MARSHALL, M. C. DBGBMBCB DAILY W.M.M.H. on Um Air i:80 Ssrvics Show BrwdcfMt Tim Country f Styl. 8:00 Nrt :ft6 BrsaHaK Tim. Go on ! Now. fiomillines 6:30 Breakfast Tim Country BtjrW 70 Hondas; Naw 7:10 Weather 7:16 Jo Emerson 7 :i!0 Sports New. 7:26 Breakfast Time Country atylo 7.29 News Headline. 7:80 Breakfast Tim Couairy ItyU International Sunday School Lesson for JANUARY 2, 1966 These comment arc based on outlines of the Interna- tional Sunday School Les- sons, copyrighted by the In- ternational Council of lie- W li(?ious Education, nnd used ( by permission. f Y- -Y- WHAT IT MEANS TO BELIEVE Memory Selection: "To all who received him, who believed in his name, h Rave power to become children of Cod." (John 1:12. Lesson Text: Matthew 8:5-13; Acts 16:26-34; Hebrews J 1:1-6; Jameri 2:18-26; I I'eter 3:15. Today, as we start a brand new year, we would do well to reflect on the year that is gone, our mis takes and shortcomings, and then consider the year that lies ahead, and make a firm resolve to recti fy our failures in the past. In this connection, there is no better place to lcgin than to ex amine our beliefs and our faith, because certainly this is a very personal matter; what we innate ly believe, and whether or not we have a live, assertive, practicing f Charles E. Mashburn Employees, Directors and Stockholders Wish You Every Happiness During E. C. Teague Annie R. B. Chandler Retha Ward Mae Fleming MARS HILL 80, IBM PROGRAM SCHEDULE Monday Saturday 8:00 Naw 8:06 Mualr fur a Happy Day M:46 Morning Deotoa 'J oo Soul Winning Cop. l Hour y ;ui tio.pei Sbigtlma Sl:46 Copl Slngtime 10:00 New. 1046 Goapal Sine Tim 11:00 Good Naw OoapaJ ttroad- eaal 11:80 Goapal Btnc Tim 11:45 (Wed. & Sat) Church of Christ Broadcaat 12:00 Trading; I'ost 12:10 Dinner Time Country Style 12:20 News and Bulletin Board 12:M0 Weather faith (r an innately dormant one) is the sum total of us as a person, Note that "belief" and "fuith" are not necessarily one and the same. Our beliefs represent our viewpoints or our convictions Faith goes deeper right to the core of our very souls. As Christians we believe in Cod, in Christ, in the Crucifixion, in the Resurrect ion and in life nf ter death. 1 f we are t rue 'hi is tians, we add the faith that makes the difference. We practice ac tively what we beliieve, and we take many forms to demonstrate that FAITH. We attend church regularly, and draw from that attendance sustenance for our souls as we battle our way through our work day world, with all its conflicts and tensions. Such inner strength will not come to those who go through the outward motions of church attendance alone. We believe that Jesus truly went to prepare a place for us in Ills 1' inner s House, and w e Ktrive valiantly with our lives in order that we may avail ourselves of the glorious promise that He made to us as he suffered and died. And, believing, we recognize with humility of spirit the great ness of the faith of the Centurion as depicted in our Scripture for today. The soldier knew that Je sus did not have to actually set foot in his home in order to cure his paralyzed servant; his faith E. R. Tweed May White jjK l j .BBBBBBBaeBBsi BT tgfl Wf A. S. Ramsey Mary Etta Clark Mary G. Rice CITIZENS DIAL: 1460 112:84 Chuck Wagon Gang 12:8 Farm Forum 1:00 Farap Naw 106 OWtuary Oohwao 1:10 Country Music Jasabor 2:00 Nwa 2:06 Country Music Jamboree 8:00 Now 3:06 Country Muaic Jambore. 4:00 Nawa 4:06 1460 Club 4:29 News Headlines 6:00 News 6::15 Service Show 6 30 Light Life (i:00 News B:05 Light Life 6:15 Sign Off (Month of Oct.) was bo groat, so impressive, that he knew Jesus had but to com nnnd and a cure would be affs-t I. Such a faith can move moun tains; it is certainly such a sr Konal thing that it can inspire us to reach unbelievable heights, ami accompli-.!! deeds nun, on wo- face of it, seem impossible. Save Money! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Cash and Carry SERVICE BRING IN YOUR CLEANING AND PICK THEM UP. YOU WILL GET THE BEST IN FINE DRY CLEANING AT A SAVINGS TO YOU. Edwards MARSHALL, N. C. CALL 649-2461 Claude J. Wild Althea Jonas Chandler "THE BANK THE NEWS I 1 It can sustain us ill tfcae great tribulation; bowed la gtitd, or troubled beyond human endur ance, it ia than our faith coma to the fore. We turn to God help, and if we put ouraolvea to His hands without roaervavtJona of any kind, He invartaWy re sponds. We gain a new dimension of strength and endurance; we are comforted, and know an inner peace that is an armour to our souls. We come through our peri od of despondency a stronger, more understanding person better servant of the Lrd, and someone worth knowing. All of us live by faith of one kind or another; even the atheist ha his belief in his non-belief. lint let us not squander our po tentials by practicing a non-active faith; that is more deadly a sin than atheism. Id tin practice an active faith, for our actions de termine whether we are passive in our acceptance of our beliefs, r arden. Renew Your Subscription To The News-Record Cleaners John O. Corbett Dr. Frank T. Moore Hoyle Lois Chandler Roberta Craine MARSHALL ' ': 5 H U : Set- H v v THAT SERVICE BUILT" RECORD -r V With Our Boys In Service U. S. Forces, Okinawa (AHT NC) Wiilliam R. Johnson, son at Mr. and Mrs. Iroy Johnson, Hot Sprinjfs, was promoted to pecialist four, Dec. 9, while serv ing with tiie 999th Signal Compa ny on Okinawa. Specialist Four is an enlisted ranq equivalent to the rank of corporal The 19-year-old soldier, a radio relay and carrier operator in the company, entered the Army in June 19o4 ami completed his ba- IM Wishes TO EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY WE WISH TO SAY . . . WE SEND OUR GREETINGS AND WISH FOR YOU A HAPPY NEW YEA??! Marshall Thrift Store Marshall, N. C. Hoyt Blackwell I I J. H. Sprinkle, Jr. Gail Silver Ed Sams BANK CARD OP THANKS We wish to take this opportuni ty to thank the many friends and relatives for the kindnesses shown during the illness and death of our loved one, Mrs. A Hie Worley; we also appreciate the many floral tributes. OH K ST Kit WORLEY and Family NATURE'S STICK UM ' Sap from the milkweed plant dries and hardens like jflue. Use it if you need a quick rciwir. sic combat training at Fort (lor ilon, (leorifia. Ho is a 19t4 graduate ,,f i(t Springs High School. k . '-amy km J . V . f - - V N J will he luppv .mil KINIHTOllS- Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company ROY REEVES Agent MARSHALL, N. C. ,r-f ita-lr lalaWir laaWV tstTlY rtsMstf ssl JWsTflWl -. A t 1 Wc vour vi. ii During the new year we hope to offer you greater service in appreciation of many kindnesses shown us by our customers Glennis Ponder stftisstiHl HIT Singing At Dry Branch Church Sun. The regular monthly singing will be held at Dry Branch FWB Church Sunday night, January 2, at 7:00 o'clock. All singers and the public are invited to attend. VALUK PAR AIM- IN OUR AW COLUMN Mill LEAD YOl1 TO SAVIIM CH6ER We appreciate your help the past year and hope io serve you aoain and again Model Grocery MARSHALL, N. C. Ethel Sprinkle SPRINGS A