THE i YOL. 1 - • • i. . '" JARVIB COUNTY PIGHT l-AL’NCHBH Nu* Meeting of CiUscms Today Ka thueiaetic and Determined—Large Delegations Will go to Relcigk Jarvia County hoe parsed through iU embryonic stager. Twu yt in ago an unsuccessful fight was made be '•>n- tho Goners! Assembly of North Carolina for IU formation f -om the eoontiec of Sampson, Cumberland, Johnston and Harnett counties. But failure did not destroy tho determina tion and. desire of iu adherents aid supporters, and tndry tt 2:30 o'clock a matt meeting of ■ large number nf citisens living in the proposed coun ty was held at lha Metropolitan The atre in Dunn. It was decided to renew the fight with oil the vigor possible. Judge C. J. Smith announc ed the purpose of the meeting end e permanent organisation was effected with Judge C. J. Smith ee presiding officer and J. P. Pittman aa secretary Several short suggestive talks wore made by representative citisens, n mong them, P. S. Cooper, J. L Wedc and Geo. L. Cannady An organised lobby was appointed and monoy reieed to carry the fight to the Leg. ilia rare. The following town chip commit tees were appointed, of which Mayor Gee. K. Grantham was made the leading spirit. The Averusboro com mittee is composed of the following gentlemen: G. K. Grantham. A. K. , Surlee, J. W. Tumage, and O. M Tllwkman. drove,—N. T. Patterson, W. H. Turlington and W. H. Parrlah. Banner,—A. L Barefoot, C. T Johnson and Charles Johnson. Maado*,- Primrose Johnson, W. J I Morgan, Mordecai Ice and J. W Weeks. Nearton Grove,—J. B. Williams and L. Williams. Mingo,—H. L. R. Draugbon, W. S. Strickland, L L. Jackson. Westbrook,—Lovett Warren, R. R West and A. W. Daughtry. Black River,—Charlie Spell, J. A. I Culbretb and Isaac Strickland. Duke,—T. L. West, E. R. Thomas and E. W. Smith. The duties of these members are to solicit members for the Jarvis Caeatg CSub aad |a begat Up nss county on any and every occasion, hero, there and everywhere. An Advance Committee composed of J. C. Clifford, P. S. Cooper. O. P. Shell, A. P. Barlea, C. C. MeLellan, J. L Wade, V. L. Stephens, J. H. Pope and C. J. Smith was appointed to go to Raleigh on Friday, February 26, to got matters in shape for the fight before the House Committee on Counties. Cities and Towns, which aril] take place Monday, March 1st. A large delegation of citizens who reside within the borders of the pro posed county, will journey to Ral eigh nest Monday with the determi-1 nation to win or die. Already a score or more have pledged to make the trip and to work for Jarvis eoun . ty with all their aught. The bill which provide* for the for mation of Jarvis county was intro ducod by Representative Bruaimitt. Its number is 1,226 and was drawn by Mr. J. C. Clifford, one of this section's leading ettomev*. The territory embraced in the pro posed county is as follows: Beginning st mouth of Silver Run Creek in Cumberland county, at Cape Fear river, runs thence west across Cumberland and Sampson counties to the sooth seat comer of Mingo township in Sampson county, thwet a direct line to the southeast corner of Newton Grove township on Wnyne county line, thence the Wayne county Une to tha Johnston county line, thence a direct line across Johnston county north of Benson to the north east comer of Grove township In tha Johr^ton and Harnett line, thence the westsiii line of Grove township to the Cape Fear river, thence down the Cape Fear river to the beginning. The spirit which prove lied at the Bases meeting today was of the win ning sort. After the meeting ad journed light was oozing from all ' parte of the hall; enthusiasm was rampant. If all htdieetioaa are true, Jarvis eoeaty will spring full fledged kite the sphere of government—« lusty infant with avery prospect of , attaining fall growth. “AB TOU I.IKK IT’ CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Hsrbsrt Kelts yd e - light fully entertained the “As You , I.ike It" Clsb Tuesday evening Fst> rjsry Mrd, from I to 11 o’clock. ' After a short busiaess period dainty soors cards were passed around by tha hostess and s spirited gams of Rook Wat entered Into. At a season able hour deHrtoee refreshments were seised. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. McKay's hospitality were Mr and Mrs. H. 0. Mattox, Mr. and Mra ' A. L Newberry, Mr. end Mrs. Her via Wade and Mr. and Mrs. B. O Townsend and Dr. and Mrs. W. B Goitrous. The guests were Mrs McD Holliday, Misses Mar* McXoj tad Mata Harpw sad Mr. Frantic* I • •• to. TAFT SAYS WE > AHE THREATENEL - Fa** t* Fare With a crisis;. Muat I Stand by the i’ratudeat. i _ Morristown, N. J., feb. *2. -T1k United Stales is three ten ou with a > serious invasion of its rights 31 a neutral by the warring nations ol Europe, and in preserving ila com merce with those nation* is fare tu face with a crisis, ia the opinion o: former President William H. Tsfi. In the sol a Lion of that cAcis, alioulu it arise, no jingo spirit must be al loweu to prevail. Mr. Taft urivi.ved. neither pride nor momentary passim, should influence judgment. * "And when the president shall act," Mr. Taft declared, "we meat stand by him to the end. lit this determination we may bo sure U.;u all will join, no matter what their previous views, no mailer what their European origin. Ail will forget their differences in eelf-cacrjictng loyalty to our common fl.g and ou. common country." Mr. Tali'* reference to tits ntua tion confronting the United .Stair* was made at the conclusion of ar! address today before the io n association of New Jersey. jot m* e reservation in the treaty of AI giere, proclaimed in 1907, and. al tered Into by the United States and eleven European nations including most of those now at war, Mr. Taft said. "Our interest m the present war, under Uie conditions that extatoboclo lie limited ea eet forth in this res ervation, to-wit: “To preserving and increasing the commerce of the United States with the belligerents; to lha protection es ts i;«. 1 ie__ —_1 ____ _ <1 tiiari residing or traveling in their countries, end to the aiding by out friendly offices end efforts in bring mg those countries to pooce." "Our efforts tor poaeo," bo eon tinned, “have bean made as com I plate as possible, for tbe provider: has already tendered hit good of.urer by way of madintion between thu powers, and they hava not been ac coptod *ln prairrini the commerce of tha United Htales with tha balliger -onte, hoJMmai, ,wt SLI face to. f.-yt; with a crisis ’Wears' thrstfcnej with a serious invasion of our right* as a neutral In trading with tha bel ligerent countries. What certainly is an innovation upon previous rules respect to neutral commerce ami contraband of war has been initiated by the belligerents of both aides. The planting of mines in the open oea and the us* of submarines to .-end neutral vaasels to the bottom without Inquiry aa to their neutrali ty whan found bi a so-called war ton# of tbe open sea, are all of thorn a variation from the niloi of inter rational law governing the action of helligerants toward* ntutral trade -When their violation results in the destruction of the lives of Ameri can eitiaans, or of American prop erty, a grave issue will arise as to what tba duty of this government i*. The responnbtllty of the Hreri dent end Congrats in meeting Un critical Issue thus presented In main lairing our national rights and our rational honor on the one hand, with due regard to the awful consequen ce* to our bO,000,000 people ergar m| ua Mwiiiwtu •*«« iu war, un uiu other, will be very greet. It Involve i on their part a judgment •o momcQ-1 tone in Ite consequences that we should earnestly pray that the nre* v aity (or it may be averted. "If, however, the occasion riser., no can l* confident that thoee in oo hority will be actuated by the nigh, eat patriotic motlvat and by thp dot), ♦st concern for our national welfare Wo moat not allow our pride or mom entary passion to influence our judg ment. We nmet exercise the delib eration that the fateful eonseequcvM •* in the loan af our boat blood and ■normona waste of treasure would nocoeaerily impose upon us. Wo must allow no jingo spirit to pre vail. We must abide the Judgment of thoee In whom we have entrusted the authority, and when the Presi dent shall act we must stand by him to ths end." Where Men sad Monkeys Differ. The youth who waa smoking a eig aretta opposite the monky's cage took another from his pocket, "Would K do no harm." he asked, "if I of fered Mat oaa af these things T” ’ "Net a bit,” replied the attendant; ' "he wouldn't touch It; a monkey is ! not half as big a fool at ha looks." i Wo need •not be afraid that we I shall go too far In serving ether*. . Thera la bo danger that aay of ui . will ever go loo fat in tha walk of - active lev*. There la na Hkllhood • that any of aa will heroine too heun !. lifel, too kind, too helpful to hli i- neighbor.—J. C. Bare. r -j I D.. If. L. Barefoot, of flampeor County waa tn tows Saturday. rom SAID TO BX > Bi'CACHING PEACE t Anked Kaiser on What CoadUlMi Germany Would Consider 1’cact. ! Borne, Kid.. £2- — Th* Glornai# i DTtuliu today ar.ya Pop* Benedict ia l reported to have eent to Emperor 1 Willinm rocentiy a communication • "l iny: on wimt condition Germany > ■* o'Jld cuuid'jr pcare propoaaia - Koportn to the secretary of etote of th* Vatican, tutya the Grornale WTtalia, •hoar that Germany, al though in a hi wining unexcelled mil lirr-y position. feel* seriously the of the war, and bae her view* on peace. The paper adds: "Th# pontiff considers »t:ch a con dition of affair* kinds Itself favor ably to diplomatic stop*. He is ra is)rtod ajrum to hnvu Intrrpellatod Emperor William .to know oo what conditions Gti.-r.any w.iotd he dia p-hoil to negotiate peace, oleerving that in any cnee the military honor of Germany ia safe.” north Carolina lkrecoo NI/ED How a Dolcrtirc lain Excludes Nerlh Carolina From Her Rightful Privilege*. “If this ob|(.-Lti(rfu,lile elans* he.* not been In youi law, the entire stut* of North Carolina would now be the is gielroUoa in w. fur dc-aUu,“ writoc Hn, J. Harris, Diierior cf the Bu reau of Census, in a letter yust rv ueivod in On. o.Vt of the State Board of This wax in reference to be admiac.nn of North Carol Mia tu in: rrgirti-ntion area of the United RfmtRB Tb«i ob;«riML*i;lc dauivo referred to Ly Di-:»<ri4)r Perris is an m.mwd irri*; latkiK* t,o to ths ViUl SUUi Bill it |ui)trj tr.H Legislature 4 wo yonrt sg*'. I hi* a mend mem u»o<j« it pxurUcaDy impossible to ob tain the registration of death* out kUle of of f.QO and error is pop. uiglicei. With (I** ar.fml/nent strife lu ogt (t would be *.Le duty of (he uiidonxittr. or pernon *ctirf as such to Ala a daatb corunca im with the I^ocsi Registrar, or one of bis dapo >«r«th «m>a. Such on o’changc of ueath cartiAcuUo for burBJ pencil i* like giving receipts for mooey ^id, the only business-like method of lining thir.jya. Wi’.h our present lux law. neitbe -ho I*©dors! wovevnmmt nor any one H«« knows whcttci North Caiolmu •* Itflrttrlri! r.O, Th or 80 per cent "f her d»3th», end 1t would Lo mani '•s'ly unfair to ai.e any ntatiatica .ontpileU from North Carolina front r,och iTCorda, a place or .tending a mong similar nntistics compiled by other i la ter nf the onion that arc doing goo-d work bnt without such .•'it a hod laws. Fortunately, however^ the Senate Ka« ju-t passed, rijr a unanimous vote a bill to repeal this objectionable r lease.. The matter baa now gone over to the House and will in all protiatiilltjr come up during the com ing week. Aaldo from merely being recogniz ed •* a registration atato among the nation, thu would mean directly a to lal revenue of aotnewnore between >3,000 and M.OOO to North Carolina from the Fcdr.-e! authorities for cop ies nf our birth end death earttflentea From Director Harris’ letter it al -o appear* that ceeaidorhbly over ."Zlf of the United States are already in 'S* registration im wth tho proe ptct that tb* entire Union will eopr. he iaiduJcrl within such area. Un fortunate It would be to see. North Carolina wrilh such a law on the hooki. I pending her money for Ita partial on forcemeat without receiving any trustworthy results or recognition on tho part of other states and covn tries.—State Board of Health. TO LIVE IN DUNN Mr. K. A. Stewart, formerly a dt iztn of Dunn, Iwt who haa made Lfl llr.gton hie home for the past ten yoara, haa returned to our team and will make this hit permanent borne. He haa opened aa office osar tho llood Sk Grantham Drug tiara and Will engage in the real estate and life huainesa. The Dfe patch ia glad that Mr. Stewart haa derided to car* hu lot with oa and predict that he wfll soon bo an ar dent supporter of tho new county prnpoettlon. • YOUNG HOTEL OUNCES HANDS On Monday, March let, tho Young i Hotel will go under new mauageananl r Mr* Watkins, who haa ran It eoc I msfully for the past year will be - succeeded by Mr. E. R. Wileon. Mr. 1 Wilson who la eipmitared by ihla line of work. wUl give kia entire time to the management of tho hotel which t he will make fret class in every re spect. » Duka, N. cjl»U^Mr W■ A. Coir 111a diaflatijr Sunday ■ morning and vu b^fc at tha Av ureeboro Cemetery after noon. Rev. S. pastor of the BupUet ehuJt^Bieductmg tha funeral .srvloea, HHOohrille su m hu elghty-s*cci»^Bljr.'/anfl coo ago and the end ‘ej^njpkiy. Ha waa a highly ratgJE crtiaan qf Harnett county always lived, and for naaii|^H)£haa baan known as "Unde tha past twenty wren y^Efe-had been u total abstainer fi^Baj|«hg drink and Iirad an vprlghjit ta ties Fre* WU1 Baptist At ig »aat*fmn years in tha Qvil MKfeeiring one sound. In hit ftxtnJBkyi ha raft ad lage quantities’t^Hptber /fro* Harnett county to tj^^nton golny down the Capa Td^^Milr. Thlr i years ego sfrQliMhlbwtna Ce^ naigbhM^^Bnhcams • dove frrand to tha^^Hr Mthortt) arid remarked onethey were tearing op '• e^KZiad hur.p ing ground to bqi|B^ mill.* in his old age be d^HNtydiU*all tality and was v^^Kkalble and likod by all. Two a^HATagToral HOna survive him. » The box and L^^HlAs given Monday night b> af the Board of Visiter ad^H'dkae Hos pital was a greaH^^Ba^ Afte* three rods ofpiciJ^HHiM' at owe -.ha folioaring worriS^^Bfbkwhr o* tha acraan: •‘HareW^^ByLr ^eri g in 2,000 saved. SnB^^hk'pSwalU of faithful and .af tha Hospital.” Th* sod a ruddy faoad, years greeted lather of tha pitsl for SB' lunch scare i and eaks were Washington, of th* word Labs the solution lumlntnd receipts of tho Th* Kobena had bocn trenartfcl ls Was agreed that the eloh would. pUo* for tha Os* of th* school three sanitary drinking founts ms. on* la the building aad j OB* on each end of lb* play grounds. • For the pleasure of th* members and visitor* Mrs. Saith had array ed a game of Progress! »* Heart Die* , and a salad course for refreshments | Only four msenhera were abssot and the following risitars war* present: ; Mias Emm* Young, of Dana, Mia Runic* EDiat, of Linden, and Mia Flora McQueen, of , Duke, The Erwin Cottaa Mills Co. hare always taken a lead In tha progrea tivanes* of Harnaft county. They established th* Diet graded school In th* county, they were among th* Brat to gat good ibadt and.hav* tak en a foremost stead in improved methods of farsllng. Their moat re cant move is tha purchase of a BO horao power gaeolaaee kerosene unc tion plow. For three peart they have been using large <u*ntHle* of dyna mite blowing stamp* and getting their land* in shape far such a plow and the work with ft will ha watched with much inter sat by th* good far mers of Harnett county. OTHER DOTE ITEMS Duke, N. C, Feb. U. _ Manatee WB» made yesterday in the rot** from Duke of tbo roc i me at tbo box end tuba party given by tba board of la dy visitors of tba Good Hop# Hw piuL It was learned later in the day that the mooses woe even treat er than mentioned, ter when the man ■ gen desired to pottle with the Ly ceum manager far tba bm of the Ly ceum, the pictures sad Iks slsetric current need, the Lyeeore manager woo ki not receive oompeneatkw, bat raid ha desired to eoetribote the night’s work to (bp Hospital. The board of lady viMtoro aad all con cerned are extreotety thankful to Mr. W. B Johnson for this courtesy and wish to extend to hire their cordial thanks. , A vary uniqpo way of doing wel fare work has been Inaugurated by **»»■ *■ Hemail ad sor ootamonHy. Mrs Haeaell for' R long Um wea a vary ardent church worker aad visi tor. but owing to bar health she is not ahla to get trend ae atuch as the onto did- SbP has now enrolled P class of girls front sight to few leon years oM With set more than twoWo la the data, who meet at her ho-m reery we* aad aba loaches tham embroidery. wiAnHpg, aad to maka pine aeadW basket a. Mrs lies eaR expects to bald the class until aha khs taught (ham how to da tba work wall and Ami span another rlaao. While the BtCa folks are busy ertih the Work toe made them some good (tag? ap eanothing Inter «•£•* To hast tp the Interest aba < - . • • e- ♦ AVOUCH LOCALS Attorney V. T. Dupree spent Moo ' day la ftmlthfUhl oo legal business. Mr. Devereem Matthews, of am Saw hai returned from X ’ Va, whara ha wont for aa of the eye. Dr. C R. Young > panied him and it la reported that ha la gettiag along well. Meaan. W. 8. Murchison , Will Mooro and Thompson, of Boaaoa, ’won visitors bars Monday. They wore hero on holiness relative to tha establishment of on electric light plant.. Capt. Joe Wimberly suffered a very painful accident to his eye one day last week while supervising soma work on his section. Monday being a legal holiday sev eral of the high school pupili took advantage of the occasion by taking a stroll to tha Harrell school house to thamrltneee the erection of “tha flag" t6 tha new wheel building. The many friends ef Assistant Postmaster Wilson win regret to leern cf hie confinement at his borne on account of a savers case ef la grippe. It la hoped that ha will soon be oat again. Ashlar Jane WIlhams, of tha Btalo Bank X Trust Csaspany, spent Sunday and Monday wtth relatives at Dean. Rev. Mr. Osborns, the aew pester of the Methodist chun* here, filled hie first regular appointment last Sunday morning six' night, preach ing te a large and appreciative aa dienes at both services. Ha succeeds Rev. Frank Cnfersth. Miss Jackson, of near Dunn, la here visiting her sister, Mrs. Jobs WUMama. Tha Dispatch la a welcome visitor te our town and is considered one of the beet local yapsrr tn this sec tion af tha State. It is woO edited and clean typographically and should receive the support of every loyal “HsmtOlU.* Make-Britova Mnrriaga After M Yaara a Beal On*. Salisbury,'Fab. 21_test midnight when Rggiuarof Deads J. C. Deaton waa railed upon *u' iaasa a marriage license a domestic' tragedy waa . hroo^ht to tight But would hare furnixtod exreUent material for a ■Wf IMHUJ. ‘ * - Some 20 yuan ago A. C Gibbons and Lucy Li taker after a trip into South Carolina derided in tha feoi iahnaaa at thair young idea that thoy would “make-believe" they warn mar riod. Tha atory they told of th* Pal metto State wadding waa battered and the young coeple ist up house heaping at Woodteaf, in Rowun aous ty. For o score at yaara thoy have lived the tranquil Ufa of a rural coo- , plo roaring the Bins children that have coma into thair homo and en tering tha aimple Ufa of tha cmnmaa. *r. But recently tha awful white plague laid itr hand upon tha matar nal head at thie family and aha has coma down dote to tho grave, teat tight aha eallad a neighbor to tor bedrido and told tho aarrat that aha ■aid aha could not taka with tor in to the great beyond. She was ex pecting the death ngai before Aa rooming toe said aad aha waa aox ion* for a ceremony that would lag ally bind tor to tho man tern tod loved, and lived with for all thaaa yaara. Her atory waa thought to bo tha ravings of a weakened mind, but the husband corroborated bar statements and also expressed a grunt dosiro to hove tho dying woman's sequent granted. So some one was sent for a preach or and two man in an sntomobile •vi dispatched to Salisbury for tha Iterate. They rushed back to Woed Inaf aa rapidly aa possible aa that tho ceremony might ho r before the arrival at the silent boat man. „ Mr. Gibbons U a well-knows man of tha community In which ba liras agd hia family ha to tha raapaet and lor* of all tha paopla. Mrs. Gfhbona waa tha daaghbar of Daatal Litak-r, .who waa far yaan an aagteoor on tha South am Railway. has soma aodal faatara with light rafreahmanta. Tha only ehargo far thla la that tha UtU* folk* faratah their own material. Bat ahoald tharw b* one who doaa not foal abl* to fur nlah auch ah* 1* not dabarrad from tha close. The work la mertng along nicely, and th* adttr* class acorns much Interested In tha asm* and or* taking arory advantage offered tham. Tha pfaaawt claa. win flnieh tha coors* aamatlma daring (ho sva mar, and than another dam arfll bo taken. Th ban ptayar* era getting things la Asp* to aeranis* far th* coming aaaaan. Lari yarn- was th* atari •occeaafu) year with tha Oak* t*«m that they bars aror tori and thing* look murk brighter for th* faun the «•"•"» eaaaae. Th* amjartty of th* oU player* ara bar* and Myarnl mm J roan who bar* not bam* triad o«t wSl b* glean • show. WAS FACTS lit FTMKTB HIM*, at tk* Ftm BU Mi.tri «f tk* Mast lade*!**. War, Talk by C W. Sanaa. Tk* article* that hav* baas Iwis •adar tka till* "Tka * "J—1—r War" me pubti«h«d today in book form by at* ptafkoad by tka now faatoua war paaa *1T by tka Beaten Nawi Sa naa post, Sartknlaaaaw r. OrtAa, and by tka following preface by Mr. Barron. Tka Bootcb have tbia promt: “War krrigs poverty. Poverty briaga Paaca brings proipariiy. Posparity brings grids. And wUb brings war again.” Shall tka world aattla down to tka faith that that* is oo redemption from an over lasting round of pride, war, poverty, peace, prosperity, pride and war again T Bat it was set primarily t* settle, or even study this problem that I crooned tk* eeaaa and tka KagHsh CkanMl in WiaUr. A* a Jeurnalkst publishing tk* Wall Street Journal, tk* Boston News Bureau and tk* Philadelphia News Burma, and di rriMng newo-gatktrtng far tk* bank ing and tnanrlnl coesmunitim, I downed it my doty to ascertain at dfl(* hand tk* fiaaadaj factor* In tki* war, and tk* financial raaelta therefrom. I found myself an tk* other side •■hireling tUs war, bat unnpactad hr in clow touch with dlplaawtic owl Govnrnasret cirri**. The whole of tho war, ho ceenmereiel renew Ma ftaandal and military forem tta tr* ■wiioae human aacriftow, the <ee flicting grlartplci *f gavanunaat, prindplw of gnretmaret. and the World-wide iwow Involved, all lap oat in elwr fact* aad Ipw nfUr I had gathered bp dap and night (raw what appnwnd to ha a tangled . wnb. X teamed who made thia war and why at thia time aad fw what pur- i pooee, present nod prnepnctt.e; mad j frew facto that could not be eel down categorically la paparo at Mata « No paper* ‘white," “gray,* or “ynl tow," could pm. eat n picture of the i war to ltn toeaptioo and tho raarrma - tharafor. | ^TJwrn^ia^c^povrarfriorgwataatire i ropo or of the world ae Nation* are < to organisation *m states, and I State* wnr dtlw to in aura panon nod . juatten, without strife or human me- J rifles. I Tha immediate onuaw of this wnr, i and X believe they hare not before < toon prawn tod on this aid* of tha oeuna, are coaaactad with commercial treataw, protective tariff* and flnan- i rial progress. It may be wondered that to oar < country, which ta tha horns of tha I protective tariff system and boast* i its great preeprrity therefrom, there 1 bos bare 0* yot bo presentation of too bastoere ceases bmreto thia war i Our great journalist* are trained to , >nd totoreating. pietaraaqoa and ante i able news feature* from big areata. Details of war's structure and do toruetioas are to meat people of toa i greatest bemaa interact, and rightly so. As a own try wa hare no fetor aatioual policy and Earepren politic* j and policies hare never interested « Caraway U buttressed by tariffs sad commsrcial treaties sa ovary stda. Years ace I was tcid in lo repa that (be commercial treaties 1 wrested flaw France re 1C71 were of 1 ware valoe to Germany tfcaa tbs Ml Hen dollars of Indemnity aha took as bar price to qnit Faria. But I did »A realise an til I was abread tMs ] Wiator bew European countries bad varied by tariffb. sad that Caraway ' and Roaria warn preparlac for ■ i event el ash at arms over the renewal of comaerrtal aad tariff treaties ' which expire within two yinrs aad : which had bare foraad by Caraway open Russia dnrtef the Japan*s« war. Csrmaa "loiter" mseas Osman Ip. Carmaa precraaa Is by tariffs »ri esmmsria) treaties. Bar armies bar anas and bar armaanali are to aappart tirft Ctritar" and this prv * baUava I hava tot* the story aa tha facta eaaaat ba drawn forth aad prspariy sat la review withewt sores presreUtire af ths spirit ad Aa pas ‘pies af the Barspiau M~M— If tha Natiaas of Baup* ws-r of ana taaynage, Aa spirit, tha taal «f seeh la its fK^activs chaiactariatics "*«bt stand sat area more pretri nantly Ami today , "at wa ere id aaa area mare riser *7 A* spirit cf brethsrbeed rei iw tiaoalltp that stand* oat resplaadret as Aa aaal ad Frame. Wa shout d aaa Aa spirit af sasptre and at tret*. Atorkait with iiitslahAaUn JasUct as th* seal af Great Britain. Wp Aaal* aaa Oaresaay mi miath •Ai h Aa aaator af Severe. view. lac *0 share Mm wtA reapirise cad damaadtac to barer why, aa tha irecftot. AarffMt, bari eryfolaaf. Wiu NXTTMC om r t »uauK«uM Mua Loote. Fhb. 9.—Th* urtk win of 4m Backinghom Mm* coataia iag th* Uviag -y*—-ti at th* far ■ •! family, la Mag amni with a noting atoat twanty hat aUw th# roof. - - ' ^ to th* 32 i »t« tor «f I Na Md X I haav ( Um hmU of tt* th to k to iaa of Th* groataot atady for Aaorfaaao today U th* opfatt of Nation u •born* to thlo war. aad giaat ‘mm hr th* Uaitad State* may ha found is th* flaaaoa, i. padttaUam aad Jaotioa that forth to th* 3rittoh to railing ap or withh Eotapa, aanoa Dn f_ Ut._t_a a t tta ia mi k «r > ■»«* o' whet tha war may send hrr "T «■ «ho breaking away ut tha krokUag-^ of Turkey, tot raw a faaar haUt far Sgypt, toa witortn development of tha whole ef Africa * by a Capa te Cain railroad. and aha .aaaa her rwa empire and pedpfaa bolting tha world. In powar, navul nooa aad fuatfaa, aad with a sweep aad aeapa far enterprise aad irvsl o promt beyond an prerieoa dreams of this generation. Tha United States with of millions of l-«»n«g hoard aodg Mag baas far a I_ expansion doable aay wa have had before aaaaie suddenly paralysed ia its baabseas activities^ ad, eatapra baoding only that tha leaf of broad fa a coat higher aad a pound ad a few canto lower, it ia on which aids o' its breed the is to fall. Meanwhile, It talks politics, asks if prosperity hare is to com daring or after tha wpr; aad haring little -omprehension of tha —nnTng of the National throbs that ea too other .aide of the globe are pideating tha world into a new era of light. Shorty aad expansion by individual labor, it refuses to take ap Ha daily home task and ga forward. Ia tbs hope that thaae pagan any he serfs] to my fellow nwilijwss i> giving them too facts ef this war, Ha commercial causes, its progress, its aacriftoa fa he wee •srrlfle* that coaid a* ba J-rili l bat far a (rater -thin pf tr> an Uk«n. as rmnplolld la wry' laascial pibHcattoat ta flit. acrn. af Fobroary and placid bate* tha raadiac com inanity y, booh form. u raqaactad ia haodreda of paraooal praparod for tho banktop •bidi damaadt a*ara- facta and lp raa diserlnunatinpiy praaantod Tha baakar waata tha troth; bo wfU amfco bit own art — tat and rate hla awn condos tea a. Its fcaadar trill r sat By M that tbaaa ohaptora at* day-today tepaa ■teap ta tho aawa tea tha f-dyotat ad hoa a* I, pi ""fly tha troth «d humanity, te do oat date to ha tern baphmtop ttoa cd tbd war. bat H h'toteaW that thay contain tha - -M hi daanaatal arar-farta; wad tha’ aim *c--a to praamt than <a moot aoa doMcd oxprwuloa. . Thay carar tha drat ria aaantha 4d thi. moat Aadaetoao War. WWthar it U to nattoaa for aaotter da to te p» . _ _ tho Mo • M •

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