Local News. A. C. L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE*: Southbound. No. 88 0:88 A. M. No. 89 3:00 P. M. No. S3 11:18 P.M. Northbound. No. 34 8:20 A. M. No. 80 12:60 P. K. No. SZ 11:42 P. M. Miss Annlo Jonss, of Nswtoa Grove, was In town Thursday. Mr. Bradley Godwin made e busi ness trip to Godwin Thursday Miss Freida Isaacs, of Goldsboro, is visiting Mrs. ElUs Goldstein. Dr. Chaa lilghstnith was a busi ness visitor In Lilllnirton Monday. Mins Doll Butler spent a few days this week with friends at Roseboro Mr. Hubert Culbreth left Tuseday for s short visit to Now berry, 8. C. Mr. Billie Walters spent Sunday und Monday with hia mother at Suf folk, Va. Mr. R. H. Norfleet, of Norfolk, Va., Is visiting hia daughter, Mr*. U. M. TUghntan. Mr M G. Myers, of Yedkinvlll*. ■pent Sunday in town with hia broth er, Dr. F. W. Myere. Miss Ames, of Norfolk, Va.. is visiting here this week the guest of Mrs C M. Tilgbroan. Messrs. Earnest Jeffreys end Qeo. McKay spent Saturday and Sunday in Richmond and Petersburg. Many of the Buie's Creek students were In town Friday an route to their home* in various part* of the State. Messrs Arthur Pop* end Austin Long are home from Wake Forest College where they attended school the pest yssm. Mis* Juanita Privest, at Spring Hope, haa arrived in Dunn and will wiw Mr. 1HB Mr*. H. C. McNeill. Rev. J. H. Shore left Tuesday morning for Sanford, where he will attend the District Conference. lie will return to Dunn Thursday Mr. C. C. Gilt lard, who has made Smithfield his home for tho pest sev eral months, hue come to Dunn, where he srill remain for some time. Mr. J. W. Ellington, after being away for oevoral months on other business, has returned to Dunn and resumed his work with tho mworags force. Mr. Durham Taylor, who Is taking a course at king's Business Collage, Raleigh, spent several days bare this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jea. A. Taylor. Several of tho Dunn people ere attending the commencement at Falcon this week. All seem to be enjoying the excellent program which is being rendered , Mr J. J. l’earssll returned horns Friday after spending several days in Florida. He visited Jacksonville and other cities while In that State and reports a line time. Mr. R. C. Nelson, who has boon stationed here for some time, work ing for the J. B. McCrary Company on the sewerage force, left Saturday for Atlanta. Mrs. Nelson will Join him there in a few days. Dr. E. W. Myers, until recently a citlsen ef Dunn, who now lives at Elberton, Georgia, was a visitor hare this weak. Dr. Myers said hla prac tice, since moving to Georgia, had boon highly satisfactory. The building which is being re modeled by Mr. J. L. Hines to be used as one of the tobacco warehous es this fall, is about completed. Hs has had it put in good condition and It will osaks a splendid warehouse. Mies Margaret Peps left this Mrs ing for Raleigh to attend the dosing exercises of Meredith college whore she was a student the past year. She was called home two weeks ego on account of tho serious Illness of her mother. Mr*. E. J. Nobles end Mis. Mollis Motley Peereell left Tuesday for Washington, D. C., whore they win spend several days eight-easing. This ll tka trill thara wnn In fka mm. test several months ago, which was given by ths American Thsatrc. Mr A. K. Wilson, who has boon with Lm A Warron (or several months, holding a position as clerk, has given op his work these to en gage in the brokerage business. He will be an the road mast of the time, but will make Dunn headquarters. Mr. Horses freeman, manager of \the American Theatre, showed free pictures last Thursday and Friday night after the school exercises were over to the people who attended tha dosing exercises of ths school. All seemed to be delighted with the mo tion pictures, which were splendid. Mr. Sam Parker, of Dunn, Has opened his new Bi)oo Moving Picture Theatre between the Brannan-Pearee Co., and tha oAee of Dr. Vick. This piece has been nicely fitted up and It is proposed to give a high class performance each tlme^The Salma Chronicle. Mr. G. M. Coe, who has bean with Lea A Warren x for several months holding a position sa regie lered pharmacist, left Saturday a. m. for Me Ada ms ville, where he will ea gage la the drug business for him self. Mr, Cos aiade a number at friends daring his slag in Dean, who hated to aae him leave, and all ef them wish for Mm mash Mooses in hie venture at McAdamevtlle. Mr. J. D. McNeill, of Ulllngtou, was in town Monday. Mist Lillie Johnson spent Sunday with friends la Benson. The banks in buun are dosed today this being a legal holiday. Mr. A. L. Newberry was in Fay etteville Monday on business. Mr. Walt Jsnitgan returned Sat urday front a short visit to Wilson. Mr. J R Barbour, of Bon son, was in town Monday oo lags) business Mr. J. C. Clifford Is spending sov- | eral dsya this week in Roboson coun ty Mr William R. Johnson baa ac ceptor' a position with ’l-ee A War ren. Mr« (i. T. Noel left Monday to ■pond a few days with relatives In Selma. Mr. J. M. Gregory, of Bute's I Crook, was a business visitor in Dunn Monday. Mr. Ennis Warren baa just pur chased an automobile from Mr. Al onso Psrrish, the local dealer. Mist Aida Taw lsft this morning for Durham where ah* will spend several days with relatives and f rienda. Mr. J Harvey Tyner left this morning to spend several days at Lumberton and other points in Rob eson county. Messrs. Jno. A. McKay and P. A. Lynch loft this morning for Richmond, Vs., where they will trial art business Mr. C. T. Johnson, prominent merchant of Ber.son, and a member of the firm of Johnson Brothers her* was In town today. Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Morton at tended commencement at Bute's Crock last week, where their daugh ter wee a member of the graduating elaae. Mr. Q. B. Ford returned Sunday afternoon from Charlotte where hu attended the State Municipal Asso ciation, which was held there th* past week. Mr Johr. Crine and Miss Annie Green, after spending several days here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J C Clifford, returned Tuesday to tncir norites si Winston-Salem. i The closing of Use Dons Graded i school which took plsco lost weak, | will take away from Dunn for lb* Summer several youag people that will be missed by the esitire town. Mr. V. L. Stevens will remodel his building on Main street, opposite Central Hardware Company, and make of Ha motion picture theatre, to be occupied by the American Thea tre. Mr. P. S. Cooper, president of tbs Pint National Bank, lift this week for Sanford, where be will at tend the district conference of the M E. Church, being hold there ihi* weak. Misses Cornua Jackson, Hacbsl Clifford and Margaret McQueen left Tuesday morning for Red Spring* where they are attending the dosing exorcises of the Southern Presby terian Collage and Conservatory of Music. Moat of the attorneys and several of the other dtisen* at the town are . in UUmgton this , weak attending the Superior Court. There are a number of murder rases* to come op in this term and a great daal of In toraat is manifested in the outcome. Dr. J. Allison liodges has been appointed by Gov. Stuart to rspre sant Virginia at the third annual meeting of alienists and neurologists of the United State* to be held under the auspices of the Chicago Medical Society in Chicago, July 14th to 19th 1914.—Fayetteville Obaervur. Mr. 0. P. Shell returned Saturday night from Charlotte where he at tended. the annual meeting of the State Municipal Association. Mr. Shell has served this body for the pest two years as secretary and , treasurer and was reelected last week to serve another term Hi* sorvioe* to the Association ssem to be highly satisfactory and they appreciate the working he ie doing for the organis ation. Mr. Carey Taylor, aa old Dunn lotto Observer for a number of years as (olograph editor, spent savers! days here tha past weak with his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. lea. A. Tay lor. Ha has riven up his work in Charlotte to go to a hotter position in Savannah, whore ho will bo asso ciated with the Savannah Press. His numerous friends in Dunn will be grateful to know that ha ia rising , so rapidly in the newspaper field A residence belonging to Mr. Jos, E. Jordon, located in the southern part of tho city, was destroyed by flro this morning. Tho alarm wea sounded at 4:46 and the Ore compan ies responded Immediately. Before they reached the econo, however, tho 6re had gained considerable head way, and. tho deportment could not' save tho bunting building. Other buildings nearby were saved, though, through tha efforts of tho tire de partnsent. Tha residence had Jost been remodeled and no ore occupied tha building. Tha origin of tho Are le a mystery There was no incur ance. TRINITY COLLRCK COMMENCE MENT W t are in receipt of tho following invitation: "Tho Senior Class of Trinity Col logo roqoaota tho honor of your pros •net at the osordsas of Commence | most Week, Jane 7th U 16th, 1*14, ' Durham, North Carolina. DEATU OF MR. ARTHUR LEE | — While out feeding hla Mock last ! Tuesday morning, Mr. Arthur Lae, who Uvea near Newton Grove, Samp son county, suddenly dropped dead. * U la not known of what disease hie ■loath was a result, but it must have been of the heart. Immediately af terwards, hie son end daughter, Mr. N. B. Lee and Mrs. L. A. Tart, were notified of tbeir father’s death. Another sou, tho Rev. Prank l.es, of Charlotte, was on hl> way to pay his fathsr a visit wheu he learned of his death.. Mr Lea was on# of lbs oldest cit iseos of Sampson county, being a- I bout 75 years old, and a man who ! has figured very prominently in the 1 business life of hie pert the coun ty- He had been married only once end «■> the father of eight children six of whom are living and. two are ■load. His rcmnlne will be interred • t the family burying grounds near his home this afternoon, Wednes day. To his widow, who survives him, together with his sons and daughters, the sympathy of friends is offered THE GRADED SCHOOL PACULTY LEAVING The following young ladles who taught school hers the past year, have left during the week for their renpertive homes ia this 3Late and South Carolina: Miss Margaret Query. Jo Clover, S. C ; MLas Naomi Boos, to Cana, N. C.; Miss Stray horn, to Durham; Miss Kate Smith, to Goldsboro; Min Della Austin, to Tsrboro; Mias Laura Gilds relee ve. Miss Helen Chapman, Mies Pauline Hassell and Mist Char- > m. to Scotland Neck; Mim Julia | Dominick, to Newberry, S. C. PICNIC MONDAY NIGHT MTH. i m r.pwortn League of the Moth ■wind church will have a picnic on <:*P* Faar River Monday eight. May 2oth. All the mom bora are cordially invited to attend Member* of the league will meet at tha home of Mm* Kale Herring at 8:80 la the aftornotai, from which piece they w.ll start. Those who want to go are requested to notify either Miaa ^Ida Tew, Robert Jordan or J. T Sutton not later than Saturday night nf thia «nk. VAl'DKVlLLE THIS WEEK The American Theatre i* putting oil a high dees of vaudeville thia week in addition to the excellent pictures. The show l« held every night at the Metropolitan theatre, temporary headquarters for the A merican and i» being wall -*• wi~f •Knetager* the juggler and musician ia pleasing all who see his work Tha •how ia well worth the price at ad- i mission WINK WINS FROM FOUR OAKS The Lhmn ball team won an un interesting gam# of ball last Wed nesday afternoon from Foar Oaks by a score of lg to 7. The batteries were: Smith, Cordon, Beet, Wilson and Elliott far Dunn; Loe, Cole, and Johnson, tor Four Oaks. 'The game played was on the home grounds. Mias Elisabeth Thompson, tha bright and attractive little daughter of Mr and Mr*. J. L. Thompson, won the prire In the flfth grade of the achool here for the highest ae •t*** and beet writing. She was the youngest pupil in the fifth grade and when thia fact ia considered, she deserves a great deal of credit for the excellent work she did. She was also a member of Miaa Uixel’a chine clans and her work there attracted considerable attention. Local. DAVE TRL’ELOVB SHOT Mr. Dave Truelove, a prosperous farmer who IWee near Dunn, waa •hot and eerioutly wounedd laat PH-. day afternoon. He waa In hi a field plowing, and had stopped for a mom ent to reel, when ho waa shot by aome unknown party who waa con cealed in the wood* nearby. The load which came from a gun WHfl with heavy .hot, took effect la hie back, •ome of them patting through hie lungi. At flr« It wat not thought h» would recover, but ho ha* been improving gradually and la now con sidered oat of danger. Noah Godwin with whom Truelove had quarreled, we* erreetod and placed In the lock up at Dunn, and I* being held as a auepect. A PKINTEK'S DKVlL AND LOVB. A printer', devil waa pierced |n the heart With the eherme of a little at lea; Quoth he to the lee., "My dear, are wo part l.ot u* eeal our love with a kina." The maiden replied ae the in*> ahe eyed: "Doet think that til let you revel Where other* before have vainly triad T No, no! 111 not klaa the devO." Year* rolled along, and tha awoat little laa. Became an old aorrowfnl maid; She |lvad like a queen—waa rich, but slant Her beauty had ell decayed. Once again they mat aad tha old maid triad To recall the former toeue, But he gaily nailed and only replied: "The devil now wouldn't kill yowl" REDUCED FREIGHT RATER EF FECTIVE IN STATE JUNE M Raleigh, May 19.—Jana 90 la tha data on which tho rodooad Interstate freight rate* from tha West and Buf falo and Pittsburg, agraed upon la the compromise reached by tho Legis lature Lq the apodal session and tha railroad companies earring tha State in interstate traffic tad approved by tha Interstate Commerce Commie awn, will go iate affect. This la formation panto to tho Corporation Commission thia afterneoa la a tel egram from General Freight Traffic Manager L. Groan of tha Soothers Railway, who has all aioag had tha direction of them matters for tho allied railroad eompaniaa. Tha telegram addrweed to E. L. Travis, Chairman, rood a* follows: ” Western rotes have been flted srtth Corporation ConSmissioe effective June 90. Iron and steal articles Buffalo and Pittabsrg effective same data. Am sanding copy of tariff." Secretary Maxwell, of the Com mission, says that the business man of tha Stats can now Ox on June 20 as tha data for the reduced rates to be effective and adjust their orders and shipping plana on thfe basis. Tha rodooad rates mean tha saving of many thousand of dollars aaaaaDy to the shippers of tha State aad have an important bearing on tha com mercial internets of North Carolina. LOU1SBUBG COLLEGE Tti« fallowing announcement card he* been recotvod. at this afioa: "The (tradmating class W nmoisoc hundred and fourteen, Lonlsburg College, announce! its cnuunce munt exen-iaea, May 24 at, M, and 27th, College Chapel, Ltmlaburg N. e. • • • May 24th, 11 a a., baccalaureate aannon. by Her. B. M, Malay. May 26th, 8. p. m.,, alumnae ban quat. May 24th, t p. m., art exhibit. ■ JO p. m., Queer BMW to be given on college campus by toaiore and ex pression Haas. May 27th, 10:80 a. m. gaaduating sxsrcissi- Literary address, by T. Allison Hodgea, M. D. el JO p. m , grand concert. , No flodera. F Class Boll—Cor* Eetoll* Aden*, Anna Clyde Porker, Oarrie Allen’ Beaks, Mary Walton Sbets, Gertrud* Louies Uredaber, Ladle Cunningham Shoe*, Annie llaurietU £tx*a, Lottia May Turner. j Grain*t* Diploma—Ctra Batalla Adam!, Mary WahsA Aon, Anna Clyde Parker, iflMrb. Engllah Dlploma Bradahor, Annie lottie May Tnreer. Voice Diploma.—Anna Clyde Park er. Piano Dtpioma—Annia Henrietta Dixon, Annie Clyde Parker, Mary Helen flow*, Liasi* Woodard. Enghdt Language and Literature— Carrie Allan Banks. Engllah literature—Made Han ninger Voice Certificate—Mery Holes House. Piano Certi&cst*—Core Eataiie Ad* mi, Blanch* Grantham, Mary Walton Shore, Carrie Alien Banka, Lucli* iWnatead. Domestic Soane* Certificate— Core Estelle Adama, Made Heaaing •r, Lottie Moy Tumor. Art Certificate—Gci titxi* Loaiaa Brsi'iher. Marshal* Chief, Balia Bara. Assistant*—8#o Gift, Elaaaor Yarborough Nsithan, Bath Jonas. HOW INFLUENCE IB GAINED Today North Carolina atta at tha hand of tha table ha tha halls of Con rrasi because oar delegation haa had service that counts. North Carolina wields an influence ovar tha legisla tio» that has newer bean wielded bafora and as a result, oar State sad the Sooth occupies a position never bafora occupied in national govern mental affairs. Hare la tha North Carol lea delega tion, their length of service and tha powerful poaMona they fill: Senator F. M. Simmons 14 yonra Chairman of tha Ptaanea Committee Senator Lao 8. Overman, It yaara Chairman of the Rule* Go remittee, i Ranking Member of tha Sonata Ju diciary Committee, Ranking Mere bar of the Appropriation Committee. Representative John H. Small, Id years. Rivers and Karbari Commit tee. Representative B. |P (Poe. 14 years Chairman of tha Committee on Claim*, Ranking member of tha Cam aitttee on Rules Representative CM ad* XUeMn, 14 years. Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Committee. Will knimi Chairmen at this Oe—dttse was well aa Floor Leader, upon tha retire ment of Representstiv* Underwood on March 4th, Boat. Representative Hobart N. Page, It yaara. Committee on Appropria tion e. Representative K. Y. Webb, IS years. Ranking mambar of tha Ja diriery Committee seen to bo made Chairman.—Shelby Mata. WKBB WILL 8UCCXKD CLAYTON Waahiafftee, May LR.—Represen tative Clayton, of Alabama, who had bean expected to remail aa chairman of tho Judiciary committee to pilot the anti treat msasores through the House, aoneoMsd today Ida beta* Uon to qualify this wauk aa fadaral judyo to Alabama. Tba raapoattMI tty bdla la tba Huuaa will root mainly upon Ropruaantotlva Wabb, a# Nartb Carolina, whom tba Waya and Maana Commit too orOI aiaet to tor aa Chair man of tba JadUtary committal. Mr. Wabb kaa joot baaa raaoatoaatod la tba North Carolina prtmartoa. Wa ara woo daring haw many proof raadara and prtotora got ft rod a* tha i Chattanooga Maws whan tha faRaw tog Hna from a aortal Mata was print ad to that pa par: . “Prarttaahy tha asU garmont to ha wars hy tha hrids wflt teat gift of tha FRANKLIN T. DUPREE, ATTORMBY-AT I.AW ANGIE*. N. C. OAm In ONgwy Bide., BUBKR1BB TO THE DtBPATCB Anything I You Want "' ' • 1 - In Furniture or Undertaker’s Goods. WE CARRY die largest stock of goods xi a.n^ re*a? *tore >n this section of North Carolina. We buy most of our goods in car load lots and can make you prices much lower than most hardware stores. Musical Instruments. * In addition to our mammoth stock of Hardware, we cam? Pianos and Or gans and buy them by the ear load Wo aro aleo e goats for the Now Homo Sswing Machines, the beet machine on the market. In fact we hare most any thing you want in our line and will mU it to you cheap. Barnes & Holliday Co., EAST BROAD STREET, - DUNN, N. C. „ FOR SPRING jj AND SUMMER ■ I Let ut help too decide «liu to wear Easter \» well as Utlt Hummer. if W* h**e * of roods, larfe and varied, all of wbtrh vat 1*,u*Ik tl.li m|i|. ■ ] aod la seasonable. We hare none of last year’s foods to offer jou, every tbio* be in* t < « and of the very latest de*t(-na. Exactly Whet the Men and Women Want FOR MEN: We offer for Spring Wear the beet and meet Myilih ready-to-wear garment* procurable la thle locality. Adler'a COLLEGIAN and Rtrctnm A Broa' HIGH ART Cl/DTHINO, HOWARD HATS In felta and etrawa and all rlit new ahape* In ibe much Uaalrod Panama: CROSMKTT, E. P. READE, ALDEN, WALKER A WILDE, and UOOMAN SHOES: MANHATTAN and WAT'CHUSEITK SR I RTS-all good with a leputatloo guaranteed by ee and by ihelr mabera. FOR THE LADIES Wa Kara a beautiful line of draw gooda and all the tiling* for epring and mjm. mar wear. We hire tha famoua "CB" and Sahlin curvet* including the high l»u*r and other *aa*onable effect*; laoaa, rmhroideriev, trimming*. etc. nod all the other thlnga wanted p> tho aorld feminine. We sell only goods of quality and the prices are reasonable. I 1

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