ID o C o O ; O PERSONAL and OTHERWISI Dialt 3291 Hru Wayne '. Meadows and daughter, Anne, of Columbia, C.i are spending several days vis it in g (friends And relatives An tiw county, Mm. . Tommmie Rector, of Mar eMail, returned .to her home Sat urday from. Alexandria, Va., where die spent two taonths witfa her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Frank Treadway and .their infant son, Totnmie iBobsrt. SiSgt. 'Bernard Ramsey, of Rob ins AFfi,- Ga., arrived Wednes day night to spend at few days with dins parents, Mr. end lbs. W. B. ' Ramsey, and other rela- tives.-fts:. " -r: ( Mr., end Mrs. L. G. Geddne of Mt Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhea x Canton, Mir. and Mrs. W. C. Love and Mrs. Eater McMil lan, of iRaJeigh;" spent ithe week end with Dt. W. A. 6 amis of Mar shall U Mt. and Mrs. J. iH. Bads spent Sunday fa v'Chanlotto iwitm their son-en-lw,and dteujjhter, Mr. and iMra. -TsoprJiie, and family. ' 'Mr.-Wntiran Ponder of Greens boro visited bis parents, Mt. and .MBi'iPMer. 'lotf Marshal! lafrt eet.t OES To Entertain Masons Here Mon. Members of the Marshall East- ana Star Chapter mW. entertain Maaana of the , French Broad Lodge on Monday evening, Feb ruary 26, at (She dose of a regu lar meeting of iBhe Chapter. The Maaana are invited to be at the Masonic Temple at 8:15. A special progrlatn will be pre sented in their honor and a so cial hour will be held at the can elusion of the program. "Will And Wdrk Club" Met With Mrs. Ella Baker v V v HEARD "AND $jEEN ; ByPOPM ' MUK.Kartlhertne Cody and Miss Jae Jones of rtlie University , of Tetmoaseey1 j-Pgnoxvilfe, spent . Sunday In MajraWaU with Miss Co dy's pareaMa.fMr. isindf Mrs. Ker- mit Cody; '., ' Mir; a Mrs-- iPoMtess England and family '(have moved into the , house jtelonging to Mrs. John Mc- Eiroy on Walnut Creek IRoad. fCr. England fa an asaisrtaiat fam eg- ent of Madison County. The Woman's Missionary Socie ty of the Marshall Baptist Church will have a study course Tuesday evening at -the church! in prepara tion ifor ithe Week of Prayer for Home 'Missions to be (held during the following week. Mrs. Glen A. Ramsey Jr., wdll teach the book "Glimpses of Glo ry" by C. C. Wlamren. The jneetrimgj wiill begin at 7:30 o'clock end a social hour will be held at the conclusion of the peri J.04 of study. Row Arrivals At Memorial Mission? ' To Mt.' land Mirs. Landon R. Deal, ; Brevard' a eon, Feb. 20. Mrs. Deal te t&te dajugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Ramsey of WaHnot; and Mr. Deal is the son of Mar. and Mrs..iHiubert Deal Sr., of Marshaill RFD 3. At St Joseph's To Mr. and Mrs. Clififord H Ghetley, (Rt 5 Marshall, a daugh ter, Feb. 19.' I. . ; To Mr. and! Mrs. RAdhard L. 'Nelson, Mens Hill, Correction In the wpite-oip in last iweek's News-'Reeord,; Mors, i Fain Darvis' name was inadvertently omitted from iUw" list' of (those attending the Firemenle Auxiliary dinner. .... People'who pay as (tfhey go to oao? taMvel ait a snails pace. The "Will And Work CM" of Ponder's Chapel Chrurcih met Fri day evening in 49ie Jhome of Mrs. Ella Raker. A program (was presented and refreshments were served. Twelve members of ithe Club from MacmHall and Weaverville attended the meeting. Marshall Baptist WMS Will Have Study Course Tues. Marshall Garden Club Met Thurs., With Mrs. NHes Mrs. Ed iNiles was hostess the Marshall Garden Club 2 p. m., on February 16. Following refreshments the busdneaB meeting iwas held, Mrs. Clyde Roberts presiding. Mrs. SeJm Rtudisill presented program on Practidal Gardens. She stated that any of us can be practical gardeners df w are practical and have a potemtolal bed, border, oanic, back (yard or even a barrel! to work on. She disouased the importance of exposure, soil, dramage, erosaon, ujp-keep and hard work. This can be applied to vegetable or flower gardening or a combinaitdoni of both. .Mrs. Riuddsill concluded .that gardening is a cure for everything except "eun stroke, chordae horse and bind staggers". Eleven members ware present. Hostess to the club on March 15 will be Mirs. Loy Roberts. Mrs. John Oorbett will give a progirwm on S lower Arranging. February Specials Monday Tuesday."- Thursday : $35.00 COLD WAVE - $15.00 $25.00 COLD WAVE. $12.50 $20.00 COLD WAVE. $10.00 $15.00 COLD WAVE... $7.50 ATTENTION, LADIES : We now have a complete line of FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM HOSE ) rTEVSPRirG HATS JUST ARRJLVED O AH America was relieved Tues day when Lt-CoJ. John (H. Glenn Jr., made a successflul orbitul trkp itbree times around the world! it was one of Ithe most exciting events in Ihfetory I ' imagine that (more people watched televi sion Tuesday (than foil any other single day in 'history I iwas for tunate in watching Glenn's take off while in Wild's Radio and Tel. aviator store and saw his "Dand ling" while In Home lEleobric and Furniture Company moat of Marshall's citizens either crowd ed around television' sets or lis tened over radio business was almost at a standstill when, he blasted off at Cape Canaveral in any books, Lt. Col. Glenn can be promoted to General he's a real' guy and a real American plus having plenty of nerve wonder how long it wdll be be fore a song is .written about the Astronaut already postage stlatmps, honoring, the orbital flight, are tin circulation saw the opening games of ithe tourney Tuesday night and enjoyed them as a rule, I can't get too excited over ithe J V games, but I did Tuesday they were real good games with several girls and boys showing great promise sorry the public laiddreas system went on the blink Tuesday but it's worfring okey now I think the (girls' basketball rules governing ifihe dribble and out-of-bounds play after goals have im proved the game greatly I'm still in favor of a 'free-dribble" rule and a 'Vovang guard" - that is, to fallow a guard to cross center line thus becoming a, for ward on offense naturally, (he girl guarding her can also cross center court would make "Ithe game more exciting plus opening lup the offense it seems strange to note that Dr. MoElroy's offices are now 'down the street in the Rector Apart-; mends they've been up ifce street since I can remember Fred O. Tilson, a real nice fellow that I think a lot of , was really "on the baU" Tuesday at the CharnJber A fATl J niitmiAt'a crfCcmnverceateeting AaiS?nE-- f uM of puns and wise remarks - kept us laughing all the time I J :an's . . lions Lj ' ' DOROTHY B. SHUPE Q O ' 1 sure aim glad the Glenn trip around the world is over. I had some fears about his getting back, for some reason, hut feel now that we are "good emau(gjh" to do most anything in space. I believe we'll ireadb ithe moon within' the next few ; years. Some ' ipeaole II. and scoff at such aw idea, but remember they laughed at Ooiunnbus, . the . Wright ffitrothers and others. You should have attended our last PTA meeting here at Mar- We .had an enlightening talk by Miss Garnett . Hiutdhins on hepatitis which - cleared up quite a few points that had been disturbing , many. ? Her main cau tion was cleanliness in our per sonal ihkbita We also enjoyed the talks n; Founders Day program by Mrs. J. '.-JU MoEiroy and Mas. Harry Ditmore. . The silver tea fojlowirig was most enjoyable and the table was so pretty. Wonder how many upsets well have in 4he basketball tourney? s of ihe outcome, I do hope we will Dirthday Saturday ' is ft JMane Wallin celebrated let fifth htothday ; Saturday, with a party at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve WfeUbw A three-tier unthday cake dec orated in pink and ffreetv and' ice cream were served. Those attending were Mr. . and Mrs, Fred Hensley and two daugh iters, Laura and Marlene; Mr., and Mrs. Gu Tennant and two chil dren, Julie and' Billy: Mrs. Ger trade F. Jones; and Misses Fat and Grace Jones, all of Aeheviile; Mrs. Daisy Worley and son, Lar ry, of Marshall: Mr. and Mrs. Wallin and Diane. Chandler Wins Speech Contest In Michigan Gene Chandler, Jr., eon of Mr. end Mrs. Eugene Chandler of Port Huron, Midh., wlas one of six staff members of ihe Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Asso ciation who attended the annual Michigan Junior 'Savings land Loan! League meeting in Grand fRapids, m . . . .1 ' rf . .iwi wren m T . 2 !,Peina agent for the bank. mansnoip winuginouit one whole e- vent. Winning is fine and easy to accept, dtfe the losing that shows of what one is made. Ton must buy scans food from (these Mar- flbaH seniors so they can get to Washington and New York. Our school paper, "The Blan- nalhaBsett Tribune,'' came out Saturday and guess mho sponsor. ed it this ttraeT None other than the nice Pepsi Gala Company of AahevMe' wiho also sponsors "AMibb America.'' We sure do travel in class, eh? . : Observed; Wonder if Her bert, Mack, lEd and Jo Lynn will re-salyage llhat' Iboat when they get it paid for? Don't know which one toe best diver, but heU have to go way down for it ithia time - Lane, Arthur and Ed don't think too wet of my driv ing; Ilni sure 'Bobby appreciates how well l ean get back on my side Gotta run now, press tome! Marshall Book Club : Met Monday With Mrs. Wade Huey The Marshall Book 'Club met Monday evening, Feb. 19, with Mrs. Wade Huey. The meeting was called to or der by Mrs. W. T. McKininey, president. Mrs. Huey spoke brief ly on a list of current books. Mrs. John Oorbett was program lead er, and gave a most interesting review of .two books as follows "The 13th Apostle" by Eugene Vale; and "(Beyond .Our Selves" by Catherine Marshall. The first deals with the age-old search of man for the face of Christ; the second shows the individual search for faith, life and guidance. The search for God begins at the point of need. These reviews were followed by questions and idiscuaaion of matters of faith. Delicious refreshments with : a color scheme of red! and white, were then served by the hostess. Conference 0t Week In Raleigh Those from Madison County at tending a . Dlairymen's; Conference in Rtadeigh last week were Harry Silver and James Stewart of ihe farm office;' Doyle Cody, J. E. Buckner, Gerald. Young and Boyd Hill, dairy producers . of thi s county. OYSTERS - FISH FRIED SHRJMP SCALLOPS Plate Lunches 50c up HOME MADE PIES BEST COFFEE IN WORLD HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. Pack Square ASHEVILLE, N. C. C r.1r. otoriot a a - The Main Street Esso Service Station is now owned and operated by Claude Da vis, who cordially invites you to patronize him. OIL CHANGE TIRE CHANGE COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE v Mr, Davis also invites you to stop et Hie ESSO SERVICE STATICII on Highway 25-70 between Marsha!! t ! Walnut - OPEN 24 HOURS A Mr. Chandler was one of three winners of a speech contest, and will go to the annual meeting of the Michigan SaivAngs and Loan League at Mackintac Island for the speech finals in July. The ti tle of his speech was "The Sa maritan Image." " i He is the grandson of ''IMnv J. C. Chandler and the late Mr. Chandler of Watout anil of ' Mr. Claude Sawyer and itShe 'laita' Mrs. (Sawyer of Marshall, and a grsit grandson of iMrs. J. N'tPhits '- Donors Omitted In compiling a Mat of iktiiim for ihe Marshall fire house fiber glass door,'' ithe; names of 'Uiibv J. A. Dennis and Howard Payne were inadvertently omitted. ' ' ' ' J At Convention Dr. H. E. Boldnger, local den tist, is attending . a dentalV,, con vention in Chicago, 111., itfois week. SAVE 0 to ZZ7e Oil FUZL , can supply you, installed by experts: STORM WINDOWS, and DOORS INSULATION SIDING & ROOFING at a price you will be glad to pay NO MONEY DOWN Up to Three Years To Pay D. A. ROGERS, Mgr. Telephone: 41S5 MARSHALL, N. C. Knox Brigman Visits Purina Research Farm Knox iBrigman, of Marshall, was amongi (the some 350 farmers firom this section who visited the Ralston Purina Research Farm at Gray Summit, (Missouri on Feb ruary 12, and spent ithe following day the company's research lab- oatariea and general office. Thousands of fanners from aQ sections of the United States and many foreign countries visit Ihe Purina famm each year to see re sults of experiments comueted! in livestock and poultry feeding and mannagement. The 778-aore farm Is devoted entirely to damn re search projects . Move Mrs. Aide Bryan and gnmdson. Virgil Smith Jr., have moved from the second story of the former A&P IBtualding to an apartment over, the Bank of French Broad. Vota Vita Class Met Here Tuesday The Vota Vita Sunday School Glass of the Marshall Baptist Church met Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Ed Niks. Mm E. Y. Ponder, president, presided. Mrs. iE. C. dark led the devo tions. Mrs. Ponder, assisted by Mrs. Clark, had charge of the program. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. GJen A. Ramsey Jr., lira. James Story, Mrs. Eva Sams, and Mrs. .Ed Niles. Those attending iwere iMra. Poo oar, Mrs. (Clark, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle, IMra. Sams, Mrs. Story and Mirs. NHes. Announcement There will be prayer service at the Easier Gap Church every Saturday Inigbt at 7:30 o'clock. The IRlev. George P. Massey is fa chtaise , of (the service. Emmmna is invited to attend. i-.'V.'.f.-r.s,-,.'-; Kl -oOo- As a convenience to our REGULAR CUSTOMERS 0. 6. Reotor todivaro 60. will furnish FREE PARKING at the American Legion Parking Lot or the Texaco Parking Lot while you are trading with us. When you park in either one of these lots, you pay the regular fee of 25c When you trade with us, you get a casn register ticket which you hand the parking lot at tendant when you return for your car and he refunds v you your 25c' Limit: 2 hours parking on this ticket We welcome you to trade in Marshall r.ndi re. you do net havo to vcrry cbcut PA" "113. 4 ' LEF.IS. Fcr Full Details, ail: cny c:.-.; . - r

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