THE DUNN DISPATCH PetHohed Bmt}r Worineo^y tar ApiU 1st, 191*. at tha poet Oflaa at D«an, N. C, under the aet a t March S. 1979 OUB TERMS: One year. 14)0 M* Month a.. .60 Three Months.. 36 L- BU8BER POPE. Publiaher. Dwo. H. C, Febraary IT, ltl*. A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK I think sometimaa that our cam. ■on definition of dissipation is for tea narrow. Wo reefies h to credo .. in Um am of intoxicating Uqaor or the era da gratification of tho paaoinni; bet often them ore on ly the oatward symptoms of s more mAtilo inward diaordar. Tho things «f tho world—o thnooond clamoring got tho batter of on Mon becoj^ dienkon with tha inordinato deoirs tor ovnlnf tUoni Mad disjoint* with ornkMen foe poUtkel office. 1 knew • ••*•. o termer, who debooch od klmself opon load; fed his appe tHe upon the boimineea at hit home, •hooted hie childree of cdacation. and himaeif wont shabby. bookless, ioyleeo, rswifnrthm. that he might hoy mere (and. f call that ditslpa tioa toel—From "Hempfieid.'’ by Do rid Grayson, in tho American Mags ■tea. THR FARM DEMONSTRATOR TW Extension form News. ■ bul Utbi published by tbs Agricultural Extnaaioa Service of tbs State De partment, pieces s high value on the merit accomplished by the farm de mawtrater. It places the worth of the Winter-grewa crops, under the dlrestise of the demonstrators, at HfWH the calculation being that M,7S? acres were cultivated at an average value at 410 an acre. These Winter crops consist of clover and »"hn. rye, vetch, raps and small ****"■ By wuy of a summary of ether result*, the heBetia says that *be present year dsraoastra tare have amda *8*07 personal vlalte »a Individual fsnasrs aad have t*ih«d M 144*44 former* ia meeting, at twdad. They have probably advls ad aad helped as many ssore at which tbaaa Is as record. “Each demon MTMiaa plat wd usages from five to Igg »-nlrl Farmers eftea drira fomh sight te 14 sides to atedy these Plate. Aside foeas this, these were ■rallsd'sheet 14*04 other fanners, m«m of wham were visited, and all wham received agricultural bul aad, pamphlets. In this work A*e la not mash screes put upon lbs method at giving butruelioos or •**!«» by coneepeodenca, but still seveng thousand letters have been written ia reply te requests for In formation by farmers. By all of tbaaa methods combiaed. there baa pesbably beau reached 600*00 far ma>a, meet af them ia a practical »*y ” By some readers sot moch Importance may ba attachad to Hum Bgtwaa, but for one. The Observer haBevaa ia them. It was oaa of the •"* yp»r« ia the State to declare taitk la the form tisanonatmtor aad hia work, aad this faith has been a buadaatly sustained by resulta man ef al pespla in every part of the Wads Tbs impetus given the agri caltaral interests hi North Carolina lbs past tea years through the agen cy sf the form demonstrator has hsaa nothing lean (baa marvelous— Charlotte Observer. MAO WORK Of TWO COUNTUO# United Itetea Band Samyor Win. d»* today pn llu following m »octa of road work In Joluaatan and «M», Jabaataa eaanty, baa lat *40, MB worth at road work to Hanning A Hahtedia of Walnut Cora, N. C. Tbo work wtt ba dona nadrr go*an ■Mat aayanrMoa and tha gorarn aod aagteoara aro bow In tbo Raid ■wiring tha wnairy aarraya and 1 REVOLTING DEMOCRATS Thera were nine democrat* who dfctal me thing* the way llr. WUeon •aw them and the Democratic press to raaetiag them, Prrhrp* this to alright, bet maybe it lent. Th# Democratic platform has never been pledged to a ship sebsidy—It has never favored a merchant marine Becaae* of the e» agent tee of war It ha* bee* brought home to the whole country that we newt a mere Kent ma rine—bet it doenl follow that all mea should believe thia. The nine Democrat* who voted against Wilson in this proposal were voting jest like aD the Democratic pnrty has voted for forty year*. Two years ago had a Democrat voted for a march* t marine or a ship sub sidy—just nine of them, they would have been held op to scorn Jest Ilk* tha nine ara being bald up for voting 10c* the party heretofore has always voted. So we don't see exactly the good taste in roasting these fellow Demo crat*.—Everything. BULBS FOR NORTH CAROLINA CORN CLUB Wet Raleigh. N. C.. Feb. IS, 19X6. 1. AU member* moat be between ten and sighted years of age Janu ary let of the year of membership. Roy* under ten m over eighteen January 1st, 1916, are not aitgflil* for membership in the 1916 contest. 2. Each boy most plant oo* acre of corn in on* piece (iJMO square yards), doing all the work himself, except that small boys may hire their land broken, and have help blllliftff flirt mimiM mwiA kamaattaa This does not mean two thirds of Are-sixths of as acre, but that the boy Bust hare laid off for him an exact acre. It does not mean that the boy aaay go into bin father's field i in the fall, where the com has been cultivated by the negro tabor and se lect the boot cere. It does not mean that tho father nod hired help are to help cultivate the acre. Of course small boys may hare some help in breaking their acres, in hauling out mmnare and In ha vesting the on. The purpose of tho work Is to.hero tho boys lay off on aero, prepare and cultivate it according to instructions It lo oaharasting to And some boys are really doing very little of the srork themselves. When a boy signs bis report ho should remember that under tho rules unless ho bos dona tho work himself bo is doing that boy on injustice who has dons the work himself. *- Each member must hasp a rec o»4 of his time, charging tan cents on hour for himself sod five cants .for Ido bars*. Also heap a rsCusO of tho amount of manure and. far tiliaar used, charging for mansre at tho rats of two dollars for a two horas load, or a too. and ona dollar for s one-horse load. Cottaa-seod must bo charged at market prioa. However, whenever possible the seed should bo exchanger for cotton seed meal, because one ton of cotton seed nasal Is worth two tons at cot ton-seed* in fertilising value. A Dully Record Book will be foreisbed in which to keep his record. 4. Do not use mors than 9104)0 This does not include lime, which soils. •erred. If we And a boy running does not mean yon moot pay rent or that you are not to charge It unloos yor p-y We charge every boy does it we have to work out the expense on his report. These daily record books will be sent you in time for uso during kb# •eosoo, so please koap an accurate record of all the time and of all the fertiliser used during the ipesos of cultivation. This will make it easy for you to make an accurate resort 6. Each member mud read the In •truction. lent him by the Depart ment of Agriculture, and the etree lari (hat go from thb oflkxs. ft b gratifying to find how wail the hoya read the letter* we mail them, ft ia eotn* trouble to writ* the letter* and II mould be vary ta confident* for the boy* not to read thaa*. Thee* letters should bo kept far reference. *■ The boy* are expected to her treat (heir corn by the regulation, and load in a report, even though they make a email yield. The boy* do not aoetn to raad care fully the rule* and regulation* about Ha mealing, Before harreetiog dm* pbaa# road carefully Inetruction h> the "Handbook," and alao in (ho DaHy Retard booh, a largo per seat of (ho report* Karo to bo returned W* want orory boy who join* to re port. It i* not the number of hoya we enroll that eooato, but the aam 1. AD prteao will bo awarded ac cordbg to the boot retard on the fol lowtog boob (see rlrrtalar A-74, yoga »)—brgoot yield M per eent^ larg .«* M» M per cent, boot ear ex Whlt M per coat, bod written his tory M par coat. T. E. BROWNE. COTTON RX PORTS ■KTOND NORMAL Jammry Rerord TWS Haodred 0 spindles wen operated during the “oath. Manufacturing establish manta bald teas cotton January 81 than they did a year ago. bat in in dependant warehouse*, the quaatity on band waa grsatar by 1400406 holes. Kxporta 1 nduded 686,63] bales to the United Kingdom; 217, 088 bales U Italy; 90*13 bales to Germany; 70401 bale* to Trance and 8*7446 balea to aO other countries. Total exports for tbe dx month cod ing January SI were 1400400 boles lass than during that parted lost year Cotton used during January was 408477 hoi as, axdueWa of liatora compared with 617*80 In January last year. Cotton used daring the six months coding January 31 was 24*1,98* balaa against 2,818,826 last year. Cotton on hand January 31 In Man ufacturlng establishments was 1416 3*0 bales against 1,784461 a year ago, and In independent warehouses 4,689,966 bales, against 2439*48 a year ago. Exports were 1478476 balea a gainst 1462,872 last year, and for the six moathe 3,978,329 against 6, 489,762 a year age. Imports were 39*2* bales against 1*424 last year, and for the eix months 139,619 agin it 63421 a year ago. t Cotton sptndlas active numbered 30,666,479. against 31,096,178 a year ago. Linton used 18,188 balea against 23*11 a year ago, and for the six sooths 166,183 bales against 167. 667 last year; on hand in manufac turing establishments 70,144 balaa against 87*17 a year ago, and In In dependent warehouse! 96*30 bales against 49*83 a year ago. Untan exported 83*86 bales and for the six months 67*81 balsa FOB BA LB—Oas Bay Rom, ud • rubbar-tirad tap boggy. Cash or on time. W. R. HOWARD. 2-1-tt-pd. FOB BALK 6 boron engine and wood sow rig. Can bo consorted In to thrashing outfit. W. T. MOND8. 14Mt NOTICE OF SALE By ttrtae of notbority eontsinad in s certain mortgage deed executed by D. A. Holland and wild to Par rish-Godwin Company, roiristarad -in Book 110, page IN, of tee records of Harnett coanty, the aadsrsignod mortgagoo will on Monday, March 22nd. 1416, at 12 o'clock U offer for ; tale at public suction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at tbs Court House Door In LUlingtoa. North Carol loo, tho following dascAod loads, loco tod | la Haraott County, to-wit: Bagfamiag at a stake in the county line in C. B. Osborn's Has, B. M. Johnson’s oorusr, and runs wsst with C. B. Ogburn's llna U0 yards to a yards to a stake. Denial A. Holland’s cornsr; thence west a yards to a •take, Deal el A. Holland's corner; thence South about 127 yards to a stake. Denial A. Helland*s corner; thence East 127 yards to a stake la the branch. Denial A. Holland's cor ner; thence South down aid branch M yards to a stake in tho edge at said branch; thanes Rest 140 vards U a stake, B. M. Johnson and Dw prea's fence Joins; thence with said K. M. Johnson's tins to a staka in the county lino, B. X. Johnson's corner n <J. B. Ogburn's line, the beginning corner, containing 12 1-4 ocroa, mors or Itu. This 18th day of February 1818. PARRISH-GOD WIN CO., CUPFORD A TOWNSEND^Attya MORTGAGE SALE OF YALUA BLK LAND By rlrtaa of aathority contained in o stortgmgs dead sxoeotod by W. H Parrish to A. Johnson on BspUmbrr 27, 1912, sod traasfarrod by tte alud A. D. Johnson to as, said mortgage casd b, raristsrsd la tha Hsgto. t at Hsrnott County ia Book No. lin, P*g* 99. Default haring baaa mads ia tha paymaot of tha nota mwod by ssrss, 1 win. oo Marsh 4th, 1915 aaU to dm highest bidder, for cash, at the court bonus daar ia Llllington, KC-at IS s'olock M, tha foUoorteg daacnhad land to Grow* Township. Horastt county, N. C. Beginning at a stabs in Ooralaad r ssrdsa s tins sad rwas as Ida Has 8 f W. 1&J0 chates to a staka aad pointers o littia batata R Wood's f‘‘• ■is*: thsaos N 92 dams. W. 11J9 chain, to a peat oak. Coots and Cary Loaabor Company's cornar, and runs Costs’ Mas ft. IS iig in W. UJi skates to a staka sndpptat era Mstthsw Williams’ sr nsi. Asnoo as his Has N.Mti. 8. BM •7 dagraaaV to tfeTtebtato^a^ tainteg twsnty thrsa (29) acres mors This Jaaarr 27th, 1918. C. t. NEIGHBORS, _ Owaar of Dsbt, NOTICE OF BALI Uadar aad by rlrtaa ad tha pawar sals esatatood la a curtain mart f&sewm “« •»*ttoa. to tha highest Udder, far sash, ad tha Mart baaaa dear tm UX ‘Agtoa. North Coroltoo tha faOewtor Harnett Csaaty,*Na«te CutStel few 0“!-a*rs*ir£S _ ,, htwto Has 8. T9 1-4 W. M.1 te a aaraar ia tea Sjpj None* or BALK UNDE* MORT \ (aAUJB Uodsr.'mid by virtu of power of -sle contained id a certain mortgag ed deed executed January 30th, 191*, by A. 8. Adams and wife, Luon Ad unit, the mmo being rocordod in Book 10L at page 601. of the Reg •airy of Her note County, I, the un lersigned, mortgagee, will offer for •ale, for sash, is the highest bidder, ut the courthouse door, tat Ullinrtoa. Harnett County, oo Monday March 1st* 1816, at if o’clock noon tha fol lowing dearr 1 bed real aetata, lying and being in the tows of Angler, N. Being let number 4 in Block-, aa la shewn by man and survey made by V. D. Btrenacn, Civil Engineer. and recorded In Bonk-, at page -- of the Registry of Harnett 0 o u ea t y, said survey end map bewtg mode on the -day of -1 1911. Beginning at a stake on East Broad street. West corner of let number Band runs nearly East 117. 60 feet fee a stake; thence nearly 8ooth 6f feet to a stake; thence near ly West 111 AO feet to aataka on East Broad street; thence aa the line »» East-Broad street, nearly North 61. 60 feat to tha beginning station. ■ Place af Sale—court bouse door. Lmingtarn N. a Data at sale—Monday, March 1st, It IB. Ttama at Sals—IS o’clock noon. Term* at mis—Cash. This Itthdajr of January 1916. JOSEPH P. SATTERFIELD, lfortciiN. FRANELU* T, DUPREE, Attv. NOTld oF BALE UNDER NOR QAQE Undee and by virtue of power of ■ala ncotalaad fat a certain chattel mortcaM daly executed by S. W. William}, oa tha tlto, day of May. 1914, to me, the uodereigried mort ffOfea, the eema bain* recorded la Book 8, at pe*e 622, of the Bo*i*try of Baroftt County, I win offer for oaJo. for cash, to tho highrtt buMer. at S. W. -William*’ I iimtrxr plant in tha town af Angirr, N. C„ on the 23 day off February, 191b, at 13 o'clock ncoa, tha fallowing dooriihid per power Schofield boiler. % Oao Nr, B. 38 10 X 14 cyi. Schof teU aofhm, toted forty hone P. Oao Fa* * E*an cAner. eite 8 X 14, boartaf a amber 129. Oaa 3~X >9 Newman planer. Oaa matie knife *nnd«r. Oaa Buffalo Fan. atxa 30 lncbea. erlth all blow pips attached. . Qoa aaadard 84-inch taw mill It 3 Starlia* etaory stand. ^Ona^ta n xaw. with bench and man Oaa N ttenal dry kiln eymtatn. ha* tn* shoe 1400 feat af pinto*. An th bttu, line abSSTpullaye, «U aaaAjwriohaa. etoaa. files, haa ■sqyinjr with dunary, to ahada. bo. stahlaa and 8. W. Wil ed and he ir, and any right* and >11 owing <V ' land upon in* at J. A. own of An par, to the rirht-of-way of the Dur Soni an Southern RV| Company, Md pn i t banns South about two fete to nether af J. A. William*' Itoaa; OUaoo with aaid lino about **• ■"■Bred fast wet; thanca North W» >«»Mh about two hundred and fifty fate to Norman Nor dan* line; thanca late with aaid Nordan’t Uaa hundred and teeaaty feet to J. A. WUhama' Una; thanca South fifty fote to.another of J. A. William*' Jteaa: thence Eaat with aaid. lua *3wt thirty foot to tha beginning For * faU daacripttoa of tha afore teidp«Mnal property mo record* * *?"«*»«•■ in Book 3, ir«*iT of Hto Place of tele—8. W. Williama’ luabor plant, to An*tor, N. C Ttm* •* tela—23rd day of Febru ary. 1*14, at It o'clock dooo. Ttoto ai tela noth. lfith day af January, 1918. P. L. GARDNER. FRANKLIN T. DUPREE,*AttyT***' MORTGAGE SALE OP VALUABLE LAND By vtrta* at authority contained to ia«pti dead made ta Parriah Oodwin Company by C . L. Sorrell and duly recorded Registry Harnett 2** N* “®. PM« «1, de fault Oaring made In the payment af the note Mured by anma. the endar •tonad rfflnB at ■'ubllc auction for eaah to thy trighaac bidder before the oourtha—r dear la LUHagtan. N. C.. •t 12:00 M. oa Monday Ma^ch 1 £ 101* the following described proper ty, tawSt NpMhg at a ataka aad pointara in a bottom John A. Runic' eomar. and reaa aa hle Una g. OSM E. ejioaa tog the fonithflald Road, M chains aad 80 Bnfca to stake in John RyaTa ramart thaaaa a» hia Una 8. SO W TTofisia and 18 Hake to a stake sad pointer* Me earner and EUca Ryal'a Rna; thaaaa aa her tiae le-eroaaiag the n|d read M 00 W 48 ehakukad SO Uaha ta a ataka Hickory and Pine Pointer* Seder a hfU in her eomar ta tha Mae ad Inara Tariiartaa: thaaaa aa her Una U7 88 B. 12 dkaiaa •ad 00 todka to a stake aad pointers her comer; thane* as her ta* N. 40 W. • chaise and to tlnka ta Pinkk earner i thaaaa aa Wo Hna and pact Mo ana H. 10 E. 21 chain* to a ataka aad pahrtare; thane* N. 14 E. it akaku and 20 Uaha ta a stake and paiatrre R. BetiaU'c earner; than** aa M* Naa E 00 E. 18 chaina aad 00 fob ta a ataka la Emda* eomar; Term* ad aw •■■•( Tima March lat 10U •« 18,-88 M. at tha eoert K. & _ ry 1HL • PARRjiH-OODM K 00, . TMa 1a| day af Pahmary itiA M P. MORRIS, •» «aA Traao, tm ad Angiar. d' . I • NOTICE OR SALK UNDER MORT GAGE QR VALUABLE LANDS UecUr and by virtue of power of •ale contained in a certain mortgage desu, duly executed to ms, Lite under signed mortgagee, by 9. W. WiUiama and wife, the lbth da- of Jana iOlt,’ the tame being recorded in Hook log I at page 161, of the Registry of Har- t nett county; said mortgage deed te cs ring certain promissory notes therein named, and default having been mado in tho payment of the tame, i, tho undertiguod mortgagee, will offer for (ale to the highest bid der for cash, at u« court house door m Lillington, N. C., or Monday. March lit, 191o, at iwelvs o'clock ixxnx. the following described teul estate, lying and being In Black Riv er Township, Harnett f-ourty, in and near the town of Angier: FIRST TRACT: Containing f,f:y acres of land, lying about one hall mile West of Angler, and being the uni land aUoted S. W. Williams In tha division of hit father's estate in a special proceeding of the Scpei-ioi Court of Harnett Coonlv entitled Lon. H. WiUiama, et ala. va Rood WiUiama, et ala. More fully describ ed by the map and survey of Geo. E. Prince, surveyor, filed in said siieciai proceedings, the same being record ed in boog—-. at page- of the Registry of Harnett County, and bounded as foUows: Beginning at a point on long Branch, running thence South 11 degrees and 80 min utes West, 49.50 chains to a stake; thence South 68 degrees and 30 min utes East 8 chair.I to a stake: thence South 86 degrees and 80 min utes East and 76 chains to a stake; thence North 1 degree and 80 min ute! East 46 chain* to a stake nr, Long Branch; thence up the course of said branch about 61 degrocs West 11.90 chains to the beginning station, and it known as lot number four in the division of J. C. Williams' lands referred to in said special pro ceedings. SECOND TRACT: Lying and be ing in the town of Angier, adjoining the land* of J. C. Williams, Lee and Pet Cot**. J. B. Duorcc. J. A. Hook aday, R. D. Overby, J. W. Denning and others, bounded as follows: Be ginning st a stale* in an old mul berry orchard, and runs thenco Booth 8616 degrees East 6.60 chain* to a stake in the pond; thence South 12% degrees East 0 chain* ts * slake; thence South l» decrees Kant 4 chains to a stake; thence South 2V degrees 2.26 chains to a stake; thence South 18% degrees West 3.01 chain:, to a stake; thence Sooth 22% de grees East 76 feet to a Hake. J. T. Ellington’s cornsr; thence North 85% degrees West about 171 fast to a staka, another of J. T Ellington’* corners: thence South « degree* West 125 foot to astak" in the North aide of Mclver street; thence with the line of Mclvar street North 86% degrees West 160 feet In a stake. J W. Denning’s corner in the line »f Mclver street; thence North shout 16 degrees West U5 foot to e stake the North cornsr of the Daisy Proc tor lot: thence North 85% decrees West along the South Une of Church street 60 fset to a stake, Dorsey Adams’ corner; thence North S de trees East 60 feet to a stake in the North aide of Churui street- thence !Sf%‘?¥1^SS^=‘r2,'Vs: staka: thence North 6 negroes East 125 feet to a stoke; thence North shoot 16 degrees West 135 and a half fact to a staka In the South Une of LOUngton street, R. D. Over by’s corner; thence with the line of Lillington street North 85% de grees West 66 fset to a stoke; thence along the renr line of J. A. Hockr dsy, Nat Honeyeott. James McGee and others. North 6 degree* Eect 683 feet to a stake, Pet and Lee Cull'ii corner; Uuu*cc North So'A de crees Weal 10 toot- tnouco North b utgreos Lui lib tevi 10 the beglnn u«g, cotituiiur.g twelve acres ol tiixi more w Ivu, bem*r the mint parcel u. iunu o))oUiu U» J. C. Vv'il* mi the division of hla father’s estate in »*tu special prcHX>OG*u{« a bu>e ttawawi wo uad aisu the samo lajui soul, 5. v/. \i llUatu by J. C. vtidaua* oy ursHi UA.U.C May li'ch, ‘*•'1, tne unw using recorded in ir*e RcgiMr/ or iie.:»cu. County ill rioo* -. *t page-—, reC«j-em*e l>e iiuc End tu««t to lor * luia»er ties* elation. itlihl) A'ILaCA.’; It being lot r.iiuMH’i* ol in ti.o niup and survey of t-vo. h. Prince, afuivsuio, alio led to 5. n. wliluini, in Un division of ium tullier's **Late, bouj.ued on the weui by l>uiiu Ntroet, on the North &y J- 1». ikaluKrw'a lot, no the East oy che hmu* ul i*crrm A* it, ar.d ou the atom by tne mini* o. U A*. WR. Hums, conU:i.unf 016b abjure feet .oi laud, hui a funner description ul* *aul lot, inference is had tn the ‘•►up anil survey U G. II Pv.nce filed iu sum special pioccoumgi and .t entiled in u*« Rcg.suy ul iiarnctl County ■« aforesaid. hot-RTlt i rCAl f: It being lot numbri ti m the ma" and survov of Geo. E. Prince,, allotted S. A. iVitlikuU :n t bt^tivisinn of his lather's o.stuLe, in uic aforcMaid i»eiicl wriKYCtimgs, h.m hounded A» Ioliows; On thti Ease by Dunn street, on the South bv the J. C. Williams lut, oil Hie Wes* by B. F. William*’ lot and on the North by S. P. Williams* lot *ai;I lot number 6 containin'.: 15,000 «M|uarc feet of land, more or lean, For s further ueeciiption of saio lot, reference ii had to the r.inp and survey of Geo. £• I ruice Itled in said special pro* i*eedinga and rari.nkd in the Regis try of Rained County as aforesaid FIF11I TRACT: It l.c.u; loL num her 27 in ihe map and survey ot Goo. E- Pinnce, aforesaid,^ to S. W. Williams in the division of hi* fnthei's eatalu, bounded on ths Wast by Raleigh street, on the South by Len. H. Willinnih' lot, on the F-asl by the lands of Mrv. Joseph gill, and on the North bv the lan.ii of J. P. Parrish, containing 7760 ujuarv feet of land, mort or less For a further Hencriptiur of said lot reference is hn«! to map and survey of Geo. K tiled »n said above specio! proceeding*, recorded in the Registry of Harnett (bounty. SIXTII TRAC T: It being lot number 21 as indicated l>y map survey of Ge* I. Prince, aforesaid, allotted to S. W. WUiiama In the di vision of his father’s estate, in the ufoiesald special -roccodings, and bounded as fellows: Oa the West side by Raleigh street, on tho South by lends of U. P. Williams, on the hast by lauds of S. B. Wiliyun* and on the North by lend* of Len. it. Viuliama, end coulains 7760 square feet, more or leas. For a further i description el said lot, reference is I had Vo the map end survey of Geo. E- Prince filed in said special pro | tending* end recorded In the Regie try of Harnett County si aforesaid. bfc.VF.NTH TRACT; It being lot number 17 in the map and survey of Geo. E. Prince, aforesaid, allotted to &* W. Williams in the division of hie father's estate, bounded on the North by Depot street, on the West :y Raleigh street, on the Sooth by the lands ot J. C. WUiiama and on the Hast by tho landa of Durham and Southern Railway Company, »n.l contains 8360 square feet of land, more or lees. For a further des cription ot said lot, reference la bad to tho map and survey of Geo. E. Prince filed In said special proceed ings and recorded in the Registry of Harnett County. EIGHTH TRACT It being lot number 30 in map and survey of G»«. K. I’rinca, afore sad. allotted to S. W. William* m tbo division of hts fulbc-'s estate, in the aforesaid special proceeding!, bounded aa fol luws: On the East by R^sirfc atreet on the North by the lands of ]. C. Williams, on the West by the landa of R. W. WUiiama and on tha South by the Landa of C. T. Williams, and contains 30,000 square feet of laud, more or leas. For a furthsr doacrip Hon of aaid lot, oea map and survey of C. E. Prince filed in said special proceedings and recordad la the Reg istry of Harnett County aa aforesaid. For a full description of the above 1‘itv. tracts or pareola of land refer •noe la had to the deacription of the tame aa set out and described in the mortgage dead above mentioned in the premesks of this notice, tho same being recorded In the Re«1itry of Harnett County, m Book 10V, at pago Place of sale—Court House Door, Lillington, N, C . Tlmo of sale—Monday March 1st. 1917*. at 12 o’clock noon. Terms of tale— cash. This 18th day of January, ISIS. P. U GARDNER. Mortgagee. FRANKUN T .DUPREE, Atty. BUY YOUR INSURANCE Through Dunn Insurance & Realty Company. We write in the strongest, most conser vative and reliable companies in the world, r ire, Life, Auto, Accicfent, Plate Glass, Casualty, Bonds. Real Estate Loans a Specialty B.O. Townsend,Sec. andTreas. ■’ 1,1 1 . >111 —^mMMMBBW Special Announcement. ■■■■HBnaHBnnuaMHBnHaaMMaB We take pleasure in announcing to our many patrons, and in the trading public generally, throughout Eastern North Carolina, that we ars nowgiving awae ABSOLUTELY FJtKK, U> every purchaser of one dollar* worth of any kind of merchandise in eihtcr of our departments for cash, .. ', One $300.00 High Grade Piano One 10-piece Dinner Set 8 Gold Coins, value $2.50 each FOR EVERY CASH PURCHASE OF ONE DOLLAR THE BUYER WILL OET AKKY WITHOUT COS T. THE FIRST KEY OPENING THE f-OCK WILL ENTITLE THE HOLDER TO THE IIANDSOHK &l 00.00 PIANO ABSOLUTELY FREE. 4 THE SECOND KEY OPENING THE rOCK WILL ENTITLE THE HOLDER TO THE BEAUTIFUL 100 PIDCE DINNER SET AB80 1.CTELY FREE. TIIE NEXT BIGHT KEYS OPTNI NG THE LOCK WILL ENTITLE THE HOLDERS TO A TWO AND A HALF DOLLAR GOLD PIECE EACH. I Barnes & Holliday Co. , Dunn, - - North Carolina

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