International -day School Lesson AUGUST 28, 1982 for t V) ( Th mHMii are bated V on th International 8. 8. Lean ()utlvn9$, copyrighted by the International CounoQ ol Religion BducMon, USA, and ued hy ptrauiiM. ' V 0 4t 0 TIDINGS OF--V. COMFORT AND JOY Memory Selection! "How beau tiful nnon the mountains are the ': foet of him who .brings good tid ings, who publishes peace . . . " i (Isaiah 52:7). Lessea Text: Isaiah 4i 1-11; 62:7-l. Today's lesson is the last in unit on "A People Uprooted." Is our endeavor to help adults rec ognise that God's steadfast love La power to sustain individuals and nations, the question we ex amine today is: In what way does our experience of redemption lead us to proclaim tidings of comfort and joy? The Bible material for this les son ; is essentially ' the announce ment of good news. Its joyous tone is comparable only to that of the angels on the first Christ mas morning: "Behold, I bring you good news of a great Joy which will come to all the people" (Luke 2:10). Good news is always wel come. How gladly this prophet's message of good news was re ceived by the exiles in Babylon one can only imagine. ' But what of good news for the world today? Surely, if ever a people or peoples needed a mes asge of good tidings it is now, in this time of world confusion and turmoil! Are the good tid ings of Isaiah needed today al so? What are the major points of that message, and what might they mean to us? First of all, deliverance was an nounced. 'Captivity was to end. Are not peoples and people today held captive in many ways? For some it may be a form of political captivity, for others scoial or eco nomic underpirvilege. 1 In . this country, where most of us feel rel atively free from this sort of bond age, as individuals we are victims of all sorts of fears, from fear bf destruction . by a nuclear war to fear of failure and loneliness. A message of deliverance from all these! jforms of bondage would surely be good tidings. Secondly, the prophet's message was a promise of peace. How much people everywhere deBire peace I .The enthusiastic reception given anything that promises peace of mind Is evidence of a deep sense of need for peace on the level of individual experience. How welcome, then, would be the prophet's promise of peacel 1961 TAX SALIJ , TOWN OF MARSHALL , NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTV . At 12 :00 o'clock noon on Mon day, September 17, 1962, at the Court House Door in Town of Marshall, N. C, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, pursuant to exist ing laws of North Carolina, the following real estate in the Town of Marshall, N .C, on which the 1961 taxes remain unpaid. Pen alty and advertising costs to be added. Thildly, the prophet's message included the declaration to Jeru salem that "her Iniquity is par doned.", This indeed was basic to the other points in the mesage. Only a pardoned people could be delivered and restored to tneir their own land and live in peace. JESSE JEWELL FROZEN MEAT POT g) i -! 8-Oz. PKGS. BEEF, CHICKEN or TURKEY f "SUPER-RIGHT" THICK SLICED BACON 2 LB, PKG. 99 JANE PARKER GOLDEN POTATO CHIPS LB. BOX Containing 2 - 8-Oz. PACKAGES 49 e FAMOUS QUALITY MILD AND MELLOW EIGHT O'CLOCK t Mt , (0 fc bag L" Jn A&? LIGHT MEATCHUNK Til- 25c "SUPER-RIGHT" LUNCHEON BEIT 3 $1.00 c::.:ti?cl sivjss n a nn u - tby imnuN For The ! I FAMILY Choose from 7 Eeautlfil Designs CI.LY t ) r r EACH PLUS Federal Tax and $39.85 In Cash Register Tapes from A .IP Anders, E. H. Ball, Coble . - Baldwin, Texie Barnett, Hugh Brigman, Knox & Buquo Brown, E. M. Caldwell, Mack J. Clark, Lillle (Heirs) Crowe, Wanda Davis, A. E. .(Heirs) Davis, Harry Deaver, J. R. Dinwiddie, Dr. P. H. Edwards, Hubert Elam Farm Supply Elam, P .R. Fisher, Mrs. Reeves Fortner, Jeter Sr. Frisby, Morris Hensley, John Hunter, H. V. Johnson, Elmers Jones, Charles Jones Hubert (Heirs) Jones, J. Will (Heirs) Ledford, Ben A. McLean, Lena (Heirs) Marshall Broadcasting Sta. Nix, Charlie Nix, C. S. Nix, Fleet Jr. Nix, Joe Pegg, Paul Ponder, Grover Ponder, Lorado Price, A. A. Ramsey, Jerry Estate Ramsey, J. Weldon Ramsey, Troy & Celola Rector, Albert Rector, Howard T. Redmon, Fred Roberts, Ray Roberts, H. E. Estate Roberts, Loy P. Sams, T. F. Sawyer, Claude Shelton, Manuel - Shelton, Valerie & Ronnie Smith Van Estate JUsgiu.J. $16.35 15.85 2.70 6.55 1.05 20.73 12.93 3.15 4.65 1.20 29.85 124.52 73.73 35.10 205.12 53.70 42.60 IlEBMIiwnGJ NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY ' IN THE SUPERIOR 'COURT BEFORE THK CI.KRK - '. ORVILLE ROBERTS and wife, LUCILLE' T. ' ROBERTS; H AR- rT n DADIinipa 1 fr- rvDT a ROBERTS; DORIS R. EDWARDS and husks nd, HOBART ED- WAiuja, i-eutioners vs. ALMA R. WHITAKER and bus band. JOE WHITAKER: LOU ISE REYNA ' and husband, AL- FRED REYNA; HELEN R. KITCHIN ' and husband, W. R. KJTCHIN, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an or der and ludtrment of the Sunerior Court of Madison County, made ana entered into in the above en tiled action, and under and by virtue of an order of resale upon an advance bid made bv Honor- aoie neroert nawxins, cierx oi the Sunerior Court, the under signed, Commissioner will, on the 25th day of August, 1962. at 12:00 noon jbA the door of the Courthouse in Marshall. Madison County, North Cmrollsa, offer for saie to tne nurnest bidder, tor cash, upon en opening bid of TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO100 (29,500.00) DOLLARS, but sub ject to the confirmation of the . AUGUST WILL BE THE LAST CHANCE TO RECEIVE Free GoSEi Prcoft' INCLUDED IN YOUR DRY CLEANING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER ARE THE WORST MONTHS FOR MOTHS. CALL 2401 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Edwards Gleonerd LAUNDRETTE AND SHOE REPAIRS LAUNDRETTE OPEN 7 A. M. TO 11 P. M. DIAL 2461 CLEANERS OPEN 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M. MARSHALL, N. C. Mrs. Lena Rice, 80, Passes Saturday: Court, that certain tract of landl p;fA. Mnnrlnv lying and being on the Waters of I monaay Little Ivy Creek, in No. 4 Town-1 ship, Madison County, North Car-1 Services for Mrs. Lena Rice, 80, oiina. and more particularly de-l nim 9 Mara will MeA scribed as follows: Io.4...j a . to mco 9.07'viue Highway in the Carter and I Independent Baptist Church, 40.60 13.38 7.73 Roberts line and running South I The Rev. Elzie Ray and the its degrees west bi noies 18 links in,.,, aia Riimon fm-otwi lo an oia stump on top oi a nage: i . , ... . then. down r.H m'th tnn or Burial was in Smith Cemetery. 19.67 ridge, South 42 degrees West 4 1 Pallbearers were Roy Buckner, 1.65 poles 10 links, South 18 degrees Joe Ferguson, Lawrence Rice, links, South 29 degrees West 4 nanaier. 13.08 ; poles 10 links to a stakw, J. P. Surviving are two daughters, 3.45 Robinson's corner; thence with Mrs. Mara Thomas and Miss Inez Rfj-io the Robinson line South 60 de- D. . . l ,,. , o00j b5 U rrB ds mfr,,,tBH 9fi noi Rlce of Asheville; two sons, Creed 19.53 gouth 70 Heerees 45 minutes East and Alvin of Mars Hill; a brother 63.25 34 poles to a stake on bank of I George Rice of Mars Hill; and 24.7S Middle rork Creek; thence up and three grandchildren. AO (.r, with creek North 4 degrees lo " . minutes East 18.1 poles to a o-W stake; thence leaving creek North) TVTATliT? 28.07 86 degrees 45 minutes East 14.1 1U 1 1 L Jj Hierhwav 19-23: thence with mar- i.u grees 30 minutes West 9 15 1 1961 TAXES 213.82 poles to a stake in the old public I !9-7n road in the old Carter line: thence I At 12:00 nVWk noon nn Mon 49 Si "e "th V, jJfSSL' U-y, Sept. 10, 1962, at the City 7.42 Kst 12 nolfis' Smith R7 rfAorppa Hall, Hot Springs, N. C, I will 26.40 East 10 poles, South 57 degrees I sell at Public Auction to the high- 19.00 Sast 9 pol,es' ,ortl? 6.1 degrees est bidder for cash, pursuant to 45.77 IS 66 41 Seel - -f "f North Caro- 312.30 East 24 poles to a stake on a !". the following lands in the 20.48 knob; thence up and with top of Town of Hot Springs, on which 10.50 64 degrees 80 minutes West 7 1961' rye xt 4.1. a tr J..... on .t. I :r SSrvr noiVirNorS Remember, that 90 cents ' '101 on degrees uast O poies lu links, iwox au o-o roAun iu -Nortlr 5T degrees iest tkhs 10IB ADDEU TO EACH TAX, ' links, nortn es degrees East izi t , PEARL It, RECTOR poles, North 83 degrees 45 min-l CHARLES G. SHAFFER, ME WWVEn Hi-IVIi COMES UP TO HIS EXPECTATIONS . BUT THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT AT ROBERTS PHARMACY ALWAYS DOES. NOTICE - Tax Collector Town of Marshall 8-23 9-13c "f -V' HOT WEATHER SPECIALS HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. Pack Square -ASHEVILLE, N. C FRUIT SALAD PLATE TUNA SALAD PEAR with COTTAGE CHEESE PINEAPPLE & COTTAGE CHEESE COLD CUTS OF MEAT, TOMATOES POTATO SALAD, PICKLES ICED TEA or LEMONADE uies ssoutn zpoies iw unu i to a ?. Ta CoUector wmie oak on top ox a moo, uience with top of ridge as follows: South Beacher Barker oa aegrees rasB v poies e iinKB, . South 67 desreea East 10 nolo HlE Candler links, South 65 degrees 80 min-Paul S. Cody J utes East 6 poles 18 links, Nortn jv. R. Cody " S,JfRr- JEST. . Hattie Davis East 10 poles to a stake, Carter I Education & Inst., Society ana McKinney corner on top oil oi jesus ithe ridee: thence leavincr riditeliWrB. Jn fintrv SULSV?. S3fa2S Mrs. Charlie Gowans .line, murui degrees vveai, .ai.-, n noles to a beech on bank of a I Mrs. D. B. Haney i branch; thence leaving the Mc-jMrs. Austin Holder Kinney line with the carter and I Mike House trr-u li XT ll no l ,V"v'T"Po Z"Tf nrL-J Mrs. Rachel Kent Carter and WaldrouD corner in the I Mrs. H. F. .Lawson Andy Roberts' line; thence down (Mrs. Martha Ledford and with the too of tne ridge anaiiu'-. turm tw auuci H lino no luuuna, uuuui itr degrees West 7 poles 15 links, North 73 degrees West 6 poles, North 74 degrees West 6 poles. South 87 degrees West 6 poles, North 83 degrees West 4 poles 6 links, South 86 degrees West 9 poles, south 74 degrees west This in turn implied repentance' One may well ask if there do not exist today ' some prerequisites for receiving good tidings such as those of the prophet ' In preced ing lessons we have discussed sin, Individual and . national, as the cause of the downfall of a people. Is it not true that our presonal and national disobediences of God is the cause of the various cap tivities" ' to ' which 'we find "our selves I If so, then good tidings for use, too, must be the declara tion that our iniquity is pardoned. For us, also, pardon can only dome through repentance, through poles 20 links, South 77 degrees West 8 poles 1U links, soutn 71 degrees 30 minutes West 12 poles 7 links, South 50 degrees west 6 poles, South 56 degrees 15 min utes West 14 noles 12 links, South 62 degrees West 7 poles, worth 85 degrees West 19 ' poles, South 75 degrees 45 minutes West 19 poles 17 links to a stake, the North east corner of a - building lot: thence with line of 63 degrees West-153 feet to a stake; thence South 72 degrees 30 minutes West 48 feet to a stake on margin of Highway; thence North 9 degrees West 162 feet to the BEUiNMNU, containing 98.7 - acres, - mora or less. ' v . Subiect to. ' whatever : defects would be revealed by an accurate survey, . . , , . A ten (10) per cent cash de posit will be required of the high est bidder. This 9th day of August, 1962. JOSEPH B. HUFF, ; , Commissioner 8-18, 23c turning away from our disobedi- q 41 y 31 at a a) 0 ence. whethor inHfiridiifil. unreal ' ence, whether individual, social, or national. . It would seem that we have a great need for the "good , tidings of;, the prophet's message and that we must pre pare for it if it is to be ours. ,. ' Our Christian faith is a message of giiod news, the good news for which the world waits. The chal lenge to us is to proclaim it As wo do so, we may hear in our hearts the words of Isaiah sung by a mighty choir: How beautiful upon the moun- K;;le(1 t date tains are the feet of him wI:o DOX SCOUE ON N. C HIGHWAYS Raleigh The Motor Vehicle! Department's summary of traffic deatlis through 10 am., Monday August 20, 19G2: 730 $11.54 14.34 4.03 32.90 11.38 68.95 1351 11.38 104.39 14.78 1.75 40.25 13.13 16.45 11.29 21.18 9.88 12.86 17.68 OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT THELMA CALDWELL HICK AM, Plaintiff vs. HOWARD T. HICKAM, Defend ant TO HOWARD T. HICKAM, TAKE NOTICE: The Defendant above named will take notice that a Comnlaint has been filed in the above Court and a Civil Action instituted therein wherein the above named Plaintiff seeks an absolute di vorce from the Defendant nnon the grounds of two years' sepa ration. ' ,"' . Mrs. Jimmy Mae Moore Steve Moore Mary Padgett Rector W. W. Parris Est Plemmons, Howard, Martha and Minors .70 Carroll Ramsey 8.38 M. E. Rector Est 20.38 L. E. Rudisill 15.75 Orvill Thomas 28.43 Frank Waddell Est 16.45 8-ieh-9-6c. The above name Defendant will further take notice that be is re- uired to appear at the Office of the undersigned Clerk 01 the Su nerior Court if. Madison County, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of September, 1962, and answer or demur to the Complaint that has been filed In this action and that if he fails to do so, the laintiff will sddIv to the Court for the relief sought in said ac tion. This the 7th day of August, 1962. HERBERT HAWKINS Cerk Superior Court 8-9,16,23,30p NOTICE NOTICE Sealed bids are now being ac cepted ' by Wade Huey, Madison County auditor, to supply coal for the courthouse and jail for 1962-63. Bids will be accented through August 81, 1962, Bids will be opened September 4, 1962. . ix'' A WADE HUEY. Auditor 8-16,23,30e - , 1 I will Sell: at public auction to satisfy storage and labor charg es, one 1952 Model Ford 4-door; Motor No, 110003, at 12 o'clock noon on September 8, 1962 at the Kam Merrill garage at my home about one mile from Marshall by pass on Highways 25-70. - ' KAM MERRILL, -'-. . ' Marshall RFD 2 , . 8-16, 28, 30p , . , Decoration There will be a decoration Sun day, August 26, at 2:00 o'clock at the Old Bull Creek Cemetery on the Marshall-Mars Hill Highway, No, 213. . Jv''".; , ; Does Chane-cf-Life lea Feel Older Than Ycu Are? In doctor's tests special medktne relieved ' - these hoi flashes, weakness, nervousness far woman . after woman. ..then they could enjoy a kcfpier mUs-ce! , Does change of life leave you so' sided. TVt awftil nprvoura" t was Week, irritable you feel older than calmed, 'i hen tnost wnmpi found you really are? Suffocated by hot they coulJ pi "smT j t h" flashes, constantly tense, so you can't be the affectionate wife of oid? Don't despair! I yota Pinkhaii'i Compound can rr ,.ove ti nt j -vsi-cal distrpss and t t I 1 . . . in diKtor's testa 1 1 .".'a got f. Ill' r- t I.'; C(' V id.-.-.' i t i f f the tryipir y. --a of 1 l 'SI- : ! ii f.M-1 li, T ! I k , . I 1 1 r bring gbod tiJlngs." 1 to c' .te last year CZ

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