r AMBALL, N. C, JULY M, DM THI RECORD luff News Mars Hill News MRS. J. W. HUFT, Correspondent DEMPSEY WOODY, Correspondent MRS. mm The Solar Eclipse looked this way Saturday in Seattle, Wash. The above picture was taken 47 minutes after the moon's shadow be gran its bite into the west side of the sun in a cloudless sky. Not true, however, in Madison County where clouds prevented the view of the eclipse. ACP PROMOTES LIVESTOCK INCOME North Carolina livestock and dairy farmers have used the Agri cultural Conservation Program in establishing needed pasture and hay crops according to A. P. Has sell, Jr., Executive Director for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation State Committee. In 1962, a total of 87,843 acres of permanent pasture and hay crops were seeded with cost-sharing under the Agricultural Conser vation Program. Hassell pointed out further that since 1959, over 360,000 acres have been establish- JUGGLER A genius sometimes proves his point by making the facts agree with his theories. ed under the program. This has lieen a program that served a very vital conservation need and at the .same time helped farmers make needed adjustments in their farm ing operations. Hassell says that much of the acreage seeded to permanent cover had a serious erosion problem. The establishing of permanent cover has prevented soil erosion and the run-off of much excess water. To the individual farmer, it has meant making needed adjustments to provid neeeded hay or grass for his farm animals. It has also helped diversify many farming operations by the adding of live stock income. REMOVE WARTS! Amazing Compound Dissolves Common Warts Away Without Cutting or Burning Doctors warn picking or scratch ing at warts may cause bleeding, spreading. Now amazing Com pound W penetrates into warts, destroys their cells, actually melts warts away without cutting or burning. Painless, colorless Compound W, used as directed, removes common warts safely, effectively, leaves no ugly scars. Send The Newt-Record To Your Boy In Service HEAVY-WHY LUXURY HCWNC I i mi m for nmn I M8-CUC0UTIK VENTS 1 ftflMmflWmCMmW0WW6 EXTM-fW KAYY-CAWE DOOSPWiG I I FREE TRIAL EKj??S1 There was large crowd at Zion Baptiat Church Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Henry Watson and children of Louisville, Ky., visited Mr. and Mr. D. 0. Brooks, Mary and Rex Ut week. Mr. Dewey Waldroup of Ashe ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Fate Woody Sunday. Mrs. Ray Roberts and son, Da vid spent the weak-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brooks and girls. Mr. Roy and Troy Woody of Michigan ana visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fata Woody and Mr. John Woody Mils weak. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watson and son, Mike, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Mr. Horace Corn and Edna of Balfour Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fletcher and son and Miss Nina Lee Brooks of Asheville. Miss Lola Woody of Balfour spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Woody. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Roberts and family of Marshall visited Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brooks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Woody, Lois and Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. Quay Smathers and family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Smathers and family were camping last weak on Bluff Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pangle and son, Ken, of Meadow Fork, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brooks and girls Friday. Mr. Tommy and Lionel Brooks went to Hickory Saturday. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fate Woody and children Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Thelmer Waldroup and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brooks and girls, and Hubert and Ethel Waldroup. Mr. Fate Woody is entering the Oteen Hospital Tuesday . Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Brooks visited Mary Brooks and Brenda Watson Sunday. Miss Brenda Watson of Louis ville, Ky., spent Saturday night with Phyllis Brooks. Mr. Raymond Dunlap of Green ville, S. C, is in the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. CloU Lipoard and Mrs. Dorcas Terrell left Monday to spend some time in Gastonia with their sister, Mrs. Tom Hollowell, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Jarvis. ac companied by their son, Dr. Lu ther jarvis, of Gastonia, made a trip over the week-end to Glen Burnie, Md., to visit their other son, Mr. Ray N. Jarvis, and fam ily. Mrs. Fred McClure and daugh ter, Karen and Debbie, of Eliza- bethtown, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tollev. while her husband is at camp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crocco, of Rahway, N. J., have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Winfred Shep herd and family for the past two, weeks. Other guests here over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Griffin and daughters of Co- BABE RUTH LITTLE LEAGUE SCHEDULE FOR '63 BABE RUTH Friday, July 26 Hot Springs at Mars Hill; Beech Glen at Ebbs Chapel. Monday, July 29 Walnut at Ebbs Chapel; Beech Glen at Hot Springs. Friday, August 2 Ebbs Chap el at Walnut; Hot Springs at Beech Glen. Monday, August 5 Mars Hill at Beech Glen; Hot Springs at Walnut Friday, August 9 Beech Glen at Mars Hill: Walnut at Hot Springs. Homecoming And Decoration At Union Church On July 28 The annual Homecoming and Decoration Service will be held at Union Baptist Church, Sunday, July 28. Rev. Harold Cable is pastor of the church. All singers and the public are invited to attend. PAUL McELREATH, Church Clerk Griffin, of GokJaboro. Mrs. A. E. Carter returned last Thursday from a five weeks visit Co bar daughter and family in El Paso, Texas, where she attended the wadding of her granddaughter, the former Miss Elaine Plovo. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Buckner of Detroit, Mich. ,are visiting rel atives in this area this week. Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Harris of Dante, Va.., spent several days here recently with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harris. Mrs. James Holcombe has gone for s visit to relatives m Tennes- ) and from there will go to Lincoln, Nebr., for a visit to her brother, Mr. H. Clay Cox. Mrs. Nelson Harris visited in Hendersonville last week, Thurs day to Sunday, A self -made man is just an average run-of-the-mill type with lumbia, S. C, and Mr. Robert a built-in publicity agent. a LITTLE LEAGUE Thursday, Jul 18 Hot Springs at Beech Glen; Ebbs Chapel at Tuesday, July 28 Walnut at Beech Glen; Hot Springs at Ebbs Thursday, July 26 Beech Glen at Walnut; Ebbs Chapel at Hot Springs. Tuesday, July 30 Walnut at Mars Hill; Ebbs Chapel at Beech Glen. Thursday, August 1 Mars. Hill at Walnut; Beech Glen at Ebbs Chapel. Tuesday, August 6 Ebbs Chapel at Walnut; Mars Hill at Hot Springs. Thursday, August 8 Walnut at Ebbs Chapel; Hot Springs a Mars Hill. NIPPED IN TUB BUD Observation proves that spring always produces a number of bud ding geniuses, but most of them get nipped in the bud. Face Fly Causes Pink Eye Spread In Western N. C. WK UHBS ef WMssW T Smtimttnsstmtmii Hone Electric & Furniture Co. MARSHALL, N. C. NOTE: Games will start at 5:00 p. m. for both leagues ex ceptions are Little League games doubleheaders begin at 3:30 p. m., and Babe Ruth doubleheaders be gin at 3:00 p. m. A CLEAR CONSCIENCE A clear conscience has always been a paying investment its stock is neve rwatered with the tears of regret FRIED OYSPHS Seafood Platter Home Made Pies Delicious Coffee HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. Pack Square ASHEVILLE, N. C. The incident of pink eye has increased greatly in Western North Carolina since the introduc tion of the face fly. Pink eye has always been present hi Western North Carolina and we have al ways known that it is very conta- geous, but until the face fly came on the scene it was usually con. fined to the herd where is first appeared and could usually be traced back to an animal which had come through a public auct ion place or in contact with other outside cattle. Now the face fly can spread it across the fence, a cross the river, or even across the mountain in just a few minutes. The face fly feeds on the fluid which is secreted from the eye and nose. In order to get the eye of an animal to secrete this fluid, it uses its front feet to irritate the corner of the eye caus ing it to tear. The fly, when irri tating the membrane at the corn er of the eye of an animal which has pink eye, picks up the organ isms causing the infection on the hairs of its front feet. Then when it flies to the next animal and irritates the membrane in the corner of its eye it implants the disease in the eye, spreading the disease. The farmers in this area can look forward to a real problem with pink eye, until an effective control of the face fly can be found. the patented SIEGLER MORI WAT OVER THE FLOOR than ever before! The revolutionary new Siegler sends the air right through the heart of the fire TWICE to give you a houseful of SUPER Floor Heat! Here's furnace comfort with out costly pipes and registers to install. You sous the cost wasting heat on the ceiling or out the chim ney. See the amazing new Siegler that pays for itself with the fuel it saves. Buy it on a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE PAT INT ED m FOKCCD-AIK Oil HOME HEATER Come in for a FREE hot demonstration! Let Us Install You A New Seigler Heater Now Before The A RECORD Jamestown. Pa. In the com- netitive field of .sports, eve school tries to set some kind of a record. The high school team at Jamestown completed its basket ball season with an unbroken but not perfect record of 19 losses' and no victories. But this is not the end of the Following the last game Ttltl ih a. 96-30 defeat. the unlucky school concluded its 63rd consecutive loss! ATTENTION MERCHANTS Want To Save Time, Money and Effort? Make One Step For Your Complete Shopping On Fist Selling Merchandise Soch As: ft Hosiery ft Underwear ft Fishing Supplies ft School ft Novelties ft Automotive ft Son Glasses ft Toys ft Electrical ft Carded Goods ft Jewelry ft Clacks AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS At oar new location the merchandise is arranged in large aisles where you can hare self service if you prefer. Wholesale Only. worth year while whan in Knoxville to SHOP at STAR It will be saaaaa aaea V - We Trade-In If You Own A Seigler And Want It Cleaned And Serviced Now Is The Time To Get It Done Bowman Hdwe. Co. MARSHALL, N. C. STAR SALES CO., INC. I 3 N. Central Knoxville North of Sean)