IW-.t. - ..ajvW- ..v. '''til's rtifiiii I l I BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Jut KtfTlnM Cre fab. at Hot Spring et. r-b. ' Man Hill High WILDCATS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Yancey -away Fab. 2 Cane River away Pal. 6 Laurel-home Fab. S Diet Yancey home Fab. 18 Hot Springs away fill Cracks And Holes Better limataflUm taV - t- i 111 J m oq IBs iwv puujK. imuhu ira wooo. PLASTIC WOOD -Accept No Substitute. IXBCUTOB-S NOTICE Having qualified m Kxacator of the estate of H. L. Story, de ceased, late at Hft4e ' and Bun combe Counties, North Carolina, . L t a a. la . H a. UUI IB lO UDUTT mil pUBJOfUl BMW- in claims against aald eataU to P MarshalT" N C """Jj0 the 14th day of July. 1966, notice will be pleaded in recovery. I to mid or this bar of All persons t.t in i. make immediate payment to the unuersigneu. This the 14th day of January, 1AM XVOQ. JAMBS I. STORY. Ezaautor. 1-14 2r4dh New! Gillette sum Adjustable fflfefw Kazor MBHBBi Jf With new Stainless pjT msw Hiaaes You (urn dial from 1 to 9 for tna exact setting that matchas your skin and beard With Our Boy. ; jjaVniv, (AHTNC) Amy Specialist Bte Bobby L. Ramsey, whose par ts. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ram sey, live on Rt 8, Mars Hill, was asakrned Jan. 1 2 to the U. S. Army Garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. Specialist Ramsay, a radio re pairman in the garrison, entered the Army In 1968. The 25-year-old soldier is a 19K7 graduate of Mars Hill High School. 8th Infantry Division, Germany (AHTNC) Army PFC Charles R. Finley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Finley, Rt. 2, Hot Springs, is Darticinating in Exercise GOLDEN ARROW, a ten-day field training exercise in Germany, ending Janu ary 28. During the maneuvers, which are ,tairnt to test the maneuverabil- tv and general combat readiness of of the trench Broad Kiver. the 8th Infantry Division, Finley is receiving training in weapons fir- NOTICE OP SALE NOT! IV THC RITPRBTHR notlRT MAntfOTN milNTY DAVID A. FKBEItAN, Ot and DIXIE MARIE SINGLE, PeUUonera, MARY WELLS FREE M fiEOROE FREEMAN and SANDRA OWENS FKBKr. and ANSEL A. FREEMAN ana Ife, wife, VONA LEE FRE1 Defendant. TT-J.. .! K ulrtna nf a ludaT ment of the Superior Court of MaHiimn County, mads In a special proceeding entitled "David A. Prm.n at VS. MarV Walls Freeman, at al," the unsigned Commissioners will, on the sotti day of February, IMS, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, in Marshall, North Csroli- nn nffir ftr nnl tn T.hfl 1110:11 CD L . . i rtL a. t. bidder. lor ciso, out inBvi Vw. nnnflrmo I i fill rtT f4lA fnlirt. that UIU VUIU uinisvH wa w wwwy certain tract of land, lying and be- lng in No. 7 rownsnip, mmmm' County, North Carolina and more ,,,..( iMilm-Kr fAHhiu1 nn follows: TRACT ONE: Lying anu wihk in No. 7 Townsnlp, on rae oaim fCE OF SALE WORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Mad- ixmniy, maae in EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE g 73 3 S2.13 A&P INSTANT COFFEE M.W ALLGOOD NO . 1 SLICED BACON l-LB. PKG. 39c BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY, MEAT LOAF, OR SALISBURY STEAK BLUE ct a d YOUR J 11 -OZ. FROZEN DINNERS CHOICE 3 $1.00 NO LIMIT ON PURCHASES! BmBBBBMSi MmmmMmMAmm HPf BBBMbT rJBnRH IIMfftW W . BBaBv SIb. iL m BBmwV .". '"'." MSmw afflastMVnn)' ssjl afcaate"""'aaFanl MSDHw PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THRU., SAT., JAN. 30th A&P WHITE MEAT J TUNA 7-OZ. CAN 2 7c NEW! JANE PARKER VALNE CHOCOLATE FUDGE ICED DEVIL'S FOOD ftCOCOANUT VANILLA ICED -DEVIL'S FOOD A CHERRY ICED GOLD YOUR CHOICE CAKES PACKAGED IN A GOLD FOIL PAN WITH A CLEAR PLASTIC SEE THROUGH DOME LID EA. ONLY V. rngjagjaai . .aSatBBjBMfcw. : bbbbbb P jfflj I v bhbN I H aV MARVEL CHOC., VAN., OR STRAWBERRY HALF GALLON CARTON MARVEL tHUl, vau., ur air ICE MILK 39c BEGINNING at a larga beech on the bank of the river, and runs West 12 poles, passing a sugar tram. murliivl IT . tn IpHnlnP COt" ton wood on a side of a hill; then South 120 poles to a scaiey Darn ed hickory near a hollow; thence East 105 poles to a sugar tree near a branch; thence North 40 poles to a cotton wood and buck eye on the bank of the river the aama ntmt 9.0 nolpft to a Stake or rock near the head of an is-l..,l- M,,.,. tn tiha RIYiTNNTNf: corner, estimated at 60 acres, more mnrfl or I arm Snerial Proceeding Docket H, Page 388. Being the same lands ana prem- i ana HKrihpJ in A iepd from B. r. TwonH t to D. F. Freeman of record in the Madison County Registry, in Deed book z, page 5, to which deed reference is here by made for the purposes of a fuller description. TRACT TWO: Adioinine lands now or formerly owned by Go- fnrth .Tnha Lnnsford Tem.De Luns- ford, and others, and described as follows: RF.CINNTNO on a nonlar near the branch, a corner of the prop erty adjudged to be the property of Harley Anderson and Tobitha Anderson, in a judgment entered in said cause, entitled M. c. Payne, et al, vs. W. W. Zachery, et al, and runs thence in a South west direction up the hollow 8 poles to a stake: thence South 20 degrees East and parallel with the line of the said Anderson tract, Q nnloA ti a hnmhrxnm cm ton of a flat ridge marked as -a corner and having dogwood ana wainui no inters: thence ud said ridge with the ton thereof . in. o. South Proceeding entitied "Ella Morrow, raoaonor, va. Charlie J. Morrow; Henry Turner and Wife, Lillian Turner, Respondents," aba Under- awi 1 - -- - - ' - ni a- nraay, the 30th day of January, itoo, at ix:uu o'ciock, noon, ac uh wvrv nuwi uvor, m ranriuiau, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash a cer tain tract of land lying and being County. North Carolina, and more particularly described aa follows: Adjoining the lands of Vinson, Plemmona, Eli Hippa, and others; BEGINNING on a chestnut in the gap of a ridge on W. J. F. riemmons and rJ. B. riemmona thonrn North 78 deg. East 62.2 poles to the Old M. L. Duckett and B. B. Pletmnons 'Corner to a Chestnut; thence an Easterly Course to a DODlar. B. B. iPlemana and M. L. Duckett Cor ner; thence a South Course to a stake bv a rock near a spring; thence East with M. L. Duckett linn ti n nViMttnut on ton of the mountain; thence South to a chest nut near a rock elm In ri. w. Freeman line; thence Southeast to a chestnut in the gap of the ridee: thence a South Course to an ash, conditional comer made by B. B. Plemmnos, and E. P. Prmnn' thnrva ntraiirht line with the N. B. Freeman line a West Course to a chestnut on top of a ridge, W. J. F. Plammons and B. B. Plemmons Corner; thence a North Course with the meanders of the ridge to the BEGINNING, containing 100 acres, more or less. BEING AND INGMJD1INU Hie identical property conveyed to Charles E. Plemmons by M. C Plemmons et ui, by deed dated January 6, 1948, recorded in Book 77, page 101 in the Office of the Register tof Deeds of Madison County. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to the Madison County Registry to Deed Book 82, page 102, where is recorded a deed AtA nomKor nn 1QR9 for the above described tract of land from Charles E. Plemmons and wile, Eloise Y. Plemmons, to C. G. Sprouse. This being the identical tract oi land described in a certain deed dated the 19th day of December, 1966, from C. G. Sprouse to Char lie J. Morrow and wile, BJia mor row which Raid Deed is duly re corded in Record of Deeds Book No. 86. on Page 157, Madison U saiu proper ly. I deg. 30 mm. West 391 ieei; worm Said sale is made subject to any .. Wo. 9n7 ffMt. North 63 defects that would be revealed by . w' . faM to a 4takjB the center of the creek; thence with Lin aip.urato wS Sn toSmite The bighest bidder will be re- S North 24 deg. East which is also one of the outside quired to make a deposit in the a stak then running line of said Daniel Payne wt. amount ten per cent rftt JJW with the creek North 4 deg. 80 nun )f LM Wre bUUO JL a) owv -w " " i of his good laitn, ana saw aie RmTVG th,. iilpnticul tract land described in a deed dated 9 February, 1922, from Geo Wright, Commissioner, to ,m H shall remain open ior ten uay ? , I .. filiTirTnf Renort of Wright. Commissioner, to nnK " .r , .7 uj Freeman, of record in Deed Book f" ' increase- .u P.- ' w inrtnri Kir iQflKr 40, page 68, Madison County Reg istry Subject to whatever defects UW- This the 30th day or uecomuei wouH be revealed by an accurate survey. A ten per cent (10) cash de posit will be required of the high est bidder. This 14th day of January, 1965. JOSEPH B. HUFF, Commissioner 1-28- CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Commissioner -2-18c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Homno miAlified as Administra- itrix of the Estate of Esther C. Brooks, deceased, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at 731 South Fulton Street, aaiuwujry. 1-1 1JM m, nr- tioflW thp 8th (iaV of July, 1966, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoy- ... :Jk.1 tn OAld. estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 80th day of December, 1964. SHIRLEY BROOKS, Administratrix 781 South Fulton Street Salisbury, North Carloina 1-7, 14, 21, 28c . SLOW-ACTING KIDNEYS GOT YOU DOWN? IN JUST 24 HOURS Pep up kidney function or your 39c back. Getting up minis, ir regularity, aches and pains may be caused by functional kidney disorders. BURETS, a gentle tonic-diuretic, helps nature in crease, regulate passage. NOW .t ROBERTS PHARMACY ing and small unit tactics. The 19-vear-old soldier, a driver in Company B, 2d Battalion of the division's 509th Infantry near Germany, entered the Ar my in October IMS. Ha attended Spring Creak Mign a a of the U. S. Navy baa returned to his duties in the Hawaiian Islands after spending a 80-day leave, biclud w the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives in Mars Hill and Asheville. He is the son or J. P. and Lucille Buckner. J. P. 1 lL. mm n tka lot A meaner m uj Walter and Mrs. Buckner of Mars Rill, and be baa on daughter, . n i. m AkatU- HISB Anna omauiwir w i and two sisters, Mm Jobncilea Buckner Tilley of Home Shoe and H NOTICE TTtwiav anal har vtateai nf tha er of sale contained in that cer. tain dead of trust executed by Ralph Ponder and wife, Mary DJ. A Y SV Tn in i 11 I which itaaul of tr.i.t la aVtarf Awrll 18, 1962 and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for a- it tf ... - axil . sm ax maoison uounty, arcn Carolina, In rtaatl ft Tnut BiiaV XI at Put 408, to which reference is hereby . a m i. a t maae, ana aeiauit riaving neen mmm In tiho nawMana nf lim In. debtedness secured thereby, where by the power of sase thertein contained became operative and the holder of said note hvaing de- th.. ..ntl inll.Ktnu,. in default, the said Trustee will on the 24th day of February, 1966 at twelve o'clock noon at the Court House door in the City of Marshall, North Carolina, offer for sale and will sell to the high est bidder for cash, all that cer tain niece, oarcel or lot of land situated in No. 6 Township, Mad ison County, N. C, known as Lot Nr 4 of the John Cody Farm as shown on a plat dated April 28, 1961 made by G. E. iMorgan and more particularly described as follows: NOTICE BEGINNING on a stake in or near the edge of U. S. Highway No. 23, the same being a common mm.r nf Lota 3 and 4 and rune thence with the line of Lot No. 3, the following courses and dis tances: North 86 deg. 30 mm. East 34fi ft- .South 66 dee. 45 min. T7 i onn . Gniitfh 7K Atxr F.ARt I'.UrtL 1.C;.., J 11 . Ft- r East 100 feet; North 88 deg. 30 min. East 122 feet: North 8 deg. 30 min. East 1034 feet to a stake, thence leaving the line of Lot No. NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Mad- ton County, made in the special roceedtnga entitled "SAM J. vvv ... . mi in pfjck BTtRMrT TlITxTaaial wffa CTff.A DILL; HANIBLE DILL and wife. Iff AS! nil I. I'lUi.r. M. R. B. PEEK; LULA P. ROBINSON; (JAUL.1K rKKK. ana wire, WIL LIE MAE PEEK; and others, Respondents." the unHteraignei (Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 1966 at 12:00 o'clock. Noon, at the door nf ft,.. ViiwMiAliaa in MnnHfha.ll N. C, under and by virtue of an or der Of re-sale by the UlerR or su perior Court, Madison County, N. P nnnn an ailvanin hid. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash n an opening old or rivt OUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TEN ($5,510.00) DOLLARS, but subject to the confirmation of the court, certain tracts of land ly ing and being in No. 14 Township, Mnilionn (Vmntv N C known S9 the Homeplace of the late Belva Peek Cody, and more particularly described as follows: TRACT I: Adjoining the lands of M. Bruce and A. C. Peek, and others; BEGINNING on a large oak tree, being M. Bruce and J. B. Bailey s corner tree on a nuge, and running Eastward 27 23 poles to a stake near an apple tree and near the top of the ridge; thence up said ridge, a straight line, 16 23 poles Northward to stake: thence Northeast 15 nnlpa at.rAifrht line, to a black oak bush in A. C. Peek's line; thence with A. C. Peek's line, Northward, i , . o i x 46 poles to a sourwood on j. n. a common comer of LoU i aw I S Bailey's corner; thence South 61 thence leaving the line of Lot No., J . ,, . ., poles, ami wun j. r. rjuiiey s line, 71 feet; South 77 deg. 30 min .East 88 feet; South 65 deg. 30 min. r.ast 181 ft- South 57 dear. East 119 feet; South 41 deg. East 161 feet; South 39 deg. East 200 leet; aoutn 53 deg. 30 min. East 219 feet; South Al riwr IK min. East 822 feet: South 28 deg. 30 min. East 49 feet; South 12 deg. 80 mm. East 481 leet; souw 8 deg. 30 min. East 129 feet; South 1 Ac Fajit 9 AH feet: South 6 deg. East 82 feet; thence turning South 88 deg. West 73 feet; worm ri ue. 30 min. West 41 feet; North 80 Am, nn min Wort 212 feet: aoutn 75 deg. West 86 feet; South 86 deg. 30 min. West 61 leet; soucn vs aeg. West 216 feet; South 62 deg. West 10K feet: South 68 deg. 30 min. West 287 feet; South 63 deg. West 114 feet j South 80 deg. West 3b feet; North 89 deg. West 37 feet; North 70 desr. 30 min. West 192 No. 86, on Page 157, Madison f North ?3 WeBt 2oo feet; County Registry; and reference is North 70 d We8t igl feet; North hereby made to said book 79 deg 30 min. West 61 feet; South page for a further description of g9 . Weat 151 feet; North 76 deg. 30 min. West 391 feet; North A. E. LEAKE, Commissioner 1-7, 14, 21, 28c Hot Springs High BLUE DEVILS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Jan. 29 Asheville Catholic home Feb. 2 Spring Creek home Feb. 5 Clyde away Feb. 9 Laurel home Feb. 12 Mars Hill home lot OS Cfu666 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY m.n nnXavalivncul hnvintr nuell- fied aa administratrix of the es- ataA nf Tnonnh ..QfllmllAl Wrwwl ceased, late of Madison County, this is to notify all persons hav- ... . . F. i " J x X eVax ing claims against said eocavo i present them to the undersigned, on or before the 14th day of July, 1966, or this notice will be plead ed in bar, of their recovery. All wirrbaaTmaTe aty- meat to the undersigned. This the 7th day of January, 1906. JKH a. WWU, Administmtrix I. Hot Swrhucs. N. C. 1-14-4-40 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED DR. LOCKARD aaaatJaM, 8 A. M. to 12 Noon FRI DAYS IOBERTS THE L. P. B BUHJ)ING MARSHALL N. C fya with the creek North 4 deg. 80 min. Wpst 318 feet to a stake, the place of BEGINNING. Containing 81 acres, more or less. Subject to riarhts of way and en cumbrances of record. This 25th day of January, 1965. J. C. JOYNER, Trustee 1-28 2-18c n - - 1 ing seven (7) acres, more or less. TKAUT II! BKGINNINU on a maple on the West bank of the (East Fork of Bull Creek, in J. J. Roberts line, and runs East 68 poles to a black oak in J. B. Jer vises line, and with said' line 51 poles to a sourwood in Stephen Dill's line; thence North with his line, 44 poles to a hickory; thence West 116 poles to a stake on the hint nf thn Cast fnrlr Off Bull Creek, and with said creek to the BEGINNING; Containing nrty (50) acres, more or less. TRACT III: Adjoining the land of J. D. Bradley and others; BE GINNING on a spotted oak in J. D. Bradley's line on a high ridge twI nmo Wnrthwnrd tn a chestnut stump and sprouts; thence a con ditional line, weswaru, to spruce pine on the bank of Bull Creek; thence with the creek to the BEGINNING. EXCEPTING FROM THE FOREGOING TRACTS OF LAND, one-fourth () acre, more or less, conveyed to J. T. Dill and wife, Laura E. Dill, by deed dated March 2, 1933, and re corded in the Madison County Registry in Deed Book No. 86, page 171. A Hannait of 10 of the first $1,000.00, plus 5 of the remain der, of the highest Did will De re n.,,Von at thn snU nnd the same a.n.m,nt Will Ko rnmiirPli t.O raiSO the bid within ten days thereaf ter; and, said sale is suDject to the approval and confirmation of the court. This 22nd day of January, ltfoo. CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Commissioner 1-28 ?-4c T "(used to cry for no reason at all" One ol the first "change-of-life" danger signals No wonder a woman feels like crying I The suffocating surge of hot flashes one minute; cold, clammy perspiration the next can make a woman wonder "What's come over ma!" Change-of-life panic sets nerves an edge, fills her with Proven hlp! Woman sfftof woman in doctors' tests got remarkable relief from hot flashes, nervous tensions! Some women worry themselves sick; some women do some thing about awesome change-of-life symptoms. Thousands have found that Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets helped them as dramatically, as quickly as this gentle medication has helped other women. Not new, johnny-come-lately rem edy, but a tried and trusted "friend"... to relieve func tional mid-life complaints. relieve woman's faring I Get L Tablets today A Paint Rock 4-H Elects Officers 221 boys and girls gathered at Grace Chapel, Paint Rock, for a 4-H Club meeting on Jan. 12. A business meeting was held and officers were elected as fol lows: President. Patsy Ward; vice president, Junior Thomas; secretary-treasurer, Freida. Suttles; re porter, Cathy Dahlenburg. The next 4-H meeting will be held Feb. 9. Monty K. Chipman Passes; Graveside Rites Last Friday Monty K. Chipman, 83, of Hot Springs, died Wednesday, Janu ary 20, 1966 in a Canton rest home after a long illness. He was a native of Missouri, and a retired civil engineer. Surviving is a sister, Mis. Ruth Haskins of Albany, Indiana. Graveside rites were held at 10 m., Friday in the Bowman- Bector Cemetery.. The Rev. Jack Thomas offlcf- Bowman Funeral Home was in Clyde L. English MARS BILL, N. G. FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE 11 Assigned Duraeuiu u- ii TV 1 ' It Mrs. Glenna Buckner Bnggs, of Charlotte.