L O C A L A. C L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. M. 6:23 A. M. No. H. 1:4* P. M. No. •«. 11:11 P. M. Northbound No. M. 11:62 P. 1L No. tt. 11:42 P. M. Mo. <4. «:Z3 A. M. Nr. J. R. Boyd of Fayetteville, U In town today. Editor J. P. Pittman, of the Guide, wma In Salma Monday. Mr. C. W. Spell, of Godwin, waa her* Tueaday on busmens. Mr. W. R. Strickland, of the I)U patch fore#, apent Sunday in Benaon Mr, E. R. Tbcmaa, the popular drufgUt of Doke, wme in town Fri day. Mr. P. 8. Cooper returned Monday night from a buainaee trip to Mullina S. C Mr*. EUia Gold item and daughter. Roaalle, returned Sunday nflemoor from Goldaboro. Maaara. K. A. Stewart and E. F. Young ware huaineea vinitora in I_.il lingtoo yeaterdey. Mri. Maggie Butler left Friday for Roeeboro, where ahe will apend aaveral days with relative*. Miss Mamie Stephen* returned thia afternoon from a visit to friend* at Durham and Greensboro. Mr. W. H. Parrish, of Coats, agent for the Hupmobtle and the Saxon earn, apent Monday in the city Mioaaa Lillie Johnson and Ida May Pittman have returned from n visit to friends at Clayton and Salma. AUornaya E. P. Yeung, N. A. Townsend and K- L. Godwin war* in 8mithile!d today on legal businer Mr. J. P. William*, raxhiar of the Angler branch of the State Bank A Treat Company, wax in town Mon day. Mr. and Mr* H. V. Moulton re turned Sunday afternoon from a vis it to Norfolk and other Vinrlma ctiee. Mr. Henry Shall, student at Trin ity Park School, Durham, (pent err and daya this arsok with his parents, Mr. and Mra. 0. P. Shall. Dr. Floyd Johnson, of Cairo Gordo, was In team Friday. Dr. Johnson likes Dunn and ha may become one of ua in tha near future. Mr. James Bast left yesterday for Dot hunt where ha la a elude t nt Trinity college, after spending a few daya hire with hie parents. The local banks wars ckaed Mon day. 22nd. Washington'! birthdny, Sunday hours ware observed at the I pootoOee and the rural camera had a day off. Mr. and Mra. John W. KHagerald returned last night from Wilson whar they attended the Coslstt Young wedding which took piano there Monday night. Mias lili Chapman, of Grifton, who is attending school at Atlantic Christian Collage, Wilson, spent Sat urday and Sunday hare with her sis ter Mine Helen Chapman. Mr. W, A. Popo, who utlds a po sition with the American National Bank at Asheville, .-attuned to tlict city Saturday, after spending sever al daya hero with relatives Bov. A. R. McQueen and Mr. 8. J, Hooks returned Friday from Char lotte, where they attended tha Lay man's Missionary Convention of the Southern Presbyterian Church. Mr. Charlie Randall, a former citl • sen of Dunn, who has made Falcon his home for tha peat tan yours. Is ops of ns again. Ha has accept*] wore wiw u» Tilgaman Lumber Company. Mr. Franklin T. Dupree, prominent attorney and mayor of Angler, woe in town Monday for 1 few bouts. Mr. Dupree la one of the eounty'a progressive young men and is doing a great deal to keep Angler a id that portion of Harnett before the public. Mrs. E. F. Young and daughter, Mlau Isabel, returned yesterday af ternoon from WIIten where they vis ited relatives. They were present at the Cudstt-Young wedding which took place in Wileon Monday night Mr. J. W Jordan returned Tues day sight from Dillon, S. C. Mr. Jordan is interested in a Jewelry store in that city, being a member of the Airm of Beil A Jordon and aaye boslneea is satisfactory in the South Carolina town. Mr. C. 8. Hicks, Cashier of the Flint National Bank, spent servers! days this week at Dennlston, Va., where He was the guest of Mr. Byrd F. Gentry. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hick* and the trip was mad* in Mr. Hleks* touring ear. Mr. M. L. Jen as, of Btowart’s Creek township was here yesterday Mr. Jones la one of Harnett’* larg est and :ooat pr wporo-ji fatnw.rs and while he did not make a great don] of money off hit farn tl.e past year he la still optimistic and is plan, sing for greater things. Mr. MeD. HolAdty whs is at the head of the largest retail harden-* •tore in Eastern Carolina, the Berne* A HoIUdey Oemiany, and M. Mai calm Phillips. left yoete~,cy f >r HAaind, Va. to attend the Imple mdat Convention of Vh-trials nnd Carolina, which la la section theve . thti wank. They wOi return to Duoa Thursday sight. Hob. J. C. Clifford was In Raleigh yesterday. Mr. Will Turlington, of Fayetteville was in Iowa yesterday on business. Mr. Goo. I .Smith, of Coats, waj a business visitor to Dunn Tuesday. Your attention la railed to change in the ad of the Bank of Cape Fear. Fathe * W. A. Irwin, pf Newton Grove, was in town Sunday and Mon day. Miss Oils Hodgos Is spondtng the week with Miss Laura Parrish, al Coats. Mr J. A. Michael, of Rocky Mount was a business visitor in the city Monday. Rot. J. 11. Shore returned Friday night from Ron boro, where he spent part of last wash. Mrs.. T. L. R. Young It spending the week In T'ukc with her daughter, Mm. Faniua... Smith. Messrs. Loe Surlca, Ralph Wode and W. R. Johnson were business \ is itora in Benson Monday. There are enough vacant lota to grow truck enough for the whole towui. How abeut ueing them? Mr. Willie M. Pope left yesterday morning for Parkersburg to look af ter his farming Intersets in that sce ll on. Miss Crace Rudisell, of King’ll Mountain, la spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. K. L. God win. Mr. and Mrs Edw. L. Cox, of Mar ion, S. C., were hare Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade. Mr. Henry Herring returned Mon day from a short business trip to Salem burg and ether Sampson coun ty towns Representative C. M. F sire loth, of Sampson, was in town Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Marvin L. Wadi lie returned to Raleigh Monday. Mrs. R L Gardner, who has spent several weeks here with relatives, left yesterday for Nrw York Cl. where she will Join her husband. Mr. Alfred Wilson, who has been in Memphis. Torn., for the past sev eral months, returned to Dutm Sun day and will be here for some time. Mr. tr. ». Uooper, president of the I First National Bank, has baas elect-1 ed a member ef the board of direct-' ora of the Fourth National Bank of Fayetteville. km Agnes Warren left Monday for Locates to resume bar duties as teacher, after (.peoding Saturday and Sunday with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mias Hosts Grumpier, one of the teachers at Long Branch Public Schools, was In town Sunday. She was returning from Salemburg where •he had been to visit relatives. Mr. Harvey Tyner, who hae mode Dunn hie home for tho post year, holding a position in Langley's bar ber shop, left Monday for Mount Olive where he accepts similar work. After spending e few days here with relatives, Mrs. J. Allison Hod ges, of Richmond, Va., left Monday afternoon for Fayetteville where she will be the guspt of Mrs. W. F. Blount. Mr. W. T. Overman is moving this week into hie residence in the south ern part of the city, recently vacated by Mr. Byron Ford. Mr. Ford has moved into the Clifford residence im mediately sooth ef Mr. Overman's Mr. Byron Ford, who haa been do ing local and editorial work on the Dispatch for the past ten months has severed hiaconneetion with this paper and accepted a similar position with the Weekly Guide. He la soc cseded by Mr. Robert E. Lee. Mr. W. R. Howard, a member if the firm of Stephens-Hownrd Compa ny, wholesale grocers, who travels this territory for his company, say*, business la Improving rapidly. He says sales and collections are much better and the volume of business Is increasing a any. Mr. J. J. Cook, of Rocky Mount, arrived in tho city today for several daya viait with relatival and friands. Joe, as ha is familiarly known to the pioneer* of Dunn, ha* been residing in the hustling city of Rocky Mount for four year* and ia engaged in the postal service el that place. Mr. Georgs L. Cannady rstarsed yltaiiRy from Oxford, where he has been the past week with hi* obildMn.. Mr. Gennady* wjd* ex perience as a tobacconist malts* him a valuable eiUsen to the town and ha ie putting forth every effort to make this the leading tobacco market in this section of tho State. TO BKGIN WORK ON CHURCH Tho building committee of the Methodist church have made arrange ment* to begin arork again on the church building. Contractor Moor* win have bit fore* at man ready for businaas Monday and the Sunday School rooms and tha Sunday School auditorium will bo oomplated. It ia th# aim of Iks committee to have thi* part of tho charth com plated by June let WANTED—Plain Sewing. Prices rea sonable. Apply to Mrs. Lillian Viason, or phone 14*. THE LITTLE FRUIT STORK ON Rail rood Street between poatoAce aad Wilson and Lea. will pay high est cash pries* fee butter and aggt. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DISPATCH ^ REOTAI. AT OPERA HOUSE On Monday availing, March 8th Vlases Keran Ann Poole and Hub Johnson of tha ' Meredith Col lagn faculty will giro a recital at tfc, Metropolitan Opera House under th< auspicoa of the Ladles Aid Social] of the Tlaptiat church. These twi young ladiea, who are accomplish* in their work, will give the people oj Dunn an Intereating program whirl will be enjoyed by a large audience MINGO ITEMS Mr. lhalie liaggett and platers Aldon and Ethel, spent Katexda; night with Miaa Mamie Warren. Mr. and Mra. hjeedham Warner spent Saturday night at Mrs. War reu’a fathers', Mr. Lovott Warren. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Warren spent Saturday night at Mra. Warren's sla ter, Mn. M. R. Strickland. Mr. Redon Haro and Miaa Carrie Slick!and went married Sunday af ternoon. Mr. lenal Dawson attended church Sunday at Mt. Ellen. Everylody ia thinking of tha play that ii to be at Spring Branch Sat urday night, February 27 The Masonic funeral of Mr. Ebh Spell is to bo preached Sunday at hia mother’s home. Mias Mamie Warron is spending this week at her sister's, Mra. Need ham Warren. Mr. and Mra. Casper Jackson spent Sunday night at Mra. Jai-kaon’s father’s, Mr. J. T. Warren. Min Addie Gilbert was accom panied home Saturday morning by Miss Bennett end Mr. Sutton. DEATH OF MRS. J. ASH STEWART awes .SOTOIJ uwmoon at i o clock at the residence of hoc husband, Mr. J. Ash Stewart, four mile* north of Dunn, the soul of Mrs. J. Aah Staw art went to its reward. She waa Ul only one week end suffered with a fatal attack of la rrippe. She at tained tho ripe age of sixty-six yoara and waa a faithful and con sistent member of tho Primitive Baptist church. Besides the stricken husband there are five children to mount tho death of the mother, i .a. Mm A_ E. Nor ris, of oar city, and Mr*. William Rare foot, Mrs. Monroe Barefoot, C. W. Stewart. W. C. Stewart, of that Immediate neighborhood. The funeral services and burial oc curred Tuesday afternoon at Hodgoe Chapel In the presence of a largo number of sorrowing friend*. The Dispatch extends its deepen sympathy to those bereft, LADIB8 WILL SERVE REFRESH RENTS The ladies of Circle No. 2 of tho Missionary Society of tho Methodist church, will serve chicken salad, cream, cake and boms mads candy Friday and Saturday in the vacant room on Railroad street next to tho Little Fruit Store. Prereads win go to the building fund of the Meth odist church. WILCOX Over ten years ago Jim Wiloox of Elisabeth city killed Nellie Cropiy, hi* sweetheart and threw her body into the river. He waa triad, found guilty of murder in tha first degree and was condemned to death. The crowd in the court room applauded, the verdict and that waa tha ground for a new trial. At the second trial Wilcox was found guilty of murder In the second degree and waa senten ced to SO years In the penitentiary, be has served about ten years of his rcnter.es and an effort is being mad* to have him pardoned. It la said Wilcox has tuberculoais and will not live long. At tha central prison Wil cox run* the dynamo which furnishes the current at every electrocution In the prison. That poor devil no doubt think* shoot how naar h* can* to losing bis own life at the hands of the law every time he run* the dyna mo when some on* is strapped in the death chair.—Monro* Enquirer, MR. HOBBS IN THK FIELD Sampaon county people In Raielfb Oiia waak gave It oat to the Newa and obaaevar that Mr. S. II. Tlobbi af Clinton, la in the ftald for notni aatioo aa Commiaatonor of Agricul ture to aucceed Com mlaa loner Gra ham. Tha Bt»i haa baan looked for. Mr. Hobba haa baan prominantl J tdan Ufled with farmor'a oi ganiaationa In North Carolina for noma ydars peat, and It waa at Shalhy, taro year* ago, •re believe, that hla boom for Com mUaioner took form and a hap* That dlapoaaa of one official of tho Far motF Union, and tha qoeatlen will ba brought forward aa to tha dolma of a aacond official for a State office, thia official popularly euppoaed to be Dr H Q. Alexander ef Mecklenburg. Doctor Alexander'a name haa been mentioned In connection with one ef two officer, but ao far aa tho Obaor ,var known be baa made no atataanant of hie incllnetiona It la tho general opinion, however, that tha Forman' Union will nuke reqalalUon on the Democratic party for at lea at twe 8Uta office,—Charlotte Obion at. Wban a man doea a noble act, date him from that; forget hla faulto; let hla nob la act ba the aland point from which yon regard him. IWe la mach that la good la tha Want af MBh « r=" ■ "1, FRUITS, DRIED FRUm, VEGETABLES, FAMCT GAUS AMD CAMNES. O OUB PRETTY LITTLE 1 O STORE IN RAILROAD ST. < 0 IS NOW OPEN TO YOU— < O ITS CONTENTS ARE KKA- < O DY FOR TOUR IN SPEC- < O TION AND APPROVAL. IN < 0 IT YOU WILE FIND FRESH ( O CLEAN GOOD*. AND ANY < 0 OF THEM WILL BE DEUV- < 1 1C RED TO YOU PROMPT- < T LY. < ° < O TELEPHONE- C O C I0 THE LITTLE I FRUIT STORE BU8LNSSS DBPBKSSION smtrn Mua Gives BU Opinion M (ha Kaai dim. On* of tha philosophers of th* town of ThorearviUe atopped Um wntor on tho ttreeU tha otter day to toll him ooma otpra. “Yon or* tearing n grant daal - tteao daya," raid tha phOopopter, “about Um b urine** depression nmd bp tte collap** of tte cotton market, but that U not tte bottom ef our trouble. Wa are "imply reaping tte fruit* of our own folly. It la pm eotton that ha* pat o* wlysra w« are bat auto mobile*." Thera I* a great deal mor* troth than poetry la what tU* mao aay*. Wa sssthcw people have teen roiling high far. tte peri few yaere, aad oor extmaagnaca aad raeklaa* Uaiag tea onp teon eopdaod to the wall to do. OodU tea boon cteap and we teao nm it te tte lim it. Poor man teat tern data* bmri mu aa paper like UUMonairm. A aura of *xtru*ageac*''*timte aa «f wa jumped and landed on Um teach high and dry at tte lm ebbing of the tide. Anybody wkh a grain of acn*c known that a Wlp with • fam ily to cupport on a ml<p7 of ope hun dred deHart a mo ~ d to pat a thou land y tensoMla and |g a month to run it, I * debt* at tte w tee* boon__ m and titan, bbt wd 1 m «P<rH of spending Mtecy wa* ia Um •ir. Tte poor ma4* Um foolish *f fort of keeping tte pte* *f tte rite and walking tte dtedy highway bo cam* almoot a hegrjtn. W* tea* now hit tte ooaUw,jmm will have Uma and opportunity to aeeditat* on our folly. After thl* lMo Oarry wo will got down to a mild boain again and it ia to be hoped! that wa tea* lew™* our lemon .well. W* may foot ooraetvea into th* belief plunging ia the proptf thing, but we cannot fool oar crediiera. The med icine we era now taking any bo some what bluer, bet it trill be good far our systems, end whether wo like It or not wu are obliged to «»*-- ft. *• "md not pot it on tte lew price of eotton. for k la the high rote at which era tee* lived that gave ns Um trouble,—Charity and Children. OUB EXTRAVAGANCE Have yeu ever thought of tha waKo (hat wo southern people allow to exist with me T Our greatest non oy crop that e me oats to million • of dollars annually to tha south la not earod for aa much aa our northern and wastorn netghben ears for crops that do not compare with our crop King cotton. It la horrible as wo take a look over the Country, and es pecially hi the forth* south to a* cotton exposed to the weather, a round gtaa and ofl mills you can am thousands of pounds going to waste, decreasing In value each day. Now It is no surprise that wo ark not bet tor off in a financial way. Wa are the moot extravagant paopla la the United State* Tho western farmer* have bams far their grain, Uva stock places to protect their main nop, but aH the southern paopla b*va the boat chance of an tho people of tho whole coun try, but we 1st thou* go by wasted and than wo or* always bowling bard thno*. Wbsu our southern people loam to save what Clod tea bow a* goad to blowing us with wo witt them be gin to move fast*, and we glU than be abto to loan funds to athar aaa tions of ear eouairy taotwd of as heretofore boas fregawtiy sailing tu other aactkma tf tha DaHad fitatas to extend to ns tha aaadad trl aeaiatoaw In srd* that wo aright b» abla to ovist with band shove board. Wo ssuao loam tba art af taMaff ear# of and soring mm If wo ov* expoet to ko ctooaad among tho boat and moot saasasafal paapto on tho •leba^-Lw County Nava. NANI TOUR EARN Beared to Tha Memory af Uttto Mar Many haarti vara made md early Sunday mommy, February 14th, 1116, when the neve spread, from horn* to hoaaa that Uttto Martas Dae can was ao more. Ha wna taken with Diphtheria and scarlet fever shout two week a before and con Us ually grew worse front day to day until friend* and lovwd onaa saw and realised that they weald soon have to give him ap. While ao one could ga to them every heart of sympathy waa with them Marcaa eras tha eon at Mr. and Mrs. Norman Duncan, of Union town. Pa. Ha area about four years of age and a bright lovsebU, beautiful Uttto fallow, with light hair, fair complexion, rosy cheeka mad beautiful, large, laughing brown eyas. To knew waa to lova him. His general manners and sunny dis position won the hearts of all that came ia contact with him. Bo H waa lore that caused ao many eyas to watch that haaao and ao many anx ious hearts to be continually inqalr lag about him and. It arm levs that drew the writer continually across the street, to eaxioui to taern and have to return with a sadder heart. 1 bear that he waa bettor but only to ' AU araa done that could bo dona by deeton and loved onaa to stay tha hand at death but God aaw different ly- For hoars aad hours when anx ious eyes, aching hearts and willing hands ware sear near him trying to give relief, aagals wars hovering over and about that troablad bom* guarding hi* para little spirit, whan about ftva o’clock In the oarly morn UI« hour* God celled Mm end Ox angels folded gently their wings about Mm end wafted the little spirit to the Ged that gage R It's hard to pert wRh one to dear but God doeth ell things well, ear leu is Ms j g*in. No more suffering or pain. Be is done with the trials and temp tations ad this atofnl world and is now happy In tha arms ad leans, sieging songs of praise hi Paradis* with Ms Barior, watting to welcome fhther, mother, listers amd nil tbs Iwrud *oas to that heme not mods with hands, eternal in the haarsna. Hi* funeral was yrsaAed by Use. 1. K. Dengue, pastor ed the Baneeu Baptist church, from the residence ad Mi grandmother, Mra 8. J. Dun aun. four o'clock In the afternoon and was than token to the Basiaoe as na tory far burial. Tha heartfelt sym pathy ad tha entire town and. rein "unity la wRh father, mother and ell-1-ii- - - BB swmBero^ HU CABBIE B. LEE. farm. "IT: This leaks Hhe business, and da meada attention at once, for It mteh ee the ays. TW adHar ef your ear sty papal always stands In need of a bo AM ol ftataas, * sack ad water -ground muni, sr mm rath farm pridix, and wmM he glad tu swap you mm rr*1**** *m> papmt u | It wnU WINMh MM tMd I *»» "*•* "to to Mm • tot hi Ma ny to My m, n Mt Uw WAR 18 COSTING ENGLAND EEATILT London, Fob, IS.—Ton billion del far, have be- appropriate by tbo olttoo tbim far fat tho soot h-t war from tbo (tend point «f u— Hoot, dollar! and war uofarfal over •MmL David Uoyd Oeerge. ebao f*8” °f «» OTfbQboir. told tbo Mr. Uoytrmta^yUoa wade fa •*«* A* »Wt iIlffaoaloT fa"fil«fa y; wMab ».tmwUBw. of tbo al. fad that GroaT^RrMaba'fa Jwfaj Nfaab^SS^MMNfa ar fTSMMr France “to tbo %bt a«afafaO^LI[ "Ultariow.- Tbo >*»-- a—. far dbaiw far two yr «iiQ bnvo mwiothlnc to opera Tfavo naoda bo aa fear aa fa RomIo. Jfar^ prodlpioad^ (Mb fe Ntbor Franoo or Rngfaa I." R •Nrfab'tfafab W f^X.W and doolda aa aa i|pi ipHoaTiafaU R^-Ftoo d£**(fali'l faanwfa fa National Field. . .... . ■ . *.« -n-1;. -• w J Are safe when in our care, £ Under government supervision and directed by the best business men of this locality, our bank offers un surpassed facilities for safety and convenience in bank _ State Bank & Trust Co., Dunn and Angier, N. C _ • V.' • ^ M ^_ _ I m '• tl“t •* watching Interest grow. Adolph Halier, retired Soap Kami- k A II faelurer, of Svaasrille. lad, haa given ItjOOO.OO each ta Illinois, Now U II York. Mississippi sad Indiana, the money ta bo held In trust for t&O yean il V 1 •nd 3 months, and computed sotni-onnually at 4 par cent. The sum An- IV hi ally produced will total f J N Eighty Million Dollars Ifl f j . and ia to ba maad for baneeo- fl IJ lent purposes. ‘ j M Yon deal aspect to live 250 years? Rvsn so, interest will wark If ■V surprisingly hard and fast, even fog a shorter Urns, as daubtlasa yea ^B M »>**• laamad from experience, while payment on a loan. Batter begin H k j tas avs, and watch the interest come instead of go. IS kj This bank is ewnod by borne folks, who will appradaU your bust. !flg noaa Under strict state saperrisiaa. Sal Q The Bank of Cape Fear. y II G. M. Tlfbau. Prmidant T. V. Smith, Ctihiir 11 M Dunn, North Carolina il ......... |! A BANK OF STRENGTH || . “"“-“==== ; i i ft* Wnt MaUmiI Bnk la* * •olid foundation polat of view. It'* < H. amoontio* to feottud Mian, Ml Ik of Tkn* hadnd aad atztr Mian an aaopla for tfc* prataattoa of *H dopotoU; Ita-giaf to prod-rt and canful, md » to M«n th* toporrisioB of tk* Dattad Mato* Zrzztt?* ■*>•» to *»■> *< tfco CoaptnOar of to* fanmi i| gz'.rZS’zJZ't. cEs j is FIRST NATIONAL BANK i j DUNN, - . . N.C || Professional Cards Ptaaa, Iirany ami Thaary Ttbflni ISA A a award, X. A. Tawaaaud. CLIFFORD A TOWNSEND ATTORNEY 8-ATLAW OBea aa tad floor at Ftrot National BoaA Prompt attoatiaa ftoaa to all baataoaa. -- ■ . ■ ■ FRANK UN T. DUPREE. ATTORNEY- AT- LAW ANOIER, X. C OBea la Oratory Eldt. T. E, DARDEN YaUrWy PAyateoa. Sarpoao ami DsatflllA 1 PHONES: DAY, NO. SO. NfeAt, No. SIS Dorn. N. C. * ——————■——i ——W^—— DR. W. L, PEEBLES ■m_■_ _•_* _a _ 1 I I

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