Page 6-The NEWS RECORD, Marshall, N.C., Thursday, May I* 1M0 Boys Track Wins Its First Meet In History on April It at Mars HU1 Col ot the exciting points ofortbe Meet were Dwayne Btftkner, Mark McPetera, and F?n Randall finishing first, second and third respectively itftu the discus; Roger Mfeadows, Teddy Wells, and Dmrjtt Bishop finishing se eded. third and fourth respec tively in the 2 mile ran; and Dwayne Buckner also placed fiaft in the shot put, never hav ing thrown the shot before the meet. Mike Hensley also had a good showing by placing first in both the triple and high jiynp and placing secong in tte 220 yard dash while finishing third in the 100 yard dJrfh. Vfll three of Madison's relay te^ms won their events, in ea<^i case bettering their old times. The team of Dwayne Kjfkner, Tommy Ray, Julian !tjpx?rts and Steve Garrison tu&c the 440 relay; the team of Bpy Cantrell, Tommy Ray, Ji|an Roberts and Steve Gar ri (>n took the 880 and the team ol Pwayne Buckner, Tommy R Julian Roberts, and Billy C ntrell took the mile. Tom ir > Ray and Julian Roberts di i't compete in any open e' snts, but they both give a gi jat unselfish effort in the r4>ys. Other team members who slimination men's softball ournament with the finals be ng at 3 p.m. on Sunday even ng. Also, at the conclusion of the tournament a drawing will be held for a 1970 Buick car. The proceeds from the car sales will go to help off set the cost of the lighting system that is to be installed within a week or so. Between 11:30 and 1:30 Sun day, May 4 the citizens of the community will be preparing and selling a ham dinner at the center. In the past, this kind of activity has proven to be successful. The proceeds from this dinner will go toward the expenses of the center. Everyone is invited to bring the family out for a Sun day dinner and help with the expenses of the center.