New Additions At The Public Library NON-FICTION Appalachian Trail : Wilderness on the Doorstop- Ann Sutton ; Caring for Ag ing Parents-Harold A. Rashkis; Children's Ailments-Richard West; Civil Service Handbook- Hy Ham mar; Clover All Over-James W. Clark; The Complete Painting Course-Wendon Blake; 8)8 Ways to Amuse a Child-June Johnson; Elisabeth Tudor and Mary Steward: Two Queens in One Isle Alison Plowden; Ethyle. A History of the Corporation and the People who Make It-Joseph C, Robert; The Pour Seasons-Norman Rockwell; The Glory GAme-Janet Dailey; Guide to the Best in Contemporary Piano Music-Stanley Butler; How Can We Know*-A. N. Wilson ; How to Play the r Ward Canne! ; 100 High Fiber Dishes Jenni Taylor; Images The Oute* Banks-Gene Purr; The Last Days of MASH-Arlene Alda; Living with Adult Children-Monica Lauren 0JKane; Maurice Maeterlinck Patrick Mahony; Minstrel of the Appalachians-Loyal Jones; More than Earthlings-Jaraes B Irwin; Music in the CUssroom- Bemarr Rainbow; My Mother's Keeper-B. D. Hyman; A Naturalist's Blue Ridge Parkway-David T. Catiin; FICTION . Albatross-Evelyn Anthony; The Bannaman Legacy-Catherine Cookson; The Beauty's Daughter Monette Cummongs Birds of a Feather-Victor Canning; Charhes Daughter-Susan Child; The Oder Erich Segal; Confessional-Jack Hig gins; Cousins to the Kudzu- WUliam Soxey; A Creed for the Third illennium-Colleen McCullough; Cycle of the Werewolf-Stephen King; Death in Derlin-Mary Margaret Kaye; Departure-Janet Stevenaon; Down Among the Dead Men-Michael Hartland; E. T, the Book 6f the Green Planet-William Kotzwinkle; Firefox Down-Craig Thomas; A Flag for Sunrise-Robert Stone; Green Grow the Dollars-Emma La then; High Adventure-Donald E. West lake; In the Palomar Arms-Hilma Wolitzer; [jubal Sackett-Louis L' Amour REFERENCE The U S Congress Handbook -U. S. Congress; The General of North Carolina-Michael Crowell; Physi cians Desk Reference for Non prescription Drugs-Edward R. Bar nhart; Chilton's Truck and Van Repair Manual. 1977-ltSi; The Times Atlas of World History -Times Books ; Prince Family Prince- Peter Prince; Over the Misty Blue Hills-Ruth Webb O'Dell ; Index to 1830 North Carolina Census-Dorothy William* Potter, The North Carolina Guide B lack well P. Robinson; k ? k ' ? '%?- - NUVENILE NON-FICTION COLOENROD Airports-Michael Jay ; Animal Baby Sitters-Frances Zweifel Animals i he Burrow-Dean Morris, Automobile From Prototype to Scrapyard-Frank Young; Backyard Vacation; Outdoor Fun In Your Own Neighborhood > .<r..ivn Haas; Birds Dean Morris; Butterflies and Moths Dean Morris; Cats-Dean Morris; A Cat's Body-Joanna Cole; Conquerors of Everest-Brian Williams. Dinosaurs and Other Early Animals Dean Morris; Earthquakes-David Lambert ; Endangered Animals Dean Morris; First Picture Book of Animals-David Lambert; Frogs, Toads, and Other Amphibians-Dean Morris; Are You Sending Your Son Or Daughter Off To College This Fall? _ ? 1 ? ? ? ? ' ? ? 1 ? ' ? ? ? < ?' - ? l ? - ' ' "? '? ' I Send Them A Touch Of Home Delivered Fresh Each Week A Subscription To T HE NEWS RECORD Will Keep Them Informed Of All The Latest News Of Madison County . Local Government . Madison High School Sports . Weddings And Engagements . Local Columnists, Features Take Advantage Of This SPECIAL OFFER A Nine-Month Student Subscription To The News Record Is Only $ 4.18 Anywhere In The U.S.A. ? illsBi (Offer Expires Sept. 20th) M MCOMO OF MCM Or TRUST BOOK NO. ?. ON PAGE MS. ANO THE APPOINTMENT OF A. E- LEAKE At SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE AS RECOROCO M BOOK lit. ON PAGE Alt. MAOtSON COUNTY RCQOTRY kMdef and by virtu* at tt* power and authority cor* tamed In Mid carton Oaad at Truat iMcutia and Mhmd b) B JU OMa. dated Mia MM day at February. ltsi and nmdal In On OMto at Hie Reenter at Deads at Madtoan County. North Carolina. In Oaad el Truat Boo* No It. an Pat* MS. ant pur want t* an Ordar at Ma Madhan County filarial Court. ant because at datautt In the payment at Ma In itabtadnan thereby secured. and Mkir* la carry aid or partorm the stlpulatlone therein contained, ant pur want te lha demand at lha oamer and hattar at the in debtednes* Mcurad by aaM Oaad at Truat. tka under signed Substitute Truat** <?* attar tar aata at pub* auction at 1100 a'dadi. A M.. an lha 30th day ol August. l?tt at lha door at lha MadMon County Cour thauaa. In Marahat. North Caratna. Bw lata? lug described real property IncMlttl *1 Improvementa thereon: Al that certain 1910 acre, mar* or lea*, tract at land lying and being m No. I TawntMp. MadMen Coun ty. North Caratlna. an the water i al taiti* Fart Creak and Hopta Branch, batng hound an the North by Sobuah. Holt and Ebb* Heirs, on the East by Etta heirs an the Soirth by Friabee. Hawtiins and Pan0e and an the West by U. S. For eel Service Tract Na U-t4l. aatd tract being mora particularly taacrtbad ac carding to a survey and plat thereof prepared by Rayburn A Reeves. RLS. datad February 23. 19tl. aa BEGINNING ft a tiaka and loculU on top ot a knob, cornor No 3 o* O. S. Foroat Sonic* Tract No. U-Ml. a lone* cof nor and rum thanca with tha u S. Foraat Sar vica Una North 17 dot !?' 77.5 loot to a ttaka. North 22 dor SB' Wait 103 toot ta a 40 inch rod oak; North 37 dot 17' Wait 186 7 Mka douMa i?h. North 01 dat 32' Waat 243 85 loot to a fane* pool atalarfapopior:Northl3dot 48 Woat 201 Stoat to a itaia at a 6 inch dofood. cornor to Foroat Sorvico and Sobuah. a lanca cornor; thonco with tha Una of Sobuth and tha lanco North 57 dot- 10' Eaat 401 88 loot to a 14 Inch walnut an tho South bonk ot a pront ol Hopit Branch. North 66 dot- 45' Eaat 380 taat to a itaka and chaatnut ttump: North 34 da* 57 Eaat 1*4 33 to a lone* poat. North 43 34 Eaat USA faot to a lane* poat. North SB da*. OB' Eaat 449.38 loot to an IB inch oak mob at a lanco cornor; camar to Sobuah and Hod; thonco with tho Una at Ho* and lanca South B7 dat 44' Eaat 112 53 la*t to a whMa pma: South 74 dat 34 Eaat 439 57 taat to a B Inch dofood; South 63 dat ?' Eaat 364.38 laat ts an B inch hickory: South 79 da* 86' Eaat 286 SB toot to a 24 inch whita oak; So?4h 89 dat 06* Eaat, 130.62 toat to a 14 inch popular on tho Woat bank ot anothor pram ot Hopis Branch: South 38 da(. 47' Eaat 83.24 taat to a 14 inch apruc* on tho Eaat bank ot tha pront; thonco crooaanf an old roadway. North 77 dat. 20? Eaat 398.8 taot to an iron pin at tha lane* Una: thane* with Ebba hain and tha lonco South 33 dat 06 Eaat 324 loat to a 14 inch locuat: South 8 dot 23' Eaat 328 3 tootle a lanca poat: South 12d*8 Woat 39.8 taat loan Iran pin naar a road; South 8 dat 23' Woat 196 loot to tha Watt |st* pool at an old lata turroundtoB tha camatory aroj aa daUnaatad on th* abova r atari ad I* plat, thane* contmuint with tha ridfa and thraufh tha cantor ot tho comatory. South 12 dat- 07" Waat 89.22 loot: SouthS dat 41' Eaat 174.28 loot ta a lacuat and whtta oak at th* lanca Una ol tha comotofy: South 18 dot. 3B'Eaat 28 09 loot to o tone* poat: North 89 da* 35' Eaat 23.27 taat to a tanca poat: tlianoa laovint tha camatary South 29 dat. 08' Waat 36.5 taat to ? atako on top ot tho rldto: South 46 dat- IS' Woat 77.10 loot to an tron pm on top at tha ridfa. thanca South 80 dat 06' Watt 194 5 taot to a itaka in tha contor ot State Rood 1 176: South 80 da*. 06' Waat 168.2 taot. paa* int throuth a aycamoro ttump to a 10 ich popular (markod) on tho martin ot an aid roadbod. cornor to Frlabao: South 13 dor 35 Waat 127 86 toot to a larta popular, anothor cornor ot Frtaboo: thonco with tha Una otHowkina. South 20 dat. 19' Eaat 64.27 toot to a ttoko in tho contorot tha old road bod. South 24 dat 07' Eaat 123.97 taat to a atak in tho contor ol tho old roodbod: South 09 dot. 36' Woat 61.17 loot to a ataka in tha contor ot tho old roodbod: South 42 dat 47* Waat 62 6 loot to a 36 inch oak an tha Waat alda at tho old rood: thonco with a lanco and tho tno ot Hawk Hit and Panfta, North 47 dat 50 Woat 159 8 loot to an 18 inch locuat: North SB dat. 84' Woat 66.68 loot to a tanca poat; North 71 dat. 14' Woat 70.72 tool to a tma8 birch: North 48 dat 24' Woat 137.84 loat to a 12 inch locuti ttump; North 61 dat OS' Waat 381.64 laat to a ataka at a larta wNto oak ttump; North 77 dat 27" Woat 177 33 loot toa30 Inch mapla; South 7? dat 84' Woat 242.31 loot to a amot dotwood and chaatnut ttump; South 78 dat 08 Woat 131.6 loot to a 2B Inch oak: South 88 dat 18' Waat 842 loot to an 8 Inch mapla: North 79 dat ?*' Waat 552 3 laat to a 16 Inch chaatnut oak; South 66 daB. 13' Waat 148 8 taot to a 24 inch locuat anat; South 87 dat- 80' Waat 93 loot to a 24 Inch popular: North 80 dat 44' Woat 207 8 bat ta tho pomt of BEGINNING. EXCEPTED. HOWEVER, from the above doocr feed trad ai land it thai certain portion thereof m?oMrg 31 acres, more or lees, and the oaeement thereto, cur ? * i . - - t- - (- ? ? . ? ? t.? in# ilaii e~ftiaH M ? uno 'of cvnwiwtj uwnj BEGINNING at a point at the West (ale poet if the oM late to the cemetery end rune South 12 da* 07" Wast M.22 loot and South i dog. ?' Eaat 174 Jt Met to ? locust end ?Nte oak at the fence Ino; thence SeiMhM doc. 17- West 57 toot to a una* locust; North S dag. ?' Wool 17* 06 loot to a 20 Inch popular: North 27 da? IT Eaat 104 g? loot to the West gats post el the now gate; thence South 74 tfaf. 41' Eaat 27.12 tost to the point ol BEGINNING The Pood ol Tract horotolotorslonod to bolm lor the purpoee d securlnc an original debt el FVTY TWO THOUSAND (tS2.000.00) DOLLARS. ?? Intent Irani date at the rate el 10 percent per annum. The sale ?H>>a mode iyt|irt to a? prior ?ens. unpdd teies. restrictions, eaaomonts el record, end imiiminU. I any. The record earner ol da obese limiil reel proportu as nktM on the Modtaon County Remoter el Deeds records hem! ItltMs. A caah depoeN el ten per cent d ?<e M OM THOU SANO (11.000.001 DOLLARS ol the kid. phis R?0 per com el ?? esceoe d the tU e?er ONE THOUSAND It 1 .000 00) DOLLARS wM ho required at Ike tfeno *

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