lg^OOWOtoOi IN 8UrFBAGK^7 r ABACK Itt up to___i, Aftot a campaign covering sixty Bz years la toia country tha question * granting suffrage to ibb is •pen far aetata in anagram. Kvery one «f the Ml members of tMgrese ia today giving tha moat . mrtoua consideration to appeals from 1 tha hemaa ef hia district tailing him they want tha Constitution toangni to as aat to dtocrlmlnata on acooust of sax. I Thaos appeals were praaantad by ' »Mtoa who came freon every State to toe Union, from every eongrea •tonal district, aoci of them from thoeaaade ef aulas, to haad then# . The reeetatwnn were adopted In the nuwt open forum that the women •7 rowmanity througnoot tae eeua tty, paueaaaa after toe aid town nsmuag. iffaao damanda for a -square daai' ia inis country arara earned in a oraranuc, spectacular manner to too legislative halls of toe national cuptiai and there cordially received by leaders ia both houses of congress 1 ne wesson were given every an cowragemant to hope tor favorable ac-eo whea toe ttnat^w-Boadell resolution comae op for a veto. •ihAhLl 111,000 IN LINS la eaa of tha moat attraauva pa- j geaata aao paradaa ever saan ia this j capital, notaa tor ia picturesque aemonstrmtions, the woman ef toe ceoauy marcand on congress yester day. those actively participating ia the march numbered dose to 10,000. They brought reootutisna passed at tha mass nuaring where more thaa **i*w woman and man were in at tanaanea. 'they were bached by 4, Ooti^iuO women, who already have tha W Iim m acevan auui vast of UM iSUteiaatppi. they rapraaam- j au am* than m,uOit,tOu woman wage nnari in Um united Sum. Tha general feeling about the cap- | i»ol altar um women bad sararmad la its doors was expressed by ooa ■oaator wbau ha sawi, *« is worth waue paying baad to a cauaa that can bring together each a demoustia Uua, by summed woman iaadars In au warns of Ufa, from ovary corner of our country/ aad osm of Um bast known mamoars of tbs House who stood beside him answered, “To legis lation was- over considered serious OfitU it btcuM politically truditnt: I am glad that in my district 1 do not bare to question wbathsr 1 can a*ord to antagonise such a powerful CJCSMAt.1* «K>U POLICE PROTECTION aa taa oaat of polios protection. Major Richard 8ylvesUr had near ly ail bis force on duty between tho Whita House and tha capitol yester day. la all. tha policeman under or ders to mfagaard tho marchers, num bered more than MO. Aad they ware instructed to “face Um crowd *nd aecuia peace and order aad ar rest for violation." Tho aeons after tha pageant all rase had the oaat stops of tha capitol was impressive. Massing themsaiv as on tha ptaxa (tap, and with ten ' hands and a chorus of 100 girls at tha so trance of tha building, tha en thusiastic parade re sang: “Tha March af Woman," by Dr. Ethel Smyth, of England, board ones before In this country. This spectacular feature of tha af ter soo as demonstration was heard hy thousands af parsons, who filled Iho immense plana. Tha band than struok up Um "Star Span glad Banner" aad the Ml peti tion bearers Med op the stops into the rotunda of tha capital. Many of the women than entered the fal lacies af tha Sonata and watched tha pmpssflaga—Washington, (D. C.) Star. MORS OR LESS Oca time the ladle* (ported alaavai A yard or a* aroand. Aaoa their akirta war* lika balloona, ■‘Tbalr train* next aweyt tka ground Kit, ah, ‘tia different today From what It era* before; For aaer w* aaa the d re aaa a I aaa W* aaa the ladle* more —Now York Tribune. UNCLAIMED LETTERS REMAIN ING IN TMS FORT OPTICS AT DUNN, N. C, WEEK ENDING. MAY IffTM., 1RI4. Maa: L Clan Laey. t.J. W. Wflllaaia. 1. Arthur Paata*. A John Neal*. i I ■ i I ■' J I ' J I .A) i S La*. | A KISS IN ] [THE DARK | By EVEKETT P. CLARKE Whan cauaclooaaeoa came to m# | Wamd aoyaaJf la • strange room sue roaodad by a number of prraoua, oil of wow hwhlng at ma with ayiapa thj «■ thoty facaa 1 could not ru •••bar bow I cama to be I bora lu that condition or why 1 felt aa I did. Tbo train waa that la croutug a at root 1 bad been knocked down through (ho mretonanina of a chauffeur add «e rawly Injored. A all whom I took ta baa doctor waa patching me np, »nd aa noon aa 1 returned to coiwchanuiawi ha ordered every one out of tho room and. after tailing ma that I bad been ran owe. eatd that 1 had law carried lata a boona near the awn* of tbo ac eldest and could not bo at unco w marod. On# of my kyaa had bean Injured, and a atrip of llnaa waa laid over both of them. Then I ooppoae I waa left to •yaalf for awhile, for I beard uo sound In the room, though at In term la par aona came aud went. After having bean alone, ao far os 1 knew, daring one of three fancmiii I bearxl what aoundad to aia to be a faint rustling of • woman's skirt*. Than there waa a Tague conectoofoeaa that boum> one waa standing near tar looking at ms. On* thing I fall sore of—a warn braath against mj check. Suddenly 1 fait a pair of Hpa praaaad agalnat mine. It wtu only for a ns went, after wblcb hv tbc sound uf •kina I knew aoajr one waa scamper ing away. I bad rrldenUy bwu klaaed by a woman. Now. 1 waa at an aga when • kbw Ilka that would naturally atlr the tm agtnadom Was tbs tlaser yoongT I lodged an by tbe farting of bar llpa which warn soft and mm. I longed ta gat wall that I might Bud b.r out t-- ■ _a ■ _ a __a__ a day*, wbeo I waa taken to my own home. I waa not iwrmii|i«l 10 remove ray eye covering before lent lag tbe aooew ao I waa Ignore at of the mem bare of the family. Aa aooti as I waa well enough to be out ngata I went to 'hank them for (he cant they had taken of me. I wee received by the Udy of tbe boo*, and I aakvd that 1 might thank every one who was In tbe house during my atay there The laity told (no that Ilia member* of her Turn* ■ly ware ona aou nod it little daughter rlgbt year* old. ! knew (bat the Par ian who bad klaaed me waa neither of thee*, for tbe swtali of akin* 1 baud waa not that of a child. I aakad If I here bad been any one beside* tbe family b tbe boose during my sojourn there, to which she replied tliat no one bad bean staying there Tlie a-eldmt had closed conatderabl. ekcltemrut la the neighborhood, and n untabrr of Pareona had coma la to make inquiries This was aa tar aa ! could go la ay Investigation, at least at Uis time, and I halt (tier(raregad. Them waa n strong pmbrfbtilty of ray ramalalng la tene raacs of what I waa exit*coaly anxious is know. I reantrad to enldrau tha acquaintance of tha Murrays, who bad boused me. with a new to a possible This 1 did. The son. Ed Murray, waa about my age, and I took re pedal palaa to cultivate him. Be wax noth lug loath, and we soon became excel lent friends. I bare often thought that tbe kisser, asetng me going about with him. must bare quaked In ber boots. But. though I purisioely talked wtlk Murray about my atay In bla mothefa bouse. I gained no I of arms Uon an to who waa there ou the day 1 was taken In. Ed bad beeo away at tha time. However, 1 was doing my bit of detective work Very well, and It waa quite likely that by hetsg a goad deal at tbe house I might ran acruaa ay quarry, and If 1 did I was quite sera aba would show la ber few turae a consciousness that would be tray bar. Time passed, and. baring thus far failed. I concluded to reveal ay secret te some one of tbe family and ask as steteoee. Neither lira Murray nor Kd eeold bo railed on to give the girl away. I chaos Bffle Murray, the daughter, aa ona too youug to bare many srruptaa about giving tbs lady away. "1 do believe It was Kit Travers." aha said. ■‘She a lust th* kiod of gin to 4o A thin* 11 kn tint." “Who la Kit Trararaf Wu aba kit «* tba day I waa brought bereT "I doo't know (boat her being here hot a he might bare been. At that time ■he need to rant bare quite often.” “At that tiiaa? Du can't a be root* bag* quite often soar The beau t baa In the bourn la a long while." I felt qnlle aura I was on the right track. | baaed my com-1 oaten on I be •art of lllae Travers bating formerly been often at tba Mnrrayif and baring anddesly dropped off after I became Intimate with them. I Induced Row to Bad for Mter Trarern on antic pro tart and telephone mo on her arriral. One day I reentred tba Damage and harried to the knrmyeV 1 bad my own pretext for earning prepared. i>at dtf pat noed to urn It I suddenly ce tarod a room when Rule war talking with a aery pretty girl The moment the pretty gtii aaw me ahe Mated haantffotly. and t Mt that I had am) ad the girl who had kbmed me 1 aftra ten any wife that It waa am appreciation of aaa that broegkt about mj appeartattea of her and. 1-onaa paaolly. oar marriage If abe aaorad hr a auddap Impalaanhndw-t kkeed am In tha dark— Pmfcr la tha real aeoae af a nobU nlnd, tha ornamaat and pride at na, the aweoteat p»iroroloa ef a romaa, tha acorn af raacala and the sraat virtue af oedoMlity^-Bentecl krona. TWO MASOKS There are two maaano why aoan aapla don't anted their awn boaterot teg la that they haven't any irrind, be atlae that^they haven't ay kd i ! Business Locals | LEY US SELL YOU TOUB Ni trate of aoda. Wo will make it to you cheep for cask or oa time. Johnson Bros., Dunn, N. C. ! JOHN B. STETSON HATS AT Goldatein’a Dunn, N. C. L>ONT FORGET TO JOIN THE Christmas Savings Club at Th« First National Bank. Deposit 2Jk SOc or |1.00 each week and at the expiration of 40 wocka or on Dec. • 4th we will mail yon oar check for a nice little euro together with interest thereon n 4 per cent, par annum for your Chriamaa shop ping. -FECIAL SHOWING OK CHILD rco’a hats at Goldsteia'a, Dunn. JOIN TDK CHRISTMAS SAVINGS ( lab at the First National Bank and thereby cultivate the aavii^i habit and at the tame time save a snug little sum for your Church ohUgationa, <w the eupport at the Mleatenartee. * A * E t()D SEEN THE LINK OF piare SilUu at Guldeleina? -■ .. i . i TOR HALE—ONE OP BEST Dwelling* on Want Broad Street ] <Jeick boyar will get attract!** terra*. B. O. Tuwnwnd. WE WILL 8BI.I. YOU TOUR 8UP plle* cheap for cash or oo Una if you will coma to aaa a*. Johnson * tiro*., Dunn. I \NTHONY WIRE PENCE—THE ’ rny b**t made, for aala by John- I Ml Dma . Ihmn, N. C. \LL KIND* OP PEED BTUPP. > hay. grain, oats, etc., for aala | cheap by Johnson Bros. Dunn. ; 1KEBY OXFORD* MIAN COM fort and etyte. Exrlastee aganta, Ooidstabi's, Dunn's Bast Store. NEW ARRIVALS IN WARNER** Corset*. So* the oaw aiadala. Oaldataia’a. i HATS, PANAMAS, ENGLISH •hapas and the more tMUtmUrr at (Mdstoia'i, Dun«. N C. | . _ • WHITE OXFORDS POR~ EVERY atoaahar of the family at OoU atohi A Dana, M. C. CORLISS COON AND K. * W. ■hirta at OtldiMin’i, Dunn. VARS n4 UNDERWEAR AT Goldataip'a Dun, N. C. HOLE Pit OOP HOSIERY AT GOLD, steta'a, Dunn. N. C. LET TOUR CHILDREN JOIN TBR Savtaga Club at tha Firat National Bank and tharaby encooraga theta to be thrifty and aot apandthrlfta. LOTS OF TOUNG FOLKS ABE Joining the Chriatmaa Sapringa Club at the Firat National Bank thereby preparing tbemeelvea foe • happy Chriatmaa. Why not you likewise T SOLID CAB LOAD OF ROLLER Champion flour Jur. arrived. It it tha but on tha market. See ua at one*. Johnaon Broa. WE FBI.NT WELL WHAT W* print. Send na your nut order for Job work. Pope Ptg. Co. we have on hand a laege »°.PPiy of Bangfc'a and Cereetite Top Draaaing. Sea ua whan you want him. For eaah or on time, i Johnaon Broa., Don, N. C. I OUR CLOTHING 18 THK BERT that can ba daalgnad and atyUa far tha faatidiooa at Uoidatam'a, Duna'a Boat 8tora. LACEA OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ( at Galdotaia'a Dunn. N. C. IlLASl SILKS! FOB SALE AT Gotdatrin'a, Duna, N. C. straw Hals and panamas at Ooldatatn’a Dana. N. C. ; WARN** CORSETS—A STYLE for orary Agora, at GaldsUin'a. flAV* YOU* PRINTING DON* BY Popm Printing Co., Dana, N. C. RED MAN'S COLLARS ARE THE boat. Par aala at Ooldatain's FOB 8 ALB—ONE OP BBBT DwalHnga an Want Brand Rtront , Qolek Bnyar will gat attrnetlaa Unaa. B 0. Townaand. ROTH sunn—A SUE POB BV. ary bay frara 4 U IS yaara at r.ldaS.ln a, Dona. N. C walt mason on field perils The farmer plant* hie field of com -tb* kind that doesn't pop—and hope* that on some autumn mom be will start to shuck his crop. And shuck hie crop he often does, which is exceeding qiycer, for blights end Perils fairly buxx around it through out th* year. I think it strange that fanners raise the goodly crop* they do, for they era scrapping all their days against a deadly crew. To plant and till will not suffice; the men must ntrain their frames, to kill th* bugs and worm* and rouys, and peat* with Latin names. The cat worm* ent, the chinehbags chinch, th* weevil weaves Its ill, and other pesta come up and pinch the corn and eat lhair fill. And then the rain works go on strike, and gloom th* world *n r.hrouds, and up and down th* burn ing pike th* duet i* blown in clouds And If oar pray/trs are of no avail, and rain cornea in the night, it often brings • grist of hail that riddle* all in tight. And still the farmers rale* their crops, and nail th* shining plonk; none but the kicker stands and yawns, and what be nays is bunk. If all man brooded o’er their WO**, end looked ahead for grief, ; that gent would starve who gaily goes to thresh th* golden elyeaf. A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Those who have been clamoring tor war base little Idea what ita horrors ar*. Thisy think only of .ita glamoor, lu gilt and feathers, the binr* at trumpet* and shout of men; but they Httle think of the suffering, the tears and broken hearts, tha be reaved homes end above all tha de moralised society WJ* have had war *-tough It It awful to realise that thousand* of men ara to be swept into eternity without preparation; that thousands ar* to lie feverish and fchllly through tha night, and wholesale murder is to b* committed under the name of wsr. Defensive warfare Is jutldable, bat any other kind Is wholesale murder, yst we read of resolutions passed and edi torials I written, advocating the set sure of territory. Let thh people of Ood everywhere pray that this hor ror may be averted, and that tha fellAsrsrt of the Prince of Psao* may assert themselrvi. - prsabythrian Standard. rVKRYTMMG THAT IK HTTUfltl Is shown In ear Millinery Depart ment at Getdeieia'* THE REAL ESTATE TRADING COMPANY BENSON, N. C. Paid In Capital. $ 10,000.00 Authorized Capital. 100,000.00 —— If you have any land of a Real Estate proposition, that is to buy, sell or exchange, write or call to see us. ' Officers: C. T. JOHNSON, President ' BRADLEY JOHNSON, Vlce-Frcs. M. T. BKITT, Sec’) & Tints %- I The Real Estate Trading Co. Directors: C. T. JOHNSON P. B. JOHNSON JOHNSON ‘ ^HADLEY JOHNSON '< j M. T. BRITT — ■ 1 r ourH SHOWING OF SUMMER GOODS As you know, our store is headquarters for everything for the ladies. You will find here a complete line of New Summer Dry Good*, Notion*, Ladies' and Gents’ Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Etc., or anything that you want to wear. FOR THE SUMMER = ! We hare the latest designs and creations. All we ask is to show you. We Have On Hand What the Best Dressed Ladies and Gentlemen Are Wearing. t Hart Schaffner and Mar* and lCirschhaum Clothing, Strong A Garfield and Thomp son Brothers Shoes, Straw Hats, Etc , for men; Dorothy Dodd Shoes and a general line of Dry Goods tor ladies. Don’t buy until you have seen our line Your* for bu*ine*«, JOHNSON BROTHERS “The Store of quality” DUNN, - - - N.C.

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