Study Options When n jtr Mortgage Shop By CARL WESTBERG Mortage financing a taw years ago was rather limited. A fixed-rate mor tgage, usually with a 30-year term, was about all that was available to moat home-buyers. Now, a buyer can choose a home loan with payment terms to suit one's needs. That's good and it's bad. With the various choices comes some confusion and the need to do a little studying. So, let's take a look at some of the alternative plans of today. But first, the most important bit of advice - shop around. Many mortgage com panies and financial institutions offer mortgage plans that are similar, but not quite the same. Be sure to com pare the interest rates and all loan terms offered by each lender. Take the time to talk with several bankers and other mortgage makers. If you're looking for property through a real estate firm, chances are the agent can sugest a few len ding companies to you. If you're not, consult a real estate broker. General ly, they will be glad to help you. And now, here are some capsule versions of some mortgage plans available: A fixed-rate mortgage has un changing principal and interest amounts. This mortage is generally offered at a higher interest rate than mortgages with adjustable payments. A 30-year mortgage is still the one most commonly chosen, however, fixed-rate loan terms vary. For example, they have 10-, 15- and 20-year payback periods. An adjustable rate mortgage (call ed an ARM) has an interest rate that can go up or down, causing the mon thly payment to vary. It is usually of fered at a lower initial interest rate than a fixed-rate mortgage. ARMS permit adjustments in the interest rate at periodic intervals, generally ranging from one to five years. Many ARMS also have caps limiting the rate changes for each adjustment period. A buydown plan is when the seller, buyer or a third party makes a lump sum payment (not related to the down payment and closing costs) to the lender at closing. This lowers the quoted interest rate of the loan paid by borrower, diving the first few years of the loan's terms, or ia some cases, for the full terra of the loan. The buy down plan can be helpful in getting approval for a loan based on the lower initial monthly payments. Next time, we will cover the new equity mortgage, the graduated pay ment, the wraparound and the second mortgages, as well as the assumption of an existing mortgage. And remember to shop around! Carl Westberg is owner-operator of Harvest Real Estate in Marshall. Prior to opening an office here, he held a real estate license in Michigan for more than 2* years. He is a member of the Madison County Board of Realtors, the Asheville Board of Realtors, the N.C. Associa tion of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. His column, "Real Estate Review." will appear in The News Record periodically. School Board Calls For Public To Join American Education Week Members of the Madison County Board of Education are asking parents, students and civic and business leaders to join in the nation's annual salute to public education dur ing American Education Week, Nov. 15-21. This year's American Education Week theme - "We The People: Building Schools Together"- was especially selected to commemorate the bicentennial of the United States Constitution. "American Education Week is our community's chance to spotlight the accomplishments - and the needs - of our local public schools," said Robert L. Edwards, superintendent of Madison County schools. "America's schools have played a major role in keeping each genera tion of Americans dedicated to the principles set down in our United States Constitution," said Edwards. "American Education Week is our opportunity to build the support necessary for schools to continue that task." American Education Week was established as a national celebration of public education in 1921. The event is consponsored nationally by the American Legion, the National Parent-Teachers Association, the Na tional Education Association, the Na tional School Boards Association and the U.S. Department of Education. At the regular monthly meeting Nov. 2, the Board of Education voted unanimously to observe American Education Week and Board Chair man Jim Baker signed an official pro clamation to that effect. The Madison County Board of Education has invited all parents, civic and business leaders, elected of ficals and members of the public to visit the public schools during this week. Phillips Receives Doctorate Dr. Bruce Phillips, assistant prin cipal at Madison High School, receiv ed his doctrate in education ad ministration from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Aug. ?. Phillips started in the program in the fall of 19*4. Phillips is married to Mildred Payne of Marshall. They live in Beech Glenn section of Mars Hill. Phillips completed the degree by writing a dissertation entitled "Ad ministrative Revenge." The purpose of the study was to investigate revenge feelings, or attitudes of "get ting even," and the effects these at titudes have on the operation of an organization, particularly a public school organization. Spring Creek Cloggers Take Honors The Spring Creek Cloggers, under the leadership of Beth Ann Woodrow Church, recently won second place at the Clogging Hall of Fame competi tion at The Stompin' Grounds in Mag gie Valley. This competition was open only to those teams who had won first-, second- or third-place at sanctioned clogging competitions throughout the year. During the competition, held Oct. 24, the Spring Creek doggers won the prestigious sportsmanship trophy, presented to the team which best represents the true spirit of clogging, respect, courtesy, cooperation, love and good will. TKmu Mud Phillip. 171 Calvin Ednay MM Mart Hill. N.C WM October I*. Nov J. 11, If HW STATS Of MOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THI OENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICt TO CREDITORS Tlw und aolgned having qualified aa AB mwietratrlx e? eetale at Clyde Maeaey. doceaaed. Ma a> Madlaon County, thl* la t? notify that aR panona having claim* agalnat Ma aaM aetata to praaant them to Ma gndanlgmd an ar bafora tha Jtth day ol April. IM. or thla notice will ba plaadad In bar of thalr recovery All panona In debtod to >aM aatata will ptaaaa maka Immediate paymant to tho underalgned. Thla tha Hat day ol October. WW. Kata Maaaay c/o Charm E. Maahburn Attorney at Law P.O. Bo* ft Marshall, N.C. 2S7SJ Octabar If, Nov. S. 12, If. 1W7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix ol tho ostoto of Wlloy P. Boona, loto of Madison County, this It to notify oil persons having claims against tho said astato of said dacaasad to present them fa tha undarsignad Rapraaantatlva an or bafora April 22, Iftl. at tha addrass of tha Raprasantativa as shown balow, or bo barrad from thalr rocovory. Dabtors of tho dacadant ara ask to maka Im madiata paymant. This tha 12th day af Octobar, ift7. Ganava Ammons Boone N P.O. Box tfl Weevervlile, N.C. 2S7S7 w, a, ir. WW i. n. in? NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR Having qualified aa Admlnlatrator ot tha Eatata ot RUBY REESE RAMSEY, lata e? 1SS Ballay Street. Man Hill, North Carolina, M7S4. tha undaratgnad daaa haraby notify all peraona. firm*, and corporation having clalma agalnat tho aatata of said dacadant to exhibit tham to tha underaign ad Admlnlatrator at: Poat Off lea Box 140, Mara Hill, North Carolina 2S7S4, en ar bafora tha 11th day of May, tats, ar thla notice will ba plaadad In bar af thalr recovery. All paraona, tlrma, and corporation* Indebteded to tha (aid aatata will plaaaa make immadiata pay niMt* Mia i,n iSaralnna rf man* to ma unavmgnio. This, tha 12 day af Novambar. lf?7. FORREST F. BALL Administrator of tha Estata of Ruby Raasa Ramsay FORREST F. BALL Attornay at Law Post Offica Box 140 Mars Hill, N.C. 2C754 Tslaphons: 704/ AS?- 3600 November II. It. U. December 3. IW TUMI OF SALE: 11 *-ClMk AM. FLACK OF SALS: ?Ww County door, ManfteU. NC. TERMS OF SALE: To the kigkoot bidder for caoh. M porcont deposit required at How o f late. Title -n^ t flftrfltlnrt af.>. . Mu la 4 ' In/tliuilam mmu lien* or two*. Mo will bo kald opon tor ton days lor upaot bids according to low. II no upoot kid. ^y||| ^0 p^OfDpT * tlomont or par dietn will be char god. IMFBOVBMBNTS TO FHOFBBTY Include a houoo (partially rock exterior) and ? bam. ORIGINAL MORTGAGORS: Kolcy Farguoon and wtfa. batty o. Firguoan PRESENT OWNERS: Kolcy Ferguson LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lying and being In Tommoklp No. 4 on Iko wool ?Mo of U.S. Highway No. It. South ot tko Yoncay Madison Countloo lino, akd boundod now or tormorty by Iko lando ot Ar mor bollard and Harockal Buckner on Iko toulk; by tko lando at Palmar Biankensklp ond day ton nott on tko Woot; ky tko lando ot Palmer Blanken skip. Kyo Rofctnoon ond Honry Modlord on tko Nortk; by Iko lot ot O.A. Gregory ond U S Hwy No. ? on tko Boot; ond mora particularly doocrlkod 00 tot low* : BEGINNING at o point In tko contor ot Otd Highway No If ovor o culvort at Clay Bennett's ,, , .. m m ?^l.i nnlnt h alnn H>a hanlnnlnn nnlnt lab corner, mho potni DViny nn DCvinnin^ pomi in dooddatod ItOdokor, 1*74. to Kolcy Forgwoon. of record In Oood Book I 10. page SM. Madison Coun ty Registry ond runs Ikonco with ma contor ot OM Highway No. It. South IT dog. Boot SO foot; South 14 dog Eoat 90 toot. South 41 dog. Boot SO foot; South S) dog. Eoot 100 faat; South 40 dag. ? East JO* fool; South M dog. East SO foot; South SO dag. East JO faat; South 45 dog. Boot SO foot; South J7 dog. East SO faat. South SI dog. East SO faat, South I* dog. East SO faat; South 10 dog Woot 100 faat; and South s dog. Wast 41 .0 faat; thonco laev Ing said old rood and runs Ikonco North M dog Eost Ml foot to tka contor of a crook; thanco down ond with the contor of the croak. South n dog. East 237 foot ; thonco moving said crook and runs thonco. North S7 dog. Eoot m foot to a point m tko West morgin of U.S. Hlghwoy No. W; Ikonco up and witk said margin of said highway. North 24 dag. Watt 445.J foot. North 21 dog. West 40 feat. North IS dog. West MO foot; North S dog. Woot 100 foot; and North s dog. woot 100 toot to the South comer of the O.A. Gregory Gulf Service Station lot; Ikonco with tko western boundary of said lot. North St dog. West S40.S teat to ? point in the center of the old highway, Ikonco witk the contor of said old highway, Nortk 7* dog. IS* Bast 100 feet; and Nortk S4 dog. IS* Eaot 1J? feet to the point where said old highway in lef sects with the present U.S Hlghwey No. It; thonco with the western margin at said highway. North 11 dog. Eost 71 foot; ond North 11 dog. Eost 1M foot to the Madison Yancey Counties lino; Ikonco leaving said highway and with said county line North 45 dog. West 75 foot to the center of on old roadway, thence with the center of said old roadway. South M dog. Wool 1*5 tool; ond South 71 dog. West 415 feet to 0 point whore said old roadway Intersects with Old Hlghwoy No. It; thence witk the center of said old Highway No. It. Norm 7t dog. West 100 feet; North 77 dog. JO1 West 70 foot; South (4 dog. IS' West 4IJ foot. South 74 dog. West 100 foot. South n dog. West 50 feat; Norm St deg. West 100 ?Mti m n ??. ?m ?m? ** mm * <5 WW lIMm MM <mt ? e?Hv?rt M?M> MfcftMM*(*rln*?r?icft?tMK?MvingM? oM r?M. Mrttt m Mr JT ?Ml M M? to ? wtM Ctwfry trw Hjm N?rM???l ? ? m**' m?K* mm If On Urn IN Ml; mm tart* ? *? tMtWMMMWMlmiMictMiMM JT M Bl Mt to ttw ytM* 0? BCOINNINO Thi* doocrlpf loo h drawn ?ram ? wrxi and plot MM My 17. If7t, 1 nw property o? Kotey Firw, moot MM pnpind by C.W (mini. R.L.I. Tklt cwnyanct K mndt ?M>|oct to U S HlalNMy M If to I* hill Ktal wMtnj to OM hmhmv M. It I* It* Ml IM wMh. and to pf p>tU>l OOftOfOOOtl fOC wfiiC^i ^pp?j|f Of naW ?M t? iHWfy MiM ?t rncfrd. SCOTT CARTER. TRUSTEE Of cmmI: CARTER AND KROPELNICKI. PJL ntt. MarMI Mnct A*Mvlll?. N.C. MMI Tola phono km j? mm Oct. J?. Mwmlwi s, 13, M7 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Date: October 13, 1987 Position: Mechanic II Salary : $14,500 - Benefits Included Term of Employment: Twelve (12) Months Qualifications : Completion of grammar school required, high school com pletion preferred. Four years experience in repair and maintenance of automotive equipment. Technical training in automotive equipment preferred. Nature of work: An employee in this class serves at the journeyman level in the maintenance and repair of school buses and other automotive equipment. The employee is expected to know all established procedures of automotive care and on assignment be required to know completely one specialized system. Assignments are usually accompanies only by results expected. Work in this class involves the direction and instruction of lower level mechanics. The work is performed under the supervision of a Me chanic Foreman or Supervisor and is seldom checked while in progress but only as a completed service. Illustrative examples of work: Identifies and diagnoses complex mal functions. Tests repaired and replaced equipment for compliance to standards . Operates boring bar and other specialized power tools to recondition complete motor assemblies. Repairs and replaces brake drums. Straightens damaged frames, repairs and replaces differentials, drive shafts, front end and steering mechanisms. Checks lighting and wiring mechanism to insure proper functioning. Repairs, adjusts or replaces starters, generators, transmissions and clutch assemblies. Performs N.C. Motor Vehicles inspection of buses and other school vehicles. Provides instruction to lower level mechanics in repair and main tenance practices. Informs supervisor of parts to be needed. Knowledges, skills and abilities: Considerable knowledge of the operating principles of internal combustion engines, and all other mechanical com ponents of school bases service vehicles. and uses of tools and equipment knowledge of lint I of

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