THE N CORD MARSHALL, K. ft. AUOUW 5, ur L." The News - Record fnhUAii Weakly At NON-PARTISAN IN POLITICS privileges t. L 8TOBY, OUTIUHI MADISON COUNTY It Month Om Tear 8U Month Tkm Month. aJraaeO ..... 80c Per Weak SIGNS FOR US 25-70? Someone has suggtested posting large signs along US 25-70 from Marshall to Hot Springs withthe fol lowing letters printed bn the signs: "ATTENTION TOURISTS .... DRIVE CAREFULLY . . ... THIS HIGHWAY HASN'T BEEN IMPROVED ; IN THE PAST 35 YEARS .... WATCH FOR HOLES .... BROKEN SHOULDERS .... BEWARE OF STEEP GRADES . . , . .S.HARP CURVES." This might not be a bad idea. Maybe the Mar shall Chamber of Commerce will lend a helping hand. Some people might think the signs would be a little too severe but when a person rides over this ancient but heavily-used highway from Marshall to Hot Springs and into Tennessee he wonders just WHY this important link of road has been so neg lected for so long a time. We have been promised time and again that this road MUST be improved. But for some unac countable or unknown reason very little improve ment has been noted in the past 30-35 years. It's no wonder that our people wonder. Perhaps we harp too much about this highway and its condition but it so irritates us that we can't help it. We just hope that other readers (and driv ers) will write to our commissioner, our highway en gineer, our highway commission; our governor, and to other officials pointing out the great, and vital need for a better highway into North Carolina from Tennessee via Hot Springs and 'Marshall. We feel certain that our highway commission er J. G. Stikeleather, Jr. will do all he can but it wouldn't hurt our citizens to show their concern by at least writing to our state officials. IT TAKES MORE THAN TALK The old adage that "everybody talks about the weather but no one does anything about it" could also apply to many other areas. Just about every body's talking about the declining population in our county but so far as we can tell very few people are actually doing anything about it. We also hear so many people talk about the poor condition of High way 25-70 but we wonder how many people have written to the State Highway Commission or to the governor pointing out the great need for a better highway? We hear so much criticism about this and that but we seldom hear any constructive ideas as to how to improve the situation. Indeed, it is easy and natural to sit around and talk and criticize but it isn't too easy to find people willing to sacrifice time and effort to put this talk into action. How many times have you heard someone re mark, Why don't THEY do something about this or that; why don't THEY improve this and that. And just as sure as someone tries to do something these same people, in many instances, will say, "Just look at him or her ... . THEY'RE trying to run every thing. We firmly believe that if our people would DO MORE and TALK LESS we could improve our coun ty in numerous ways. We're afraid too many people are just waiting for some industry to move into our county without exerting anjy effort to get an industry here. What are TOU doing to improve the present trend? Ifs going to take more nopmg .... it's going to take cooperat among our people plus some swe'SfSii Homecoming At Walnut Methodist CUmmmU t A. M. O The annual Homecoming ob servance will be held at the Wal nut Methodist Church on Sunday, Anew 8. Following the regular am worship eerrfce, a picnic dinner win be enjoyed on the lawn. Hie public is cordially invited. mmmmi at Marshall, N. C. 1 SUBSCRIPTION SATBB IN MADISON - BUNCOMBB COUNTIES U Mensta .- a. One Tw Kiht Months Six Months ..juo than TALK I' wishful and unity ITCHING LIKE MAD? Get this doctor's formula I Zemo speedily stops torment of externally caused itching ... of boa and ion tun Letters To Editor yaa 8UEK.S INFORMATION Anyone knowing the where bouu of Udia Meeeey, are reoueet ed to write me. He left in ISO or 1944, when I, hie eon, wae only 6 years of age. He la the eon of the late M Jim Maaaey. JOE MASSEY BC 1, Hot Springs, N. C. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc- Devitt of Swannenoa, a daughter. Friday, July 30, 1966 in St. Jo seph's Hospital Mr. McDevftt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Shuford MoDevitt, of Marshall and Mrs. McDevitt is the former Sarah Rec tor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Rectory, of Marshall. To Mr. and Mrs. Carter Lee Wor ley, Hot Springs Rt. 1, a daugh ter, July 31 in Memorial Mission Hospital. With The Sick Mrs. Paul Hensley of Knox ville, Tenn., is a patient in Fort Sanders Hospital, Knoxville, where she is undergoing treatment. The Rev. Arthur Hensley is a patient in Aston Park Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Mr. John 0. Corbett, of Mar shall, entered the Aston Park Hos pital Wednesday and is expected to undergo surgery today (Thurs day). Mrs. James Brazil returned to her home Saturday from St. Jo seph's Hospital where she was a patient for several days undergo ing treatment for a back injury. Walnut-Hopewell 4-H Club Met The August meeting of the Walnut-Hopewell 4-H Club was heW Monday night at the Walnut school. The meeting was presided over by Charlotte Shupe. Re freshments were served by Char lotte Shupe and David Allen. The pledge of allegiance was given by Linda Henderson; the 4-H pledge by Jimmy Baker; and David Al len led the song and held devo tions. Tobacco and 4-H Camp were discussed. The next meeting will be held Sept. 6 at the Walnut school. New Janitor At Courthouse Here Everette Massey, of Marshall, was appointed janitor of the Mad ison County courthouse by the commissioners at their meeting here Monday. The former janitor, Bill Bailey, resigned and his duties will ter minate this week-end. The commissioners met Monday but only routine matters such as reports were heard. Gary Ledford, Walnut 4-H'er, Is Now In Camp Brooks who had dlevotions. Pray Gary Ledford of the Walnut er was by Lyna Sellers. 4-H Club is representing Madison I The secretary, Mrs. Mae Parks, County at Millstone Forestry read the minutes of the meeting. Camp in Ellerbe this week. Lyna Sellers led in the discuss- Ledford has completed forestry ion of "Eyes That See Not, and projects and recently won a rib- Ears That Hear Not." It was a bon in district competition at Clyde A. Erwin High School. This week he will receive additional training in tree identification and planting, and the control of forest diseases and insects. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch-Relieves Pain Forth first timaseisn hat found aaew healing substance with the a. lag ability to shrink hemor rhoids and to relieve psin-without y. U case alter ease, Mils nl levin sain, actual raduc- (akriakage) took plaea. Meat or aa rasaita wars so tbor- laatonishinc iti nmil tn Miss Eva Baldwin Becomes Bride Of Virgil Smith, Jr. Miaa Eva Leaera Baldwin, of Fletcher, N. C, became the bride of Vbff Sseath, Jr.. on Thurs day evening, July , lUt, 7:80 oVioek la the Marshall Baptist Churn. The Bar. Jack L. Thorn as, pastor, performed the oere- The groom is the son of Virgil Smith of Marshall, and Mrs. Ver- don Levlngeod, Of West AeheviHe. He to a graduate of Marshall High School and attended Atlantic Christina College In WHeon. He was riiantly discharged from the U. S. Amy after serving in Ko Mr. SmMh to now employed by an sleotriaaj construction compa ny In Ashevilk and Mrs. Smith U employed at Taylor Instrument Company, abo of Aeheville. They are making their home on Route 1, Fletcher The wadding was attended by the families and close friends of the bride and groom Miss Nancy Russell Wins Scholarship Awards made by the Health Careers Scholarship Comma He of the James G. K. McCkire Educa tional and Development Fund for the 1966-66 school year have been announced. Committee members point out that the list is not yet wholly complete. They anticipate one or two mare applications from Buncombe County students who have been accepted for enrollment in schools of nursing. To data, $6,125 has been alio rated in health careers education al grants to 24 young persons since the first of the year. Included in the list of winners was Miss Nancy Susan Russell, Mars Hill, Mam Hill College, nurs ing. Mrs. Jack Edwards, GS District Advisor To Attend Course v JXk , . ville, district advisor of the Pisgah Girl Scout Council, will attend a two weeks course in job training at the Edith Macy Training Cen ter for Girl Scout adults, a nation al residental school in a camp set ting near Pleasantville, New York. Mrs. Edwards, who works in Avery, Mitchell, McDowell, Madi son, and Yancey counties with Girl Scout Leaders and neighbor hood service teams, will leave Aug ust 11 for New York. In September she will visit each of the counties in which she works for the neighborhood meetings scheduled for the month and work with leaders and consultants and other adults in the neighborhoods in promoting the program of Girl Scouting. Mrs. Edwards will attend the Madison Neighborhood Meeting on Monday, September 13, in Mar shall. Fairview WSCS Met On Monday The WSCS of Fairview met August 2, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Mary very interesting lesson and was enjoyed by all the ladies. We have considered the minis try to the ones who are physical ly handicapped, but there are han dicaps which AM more cruel than the loss of sight or hearing. There are grievous emotional handicaps which blight the life and jeopar dize the hnppfoasa of our future citizens. It was decided at this meeting to have an "old fashioned" ice cream sapper, Aug. 21, at the home of Mrs. Bonnie Goode. We will begin serving at 7 p. m. Pro ceeds will go toward the purchase of a furnace far the church. Ev erybody is welcome to come. The next inuring will be at the church Sept 6 at 7:30. Ladies, you are welcome to Join us. We have a wonderful fellowship. The meeting ipm adjourned witti : prayer. . l tH Shower Honoring Mrs. Gerry Sluder Is Held Saturday A household shower honoring Mn- Garry Sluder, the former Mies Pat Davie, was enjoyed in the home of Mrs. Oaney Ramsey Saturday evening. Misses Jessie Mae Lunaford and Billie Jean Red- Games ware played and re freshments served with Mrs. Ger ry Sluder and Mrs. Hasel Ed wards winning prises. Enjoying the occasion were Meedamee Joe Sluder. Hsiel Ed wards, Cheever Baanssey, Sarah Same, Ellsworth Sector, Roy G. Wild, Nadyne Worley, Bill Rob erts, Roy Reeves, Earl Ramsey, Vader Shefcon, Emmett Da via, Charles Catey; and the Misses Carol She! ton, BHlie Jean Red- mon, Shirley and Donna Parris, ie Mae Lunaford, Jolene Slu der and the honoree. Used Oars & Tracks 64 FORD Fasthack 2-dr. H.T.; S.D.; RAH; 852 Motor; Solid Black $2195.0 64 CHEVROLET Belair 4 -dr.; V 8; RAH.. Automatic $1998.00 64 INTERNATIONAL Scput Sharp $1895.00 63 FORD XL Convertible; Blue $1895.00 63 IMPALA 4-dr. H.T.; RAH; 4-in-floor; 327 Engine $1995.00 63 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-dr. 6-cyl.; S.D. $1395.00 63 MERCURY Meteor 2-dr.: V-8; S.D.; Black $1495.00 62 CHEVROLET Belair 2-dr. S.D.; V-8; Solid Rod 51395.00 62 FAIBLANE 600 4-dr. $1195.00 61 FORD Starlier; V-8; Automatic. Clean $1195.00 R&H; 61 FORD Galaxie Club Sedan; V-8; Automatic $995.00 61 FORI) 2-dr; V-8; Automatic. New recapped tires $895.00 61 CORVAIR 4-dr.; $695.00 Automatic 61 FALCON 2-dr.; S. I). $545.00 60 CHEVROLET tt-ton I'. U.; 6-cyl. $1095.00 60 CHEVROLET Impala Con vertible; Solid White. Was $1195.00; NOW $1095.00 60 FALCON 2-dr.; White $545.00 59 CHEVROLET 4-dr. Belair; V-8 $695.00 58 FORO 2-dr. V-8; S.D. $295.00 56 GMC F.U.; 4-forward $595.00 56 FORD 1-ton; New Rebuilt Motor $795.00 56 CADILLAC Sedan Deville $495.00 61 FORD Galaxie 4-dtoor; V-8; R&H $995.00 54 GMC 1-ton; Good Truck $446.00 56 CHEVROLET; Good Body; Needs Motor and Transmission Work $100.00 2 CHEVROLET 2-dr. H.T.; Needs Motor $100.00 SEVERAL OLDER AND CHEAPER CARS Cody Motor Sain, Inc. Dealer Frmnekkt No. latt MatMHALL, N. C . Local Basketball Enthusiasts Attend Instruction Meets Johnny Fisher, Teddy Cody and Gary Sprinkle, ell of Marshall, re turned last Saturday from Wake Forest College, Wlneton-Salem where they attended the Bone Mcinney Basketball Clink. A faw weeks ago Phillip Crowe son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Crowe; Donnie Banks, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banks; and Michael Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivor aon Bradley, attended the Jim Gudger Basketball School held at Valley Springs. State Sheriffs To Meet August 5,6,7 In Asheville Congressman Basil L. Whitener of Gastonia, will be the principal speaker at the annual banquet of the North Carolina Sheriff's As sociation meeting in Asheville, Friday, August 6, Sheriff E. Y. Ponder snnounced today. Whitener represents the 10th Congressional District in Congreef and serves on the powerful, House Judiciary Committee. A 'lawyer s n d formed district solicitor, Whitener has been instrumental in drafting many bills dealing with law enforcement. In addition to his work on the Judiciary Com- mittee, Whitener serves on the District of Columbia Committee, He is chairman of a special sub- committee- charged with law-en-forcemertt, fire protection and transportation. A District of Col umbia bill written by Whitener to revamp the District Criminal Code, passed the House this year and is awaiting action in the Sen ate. The annual Sheriffs Convention will be held at the Battery Park Hotel August 5, 6, artd 7 . Sher iffs and law enforcement officers throughout the State will attend. Sheriff Dwijfht L. Beam of Gas ton County is president Sheriff Ponder will attend some of the sessions, representing Mad ison County. KELVINATOR FREEZERS of all Among the many freezers is a 21 cubic foot freezer that stores up to 735 pounds. It is equipped with such conveniences as tw0 roomy, removable storage baskets; porcelain-on-steel liner; interior floodlight; spring-action counterbalanced lid; safety aignel light, sturdy Trbnw-JI construction with compact, efficient urethane foam insulation. Dimensions are 56" long, 36 1132" high, 30 2732" deep. Liberal Trade-in on Old Freezers Home Electric & Fun. Co. MARSHALL, N. C. Methodist. Hold Sub-District Meet Monday, July 26 The North rhKwomhe-Madieon gub-District meeting was held at the Laurel Methodist Church on Monday nlfht, July A picnic .upper wae enjoyed by the pas tors, MYF sponsors, and members of the different churches repre sented. Miss Elisabeth English, presi dent of the Laurel MYF, presided at the meeting which waa haW af ter the picnic. A program on "Prayer" was presented by the members of the Laurel MYF. Walnut Head Start Pupils Visit Many Places Here Monday 21 students of the Walnut unit of Head Start visited Marshall with their teachers and chape ronea Monday and visited numerous points of interest including a tour of The News-Record Office. On last Friday, the Marshall Head Start students toured Mar shall, visiting many places of bus iness, including The Newa-Record Office. DDGM To Make Official Visit Here Mrs. Agnes Crowe of Barnards- Ville, district deputy grand matron of the 20th Dietriot, 0. E. S., will 'make her official visit to the Mar shall Eastern itar Chapter at its regular meeting Monday, at 8 o' clock in the Masonic Temple. She will be accompanied by Kenneth Lowe, district deputy grand ma tron. Mrs. Anna W. White, worthy matron of the Marshall Chapter, will preside. Sawyers Move Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sawyer and two children, Janice and Da vid; and Mrs. Sawyer's mother, Mrs. Jessie Ball, moved Wednes day to Mrs. Ball's home in the Erwin Hill section of Asheville. sizes

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