?J*****?**?""'"* IN THC OSNSHAl COURT OF ? ? t ? 3* COURT Di . I on ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS MMt to to notify oil l Of MM *CMM M iwimiti TMltt??lMv ol I MM?n |. Glllooplo Mud I LKcniv. n.c. mm OK. M. IT. M. II, IMI cl?*. STATE OF MOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN TNI GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITOft* Hovlns OMiittM m Encvtar of mt E>t?t* o) Rom h P?k. KM a* Modlton County, Norm Corollno, IM* It I* notify oil POTMO* having clolmo ooolrai Mm - ? A _ A - ? * ? _ 1 J -i ? fak ? ? ? ^ ifc. ? ,? . ?ST mv v 0> ov'O 09CVN9Q w pH MVnT "Wnl ^0 on or boforo Juno M. IMt at Mo oddroMOf IMo DoMora of Mo ifoiodonl oro oskod to This mo 4M doy of Oocombor. IMI. a a a ^ ? i. nw IMI I tlyOt I M* 1M Chontlcloor Court ChorMHo, N.C. SH14 Doc. 10, 17. 14, II. IMI chg. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Maying qualified as Emcwtrlx a* tha astata of William ?. Lyons, dacaasad, lata of Madtaan County, Nortti Carolina, tnit K to notify all parsons. firms and corporations having claims against ft* Mtata nl uU itorRRittl tn xuhlhlt |i..m W Mia QHVflWai IW ?wiHRT ITlffTl to thoundsralgnad within six M) months from ma data of tha publication of this Not lea, or sama win ba plasdad m bar af thafr roco vary. All paraona Indabtod to said astata pfaasa maka Immadiata paymam This tha Mrd day of Nov.. mi Chrtsttno w. Lyons RoutatBox <03 Marshall. N.C. m 12/3, tO. 17, 24. tail STATS or NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP MADISON CO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Having quallflad as CO ADMINISTRATORS of tho Estata of DANIEL SCOTT DUNCAN, lata at Madison County, North Carolina, mis la ta notify all paraona having claims against ma aatata of said dacaasad to praaant tham ta tha wndaralgnad Raprasantativa on or batora Juna 3rd at tha ?Mr?i of tha Raprasantativa as shown holon, ar ba barra^f frg^^t t^tafr racovary. D at tori Of ma dacadanl an aakad to maka Immadiata paymam. TMs 25m day of Nrnmbar. Mtl. HOYLE DUNCAN JOHNNIE DUNCAN ROMRTSON Walnut Rural Station. Marshall. N.C. 1S7S3 I to I Cardinal Drlva Mt Airy, Norm Carolina lfm 12 X M, 17. 24. 1*1 Chg. * you ia not eeveed by a company* panann plan, took Mo ?n MA Iron) ua i'a laa dalanad Law. mi cm Mam twaat, mmmi. N arth Carolina, ?r HIM wrlH ta >llll( In tar at ttwtr nctvmi ah parsans m MM I* MM matt ptaan maka im TMa tha JOtti day at N?< impir, mi. Anson K. Mh c/a Jaaaph ?. Huff P.O. Mb ? ManMNcan May. It/ Oac. J. 10. 17, mi STATE OP MOUTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THB GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having quallftad a* Exacutrlx of ttia flirt at Earthta S. Ooad. lata o? MsBlaan CauntY. Norm Car alma, nils I* to notify all parsons haying claims against saM aatata K> praaant main to Itw undarslgnad an or batora May St. ran at tha ottica ot Jaaaph B. Mutt Attarnay at Law. Ml East Main Straat. Marshall. Harm Carolina, or satna will Da plaadad In bar at thslr racovary. All parsons In ttabtsd to saM aatata plaasa maka Hn maoiata ^tayhSB^it . TMa Mtti day al Novamaar. ram. Maria D. Malona c/a Jaaaph B Huff P.O. Bax i Marshall. NC 2B7S3 704/M*MSl Nov. at; oac. a. io. ir. mi cub. NOT ICS DOCKET NO. *-!?. SUB 175 ?EPORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION In Mm Manor of tft. I til MM? A ? 1 - I* 1 M ???., a ? III! ? m for Authority to Discontinue Agoncy Sta tion at Hot Springs, Norm Carolina Sou thorn Railway Company hat Iliad with ths Commission a Potltlon Miking authority to data Its agoncy station locatod at Hot Spring*. Norm Carolina. This mattar Is Mslgnsd for haarlng In fho Racroatlon Rooflii AMwh Avonuo. Hat Springs. North Carolina, on Tuoa day. January 12. mi. at ?:00 a.m. Any parson or party foaling aggrlavsd by this Potltlon may notify tho North Caroline utliltlos Commission, P.O. (ok ?l, Ralaigh. North Carolina mm. of tholr opposition ttordt In vfrttlng on or bofsro January X. mi. This tho m day of Naysmbor, mi. NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION Sandra J. Wobttor, CMof Clork Nov. M; Doc. X N. mi chg STATE OF MOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quallfiad m Administrator of ma aetata at Fay Andrw Wortay, dacaassd. lata ot Madlaan County, Norm Carolina, mil la to notlty all paraana. ttrma and carporatlona having claims H|^ of tfOCOOSOd ^0 axNbit mam la ma Undaral?nad wtthm Us (t) menma tram ma data at ma ^ of 1 1 toa plaadad m bar at male racovary. AII panana Indatilad la said aatata ptaaao fflaka IflMRildi pay^nant, Gary Wortay Routa 7, Box Ml Marshall. N.C. JWSJ No*, it,- oac. I. n, 17. mi STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN RE: THE AMOTION Of DE WAYNE MURRAY OUZMAN IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ??FORE THE CLERK ?I SP? NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS ?Y PUBLICATION TO ROSERT STANLEY MURRAY: Taka not kit mat a ptaadlng against you hat baan t (lad in t^ta t^tatta antltla^l procaadlng. ma natura at ma rallat balng sought It aa follows: an Ordar declaring that Robtrt Stan lay Murray haswlltfulty Ibtndonatf Ma CltHd, DaWayna Murray, and tar ma adoption ot said Child by Mlchaal Gutman, praaant Husband ot Mta Mothar of said ChM. and to aatact Mia nama ot DaWayna Guzman aa tha nama of sata Chita You ara raquirad to maka dafanta to such pttadlngs by filing a wrlttan anawsr m tha Offtca at tha Clark of tha Sopor lor Court, and by tarvln# a copy of said anowar iitts l^ta i^at itlo^tar or ^^otl Honor's Caunaal not latar than January IS. ma, and upon your fail ura ta do so, tha party taaklng sarvica against you will apply to tha Caurt for tha raiiaf This Iha Sam day of Novomtoar. mi HARRELL 4 LEAKE BY: A.E. Laaka Attarnay Mr Patltlonai Pott Off lea Bo* 151 Marshall. Norm Carolina M7S3 Talaphana: (7M> at*- Ml ita io. it. mi MEADOW FORK 42 Acres of mountain land. Located on a state main tained road This land it priced to sell at $32,500! MARSHALL House and jsra?a apt, in the city limits of Marshall. Buy both for $38000. SMALL FARM This IS Acras with a small houaa and a aood bam is located dose to Marshall. A good pasture and a tobacco 1 ?Hnim ? ?it ???!.? ^ iiK/vmini mane win a Kara Find at $52,500; TROUT STREAM This house and 30 acras has a trout stream in the I mm m ft Am iiiaal Troni yara. ah lacai sun* mar home for only $50,000. VIEW OF THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: FamRy Classified Ads are $14)0 per insertion tar 25 words or loss. Add 9 tfmo designations, and Zip Codes count as For Commercial Classified Ad Rates call 649-2741 AH Classified Ads must be paid in advance. LOCUST FIREWOOD; Split and delivered. $35 per pick-up load. Call 689-5738. Novl9-Decl0chg TWO OFFICES art available tor base in the Post Office building in Mars Hill, N.C. to responsible tenants. Hasting, air condition ing, utilities and ianitorial ser vices provided. Modifications and alterations will be con sidered. The space may bo in spected by contacting local postmaster at the Mars Hill Post Office, 689-4141. DeclO-i7chg KIDNEY DANGER SIGNS Backache, getting up nights, smarting, leg pains may show need tor a gentle aid to kidney function. Flush kidneys, regulate passage with Bukets 3 tabs a day treatment. Feel good again in 24 hours or your 69c back at any drug counter. Now at Roberts Pharmacy. DeclO-24chg 1602 LBS. TOBACCO POUN DAGE FOR SALE: Will split. Call 689-2034 DeclOcl$ FOR SALE: Mare, will ride or work, very gentle, good with children, part Appaloosa and pony. May be seen at Doyle Cody's in Mars Hill. Call 689-3770. Decl0-24chg MCGEES RADIO * T.V. SCR VICE: New ad channel antennas and rotors on sale. Also single channel antennas We have everything in stock for the do it yourself er to put up his own antenna with free instructions. Phis a good stock of extra nice 25" color consoles starting at $190 and up. Come by or call 649-2912. 5/14tfn FOR SALE: Couch, chairs, mat ching tables, standard sue pool table with ping pong table, oil heater. All in good condition. Call 649-3440 after 4 p.m. weekdays, all day on weekends. Dec.3-10pd REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES: $50 each. Call 639-1854 - night; 638-5051 - days. Lives on Asheville Hwy. Dec 3-10 SURPLUS JEEP: Cars and trucks available. Many sell for under $200. Call 312/742-1143 Ext. 5200 for information on how to purchase. Dec.3-24chg PECANS FOR SALE: Machine cracked, ready to pick out, $1.50 per pound. PECAN MEATS, almost all perfect halves, $4.00 per pound. Call 649-3442. DeclO-24 OWNER SAYS SELL BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! 2 bedroom STONE COTTAGE, ideal for vacation home, nestled amid the mountains in Hot Springs. Pric ed to sell at $16,500. TOWN fi COUNTRY REALTY. 255-8050, evenings Pamela Owenby, 298-3687. DeclOchg BARNARD COMMUNITY - 35 acres more or l*u Overlooking French Broad River, older 2-story 3 bedroom, remodeled house. Tobacco allotment, good pasture and farm tillable land. Be the first to see at $84,500 TOWN ? COUNTRY REALTY, 255-8050, evenings Larry Smith, 274-2761. DeclOchg CARPET CLEANING: Barnette ft Son. Call 689 3579. Novl9tfn FIREWOOD: Seasoned, hard wood, 2Vi cords, delivered, $185. Will haul smaller loads. Also will haul top soil, cow manure, gravel. Call 649-2855. Novl9-DeclOpd FOR SALE: 6 '/Moot locust posts. $1.25 each. Also, western alfalfa hay. Call 689-3026 June 1J tfn HAVE EXCELLENT position available with good hours. Phone and personal contact advertising sales with growing weekly newspaper Some ex perience helpful. Will train. App ly 428 Haywood Rd? Asheville Novl9-Decl0chg TOTAL PRIVACY is yours on this 20 acres of wooded mountain land with spring and stream Solid 2-story farm house has been remodeled inside, outside needs a little TLC. Half mile off paved road near fishing and hunting. $36,500. With excellent financing terms. TOWN & COUN TRY REALTY, 255-8050, even ings Marvin Parrott, 252-5558, or Larry Smith, 274-2761. DeclOchg BUYING 00U> A NO SILVER coins, silverware, class rings, wedding bands, etc. Highest prices paid. J.F. Robinson Fur niture 4 Appliances. 689-4323, agent tor Southeastern Gold 1 Silver Exchange. AprSOtfn NEED LISTINGS of homes and acreage anywhere in Madison County. We have buyers tor large or small tracts. Contact CLAY JENKINS REAL ESTATE, P.O. Box 775, Weaverville. N.C. 28787 or call 645-4294 or (home phone after 6 p.m.) 689-2593. Oec25tfn HOUSE FOR RENT: A nice 2-bedroom in* beautiful setting with garden space, privacy, stream, and good road. Located in Sodom Laurel (Guntertown) (Madison County). $125 per month. Call 667-8286. (If you do not know where Guntertown is located, do not call!) Oct. 15tfn WANTED TO BUY: Farm or large amount of acreage in Madison County. Would like property with streams, springs orriver. Would prefer small house on property, but not a must. I have enough cash for a down payment but will need financing from seller Please contact Mike Kirkpatrick, 105 Narcissus Ave., Suite 710, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33401 or call 305-659-5608 or 305-842-9532. Feel free to call collect. Dec.3-Jan.l4chg FOR SALE: Two HONDA Z-50 motorcycles, 1 year old, ex cellent condition, $200 each or best offer. Call 656-2415 - Son nie Gosnell Decl0-24pd WANTED: WMI do clerical work, bookkeeping, typing in my home. Call 649-2016 (Looking for job in Mart Hill or Marshall area.) 9/3tfry MARS HILL COLLEGE STUOENTS available for part time work and odd Jobs after noons and weekends Minimum wage. Call Karen Hunter, 689-1260. Jan29tfn $12 PER HOUR to bush hog six acres of hayfield on Stackhouse Road. Call Dan Wyatt, 649 3633 after dark. Dec.3-10chg HEATING AND _ repair*. Gun type ofl _ including mobile home*. CeM C4B 2383. Ihnln Rice, -Route 6, Marsha*, N.c. PIONEER FORi. MC. Street MarsheN, N.C. 649-3444 Good plaaute buy a (jew or used car or truck. FOR REHT: Mobile Home Spaces. Water, sewer, and garden plot furnished. Apply Walnut Cash and -Carry or call 649-9909. $50 per space Dec 3tfn BEAUTIFUL gentle Appaloosa mare. 7 years old $1,000 in cluding saddle, bridle, blanket, 60 bales of hay. Mars Hill 689-3510 evenings. DeclOchg 1968 V-W BLUE BUG $600.00. good body, tires and battery. Rebuilt engine and brakes Needs transmission repairs and muffler. Mars Hill 689-3510 evenings. DeclOchg J i 4 LOTS 1 to IK acres with city water and panoramic v?ws in Dogwood Heights, Man Hid star ting at $5500 - wiH build to Mitt. Glenn MoGaa. 649-2912. Au|14ttn TRACTOR SERVICE ? EQOIR MENT COMPANY locatad on OM Mars Hill Highway, WeeverviMe, N.C. (formerly C4H Tractor), farmViuipment, parts, sarvica A term tire sarvica. Call 645-5430. ...?pbl4tfn RIVERSIDE APPLIANCE. Home" appliance repair, in home ser vice Call Huston Allan, 649-2230. JunStfq SELLING YOUR LAND? List) property with WHITEHL GRIFFIN AGENCY, Wachovia ^ Bank Bldg , Marshall. N.C. 649-2454 Apr24tfn BUILDING? Need block? General shale products, all sizes available. Also, all types general hauling. Cad D.L. Ray for com plete estimate. 656-2789. Nov6tfn PAINTING ? Inside and out. Guttering and underpinning mobile homes. See REX SMITH, Long Branch Road. Route 7, Marshall. N.C. or call 649-3255. 3/lttn WANT A JOB: Are you 21 years old or older and would like to care for 6 elderly or disabled adults. Prefer someone with high school education and able to live in. Contact Boyd Mintz of Mintz Family Care Home. Phone number 649-2837 DecX0-I7chg WOULD THE PERSON who took the baa super from the Davis house on Caldwell Branch Road please be nice enough to return it? And. stay out of my beehives! Decl0-31pd MORGAN STALLION COLT: Chestnut weanling. Beautiful ac- . tion and disposition SpeakJ f \ fluent spanish. Call 622-7497. -Jf DeclOpd Madison And Area Obituaries Hobert Ledford Hobert Ledford, 84, of Route 3 Marshall died Friday, Dec. 4 in the Asheville VA Medical Center after an extended il lness. CARD OF THANKS The family of Fannie Leake wishes to thank each of you for the beautiful flowers, food, cards, neighbors and Mends who helped us through the loss of our mother who passed away Nov. 7. Special thanks to Union Valley Baptist Church, Rev. Wayne Am moos, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Adams and Bowman Funeral Home. God bless all of you. MRYTLE RAY Daughter JIMMY. BILLY, BRUCE * WARNER Great-GraachlMren Nieces aad Nephews CARD OF THANKS The family of Ethel English Moyers wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for the food, beautiful floral designs, and all other kindness during the passing of Mrs. lloyers. A special thanks is extended to the Rev. Frank Blalock, Albemarle; Rev. James Lang Jr., Rural Hall; Rev. Charles Durrant, AsheviDe; Dr. Otis Duck; and Cappa Funeral Home. THE ETHEL ENGLISH MOYERS FAMILY GARDENING PRESIDENT NEW YORK (AP) -Halfway through Ms term as president. John Quincy Adams discovered that he had plenty of time for by the American Ms dreams shattered by awaited an inevitable defeat in do to He was a native of Madison County, a retired farmer and a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. He was a son of the late James and Tilda Sfina Led ford. Surviving are his wife, Dotaeie Cutshall Ledford; a stepson, J.D. Hensley of Mar shall; three stepdaughters, Wanda Shelton and Lottie Mae Ray of Marshall and Donna Mae Shelton of Flag Pond, Tenn.; a brother, Floyd Led ford of Port Huron, Mich.; a sister, Cora L. Davis of Mar shall; and 15 step grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday in Carman Church of God, of which Ledford was a member. The Revs. James Underbill and Norvel Peek of ficiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. - ? fiva Kendall Eva Robbins Kendall, 72, of 135 Main St., died unexpected ly Wednesday, Dec. 2 at her residence. She was a native of Spartan burg, S.C., and had lived in Mars Hill for 43 years. She was a graduate of Mars Hill College, where she became assistant to the business manager after her gradua tion. Mrs. Kendall was active in several Madison County chur ches where her husband, the Rev. M.H. Kendall was pastor. Surviving, in addition to her husband, are two daughters, Carol E. Kendall of Charlotte and Nancy H. Wilson of Blow ing Rock; a son, M. Holland Kendall of Louisville, Ky.; five sisters. Ruby Utterback and Doris Longmire of Colum bia, S.C., Gladys Ruth Russell THRKENTON of High Point, Syble Murphy of Gastonia, and A vie Chiuios of Sacramento, Calif.; two brothers, Moody and Oree Robbins of Columbia ; and Five grandchildren. Services wee held at 4 p.m. Friday in Mars Hill Baptist Church, of which Mrs. Kendall was a member. The Rev. Richard Price and Dr. Fred Bentley officiated. Burial was in Mars Hill Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the religion department of Mars Hill College for a scholarship fund to be established. Dean Rogers Dean Medford Rogers, 57, of Leicester, formerly of Waynesville, was found dead Thursday, Dec. 3 near Mar shall. He was a son of Willie Boone Medford Rogers of Waynesville and the late Frank Rogers. Surviving, in addition to his mother are two brothers, Ray Rogers of Atlanta, and Mark Rogers of Miami; and three sisters, Sarah Rogers of Crab tree, Jane Hyatt of Cullowhee and Mrs. Dale Dotson of Cleveland, Tenn. Services were held at 4 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of Crawford Funeral Home of Waynesville with the Rev. Kelly Jones officiating. Burial was in Green Hill Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Virginia Search and Rescue Dog Association Inc. P.O. Box 141, Thorn burg, Va. 22565, or the Smoky Mountain Mental Health Center, 604 Balsam Road, Hazel wood SHOP EARLY MAIL EARLY ON CAMERA I I \ UNITED FARM AGENCY On Leicester Hwy. 6S3-3112 WE NEED COUNTRY HOMES. ACREAGE AND MOUNTAIN FARMLAND For Oar Many Prospective Buyers Who Want To Purchase IN Madison County. If You Are Thinking Of Selling , Call The Team You Know You Can Trust George & Donna Lane Altar Hours CaN 622-7326 Or 683-4666 A* about our FREE LANO CATALOG! r TOWN & > COUNTRY REALTY 59 Charlotte Street 255-8050 LET US SELL YOUR FARM OR MOUNTAIN LAND! Any One Of Our Agents Can Help You Larry Smith 274-2761 Pamela Owenby 298-3687 Edna Hull 645-5590 Jeanne Hoffman 689-4542 Sherry Jones 258-3786 Dean Hasbroucfc 2988574 Helen Sorton 254-5080 ^Mdred Baldwin 2980*19, Discount Monument Center - Burnsville Highway Near Mare Hid P.O. Box 430 Mars Hill, N.C. 28754 689-4559 WUwton Lloyd ? David Jankim OWNERS "MOTOR COOLING ENGINEERING" BOB FUREY'S RADIATOR SERVICE SPECIAL MMLT RADIATORS FOR RACING ENGINES ft INDUSTRIAL UNITS RADIATOR CLEANING ft REPAIRING M2-4411 1064 PATTON AVI. ASHEVIIU NORTH CAROLINA!

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