K Btt; €ti tk g ' i VV; .S’ tat • fal •r a Oar M •Ti u • MB »* tfll Ol IwiBtli« up til tha western pert 0t tMa state a party of pragsaslro weww bar* started what ia knswa aa a tea dab, tha Maa hatag abaUar te what has created as great an ialereet ia hag raiaiag te mom parts ad the eeaatry, sad, treat ail reports, It is going ta da wonder* In redwing Aa coat of living to thooa directly latertetil With agga seldom below thirty coots a dotes and often above forty, it occurs ta ua that the ten dab scheme is a mighty goad owe far Aa woman af this locality to try. Nothing Would te loot by giving it a trial anyway. Wa note frees the Fayettevlle Ob server that Prof. J. G. Smith, prin cipal of Aa colored pebUc schools of this dtp, has boon doing some very goad work for Ua race in assisting Aa srhaili ofltalala af OiiaheHaad to instruct tha colored boys and girls tat the art of making things grow. In that cooaty they have met with osach success in these ideas which create a greater interact ia agricul tuai pursuits among colored peo ple; end we are pleased to notice, also that Prefeesor Smith has under taken a similar work ia this county, la which ho la mooting with fair sac caw too, though his efforts are De cs sorrily tempered by a lack of funds. Tobacco, Ur. Farmer, tobacco U that in which Use your opportunity to ret ami from tho awful lick old King Cotton ha* handed you. Your soila are well adapted to it* culture; your supply man is willing to bank upon it; your community look* to you to grow it; aad you ours it to yourself to plant an much of It as yon can attend. Other parte of the reentry have foead it their aahralen during these times whan cotton can* net bo said for the cost of producion it has boon proven that the farms around Dunn will grow the beet grille*, and right hen In Dunn you will And one of tho beat market* la the state for it* disposal. Seed can be procured for nothing aad Rap reeentutivee Godwin, Hood or Pou will gladly have tho National De partment of Agriculure forward you all the literature concerning tobacco culture you may daairo. Pealing forth a welcome to the New Tear in a medley of melody the belle ad tho city's various church** did their part ia awakening new hope h the hidrts of our follow m aud wesson as the aridalght hoar regis tered the death of Mluotom Four team Returning with the high, farm hen Ita Ha ad a nliiad anarch, the fending sound—Just a glad, Joy u* welcome to the new day when we ware to put the grlufs and sorrows of a year babied us, strengthen our heart*, pray God to purify our souls, aad walk out ia the sunlight to be gin Ufa's battles anew. The sound did as good; It carried home to oa the fact that Jeaua ad Nasnreth still llvoth, and that the birth of His New Year was stirriag hi the hearts ad men a stronger daaire to live la clos er communion with Him andln closer fellowship with their brother seen. Upea each sots wafted through tho moonlit night an angoi rode, bidding Been to be of-good cheer and carrying tidings ad peace on earth and good will toward mee. "wE^a^aan^ci^Haniett’^Ena are draggling with ita soil*, Ha fat* hutria and Ha other iotaresta, flghl h| herd ta bring ta at that degree ef preepeity possible only to such a country aa our own, it ia good ta look aa* ia tha world and aaa that thoaa who hare gone from ns are aiahtag good and reflecting credit to tha land that faro them birth and from whaaa gentle boson they imbibed thoaa trmita of thrift, bon aoty, waaHnaae and industry which mats surra as possible. Soma are owl thare in them parts whes Har nett county la seldom hoard at, and thare era but few who are act wrapt in* aaaaaaa from a weld whom re wards go oaly ta them who dsoarre Mam. Notable among Harnett’s sons wham worth Is being apprecia ted aad rewarded la Captain John A. barker, recently sleeted preside! of Oars Has "a greatest booster organise ttaa—tha Qreator Charlotte Club Captain raker's childhood home ia arm IJUlngteo way and Me parents are still there. A few yaara ago ha gredaeted ia law fem tha Unirardty tary at tha dab d whtah bo ia new ms la tha stats'* metrepall/arar •fee* ha leaded there. While ed mmlahdag the world ta 'Watch Charfetfe Orew," ha haa dawa Httfe the fared eat ta paM Ma dty ahead. W# hare Ma amre dewe here hi Haraatt feat liha him and al at fe* *»• pdaaaad artth tha rasagal «aa glean Ma ahilitp. ■—■ ■ ■ - ■ .1— —- ... h—.-.l Naak. Biggs, of Scotland Nock, died a tew days ago aad spread boro aad tkara over this state ara aany children who will blaaa Us memory On hie tom batons this simple epitaph U written: "Noah Biggs, tha friaad of tka arphan." His will was made pnblie Saturday aad It shroud tkat ha had left tha sam of IM.0OO te tha Baptist orphanage at Thomas rills. Ha waa lad aad tka friaad ef tha or phan aad that friendship has been bearing helpful fruits through “*»y ream of his Kf* of service. A great and a good nan waa Nook Biggs and ooa wkoaa "Good deeds Will live after bW—Charlotte News. Wa nets fro as correspondence seal from this city to the daily papers tkat a movement is oa foot to hold aa In tor-county fair this year with Harnett aad Sampaon aa tha prin eipali, and the ids* strikes ns as be ing justtbc thing seeded to plaea tha two counties before tha public is a manner credits bis to their wonder ful progs — along all tin as. As mari tare ara now arranged, Sampson and Harnett are obliged to play air rind fiddle to Cum bar! aad in the annual evant held by tha Capa Fear Fab Association, at Fayetteville How ever good are the Intasitioos of tha directors of that association, Cum berland ia bound to have tha lioo'i •bars of whatever profit accrues to the ceuntsea participating in tha Fay attavflla Pair; aad tha efforts now being mads to place the evidence ol Hamett-Sampaon progress before a public more directly latamted U bound to prove af inestimable good to tho two eoenmonitias wkoaa peopk have so much in common. Dunn is the Ideal location for this fair aad wo are looking forward to the Ini tial event with much interest u*. Let M ttn my life from year to rmr. With for ward face and uraluetotrt ml; Not kiiimhi to, nor turning from, Uu goal. Not mourning for toe thing! that dfeappaar In too dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future roils, but with a whole And happy heart that pays its toll Te Youth and Ago aad travels cm with cheer. So let the tray be up the hill or down Thrmigh rough or aasoath, the Jour ney will be joy. Still seeking what 1 sought when rNow friendships, high adventure --d a mown; I shall grow old, but never lose life's Because the road’s last turn will ha the best. —Henry Van Dyke. I Mystery! Rack your brains—use your logic—let judg ment help you—guess, conjecture! But if you really want to draw back the veil of mystery, see The Trey O’Hearts The moat stupendous, thrilling. Interesting moving picture play of the times. Coat CXO*000 to pro duce the first set of filnm. Intense dramatic action in every foot of the reeia. A feature that wfil act this whole community gueakng. occ n m wocijy UaUur meats at •mm Sm . « A . I / None UMa By virtu* of lhApower sod auth ority given by lwe pertain mortgage, executed by BlrtU^Out*. and wife. M. J. Coat*, .tn 4 Dunn Commis sion A Supply Ca,' which are .re corded In the oW of the Register of Death for the Qecxty of The first mortgage having bean duly assign of Deads for tho Amity of riamett in kook 100 p*s««3t2X2fc8, tho first mortgage having been duly assum ed to us by J. L. yMh, the foUow tng propart y wiil^e soM at Public Auction, via: It being a certafi pises or parcel eel of land dlmtp tn Avurdioro Township Harnett County, known oa dcsignntod an follows:- to WU: bounded on tho no Ah the lands of J. J- Loo, on tho on^f-by tho lands of Q. M. Loo and Mm Bad Glover, on the sooth by tho lands of Dr. Ches. Highsmith. on the Vast by tho lands of Haywood Roared. Beginning at a pins northwest agmar of lot No. 6, in tho division ofjfe land* of Ma tin Lao, deceased,totee 1 89 I. 16 chains to a stake, fthenee 8. tl W. 20, >0 chains to a Asks, thenoe N. 48 W M hsins to a stoke, thenca to the beginning, containlm SO acres, mere or lass, and for fWther description see deed* of Hang^ County, in book If. Nal, page lCL^ Also thefol lowing personal prop arty, conveyed In ebnttei mortgage, book 48, page SM.Magdatry of Har nett Sounty, to wk.- One dark mare mslo about 9 years old, bought of Boas Lee, an fanning Implements and utensils, one Sark colored cow about 2 yean old bought of Bettis Coats, on* T. 8. O# King on* bora* wagon. . V/IQJg Place of sols Court Hoimo Doer, Ulllngten, N. C, Tims of sals Monday, Jan. 18th 1916, at 1< o'clock.- nooo. Terms of sols cash. This Dee. 11, 1914. THE DUNN COM. A 8UPPLY CO. Mortgage* MORTGAGE 9ALI By virtu* W aothdrtty cooUJnod is • mortgag* daod mad* to mo by D. ■- Jonas aad wife. M. A. Jonas, and doly reeordad ia tko ragtstry at Harnett county. Book Mo. UO, yaga IN, da fault hgvteig bean —<k in poymaat at tko not* monad by said mortgage. I arm offer tar sale for CACk.U tbt V|J> ke#non courthonas door ia UJUngton. N. C. Bollock's Baa, M. 48 B. SO efa*. to a whits oak Bollock'* earner; tkonco as bis line E. a cha. aad U Unka |o a itaka aad pobMora Lis oomer; tkonea aa aaotkcr at Bullock's linos N. 4 E. 11 cha. aad M Unka to o •taka ia Branch's line; thsnca aa hi* Hno 8. M 1-t W. t* aha. to a rock corner Juat ia front at Broach* homo thsnca aa tko land l> 4 W. 10 cha. and BO links to o sfalfb and pointers Hector Branch’s corner, M Unka 8. of ths whit* oak qomer; thane* a* an agreed Uno H. 64 W. 1 cha. and 8S links to a largo sweet gum at the hoad of spring Branch; thanes down tko varices mmadtht of sold branch 11 ehe. to a a Martr-gmn oomer at the Rook Quarry Mrs. Carotin* Johnson's ecraer; IhonoO as her Una /8. 10 W. SB she. to bar comsr In Barbs* 8prb>g Branch; tamra tho various oornora at said branch to the begin sing con tala tag 70 scree mors or lorn. Terms of sole cash. Unto at sole Monday IS M. Jankary 11th. 1815. Sale mad* towtlrfj atnn duo under said note aad mnrtgags ■ O. A. BARBOUR, Mortgage. Borboor A Berboer, Attys. Booaoo, M 0. This 7th day of Doe. 1814. The most unique life Insurance Policy ever offered to the public now written by the SOUTHERN LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY. No physical ^examination required and you live and win. In event of death or you, at any time, decide to cancel the policy all premiums will be returned. The older you are the the lower the premium. See Our Agents and They Will Tell You all About it. J Dunn Ins. & Realty ( C Company S J B. O. TOWNSEND, Manager. J I Dunn Ins. & Realty Co. I I Wants Your Business 8 Representing the strongest Insur I ante Companies in the world and I of unsurpassed prestige, yon are I guaranteed the most efficient and I liberal service that can be had in our I line. 1 ■—■——■ i ■■— We are now temporarily establish- 1 ed in the Dispatch Building where I you will, at all times find u s ready I to serve your needs. Make our 1 place your headquarters and bureau I of Information. I WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COMMERCIAL PRINTING

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