n. a, OSSIFIED ADS nMnmmm. WORLD'S LARGEST JAMES ALLEN Phone 649-8261 649-2104 (Horn. Marshall, N. a good baoso FARM FOB. SALE 86 ION, 20 MM feWCter lrvd; 20 acres hill 46 acres woodland; m w timber: ltt-acre to- allotment: mod five-room IIUI W MIWW II OWWHUWIl I Ponder Greek. J. J. PONDER 861 Lathrop Detroit 8, Mich. Sell Mars Hill 689-6667 1-eMp older tana. Highway 19, on Mars HiH Rt 12-31- I Am Back la The RUBBER STAMP BUSINESS Stamps ml all kinds Op to any sise or length. Quick service. COLEMAN C. CALDWELL ar see Earl Davia at The News-Record Office Marshall FOR SALK in Walnut KENN Cash or Mi Call FOR fJALEif? straw for ale by gjg,r: FOR SALE 1991 VttaJfwagon; dean and in good condition Priced reasonable. Saa, EAILPrl ""RAM.SK Y Marshall, N. C. l-21p 40 pairs Ladies' and Children's new shoes now being SOW at the VARIETY SHQP on Main Street Stop by. Prices Jow. All must go. l-21p Tomatoes lary of the Page One) beting Specialist, said the crop aj --a - La al.nl vi vi uo wi i Pai 1. 1 j asm jMiiavw ma laat hard frost is passed Count ACP for tha ioju ad can be put to a. to as May revealed tbat 1981 farm, took aa L but tot growls intending s ln . twiaa out one or mora of tha an. their county expansion agent aa umrad farm cractiesa an which a possible, and certainly be-fth. florernment shared th. -eat fan February L arfth the farmer on about 60-50 Under the direction of John Af . haale. The count, summnrw n- Winfield the msrketo aWakm of n-j, Iollowlnir hltmkAo' of I I 1 i. U tmm. I W W aparxroem s. nuw. participation on approved aacwSMr. acreage of fruita and hhm.il mi FVta.Mu.kmAn m vegetaMes as well aa Pt rstnawmt protective vegetative of Mraatock from Nor Carolina eovw. 107 farmi 260 acre. 15, pastures. At the same tfcne it ,891.00: (2) Increased acreage of works wtin ouoar wajetative cover on cropland to to promote production of eP ntailoft 646 farms - 1498 acres and livestock to fill the Judge Patton (Continued from Page Oaa) yaare latar. Shortly thereafter. Gov- Hodges appointed him real- Judge of the 80th District to succeed Moors. Patton rapraaaatad Macon Conn ty to the State Houae of Repre aenUtivea hi 1989. Ia August of that year he waa appointed an assistant attorney general. He aerved five and a half years, un til he was appointed general coun ael or the State Highway Com Surplus Food buyers and tha consuming public, Graham said. Bitten By Dog - (Con binned From Page Oaa) - 68 farms 888 81,789.00; (4) Planting trees for forestry pnrposes 14 farms 88 acres 1488.00: f5 Imnrov- 'tog aa established vegetative cover ,1007 farms 6028 acres 850, ianni. a t .n; tn. A i- a little panic, age on wet lands 10 farms 24 the possibility acres 8448.00; and (7) Bstab n stung winter vegetative cover Gov. Moon commented: "George Patton, who la a valued friend of long standing, has aerv ed the people of North Carolina ably and faithfully aa a legislator. a-twmael for th GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT write lor free copy 66-pg. Planting Guide Catalog in color offend by Virginia's largest growers of fruit trees, nut trees, berry plants, grape vines, land scape plant material. Salespeo ple wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSE RIBS, Waynesboro, Vir ginia. 1-7, 14, 21,28c WANTED Agents to write Hos pitalise tioa Insurance to Mar shall, Hot Springs. Contact Clyde L. English, or call Mars Hill- 689-3186 af 1-7, 14, 21c ftar 6 p. m. MAN WANTED for 1500-family Rawleigh business in Part Madi son County. Permanent if you are a hastier. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCA-580-123, Richmond, Va. 1-7, 14,21,28p MALE HELP WANTED Sell KNAPP SHOES full or part time. Earn 826 to 8150 a week on high commissions and bonus. Steady year-round business. Equipment furnished free. Write to J. G. Clayton Knapp Shoe, Brockton, Mass. 1-14 ,21c FOR RENT A 4-room house, near uranaview unurcn. Also For Sale Kitchen Furniture Priced to sell. MRS. C. M. BURNETTE Rt 1, Alexander, N. C. 1-14, 21p Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch-Relieves Pain For the first time ecience has found a new healing substance with th as tonishing ability to shrink hemor rhoids and to relieve pain - without surgery. Ia ease after ess, wall Ssntly relieving- pain, actual red ae on (shrinkage) took place. Host amastnf of sll results were so thor ough taat StttYsrers made astonishing Statements like "Pile have ceased to be a problem!" Th secret is s new heeling aubitance (Bio-Dyne)-die-eovery of a world-lsmoui research Institute. This aubitance is now avail -able ia lupporitory or ssatssoat ena called evaporation H. At sll dreg counters. and may be even when we consider that the dog may be mad. If you . are bitten by a dog, the first thing 1 1006 farms 2084 acres $4.- to do is contact the owner of the 127.00. dog and have him confine the dog Ramsey explained that the gross so that he may be observed. The amount of Government cost-shar-most important thing is do not ing with our farmers in last year's destroy the dog, unless of course, i Agricultural Conservation Pro he is definitely showing the gram amounted to $112,096.00 and symptoms of rabies. The dog should , that the farmers who took part be confined for at least ten days contributed about this same a- (Continued from Page One) and observed closely. If he shows mount excluding eir labor cost patronB of WaJnlJt and B, p.ne no sign of any of the symptoms of to performing the practices. u ucrv inuTuicTro Highway Commission, as an as sistant attorney general, aa a judge, and aa attorney general. I regret that our state will be los ing his services on a full-time ba sis, but I am pleassd that he will remain to the public service as an emergency judge." Judge Patton ia well known to Madison County, having presided many times to superior court here. His charming vrfte accompanied the jurist to Marshall practically every time he presided here (Ceasiaaeil from Page Oaa) uld not be ax- selves. Mr. Bill Zink could by any strs to k toes he Oam trust of the Republican County Commissioner. MsBwle. ftftJ who baa openly an fssgtsxltft r T no ueueuuy to Ifblg aa lilt New Rural Route- no sign of any oi tne symptoms rabies in that tim, you may con- skier yourself safe from the poS" I nihility of being infected with , rabies. The only thing the wound , should be treated for is tetanus.. , If, on the other hand, you kill the dog before he can be observed for ten days, then you have no choice ' performing the practices. 196 ACP GETS UNDERWAY HERE Emory Robinson, chairman of but to consider the dog had rabies and start taking the long, painful treatment for rabies. All dog bites should be reported to the County Health Department immediately. WO MINUTES urn THE BIBLE a. STAM FOR SALE 1066 Ford Automatic Black 4dr., needs two new front fenders and very little other work to get it into shape. Radio and Heater. Also I have a 1941 iStudebaker that is to srood shape. 16" tires Baby blue, original motor, paint job, seat coven, ana upnoistery, even the instructions that came in the srlovecomnartment. I wil sell these cars at a very reasonable dirt rate to let them go. I will be at the News Record Office Mon day through Friday, 8-5 o'clock; or you can see these cars at my home on Rtl Marshall. EARL DAVIS "DEAR ABBY" HAS GOOD ADVICE In the affairs of the heart and home, husband and wife, sweet hearts and lovers, Deear Abby is an expert. Want some good ad vice, presented to a readable, en joyable style? Read "DEAR AB BY" ... a regular feature every Sunday in THE BALTIMORE NEWS AMERICAN aa sale at year local newsdealer WANTED To contact home owner who are interested to planting Stark Bros Dwarf Fruit Trees, Contact Salesman NED JBSTES, 869-4271, Marshall N.C. 1-21-4MP oocaoo as, roiNOu GO, AND SIN NO MORE The self-righteous phariaees had brought a fallen woman to Jesus and "when they had set her in the midst," they began to accuse her, saying: 1 "Now Moses in the Law commanded us that such should be stoned, but what sayest thous?" (John 8:5). Gaad Grade Grass Hay far sale. 1-21 -4o O. M. JAR VIS Man Hill, N. C They ware .using this fallen woman to embarrass the Lord in to agreeing that this woman should be stoned, or else leaving Himself open to a charge of repudiating Moses's Law. At first He made "as though He heard idtT but when they continued asking they got what they asked for! Simply answering;. ?He .-that ia without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," the Lord turned away to let that sentence do its work. They bad "set Her to the midst." Now; He had set them in the midst and, "convicted by their conaciences," they "went out one by one" (Ver. 9). And there stood the woman alone before Him: a great sinner and a great Savior, . Since none of the Pharisees had dared to cast a stone at her, the Lord said: "Nei- sfcher do I condemn thee. Go, and sin no more" (Ver. 11). Thus the Lord graciously for- ithe Madison County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Committee, today remind ed local farmers that the Madi son County 1965 Agricultural Con- ; aervation Coat-sharing Program ia now underway. He explained .that it ia through this program that the Government assists the farmers in performing approved I farm practices that will help them 'solve their soil and water conser vation problems. This assistance lis in the form of cost-sharing of about 50 of tiie coat to carrying (out the practices approved for tha individual farm. Robinson said ihn initial turn wwln siomnn neri- gave the sinner-woman, yet with- . sUrted ousrujarr 11 and will out ignoring the demand of the' j T M1r, .... ers who were unable to file their request with the ASCS office dur ing this period could file anytime prior to the time the practice ia started. Farmers who do file dur ing this two weeks period will ignoring Law. He had not denied that the woman deserved punishment. He j had only pointed out that the Pharisees themselves were sinners; that they, like she, needed a SAVIOR. Thank God! Since "Christ died have "eir approvala aerviced by for our sins, "God can justly for- mail and those who file later can . , . ... 1 1 . 1 Mtl - give us - and He will, IF we but e Bcea . 7, acknowledge our sin and our need county ACP for 1986 is ba of a Savior, and do not join the "y the for, f' self -righteous who keep "going CP ,or 8 fW changes for im about to establish their own provement. Major changes Un righteousness" (Rom. 10:3). elude a small increase in the coun ty allocation of Federal funds and "This is a faithful saying, and more flexibility to the program, worthy of all acceptation, that jn conclusion, Ramsey urged ev Christ Jesus came into the world ery farm operator to give serious to save SINNERS . . ." (I Tim. I study to his farm plans for 1965 1:16). God is very gracious to and to utilize the available ACP those who will acknowledge their assistance to hia farm to solving sin and their need: "For the same his more urgently needed conser Lord over all is RICH UNTO ALL vation problems. THAT CALL UPON HIM, fori WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL I fa aaasm m m m UPON THE NAME OF THE. .Mate 1 O Aid LORD SHALL BE SAVED" 10:12, 13). (Rom. LATE RISERS People who do the most hurry ing an usually the ones who are always behind time. .o. TES asmaa m. .amamswTmswammi - .sBBSBSBBav- Missal all III II Ileal PtaaVw wi evwaasi VTvaraasessi BBBUieBBBBW sssbbbsbi bbbw T YOUR FOR BALE krtehtavdBMtta. saeawajeaBBesaSfaBSSSeassasasas . 1 a. . a Mi shall nURobrte ffifi l-21tt N. C -8061 (after AM jmb.) June Ledford at Balk's WE BUY COUNTRY HAMS Mnvt SON'S GROCERY RAMSEY POSTMASTER Another change, effective at the conclusion of business last Friday, was that of the postmaster of the Marshall Office. Frank Ramsey, who has been ser ving aa Acting Postmaster at the Walnut Office, assumed the duties of Acting Postmaster of the Mar shall Office. Marvin Ball, who has been Acting Postmaster hen, is now serving a temporary rural carrier of tha new route (Routs 7). Ramsey is well known to Mar shall patrons, having aerved as substitute clerk here in 1963. Prior to that time he was county auditor. Ramsey announced this week that the office personnel would remain the same with Mn. Sallie Brigman, clerk; Earl Fisher, clerk; and Paul Thomas, substitute clerk. to permit a rubber stamp baa facsimile of his signs tan to be used in dispatching the County Business. This I am pos itive is unique ftrUMfftitcioi North Carolina. No SscretarJ to any other County to my knowledge, ante a business .Ruajpess of a rubber stamp s hia Chairman I make this sideexplAatiod to justify my own doubts as to whatber or not the' poot jafff- riais would careiuny preserve ine records of their predecessors when ia obvious that they do not trust each other. , . . The complete Surplus Food Rec ords an presently in my custody and will rematn In my custody un til turned over to Representatives, , & ... i . of Mr. Jay Davis, State Director. While in my custody, any taxpay er, including the present County Commissioners, Clyde Roberts, Joe Huff, etc., can contact me by phone, letter or by word of mouth, and I will present the full -set of records in the Madison County Court Room for full inspection and will not ask anyone, includ ing the ones I do not trust, to- get behind the bar during the exam- nation. : .,. Mart Hill To Hv (Continued from Page Oaa) to Stinae and Mr. and Mm Wal ter Levins. Originally founded by late President Franklin D. Rassavelt aa Toe National Foundation for Infantile Paralyeis, the organisa tion ia now known sampty as "The National Foundation." Since the development af tha Salk and Sabto anti-polio vaccines and. tha conquest of polio, tha Foundation has shifted its major effort to the struggle against birth defects which afflict one baby oat I of every 16 born. Some of the Foundation's money ad effort still go, however, to tha care and treatment of polio vtotimsand to the support of The Salk Institute for Studies. Biological is Contributions to the March Dimea help research scientists and physicians search for cause and con of birth defects am) fi nance birth defect treatment can ters fnm coast to coast Scientists call birth defects "ths greatest child health problems Ifacing America today." Approx imately 250,000 babies an born in America each year one ev ery two minutes with a aerious birth defect. "We hope that residents of the Mars Hill area will be moved by these figures and will open up their hearts and their pocketbooks Monday night to help in this worthy project," Mrs. Httftf laid. HARRV RICE SAVINGS BONDS (Continued fnm Page One) aid from a state level. According to Carroll'a reply, a study of the local situation will perhaps be made in April. Dr. Carroll's letter follows: January 12, 1965 Mr. Zeno H. Ponder, Chairman Madison County Board of Education Post Offfef Box 440 Marshall, North Carolina Dear Mr. Ponder: Dr. J. L. Pierce, Director of the Division of School Planning, baa given to me your latter of Janu ary 4 in which you, to behalf ftf the Madison County Board of Ed ucation, request assistance in a study of your school building and educational needs. Dr. Pierce informs me that he s requests from thirty other ad- minfartnttve units and that he and hia aaawitotaa will move tote of these surveys as rapidly as poa- of fltamces, R appears that H will be tha early part af April before he can begin a stony of your atten tion.. I nope you will atay to eom- rnunicattion with Dr. With all good wishes, I Stoaerely yours, CARROLL, of Public Instruction Mm Florida Vegetable (Continued from Page One) beans, squash, strawberries, cu cumbers and tomatoes wen badly damaged by heavy frost, the worst in seven years in some areas. Thick, black amoks from smudge pots put out by citrus and vege table growers to protect their crops made driving hazardous in parts of central and south Flori da- Florida provides much of the fresh winter vegetables for the eastern third of the nation, and some experts said the crop losses could result in higher wholesale and retail prices. Cone See The All -uom New 4kt e Save - Come Ir ve Silent 1965 Cars By FORD Used s I CHAS. J OF BALANCE your responsibility it often throws thai ifcy out of balance.. 1963 FORD Galaxy 500 Fast Back; Radio. Heater, Power Steering. Power Brakes. 1962 FORD Falcon Tudor; Standard Transmission; Radio, Heater; Extra Nice. One Owner. 1961 FORD Tudor; Automatic Transmission; Radio, Heater. Motor Just Overhauled. 1959 FORD Galaxie Tudor; Standard Transmission; Radio, Heater; White Tires. Real Nice Car. 1959 FORD Galaxie Fordor; Automatic Transmission; Radio, Heater. 1959 FORD Tudor; Standard Transmission; Radio A Heater 1957 FORD Station Wagon; Radio. Heater i Several Other Older Models To Choose From Used Trucks F-600 2-ton Truck; Heavy Duty; Custom 1956 FORD 1-ton Truck; Good Transportation; Rough. Cab. sseasva SERVICE MOTOR SALES, INC. MARSHALL, N. C. Dealer. Franci Stat

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