t vn: ::::vr-Record i ( t ' , v I ,,(.,","'1, V i. ', f V 1 ' ' ' ' 1 l rw rv. c, ccr :3, i::3 !!A',ff.4llp'7''! O . v v ? u c,i v i V - I ... , . t . . , . fcr;v. NOVEMBER 2, 1CC3 Thee comment are based V on outlines of the Interna' tkmal. Sunday - School Lh sons, copyrighted by the In u tematkmal Council of Re Ugion Education and used by permission. , .:. $: .;,vs , ' . . . r ' ....... GOD'S JUDGMENT OF JUDAH now amend . your ways and' your doings, and obey the voice of the Lord your God; and the Lord will repent hhn of the evil that he hath pronounced against you." (Jeremiah 26:13) Lesson Text: Jeremiah 7; 26; 52. The central truth of this lesson is that disobedience to (Sod's ordinances inevitably erida in both fu.ui.Jt unci national Lty, kt.l national disaster. ,-. , t , : If we are in any doubt on this1 score, w have only to reflect on the story of the downfall of Judah, as depicted so graphically for PS in the Dook of Jeremkh. Indeed, in "our own day and ton we have witnessed in very recent years the downfall f hitherto great nation , who , went against Christian principles and .beliefs.' Judah would aot live according to God's laws; nedtheT . would she heed the warnings that Jeremiah, at God's bidding, gave to her oik more than one otosafon. .;': Judah" had suffered spiritually under the regime of King Zede kiah; Idolatry was rampant, and the people only gave lip-service. toAhe Lord in His temple. They shirked the discipline the Chris tian life would impose upon them. They ignored the fact that while they went through the no tions of worship God knew what was truly in their hearts. Thus it was that Jeremiah re fused Zedekiah'e command to inter cede for Judah, for the (Jeremiah) believed that Judah hajd sinned too, long to escape the fate that was in store for her. ..And f re fusel, he was imprisoned! ana ex iled, , . . .y:-,.i- V Are we ourselves, entirely In noeen of the sins of the Judeem? Are we not equally guilty with them m sne , of our attitudes I Our idols may Just be different wealth, position, our comfort and. easel The broad, wide, avenue of Spiritual laxity is so much, easier to travel than the thorny path of eetf-dledpHns arid truth that God would hare i treai'j,.i;i ".-' We are ntons to take ttndue ad vantage of tour f ellowmen, and we, too, are v sometimes 'bHnd to the fact "thai, although God's! punishments are sometimes seem ingly exceedingly harsh,- they are always intended, in love, to have1 a redemptive purpose. ' The cross es we may be asked to bear win invariably strengthen our spiritual awareness and discipline our souls. We, in this day and time, are equally in need of responsible; God-motivated leaders . . . not hypocrites or rabble-rousers but Christian-oriented men who have the courage to speak out and call us to order. We need to repent. We need WHOLE mm 2 OR MORE IN A BAG POUND 'SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT FRANKS LB. PKG. 55c ALLGOOD BRAND GOVERNMENT, INSPECTED SLICED HALLOWEEN HANDOUT VAtUEl! Stayman, Red or Golden Delicious IK 0 I J : Bag M 5 '&J&& FRESH WHITE MEAT' GRAPEFRUIT ANJOU PEARS FRESH CRISP CARROTS 2 & 25s GREAT FOrVAMS - SWEET ' potatces 3 j At . .s"WiJ3 k ' m "'S-j4v twkttfWklT'wLi TBCATC I SVi-OZ. PKG. ANN PAGf BUTTERSCOTCH BALLS S'A-OZ. PKG. ANN PAGf - . ASSORTED JOLLY ROLLS -.1 Your a m.-OZ. PKS. ANN PAGE e 1J-OZ. PKS. ANN PAGE r f JELLYBEANS j CANDT ruMrwuj 7 " X V "1 SERETREAtSOrSOKTEIXFLAyORS . f n:nrnn nu r, V 3 I iL-.JJ Cl ;LV.V ' ' A&P YELLOW" j- ' ...SPECIALLY PRICED Hl-C ' " v fc??5 c:r.:i ; 2 i.o ?- ft..it c:::::a 3 $tp. 1 , DEL-MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL, GOLDEN CORN OR GARDEN . . -t ,.( f.'-rrs rpLE S'.V Cans ' of f Your- - 1 1 Choics) - j p' ca ' 4 j v . , Can . 1 nA.l- .-at5 i.oticb Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Bernard Ed wards of Madison County,' North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims agtainet the estate of said .JBernardl Edwards, to vresent them to the undertiirn- ed within! 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ) . All persons in debted to said estate ideas make immediate payment, , xna vfts 7tn, day ox October, 1969. .'"' . LTLLTE EDWARDS Rt. 2, Marshall, N. C. 10-9, 16, 23, 80p ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE! Eavtnar qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Orville (Bud) Ramser-of MridbsMt Coantv. North Carolina, this is to notify ell per sons bavins claims against the es tate of said Orville (Bud) Ramsey to present them to the undersign ed wrtnin o moreens irom date off the publication of this notice or eame will be pleaded in bar of KJheir recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of October, 1969 Virginia m. ramsey Hot Springs, N. C. 10-16 ll-6n to mend our spiritual fences. We must ever be aware of the in evitability of GocT judgment up on the disobedient who ignore His ways 'and refuse to acknowledge guilt and the need for reforma tion. We need to acknowledge the fact that we are constantly in need of spiritual renewal! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Leoter Goe nell of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said Leoter Goenell to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 20th day of October, 1969. EVERETT GOSNELL Rt. 6, Marshall, N. C. 1023, 30 116, 13chg. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of W. C. FWler of Mad ison County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the- estate, of said W. C. Fowler to present them to (the understeied wlthta 6 months irom date of the pubEcatioo of tnoB notsce or seine win be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate tlease make immediate payment. This the 27tfi day of October, 1969. W. BURDER FOWLER, Executor 10-3011-6, 13, 20c 0 a . EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED by DR. LOCKARD , 8 A.M. to 12 Noon FRIDAYS IN LOY P. ROBERTS BUILDING MARSHALL, N. C. 9 T 1 WARTS DISSOLVE AWAY! Warts are caused by viruses. Removed by amazing Compound WI Compound W contalrts twd, medicines widely used , by ! - doctors in treating Virus ' caused warts. A few color less drops of Compound W, used as directed, can dis solve away warts In Just I - days. No cutting.no burning, no pain. Remember: warts are caused by viruses re I I moved by fast-acting Com j; pound W. ' ' " J ATWIINISTRATOR'S' ' NOTICE 1 .Having qualified ma Administra te, r T A' . if Ilia liiita of W. O. Ttmwn. Madiaim Ootmtv. North Carolina, this is to notify all per-. DDI Bmriiqf vuuuia uw m. W C. Rranrn to nrtMnt then to 'the mdenigned within months from date of the publi cation ox vtos noace w same -wui be pleaded in bar of their recor rv. i All Mrsoos indebted to said estate please .. make 1 temod-tts i Ttoa toe vu any oi . wwr, j w'i MALLTE E. BROWN, Administrator CTA. Poote 1, J?.Thall, North Carolina 10-9, 16, 23, t.'p - - - RESALE NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON - ' IN THB GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, SUPERIOR COURT. , ' DIVISION BEFORE THE -'" ' .. CLERK '. 'iK'V JOSEPH B. HUFF, administrator of the Estate of Wade E, Payne, deceased. ' : jswiuKnwr, BETTY JO LOWERY AND HUS BAND, BILLIE LOWER Y . Kesponaents. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Superior Court of Madison County made in a spe cial nroeeedmc therein nendlne entitled as above and signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court; and Under and by virtue of an or der of resale, the undersigned commissioner will on November 6, 1969. at eleven o'clock in the morning at ttie Door of the Court house in Marshall, North Caroli na, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) but subject to the con firmation of the court that cer tain tract of land lying and being in No. 1 Township, Ward, 2, Mad ison County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows A certain parcel of land lying and being in No. 1 Township, Mad- 1 ri X XT LI. SI -li nun vuuniy, .nortn iorviuw, vn Bailey's Branch Road adjoining the lands of Woodard Payne, Clin ton Wilson and others and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake at the Bailey's Branch Road and at the mouth of a gully and where a culvert is under the road, being a corner referred to in the 5-acre tract described in the paragraph just above; thence up said road to John Wilson's line; thence with John Wilson's line to the Dal las James line; thence with the James line to the Hotoert Ball line; thence with the Hobert Ball line to the Ponder line at a rock comer; then with the Ponder line to a small apple tree near a gully, a corner called for in the second tract described in Para graph 4 just above; then down and with said gully and cross fence to the Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain 4.S3 acres, more or lees, conveyed by Wade Payne to Clinton Wilson, said deed being of record in the Madison County Registry in Deed Book 91, page 486. Subject to whatever defects will be revealed by an accurate survey. A ten percent (10) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder. This 16th day of October 1969. JOSEPH B. HUFF, Commissioner 10-28, 80c" ' MISNOMER The district attorney, unable to shake the witnness's testimony, resorted to sarcasm. "They call you 'colonel'," he said, "In what regiment are you a colonel T" "Well," said the witness, "It's like this. The 'ooloneP in front of my name is just like the 'hon orable' in front of yours. It dtoes n't mean a thing." FOR ARGAINS YOU CAN FIND THF.M HERE. READING THESE ADS All Types Of jJIIATERIALS - - And Sample Including' ' Vinvl Fabrics . ': (Plastics or Leatherettes) ' Fre E'-"tss. - , Will t 4 a-- &s2X pies To Your Home U; "v '" In a creek, off a bridge, through a wall, Stood icy-wet Bertram Q. Ball, " With dead wiper blades, Clear vision soon fades," Moaned Bert, "I could not see at all!" PREVENT THOSE WINTER DRIVING WOES The Safe Winter Driving League presents the following tip for safer winter driving from the National Safety Council: "Don't be a 'peep-hole pilot.' Brush snow completely off front, hack and side windows. Replace dead wiper blades with live, new ones to prevent streaking. All your lights should be working, with headlights aimed properly. You must see danger to avoid it." Tomato Growers (Continued from Page One) gether a number of time and de cided to organize a tomato grow ers association. Representatives from this county and from Hay- iwood, Buncombe, Mitchell and Macon counties met in Ashevule to discuss the possibilities of organ izing a North Carolina Tomato Growers Association. This group of tomato producers from these counties organized and received a charter. (North Carolina Trellised Tomato Growers Association, Inc.) Madison County is represented in this organization with two on the Board of Directors. Don Edwards from Madison County is the presi dent of the North Carolina Trel lised Growers Association. N. T. iPlemmons from Buncombe Coun ty is the secretary and E. B. Rick- man from Haywood County is the; vice president. An effort is being made to have as , large participation as poesiblel throughout Western North Caro lina from tomato growers to be long to and support the North Car tohna Trellised Tomato ' Growers Association, Inc. Membership in this organization constitutes mem (bership in the local organization. North Carolina has nine Other including the apple growers, the fruit and vegetable associations' blueberry growers, the grape growers, the yam growers, and others. Representatives from each of these groups and the North Carolina Trellised Tomato Grow ers Association recently met in Raleigh and organised the North Carolina Horticultural organiza tion representing . all the 'major fruit and vegetable organizations. The primary purpose of a toma to growers aasocsfautton is to pro mote and develop the trellised to mato industry. This includes re search on breedmg, . growing,' and disease control' andj anyvother-activity which will promote the bet terment of tomato piroAietion and marketing. ,:,. . ,", . v '- A meeting has been scheduled With Our Boys ) (FHTNC) Marine Pvt. First Class Roger D. Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex O. Hunter of Rt. 2, Marshall, is serving with the Second Battalion, First Regiment, First Marine Division in Vietnam. When not engaged in major op erations, Marine of the battalion participate in company and pla toon size sweeps through the bat talion's area of responsibility in search of enemy infiltrators. The also conduct civic action programs designed to aid the1 South Vietnamese people. Set Michael Edmonds son of Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Edmonds Of Rt 8, Mars Hill, is stationed with the 4th Infantry Division in Pleiku, Vietnam. Sgt Edmonds was stationed one year in Germa ny before going to Vietnam.' for Wednesday, November 5 for all ' tomato growers . in Madison County. The meeting will be held in toe oourtnouee as v.-w p. m. A discussion and explanation on the North Carolina Trellised To mato Grower 'Association, Inc., wlil be held. Dr. .Albert Banedy- ga, in charge Horticulture Exten sion, will explain the functions and 4 the benefits of some of the other horticultural assorialtkms in North Carolina.: Doctors Tom Konsler and Harry Duncan, Ex tension Pathologist and Horticulr fcurist, will explain., tihe research underway on tomatoes and dbKoes some of the needs of expanding a research. Tomato producers wfll be encouraged to Join tits Associ ation so that Jointly they may help solve some of their problems. Tomato income in Madison County in 1969 was Just sheet of one and one-half mfflkm' dol lars. ft could! be a two to three million dollar anoaal enterprise, in Madi son County, ' : j )ti IMn" "i:.-t I i : 1 MtfiH WATER - the itBCATPCr UFIPMT ESl ' BEACHED By A WATERSPOUT j . WAS S,eOO FfcST MEASURED . OFF THE COST OF , ..' -;i J AWkSSACHUSETTS H IS96. , BUNLtSS! iccKJrrrmsMY- - ;- SAVINS fSST ALWAYS My-, t -it . - If.. S 4V H -