P AMI SEVEN N. C JUNE 8, 1965 NEWS-RECORD I NOTICE Or SALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA W TOE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK MRS. CARRIE S. CORN, wid ow; BORA EDWARDS end hus band. W. J. EDWARDS; J. O. SMITH and wife. MYRTLE SMITH and wlf , MILDRED SMITH; DENNIS 6. HUNTER and wife, NELLIE HUNTER; GEORGE r. HUNTER and wife, IRENE HUNTER; NINA H. DA MATO and husband, FRANK DA MATOi ETTA HUNTER, Mas: CLARA 8. FOX. widow: RALPH ROBINSON and wife. MARJORIE ROBINSON; MOVALINE R. k KENT: BILL ROBINSON and Awife, DORIS ROBINSON; TRU SLIB 6: LONG and- husband, W CHARLIE LONG; LOTTIE S. YOUNG and husband, RUFUS YOUNG; SYLVIA S. RICHARDS and husband. LEONARD RICH ARDS: BONNIE S. COPE LAND and husband, JAMES COPE LAND; ROSIE S. BENSON and husband, DEAN BENSON: RU FUS SMITH and wife, WILMA SMITH; J. C. SMITH and wife, WILMA SMITH; ADA S. ROB INSON, Widow; OTTO R. SMITH and Wife, LILLIAN W. SMITH; MARVEL BRAND MARVEL BRAND Jane Parker - Marble or Gold Pound Cakes l-Lb. 9-oz. Each Aristocrat Saltine Crackers 2 Z. 39e YELLOW CLING 2 2 te G n t&s . nw - ain?itfjL "aw Each JK saaM m 9R --2Sssi sBCsBsr IONA SERVE HOT TOPPED WITH BUTTER . TENDER YELLOW CORN ROSCOE a SMITH ORA V. SMI' MRRRIIJ, and MERRILL: J. D. KATHER1NE R MAE S. MBRRIWBA husband, ELMER THE; DOROTHY kuahand. LEON 9 S. CLEB08KI and husband, MA RION CLEBOSKI; MRS. HENRI if a 7.1 v HVltTH- a. G. ROB ERTS; H. C JEKV1S and wife, VERLIE JKKVIH; CLAKA St. and husband, BLAKE RAY: JE TER T. RE VI 8 and wife, MARY W. RKVE8: BONNIE M. KEiVUB. Single; ADA R COTHRAN and husband, GEORGE W. COTH RAN; PORTER K REVS) and wife. FLOSSIE K. REVIS; HAR RIET R. FISHER and husband, ALBERT FISHER; LOUVENIA R. ROBERSON and husband, HU BERT L. ROBERSON: DIXIE R. BRMCO and husband, GEORGE V. BRISCO; HOWARD ROBERTS and wife, LOUISE ROBERTS; CAS ROKKRTS and wile, l-in-II A RORKRTS- VINKY R. FEN DER and aosband, HOBBRT FEN DER; GLENN A S. SH ELTON and husband, RALEIGH SH EL TON; PAUL SILVER and wife, MRS. PAUL SILVER; CLAR ENCE ROBERTS and wife. OPAL ROBERTS; NOLA SILVER and husband, ELISHA SILVER; SA BRA ATKINS and husband, JACK SPECIALLY PRICED ICE MILK 75 HALF GALLON CARTONS SPECIALLY PRICED ICE CREAM 95 HALF GALLON CARTONS Jane SLICES or HALVES CANS SARI -tsswswa Hpsw 5 MSWSSSSr gSjWSBBSBBBI JBL.Bl m H assaaH BBSs! H SBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBsV BB BBBsl s--- 99A-H t 17c m m ATKINS: SOP husband. H. It. COOPER and husband L COOPER; PAUL RICE and wile, LOIS RICE; THBRSA R. -LISH and husband, CLIFFORD ENGLISH ; RUBY R, ssHELTON and bttsUnd, EARL SH ELTON; IARLENE HONEYCUTT and hus band, FORD HONEYCUTT: NEL LIE MARIE R SBUffOM Jaod husband, RALPH SH ELTON; JAMES ROBERTS and wife, NE VADA ROBERTS: CLARENCE ROBERTS and wife. ERNA ROB ERTS; GLEN ROBERTS and wife, NANCY JO ROBERTS; BOBBY GENE ROBERTO; MA RY LEE ROBERTS; WANDA R BY A. STYERS and wife JULLIE EMORY; HARLEY JACKSON MclNTOSH and wife, PEARL Mc INTOSH; CHALMER MclNTOSH and wife, LILLIE MAE McIN- TnQu umaiin HAM M THOMPSON and husband, JACK THOMPSON: GEORGE E. STY ERS and., wife, BEATRICE B. STYERS; LOYD D. STYHRS and wife, PRUE W. STYERS; DEW EY A. T YE-RS and. wife, LILLIE MAE C. STYERS: LUDIE S. GREEN and husband, THOMAS C. GREEN; HORACK L.KK MAR TIN, Single; AMBROSE CHARLES MARTIN, Jr., Single: THOMAS JAMES MARTIN and wife, MA U DIE J. MARTIN; OL AN DONALD MARTIN and wife, JANE ALICE MARTIN; MOL LIE ROBERTS PHILLIPS; MIN- Parker - Tasty Peach Pies i Lb. AA. 8-ozv . rsSsHc PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFF., THRU. SAT., JUNE 5th mm Si si YSM-n FISHER and hueatosnL RILEY L. FISHER; BBsnVKTS, Sin- BLANCHB EflPBATTu! It. fVlaLasLsS estfiea rls9Birt JasAl" EN ERTS and ERTO wife, R. H. wif OLLIE ADAM R. CO! MOtND COFFEY: ORLA P. HOYLE and husband. WINFRED HOYLE: ALMS P. HOYLE and husband, DALLAS HOYLE; VE NIE P. GRIFFIN and husband, OLSEN GRIFFIN; BSTTBULE P. FRIEDEL and husband, PAUL FRIEDHL: JACK PROFF1TT and wife, LINDA PROFFITT; C. B. PROFFITT aesUwife, DICIE PROFFITT; MEL.V1N C. ROB ERTS and wife, MYRTLE ROB ERTS; KELLY ROBERTO, Sta le; WADE RIDDLE and wife, IAK RIDDLE; EMORY RIDDLE and wife, MRS. EMORY RIDDLE; GLEN RIDDLE and wife, LOIS RIDDLE; BILLIARD RIDDLE i nvnatiik RTnm.ir- CECIL RIDDLE and wife, MRS. CECIL RIDDLE; ALONZO RID DLE arid wife, MRS. ALONKO RIDDLE; MAE RIDDLE ED WARDS and husband. CARROLL EDWARDS, PETITIONERS, KATHLEEN R. TAYLOR and husband, CHARLES TAYLOR; ALICE SMITH: and MARTHA SMITH, RESPONDENTS. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Mad ison County, made in the above entitled Special Proceedings, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, June 28, 18W, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Marshall, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder lor cash those certain tract of land, lying and being in No. 8 Township, Madison County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Met calf, J. H. Ray, and others, arid more particularly described as fol lows: TRACT I: BEGINNING on a Spanish oak, corner of J. H. Ray; thence S. 5 E. 22 poles with a ridge to a stake; thence with the ridge, South 35 East 14 poles to a stake; thence 8. 10 poles to post oak; thence S. 27 E. 22 poles to the Lon West dogwood corner; thence S. 78 E. 10 poles to the Sarah Gwaltney corner; thence S. 39 E. 30 poles with the mean ders of a ridge to a bunch of Spanish oaks; thence S. 80 E. end with the meanders of a branch 73 poles to a rack in Bull Creek, opposite where the branch runs off of a hill into the creek; then East V poles to a stake in the road; th to stake e North 8 East ZSi poles the road, thence North 88 East ainstruiil thence the old hundred acre line; v then with that North 6 East 13 poles to a stake. Z. R. Merrill's corner; thence South 62 East 8 poles to a stake; thence North 15 East 17 poles to a sourwood; thence West 23 poles to a stake; thence North ward down the hollow as it mean ders by the spring 35 poles to a stake in the branch; thence down the branch 7 poles to e peaah tree; thence N. 45 West 10 poles to a white oak, the old Cody corn- thence N. 27 West 16 poles to a stake in the hollow; then down said hollow, 16 poles to a stake; J. H. Ray's corner; thence South 15 poles to Harriet Cody's South east corner; thence North 88 West 28 poles to a stake on the point of a ridge; thence S. 76 West 14 toles to a stake in the original ine; thence North 6 Bast 24 poles to a stake in J. H. Ray's line; thence up said branch aa it mean ders to a spring; thence North 78 West 28V4 poles to a sourwood, J. H. Ray's corner on top of a ridge; thence South 56 West 8 poles to a dogwood; thence S. 62 W. 10 poles to the BEGINNING; con taining nmetypTour 1941 acres, more or less. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to the Madison County Registry to Deed Book No. 28, page 180, where is recorded a deed dated January 5, 1914, from J. M. Howell and wife, C. K. How ell, to J. L Howell, for the above described Tract I TRACT II: BEGINNING on a stake, the original beginning cor ner of the Pollie Cody tract of land, and runs North ao oeg. West to a stake in the Creak; thence down the creek with its meanderings to Luther Howell's line; thence South 88 deg. East to the comer near his house; thence North 13 poles to the BEGIN NING corner, containing one (1) acre, more or less. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to the Mad ison County Registry to Desjd D 1. XT oo on A L. i- OW1 XV HA, LNC AW, W1ICU C ID recorded a deed dated February 11, 1915. from J. H. Ray and wife, Hettie Ray, ot Lather Howell for the above described Tract II. The first and larger tract of land above la subject to a Water Easement from. Leota R. Howell, and others, to Joe B. Osrie a) the in Deed Book No. 98 , A deposit of 10 of the first aflWM. plus 5 of the remain der, of the highest bkf will he re- auired at the sate, aau the and, said sale is subject to sjaptwsal and This t7Bi day of May, 1998. CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Commissioner CE WiHa; CARSON R08- wif e, fasssHYA ROB- VIOLET RtJBPP; OPAL KiSyobS , ARIETTA ROBERTO; P uSBSKKM; GRACE bbbbbbbbW - M tu 1 1 n i ir ent Cm NJftft3 East fi i ii TrtA?in recorueu in Registry page 819 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADBBON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR OURJKT FRANK T. MOORE, Administrat or ROY H. PLEMMONf), de ceased. Petitioner, em. MYRTLE PLBMMONS. Widow of ROY H. PLEMMONS, at al, De fendants. Under and by virtue or an or der of sale of real estate to with which to pay d made and entered in a special pro ceeding entitled "Frank T. Moore, Administrator of Roy H. PUtn- mons. Deceased, Petitioner vs. Myrtle Plemmons, Widow of Roy H. Pleonasms. Howard JL Plem mons and wife, Roxle Plemmons Martha Plemmons, Hmgle, ana Tommy Plemmons, Single, De ism day or May 1966, the undersigned Com-, nuaaloner, duly authorised by said order of sale will on the 12th day of June, 1966, at 11:00 o'clock A. w.. win v ww ' "- ' bidder for cash, at the premises in the Town of Hot Springs, North Carolina, No. 9 Township of Madi son County, the following describ ed real estate: FIRST TRACT: All that piece or parcel of land lying aqd being in the Town of Hot Springs, No. 0 Township, Madison County, North Caroline, being bounded on the North by Serpentine Avenue, on the East by Mrs. Joy Gayer and Ella Mae Barnes, on toe souxn Dy u. i. my- era, and on tne west Dy w. . Fowler. Bala tract or iena is more particularly aescnoea ac cording to a plat and survey thereof, dated November, 1964, as followa: BEGINNING at a stake in the center of Serpentine Avenue, a common corner with Mrs. Joy Gayer, which said point is the Northwest corner of a certain 15 acre tract of land conveyed by Rombough to W. H. Plemmons, et al, by deed recorded in Book 13, page 407, and runs thence with the center of Serpentine Avenue, South 70 degrees 30 minutes West 66 feet: West 132 feet to a point in the line of W. C. Fowler; thence leaving the road and crossing a road or street, South 19 degrees 30 minutes East 235 feet; to a point in the line of G. C. Myers tract: thence with line of G. C. Myers and with the ditch, North 55 decree 0 minutes East 185 feet to a fence corner, corner to Barnes and Myers; thence with the line of Ella Mae Barnes, and the line of Joy Gayer and crossing the road or street, North 29 degrees 80 minutes West 142 feet to the noint of BEGDNNING. Contain ing Seventy-Five hundredths acre ( 75100), more or less, line aoove described lot contains a dwelling house thereon. SECOND (TRACT: l . All that bertain tract of land SiTpOles toTlying and being in No. 9 Town containing nine (9) acres, more or less, being bounded on the North by Serpentine Avenue, Fowler, U. S. Highway 26-70, on East bv Bridtre Street and dark, on the South by Cody, and on the West of Serpentine Ave nue and Highway 25-70. Said tract of land is more particular ly described according to a plat and survey thereof prepared by Ben H. Frisby, Surveyor dated November 10. 1964. as follows: BEGINNING on a railroad snike in the West margin of U. S Highway 26-70, the Northeast corner of the Gulf Service Station lot, and runs thence with the mar gin of U. S. Highway 26-70, as follows: North 15 degrees West 90.4 feet: North 21 degrees West 60 feet; North 50 degrees West 36 feet; North 87 degrees 45 min utes West 36 feet; South 88 de grees 30 minutes West 36 feet: thence crossing the highway and with the line of Fowler. North 19 degrees 30 minutes West 119 feet to a point on tne soutn margin oi Serpentine Avenue, which said point is 100 feet; South 63 de grees West from the Northwest corner of Lot No. 1: thence with Serpentine Avenue, South 63 de- grees West 32 feet; South 29 de 'grees 30 minutes West 132 feet; thence leaving serpentine Avenue and running South 19 degrees 45 miniitM Wsrt. 528 feet to a noint in U. S. Highway 25-70; thence With the highway and the eontin nation of Serpentine Avenue aa follows: South 88 degrees West 66 feet; South 28 degrees 40 min utes West 300 feet; South 82 de irraaa 80 minutes West 121 feet to corner of Cody; thence with toe Cody line, Soutn 62 degrees av minutes East 215 feet to a stake in the West margin of Bridge Street: thence North 29 degrees East 95.6 feet to a stake, comer to M. M. Clark lot; tnence leaving the street and with the Clark line, North 65 degrees 60 minutes West 119 feet; North 99 degrees East 100 feet; South 66 degrees East 118 feat to a stake on tne nr a. ! " - TV SBC IBBUKIU VM. ijino thence with West margin of t , , , CbfrM XlAMfrK OO ill Iff, mwm linage street, worin w eT0" UV leet ana nwm ee. as East 899 fast to an iron Station lot; thanes with GnH Station lot. North 29 dmm 47 mbmtes Wsat 100 feet: North 18 degrees 08 minrutea West 160 fast: North B1 aagrees 37 Minutes Bast 100 feet to mint of RBGINNING. ox us aoove tracts wm a ton (10) I Of a CHARLES E. MA Keen oi tne aoove tracw mui . " . i. - ; - same bidder for cash and a ten w '7"" w; it" .7 -ST" This the 12to day of May, 9f"l y-1 . !r: " .. . "IjJLZv Cotnmisaioner wwe or sass oroer oi we i - 5-90--lOc Cjx! !f Lp9VrT. jtF mil "w'tt Renew Your NOTICE OF SALE STATE Of WOMB CAROLINA' COUNTY OF BUrCOMM5 Under and by virtue of the now- to Cecil C. Jackson, Jr. Trustee, dated the 10th day of September, 1968, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Ma OOUnty, Norm uarouna, in Trust No. 67, at Page 118, default ufe&r having been of the indebtedness cured, and demand havinr made for sale, the undersigned Substituted Trustee (having been substituted as Trustee for Cecil C. Jackson by an instrument re corded in the Madison County. N. C Register's Office on the 28 day of May. 1966) will sail, at public auction to the highest bid- for CASH, at 12:00 o'clock. Noon on Monday, June 28, 1966, at the Courthouse door in the City of Marshall, North Carolina, all the following described piece or parcel of land lying aisd being in the County of Madison, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly designated and described follows: All that certain tract of land containing one hundred fifteen (115) acres, more or lees, known the John and Dewey Li sen bee Place, No. 1 Township, of Madi son County, State of North Caro lina, approximately 2 miles north west of Marshall, North Carolina, bound now or formerly, as fol lows: North by lands of Tom Rice and J. G. Ramsey, East by lands of Frank Blazer, South by lands of George Pritchard, Jim Ram sey and John Blazer, on the West by lands of John Blazer and Joe Craine and Tom Rice. Sud tract of land being more particularly described according to plat pre pared by W. K. Hunter, Surveyor, on February 2, 1928, as follows: BEGINNING on a walnut, former corner of George Pritchard, John Lisenbee and Frank Blazer, and on the Southeast bank of the farm road, and runs North 8 degrees 80 minutes West 119.8 poles; North 87 degrees West 20.3 poles; North 2 degrees 30 minutes East 40 poles; North 87 degrees 30 minutes West 40 poles; South 2 degrees 30 minutes West 40 poles North 87 degrees West 76 poles; North 4 degrees East 14.7 poles; South 55 degrees West 9 poles; South 71 degrees West 10 poles; South 66 degrees West 9 poles; South 63 degrees West 6 poles; South 53 degrees West 22 poles; South 40 degrees West 10 poles; South 35 degrees West 7 poles; South 29 degrees East 4 poles; South 7 degrees 30 minutes East 12 poles; South 64 degrees East 60 poles; South 67 degrees 80 minutes East 20 poles; South 60 degrees East 12 poles to a stake in the farm road; South 62 de- grees East 11:6 poles; South 41 degrees East 31 poles; South 8 degrees East 16 poles; South 11 degrees East 8 poles: South 41 degrees East 4 poles; South 76 degrees East 10 poles; North 64 degrees East 12 poles; South 80 degrees 30 minutes East 14 poles; North 64 degrees East 15.4 poles and South 88 degrees East 9 poles to the point of the BEGINNING. This sale as above set forth will be made subject to taxe ssubse quent to the year 1964, and the higest bidder will be required to deposit with the Trustee at the time of the sale, ten per cent of the first SI. 000.00 of the bid. and five per cent of the amount off. the bid over $1,000.00. This the 27th day of May, 1965. JOSEPH C. REYNOLDS, Substitute Trustee 6-3, 10, 17,24c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY The undersigned having quali fied as executor of the estate of Bertie A. Tweed, deceased, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Citizens Bank Building, Mar shall, North Carolina, on or before the 4th iday of November, 1966, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 81st day of May, 1965. CHARLES E. MASHBURN, Executor 6-3, 10 17, 24c NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Whereas, the undersigned, acting as substituted trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by Starling L. Ponder and wife. Ossie B. Pon der, and Addle Ponder, Widow, to O. E. S tames, Trustee, dated zi January. 1966, and recorded to Book of Deeds of Trust No. 48, page 569. Madison County Regis- 599. Madison County Refte- edV innieBinoJ subrttatod trustee, by an instrument dated AS 'K incTty Registry; foreclosed and offered for sale the land hereinafter de- on the Bast swn or saw road, . , orv-J 4i- 1 - .ll.. -n - "- fi ii l-i l-anni lis stshstituted 'trustee to 'resell said I way, thenes with the West mar- 9HBURN NOW, THSRKFvss E, UBoer ana yP-JSaJ' TJO" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HE? RAY dmlnistretor of the Estate of ELBERT PORTER RAY, Deceased. PORTER RAY, deceased, late of Madam County, North Carolina, this is to notary all oSatfd thTV to ed. jOdt Kay. North Carolina, on or before the 90th day of November, 1995, or this Notice will he pleaded m oar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please tke immediate payment. This 19th day ofllay. 1965. SHELBY RAY, Administrator of the Estate of Elbert Porter Ray, deceased. 6-20 6-10p . j urn NOTICE I will sell at public auction for storage lien at 12 o'clock Noon on Saturday, June 12, 1966 at the Old Walnut Garaga, on Highway 26-70, dismantled six bowling alleys, Including balls, pins, pin setters, bowling shoes, and other equipment. JOHNNY DAVIS Walnut, N. C. 5-27 6-lOp NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Mad ison County, made in the Special Proceeding entitled "I. H. PRICE, Administrator of P. J. PRICE; and I. H. PRICE, Individually, and wife, IDA PRICE; INZA P. FREEMAN and husband. HER MAN FREEMAN: EMMA P. PLEMMONS and husband, P. J. PLBMMONS; MAGNOLIA P. DA VIS, Widow; and othera, Petition ers vs. BILLY PRICE; DANNY PRICE; PHYLLIS ANN PRICE; JANE PRICE; and JO ANN PRICE, all minors; and their Guardian, MRS. STEVE PRICE, Respondents," the undersigned Commissioner will on Saturday, the 5th day of June 1966, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Oourt- I A 1. V4..W11 V C. rf iiuuw uwx lit iimwMii . v., " fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts of land, lying and being in No. 8 Township, Ward 1, Madison Coun ty, N. C., and more particularly identified as follows: FIRST TRACT: Being fifty (50) acres, more or less, located on the waters of HYeezelanct Creek, No. 8 Township, Ward 1, Snrinc Creek. Madison County N. C and being that tract of land conveyed to P. J. Price by deed dated April 4, 1904, by Maaiey Ball, Commissioner, the same be ing recorded in the Madison Coun ty Registry in Deed Book No. 19, page 109, et seq. !3ECOND TRACT: Adjoining the foregoing identified First Tract, and being described by metes and bounds in a deed dated January 30, 1907, front Josiah Price and wife, to Phillip Price, and recorded in the Madison Coun ty Registry in Deed Book No. 59, pagge 258; said tract containing fifty (50) acres, more or less. ' A deposit ox ivyo oi cue iirst 91.000.00 plus 5 of the remain der, of the highest bid will be re quired at the sale, and the same amount will be required to raise the bid within ten days thereaf ter; and, said sale is subject to the approval and confirmation of the court. This 4th day of May, 1965. CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Convmisioner 5-6 6-8c Schedule of Home Demonstration Clubs In County Tuesday, June 8 Bailey Branch HD Club will meet with Mrs. Roy Payne at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, June 9 Paint Fork HD Club will meet with Mrs. Dean Ledford at 2 p. m. est bidder for cash, at the Court house door in Madison County, North Carolina, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., on tite 16th day of June. 1966, the following described property, located in No. 15 Town- ship Town oi Mars am, jnauison County, North Carolina: AH tnat certain tract ox nun in No. 16 Township, Madison County, North Carolina, adjoining the land or Eugene iteese, roresi Ponder, and other lands formerly owned by C. A. Duck and bound as follows: BEGINNING on an iron stake at tke West margin of State High- way No. Z13 loaning irons HU, North Carolina, to 1 No. 3 leading rrom mars StfWW, Tennessee. Forest .fonder; West 205 h to an iron toe right of way. a private road; roi trees East 90 feet to an iron stake ana aoreOEBfjfau ain2Xt H ONLY

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