THE DUNNj _Y0L* 1 Dunn, B. C., Fo*fl BOOHTEU BODY'S FIRST ANNI. VER8.ARY WilHsm A. Erwta Speaks te Mem bers of Organimatieo sad Makes D«UI» Feel Proud of Hcreell. Daat night in the Metropolitan Thaatre the Dunn Chamber of Com maixe held ita first annual mealing and haul as iu guest of honor and principal speaker Mr. William A. JCr witn, secretory of the Erwin Cotton Mills Co., of Duke and Durham. Mr. Erwin tame not as an orator to spin a melody of praise for our little city and those virile men who are working to pot it in the forefront of metoria] progress, bat as a neigh bor and aa • friend who had watched our growth during the last dec ads with a good, deal of pride and satis faction, and aa one who, having oar heat interest at heart, could point the way to real achievement and ad visa aa a friend and neighbor should advise. Ha said that Dunn had much to he prwod of. Iu line schools, a Lately churches, handsome busli.eaa bulld ln*». beautiful homes and pretty streets would do credit to towns of much Larger else. .He pointed to the fact that everything Dunn had ac compliehed thus far was directly dee to the spirit of cooperation so deep ly Imbedded in Ita cibaoeahlp, and that if the town was to continue the pace, iu people must remain true to that spirit. Mr. Erwin’s speech was good—so good that ths Dispatch regrets that it cannot publish it la its entirsty this morning. Preceding his speech and following K the Dune Orchestra and the Dunn Quartet famished in ■imrapntal and I ..A _§ tar tha entertainig program had baan concluded the body went into executive session. President Grantham called Vice President Townsend to the chair to proaido during tha vote for a now praskdont. Mr. Grantham was tha uaaatraous choice of the body and mnch pressure was brought to boar upon him la ua effort to induce him to continue at the organisation's head. He. bower ■, wga obdurate and refused the honor because be as much time aa ho know it dooorvod. Mr. Grantham said that he would always feel it hie duty to aid the or ganisation to oeary way he possibly could, but could not accept re-eler Uor~ lie nominated McD. Holliday to suceed him. and despite Mr. Hol liday's protestations to the contrary, ho waa unanimously chosen. In accepting the choir, Mr. Holli day dalivered a short address upon hie hopes and aims, saying hi Laid no cliam to ability as a leader, but that If Dunn would just show him what it wanted and give him an idea how to get it, be would give e mighty good Imitation of a man go ing after it. The secretary, the troesurer end ell ef the viee-preeidents except McD Hollkley were re-elected, Jesse Franklin WUaon being chosen to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Hoiliday’s election to the presidency. William A. Erwin wna made hono rary vica-praaideot, and Thoe H. Webb and William H. Turlington were made honorary members. Theae honors being accorded through a de sire to make come public acknowl edgement of the great goad accruing to the community by the efforts of tbs genGemen named. Election of officers completed. Mr. Grantham brought to the attention a# Ik. eV. . -•«- SL - a board of commlaaioetri In abolishing tbs office of count j Jnrm demonetre tor. and »ug*»-t»d that as the mat ter snvolvod only tbs question of ax pandint a sum equal to that offered by the deportment of agriculture, it ■nicbt b* well for the chamber to ■utkt an effort to ratsa the required amount Mr. Erwin said that if the required euro could b* mads up among the county dtl sans wibtin this month, he and Mr. Wsbb could ba culled upon for 1M. Subscriptions war* immediate ly opened and amounts wars sub scribed so follows: Erwin and Wsbb .<60.03 Cliffstd A Townaand . 107)0 Barest A Holliday . 10.00 J. D. Ramos . 10.00 Johnson Brothers . 10.00 National Bank . 10.00 Chamber of Commerce . 10.00 Heeeell John#oh Co.10.00 Racket Stare Co. . AM Qelistein C*. . AM J. Lloyd Wad* . AM Farmers Warehouse . 6.M J. W. Draughea . AM Newberry Bros. A Cowall .... iff . G*o- *. Prtne< . R.M J. M. Pop* . AM Bank of Capa Fear. S ot K. La* and Family . I OC Bank of Harnett . Ml Weakly Quids . 5 0C I. L. Hatcher . ROC R. 0. Taylor . A0C J. X. Wllaan . 6 01 Jno. A. McKay . t.M i. C. Winiami . AM Williams . AM « N. C. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the North Carolina Conference, convened at Rocky Mount, January 27-31, 101C Meet of the delegatee arrived on Wednesday and were met at Uw station by a committee of indirx and assigned hornet where they were de lightfully entertained during their stay. The firel business session of the Conference wne held on Thurs&ty morning beginning at 0:30. Mrs. K B. John, the Conference President being ill this meeting waa presided over by Mr*. Hume R. Steels, of Nashville, Tsnn., Educational Secre tary of the Woman's Missionary Connell. The roll was called and the delegates were seated by dis tricts. The business of the Confer ence was dosed each day at 12:30 and a delicious luncheon served in tha Sunday School room by the la dice of the Rocky Mount Society. A special feature of the occasion was an address by Miae Tuttle, re turned Missionary from China. Mias Tuttle’* heart is In tha work and her talk was splendid. Reports were heard from Corre sponding Secretaries, and Treasurers of both home and Foreign Depart ments, Superintendent of Publicity, and Editor of Advocate peg*. These reports were interesting and showod much good work being done. “Our New Laws and Plans” were presented by Mrs. Hume R. Steele on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Steele fully understands the work and made plain the changes In this department Reports from the Superintendents of Supplies, literature, end Social imi ia.e win uian uira. A memorial service ws> held Sat urday Burning, conducted by Mn Murphy. Reports from the District Sec re tariea and let and 2nd Vice Presi dents ware than given. *15.000 waa pledged for miaaioni alao 18 boxes by tha different soci eties to be seat to tbo needy preach ers la this Conference, wfaooe sals rial are inadequate far tha support at their families. - At' 18Hl8Bffl~im tin Conference to hold Ita neat meeting at Kinston, which wna accepted, and tha Conference adjourned. The pulpit eras Ailed Sunday morn ing by the pastor and a very able narmon delivered. Sunday afternoon tha Bright Jewele gave an Interest, mg program at 3:30. Sunday night a Consecration Service vai bald and this closed the annual meeting. The Conference eras beautifully entertained and all vote the people of Rocky Mount hoc pi table and en tertaining. BANDERS-GEORGK Pour Oak*, R. 1, Feb. 18.—A mar riage beautiful in ita simplicity waa •oletmniied. at the heme of the bridoe father, Mr. F. T. George, near Ben ton villa, Wednesday evening, Febru ary 10. at 8:10 o’clock. The contracting parties were Mr. Junius Senders and M*aa India George. The ceremony wax perform ed by Eev. T. W. Siler and witnessed by a few friends and relative*. Te the strain* of Engleman’a Wed ding March, rendered by Mias Carrie V. May, of Mnrven, N. C„ the bridal party entered as follow*: Miax Beams Senders with Mr. Jerry George, Mias Hattie Wood with Mr. Marvin Sanders, followed by the bride and groom. iTuring in* aapnnrt reremony "Humoresque" was played by Miss May end Mendeieaohn’s Woddinf March was used as a recession*!. The bride was dressed tn e beauti i’uI gown of crepe de chine with lace trimmings. The groom wore con ventional black. After a short Informal reception the bride end groom left for their new home near Four Oaks. The bride Is a charming young wo man whose genial disposition has won for her worms of friends la this Mr. Sanders is a prosperous young man of sterling qualities. BUOU OPENS After a long period of Inactivity, due to its partial destruction by Are the Bion Theatre is ugjein span to the public, and on ovary hand is heard praise for Ha management in making at the house a thing at beau ty H new |g. Before the Are tho Bt )ou wee OTV) of the prettiest motion picture hells to be found anywhere. Now, however. It is even move beau tiful then it was before. Mr. Tosnmle Sutton, of the Chmn Icla, Salma, spent Sunday bore will hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Sut ton. Stale Bank h Trust Co.. tM i Dunn Ins A Realty Co. LX > R. S. Jemtgan . 1H > R- O. Primrose . LX I T. T. Smith. LX hahmlkh commercial bank MEETING Annual Meeting at H lock holders *1 Farmer* UimmereUl Bank, Ilea KM. Beneon, N. C.Frb. 17.—The etock. hoklera of ike Farmer* Commercial Bank, of Bouton, hold truer regular annual meeting in tho alfices of tin bank laal Monday the 16th. The an nual meeting* of tbin bank have becz for a number of year* In tho peat looked upon a* a aort of nnrnunit) gathering; a feast, or a melon cut ung no to speak. The peat year har ing been one in which all buflinoai enterprise* bare been cut off, espec ially banka, th* mealing of tb* stock holder* this time wo* marked by ■ greater degree of interest than ever, there being the largest attendoncs in tha history of tb* bank. And the stockholders were not dis appointed in any port leu lar. Tho re port of the president showed th* bank to be in better condition in lhany respect* than a year ago. Tbs loan arrounl had been reduced from leal year’s bgure* by about 125,000.. 00; tha available cash h*A increased 112.000. 00; they owed only *11,500.00 - In at year they owed *.1H,750.b0- a decrease of borrowed money of *26, 260.00. The deposits were mere than *76,0002)0 which was an in crease of about *10,000.00 over last year’s deposits. Th* capital is now *262)002)0; a year ago *18.000. A 10 '. cash dividend wm declared and paid to th* stockholder* immed iately; th* checks being handed to the stockholders before the meeting -cjoumea. Including Ihii dividend the benk hn* paid to its organizing stockhold er* SIS'* on each |100.00 Inverted; 200 par rent stork dividend and 11S per cent eo«h dividend. Average *6 pm- eant annually. The bank be in’n baainsaa Marcli 18th, 1000. Thla l*ank n nogr laoknd on na on* ->f the strongest (tad moat substan tial of the country banka of the State Wa understand, that it baa never lest a dollar on a bad note or overdraft. .The stockholders art numbered a moag the moat substantial business men and farmer* of the community future is in store for this hank. The old Board of Director* were re-el octal and are .1* follows: M. T. Britt, W. D. Moon, L. Gilbert, Bradley Johnson, C. T. Johnson, P. B. Johnson, Chan, Johnson. Ben. J. Matthews, Jesse D. Morgan. Preston Woodall and J. W. Whitten ton. After the stockholders meeting the directors met and re-elected the former officers as follows: M. T. Britt, prerident; Bradley Johnson and W. D. Boon, vice-presidents; W. H. Sloeumb, Cashier, W. H. Maaten *111, assistant cashier Loan Committee: W. D. Boon, P. B. Johnson, C. T. Johnson and Pres ton Woodall, Aaditing Committee: L. Gilbert, Chma. Johnson and J. W. Whittenton. This committee is empowered to em ploy expert sorountnnti to audit the bank onnoally, and the services of H. H. Boudnr A Son, of Richmond, hare been secured for thla porposo Rarbour and Bar hour were elected as attorneys. — ■ w ■ 1^^— • CHANGES IN BAILEYS OFFICE Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16.—Announce raent la issued by Collector of Inter nal Revenue J. W. Balioy that ha has appointed Connor Aycoek, son of the late Chan. B. Aycoek, at an office deputy collector in place of Lae C. A ihfrift trAnifarrarl 4 a m nour rtmaV that will have charge of the division of anti-narcoties” under the new Federal Act effective March 1. Both piecaa pay $1,200 per yoar. M'ADOO TO MAKE ADDRESS UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT Washington, Feb. 15.— Secretary MeAdoo will make the commence ment address at the University Juae 2. He will be accompanied to Chap el Jlill by Mre. MeAdoo and Secre tary and Mra. Daniel*. From Chapel Hill the MeAdoo par ty goes to Raleigh where Mra. Me Adoo was a student of Peace Insti tute in her girlhood Says. CAPTURES THREE STILLS Deputy Collector T. P. Stall re turned yesterday to Raleigh after a inerearful raiding trip la Johnston county, whore he together with pease men George Moore ami R. L Doweri captured and destroyed three large distillery plants. Saturday the officers found a M gallon still end 800 gallons of bear about four miles south of Tour Oaka The cap worm and furnace were da stroyed. The next Rapture was oadr Sunday morning about five miiw seat of Benson, when a 4E. galtor still was located on a good-aiw branch. It ares net in operation Monday the revenue men found that: ' lest Mill hid in socee onderbrual twelve miles east of Benton.^ Thl l still was at 80-gallon capacity.—To 1 day's Nauru and Observer. , GUILD ATTACadR~ BvI^GKO youth Cephas Gala HorrW to SaUtfcfleld From —- jbhim i r sad Placed WML Umithfield, FaMhr Hi.—About •level) - thirty thU Jfcnung Cephas Coto, a negro bey,^eighteen, D al leged to bare crfmtoally assaulted Clao, tbs thras tnjjp half year old daughter of-John mniam Wood, of Meadow Town ship jSocnty eommis sionar, who was lalkithflstd so bu siness at that tfau3.Ths negro was left plowing and lAd gens to the bouse purposely fbsjwutw. The lit tle girl was at tkejkrn lot and as the negro passed Msk to the held be took tbs little mi ever the fence J. Mang Wood, A.dUwn brother was rone distance awaSpd heard hiaaia ter cry out ‘9 • He started ” then* and the negro came him, disclaiming any wrong doing, he was pick ing flowers for th girl. Wood beet Kim with a and the negro ran to the bouse Mrs. Wood he had dona Tbs -mm had gone to the clinging to her examined her avoidance of Mrs. Wood far her has bend to come and the sheriff.' They started but they arrived deputy sheriff era, of Ben and Mnng Wood Um negro who telephoned her ed him in a at home. Sheriff gro by Bcnaen Held, where be where he ie "Lower Jeleertd' but there ie no A lebaaont being »peeking to your the telephone child wee not though badly ed the negro tent of the law morning. He fine imprecilon on fee/ Wr and lay men ae well. He hi emooth. well balanced Judge, bright an eeelag jus tice and right presdK. Thera are no caaee of apodal Intdfeat at 1mm thie term. 1 FROM DUKE Duke, N. 0, Feb. li, 19lb.-Th* people of Duke end the conns unity were thoroeghly pleeeed with the band concert and tainetrd show gis on Saturday night in the auditorium by the Pilot Hill Ceateert Bend, of Raleigh. Hr. W. A. Harsey was in charge of the eompaay. Mr. John Cheek, director of the band and Mia Grayson, pianist. The concert did credit to the Pilot HOI band and the m.-nagrmwit and titan present thor oughly enjoyed the music and jokes. The proceed* were dhrided with the Evwin Concert Bead cf thie place. Stnday morning at 8JO the Pilot Hill Rand and the Erwin Concert Bond met hi the Park and played until 9:80. Saturday afternoon Res H. C. Duncan, scoot master took the boy .coats ip Cape Fear Kiser on a amp. fishing and picnic trip. They report a fin* time. Thie it the first ruling the boy scoot* base bad aince heir organisation two weeks ago. The Erwin Cotton Hills nr* new running fun time with nil their ma ■ -'“UHB bi mil raptnij. UnHI ne«tll; they wen running only fin day* each weak. Th* 8*od work dona by tbo road eu perrison of Duka township last (UOI mor baa hold op wall daring tbo ea tnrooly wot weather this winter and tka road* hnn bean In batter shape than enr. The rend from Doha to Donn boa boon In dipt for automo bile ate all tbe winter . Prof. B. t. Dalton report* that the Ight an bool eeatineaa with a treat deal of interest being taken in It. The attendance la reguler apd the pupils an deeply interacted in their walk. *e». K C. Dencen, rector of Bt Stephana Kpieeopol cherth bea to ned a pamphlet setting forth the or der of aerrlee for lent aeaaon. Tbo pamphlet contains other Information and Inatruetion and hoa boon matted to all the eommuqtaante. Tbe new berber shop wot epened up 8a tarda 7 and is located to the naeeeU-Johnoon Ce balldtor. and to a credit tp any eotnmnnMy. The Al to ree an equal to any ia tbe eoenty. Mr. Oeorye L. Canned? to at Oi ferd thla week and will remain there i with hie children eatfl theTOnd. et • •hleh time be will return to Dunn and pet bla shoulder to the wheel I along with those other hustlers who i an working to establish the but to baeee market to last an Caroline at this petal ’ THEIR DOUGHNUT MOSTLY ALL HOU Bat Little Stalr-wisL- Legislation K» During the Hast Week. The Optimist sees the doughnut the pessimist the hole, some one ha> feelingly remarked. Being himself a pessimist hy forct of circumstances, uod having in mine the General Assembly', activities <d tha pest week, he believed the Icglc lativa doughnut was mostly hole. Last Saturday was Its tUrty-Iourvl day, and the record, of the Legisla ture is still clser of nny importer.! Stale-wide legislation. The peal week has been almost a blank, ex cepting the consideration of the Krv enue Act In the House. It Is expect ed to finish work un this by Tuesday. Tbs committee is working ss hard on the Machinery Act as it did on ths Revenue Act end it will rom. In. to the bouse this week. Chairman Doughton and his call segues have ox ceedsd tha speed limit in ths hand! lng of this ms tier The Revenue Act was introduced fully two Winks earli er than usual. INSURANCE TUESDAY The insurance bill was gtvan atten tion in committee bearing, la it week aad has bean sot et a special order for next Tuesday. Two features ob jectionable to ths insurance poople heva been eliminated. The bill will pass, practically without further amendment. The Workman's Compensation Act knavin It grantor potential good than any bill no far introduced In the As •amply. IU enactment into law wcad cotmpeoaate labor and capital of tba state for many things dot* and left undea. fay the Legislature Tba public bearing at the bill la it waek was wall attended by repreaaw tatteee at both tabor and capital. Their harmony of Interact was re markable. Both demanded the ea •ctiMntfgf the measure lata law. will introduce a the raquirmenu at With the la would obviate the ncoaaaity for half the judges in tha State. That means in judge's aalai iaa alone, *40,000 saved. But dent get the idea or the im press toe that half the jodlcial dis trirta at the State will be abolished when the act become, a law. Tba; wuold not be the case. Offices ere err*tad— never abolished. NO BONO ISSUE No bond issue will be required te run tba Statu, even though lha de mands on tba Tisstary were never greater or mare inaiatant.. Tha State Normal, thr Morganton Hospi tal and the Klntteo Keebls Minded Distilute alone demand \MUfiQ0 for the next two years. North Carolina has svar, to the beat of Kt ability, cared for it* de linquents and It* unfortunate*. Were •he Revalue of the State many mil lien* more then it la, there would attl be a arge class of unfortunates yet uncared for. Many members of the Assembly believe that a greater economy of administration would provide the ne tmsnry funds to c*ro far more of these delinquent*. They think the day ia dose ut hand, when the same business methods governing great corporations will govern tha busi ness affairs of North Carolina—Uo greatest corporation of thorn all. Then folks, with lan MaeUrwn. be lieve in tha better side at man. You know Inn any. it la optimism that really urn people and to them tha bole in tba legislative doughnut doesn't look to awfully Urge, after ail. IN THE SENATE G*«t week the Senate peunl Sena tor Ward’* humanitarian bill pre venting bey* being aentenead to the chain gang. Tbay reported unfav orably th bill providing far eemi taonthiy pay day* far railroad man. Tha demand of the railroad organ), ration* for a standard extmination of employe* will be eattled this week Thar* ware two public committee hearing* of the bill lent weak. There -ill be another this week. II fi strongly opposed by the raSrosd com paniee Th# bUl will not paae, it ill renorally thought. The Senate pasaed the Giles bill for anamination and certification ol school teacher*—but ealy after a hard light. It will hare a rough ami -Mnof{ atp «| |***rt at poor f.r—> Pome of the Representative abject ta the great State departments raaniny the LagUlatnre, a* they express It They see danger of "bureaalng the Genera) Assembly ta death." Still there are many fatr-mtrwW member* (a both ehamhon who be liar# th* department* knew - wha people went bettor than dee* ike At •etnWy, bat who object to their build log ub politic*) machines with th aid of the legislature. TW# to i charge repeatedly directed at tha da • par Invent at the Stale. !' ACL OF CONSENT KILLED Tho house kiUod the ift of eoa ■mu bill—very strangely, lou, .man) me moan thought. A Bora aggroa. sivs fight tar tho bill would have car' riau it safely through. The mcaaun ■ought to raise ths ago at consent from II to 10 years. Tho honorable gentlemen wore inclined to thing , gtil ought dispose of her immortal sojJ (sun years before she was eoa patent to dispose of a dollars worth at property. When women vote In North Caro lina. tile age of consent will ga be yond Id years, many legislators be !i4rv«. NO RATIFICATION Tho present drift of sentiment In in* Assembly is to pass the tiqaor bill Withoot leaving tu ralifictien to the poupty of the Hute The bill is tU-aatic. jlut it is v»ry carefully drawn apd Supreme Court proof, its edvocales claim. If It doas pass without amendment this Stats will be pi ohlhiiion in fact aa well as la name. Its innodisetioa la the House ihc flights of oratory which will n ark its discussion and finally’ lha roll call anil be Ihs most I ms rearing feature of the General Arsemhly’s entire session. Esepcielly that roll call, i'etitioas for thapeaaage of the MU continue to pour in. There seams lo be nu let up in their volume. Aad ihe thought is impressed on tho minds of the legislators «*ia« the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League IS really quite aa eCactfr organise Uon, ESctive organisation auoaals strong V to the honorable g soils man. they being practical statesman tlbmselvsa and Strong believers in tha principle of such organisation. EQUAL SUFFRAGE AGAIN Jum why tha Equal S all rags bill ha* baan aat far a ^—riil nrdw far twat Thursday la tha Senate no oae town* to fg absolutely Uo biU to Life is probably th* in Its provisions. Tha effect of tha prsint bill ould simply be to mail effective the laws now oo the statute L^ka. In this raspect His similar to Die liquor bill—which only aaoka to enforce the provision of the pro MUtion law. At tha appropriation asked for u> make this law effective to but M.WtO It I* believed the bUI will get through the hopper without ■wing disfigured for Ufa. LAND SEGREGATION If the House approve* architects Hereafter must be examined in this State. The bUI caused an unreason able amount of discs salon in the Son ate. The land segregation bill comes ap >o4ay. It has strong bxckllg and of rourse to a vary Important piece of legislation. To abolish capital punishment is the sense of another bill, while two forest conaervatioo measures have -ocoived favorable House committee eports. Another opening wedge for woman suffrage to on the statute hooka. It give* women the right of petition where property interests are involv ed and where that property wou d be •'objected to taxation. The first po rtion under the new la* mad* its appearance before a Senate commit tee the same week the law was pass ed. There was a joint session of tho Assembly to elect University trus tees and that's about tho wash's work. BANKER’S PROTECTION Of special interest to the bankers at North Carolina will bo four mini area for their protection to be Intro duced either Tuesday or Wodneday. Thera may be still farther legislation aakert for by the North Carolina Banker's Association. Nothin* mere is heard about the State-wide primary. Ita backers bops to get the measure started this weak. There will be a State-wide primery law enacted by this Assem bly. Whether it will be the real thing, covering every office from president to precinct, as Mr. Bryan urged, is quite another story. It would be a sweeping political reform. And mayhap yap have neticed on v«*r journey through life, that sweeping reforms are aboat es rare as show balls in-June. OTHER MEASURES Other measure, to be heard yet are the State Highway Coraiaiscien woman's reformatory, prison reform taxation measures. The parr hi as o' a pat of ML M Mr boil la really ( State-wide eeeare, but that etiO rests undisturbed in soma commH tee. Se. then, this (k a mors or lam seen rata record of the Assembly1* work for the past weeks. A verj careful semtiay of that week wit > revtal a tolerably large abed hoh i ’» the legislative donghnuL Maybt the present week will ha Manat GERMANY'S THREAT a paper tureat *• TWaka Caagto—aa H. U Gad •la. Tribute ta WEma. “Germany's throw, ta Uaahada the hagtiah porta.* said Congressmen IL L. Godwin, at tka Yarborough Hotel, last night- *8h» may threaten, but it wiU ba a blockade on paper only. 1 do not believe the can carry oat her threat. Tbit country will bo the direct beneficiary of that droadfu! wur. We dont ilka u> boast a,' it— bat it ia true.’' Congraaaman Godwin has boon spending n few days at Ua koine at Dunn. To a Newa and Obearvur snati ho talked intorretlngiy o* mty things. “Of coarse, I sin an advwm'.o of tka skip purchase fail,' Continued I ha Representative from the Sixth Dis trict “Bat I so afraid it has imt a tiijfat chance of passing the Senate. It baa the opposition of the solid Re publican vote, aided by seven Uumo erata, and 1 am njt at all ears it ia poaaibta to overcome tide oppo-rtton. MEAN'S PROSPERITY “The passage of the skip purchase bill would be of tiro greatest benefit to tka Whole people, and mn-e es pecially to tka people af the South. It would relieve tka congested freight situation which it a teaming Hom ing proportions. foreign countrie* are bagging far our pndw>i and are unable to get them, simply be easaa wa have not the means of transportation. “There ia already a most decided improvement % butinatp condition throughout the country, and tbepo eeadMiens will continue to improve. Otkor sections than the South are already foaling the effects af this re terming prosperity. In mu ports of the United Stated the k—in have # ■** "»oaay than they knew what to do with. Grain m products •ra tolling to Jtoei and ' the farmers in M t— * of s ■ • war we could not hare odd it for »** ooor mi cants. For yoj re muaiior there was a sUtswn and a half million bale crop. WILL BB REKOM1NATED “Will Mr. Wilson bo reiHMmneted.? Congressmen Godwin was asked IIU reply cams quickly and with no heojtatiea: “Mr. Wilson will bo rmuaninatsd ■Joat certaiqly. There will bo Do op position So his succeeding himself. We are going to have s return of prosperity in lbs Sooth before 10KL the same as they are already pros perous In other parts of tbs country. There will bo a landslide for the Democratic ticket from President down in 1»U. The people by that thee will felly realise toe great ser vice Woodroer Wilson has rendered the country in keeping the nation at peace wjule almost the whole world la at war. SUFFRAGE coming “Are you a suffragette, Mr. God win?" “Women suffrage is coming In the Sooth,” was the reply. The aentl ment has been slow of growth hors bscsujw it has not bean widely agi tated- And, too, because we don’t want to give to negro women what wo have taken from negro men. Tbo wuuwn vi in* Muu oo not ears aa «a«eh far tha ballot for tfcc naioi they havo mere conddanca In thoir fair treatment by the man of tha Saath. For we all know the high •noona In which the Southerner boM* “Too," concluding Mr. Godwin, rie Ing from the My leither chair ami •tretching hit My frame ts it* full baiyht, “yoa, l’ve ban home far a Cow day* and Foe talked with many man daring that time. I Lave for Washington tonight. 1 havo found no oaa la thii mate, to fhr, who to oppoeed to tha ship partkam Mil— » meaoure on which mock of our future proparity matt defend. In my opinion. 1 hope it may pot*, a-ul a North Carolina law I would like to too al«o got ea thaetatuta hooka to a Ktato-wldo primary. If you mat It aa applicable to oil oOoca, at tooat U apply la tha It M oWtea. Fm atrongly la fhvar of Sifi'^-Va primary."—Today'* Now* aad Ohaarvor. '* »"T m*e Ha* about aa tha pant «( *h« Mo".:e. *,Vrs ..tooro fr\ Whoa TWa toot practicing law in Sylvia, which m >n Jaekaea county, ha read* poatry. Ha aaya ha rand* right aotart poatry, tea. Bat aa hao aaya, quoting May! “It L na am to grumble aad ram Mata; hi juat aa cheap and eery to rvtoiem Whan (Jed aorta out tha wealhn and •and rain— Why, raint my chetea."—Nawa mad

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