I t ? L I J IK LS I NO T i <_ ? Of DiiSOl UTION NOTICE I* HEREBY GIVEN that V ticies of Oleaalutlen of Euelge Trucking Ce., Inc.. a North Caroline corporation. ?*i filed m Ida omct of ma Saoatary of State ef Harm Cam neon ma twanty Mrat day of July two. end met ell n editors at aM claimants ageinst ma cerporetlon are required to praaontmalr ratpactiva claims and demands im medietely In writing la Mia corporation ?a mat It can prncaad to collect Itt eeeets. canvay and dispose of Itt propar tiaa. pay. satiety and diecharge Its 1 1 ^Ki I i|i^? -nrl aMIaaNmi# ite .n ' wv wiifpinRit VW W/ 011 omar acts required to liquidate lis Uualnooe and affairs. The carparatlon's addrasa Is Ml. 2. Mars Hill. N.C. H7U Aug. 7. 14. >1. at. lnactia STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREOITORS Having qualified as Administrator CTA at ma aetata of Brown Amnions, deceased, lete of Madison county. Norm Carolina, mis Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims aoalnat ma aetata of said deceaeod. to exhibit mam to the Undersigned within six It) months from the date of the puMkaNon ef mis Notice, or same will be pleaded m bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment This the Jlst day of July. INO L W Ammons Jr. Route I Box 243 Mars Hill. N.C. M7S4 Aug. 7, 14, 11, M. 1M0 chg. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON EXECUTRIX NOTICE TOCREDITORS Having qualified es Executrix ef the estate ef CLAUOIO BRAUN R ABELLO. deceased, lata of Madison County, Norm Carolina, mis is to notify all parsons, firms end corporations having claims against the estate ef said daceeaed, to exhibit them to the Undersigned within six (4) months from the date of the publication of mis Notice, or seme will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said astete please make immediate payment This the JOm dey of July. INO. Carolyn Rebel lo P.O. Box 471 Mars Hill. N.C. M7S4 Aug. 7, 14, >1, M. iMOchg. Italian Cooking Sauce Bestows "Buon Gusto" (Good Taste) Upon Foods u My Italian Grandmother (Nonna) always Mid... Like much of America, Italy is a land of vegetables. When not enjoyed raw, they are often combined with cheese and rice, for a hearty Once-A-Week Italian Meal. Ragu's Italian Cooking sauce is the ideal liquid ingre dient for a Green Bean and Rice Casserole preferred in those areas of 'The Boot' where rice reigns instead of pasta. Green Bean And RiceCasserole 1 lb. fresh green beans, cut in 1 -inch pieces 1/2 cup soft bread crumbs 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, divided 1 small onion, chopped 1 cup thinly sliced celery 3-4 cup* cooked converted rice (1 cup uncooked) 1 jar (21 oz.) Ragu' Italian Cooking sauce 11/2 cups grated cheese Cook beans until barely tender in lightly salted water. Drain. Melt 1 tablespoon but ter in large skillet. Add bread crumbs. Toes until butter is absorbed. Saute onion and celery in remaining butter until onion is transparent. Add rice, Italian Cooking sauce, and 1 cup cheese. Mix over low heat until cheese melts. Turn into buttered cas serole. Top with bread crumbs and remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 20 minutes. Yield: 8-10 servinp at an es timated cost of 34 cents each. The American robin is actual WAY TO GO AH (he businessman's relatives gathered for the reading of his will, weep ing and waiting. Finally, the lawyer began to read: "Being of sound mind and body, 1 spent every last cent before 1 died." WRONG COLOR A woman driving her car through town stopped for a red light. When the light turned green, the just stayed right where she was After the light had changed several times and her car still hadn't moved. ? policeman finally at the prob lem, lady?" he STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY Of MADISON GENERAL COURT Of JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT OlViSION BEFORE THE CLCftK 79 Sf * NOTICE Of RE SALS In the Matter of OLLIE A COOV. In competent BY AUTHORITY o* an Order of James W Cody. Clork of Superior Court of Madison County. Norm Carolina and approved by the Honorable William Z Wood, entered on me 2nd day of July. 1990. the undersigned. Oelba Jean Roberts, will on Friday, the tth day of August, i960 at 12 .00 o'clock noon at the door of the Madison County Courthouse in Marshall. North Carolina, offer for sale as a whole to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate : BEGINNING on a white oak on the West bank of the road. East of L.M Allen's house, and runs Northward with said road lo a small black oak. R .L Allen's corner, thence North 55? West 24 poles to a stake at the old Public Corner; thence West 42 poles to a stake. U G Springle's corner, thence South with I M W Buckner's line to an oak corner of Nelsie Buckner's tract, thence a Southward direction to a maple corner | in Nelsie Buckner's line, thence Eastward with Nelson Buckner's line to a stake in the road; thence with the road to the BEGINNING Containing 47 acres, more or less For title reference see Madison County Deed Book 50. at Page 527 EXCEPTED from the foregoing, however are those certain tracts of land heretofore conveyed by the gran tor to other persons totaling approx imately 44 9 acres by Deeds which ap pear of record in the Madison County Registry, among which are a Deed to Beulah Coates. which appears of record in Deed Book 117, on Page 551. et sequ . Madison County Registry; a Deed to Gary T Wilde, et ux. recorded In Deed Book ill. on Page 131. Madison County Registry, a Deed to A W Corded et ux, recorded in Deed Book 1 1*. at Page 40. Madison County Registry; a Deed to Weldon Peek and wife, Barbara Peek, which is recorded in Deed Book 128. at Page 2S2. Madison County Registry, a Deed to Jeter Lewis, et ux which is recorded in Deed Book 1 1 1, on Page 563, Madison County Registry, a Deed to Loyd Coates. et ux, which is recorded in Deed Book 103. at Page 391. Madison County Registry; a Deed to Donald Harrell, et ux, which is recorded in Deed Book 104. at Page 16S. Madison County Registry; a Deed to Carl Parker, et ux. which is recorded in Deed Book 105. on Page 54. Madison County Registry, a Deed to Donald Shelton. which is recorded in Deed book 105. at Page 61. Madison County Registry; a Deed to Verlon Cash, which is record ed in Deed Book 127, at Page 507, Madison County Registry; a Deed to Owight Tweed recorded in Book 173. Pa o* 490 This being all the land remaining from the 47 acre tract heretofore described and is estimated to be approximately 7.1 acres An upset or raised bid as to the proper ty described above having been entered, the bidding for the land described above will begin at SEVEN THOUSANO TWO HUNDRED FORTY FIVE DOLLARS ($7.745 00) The highest bidder at the sale shall be required to make a cash deposit of twenty five (75%) percent of the successful bid pending confirmation or rejection thereof by the Court This the ?3rd day of July, I960 DELBA JEAN ROBERTS GUARDIAN July 31; Aug. 1. IMOchg STATE OF NORTHCAROUtE^^H COUNTY. OF AA AD I SON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION In the Matter of the For (cloture o f the Deed of Trust of I RONALO M RICE and wife. [ VAUGHTIE K. RICE Grentor. TO [ JAMES W WILLIAMS, Trustee, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE r*t?rded in Deed of Trust Book $7 at Pag? 5? of the Madison County Public I Registry Under and virtue of the power end authority contained in mat certain Deed I of Trust executed and delivered by I Ronald H Rice and wife, Veughtie K | Rice dated May fl, )??, and recorded in I the office of the Register of Deeds tor Madison County. North Carolina, in Deed of Trust Book ?7 at page SJ and [ because of default in the payment of the [ indebtedness thereby secured and [ la'lure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agreements therein con tamed and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness secured by said Oeed of Trust, and pur | suant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court for Madison County. North Carolina, entered in this foreclosure proceeding, the undersign [ ad, James W Williams. Trustee, will rt pose for sale at public auction on the Jtst day of August. IMo at I2:00o'clock noon on the steps of the Madison county Cour [ "wuse. Marshall. North Carolina, the [ following described real property I (Including the buildings and any other improvements thereon) All that certain S 3 acres, more or leu lying and being in No l township. Madison County, North Carolina on I Tillery Branch Road, adjoining the lands of j B Reid. Sherman Reid. I . Arveless Revis and others, and being l?nds as described in a cor rection deed from James Harold Reid I and wHe, Ruby Robinson Reid. dated January n. 1S73 to James B Mender son and wife, Mary R Henderson, fil ed for record In Book 114 on page lis. Madison County Registry, to which deed reference is hereby made for a I full and complete description, together wltti a metal and concrete menufec luring building, and other Im provements located thereon The sale will be made sublect to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, restrictions | and easements of record and I assessments. If any The record owner of the above described real property as reflected on | ?? records of Hie Madison county Registry of Deeds not more man ten ( 101 1 days prior lo the posting of mis Notice is Ronald H. Rice and wife. Vaughtie K Rice. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ?S Ji 10(b) and the terms of me Daed of Trust, any successful bidder may be required to deposit- with the Trustee immediately upon conclusion of fh* sale a cash deposit of ten (!?*) per cent of me bid up to and Including ti.goo ptw five (SS) percent of any excess 0** SI. 000. Any successful bfcftfer shall ha retired to lender the full balance Purchase price se bid in cash or certified chec* at the time the Trustee tenders to *or the property or attempts ?ofwder such deed and should said sue ceoeful bidder fall to pay the full balance wrrtase price se bid at mat time, he tfiall remain liable on Ma bid as provided ?or m Norm Carolina General statute ? J1 J0(d) and (el This sale will be held ten (10) days for _ OMT Wall of C Mm M. tographed i un 1 1 t o g r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN TH? GENERAL COU? t OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK FILE NO. 7% SP 41 OLENN REEMS and wife. VIROIE t. RE EMS. Ntlliinm, ?? ROY FREEMAN, Guardian of CARTIE 6UCKNER, incompetent, and ROBERT B LONG. JR. ROBERT HAVEN PAYNE and MADISON COUN TY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SER VICES, Respondent* NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of resale for partition made end entered in ? spec 1*1 proceeding entitled at above. the undersigned commissioners will on August 13, lfib. at ii:00 a m at he courthouse door In Marshall. North Carolina, offer for resale to the highest bidder, for cash, the lands hereinafter described upon an opening bid of 149,400.00, but subject to the confirm* rion of the court, said lands lying and be Ing in No. 1, formerly No S. Township, an the waters of Little Pine Creek and Being known as the Old Riley Buckner place adjoining the lands of Jack Ball, John Robert Mess er and M.J. Ball, and being more particularly described as Follows: TRACT 1 : BEGINNING at the bank of the creek on a rock and at the mouth of a hollow and runs up the creek with its meanders 1S4 poles to the mouth of a small branch, A.J. Farmer's corner, then up the branch and with its meanders 114 poles to a maple tree in the old Hall and Walton line; then North with that line 12i poles to a buckeye on the bank of the creek, then up the creek with Its meanders 74 poles to a water oak. Joe Worley's corner; then North 25? West 5 poles to a stake, then North 40? West with a hollow 44 poles to a stake, then North with the hollow 90 poles to Gudger's line; then East with the line passing the corner 101 poles to a stake on top of a ridge, then South 30? East 22 poles to a stake, then South 70? East with the top of the ridge 2t poles to a high rock, then South 40? East down the ridge 34 poles to a stake; then South 42? East down to a hollow 132 poles to the BEGINNING Excepting from the above described land approximately 3* acres heretofore sold to James Massey REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to the Madison County Registry to Deed Book 60, Page 24t, which is recorded in a deed dated June 29, 1936 from J M. Rogers and wife. Sarah Rogers, and other; to J.R Buckner and wife. Celie Buckner, for the above described Tract 1. ALSO EXCEPTING four (4) acres, more or less, conveyed to James Burgin Massey, by deed dated April 26, 1941. end recorded in the Madison County Registry in Deed Book 68. Page 57; and Excepting twenty (20) acres, more or less, conveyed to Hayes Payne and wife. Pauline Payne, by deed dated Ju ly 17, 1943, and recorded in the Madison County Registry in Deed Book 49 at Page 712 TRACT 11: BEGINNING on a locust stake in a low gap in the Holt and Walton line and a corner of Jim Burgin Massey's line, and runs up and with the ridge 54 poles to a locust near a rock in the line of Tom Caldwell heirs land; then with the Tom Caldwell heirs line 70 poles to a fallen ashe in the Holt and Walton line; then with the Holt and Walton line A S E course 64 poles to a locust stake, the beginning corner, containing four (4) acres, more or less. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MAOE to the Madison County Registry to Deed Book 68. Page 53, where is recorded a deed dated April 26, 1941, from James Burgin Massey and wife. Katie Massey, to J.R Buckner and .wife, Celia Buckner. for the above described Tract 11 TRACT 111: BEGINNING on a white oak on a ridge in Riley Buckner and Hayes Payne line and runs North 7? 30' East 7 1/5 poles to a stake. North io? East 111/2 poles to a stake; North 12? 30' East 113/4 poles to a stake. North 36? East 111/5 poles to a stake on top of a ridge, a corner to a tract conveyed to Burlin Riddle and wife, Helen Rid die on June 8, 1966; thence North 33? 30' East It* 1/3 poles to a black walnut in a hollow; North 37? East 6-1/4 poles to a chestnut oak; North 21? East 11-1/5 poles to a stake. North 40 30' East 12 1/2 poles to a stake. North 2? West 10 poles 2 feet to a locust. North 0? 30* West 13 3/4 poles to a forked beech on the bank of a branch, then North 38? 30' East 4 1/4 poles to a water oak; North 51? East 8 1/5 poles to a chestnut oak. North 63? East 29-1/3 poles to a small poplar on a ridge; North 53? East 14 1/2 poles to a hickory in a hollow. North 71? 30' East 18 poles to a stake in Bertie Messer's line near a poplar pointer; then up and with Bertie Messer's line to a stake in the Old Ben Ball line. South 55? West with Jeter Ramsey's line 75 poles to a small spruce pine at a branch, then up said branch. South 80? East 38 poles to a forked maple at said branch. South 56? West 30 poles to a black gum on top of the high rock ridge, in the Old Zack Rogers line, then down and with the high rock ridge to the BEGINNING Containing fifty seven (57) acres, more or less FOR REFERENCE, in Madison County Registry, Deed Book 90. at Page 582. And being the same lands described in deed recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Madison County in Deed Book M at Page 299 Being those lands acquired by Robert B. Long, Jr., et al by consent judgment dated March u. i?7t, In Civil Action No 77 CvS 72 in the OWke of the Clerk of Superior Court of Madison County, North Carolina Being the identical tracts of land described in a deed recorded in the Madison County Registry in Deed Book 131. Page 73 Subject to whatever defects would be revealed by an accurate, current survey of the premises A 10% cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder. This 2tth day of July, i9?o A.E Leake. Commissioner Joseph B. Muff. Commissioner July 31. Aug 7, 1*0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as EXECUTOR Hi the estate of THOMAS A RUSSELL, late of Madison County, N.C , this is to notify all persons having a claim against the estate of said THOMAS A. RUSSELL, to present them to the Under signed within six (4) months from the date of the publication of this notice, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment This 21st day of July. HBO FLOYD RUSSELL 2BM Emanuel Church Road West Columbia. S.C 79)49 July 24. 31; Aug 7, U, IfOOpd - - ~ Density wcraM Atmospheric density de crease* with height. For the fint SO mile* outward, our atmosphere is pretty much conatant. At 10 miles, it is only one-tenth as at 10 STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ?0 SP 14 BEFORE THE CLERK in the matter of the Foreclosure of the Deed of Trust Of OILLARO REAL ESTATE CORPORATION Grantor. To: CHARLES E MASHBURN. Trustee. At recorded in Book 74. ot Page Hi of the Madison County Public Registry NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE See Appointment of Substitute Trustee as recorded in Book 13*. Po?e 297 of the Madison County Registry Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by OILLARO REAL ESTATE CORPORA TION dated July 77. I97S. and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County. North Carolina, in Book 76 at Page Sit and because of default in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder ot the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and pursuant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court for Madison County, North Carolina, entered in this foreculsure proceeding, the undersigned. DAVIO R HILLIER. Substitute Trustee, will expose for sale at public auction on the 77 day of August. 1900, at 17 o'clock p. m on the steps of the Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, North Carolina, the following described real property (Including the house and any other improvements thereon) : All that certain 55 acre more or less tract of land, lying and being in No. 1 Township, Madison County, North Carolina, on the headwaters of Little Pine Creek. Being bound now, or formerly, as follows: On the North by Caldwell heirs, the J.R Buckner 4 acre tract and Glen Reems; On the East by Glen Reems and Jack Ball, on the South by the Farmer heirs; on the West by Caldwell heirs Said tract of land is more particularly described according to a plat thereof prepared by Ben H. Frisby, January 8, 1974. as f ol lows.: " ? : BEGINNING at an old original corner, the West corner of a 120 acre tract of land described in Deed Book 55. page 411, Madison County Registry, now a stake located on top of a mountain at, or near, me corner of Caldwell heirs and Farmer hairs and runs thence with the line of Caldwell, North 36 degrees East 252 feet; North 52 degrees East 305 feet. North 56 degrees East 195 feet to a rock cliff, formerly a Locust corner. South 88 degrees 15 minutes East 408 feet, North 46 degrees 45 minutes East 228 feet; thence with the J R Buckner 4 acre tract. North 80 degrees East 93 feet to a point witnessed by a standing rock; South 67 degrees 30 minutes East 90 feet. South 55 degrees 15 minutes East 158 feet; South 49 degrees 30 minutes East 180 feet; South 59 degrees East 139 feet; South 85 degrees East 173 feet to a stake in a low gap and in the old Hall and Walton line; thence with the line of Glen Reems and with the North line of the 4 acre tract described in Deed Book 68. page 52 as follows: South 75 degrees East 80 faet. South 79 degrees East 220 feet, south 76 degrees east 299 feet to a Hickory on a ridge; thence leaving the ridge South 19 degrees 20 minutes East 394 feet to a rock near a spring, South 82 degrees East 125 feet; South 48 degrees East 79 feet to a point on the margin o< a road leading from the 55 acre tract, over and across the lands of Glen Reams to Slate- Road- No 1436* thence continuing with Reems and later Jack Ball's line. South 36 degrees East 27 feet to a stake. South 11 degrees 30 minutes West 196 feet to a White Oak on a ridge; thence with the ridge and Farmer's heirs' line. South ?1 degrees West 580 feet. South 74 degrees 30 minutes West 447 feet to an old Chestnut stump corner, now a dogwood, also in the Hall and Walton line; thence North 46 degrees West 330 feet to a point North of the old Jessee Messer homesite. South 87 degrees 30 minutes West 112 feet to a white walnut. South 22 degrees 30 minutes West 176 feet. South 41 degrees West 125 feet; South 54 degrees West 239 feet to a stake on a ridge, North 47 degrees West 579 feat; North 69 degrees West 189 feet; North 59 degrees West 264 feet. North 39 degrees West 316 feet, to the point of BEGINNING It is the intent of this conveyance to con vey all of the Jim Bergin Massey and Katie Massey lands formerly owned by them and also the J M Mess er and Mae R Messer tract of land Also con veyed appurtenant to the above described land is a perpetual right of way and easement more particularly described as follows: A 14 foot right of way located along the Northern edge of the Glen Reems pro perty on Little Pine Creek Road, the center of said right of way being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the eastern edge of Little Pine Creek Road, said stake being 7 feet due south from the southwestern corner of Jack Ball pro perty, said stake also being the center of a 14 foot right of way being granted by Glen Reems to MacMurray this day; thence up and with the center of said right of way South 67 degrees East 188 feet; thence South 86 degrees West 69 feet to a branch, thence North 71 degrees East 143 feet to the property line of the aforementioned MacMur It is understood by all paties to this right of way agreement that Glen Reems re tains the right to erect and maintain gates at either end of said right of way Being the identical right of way descrlb ed in deed dated 16 June l?7i from Glen Raems. et ux. to Fred McMur ray, at ux, of record in Book 107. page 90. Madison County Registry As to the tract of land, reference is hereby made to Deed Book 105, page 42f and Deed Book M. page S?, all of Madison County Registry, and Book 105 at page 430. ine sale will be made subject >u all prior liens, unpaid taxes, restrictions assessments, if any. The record owner (s) of the above described real property as reflected on the records of Madison County Register of Deeds not more man fen ( 10) days prior to the posting of this Notice is (are): WILLIAM B DILLARD and wife, CATHERINE H DILLARD Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 45 ?l 10 (b). and the terms of the Deed of Trust, any sue cessfui bidder may be required to deposit with the Substitute Trustee im mediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of ten (10H) percent of the bkl up to and including SI, 000.00 plus five (5%) percent of any excess over SI ,000.00. Any successful bidder shall be required to lander the full balance per chase price to bid In cash or certified chock at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tonder such de^d and shou'd uM succcufui biddff fall topay m? lull balance purchate prlc* ? M ?! M tima. he ahali remain iiabi* on MtbMn pro?l?aa for m North Carolina (Mwil Statu)* Jactlon*' as Ji JO and (a) TWt Mt* will be open tan (19) -xxwwrsr' DavMR H, liter. J?ty^" *?* 7. U*?T *t? ch? I STATE Of NOW T H CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having Qu?i>f*d m Administrator of the Estate of Sporgeon Mete all. late of Madison County, North Carolina, mis is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice at the office of Joseph B Huff, Attorney at Law, 10? East Mam Street. Marshall. North Carolina, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons in debted to said estate please make im mediate payment This 11 day of July, two Steve Metcalf c/o Joseph t. Huff Post Office Box ? Marshall. NC M7S3 704/449 7BS1 July 17, 24, 31. Aug 7, itto chg PART TIME DRIVING position available. Approximately 3 hours per day. Apply in person. MARS HILL HANOI SCHOOL. Mars Hill. N.C Aug. 7 chg. FOR SALE: 1979 Golden Eagle Jeep, 6-cylinder. 4-speed Call 645-4600 (days). Aug. 7 chg FOR SALE: 1967 Chevy pick up, straight drive, 6-cylinder, Vi-ton bed, $300. see Joe Frady, Grandview Road, Rt. 1, Top of Ivy Hill, Alexander, N.C. Aug. 7 pd. FOR SALE: 1979 11 horse power riding lawn mower with snow plow. Like new, If interested call 649-3819. Aug. 7 pd In Loving Memory Of WAYNE PAYNE Who Passed Away August 14. 1979 One year has passed since that sad day. God called you home with him to stay. They sail time is a healer of all things, but to us only a sadness it brings. You left us without a last goodby. But things so far have only proven how much we miss you. To some you are forgotten, to others just a part of the past. But to us who loved and lost you. your precious memory will always last. Wife: ADA PAYNE Children : BERMA EVESQUE GELEEN ROBERTS BRUCE PAYNE RAY PAYNE And Grandchildren CARD OF THANKS Our deepest thanks to our friends, neighbors, relatives and churches for the food, friendship and support at the loss of our loved one, Norman H. White. May God grant you the joy of love and friendship forevermore. The Family Of NORMAN H. WHITE r INSTRUCTION ^ LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED Vfe train MEN and WOMEN. No n?ed to quit present job FULL or WUIT TIME training For Uorm frWorm? ion Anyfimm AS NEVILLE V 1-704-2S4-Q01 J FRIENDLY HOME TOY PARTIES now in our 25th year, is expan ding and has openings for managers and dealers. Party Plan experience helptul. Guaranteed toys and gifts. No cash investment, no collecting, delivering. Car 4 Phone necessary. Call Collect, Carol Day. 518-489-8395 Aug.7-Sept.25pd. PIANO IN STORAGE Beautiful Spinet-Console stored locally. Reported like new. Responsible party can take on low payment balance. Write before we send truck. Joplin Piana. P.O. Box 3064, Rome, Ga. 30161. Aug. 7 pd. LOSE WEIGHT safely & effective ly. Face it you want Dex-A-Diet II once a day capsules, Roberts Pharmacy. Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28 pd FOR RENT OR LEASE: Small building in Walnut. Former Walnut Clinic. Ideal for office location. Call 704/649-2687. Aug. 7, 14 chg. JOIN THE SOLO RUSH: We have buyers waiting. Call George Lane, UNITED FARM AGENCY. INC., Box 37, Leicester, N.C. 28748 683-3112 Office or 622-7326 Home Aug. 7-Nov. 13 chg. 16 to 20 FT. HAY ELEVATORS, 6 & 7 Ft. Ford Mowers, 3Pt.i Pull Rakes, 7 Ft. Chesil Plows, Inter national & New Holland Balers, (1) 350 International Chopper, (1) Super 717 Chopper; 5, 6, & 7 Ft. Bush-Hogs. We carry a large stock of new and used farm equipment, and also have 30 to 35 used Tractors New and used Ford & Ferguson parts 10% off on new tractor parts for cash. Rambo Tractor & Impl., Inc., Rt. 9 (Camp Creek), Greeneville, Tenn., Phone (615) 639-9412. Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28 chg. OWNER WANTS TO SELL lovely renovated older home in Mars Hill. 3-4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, basement apt. asking $37,900, will consider reasonable offer. 689-4176. Aug. 7, 14. 21, 28 chg. MADISON COUNTY- Fully in sulated brick rancher, approx imately 2039 sq. ft. of living area, 4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, 2 fireplaces, formal dining room, family room, full basement. 69,900. RENT BEATER- Neat aluminum siding bungalow, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, part basement, enclos ed porch, good garden spot. 16,900. 109-ACRES- Marshall, Breathtaking views, many building sites, excellent road in to property, owner financing available. 100,000. EXCELLENT BUSINSS OPPORTUNITY- Prime location, established business and home. 60 acres land. Owner financing available. 168,000. For more information call Ginger Barron 704-656-2524. DON HANCOCK REALTY, Asheville, N.C. 704-252-7661. Aug 7chg YARD SALE: On Tues., Wed , Thurs., Aug. 12, 13, 14. Chairs, tables, canning jars and other canning equipment, pots and pans, clothes of all sizes, 2 oil stoves, lots of miscellaneous items, 1971 Datsun, 4-door sta tion wagon, automatic, AM/FM radio, newly overhauled, 60,000 actual miles, $1100. JOHNNIE WHITE'S home located on old 213, turn left at Laurel Branch Church, come down to dump-t ster, turn right then first house ' on right. Aug. 7 chg. FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS are available to residents of Madison County Just call collect 1-648-7368. NovStfn CUSTOM MADE STORM WIN DOWS AND DOORS: Walkover ing, painting, and carpentry Contact EDGAR WILLIS, 689-2106 Of DAVID LEWIS. 656-2622. JullO, 17.24.Aug7 FOR SALE: ping pong table $35.00. Call 649-3225 Jull7,24,31;Aug7chg FANTASTIC VIEWS, on approx imately 1 acre lot in Mars Hill, half mile outside city limits, with city water. Will build to suit, only $4150 Call GLENN MCGEE, 649-2912. Junl9tfn NEW HOME ? set in woods with breathtaking mountain views, located on 1.8 acre lot, secluded, yet convenient to schools and shopping. Five bedrooms or 3 bedrooms, recreation room and study, great room. All electric kitchen, solarium, wood room, work room, many extras. Financ ing at 10.25% Call GLENN MCGEE. 649 2912 Junltfn FOR SALE: Excellent chance to become a property owner in Wolf Laurel Resort. Owner has been transferred from area and will sell long beautiful, ideally located building lot at a sacrifice. Outstanding buy at $7,500. Call (704) 864-5821 after 6 p.m. Jan3tfn NEED LISTINGS of homes and acreage anywhere in Madison County. We have buyers for large or small tracts. Contact CLAY JENKINS REAL ESTATE, P 0 Box 775, Weaverville. N.C. 28787 or call 645-4294 or (home phone after 6 p.m.) 689-2593 or G.D. HENSLEY, 645-6821 Janl7tfn FOR SALE: heavy duty Speed Queen washer. Used less than 3 months. Cost $400. Will sell for $300. Call 649-3294 or can be seen at Troy Reid's home behind the island. Jull7tfn BACK TO SCHOOL SALE: Children's velour tops, several styles, sizes 4-14, $5.00 each. Gaberdine pants and skirts, sizes 4 to 14, $4 00 each. Stretch terry rompers, sizes 7 to 14, $3.00 each. Ladies stretch terry short sets, $5.00 set. Assorted quilted robes, $4.00 each. ROSENSTOCK & CO.. Cherry Street, Mars Hill. Jul31,Aug7chg FOR SALE: 2.3 acres cleared land with good building sites on Gabriels Creek Road. Call 689-2590. Jul31,Aug7pd COLOR TVS ON SALE - New and used ? Special spring sale on color tvs starting at $125.00 to $225.00. Also overstocked on B&Ws too. Have a very good selection of new Sylvanias all below the new prices due to in flation. Also we install new tv antennas to get the most out of your tv watching. Washer and dryer for sale, perfect condition. Several used all channel anten nas for sale, very reasonable. 649-2912. McGee's Radio & TV. A/Rtfn FOR SALE: 1970 Mobile Home. Atlantic, 12 x 60, 2 bedroom, good condition. Call 649-3322 until 5 p.m. 649-2478 after 6 p.m. Aug. ^ tfn (TENS FOR RENT: Gardening, home repair, floor car*. RENT the items you sometimes need but do not want to buy. NORTH BUNCOMBE RENTAL CO.. irv side Weaverville Hardware, 113 North Main Street, Weaverville, N.C. or call 645-4600 AprlOrth FOR SALE: Jeep Commando, 1968. 4-wheel-drive, 50.000 ac tual miles, A-l condition, $2795. Call 254-8503 after 5 p.m., of 649-2528 anytime. Feb21tth PAINTING - inside and out including barns. Guttering ahO underpinning mobile homes. Set REX SMITH. Long Branch Road, Route 7, Marshall, or call 649 3255 Marltfn FOR SALE: 1965. 66 ? 67 Chevrolet Mustangs. Call 6493570 Mar20tfn SELLING YOUR LAND? List your property with WHITEHURST GRIFFIN AGENCY, Wachovia Bank Bldg , Marshall, N.C. 649-2454 Apr24tfn PIONEER FORD. INC. Main Street 'Marshall, N.C. Phone 649-3444 Good place to buy a new or used car or truck. A-Rtfn HEATING AND PLUMBING repairs. Gun type oil burners, including mobile homes. Call 649 2383, Marvin Rice, Route 5, Marshall, N.C. Jan25tfn FOR SALE: Oak stoves and wood burning furnaces. Contact W.H. DEAL, Fisher Lane Rd., Marshall or call 649-2325. Mar6tfn RIVERSIDE APPLIANCE. Home appliance repair, in home ser vice. Call Huston Allen, 649-2230. Jun5tfn ANYONE interested in MARY KAYE COSMETICS contact SHIRLEY BALDWIN, Route 1> Box 150, Mars hill, N.C. or calf 689-2536. Mar27tfn MEET NICE PEOPLE. SELL AVON. You'll also enjoy the extra money and flexible hours. Call. Collect 704-682-6467. May 22 tfn CHIMNEY MAINTENANCE: Have It Professionally Brushed Clean! Cleaned only if needed. Do all your Chimney repairs or build you a new one. Free estimates Also, build custom wood heaters. Call DAVID WYNN, Route 6. Marshall, N.C. ? 649-2659 June 12 tfn TRACTOR SERVICE ft EQUIP MENT COMPANY located on Old Mars Hill Highway, Weaverville, N.C (formerly CftH Tractor), farm equipment, parts, service ft farm tire service. Call 645-5430. Febl4tfn FOR SALE: 1976 Camaro, black with black interior, 36,000 miles, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Chrome spoke mags S4100.00. Contact Ray Flynn, Route 1 Box 13, Marshall, NC 28753 Jul24-31-Aug7chg FOR SALE: Tobacco allotment. 2,944 pounds at 12 cents per pound. Phone: 689-4002. Apr. 3, tfn FOR SALE: 1972 NOVA, 3-speed, 50,000 miles, best of fer Call 649-2525. Aug. 7 chg. DISCOUNT MONUMENT CENTER TWO LOCATIONS: 8URNSVNXE HIGHWAY 19 NEAR MARS HILL. N. C. PO BOX 430 . . PHONE 689-4559 and 32 NEW LEICESTER HIGHWAY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. PHONE 253-4858 OWNED AND OPERATED BY WMSTON LLOYD ANO DAVID JENKINS (WE ALSO CUT DEATH DATES) "MOTOR COOLING ENGINEERING" BOB FUREY'S RADIATOR SERVICE SPECIAL BUILT RADIATORS FOR RACING ENGINES * INDUSTRIAL UNITS RADIATOR CLEANING t REPAIRING PtmwAU-4411 1064 PATTON AVE. ASMEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 2M0f GOOD DEPENDABLE WORK RONNIE BISHOP - OWNER 6454258 MAIN . WEAVERVILLE Night 704/689-3741 Day 704/B89-3088 VEGA SUBARU PINTO Mars Hill bug Shop Specialize in American Made Cam SO Yeaiw Experience LOCATED 1 MILE FROM MARS HILL ON OLD N. C. 213 DAVID RICE DATMIN owner Toyota SmSiH, - GIVE US A TRY BEFORE YOU SELL OR BUY 645-3027 SERVING MADISON COUNTY AND NORTH BUNCOMBE AREA