LOCAL A. C. U PASSKNUEU 1KAIN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 88. liJ3 A. M. No. 16. 3:48 P. M. No. 81 11:12 P. M. Northbound. No. M. 12:62 P. M. No. It. 11:42 P. M. No. 84 . 6.23 A. M. Mr. Peter Parker left this morning for Wilmington. Mr. E. F. Young wn» In SmithflelJ Monday on logoi buainesa. Mr. K. T. Suriev, prominent buti nna nun of Henson, was in town Monday. Mra. W. T. Overman ha* returned from a visit to her parents at Salis bury, N. C. Prof J. u, Etudl Irfl this morning to spend a shon im* at Halciga up on business. Mr. John B. lialehcr returned Monday morning from a visit to W i ns ton -Salem. Mr. Henry Ilrrrlng, cashier of the State Bank A Trust Co., returned Monday morning from a trip to Spartanburg, S. C. Mra. Ado Wcet was carried to Highunith Hospital at Fayetteville Monday to be treated for an oilmen; which lias kept her in very ill health for several woeks. The big eale at (loldetcln’s is draw ing to a close. Only a few more days now before this event close*. The price# are way down ar.d many bargains are going daily. His many fnendi will lie glad to l~.cn Ikfil Vc T r Is con. idly convalescing from and illness which ha* kept him in doors for the greater part of the lout two week*. Mr. J. G. Baird, of Charlotte. Grand Chancellor of fcnighu of I'yth Las of North Carolina, will prea< “» here in the near future. A defin.Vi dal* will be snnouuccd in these col umns later. The Ladle*' Missionary Society of the Methodist church at Benson, will rivs an 0)-atsr supper In the vseetil building, next to Royal's 11 art warn Store next Friday, the 19th. Home made candy will also be sold. The firoceeds will go towards paying off indebtedness of the church. It is good news to her many friends in this city that Miss Gladys Young is rapidly convalocnng in ■ Richmond hokpitai after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. It is expected that aha will be able to re turn home within the next week. Note the change in the ad of Mr. Preston Woodall, of Benson, on the last page of this edition His sale closes Saturday and If you want to •hare In the bargains you hart only three more days to visit his store. Hie customers hare been liberal with their patronage and have mads the big event a success. Mr. J. W. Whitehead, agent for the Atlantic Coast Lina here, left Monday for Orlando, Florida, where he entered the McEwon Hospital to be treated for rheumatism. His many friends and business associates her* hope the trip will prove bene ficial and that he will return homo much improved in health. Daring his absence he is being relieved! by Mr. N. H. Bidden.. "Trey O' Hearts" was omitted last week and this week also from this paper that the Installment* may not get too far in advance of tha illxe trations Which age presented each weak at the Bijou Theatre. On se count of tha destruction (d the thea tre by firs several wi i,s ago they were necessarily delayed and scxrtsd again last Tuesday night with the first presentation. It will appear every Tuesday night from now or at the Bijou end after this weak will! appear regularly in the Dispatch. j Your attention is called to en ad in this issuo announcing the Bouxtsr Club Fsstlvst to Lx? held in Benaon next Monday, Tuesday and WediMt day by the KadcIHfe Lyceum Bureau, of Washington, D. C. The entertain ment will consist of music, lectures and concerts and will be hold tn the school auditorium, two performance* daily, afternoon and evening. The admission will be 85 and 60 cents for adult* and 16 and 26 cants for children. Season ticket* may be had for 81M, which entitles the holder to e*»ry performance. The enter tainment la of a high order and thoold be liberally patronised. Though the annual town election le several weeks off, local politicians are losing no time in lining up for what is expected to be one of the warmest campaigns of recent years. Already several candidates are look in longingly at the mayoral plan, and eemmieeiansrs without number are bobing up la every ward. Soma ora claiming that the preset admin istration is not so progressive aa I* desired and express the opinion that few ef thoee new holding office trill he returned for another year. The Million Dollar Mystery is the next serial to begin at the Bijou Theatre and its Arat installment will appear Friday sight No serial pic , tura of want months has attracted so Widespread a sanaation aa this pawurful movie drem.i whfee plot is so thrilling that attention is com pelled from beginning to and. It is to cover 23 weeks and K la certain that Dana followers of the movie heroes and heroines will And these week* the most Interesting since the moving picture theatre became one of Dunn’s hmtituthais. rMis. L. U. lot has rstainod from short visit to hsr parents at Green* boro. Mr. and Mr*. Milton Smith, of Bon non. spent Suni'ayln town with rela • tiros. | Mrs. Carrie Lone attended a the atrical attraction at Fayetteville Monday night. | Misses Maud* Phillips, Gladys hihI l'chil Jemlgan spent today with I frtertiis at Benson. Mr. Robert E. Lee. of Frlcon. wan licr« Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. G. fi. Cnshwwll. Attorneys Charles Lee Guy aod . a .• Franklin Wilson attended court at Clinton Friday. Capt J. L. Hines left yesterday for Kowlsnd, where he is to spenu several days with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weeks, of Goliisliom, spent several days here last woek with 14-. Week's sistai, Mrs. W Troy Honda. Mr. Alley Pope i» here from Ashe villo to visit his fathot. Mr. C. Frank Pops, and will spend several days m the city before returning to the M uvula in City where he holds a good position In a bank of that city. Miss Kathoine Allen left Sunday for hoc home at Groontboro aftar spending several days here with her •outer, lire. Robot L. Warren, tier departue for Urceneboro wue ecca nor.ed by her mother's Illness in that city. A committee appointed by '.ho chamber of commerce is in session this afternoon to decide upon m.ino plan which will convince the pro on General Aucmbly that It will be serving the best interests of thu |in> pie by allowing Jarvis cuuiiiy to be formed. I Tbs boms of John William** wu 1 rorr.pletsly dsetoyed by Arc this morning just before noon It was a handsome little cottage situated near the Durham and Southci.i station, und was built just a short time ego. Mr. Williams has suffered two other, such fires in very recent years. Rev. Raylus Cede will preach at the Baptist church here next Sunday! .,turning and evening. Those wtn heard him during the month of Jan uary will be glad of anothor oppor tunity to hear this excellent man and scholar and the announcement! assures him a large congregation. Last Turaday afternoon fire origi nating from a defective stove flue threatened to consume the home of Preston Jackson, situated near tbs Nssrberry factory. Prompt work toy dlUena kept the Are under control, hoerovor, until the arrival of tho fire laddies, and Uttle damage resulted. The Dispatch is requested to an nounce that Circle No. 1 of tho Mis sionary Socioty of the Methodist church will servo cream, chicken sal ad. home made candy and rake, the eaiuiy consisting of mint, chocolate I fudge, taffy, etc., next Friday and Saturday in the vacant room in the building nest door to Drs. Sexton and Highamith's offices. Mr. E. B. Culbretb and a score of his Sampson neighbors were in town this morning on the erny to Raleigh to petition the General Assembly not to repeal the stock law now in sfTerl In Sampson county. This action it being taken because a large delega tion is being sent by mother faction of that county to Raleigh m an effort to have the law ropes led. The Chatterbox Club met Thurs day evening with Miss Rachael Clifford with every member present That was the first formal meeting of the organisation since Ita forms uon two weeks ago and It proved to be a most enjoyable affair indeed. Several rtolightfut games were play ed, rnfrshments were served sad in other ways the young women were entertained most pleasantly. ]n Dunn there is en agetl gentle man ami hit il/e's partner suifenn; from actuai want. The wife, weak ened by age end wnnt, lies very sick In the little home upon whoeo back uJurnUp the wolf of poverty contin ually howls; tbs k us bend, too old end wtak to cam a living, present! to our mind, one of the moat pat).ctic figures in the community; bsrne down by misfortune end oowsred by fate, he tries to present to the out side world e solid front and a brnre countenance. But circumstances are too strong for him; food and fuel cost money; ha hasn't the money, tho wife Is suffering, the home u cheerless. What are you going to do aboutit? The Dispatch win be glad to point the way to this home for those who desire to help; the idle curious will pteaee moke no inquir ies. LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOL Honor roll for month ondbig Fri day, February It, 1*15. First Grade,—Parris Ammons, Da vid Pope, Ransoms Pope. Second Grade,- Edith Pope. Advance Second Gr*dli« only very i*r»ni>; injury is a fractal ed wri«: am! that is healing very nicely. •tips W MUIEN ENTERTAINS Thv home ut Mr. ,;mt Mr*. W. cHako Wat ran ».*« '.he srene of ono of the mow', enjoyable social func t;ur.e uf ;hni 'ocnlity lust Saturday veei'nig wren thrir rhonning da ugh t or. Mis* Mamia. entertained n large numW o'" J:o>- friend* with a talon tine parly. Sn.ru! very ii.tereei iiiir i-antes wort fJaynri, a’•ung thoi.i lie.iig one 'll vrlrcii ouch innle gucal war give.; .'. c*T-.n of tib'had tvhirh vvutiiid Its vr, !'.* • iiM:;h rn inirimt? "srr Jar vr"u\ tbs end of cor*' ll.rrad trr.l ■•! j ••••SC*1 0 l'rr.-i coi"slai.v: >l;e (.tort Ju-iune tlrs'dc: tVs. n'h*:' C'~-'• BJEjcitlve Of 3'-. Vsb'.l T- wire cn.'oycd; dll' thru tofie Jii.'i .'.‘.a rr.t etintd. Among I'.ci- jnejs--.t ‘.a cn;ey tl*< hosoMnlity cf thie Sn* old cozntr; hooie were: Miits* G’mly. and Mryrnr iVarr. Hosit Ciu»n;iler, Adrian*'. Walke Wa-'en. FY'line Godwin, KA\l\ cfliii Alim aoi1. GfiMn'ii'** Warru'v \thc Uo trvi honor cui-Ctl). Dr. ari Mr* Wipcii. Metfr?. Anwn J:i*Uo'H T r . T\i'-ling*<.ii, Austin I lorries. Godaiit, Oliver liod win Dr. BUalor, B. Mo:£n-. W. W r.v.w THE 7.1'S AM MEM fl-IIB Misses M< lly Movrlrv I’rarei-ll sih.' Margaret McQuueu dcdigMfully en .1 I ll f Zunamm-su club St the Isltcr'n home last Thursday evening Before assembling for thii meoting the meaobet s enjoyed en organ re C trl st tho Presbyteri»n church. Inc club had as its guests on this oc casion Mrs. J. B Martin, Mra. J. C Clifford. Mitt Annie McCallum and V.vt. J. L. Ilatchcr. I here vim four tails* of rook. At the conclusion of the game Hits P.ialinr Hassell, holding tho highest sen e, icreivcd the pnxe. a beautiful htt of cncrerpondcnce cards. The hesteKses then :er.ed a delicious sal aJ course followed by coffee end mutts. This was an unusually wuic awake meeting and the girls laughed sr.d talked with high spirits as the gntno and evening progressed. The me-.nl.erc present were: Mies es tiikierslceve, Cheery, Hassell, Me Crllum, Wililarnii, Kate Smith, Viola McNeill. Ivu Pcaraon, Emms Young. Meta Harper, Carrie WQaon. Mary Freeman and Kale Jones. 1 HilKlvUAV A FTF.HNOON BOOK CLUB Tho Thur-dr.-y Afxriioot. Look Clul met. wiih Mil. J: W. Whitehead, or the elcvcntb. After a half horn- giv en to bu,lines* the following pro gism.no was londered: “Gothic Art ai d Cached.-ala,'* a paper by Mrs. 1 F. Hicks; "A Sketch of tho Ufa of M. Hall,” by Mra CW. Htgh J-.rlth. This was especially interest i.ig us Mi Hall was the author and iiublishsr of the Bayvlevr Kysiem which this duu has been studying for thiee yea a. Mrs. J. L. Wad. played a scl::!iiit from "Troumerei" iiy Schuma.rn. Tiio “Origin of th* Haro," a jefr; ruu by Mrs. F. 8. Coops-. After : rfrosamenti In two bcolu Cic lU'b id jot road. Then, praaent tv-mo i-‘rn. P. 8. Cooper, Kn J W. Wh'.tcbesd, Mrs. Chas n-"h smith. Mis. J. C. Cliffoid, Mrs. I L. Godwin, Mia. I. T. Hirtn. Mrs. C J. W. Kits go raid, Mi-a E. Coil,tab Mra. J. U Wode, M'«. G M. T.ly). man, and Mia. II. (>. Mattox, BOX PARTY Tbara will be a bo* party a£ Hain view Rrhonl Friday night Pcbrtiary 19. Everybody la cordially invited. t» roma. Thuynung moo will bring a pocket full at money and tha ladle* a box. The society will glva a play. Tha proceed* will go to the batter mant of the arhnal. CLYDE BRYAN, Principal Tara Godwin, Assistant. BENSON WINS FROM BUIES CREEK Tha Ranaon High School hwaVet hall loam scored its aocnml eenaaru Ova victory of lhe aaaton aver the Ruiea Creek Academy free hy forfait 2 to 0. After six mlnutea of play in the second half Raftrea G reant ha] of the Baltimore City Collage fnend it nocaaaary to forfait tha game to tha Ranaon team oxring to tha rofaa al of the Bulaa C-aak Irm to eoa I Untie to play after a foul had boon called oa team. Up eatil (hat Ume 3 DAYS 3 - OF - High Gass Entertainment By • Radcliffe Lyceum Bureau of Washington, D. C. Music Lectures Concerts. i The School Auditorium Benson, N. C. Feb’y 22-23-24,’15 Admission 35-50c. 40O1 teams had pot BRr* fast aad furious rust, aad halt, kept tha large crowd present In tonahis excitement Hannon now holds tha Championship at John Atop aikd and kata sola rad Stats scholastic yst to tasta 3); E. Jemigan (6); Campbell (2); Harrell (81. Fools—C. Jemigan (S); Camphrll (4). Referee, Green hill, Baltimore City College. Honor Rail ef Dana Graded Sc heel, far Six Weeks. EaJhg Fak ruary I, MU. FIRST GRADE: Rackaa! AyeoekJ 'ara Purdie, Thelma West, Roselle Dowd, Homer Sneed, David Jackson, , IVIton Strickland, Ashley Norris. SECOND GRADE: Harry Now harry, Frances Cullocn, Mora Ether idge. Mary Lee, Annie Boll Noel. Magdalcr.c Smith, MoUM Adams, -riturv'ie Monde, Margaret Pops, Spenror Adams. Sam Dowd, Allis Maynard, Clarence Tart. THIRD CRADE: Kathleen Hol land, Bruce Cromertte, lasnoa Rear don. FOURTH GRADE: Lucille Ay cock. Emily Grantham, Entrance Hoi '.Kiay. Mattie I ay ton. Ulhan Surlrs, FHuhrlh Vr..., FIFTH GRADE: Lurile Wallace. Irlia Howard Reams, Hatai Bridget, iocI I ay loo. SIXTH GRADE: Lila Godwin, Vnn'o U Honeycot, Jaarie Holliday, nhick Lynch, Trygaa laraen. 3HVENTH GRADE: Ladle Price, Howard, Jtmet Adley, Beene Popo. F.-GIITn GRADE: Katturly< iYi’lnce, Iran Bailey. NINTH GRADE; Mabel Lynch. TENTH GRADE: Rachael Clif ford, Helen Hood. ELEVENTH OtADE: Ella Black! THE CONTROL OP HOG CHOLERA Raleigh, Feb. If, 191&—Sine* Jo hr. 1014, Dr. P. D. Owes, Plaid Agont of the Bureau of Antae], Indaotry, working la ea-40*ratl*a tHtk the State Department of Agriculture, hat conducted com prebend re nua paigna In * Beaufort, Pdgoeombe and Nash Count!**/ This h the begin d»g of the effort to control hog* chol Ika. Eighty-one addreatee has* •Ado and arena of thaaa were illustrated with the atereoptlron Uj> »*m. About 8JU8 . people here at tended these meeting*, beside* those Who wore at the tenim demonatrn tkms. Twonty-aeaan damnsatrationa. srith I 102 hogs, have kata held and of tkia i n um bar only three heft hart died • : *&-**• •*• — ——— —— Your BANKABLE Funds Are safe when in our care. * , ^7^** government supervision and directed by the best business men of this locality, our bank offers un surpassed facilities for safety andf convenience in bank ing. ’ cauli". n?’• y.°Vn*e»* b»nk* »re deing . business which v?“e Snf eienrffna to customers the utmost in food ser so better “!I°WS‘ Y°U COuld d° State Bank & Trust Co., Dunn and Angier, N. C ^m——gggaasBggsa—■—b—i—— r - N L | , In ■•VOT\ •"* °*t ■inin.rtiriagli nod tana y jcrusi ^ «r ^}ow- P»Mcj haa won maayfnaadi tar oar ind Wfc° k*V* B«T«r4on* buainoaa with aa oobm arooad ^ • • The Bank of Cape Fear, G. M. Tilghman, President T. V. Smith, Ceehier Dunn> North Carolina * • • | j. ^ -m. ■ ’ "T*» DR. W. L. PEEBLES 68 7*ar» aid with 88 year* apwi “t* tntlinc Horae*, Mule* or aoy •ther aoiaaal*. Phone 1S8L, day or ni8ht, all >o«r patron*** anil l>* Ap preciated. froiA Cholera. Two of lbe three bog* bad high temperatures at the time of t-aatmeat. A very valuable but costly lesson wen learned by one man who had a her- of twenty-four bogs He rum belo-iging to the county was admin istered to eleven of those hogs, two of which were treated with serum alo:i« and three were given the shoal tenons treatment died. .The co-op rater was advised to treat the re mainder of Us heed and to hoop the tMoied ones separate from the an treated. He loot seventeen out ef the twchty-fomr when he failed to do this. Each county la the State wQ] he visited In this campaign and the verk will be carried right tato the heart of the rural districts and school •round whore the f>nam» derail. JOHNSON IS RKENTENCBD Payettavflec, Feb. 11 —James H. Johnson, a wealthy farmer of Cum berland county and n fanner mem ber of the Legislature, who tare •• U* ego wao fooad gallty in the roeordr*e coort ef violating the pro hibition law in soiling loos than tws gallons of wine end allowing ths some to ho opened on ble place, or *hom Recorder Cosh Oeok continued judgement at the time, woe today ess Uncod to three months on the conn ty roods on each of the teraeaanU by Recorder Cook. Be appealed u the Superior Court mad gave bend Johnson is' now under so spans lot of sentence and $840 bond happen lart yon by Judge Rountree far Ih * . . o p. 4. .......Ml.IIIIIIIIM j A BANK OF STRENGTH | The First National solid feuadatloa from point of view. |fs its amounting t« naarly _ thousand dollars, and its of Tbrao baadrad and dollars am ample far of sJl deposits; its ___ prudent and mmfal, aad It Is tbs supervision of tbs Uaftad Oo^orassmit, being aabjaet ** ' ! tor o» r tbe I; ; of tbe af tbe * ♦+ Wu cordially invito tlpcraans wba , **f*ty far their money to mafia thia bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK ! DUNN, ... N.C Professional Cards 1 f I' 0. CUM, N. A. Tinmi, CUrrOID A TOWNSEND ATTOKNKY8-AT-LAW OfSo* on tn4 Aon of FI rot National ■nak. Prompt attention *i**n U all knateoao. FRANKLIN T. DUPREE. ATTORNEY- AT- LAW ANOIEB, N, C Offteo la Orofory Bid*. i • - I T. B. DARDEN i Yotovtaary Tkyal—n. Aarfon and f &wnK'.: ***** aa4 HatwCay. Oao4 warti far ^'T M»«Iatr7*W. a] OAr!. QUB. PKot*traM*-r. Eaat Btm* Sis**. *>« .»., K. 0. Uadalnak UCUn Ecx*un)e« la tha rwiliRn at Daaa, Waak Da« ta« Fafcraary tt, HU 1. Halt, M. 0T~ L Jaraifaa, R. H. 4. MaMITlaa. AaR 4. RaMaaoa. R- R. 4. RRaya, DaaU