupponUng your odwational program da Western North Cerolina. I Sieve beard no one.' oppose it Certainly we - tdSpita tha-t it mm coat more, bat you can rest assured of the unan imous eupport of your program in wNc t . , ..The group's interest in getting Sanford'e eignlature on the order designeting the " eoknmiaskn - a state agency has been increased by the. Area Development Act which is now pending in ithe IT. S. Senate, ' wSieh ' would make pce- sible 'Federal Aoans for redevel oproent projects la chronic un employment areas. . ' According to John R. Hampton, WNCRPC planning direstor, WNC ehouM qualifv aa ami tulder- leveloped area under the terims of the hill, .which judges such ereas by low f erairy income, lack of job opportunities,. expense '' of - out- migration and the proportion of population on relief. ' , H,Vr A eurrent 14-county - economic potential study being conducted by the WiNC RPC, Hampton eadd, would under he Federal program move -Western North Carolina tajt least year ahead of most areas in qualifying for Federal aid. '' , Ferebee told the . gceyrnor ex ecutive action ' to cut through state red tae inpvolved in work ing with the Federal! government is essenftiitu. At present be Bud, from three imonths to n year's time is required to get project studies to iftie contract Btage, TUs ti .;.iy tnu:,t be overcome, he saiid Ainorg it.iose ntten.llng from T 1 Coi ry were State Etna- ' ', C'yJe tS. n.U, f te IJe- ' ' 'e L. E. r y r-.d t 1 E. Ha I'm, is, s ve c.- 1 .1 " J 6 ...Um, I. i- jt pOCQTl, t l- ," by J. R , the need tfr i very epkuWtiJ CTING" ' l and .through the s. -ft t 1 SiiHIMo.' i, pl.Wl' " - t mammw: "1. Up the nwu, . , ibunn We elimibed. An' Amongst the brush and Xern, ,., ' An cCe 1 anaini tlrove ; Ws maittock ' Siiome, ' " 1 ' . ) An clapped a tree in the gapin' ' ' 'loatm, , . , j "Mornim, Father. , What's ' your - game?" . . . . A. '. "Planting 'trees," , the amaiwer '.came. , i 's '.'You dont fepect to Mve' to. ' oee The etandin' timber. do ye, eayf He looked, r Teflectin,' down ithe v J thiol:" V , - ," 11 i "Wal, noV iBut, thunder, eomen -wall." - v .: 1 ' ' ' ' . , ' ' fij. R. Simmons.' THE GAEIE OF if ADDTiwrca 11X11 1 IIMjOO ) Why Is it that eome people ore ususflly bappy and otherw usually , V lJ. r, JLu. ZjT depressed? Why is a srtain vidual, though relatively Itocking in material wealth, perhaps also lacking in nature's ' physical, en- dowmerjts," hevbrtheless cheeriful and merry, t and able to enjoy every day', or most of it? ' " . 1 The .experts tell me the happy individual is one' who has develop ed a' 1 sound pndBosophy of life. Thai "ineanis", 'as- we" see "it, losophy ; . which takes 'into conaid -reation all that ' iwe : have to be thVmkful fox. 1 .: Tbia is the field which so many of us especially the sour-faced " over-looki And certainly ' all of us in -America ' have more to be thankful for 'than the average person in a far away country. We hare dSreedom. We have .opportum- ity. We ' Wave r, igreat material wealth; We "(have peace. We have f reedom Of worship. - And we ave a strong Wintry."1 '- 1 - Then,, too; we have the mdrcale of mir ' re thebek-iitjrof ,n atqre to oluuiwe every day, and those of us who enjoy good health have stiCl' another reason to be tMamk-,. ful. . ' - ' . ' It's true tfhat .we have our trou ble'. Itfe alao true that many of us worry ' and fret because we can't make as much money s we would like to, or beasjuse we dont get ahead in the world a Aaet as we'd Ike to. . And' then" there are many things whwh -come along to irritate' us."-- '1 -' " ". And " trivia - if not kept in prospective can dominate one's thoughts and crowd out of one's personality the tShanlcforfness and humble appreciation for the many, blessings : we enjoy. The key to contenement land -happiness, then found in the state bf mmd not the state Of the bank account '" The lesson of Me," then, ie to to develope a phifosop'hy,- a state mind, which concentrates on pos itive thinking,, faith 1 and thank fuOtness'' ' and -service to 1 others. Going this .way , will bring rich rewards and contentment through the years, .For happiness ie truly pL state of mind and if you can master . .that, you have mastered life, and as Kipling wrote you are man, my sun. PACKAGE 10 YEARS LATE Font Ord, Cal. -L. Drommer, a sen, tor at this West C has received a 5 her by T epas City, Mo., c . 1960. At tl. t was in tere where f last t. 1 - V.'..i9 Clara , a club direc t a:mry poet, ' lied to . 1 If Kan .'.i.ler 13, Dwrmtier ... la, and a ' JLw t t' C .' 1 1 t' s tlori.l. j 0:C3 I .. 1 . s ...! 4-S5 C r Up Ti ne (Part 2) 7sC0 tlji':,'j News Roundup- 7 ixO V.'eather ix5--Town and Country Time 9:00 J-Tews ' . - :05 Morning Melodies V ", l 8 ;30 Morning Hymn "Time " ' ; fco-Morning Devotions f ; ; ; 9'IOttSouI Winning Gospel Hour Basketball .Tourney- - (Continued From Page' One) eona as the youngsters develop and learn the finer points of the game. for. tonight , (Thurs day), will he as follows:, 6:00 Spring Creek JVs ye. Lau rel JVe Ogiirls)' . , , ' " 7:00 Mairshall JVs vs. Laurel JV (boys).,. , , I $:00 Mairs.fidll ,,vs. Walnut Varsity (girls).' ' 0:00 Mars ' EM " vs. ' Spring Creek Varsity (boys) i yr Results'' 1 (Junior Varsity Girls) Walnut (8) .F Robineon 6, Roberts . 2. ' 'Shkley. Freeman: G iBjafcer, . Worley, Buekner Lewis. Laurel (28) IF Landers 8, 9a GT?JL xh Z?m 7' Wallin; G . Cutshalh Chandler, Gentry! R. Thomas, Rnsey, Burs oett. iHalftame: 10-1, Laurel. . (Junior 'Varsity Boys) iiLaurel (271 Cutshall 4. Gnn- ter 8, Gosnel 8, D. CutsheH 5, C. D. Tweed 2, P. CutshaU,' Johnson, Robente. Walnut (7) 'Rigsby 1, Cook, Reid, iCodv. ; Tweed 6. Henaley. Johnson. HaiStime: 8-8, iLaurel. . ''" (Varlsty, Girte) ' "' ' Wialnut (62) F - Johnson 83, Plenvnons 10, Smith 2, Thomas 7; G iRice, iRoberts, West .MarshaU, (471 F -r- Frisbee 14, Ramsey 24, Goforth 9 G Cor bett, iMcDevitt, Worley, -1 Craw, Woodard. r -, Half time: "26-23, Walnut. (Varsity Boys) j Spring iCreek (59) - Fergu son 24, Fowler 6r Waldroup 12, Massey 13, Roberts 4, WdJiett Laurel 187) tRav 10. iFrank- Un, Gentry 8, Outrfhall 2, Tweed 8, Cantrell, Thomas 4, Kameey 0. Halftime: 21-21 (tie). . , . f uniiii '111.111 mil gj.rivSu '. WEDNESDAY NIGHT ' 1 (Juniar Varsfty Girls)'1 " liars HdU (38) F J. Ramsey 14, A. Ramsey, Edwards 17, Al len 1, Peek 6; G Shook, Hun ter, (Base, Deane, Rice. (Hot Springs (19) F Moore 9, Parker's, Sharp 2, Ebbs; G- N. Harris, M. Hams, Norton, Woods, Gentry, Lawaon. JdatTttme; 17-18, Mars JHWU ' ' (Junior Varsity t Soys) Mars HiU (43) Anderson 8, Budoner 9. Clouise 16,, Ponder 6, Green, R. Green 6, Smith 2, Hymbree, 'Hunter. iSnrinar iCxeek (13) - Ftoh 2. Strickland 4, Gentry S, Meadows, Ackera 4, Parker, Payne, Cal&r wem. ' . v . HJftime.: 21-i, Man Hall. ' , V 5- ' . . (Vareitv Girle) " Laurel (42) F L. Williams 8, T. Thomas 26, F. Ray 2, R. Cook 6. T. Pderrimane: G J. Ad funs, iM. FrankMn, B. Tweed, F. Judwairas, Sheiton, J. GosneiU. - -tSnrina Creek (34) F G. Wil tett 30. Laaikford 2. Gates -4: G L. Woody, iDuckett, Kirkpat- nek, iMoore, Xiunsford, UKnoerts, 1. iMoore. ' . - . - Half time: 21-16, Laurel. ' (Varsitv .' Bovs) ' tMarshail (58) Tipton 7, Nix 17, Hensley 5, Brigigs 18, 1 Bur nette 2, F. Candler, C. Candler 3, Nowlan. Hot Springs (38) Gahagan z, jaimlb 10, Ji;bbs 12, Smith 0 Mmrpe a, llvabensL . Gregob-y 3 Suttles 2, Combs, Norton. Halftime: 26-6, jUaranaU. '" Advertise. i Want a clerk, - ,' ' TYant a partner, 1 V.r.t a situation, - VTa;.t to sell a farm, . ; Want to sell Sueep, cattle, - V7ar.tts 11 r" ries, drsgs, V.'ant to 1 c' hats, cap, '..'ant to i '. J c'j:ti-"ers for hr'.Tz . 4 f , l tl J- K.- : Vi.J t ers . , 1 ( 1 ' e 1., . ! J.:;t 1 cr U: j . 11:1 j I.urtJ roundup ii:L5 r vet:. 3 12:C3 Ti: " - j Tost 12:1D Duinirt:ine Country '.i 12:20 -News and Bulletin Board 12:30 Weather 12:J5VChuck Wagon Gang 12:45 Farm ' Forum ' v, ' 1 ;00 Farm News , ; 1:05 Obituary Column Dairymen ' -J (Continued From Page One) ir feed eupplementary eilage; hay, or ''pasture during the ., euanmer. months when needed.' Everyone uses forage analysis as a guide to better-feeding practices. " ' ' .' Better Breeding- y l ,' iEaoh of the 10 diadrymen, Fred Sluder, Jlack Payne,' . Zeno Pon der, O. G. ) Ramsey, " Boyd Hillf Gerald Young, LVyd Thomas, J. E. Buekner, Everett Goanell; and Jack" Boone, use artificial; breed ing to improve their herd. . ; They are- raising, replacements capable of increasing their present pro duction. Fout ' of ' tine ten have Bet production fgcb of 12100 pounds l miMc per cow'- they will reach thess, goals. ' - Better Management , , '"You tnust" Ihlaive ' plenty of housing apace if you expect j"our cows to do their best,! eays Ger ald; Young. ' Good; well bedded lounging, 'apace is proving profit able for Gerald and a number of his dairymen ifriende. ' Sanitation pays In the dairy business and if you observe Jack IBoone a he handles bis cows, you will be lieve a friendly telatiandhip witSt thee ows pays dividends, eays County Agent Harry $Uver. Ev ery cow ih Jack' herd accepts hint as a (friend and' trusts Jbkn. Jack says friendly, contented cows do better for him. It's easi er .to know if something is wrong with a cow of she is 'handled in eudh a inanner that she etUyat gen tle.. ' Bannyard paving to get .the eows out of the mud has, proven profitable to Jack, Zeno Ponder, Jack-Payne, J, E. Buekner, Boyd HiU, 0. G. Raimeey, Lloyd Thom as and 'Everett Gosnell. Little itWngs eudh as- fly con trol, lice control, interna paila aite control,' adequate esllit, plenty of .available fresh water, snvnedi- ate treatment for sickness, , pro tection from unruly dogs; keeping snags, loose wire, noils or high talk out of the way add up to better producing' cows and more milk. . Yes, the big - tihree: iifetding, bTeedinff :'and management,, are still 1 as true a in the hundreds of : years ipast for profitable dai rying, but they pay only when put into practice.' v 1 Btytihe, CaClf. " A bridge 6 miles east of .the cornmunity of Hell and 87 miles west of iRlythe, burned and collapsed .recently. . Auihorities said a bonfire lit by hoboes . accidentally igmited v the span over a desert wash on east bound U. S. iRoute 60T70; y ' ' It fwae eatiimated that 150 cjars and trucks A were stuck ,. in the sand after trying to drive around the structure. , - (V ' : ,l C ; ZXi ' 6:151 6:33 Su.i,! :.vvs T.or dup 1 V.'e'k jrenaae .7:45 Sign Cit Educ . ' i Cill " (Continue From Page One) ' trol, a.'nd .higher education a- mat- field called attention to that etate- ment ".fci Kennedy's ; message tq Congress. '',-,, ' Under", the administration pro gram, .'; the ' states . -jtaxuld , decide ' how ' to allot federal funds : be tween .coretroction and . eelaries, If itlhey TwiBihed, . the" Istatea couldi allot none for salaries. ' '-.. '-'' -." i Kennedy entphasdzed ; that ' no. money iwouldN flow from .iWash- ington intp the buildingf o, pay roll of churdb) echools,' He"- said,' this is " "in accordance witJh.".t(h olear prohibition of ' the jConciti-tutioa.'"- . " ' ' " 1 - j V ' Ira B. Jones- (Continued From Page One), v, (The script backtracked on Jones' youth in Ibis native Giles County,' Tennessee, graduation from 1 Van- derbdlt , University and graduate- woric ac ueorgei rqaooay -sjouege and, the University of North Car olina, and arrival in 4925 to . teach : at what - was then : Grace . High School iai the ftouwty ; school v sytein- -v - 4" f ; j - . 1 Mr.' Paul Yonng-iwas narrator of the script which mingled per- -sonal nippearances with praise for : Jones' , career -at teacher, princi- Among ' tliose , Mrs, Bonnie Sail. J. -D. J "mBton, a mate; Fii L. ' pal at Grace' ' young teaoher tl. and the Rev. C ministfir Who iau i Fomiff f 3 Stolvloy, A ' t Helen V,TZ1.3, t. ,.v a aupervi-or in the county school evstem: du 1ns KndgSiten; ASiss Jessie IB. H f, now a teacher at Grace; nd Vi il-Haan-T. Duckworth. Jr. . , Mrs. Young , cited Jones' civic services on . Boy Scout work, as ; Kiwamis Club president, member , of the iMei ' 1 Hygiene Clinic board, the As5viill Library board, the rnoombe County Tu berculosis Assn., itihe Aahevdlle . Baseball Aean, the Draft and Ra tion boards, and as a member f First Baptist Church, , , ' Mm : John Abbott Grace PTA president,,' presided. - The devotion was given' by Dr. Sidney E. Un- ger, ephitual ;lewder of . Temple Beth jKa-Tephdla. " 1 , . iMirs, Jones ' ds the former Miss Mary Bradley, daughter of Mrs. W T. Bradley of Mare Hull and the late Mr. Bradley. She is a graduate of Mars Hill College.J "p-njig ,were.': , ' sister f mom- i . i a ; J s; 1. i, the 1 ,n. " 1 - pant in Dyi '.an 'iot; I Las

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