Church Events Christmas Play At Chapel Hill Baptist Church The Chapel Hill Baptist Church will pnpent "A Christmas Play To All People" on Dec. ?at 7 pjn. The Rev. Dean Grind staff invites everyone to attend. Benefit Singing At Shoal Hill The Shoal Hill Baptist Church will hold a singing on Dec . 29 at 7 p.m. Hie singing is a hqhefit for Joshua Ma'yhew, who is seriously ill. The Rev. Jami^ Mason invites everyone to at tend. Walnut Creek Christmas Plays The Walnut Creek Baptist Church will present two plays on Christmas Eve, beginning at 7 p.m. The plays will be "The Six-Winged Angel" and "No Room At The Inn." Recitations will be presented by the smaller children of the church. Everyone is invited to attend. Candlelight Service Dec. 24 The Marshall Presbyterian Church will hold a candlelight service on Christmas Eve at 5:30p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. To^Present | BE A 4-H iMettM* THE NEWS RECORD IS AVAILABLE IN PETERSBURG AT COATES* COUNTRY STORE. Mars Hill College Spring Schedule Is Now Available T*e spring schedule for Mars Hill K ! am to now av* i table for the school's Center for Continuing Education Mom than 7? classes in five degree iter which begins oo Jan. S Hie seraeaUt will include two 10-week terms and a IS- week term. The schedule of classes allows students to complete IS semester hours, thereby qualifying them as full-time students and making them eligible for financial a?isUnc* Formal registration for the semester will be held at each site dur ing the week of January 21 through 2S. Because classes are scheduled to begin before registration, interested students should contact the Center for Continuing Education before Jan. Sat 689-1166. HHP*" 1 The News Record Serving The People Of Madison County Since 1 90 1 P.O. Bo* 369 ? Marshall, N.C. 28753 ? (704)649-2741 Robert T.Koenig Editor Clwryl W. Koenig Advertising Mgr. Judy Brown Ad Representative BrendaC. Parker Office Mgr. James I. "Pop" Story Dr. Joseph Godwin Columnists Dorothy B.Shupe Published Weekly By The Mountaineer Publishing Co , Ik. USPS 380-440. Second Clan Portage Paid at Marshall, N.C. 28753. Subscription Rata* in Madison and Buncombe Counties - 1 Year $6.80 - Outside Madison and Buncombe Counties - 1 Year $9.50. N.C. Residents add 4 Vi% Sales Tax. ..... Sand address changes to the News Record, P.O. Box 369, Marshall, N.C. 28753. MEMBER NORTH CAROLINA PRESS ASSOCIATION Compliments of Lane Ogle's Body Shop 649-3288 Metcalf served as pastor of Middle Fork Baptist from 1980 until May at this year. He is married to the former Ariene Young of Mar* Hill The 24-year old South Carolina native is a 1962 sum ma cum lauda graduate of Mara Hill College with a degree in religion. Metcalf accepted the call to the gospel ministry in 1978 and was ordained by the Walnut Grove Baptist Church of Marietta, S C. in Jan., 1881. ROLAND METCALF A-B Tech Reaccredited The Southern Association of Col leges and Schools today listed Asheville-Buncombe Technical Col lege among the colleges reaffirmed for a ten-year period. The announce ment was made during the College Delegate Assembly Forum of the an nual meeting of the Association being held in Atlanta. President Harvey L. Haynes, upon hearing of the reaffirmation, said, "Being an associate member of the Southern Association establishes a mutual relationship between us and other colleges and universities since we are all accredited by the same standards." Following the original accreditation in 1968, A-B Tech of ficials were able to negotiate transfer agreements with senior colleges and universities throughout the region. Membership in a regional association is generally required as part of the accreditation process with other agencies. In the reaffirmation procedure, 'acuity, staff, administrators, and ooard members collectively conduct an institutional self-study. In this pro cess college committees investigate ten academic areas, including in struction, faculty, physical facilities, purpose, library functions, and col lege administration and organisation. The internal investigation, once completed, is reviewed by peers chosen from colleges throughout the Southeast. In April of 1964, the Self Study Visitation team spent three days on the A-B Tech campus inter viewing students, faculty, and ad ministrators to determine the ac curacy of the internal self-study and the ability of the College to continue to fulfill its purpose. Both internal investigation and the visiting team produced recommenda tions for improvements to the College operation. The College has responded to the recommendations and will con tinue to work toward realizing im provements in all areas noted. A current priority in SACS reaffir mation endeavor is to ascertain that colleges are effectively planning for the future. Living And Growing By CARL MUMPOWER The AshevUle Counseling Center Life is hard. There's no way around that one. No matter how good we are. rich we are, or who we are, life does not come cheaply. With every measure of good, comes some bit ol hardship. In the face of the hardships of life, il is common to sometimes feel over whelmed by it all. There are timet when we need help from folks arounc us. That's not a reflection on us, bul on life. It s just not possible to live oui way through the ups and downs of life without benefit of a helping hand along the way. We should not be faulted fw stumbling on occasion. We learn from a process# of trial and error. In get ting too hung up on the error, we car get afraid of trying Mistakes anc such are a natural part of living When we give in to the hardship hbwever, then we are talking about another matter. There is no one whe can do justice to the task of taking can of you. When it 'comes to thb mm, you are on your own. There are essentially two kinds ?