: CORD K& i 1 I Jock - Record riAlIALL. N.C NOW-PARTISAN IN POLITICS Second-class mail privilege authorized at Marshall, N. C. JJ. If STORY, Owner and PublUktr J. I. STORY, Managing Editor' SUBSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE MADISON COUNTY 15 Months $5.00 One Year $4.00 Six Months $3.00 Three Months $2.00 Airmail 80c Per Week SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN MADISON . BUNCOMBE 4 COUNTIES 15 Months . $3.00 One Year $2.50 Eight Months $2.00 Six Months $1X0 Four Months -$1.00 EDITORIAL PAINT-UP, CLEAN-UP Elsewhere in this issue can be found a Procla mation by Mayor Wade Huey proclaiming: next week April 16-21 as Paint-up, Clean-up Week in Marshall. Mayor Huey emphasizes the importance of mak ing our town more attractive. We agree. The Marshall Garden Club has accomplished wonders in the past few years by planting beautiful flowers in the courthouse yard. Many merchants have repainted their stores and others have improved their yards and homes. Maybe still others will join in next week and help in this (worthwhile cause. Greatly adding to the appearance and safe ty of our town is the new solid guard rail from the Free Will Baptist Church to the intersection at Mash burn's. There are other Improvements which can be made. Will YOU Cooperate? -oOo- THE ASHEVILLE TOURISTS With the opening of the baseball season at hand; our thoughts go to the diamond, especially McCor mick Field, home of the Class "A" Asheville Tour ists. It is a grand feeling to know that soon we'll be watching the Sally League Champions again in ac tion. Ray Hathaway, popular and successful Tourist manager, is again at the helm and he never fields a team that is uninteresting and doesn't hustle. We welcome Ray back and from all indications, hun dreds of Madison .County fans will soon be headed to iMcCormick;Fieldt;?:-; The first home game is slated for Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. If it's a pretty day we'd wager that Madison County has more baseball fans there for the opening pitch than any other Western North Carolina county, except, of course, Buncombe. -oOo- BOYS' BASEBALL HERE? If our boys are to enjoy playing baseball in our county this summer isn't it high time that adults start making plans? ; Several years ago much interest was shown in the organization of Babe Ruth and Little League ball here. The results "were most successful with splendid teams at Marshall Mara Hill, Hot Springs and' Wal nut. It is needless to wonder if the BOYS want to play. They are most anxious, we are sure. The great need now is CAPABLE LEADERSHIP by ADULTS. There are hundreds of youngsters, maybe some of them future major leaguers, rarin' to play but for the lack of volunteer leaders, they are forced to ei ther; play "unorganized" or simpjy not play at all. This is & sllL2H6e Let's find out IMMEDIATELY if there are men available to coach and manage the boys. Call a (meet ing, make definite plans, adopt a schedule and' get started before it is too late; V Are YOU interested? If so, drop a line to this newspaper and we'll see Frank Moore : and others who have been so faithful and we feel sure that it "won't be long until the boys are playing. ' Pcir.is Arr-i-'t All-Star Team E-l, Hot Springs, N.C, ' April 10, 1962 The Editor . News-Record ' ' , Marshall, N. C, , ,' ' ', , Dear Sir: ; v ' I thought you would be Interest ed to know that Phil Willett, play ing with the i Spring Creek All- Stars against a men's team, the French Broad Lions Club All- Stars, last Saturday night, scored 26 points. .This is the boy that was rejected for the Blue-White All-Star Game in Asheville recent ly. That boy has it and no mistake about it. Signed: JACK V. JOYCE AILANSTAND MRS. BIRCH ARD SHELTON, Correspondent Most of our sick folks are able to be out again. Mr. Alonzo Frank lin, on the sick list for several months, has recovered and is able to be working again with the State Highway. Mrs. Bueford Shelton, Mrs. Bir chard Shelton and Miss Mayolyn Shelton visited Mr. and Mrs. The odore Thomas and Mrs. Claudia Cook and Mrs. Juanita Cook last Sunday afternoon near Belva. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trimble and daughter, Debbie, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Trimble, and attended Sunday School at Allanstand last Sunday morning. There will be Sunday School at 10 a. m., and preaching at 11 with Communion following at the A lanstand Presbyterian Church next Sunday. Everyone is invited. Mr. John Gahagan and Mrs. Garl Gahagan were in Marshall on business Tuesday. Mr. T. E. Trimble, Birchard Shelton, Joe Griffey and Jack Shelton went fishing last Friday at Rogersville, Tenn. Not much luck . too much wind and rain. DAN S ' JUDD, of West Ashe ville, has announced as a Republi can candidate for Congress in the May 26 Primary. Mr. Judd has contributed of his time and means to, the Republi can rarty or JBuncomoe ioumy, this District and North Carolina for the past 16 yeals. He is a member if the Trinity Methodist Church, a member of tha hoard. Sundav School teacher. and lay speaker in the Asheville District. He is also a member of the West Asheville Lions Club and Masonic Lodge and is owner of Judd Sup ply Company. ; LOST EFFORT New York Mothers and Gram mar teachers have for years tried to teach - youngsters that they should not use hain't" Webster's second unabridged edition, published in 1959 Bats the word "ain't ' with this notation: "A contamination of 'are not, is hot,' 'am not,' etc" Soon to be released, the third edition defends "ain't as used o edition defends "ain't" as used o- States, by "cultivated speakers." ROARING FORK Mrs. Hubert Pangle, Writer Mr. Fred Moore filled biis regu lar appointment at Bethel Chris tian Church Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Benny Adams and three daughters from Oklahoma, and Mrs. Dale Balding spent Tues day and . Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Balding's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pangle of Greensboro. Mr. Floyd .Shetley had dinner Sunday with ,Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin. . , . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shetley are frequent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Frisbee of Maggie Valley epent Sunday ox last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wil son Payne-p "T, Dewey, Ws par" ents, Mr. and M M9Jf Allison Sunday. . . - ' Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Foster of Shutin were visitors at Soaring Fork church 'Sunday afternoon. We were" glad to have them. O O ' O r r. r, o C Internal! mial v , , Lc;:ca . for ; APRIL 15, 1SS2 V (Tkt eommentt ore bad on the International S. 8. Lion Outline, eopyrightod Of tU International Council ofRoligiout Education, USA, and mtd bn pomtfttion.) o ... iti-X&$Av?'jr ratify THE CROSS CALLS US Memory Selection: "I have been crucified with Christ; it la no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life' I r now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20) Lesson Text: Titus In this lesson we explore the meaning of divine grace, regener ation and renewal, and the call of the' cross in terms of life today. Titus, the shortest of the three pastoral Letters, is much like First Timothy in content The sit uation reflected in the Letter, however, indicates a second-century L YOUR ONE STOP; SERVICE SHOP THE VERY BEST IN DRY CLEANING ALL ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL ZIPPERS ' . NEW POCKETS, HALF OR WHOLE KNIT CUFFS, COLLARS, BOTTOMS ON JACKETS LEATHER JACKETS CLEANED AND RE-LINED, THE BEST IN SHOE REPAIRING " SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY NOW YOU CAN DO YOUR WASHING AND DRYING IN THE WORST WEATHER ; EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Edwards Gleaners MARSHALL, N. C. CALL 2461 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Your Social Security Monday, April 16, is a special date on the calendar this year, D. stage in the development of the H. Butler, field representative of Spring Specials . Monday - Tuesday Thursday. $35.00 COLD WAVE. .$15.00 $25.00 COLD WAVE. ..... $12.50 $20.00 COLD WAVE. $10.00 15.00 COLD WAVE. $7.50 ATTENTION, LADIES We now have a complete line of v FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM HOSE ! ;:zvE?r.ir;G hats just arrived IN MARS HILL! ii) mil Remco Manufacturing Co.; is having to vacate the building at Mars Hill and has several pieccc of furniture in the showroom that could be c!:: posed of bolorj vjliolecc' passinj on quits a saving to Thcss may bo seen at Mars J r.c::!?.y r.ftcrr.ccr,s cr Sr.!; 4 c: buyer c i Ved- c ---1 j . e. r early Christian church. The pur pose of this Letter was to set down the qualifications of bishops and to warn against false teachers. in contrast with the immorality tolerated by the latter, the author described true Christian behavior and soelled out the attitudes a Christian needs to possess. "Grace," "Salvation" and "Re generation" are the three words which stand out in our lesson for, today. Grace designates the prin dole underlyinsr men's salvation through Jesus Christ Salvation is God's eift to all sinners. Al though we do not merit it, God is unconstrained as he bestows it. Divine grace is given spontaneous ly and generously. In granting as his grace God completely Bets a side all legal and conventional re quirements. .Grace is God's way of meeting and conquering man's sin. It excludes all thought that man can earn God's blessing by estab lishing a righteousness of his own. Grace : also ; Supersedes futile 'Works', as a way of, meriting salvation. ; This is made clear in Titus 2:11, where it stated that "the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men '.-" Yet the bestowal of God's grace does not mean that men are freed from the duty of doing good. J It . is customary, among some, w poke fun at "do-gooders," but the New Testament, while repudiating the doctrine of good works as the door to salvation, nevertheless en courages the save sinner to do good. The word "regeneration" de notes the decisive spiritual change affected by God's Holy Spirit in which a soul, naturally estranged from God, is renewed in disposi tion, substitutes holy affections and desires for selfish gratifica tion, and enters upon a life of in creasnig holiness, thus growing more like Christ. This is Palm Sunday. Today we are thinking about Jesus' tri umphal entry into Jerusalem as the Messiah. But we must also realize that only a few dayB after the crowds hailed him as "the Son of David" and as the long-prom ised Messiah, they turned against him. ; screaming, "Crucify him. Thus the Messiah went to the cross.-: 4 On the afternoon of Good Fri day many, of us will go to our churches and take part in 5 serv ices commemorating the Crucif uc- Ion of God's only Son, who died for us. It should be a time of self examination. ' We should each of us ask ourselves Am I helping to crucify Christ afresh by my in difference, i my . self-centeredness., and mv preoccupation with the ef fort to make a living and establish a renutationt nnr lenaon title sueeests that "the cross calls us. It does in deed. It calls us to renewed loy alty to Christ, who lives today, not as a wandering Teacher garb ed in robe and sandals, but in the spirit, everywhere present. t . Look again at Titus 3:2. The ways of dealing with one another described in this verse constitutes one response to the call of the cross. . ' .: There's nothing like it ' home i where the bills come. . f ll rtr the Social Security Administra tion, said today. Since the 16th comes on Sunday, self-employed taxpayers have an extra day to file tax returns and report their earnings for social security. This report must be made, Butler said, if the self-employed person had a net profit of $400 or more in his business in 1961. The self-em ployment tax amounts to 4H on the net profit. All such reports should be mailed to the District Director, Internal Revenue Serv ice, Gerensboro, N. C. '. H Butler said that by filing time ly and correct reports, a person can build for himself and his family valuable protection under social security. He also stated that each self-employed taxpayer should be sure to put his social security number on his tax return to insure getting proper credit. Revival To Start At ; Bull Creek Baptist Church April 22 Revival -services '.will, begin, on April 22 at the Bull Greek Baptist Church. ... ' . The Rev. : Eugene Goodman, of Lane Street Baptist Church . in Kannapolis will be the visiting e vangeliat Everyone is invited : to, attend the services each night at 7:30. Hot Springs Gun Club Makes Good Offers For Shooting The Hot Springs Gun Club mem bers are offering anyone : $5.00 who can "break" 25 consecutive skeets at the Hot Springs Skeet Range. In fact, they are offering $10 for 50 skeets; $15 for 75 Bkeets and $25 for 100 skeets broken consecutively. The range is open every Satur day afternoon from 2:00 to dark and J. B. Tweed challenges any one to try to outshoot. him. Three county men have recently "broken 25 skeets. They ' are Charles Sumerel, M. V. Chandler and Mr. Tweed. "If you are a crack sharpshoot er, visit the range", Mr. Tweed says. TIP TO MOTORISTS You'll probably never live 'til ninety if you , keep looking for it on the speedometer. - Don't laugh at others' mistakes it may be your turn next. Fill Cracks And Holes Cotter - Handles like putty. Hardens like wool - PLASTIC WOOD' the geniyn-Aocapt No Substitute Mister PART-icular says . . ,v DON'T DRIVE HALF A i . ' s " x ' , Keep your Ford all Ford with : F0L1D DGA1GQ PAQTS AC3D 6GQUC It takes expert mechanics ... Genuine Ford Parts . . . factory-approved took ... to keep your Ford all Ford. And you get them all when you bring your Ford in to us for service. Next time your car needs service, get the best there is bring it "home" to us!