the ncvc cord J FlLOCALSJlg o o o PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Dial i 3281 , I V Mrs. Blanche Houston and : daughter, Mrs. Betty Lee Wine ' barger left by ear Tuesday for Detroit, Mich., to spend the Christ mas holidays with Mrs.' Houston's other daughter, Mrs. Carl Noll, Mr. Noll and two sons. . Mrs. Bert Coomer of . Berea, Ky, Is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Harmon of Marshall Rt 2. She will return to Beattyville, Ky; De cember 23 to BDend the holidays with her husband. She will return to Berea College, January 2, to resume her teaching. . Mr. and Mrs. Millard Tipton returned Sunday from Florida ' where they visited relatives and Miss Sharon Brown was guest of Misses Glennis and Locella Rice Monday night and Tuesday. . Ensign John Corbett will leave FriHav for Boston. Mass., after attending- a week here with his narents. Mr. and Mrs. John 0 Corbett, and his sister, Miss Mar garet Corbett Miss Francise Parsons of Clay ton, Ga., spent the week-end in Marshall as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Corbett. Mr and Mrs. Fuller Stines spent laat week in Glen Alpine with their son and daughter-in-law,- Mr. .nd Mrs. Fred Stines, and lam! ly; and their daughter, Miss Mil dred Stines. AND SAFEWATER SDPPLYURGED CEEN , By "POP" It isn't often that the "cold bug" geta me down in fact, i am most grateful that I have suf fered as little as I have but j Tuesday . oh my gosh - I woke 1 up with a very sore throat - I plenty of aches and pains the sniffles and so Hoarse tnnt i I Rounded like a bullfrog in a tin pipe through necessity, I stay ; HEARD : 11 AND O Deborah CL :j Has Christmas Party With Mrs. Hensley Members of the Deborah Sun day School Class of the Marshall Baptist Church held' their Christ, mas Party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. John Hensley. Mrs. Valerie ' Shelton, president, pre sided during the business session. Mrs. J. : Moody Chandler, class teacher, led the devotions: and Mrs, J. H. Eads had charge of the , program. Gifts were exchanged. Mrs Garden Club Holds Christmas Workshop With Mrs. Corbett The Marshall Garden Club held a Christmas Workshop at tne home of Mrs. J. 0. Corbett JrH on Tuesday, Dee. 11, working from 10 a. m., until 8:30 p. m. Mem bers enjoyed a luncheon served by the hostess. Wreaths were made for six churches, four public buildings and the Nursing Home. Bedside favors were made for twenty patients at the Nursing Home. Members present besides Mrs. n . .u . m A rwt mti. pipe xnruugu necpsii.y, narrow were juts. a. niuw ed home all day although not Chandler presented each one pre- hurst, Mrs. C. D. Bowman, Mrs. completely recovered, I'm able to sent with a gift, and Mrs. Chandler o. A. Gregory and Mrs. Clyde M. be out again tnanx gooaness w presvuteu wa Roberts last Thursday night local firemen class. were kept busy first at the) Those attending were Mrs. Fleet hnm. f Mlaa Stella Carver and Nix. Mrs. Troy Ramsey, Mrs. Rob. then just as the first was "pu en Banns, wrs. ttaooj ronuer, . ..j Htannniniro wbb In tito. Mrs. J. H. Eads. Mrs Bill Hunter. I'VUSt SJSIM lliwyii-a, cess, another alarm sent firemen Mrs. Zeno Ponder, Mrs. Valerie a. t12 a svMSk nua Mit mm . mnnnv i iiann ar rusmng w iwuira . "' .. The annual Christmas meeting of Mr. and Mrs, Willard Barnes. Mrs. Jim Story, and Mrs. Hens- . Wom. ej-t- Qhris- and two children was ablase the 'ley. u Service, the Methodist Men Club and the Methodist Youth home was completely destroyed and with it went ell clothing ana household furniture many peo ple and ; organizations quickly came to the rescue of this family, supplying them with clothing, housing facilities, money, etc. there is never a time to lose ev erything you have, but it seems doubly hard just before Christmas I'm sure they appreciate what's been done another huge crowd With The Sick O Wtrs. J. N. Fisher of Marshall Is a patient in Aston Park Hos pital where she recently under went surgery. Mrs. Beard McDWR It Under-; going treatment in Aston Park Hospital V ' Hundreds 'of -: Madison County citizens will be' takinar advantage of the' program recently initiated hv the' Farm i'Afents Office t o have "runninir "water and bath I rooms installed in every home in Madison County. This la a very important protect-not dnlv'from the stand-point of raising" the 'standard of living, convenience, fire protection, etc hut alaa a vital factor contributing to the health and. welfare of .the oeonla of Madison County. Nothimr is more vital to health than a safe suddIv of water that lis free of disease organisms. We are very fortunate in Mamson r!onntv to have an abundant and accessible supply of water which when properly protected is of tne klohaat minlitv with reorard to SP- ' attended the second drawing at pearance, taste and safety. Con- the courthouse last Saturday af trary to popular henei, rain aiier reaching the earth, is exposed to oro-anlc matter which frequently I contains germs which cause human disease. For this reason your well or spring must be protected from surface water. If it is not it could be good today and tomorrow put you in the hospital with ty phoid fever or many other water ihorna diseases. To make sure this doesn't hap pen to you, contact your Health Department for information when you start planning your new wa ter supply or if you wish to pro tect your old supply. There vis nothing that would contribute more to the health, hap piness and welfare of our citizens than , running water and oatnrooms in all our homes. Methodist Groups Have Christmas Meeting Sunday The annual Christmas meeting Fellowship was held Sunday after noon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McElroy. A light supper served buffet style, with Mrs. J. A. Dennis, Mrs. Irene H. Clark, Mrs. Rubv Corneninsr and Mrs. Tommy Wallin presiding. Laurel Branch Baptist Church Then a Christmas program was will nrpflAnt a mirlnfemaa nlav en. presented by the boys and girls titled "The Christmas Visitor," of the MYF, led by Mrs. Over- Sunday, December 23, at 7:00 p. ton Gregory, with the music di- Christmas Play To Be Presented At Laurel Branch Sun. DioyolGS IrioyGlos - Cogens BICYCLE PARTS Buy Now For Christmas! Use Our LAY-AWAY Plan Huto Supply Go. OLD PONTIAC BUILDING Phone 4511 MARSHALL, N. C WAYNE RAMSEY, Manager Marshall Book Club Met Monday With Mrs. Gregory m. The public is invited. L Flew Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stines of Glen Alpine, a daughter, Karen Marie, December 4, 1962, in Grace Hospital, Morgan ton. Mr.- Stines is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Stines of Marshall. At St Joseph's To Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Stines, Rt 6 Marshall, a son, Dec 13. To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Car ter, Rt 3, Mars Hill, a daughter, Dec 13. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Reeves Jr., Rt 3, Marshall, a daughter, Dec. 16. ' At Memorial Mission To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Demp aey Webb, Rt 3, Hot Springs, a daughter, Dec 15. mist sri lucky - Sanifetnna. Va. W Mrs. W. R. Pritchett has lost faith in the luck tVtjk 1na 1nnM slVA MliniiOSAd wuivu jsrife vivf x to bring' Although she found 16 four-leaf, clovers, five six-leaf and two five-leaf clovers on her lawn Mm ' Prttrhatt while doinsr her housework, fell through a first' floor window she was washing In to a arise, tulip bed. She wasn't badly hurt, however. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep appreciation for the kindness shown during the illness and death of Miss Etta Allman; also for the floral tributes. THE ALLMAN FAMILY Zcoo Great for Cams, Cuts Zemo, a doctor formula, liquid or ointment soothes, helps heal minor minis, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic, eases Itch of surface rashes, eczema, teen-age pimples, athlete's footsteps scratching, so aids taster healing. For stubborn eases, get Ixtra Strength Zemo, . HinA FI1EE Pcrnan:nt A FREE Permanent will Bftfii Ery! All customers must register to become For. further details, askjus COU WAVES from to $35.00 -We Now Have A Complete LHa of -FRUIT43F.TH&LQOM HOSE ; a and'V- r h r 4 ternoon it took about an hour and fifteen minutes to give away the prizes, but everyone seemed I to have a good time John Corbett, president of the Mer chants Association, sponsors of the event, gave me a rest at the microphone thanks, John you did a fine job the jammed ice in the river is finally breaking up and melting away it has been truly beautiful but some times becomes a bit hazardous as far as Marshall is concerned Christmas is "just around the cor ner" and I'm still like the cow's tail when it comes to shopping maybe I'll get around to it before next Tuesday haven't even been around to view the various homes and yards, decked out with .Christmas decorations will, try to do that this week-end what's ever become of Caroling at Oirist. mast used to be that a group of bovs and eirls and men and women Would ride up and down Main Street and surrounding streets singing Christmas Carols and what about the stockings hanirinff from the mantelpiece and mistletoe and sleigh-rid- insrT are we becoming too mod ern for these things which used to mean so much? well, any way IVe received many beau tiful Christmas Cards already and I appreciate every one of them so at this Christmastime, let me loin all the other merchants and individuals by wishing for each of you a Merry Christmas The Marshall Book Club met rected by Mrs. Irene Holcombe . Monday evening, Dec 17, with Clark. The central theme was Mrs. O. A. Gregory. Mrs. Clyde M. Roberts cave a delightful dook Woman of Jerusa- riiniCa hirth in a nuiinr. but Singing Convention overshadowed by the prophecy of his future path to the cross. A The Madison County Singing solo was rendered by Trlna Schul Convention will be held at Davis r. The pastor, the Rev. W. C. Chapel Baptist Church, Sunday Clark, led the group in opening afternoon beginning at 2.-00 o'clock, prayer and Scripture. I v- 11 2Aam All singers and public are invit- rouowing me pruBrm, Ku e(j were exchanged irom tne uurisv mas tree. Then, the Rev. and Airs. ..... . M .L. marx lea we caroi singing ior w Jacob C llDtOn. DO. entire group, accompanied at the n lir 1 .J-. niano bv Mrs. Carl Stuart Fifty- r awes Yeuncauay , six enjoyed this Christmas meet- runerai nere rriuay in T.iuil. rnlMASM .IVvitAn . KR tot ji.j nraj;A.A.e. POOR POLICY iUUAaiituia uiou , n cuuoounv wvu- 3 T 1 4A fOn 1. A.ka. 1VU nMUI iraVUlV Wvllk UMU fJHSW si.- i 21.. i i u.f uvi iu umr ura juai w "wj vine nuBuiuu .iuuuwiuk wiw i - - ... . illness. :. i ' v ' " . Funeral services, will be . held FrJday a tw o'ctortii teartlgay el of BowmaA Funefil Home with the Rev. Jack Davis; officlatilur. Burial will be in Bowman-Rector Cemetery. Friends will serve as pallbearers. v t Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Robena Clark Tipton; "four sons, Norman,- Elbert Guy and Bruce, all of Marshall; two daugthers, Mrs. Floyd Pressley, of West Asheville and Miss Patty Tipton of Marshall; his father, Henry Tipton, of Marshall; and three grandchildren. The hodv will be taken to the home Thursday afternoon, and re main there until removal to the funeral home for the services. Bowman Funeral Horns is In charge. FALL and WJHTER HATS C?Zri ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 35MsWbssssMbssssss f ' f P.I MAnilAIXa N. C cr TerJaaJ J. n. r Carbara TerJaaJ Vota Vita Class Has Christmas Meeting With Mrs. Wallin The Vota Vita Sunday School Class Christmas meeting and party was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Maco Wallin Mrs. Eva Sams, president, pre sided durin -the business session Mrs. Jim Story led the devotions and had charge of the program. Gifts were exchanged by the members and Mrs. Guy White, olass teacher; and Mrs. Hettie R. Blankenshlpi assistant teacher, were presented sifts from; the class... . ""-f-s Those present were Mrs. Clara W. Faran. .Mrs. Guy, White. Mrs. Eva Sam v Mrs. Kermit Cody, Mrs. I. Bovd Baucom. Mrs. Hettie R. Blankenship, Mrs. E, Y. Ponder, Mrs. Ron Sprinkle. -Mrs. L. B. Ramsey." Mrs. -Wade Huey. Mrs Mary Sprinkle, Mrs. Jim Story and Mrs; Wallin. , ..... POSITIVE PROOF Every man" has certain poten tial, but his strength and ability will never .be known until tired. O O eyes EXAn:r:n) GLAZZZ3 riTTUD ;- ' Ly DR. LOCIIAIID 8 A. M to 12 Noon FRIDAYS ' fa tiiz L. p. rcnrT3 hat:. :ait n. C. o 9 n ;; r, r, ; ty . review of "A lemM by Elsie Mack, a compelling tnrv of Jerusalem d urine the time of Jesus' life there. Mrs. Wade Huey gave a list of the many new and excellent books on the shelves of the library, Delightful refreshments, wi t n the Christmas theme carried out were served by the hostess to Mrs. R. R. Ramsey, Mrs. Clyde M. Roberts, Mrs. J. a Tweed, Mrs. Walter Ramsey, Mrs. W. T, McKinney, Mrs. John O. Corbett, Mrs. Wade Huey, Mrs. J. u Me Elroy, Mrs. J. B. Baucom and Mrs. Gregory. . The January meeting- will b held in the library. . Oi Girl Scout Troop Holds Bazaar Girl Scout Troop 95 of Marshall had a basaar Saturday, Dec 15 in the building where the Garren Auto Supply Store (Old Model Grocery Building) is to be located. AU items offered for sale at the basaar were made by the girls. Anions the items offered for sale were decorated pine cone wreaths, plastic door wreaths, angels, can dles, dried citrus peelings, plaques, and home made fancy candies. Leader of Troop 95 is Mrs. Curt Sears. rin'WTUMYOU? Ji J ta&sfl fur-thav- ma acts) di iaiif iwj. Qvt&A kitatfM at mil n swnBs. ALLANSTAND MRS. BIRCH ARD SHELTON, Correspondent There will be preaching at Al- lanstand next Sunday morning at 11 bv the Rev. Paul Ehler. He will deliver the Christmas mes saee, so everyone come. All are welcome. Mrs. John Gahaean is slowly recuperating from a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shelton and Mr. . Birchard Shelton t.were In Greeneville, Tenru, last -Tuesday Christmas shopping. Mr. Pinkney Franklin, on the sick list for severs! months, Is still u a serious' -condition. Mr. Dean Trimble of Cullowhee spent the weekend 'with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Trimble Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice Asheville visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Shelton last Sun day night' ' -v---OS Mr. John Gahaean was able attend church at Aiianstand last Sunday. He had been sick with X i- 1. . M 1 JL Jt aorta -uiroat xur nnm Merry Christmas to an Staff of The News-Record. SELF-PROFIT ; Too many of our statesmen seem to think that in politics the paths of glory lead to the gravy. U We cause to wish vou . . 1 JfiWt M !& W M Mfflffltk m :tu al fni rM in u. n today and always. ir. n H M, M u . . ... - jffMut i rtmi mmm. w 1 fI, Wi' lit I I T I 1W Mil ' ,. T ' III I S I I 1 V - ", ... it 111 KfW m U ' , I II i V Vt Ai to J-JN I -'i . -

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