BRITISH WARSHIPS FIGHT JEPPEUNS iMNf If f«M fcrftidi Kny Snpimi Hika Attic* la |«nua Nani IlSI It (BtlM. smum m. evaded •rfteaa Lom On* Man And Thrt* Nlaaaa In An Attempt To Dig [ Oannan Flan leadoo—Airman of warring roan bbl apnt a hue/ (Tirlalmaa holiday a aotltary Herman Saw Cl Ter fba Ttania eatuary and dropped a F*M*i bomb, which fall In a roadway bad did no damage. a oouroy of aevan P<iaa aary aaaplaaia* Ttalted tha oaral haae el Ouiharoo and J on ablpa and tha yaa AH bat eaa of tha Hrttlah air Gnawed aafaly to (he ablpa pbM aim Toy ad tiara. Similar art It Sir traa dlaolayad along tha battle fib man airman paying a aor f** ’•e* «o Nanay; Tranth aviator* *a Mba; Brttlak to HrusM*!* aod nth •F Mslaa town* occupied by Uio Oer ■'» Oannan airman to Pollali atUaa. baalpted by lldht rralaara. daalrny F°* »*d »ol>marine*. **y*n Hrltlab na iae, piloting aeaplane*. rnada a bbld Chrlatma* Day on tha aaeaJ baa* at Cuihavan. at atb of tha Rib* fill of the returned aafely. but the kit. ■aaaandar Hawlatt. It 1* feared. •• loot. HI* machine wia • Bal«stand wrecked »e aatwprla* af the nrftiah nary attempting to "dig oof the Saak brought about a battle the moat mod arm of war ma tika Hrttlah agaadroa. Inclod m* tbe light orglaara Arefhuea and ", which haea baeo ongagad aaplofta aa tha Oarman attaokad by Bappaitna arlnaa ■aflat tha ablpa tha aabmmrtaaa found tka Ira of foe dangaroua for than tba Sght. Tha Oarman bomba, which, aa __. ‘tttBfr aoaoaat, tall F *T»» Prldad ahtp* rma**ta*d la tha MMnlty Ibr three hoar* without being ptbnob*d hr any aurfae* warahlp* and picked ap thraa of th* wtu pilot* dad thatr plane*. Thro* other* war* Peeked ap try ■nfavnarlnrft, but their madktne* war* rank. MIXIOANd ACCKPT tCOTT PLAN PuCCAar Firing Hit* American Terri C**p Prevented By Adnptle* Of Am*ripen Prcpoaal* Waadtagtna.—Becratary Bryan re paired wwrd uaoMdally that *11 Max leu deCun had »gr**d to the plan wrap on a by Omnral Scott. United ■lata* chief of ataff. to prerant far W*r ftrlag hit* inwlou tarrltory ekeg «h* bordar. ®*rt»*o O IJoraoia, Waiblagto* M**t of th* Outl*rr** government. of Mdd 8 ratal Mmytorana, at Naeo. la p rap porter, wi« adrlaed that tb* lat her had aoaaptad Oeooral Scott's plan. It provide* that Oen*r*l Hill of th* Carr**** for*** abandon Naeo and b* A«rialttad to go aamolaatad to Ago* PrWta. already bald by a portion of hi* Croapa. Q*n*r*l Maytorraa. who ha* with draw* hi* foroaa south ward, would Agra* not to occupy Naeo. which would kaeoraa neutral tie ogre** T* HlaMn Labor* Washington.—With leader* la both 4 on tea determined ta pu*h through pH >*e****ry lagtelatloa and avert *n ratra »***!»* altar March 4, comer*** y*co*vra*« aftur on* *f tb* *bort«*t holiday ******** on rweord Tb* ap jpcwprWMoa MB* and (*n*r*l man* A'** in aipaeCnd to b* cleared ap jrdbbfr Mr the boo**. Tb* aaoat*. fcowwvw, itffl baa before It practloally fk* ratlrw laglalattv* prupitm oulltnod At W* roogeolng of th* eeaelon by th* pcwldraL to addition to tb* ltntnlgr* plaa MP and tb* appropriation tnaaa MU, WIMoq Bolatoata* BlrtMay .—BvaaMant Wllaoa oal ■ RyalghUi birthday De Baatte Conwrntolatory moaaacat yowrw la from an yarto of tka Holt, RBtataa tad from toralcn ennntrloo apaatol abaartmaoa af tk* anntvor aary waa ylaaaad. and tko yraaldga* ccaat Ifea day rafatly wltk kla rawlly. Bawddaat Wttooo. ft konam* known. |0Ma to auka atraoal addraaaaa oa kla yatara »rt® from rba Baa rranetaan yaaoaMaa aaxt tyring. and kla frtanda yxyae* kdu to rayly la alUaba oa kla Btodwa and otkar yollctaa flaadrayu Mia Baaka Bt Androwi, Boot land.—A toltlah >«*»»da baa* daatrayar want a oh art oa dha aaaat ot Ktagakarc*. atx ultra yaatkaana at Bt. Androwi Hot erww M aarad By nfabaata. Tka doatray aa, ataawitay aoafk from Abardaaa. to tka rtrfk at forth, la tka dark****, and wltkowt akor* ngkta. loal bar baar toe*. Altar tka raaena af a portion of bar arww an. of tka Hfabont* waa toor* In by tka Hoary aaa and tka ra aaladar af tk* arww war* aarad by * naoond Bfnbent only after aoaaldam tea dUBaaUy. ALLISON HODGES FOUND DEAD W»U-to-Do Farmer Meets Death Near **“■*—*•*» 8*»r Dec* Murdered. kyihg died between the two tracks of Lha lyout Lina about .nidwey be — ‘'ty ‘ nd Godwin, Ailiacn Hodge*. j welt to do f.rraer, whose hon e m near era, ru found, in a fro*#., pool of rain diluted blcod at an early hour Monday. Mys tery aurround* the manner of death, .end the Wry that th? unfortunate man waa kilted under to* wheel* of a train la given little credence be CMuae of the absence of sever* mutil ation. The dead man wa» btro Sunday to visit his brothers. Late in tbe even ng he 1 larted afoot for his bom* *wvaral miles to the southward. That was the last known to have been seen of aim alive; tlwugh the opinion is advanced oy acme that after leaving his brothel's bone h# was met and murdered— Us body being placod upon the tracks to cover the crime. It is not known, however, that there la any founda tion for this rumor an-t few rwspon sibla citiiens give it credence. The generrl opinion is that the man was overcome by extreme cold and faint I upon the tracks. Farm Demon at ra lieu Criticism* Bo for wo have heard no criticisms from those who have worked g piece of com or other crop under the de monstration methods and this con vinces us that it m good work: It la a specie* of education—a kind that produces a lasting, perpetua ting sort of knowledge that grow* a* Urn* passes. There Is no method so affective a* a demonstration be fore a man’s ayes; he sees and knows that it werka, and ha believes and begin to practice whst his neighbor practiced under the personal super vision of ths demonstration agent. Borne persona claim that they know as much shout farming as the demeoetration agent; perhaps they do, and in some instances they may know more, but they do not ge from piece to place throughout ths must go and personally supervise this work until It becomes tip nils of farming or ws soon drop back Into the same old run at badlfforaat farming. Another point not to be overlooked is this: the demon «tration agent does not disseminate bis own knowledge of experiences, except as proven out under the methods he Is Instructed to use. Tbs reports of all tha taste are sent In to the departments, all dsUils are recorded and the department goes through these reports from every stats in tha union and sifts out those methods found to be must successful and instruct the demon stration agents what sort of pr> First!on, seed and cultivation, etc, to adopt for boat results. Therefore when we work under the direction of the agent ire are getting the cream of the most successful agricultural experiences the country over. We should be glad to learn the bri. One other thing: This work that gone directly for the farmers best inter est should be encouraged by every one for indirectly all are benefittol by It. When the farmer is prosper ous everybody is prosperous.—Troy Montgomerian. WAIT POK HER. BOTH. . The girl who li unkind to her moth •r isn't worth a tinker’s dog gone. This isn't written in any part of the Blhlo, but its written in the history of thousands and thousands of misfit Home*. If <mt of you boys srer run serosa a girl with her face full of rooaa, arlth ayaa that would mako tha song of an an gal seam discordant and ah* aaya as sh* comas to tha door: I cant go for a few minutes, IV* got to help mothar with tha dishes," don't gle* her up. a tick to her like a burr to a mule'e tail. Jaat ait down on tha door step and wait If sh* Joins yon in two or thro* minutes *o much the bettar, but if you bar* to stay there on the door stop for half an hour, or an hour, yau just wait for her. If you don't, soma body ela* will, and in Urns yon will bo ebrry. For you win realise that you have loot Walt for har boys, she la worth it—Leu rinburg Exchange. On Friday next the new yaar be gin* Its M6 days journey. Tha part year haa bean a remarkable ona far Ouon end Ita environ*. Tha town kaa grown substantially during the past twelve-month. Of four as deral epment haa been hindered by tha boa inass depression brought on by the low price of cotton, hot funds mac - tally tha town U in good shop*. Eve ry good etttoen haa good ronton to halier* that 1011 haa many good things in atera for this community. WESTERN SAMPSON NOTES. Cooper, N. C, Doc. 37.—Christmas peoeed off very quietly in thie eection A few of our people, however, felled to understand (he mule that rung -o erangely sweet errou those Judean hllle, "Glory to Cod la the Highest, and on Earth, Peece. Good Will to Man," We here had splendid weather for saving pork, and many of our farm ers have fine prospects for plenty of homeraued to tat. Township Constable Barefoot had quite an exciting experience with a negro in tho lower part of the town ship a few days ago. Barefoot, in company with ■ half dozen deputies, undertook to arrest the man whan ha refused to lx taken, using s gun to defend himself. Many shots were fired but no one wa« seriously hurt. The negro escaped and has not been apprehended. Plenty of quell in the forests this winter, but we are too far away from the sportsmen to be disturbed by any one trespassing. Persimmon beer! Yea, We have had it, and none of the prohibition Uta have objected to an occasional glass. Not many of our people have made arrangements for their farming open atom* for 1915. The prevailing | dva is I believe, to avoid debt as far as possible Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Page of Holt Morgan Mill, Fayetteville, spent the Christmas holidays in this section. Musty of bar friends and neighbors find a tagging at her heart strings over the recent death of Mrs. Even der Dudley, (the had been In de clining health for many months, and bar death wasn't unexpected. How pleasing to know that her life was void of muttering* end eompiaiafa^e and we cannot help but believe that she found favor with Gad and is to day rejoicing in tho presence of tho Redeemer. We hod occasion to httesul the Community Fair at Autryville a few days ago. and greater evidence for community progress we sever' taw. Pi f*r the heat tbm mask sod horti galturoJ lecture* we ever ktoj i__ Chib OrganltaUoea,* ■!8olk. After dinner, which wu served cm the grounds, two lady sysdsHsts la itruetad tha woman In domestic sci ence, while tha man were being In st roc ted in judging live stock. An other feature of the occasion wu a spelling contest give® by tha school We could hardly help but eay: All hail I to the teachers of tha Autryvilla school and surrounding community for the inauguration of tha plan. Don't Keep Another Man's Mewey One trouble now ia that some peo ple who can pay won’t do It because times are tight Tha little fallow who has to hustle bo make ends meat maaagaa somehow to pay a lit tle here and a little there, and this ia what It takas to keep things mov ing. A firs dollar Mil, If prised loose from some fellow's pile In tha morning may gat busy and pay a doaen debts before tha sun goes down. If you owa and can pay now ia tha tun* to do so. Do you want some poor fallow to suffer just because ha looked you in the face and though you srould do to trust? When you buy on tha credit you Amply aay to tha other fallow, "Give ma a part of what you have until I ean got tha money or it is more convenient for mo to pay you." But sons folks act on tha principle that tha transaction merely Implies a gift and not an obi! ration. Don’t keep the other man’s money—Wed—boro Anaontan. What Tkt Farmer Did. A city man recently viaitod Kit "country oouain." Tha man from tha cKy wixhlrvg to explain the Joy* of metropolitlaa life laid: “Wa have ear talnly boon haring fan tha lent few day*. Thureday wa autoad to tha country club aad golfed until dark, than troUied back to town and daaead until raocatag." Tha country certain area not to be (tumped in tha leapt, *e began telling of ionic of the plaaa urea of the ximpla Ufa: “Wa have had pretty gaad tlrnaa bare, too. One •lay wa huggied nut to Undo Nad’* and want out to tha back let, where we baaaballad all the afternoon. In the evening wa masked up into the attic and peckarod until ■tenting.'' A •tardy old farmer who waa Manning, not to be eutdoaed, took up tha eon veraalion at thia paint and mid: “I waa having noma fan about thia time myaetf. I muled to tha Cornfield and gee-ha wad until •nivtown Then tup poked until dark, and piped a Mil 1 o’clock, after whch I bodataadod on til the dock lived, after which I Weekfacted uadi M waa data to go muling again. detected EUFjMILa ■•ITISM MUST Cl ANQC ATTO TUOC TOWARD I MINI CAN OOMMKRt L .r' t WILL PROTECT EXPORTERS President WHOM Pwrjnally Sapor, vlaaa the OoewnaanRj Framad In Mate Dapirlqina Washington.—Tha SMled Rtatas dlapalrhed a tend not*.'to Oraal Brit •III Insisting on an eartt laaproresisnt In tha treatment o4 America a aom umroa hr British Im4 It warned soflaad that ranch laafpg had horn aronaad la thta oonatryteted that pule lie criticism wan psnerdl wror aawar ran tod lotarfaranca w£h tha teiltl mata foreign trade 4 the (Jetted Stataa. Tha document aaasttutiaa tha atrsacaat rwgrwsetdetloa an tha aw Meet made by tha Cftad Stataa to ear 04 tha beOlgerwoti was eahlad to Ambaoaador Page t£ ha formally presented to Sir Edwmd Orry. lbs British foralga aaaraUif, Its prepara tion waa begun a mo a tW ago hr Aollet tor Com Johaaon. CiAnlar Hobart Innatng and Sacaataay ttyn and Rar ing tha teat two weeks bad the par eooal sttnalioa ot Protocol Wlteoa. who roorload Its phiilbologr with mlsuto aara. Jt' At the dotal ted L tha I’altsd Stataa la spool 0. eaaaa of arwa o4 eargaoa and a aarlas of am teat! a | which hara i Stataa and Orant MhL aa diaM hr tha IndtaPb newai pahry. sweat l i dm' 9m g Mi os i^ooted tM mm palMtiVNPEllid aa Orest Britain todays — M a Data ■teat Intended hr aU Mini ban at tba Triple Ehueat*. Tba A ore meets —tat oat that eom itelmta oa erury aid* and —bile orltlctoms la the United States bold tbs British —tier aa directly respon sible tor tb* Itpratalaa la many American Industrie*. Bslmbamemart time for ear—ee unlawfully detained or seised. It Sts tee. does not remedy the erfl ea tba chief difficulty la tba moral effect ca Aatsrlaaa atporlara •Vo are lectialaed fiats Ulii rlsVe or baaard* which ta ne case ought to surround legitimate trade betwtea tb* United Steles sad other neutral eons triad. LEO PRANK’S APPEAL BRANTBO. Judge Lamer Sleae asargis Mae Stay •< EaaaaBaa. Wash ta (tea.—Justice Lamar of tba Catted States —— ama eeart baa granted aa appeal from the refusal of tb* Federal district eoert far North era Qeorpla to release aa habeas aor tas prooMdlapt Lao N. Freak under death sentence for the morder of Mary Fbagan. at A teat*. Frank has beta Mattered la be banged January U. bat Justice la mar’s action ns non a atay of aaera ttoa. Thirty da— are glean lor tba record of the proceedings ta tb* low er eeart w be tied la the Supreme eeart bare. Tba state of Osergla then atay nek that tb* bearing of tb* ease be adrsaned. Snob aoggsatloaa geacmlty are gnitsl Aa a result of Juatlee Lamar’s set tos the satire eeart trill pus upon Frank's right to task rut ease from enatedy on a writ of babcea carpus on tb* ground that tb* trial eeart le Fatten county. Osorgt* loot Jnrtadto ttoa erer him kg Ha fbllaia la krre him —MM wham —a Jury returned Its rerdlet MwUm VmUhm IpM WmMi|M — Mopatahaa frrxa tt>* BraatHan ntalator la Marino Cltr data* two aad taaaNal Wo do aoilkad tto mMW aManM— aa Ml a< oaeartatatioo. Tto aliMW ra fatrad to Cko lank at tonaaor katwaaa tka aararal tolato. tot ladlaatad that aatklaa atorntap kad dwilml and that »ood ardar waa bated araaarnd. rreaa Ma awn apaato atoa tka atata dapartwiaat waa adrtaad aba* frUOoa art* to* tilam to* Bapato la* Ontk afiaa YPIa lb all—a. CaMaa— at «—apy Km* roar. Maaaaa City. Ma,—Mtwa aaa vara aanakt bar* la tto —Hapsa ad a —ad — aaaooy tolM to proton* padatort—■ paaataa a wITOoa Mar total baUdtap nto inrntrwiHno. Tv* war* klHad aad au aartoPtlF tajarad. Waltar • Dtafcta—a. — —tor ad tto aote. Nab. dtod la a hoapttaL Kin akatl waa fraotarad. Tto atw daad rlatlai waa a ao*ro Ja—aa Mataan boats*** afoot to* a lator aataa. war •a a critical aoodtttaa. Tto attoro la loro* woto workn»a anptoyad — tto bpfldtap. •tA-VT TOBACCO. Mr. Cottoa Farmer it Win Pay Yea T» Plant Tebacce Tide Year. If foe foal that yea are booed to have soma cotton, buy a crop. Yea *en huy It now cheaper than you *■“ raise It, and the prospects for bettar prices tha sooting year do not look vary encouraging with tha larg •ri surplus to ba carried over In the history of tha country. On tha ether hand tha tobacco crop in Eastern Carolina has base short for tha j—-* throo years. Tbs average pries for that lime has bean about I IS. 00 par Cwt. The war has not eat this av erage down tha past —Tin and there is every reason to believe that the prices will ba jut as good an other year. Tha eoaotrias that era at war are large prodeeers of tobac co, and their crop will probably be cut entirely out, while the war will | tocraeae tha demand for tobacco, as tha armies era being famished with tobacco and millions of otae are ua iag It that never used It before. Be sides this the demand for our tobac co in other foreign countries |a i„. wearing in enormous proportions ev ery year. nearaga number af potmtto raised per acre In Easters CtooUt the past throe years is about TOO. which, at tha avarags pries af lb "t. u a revenue at flMuOO. This la throo timaa the reveoae raeatv od from cottoa par acre in North CaroHaa the past three years and It does not coat any mare to raise tobacco than cotton. Tobacco ns- ' tores early and la harvested at a ttam whan labor it not busy with tha atfc«r «*»*•• Van ran have your to hone* crap marketed by tha time ' yoor nation it ready to pick. Land that Will raise a bail of cotton per •we wUl prodaea JfiOC pounds af la boece. which, at half tha average ! Pries af the bast three years, will toot fourteen scat cottoa. There have been nilKmt of dtMma at ‘ food sold cash, sat eattan csrtd- 1 rates, circulating In tha'tobacco mar ' kata af Castam Carolina this faB. rad tha tobraeo Mramr, «. m bri tor Asp. daring thnae bard cbnea w Job abaototety tend te By tndklMM, cot your scmatge fat half, than rate half aa much te«« aa aa yoo da cotton, aad U you make •"ytWag Uka aa avnraga crag you wul hara enough monay to pay tha le—— on your cation and ttfll have a Httb spending monay far Chnst att Thara la a man In this county (Harnett) who bought 8,000 aeras of *">d two or tkraa yaara age aad b now receiving move ravenua from >00 te 400 acme of tkla land to to bacco sack year than ke paid far tha entire 4,000 acres. Yoo will find taramra la every tabeeeo section who have bought bad in the past two or three yaara aad whs have made e neugh money tha first year rabtag tobacco te pay far the farms. This la one of the richest sections b tha State and them is an mason why you cannot rate above aa average crop of tobacco. I hear an many farmer* aay they don't knew haw to raise tobacco. It aril) pay you to laarn how. Thera is no my at ary a bnut K, aad it la net any harder to rate than cotton. An ft requires is a httla hard work and does atten tion at the right time. Your State Department of Agriculture at Bal algh. and the 0. 8. Department of Agriculture at Washington have ie ■aed bulletins that tad all about hew to rate flue-cured tebeeee from be ginning to and aad all yea ham to do is te write U them or your Con gressman at Washington and they will sand these bulletins to you free. Tha wilier la ate preparing aaaaa literature in regard to tha tmpreve mant and cultivation of tobacco *h-» he wit] ha glad to famish to any ana dcatring tt. One of the moat Important thing* •bout raining tobacco ia to atari right. Born jroar Ma early and prapar* thaaa wall and th* meat Im portant thing af all knew thet pour aoad are good bafora yaa plant them. Meat farmer* are vary parttoabr •boot tholr mod am and th* other aoad they plant, Imt will plant any •id kind af tobacco aaad. That ia the MggM niataka yaa *aa make. Ua baa yaa bar yaar tobacco aaad her* boon ratoad right and bar* boon Properly cleaned It wttl pay yaa ta bay aaana aoad from a reap Quartli aaad man that yoa know baa ratoad thane right. It will ba the beat mon ey yaa can format. Tea can alae gat mad frm of charge from the Da. partmont of Agriculture at WaaMng ton by applying for It The writer will nine bare a quantity of the bool mod that caa ba procured b a few day* and will ba gbd b famtah thaw fraa of charge a* tang aa they bat T*a nan gat them by catling at the Farmer ■ Warabaaai. mrra talks on dkathbkd W**“ Bo»' I Talk af ■« nrMt com af tu klml (a kcal “*UmJ P*w*wd • punk to P»WMrt*«a whan Mr*. MaliaM Pmu, of Cano*) villa, bam mate, wa* abk to talk ]n»t bafar* ah* Hor daughter, Mr*. Mary Mclnth* oaariy fainted whan her mother told her how maoh Mm waa aufarfog, thaaa few word, being th* Srat ah* hadl oear attend. She caned her d~«hUr by nwa. hear, kU or and than paaaad away. Bar haa who died **reral yean age. • «ota—Zaneavilla (Ohio) Wepakb to Cfeeeknd Praoa. ne Opportunity af America. Thi. ftneretieo of rtmaihan ritl haa narar had aoch ao oupar tanity to Worn. eaawdom tflto bkaakga aaMt new haa. While the old world la rocking with th* aheck of war, whik muy of th* nation* inrelead hare to faca net only the fa* tram without, bol .Haunted, an •••ixMktod aahiacto, wh* win cither fodW t* fight or giro but half hearted tuppart to thetr ralen, the Uaked State, af Annie, he* naew h~n atom aottod, bum. riUUy mm, ! ttian now. It ha. two poaakl* foes to faca— ■®rtfc* the* front without, bath I of them (rant within. One af them < U the ttruggW htlatta Capital and 1 J H way bacaanc * 1 I award Sable to hurt not i mty th* contending fare** but th* 1 rital Uf* of the nation. The other i U th. growth af race pmjndim. I which may ha atroagthanad rather j tut t, bu£1 ** "*“■ « W* hare • Monrea Daetria*. which j hmdly aactndaa farolga power, from ' rating « fcathald open tha emth- I W. aka bar, a Chrtot doe- I I H to now Mm an mpkufat mar Amoriena unity in apito of oar « vcnltT to glory fat It; to be enrefal not to treceplant end propagate the old world hate upon (hit newer eoo ttaaBt; to rooUto (hot Uw United State# »»t bnwait a world mm, and the Mart and ttiipea in earn form a world flag- Wo moot also roallao (hat tho men who are to carry this goepai et nitty ere werh tag in the mtnaa and ahoyo, and ‘H* the hand* white are to hold ap teat Sag aw eoaaocrated to bard and daagorottt toil m on mhtat Aa wo deal with than wo deal with tea •orld. wo deal with humanity Now to tho moot auopicioo. mo aoat to begin a holy war agaiaet war, and thia la the one country In white may bo forged tho atroegaut weapon agaiaet It—e coaaetooanmo of our common likaoeeo—a naHa tin of uur brotherhood.—Prof. Ed ward A. Stainer to the Coagrugattan eKet. The Wonder* of Cotton •xkW nil the important metwHek of Heine. Nona ha* oo Hack and non* oo HtU. bat eottop la a nacmanry pan «4 hi* to'»- lif*. A bit of tbo irory at ti* pod* to h* foot that white war ha* dmaaralfeod tho cotton Indoatry, pat wKhoot rttton thoro oaahl ho no war. M* • otapN Pihm *wn mold ho Arod. nor a battloahlp mid. nor as “■f »• pat b* notion wfthoot tM* womfarfol prodnet of tto cmfeot eot ten plant, for Ha frwH I* tto tori* of an tdgh aaptortea* and mthtVaaa powder. A warahip I* a fteattnp rattan aril!, from tto natty outte of tta Jolly Jack tar: to tto prim (holla ready aa tool tor far tto It-tnck pan* that mak* madam warfare a* terri hte. Lanp apa wood wae krown tota dbcaid aa tto attalal tor army onttorma aad tto world Hphte Ho tot Oao today Had la aattaa. Bottom Bator* planatnp year trap* tor ■ nattor yoar, think aror tto tokaoea pmpariUaa. It will pay you to try a aotelt crap If yea noear toea tod any kator*. After many hard knock* triala and tritojatlaw* wa too* goi ter tha Dona tahaaaa market aotoh Hatod. *o yan can to aora of toriap a pond market whom yaa can dta paoa of yaw «rp t Hm heat adeen tapa aad wHh tto laaot pwMa *» 0. W. STALLING*. ITALY Hr m mum tom — I

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