JUSTICE lUPC * I OK COURT DIVISION ??KMC TNI CLERK ? If H NOTICE O* SALE RALRH J HARMON. (Wldowar); MOV HARMON and WHt, BETTY B HAR MOM; ALT* MAC H CAM (Di Arrlngton and Wifa, Ellna Arrlngton, to ? J. R. Coatat and Wlta, S. M. Coatat. \ which It duly rocordod in Rocord of ?. Daadt Boo* No. 71. Paga 45, Madlton f County Rogiatry. I TRACT II: J BEGINNING at poplar, cornar of R. w. > Arrlngton and Coatat landt and runt J wim Arrlngton old linat to Joat Law It , Branch; thanca down and wim taid > branch' to buckoyo traa naar tprlng; manca araund abova tpring to a small ? tugar mapto;than to and down branch to ' Arrlngton Branch, and wim Arrlngton i Branctitaattakanaarabaadbuth; than ' a itraight Una via mourn of ditch to a J tmall applt traa; thanca itraight to a ? black oak, cornar on top of ridga; than a ' straight una to a largo chattnut ttump In ? tha J. R. Arrlngton lina; thanca with taid ? Arrlngton lino to tho bog inning comor. Containing tlftoon acrat, mora or loss ? This baing tha idantlcal tract of land , which la daacrlbad in a Daad datad tha Mm day of Novombor. 1?33. tram JIM ' Bur roll and W M. Burrall, lo J. R. C**m M S. M Coitn. , norMklicMiiDiMil "? *??? ?*. *Mi? County I Subfact to Miiiw MM I ?VMM by an Accural*, currant, out convayancat ot rmi Naflhfr it? Court nor tlx Commit tronari piako My warranty, covenant, ar rapratantatlon aWmw at to Ma tltta to lht? proparty A M parcant cath dapoajt will ba ra* Tt? ttw im day of July. 1M4 JOSEPH B. HUFF A. E. LEAKE. COMMISSIONERS July l?. a. IHl. August t, ?. IM4 STATE OF MOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having quaiiiiad aa ttia Administrate ot ma Batata ot Chariia F. Connor lata of Mad i ton County, Nartti Carolina mil la to notify all paraora having claimt again** m* Ettata at aald dacaaaad to praaant Tham to tha undartlgnad R apraaantatlva on or batora ma JTth day ot Oacambar. lata at tha addraaa mown balow ar ba bar r ad from malr rac ovary Oabtora ot ma dacandant ara atkad to maka Immadlata paymant. Thit ma I7th day ot J una. IM4 Edna C. Ramtay ?0 Walnut Craak Road Marthall. Norm Carolina 217 S3 Richard C. Millar Attornay at Law F.O. Box 4S3 Mar than. N.C. M7S) 704 tat isii J una n. July 4. H. IS. 1M4 NUT Itfc UP" A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED DESIGN FOP A NEW ROAD BETWEEN NC *3 SOUTHEAST OF TRUST AND SR IIU AT PAYNES CHAPEL Project *1*40101 RUM Maditon County Tlw Norm Carolina Department at T ranoportation will hold the above public hearing on July 24. 1M4 at 7:M P.M. in the Madison County Courthouse. Marshall. North Caorlina The hearing will consist of an explana tion of the proposed design, right ot way procedures, relocation advisory assistance and S'ate-Federal relation ship. The hearing will be opan to those present tor any statement*, questions, comments and/or submittal ot material -pertaining to the proposed location. Ad ditional material may be submitted tor a period ot 10 days from the date ?4 the hearing to: Mr. George E. well*. P.E., Manager of Highway Design, P. O. Bo* 25301, Raleigh, NC 27*11. The proposed design i* a 22' pavement with *' to r moulder*. The right ot way will be variable. The location is the same a* that recommended at the March 2*. 1M4 public hearing. A map setting forth the deiign and cople* of the Environmental As*e**ment I will net be responsible Mr any daei incurred by anyone other man myself. Louise McOtvltl Marl July 4. 11. M. IS. NM STATt O* MOUTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY NOTICE The wMmitnM heving qualified m E xecutor of MM Estate of En* F. WkMy Oeceesod. late of Madison County, mis It <0 notify mat all persons having claim* against said aetata to preeent mam to ma underdone*, on or before me Itm day of January, mi, er mi* notice will be pleaded Mi bar of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to said estate will pieaee make immediate payment to me under This the 3rd day of July, 1*4. Carl H. Elliott, E x?cutor 17 Emory Rood Ashewllle. N.C. 2MQ* July 11a IS. 24. and August 1, 1*4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Qualified at Executrix of ma E state of Carl M. Bryan, lata of Madison County, Norm Carolina, this is to notify all parsons having claims against ma estate of said dacaasad to present mam to the undersigned Representative on or before the 11th day of January, 19*3, at the address of the Represented ve as shown below, or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate payment. This 3rd day of July 1*4. Stella R. Bryan, Representative, 40 Old Hwy 213 Marshall. N.C 297S3 July 11, It, 25. and August 1. 1f?4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix, c.t.a. of the Estate of Harry H. Johnston, late of Madison County, Norm Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, c* Patla, Straus, Robinson 4 Moore, P.A.. Suite 300. 29 Norm Market Street. Asheville. Norm Carolina. 20101, on or before the 17th day of January. 19BS. or mis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 17m day of July, lfB4. Gretchen L. Johnston. Administratrix, c.t.a. of the Estate of Harry H. Johnston July IS. 25,1*4 and August 1, ? 1*4 Tot^r Begins The summer edition of the 37th Annual Guild Fair will be held July 19-22 in the Asheville Civic Center. " ?ma rtir. - sponsored uyn Southern Highland Handicraft Guild, will present crafts by ?nor* than 125 Guild members. Included will be eight craft speople who have become members in 1904. Crafts of fiber, clay, wood, fabric, metal, glass and native materials will be featured through sales and demonstra tion booths. Educational demonstrations will include vegetable dyeing, spinning, applehead doll mak ing, wheel -thrown pottery, basket making, wood carving, lap quilting, wood toys, and musical instrument making. A members' exhibit will pre sent choice obiects from Guild members present at the fair and also from many who are unable to attend. The exhibit will be presented in a gallery like setting designed by Chad Voorhees of Saluda, N.C. Special focus will be on Liturgical Art. Musical and puppetry enter tainment programs will be presented daily on the con course at the entrance of the Civic Center. Don Jackson, Tom Fellenbaum and Jerry Read Smith will perform traditional mountain music. ? former .S.H.P. ctor onored Dr. Robert Blake, former medicaJ director of tbe Hot tenure i of ramil} and community medtdne at the Unhrenity of ind Berea College's Ap aalachian Puppetry Caravan, , directed by Neil DiTeresa, will present entertaining pup jet shows for kids ages 8 to #0. The fair will be located in 'he Asheville Civic Center on Haywood Street, fust off 1-240, n downtown Asheville. Hours ire: Thursday through Satur iay, 10 a.m. ? 9 p.m., and Sunday, 1?6 p.m. Admission s $2.50 for adults and SI. 00 for :hildren. Children under five ire admitted free when ac :ompanied by an adult. Infor mation on group discounts nay be obtained by calling '04/298-7928. Read Classifieds JENKINS NURSERY 12 Miies North Of Mars Hill Highway 23 689-2860 Hanging Baskets, Trees, Shrubs Roses, & More In Containers - Can Be Planted Any Time Of The Year Free Landscaping Estimates THE NEWS RECORD IS NOW AVAILABLE AT BROWN'S SELF-SERVICE ON HWY. 213. COUPON COOKBOOK CORNER Marion Joyce Summertime is diet time. It is easy to watch your weight if you become aware of low calorie products that taste as good as regular products. Walden Farms Dressing is an excellent tasting low calorie dressing that can be used over salad or as an ingredient in many recipes. They make several varieties and each is delicious, whether or not you are dieting. ?USE COUPON BELOW* BLEU HEAVEN SALAD TAHmAN 2 whole cooked chicken breasts cut In 1 inch pieces 1 large pineapple cut in half 1 can sliced water chestnuts, drained % cup celery, sliced diagonally V? cup whole blanched almonds, split 1 bottto VMLDEN FARMS REDUCED CALORIE CHUNK STYLE BLEU CHEESE DRESSING Grated rind all lime Hollow out pineapple about Vt Inch from edge. Cut fruit in chunks. Drain both fruit and shell in refrigerator for approximately 2 hours. Then, mix chicken, pineapple, water chestnuts, celery, almonds and WALDEN FARMS DRESSING. Fill pineapple shells with mixture, sprinkle with grated lime and serve. Serving Suggestion: Place pineapple shells on a wicker tray with fresh lettuce leaves and tuck a few fresh flowers around. Serves 4. local THE COUPON COOKBOOK, by Bricklayer (5 yrs. exp. ; own tolls) - 18.00 per bour. Residence Supervisor ( 1 yr. exp.) - Salary depends on ex perience Off-Set Press Operator* 1 yr. exp.) - Salary depends on ex perience. Maiatenace Mechanic (S yn. exp. in industry; ability to read schematics.) ? 96.25 per hour. Dental AssiatanceO months exp.) - Salary depends on ex perience. Narse, Supervisor* 12 mon ths. exp.; 3rd shift) - 18.20 per hour. For further information, ap ply in person at the Employ ment Security Commission Job Service, 48 Grove Street, Asheville. An equal opportuni ty employment service. Services AMERICAN BREEDERS SER VICE: Artifician insemination. Gurnsey, Jersey, Angus, Hereford available. Any breeds special order. Call Candace Aldridge at 649-2423. June 20- Sept. 12 WILL 00 various types ot remodeling, painting and roofing jobs. 10 years experience. Call 649-3214 after 8 p.m. June 20-Aug. 8 HAY FOR SALE: 900 lbs. round hay; Timothy; fescue; orchard grass and clover; Timothy and clover; Doyle Sweeney, Rt. 1, Box 328, Afton, Tenn. 37616 or call 615-638-4038. TFN PAINTING: Inside and out. Gut tering and underpinning mobile homes, See REX SMITH, Long Branch Road, Rt. 7, Marshall, N.C. or call 649-3255. 3-3 TFN BABYSITTING: Will babysit in my home; All hours; Call 689-2393 May 23TFN MEADOWS UPHOLSTERY Fur niture and car and truck Mats: all work guaranteed. Call 649-2269 Juna 13- July 17 PALMER FORD GARAGE - automatic transmission rebuilding, general repair on all foreign and American cars. All work guaranteed. Owned and operated by Ken Burreil, 15 years experience. 689-5966 Jan 4 TFN GOVERNMENT JOBS: $16,559 ? $50,553 per year. Now hiring. For Directory, Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-6692 July 18-August 8 THE OPPORTUNITY CORPORA TION OF MADISON AND BUN COMBE COUNTIES HEAD START PROGRAM ?A Ijl, iJ. , i m i ?? ? irkwiy , AsheviHe, North Carolina 704-253-2791 The following positions are open in the Head Start Program: 8 Home Visitors-Madison and Buncombe Counties. 10 Teachers-Buncombe County. 11 Teacher assistants Buncombe County. Hours: Center Base Program - 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Home Base Progrart - 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. DUTIES AND RESPON SIBILITIES: Planning and con ducting educational activities with parents and children in the HOME BASE AND CENTER BASE Programs. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: B. A. Degree in Child Develop ment or Early Childhood prefer red, but not required. Must have high school diploma, North Carolina Drivers License, a car and experience in working with low-income children and adults. Must have at least two years ex perience in supervision. A health card is required. Cook and Cook-Aide- Buncombe County Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. DUTIES AND RESPON SIBILITIES: Preparing meals for pre-school children. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Must have a minimum of two year's experience in meal preparation for at least 75 peo ple. Basic skills and knowledge balanced meals. Experience in record keeping. Drivers license and car required. Physical re quired. 2- Bus Drivers- part-time - Bun combe 1- Bus Driver- full-time- Bun combe DUTIES AND RESPON SIBILITIES: Transporting pre school children to and from Head Start Centers. High School diploma or GED preferred bat not required. Must have Class B drivers license and a safe driving record. Physical required. 4- Bus Monitors- part-time DUTIES AND RESPON DIBILITIES: To monitor pre school children to and from Head Start Centers. High School diploma or GED preferred but not required. Physical required. 1- Secretary- Buncombe County 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. DUTIES AND RESPON SIBILITIES: Serve as general secretary to the Head Start Pro gram. Must be able to type 55 wpm accurately; must be able to operate office mechines, such as mimeograph, electric typewriter; copy machine, etc. ELIGIBILITY: Associate Degree in Secretarial Science preferred but not required. High School diploma or GED required. Services 1 -Education Coordinator- part time Hour$:8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. DUTIES AND RESPON SIBILITIES: Responsible tor tha development and implementa tton of all activities pertaining to tha education component of Haad Start. Responsible for coordinating training for all center base classroom staff Must have at least two years of administrative supervisory and training skills. ELIGIBILITY: B. A. Degree in Early Childhood preferred but not required. Must have a Child Development Credential and at least two years of experienced training in Child Development. Car and valid North Carolina drivers license and insurance as require by the state of North Carolina. Physical required. APPLY TO: THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS TANT The Opportunity Corporation 50 Westgate Parkway Asheville, N.C. 28806 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEADOWS UPHOLSTERY Fur niture. car and truck saats; All work guaranteed. Call 649-2269 July 18-Aug 15 Real Estate 1 TO 400 ACRES FOR SALE: Homes, farms and land. Qualified prospects for your mountain land. List it for sale with Charles Stansell, MOUN TAIN REALTY, Rt. 3, Mars Hill. 28754 or call (704)689-5058 Aug.31 TFN FOR SALE: 1 acre lot with a ter rific southern view. Mars Hill city water, on excellent rock road. County taxes. $4,500 with owner financing. A very good bargain. Call 649-2912. No Trailers. March 14 TFN Wanted WANTED: REWARD OFFERED $200 instant cash reward of fered for any information concer ning four guns taken from Bud Reems at 25 Reems Cove Road, Marhall, N.C. 28753. Call 704^63:3586 stter 6 cm, July. 4- August 1 WANTED TO BUY: Older far mhouse with acreage. 15 minutes form 19-23. Wood floors, sound structure, peaceful site, views. Up to $40,000 cash. Send exact location, description, price to Nancy Gray, Box 1153, Pisgah Forest, N.C. 28768. July 4-18 WANTED TO TRADE: 35 acre farm in Hancock County near Dotty Part on Hwy., Sneedville, Tenn. for similar property in Madison County or Buncombe County. Good farmland, stream, low taxes, smoke house and barn. Call 689-2001 July4TFN WANTED Full time secretary. Ex perience preferred but not man datory. Call 649-2851 or write to P.O. Box 8, Marshall, N.C. 28753 July 11-18 WANTED A lady with references to live-in with an elderly woman. Need to do light housework. Call 649-3779 July 18 USED TIRES $5.00 and up Call 649-3650 In Marshall TSwn a 004)2s?<*0s0 SCENIC MOUNTAIN ESTATE! Appro* imataiy 28 acraa, and only 2 year* new! Contemporary home with wrap-a round dacfc with view ol the entire valley beiow Custom oak cabinets cathedral ctilims. skylights, inttrcoRi system, native stone A real home lor rust the H?ht family! S17?,000 CaM Earl Ledtord 6M-0237 NEW MARS HILl EXCL USIVE Rock and Irame split foyer 4 Wdnxxni formal living K d.rong rooms l^utifully ?Qtlipp6d '' f V * i ^ ^ ^ wooded lot MA900 After hours cat aaor- Hoffmar LESS THAN $10 ! PER TEAR IN HEATINC BILL in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: Family CtaasMad Ads are SI. 00 per insertion tor 24 words or leu. AM ? cants par word lor a> words owar 25. Phono numbers. dollar Nfuras. time designations. and Zh> Codas count ** For Commercial Classified Ad Rates caH 649-2741 AN Classtftad Ads must bo paid in advanca. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Quality guns; particular/ interested in gifts. Single action Army, pre-war and post-war models. Call 615-638-4036. TFN Lost And Found FOUND IN MARSHALL AREA: College Books on Rector Cornar Road belonging to Joe Bailey. Contact 580 Bailey Branch Road, Marshall, N.C. July 4-18 LOST: Near Mars Hill, spaded female Chihuahua dog; Tan col or, short haired, 10 lbs; wearing red nylon reflector collar. (40 reward offered. Call 689-2985. 7-18/7-25 For Sale FOR SALE: Beautiful Gurnesey Cow and Calf; Also 1400 lb. 6 year old work mare. Call 649-2423 July 4-25 FOR SALE: Two bicycles. Nishiki custom sport and BMA 10 speed boys bicycles for sale. $60 for Nishiki, $40 for BMA. $75 for both. Call 689-2001 July 4 TFN RUMMAGE SALE: Very good clothing for men, women and children and other items. Route 3, Marshall in Shelton Laurel Community of Madison County. Open 8 a.m. Call 656-2753 for more information . June 20- July 1 8 FOR SALE: 1967 Ford pickup truck; short wheel, wide bed; 6 cyl., straight drive. Call 649-3570. June 27TFN FIREWOOD FOR SALE: $45 per Vi cord, split, delivered, and stacked. Also looking to buy standing wood. Call 649-3677 or 649-2855. Feb. 22TFN FOR SALE: 1970 Chevy pick-up truck; short, wide bed; original paint; original spare; rust free; extra nice condition. Call 649-3570 between 7 and 9 p.m. July 4 TFN PIONEER FORD, INC.. Mam Street, Marshall. N.C. Phone 649-3444. Good place to buy a new or usad car or truck July 28TFN FOR SALE: 1976 Cadillac; Ex cellent condition; Baby blue with 46.000 $4500.00. Call 689-2536 July 11-25 FOR SALE; Rocker recliner Leather twig* color; Call 689-3628 ask for Hazel Proffitt July 18 FOR SALE: 1972 Chevelle. $ 1800 Call 689-5792 July 18 FOR SALE: 1973 Honda motor cycle; CBSSOFour; New tires, luggage rack, saddlebags; $650 or best offer Will trada for cat tie. Call 649-2912 July 18-25 FOR SALE: Sweet corn ready end of July; you pick-lOdoz minimum; $1.75 doz. Special on pick-up loads. Call 689-5145 July 18-Aug 1 | FOR SALE: 17 cubic ft. frost free refrigrator-Coppertone, ex cellent condition SI 75.00; Full size GE electric range- Harvest Gold, good condition $150.00; Apt. size Hotpomt electric range, almost new, white $125.00 Call 689-4058 July 18-Aug 8 FOR SALE: 1983 Two-bedroom mobile home. Set up and under pinned $2000. and assune loan. Call 658-0387 or 645-5018. July 18-25 FOR SALE: Good used children's clothes. Girls sizes 2 to 6; Boy's sizes 4 to 12; Little girl's dresses in excellent condition. Call 689-5552 July 18 For Rent FOR RENT: Three 2 bedroom apartments in Marshall area. Private. 1100 sq. ft. Water fur nished. Call 645-7161 or 649-3181 at night. June 20 TFN FOR RENT: By week, $195.00; Ocean front, ground level efeficency apartment in private home. Accessible to Marine Land, Disney World, Silver Spr ings, and Cape Cavernal. 8 miles north of Historic St. Sugustine at S. Ponte Vedres Beach. Florida. Call 1-904-824-2192. July 4- 18 APPLICATIONS ARC NOW BEING ACCEPTED tor 2 and 3 badroom units In tha mm to; Rldt* PuMc houaim Praiad or Jarvit Branch Boad and M0k war 19-23 North. Man HM. N C > m aMo to quaMy tar aid utilin 2 ar 1 1 ?ho attfMa to apply PIMM coma M PERSON. pCQMNVMMOMDAY MAY 21a( to tha Madiaon County Houainf Author ? :30 and 4:30 daNy to apply. Yon muat ol Inoomo and out-ot-podut Monthly mdfcal i FREE SATELLITE DEMONSTRATION at McGEE'S TV **A *** * * f> .ra" a rcneci ncoirt Call: 649-2912 Complete Line Of Supplies LINDA'S CAKE DECORATING A CANDY MAKING SUPPLIES 1 Mite East Of BurnwMte On 19E .1? - . rw* w Linda Style* . Phone Owner 4 Operator CteMd " 704/682-3514 (faty %eaity Hwy. 213 Mars Hill 704-689-4922