THE DUN Y0L* 1 ________ Dunn, N. C BACH BILL COSTS 140 Soma Mara and Lots, But Thla la. the Average, It costa the taxpayers of North Ceruins about MO to pass a law like this: “H. B. 469, 8. B. 42b: To prevent the depredation of domestic ftwrls in Davidson county." That Is to say, there have been 1717 bill introduced so far Id the Ben te and Uou.e. The estimated eoet of the session up to last Satur day it $47,00. Therafore it costs about $30 for each Individual bill dropped Into the boppar and probab ly something like $40 for each bfl.’ actually enacted into law. That’* about the average cost. So, thsn when one of the honoi able gentleman would save the greet State of North Carolina by appropri ating John Smith a Justice of the peace in and for some great county or other John 8milh's commission represents an outlay of about forty silver men. Of course, justices of . the pave coma high, but we must have 'em They are essential to the Mute welfare and well being of the 04d North State, as H were. The patriots in the House have in troduced 991 bills. In the Senate these being a fewer, or leas number of patriots working for the salvation of the State, tbfee's been only 743 bills Introduced. Why this difference is not explain ed. Maybe the Senate doesn’t be !!•*• la working -ovsr- time, or possi bly their union rules prohibit more than a certain amount at legislative grit and chaff being ground - out in 1 tha day. But aa soon as this msttsr is drawn bo their attention they urill endeavor . te make up for lost tins*. For shall the Hemet of BepreeenUt re* enjoy the hoesdr and distinction of opotuiin'. aaese Moray for legislation than «PPW chamber} Never! And ttom hear on there wUf be a maffced In to date Ms col- ( Nw'l ,n «th»r , words, tho SeoTwr’a efforts ropro- , ■sot a cash outlay of $7$0 on tha port of tho Stats. Now while the Sonata Is lagging behind the House somewhat es a whole. certain Individual Senators are doing their level beet to main tain the chamber's reputation for un eeiSah patriotism. For instance, Senator Coboon cornea to the bat With IS bills introduced, or $410 worth. Senator Cooper produces the seme amount. Senator Hobgood go* < ! $30 better and Senator Johns jo of Duplin $30 leas. Senator W save.- 1 helps the average up with $460 and Senator Snow, with 19 bills to Ms credit, shoves the total up e bit with $670 worth of pure patriotism. Just to keep the record straight let it here be publicly proclaimed • that Senator Harry 8tubbs la living op to bis imputation. So far this session be hasn't spent e dollar of the State's money for patriotism. But that is ths silent Ssnator's way. To repeat a fact well worth repeating during Me 22 years of service in the North Carolina General Assembly, . Mr. Stubbs has introduced just one single Mil—“to incorporate the town of Baargroea." Think of it, eititens of North Car olina and patriots of the General As eaaabty: Only $40 worth of legisla tion in 22 years or lea than $2 worth fa each session. If the Senator keeps up this rec ord ka Mda fair to lea some of bis popularity, for it is doe to such leg islators Ss ha that the Senate's aver •f* IB BO K>W. c Boom of the ReproaanUtivae who ' have Introduced hut one hill aach thla aaaaion are Carr, Harrtaon, Meek Ute, Robert* of Rockingham and Wil la Ute Sonata the lift include. .Alexander, Atwater, Cloud aad Ltaa The etandard baarara in the home ate Roberta, of Buncombe, with 21 ' bin*, or W30 worth; Donglaaa, of Waka. the tana; Clayton with 15; Caraway II, Dayton 15, Iwughing konaa 14, flu If, Thomas of Anaon. —Raleigh New* and Observer. JACOB WERT BBC BITER WAR CLAIM The War Claims bill, which peaaad bath bonaaa of Cahgraca In tha last «<*fya af Ute recant session, award, a large number af claim, to North Carolina cititen. and Iratltetlon. Tha MUM af Jacob West, of Harnett County, appear* In tha lUt. H* will tea ale* 4214. Thl* la for damage, indicted by federal troops during tha CM Wm. Mr. J. A. McLean, ad!tor and pnh Ikfcar of tha Salma Chroolola, waa • h> ktwn Monday. GENERAL NEWS An order for 46,000 ton* of «Uru.’ valued at 12,000,000, to be used lr malting shrapnel, ha* been receive* bjr the Cambria Steal ConitMuj Jotpulon. I'eqtiaylvania, from the Ruaeia > gove- .mcn>_ Woman suffrage was defeated by ib« Texas legislature Saturday when the house, by a majority of three, vutad against submitting the propo sition to a vote of the people in the form of a proposed amendment to the constitution. Fire hundred University ot I’enn xylviania studsnta rebelled agsinst univsrslty authorities last Friday on account of the attitude of a student publication towards Samuel Gom para, president of lha American Fed eration of Labor. Vie*-President Marshall will rep resent Tresident Wilson at the dedi cation of the Panama-Pecillr expo sition on -Msrch 20th. Proas of public business and groat questions of international Importance will pre vent the President from attending at that time. George < Honey Boy) Evans, the minstrel king, died at a Baltimore hospital last Friday. Stomach trou ble developed while he wea touring the south with bis company. At Birmingham he was forced to g% north. An operation was performed without result*. Miss Josephine Reading, a San Prandteo girl, srho ia ^twined nurse ia the Red Cnu ludsi „f th» French army has bean asrarded the rroaa of the legion of honor by the French government. It seas rw.rn mendad by General J off re for espec ial bravery on the famtlVAeld Foodstuffs shipped from Lha Uni ted States to neetrel countries arc being delayed constantly by the Eng lish government. Numerous etae ro ses are bald up without explanation. This action U*%glaved to be lha de sir* of Qrset Britain to tadaoe tbs neutral countries to guar ante* that cargos* will not be rnahlpped te Ger many. Salerdsy'x nows dispatches indl *Wg.«fc* nseSral nation*, Italy, PMcwta, Boumania gad Gragoa wet* am' th* — gs id I if si r^"trn .orcea, 1——1> has voted war credit*; while Italy and Greece con tinue to prepare for war. Ali tf 1 thee* court*]** will very probably ' join (ha allied force. The ittuaUoi ' is exceedingly grave The French liner, La Touraine. which tailed from New York Satur day, February 27, erne reported on ( lira in mid ocean a weak following It* departure from New York. Much 1 concern waa felt for the passengers j and crew on account of the fact that the ahip waa loaded with ammunition for allied armies. The wi roles* brought aid. however, and Iho dan. 1 age wa* small. No casualties were 1 reported. The ship continued it* ' voyage to Havre. The latest report* from .Woucc are very disquieting. The niiabi- | tents of Mexico City are terrorised , by bands of marauders and art stars- | log. General Ob rag on, the Carrar- | xa chief, refuses to permit the inter- , , national relief committee to render ( aid and will not stop looting and pil - aging for food; at the same time transportation and facilitiaa for re lief purposes are suspended on ac count of militauy necessity. The sit uation it very grave. President Wil son ia taking stop* to remedy mat tera if possible Daring the ensuing week all com munication by wo ter from United State to England ia cut of. The isolation could not be more complete. These abnormal condition* are brought about by cassation, of Bali ng from Europe; diversion of the ia the first time such a thing has happened since 1812. If die two countries were at war commercial low American skip* to Sooth Amer ican and Panama trad* routes; to the commandeering of British liners by the admiralty and to menace of German submarines ia the war zone. Shipping men believe that the trana porta tor of an army of 100,000 to tho Dardanelles has helped to stagnate communication with England and Ku rapt. Frederick Palmer, the famous war correspondent, now with tha British armies In Pranea, write* aery inter, eetingly of tha conduct of Fast In dia troop* who are pitted against tha Oarmar troop* In Pranea It era* feared that European aarrira would not bring out tha beat fighting ,<u,l, tia of tha troop* from the Par East, and that tha rtSmat* would cause them to auffar, but eo far these troop* are canducting themeelva* aa tree soldi art, and thay are standing up a* wall at th* average aa far a* health conditions are concerned. An Interacting thing in connection with that* soldiers la that all their food la brought from India and prepared by native cooks la native fashion. Their atraagenaaa In customs, habits. #**., la a never mating aoorr* of wan der to tha French inhabitants. CONGRESSMAN GODWIN RETURNS IIOMJ Congreruunan II. U Godwin return •d to Dann Friday mormng. He laf Washington Immediately after th. adjournment of lbs Sixty-third Con ifrraa. Mr. Godwin has heon in Wash ington almost continually for th< po»t two yours end daring that tlnu haa never let an opportunity slip U i a his people s ecrviee. In fsct tt ii Mr. Godwin's nature lo make oppor tunlties for his people and to »«e that their Interests never suffer. But with the adjournment of Con gress Mr. Godwin will taka thlngi easy for a while. Ho ia not going to throw aside all work, but he will have time to % iait and mingle with h,» constituents more than heretofore. Mr. Godwin loves his people and al ways finds it a pleasure to bo with them. Just before leaving Washing ton. he said to a newspaper man: "This is a happy day for me. I am going back homo and visit my constituents who livo in the country. The happiost lima of my political lift has hoen spent among folks who live in tha rural districts.** THE HOME GARDEN The (lrat materia) consideration for every farm aholld he the making of a good living aa cheaply as poaalble. To do this a garden Is Indispensable. Therc is no part of the farm lands • will produce as largo results as a garden properly managed. This Is intensive farming—tha kind that pays. If the gardes grounds are not el icady deteonlned upon, be sure to lo. cate them oa near to the kJtchia aa possible. If the rear kitchin door opens into the garden, all the hotter. By no means locate the garden off iq a Held, a quarter or even a sixteenth of a mile from tha Uitekin. Only a man too laxy to build h fence, or too indifferent to the rftedg’knrl rsmTsile of hie wi/Will do this. The gaidao •ho^Usbe aa near by as possible and should bo sSaU-fonced to a height M *■* feet or more. Make tha, gwrdA *paee large. It will he found Wrj “Wul for general crops, if all rf'u :a not planted to -fs.iws^is ^Igp hpll p -Ijjj, ■ " i «» iim owl* and other animal*. Nest break the land from sight to : .welva inches deep. If possible, and when the soil and solwoil see dry rough to be plowed. Harow it well h* same day. This work should not ■>e left to the women and giri*. Do :ot start out trying to make a good farden on shallow soil. It will pay lo make the garden soil rather rich, preferably by heavy applications of stable manure, Lnlanced with two hundred pound* of acid phosphate to livery ton or good two-home load of manure. This should usually be ap plied before breaking. In addition, it is well to use a good supply of commercial fertiliser with an analy . '.* suitable to the special crops to be grown. The rows should be far enough apart Lo allow a horaa to paaa be tween them. The man whs depends upon hoeing for cultivation, usually has a poor garden. If th* garden t* oblong shaped, a hors* can be uaed to a better advantage. Th* raws should always be far grown in a garden In thia climate arc too well known and too numer ous to enumerate Tko Important thing for evory farmer to do Is to be come so much interested in this val uable part of his farm, that he will properly locate fane*, plow, fertilise, plan and cultivate the garden so that it will be a pleasure and alto oconotnical for hia wifs to supply him all summer with such fresh, wholesome vegetables as the human systems need and must have If they are to maintain a high degree of health and sBIriency. Horticultural Circular No. S. Oar den plants and. Rotation*, contains some valuable and timely hints to prospective gardnors This circular is free upon application to Mr. W. N. Hutt, State Horticulturist— Ex tension Farm News. MF.KTIKG OF TUB JARVIS COUNTY CLUB Judge C. J. Smith, president at the JsnrjA county club, announces that a meeting of thie organisation will occur at (ha Metropolitan Opera House KattirUay afternoon, March ISth^t 2 ho o'clock Matter* of great Interest relating to the pro posed county will be taken op and discussed. Further plane In regard to keeping thle movement before the people within the prescribed terri tory will be made. The official a of •Ho orgeeiiaation insist that every| Jervla supporter who te able to de to, be thorn with ideas and eugges tions. A large crowd It expected, te be pmeant to lake part in the meet /»«• Jadge Smith promises that the meeting will he full sf internet te stl and much interest and enthusiasm will retail. SUBSCRIBE TO THX DISPATCH CUMMlSBIOl^BtB MEETING Monday, March fit l»lt, tha Baan of County Oommigionura mot hi fag . ular easeiom PrW»t D. H. > chairman; H wall, E. H. , Minuter of laat Proved. The following j from the eonaty N. D. Wombie I (Nortbington) terroc aaiary 1*0.00. L. D. B crgreenr for e*. 1. M. Byrd Hard , chair* ate. Drug Co. oOca njjpliea, i 5 Jaa. A.. Stewart Jailer. <60.00 John McLeod clerk ‘of terd aad amount paid for Indue adpda <1446. Bam Shaw, janitor. |1#». J. M. Byrd, rheriff aad paid wood far court - houaa r* J. It Byrd far hoidlag February court ant Recorder's court Md.ZO. Dr. J. X. fhvmem board aad1 lodging for Juror* I1IJL J. M. Byrd for elatlnuhjj <S*J6. B. 0. Godwin, judge |f -*-r11ii il aad ort/ j. 7. w payment of Hirer. Wiley Caste ment of Hirer. W. L. apodal Block Hirer. Z. U Sa tolenaod of IMS *P*eial Angler district, i Black River. J. E. Stone reidaied of U eenta rpccial school tax la Grove townahip. Mrs. J. B. Stone released ef 33 eenta apodal school tax. Grove town ahip. Ordered by tko Board that D. I' Senter and L- D. BurareH be author ised to contract for the building of concrete bridge os the LUUagten end Duke road. That John McLeod be end Is here by appointed purchasing agent* for the court house. On petition of Nam’s Croak town i ship the electiod ‘ on rood bonds la poetpened indefinitely. Dr. Halford presented hie official report, the sane ordered Med. John S. Johnson wos_Bfp6lnted overseer of the UHtagtea end Spent Springs road frees Hoeh Run to Spout Springe the asms to be worked in two auctions. Ordered by the Hoard that public road known as the Stewart and Oeaa bro road be discontinued.—LiUington Reporter. MR. NATHAN DOUGLASS DEAD Mr. Nathan Deugiase, a Confed eral# veteran died at Ma ham* in Up per Little River tewMhip after a lingering iltneae. Mr. Doagleaa waa about M years old and Ida death waa net unexpected. The deceased waa an excellent Christian man and eraa held In high esteem by a large ctrele of friends and eccroeintacees. He waa a nonet stent member of the Methodist Church aad a charter member of the Ltilington Maaoaie Lodge. Purer el eereiooe were eon . dacted this afternoon at • o'clock , at Summerville cemetery by Re*. , W. A. Porbee, the Ulltngtoei Ledge having charge at the burial cere , monies. Mr. Dooglam la earrhred by Iris , wife and two sens, who >ave ear sympathy In their beraaeemet.— , Harnett Repartee. Or. aad Mra. L P. Kicks spent a I few heart la PhyethsittM Teeeday. ntOJt CHAPEL Hil l > Chapel Jill], March Wb—Prepera Uona for the inauguraDl uardici et i President Edward K. Graham, on .-prll II, 0.0 taking final dupe The U«t of apeakera for the notable occa sion hac been arranged. Addresses wdl be dettvaced by President I**. •H of Harvard University, President Goedaew of John Hopkins University Presidgpt Alderman of the Univar »ty of Virgiaia, and President Fla lay of tha University of New York. Ob behalf of the alomnl of the Uahrareity, George Stephens of Charlotte, member of the -1— of IMd, will address the distinguished academic seedmblaga Prof. L. P. McOehee, dean of the University Law School, has boon chosen as speaker to represent the faculty. The oxer m the faranooa will be pretU •d over by CeverafefeLocke Craig. Socretary of Navy JMphua Daniels will preside as toastmaster at the luncheon in 8wain Hall srbsn the visiting delegates are entertained. . Among the college presidents wfai will attend the aagust ggtj,. •ri"g era all these in North Carolina, with the exception of eae. Froii oeteide of the 8tats will earns Provi dent Alderman at the University of Virginia, President Goodaoa of John Hopkins University, President Lew ell of Harvard University, President Finlay of New York University. President Jamas of Uarvarsity of II liaoia, Preaidant Hamanehlng et Car negie Palyteehaic Institute, President Lovett of Bine Institute, President Moore of Union Theological Semi nary. President Mathasoa of the Georgia School of Technology, Prest daat Murphree et the University at Florida, President Smith of Wash Idgton and Lea University, President uwjnw *«C*. Xuiaad Stanford Univwdty, Baylor Uairersity, Smith Collage, Columbia University, University of Mloooari. Bteven. Institute of Tech nology, VanderMIt University, Trin ity College' (Conn.), Mos.ochaoott* Institute of Technology, ijaivetsrty of Plttakarg, Teachers College of New York. lleverford Collage, Wot ford College, Purdue University, Bryn Mawr Collage, United Bair* Military Academy, Medical C .tit of Booth Caroline. Mt. Holyok* Col lege. Rutger* College, University of I of Alabama, fit. Johns College, Uni-1 varsity of Arkansas, Georg* Wash-1 ington University. Tha learned societies of Amend! will be writ represented at tha in-1 augural exercise*.—S. K. Winters . f ANOTHER PROGRESSIVE MOVE. Tha progressive Arm of Barnes A Holliday Company are ever hi tha forefront when things for tha good of tha town and community are be ing considered, and does iu part to shove good things slocg. Their let est action la the establishment of a ladies' rest room la their large fur niture and house furnishing estab lishment. This room is for the use of visitor* whs com* to the town to do their trading, and especially pro vided for farmers' wive* and chil dren. It I* provided whh all tha modern conveniences; (here ere lava tories, toilets, etc., for th* oac of lady customers end shopping visitors to the town. This Arm's thoughtful ness end progressive ns** is to bo HAPPT VALLEY V1NETART) Bought By Prof. I. A. Bltwfl, of Cornell University, Who W1R Make »r Mod*4 Orchard and Vineyard. Prof. J. A. Biasall, of Ithacrn. K. Y-, end Profeeeor of Boils st Cornell University, fins purchased llapoy Valley Vineyard, a few miles n rth of Paysttoville. Professor Bissotl has already set out a number -if choice fruit tree* and dona asried work on the (rape vines and arbor t. Wo undarataad that his Intavticr Is to make at this place a model »dard and vineyard. Happy Valley Vineyard era* the property af the late 0. W. Inwrtnce, who raised fine crapes there and manufactured as ««od wins as ran ha made anywhars. We welcome Prefeetor in our midst and trust that Us venture may ha la every way successful.— Fayetteville Observer. Arrant—ante have bean practical ly o— plated U heid-ths WilWrd-John sea prias Ayht atHavaaa ta the first week ad April. The affair was first i stayed to tabs plaea at James, Mas. , las, Just aareaa the Has tram B Paso, STATE NEWS President WUeeij may visit North Cmaline on hi* return trip (rw Sea Francisco. He has not arranged an itineiary, but (ongrcssmaa Webb, one of Us closest ad risers, is Insist-’, ln( that tha Chief EsomUtc tasks several stupe in the Btate. Speaker Emmett R. Wooten’s will eon tains only 86 words. It la Mid to one Of the brief eat aa record. HU wife, lire. Nannie C. Wooten, to executrix and seta beneficiary. He wa« not wealthy bat vwaed coosid eruble real aetata aad persoiad prop erty. 8amoai Rogers, Senator Simmon's campaign manager, hat beM appeinu ad Director of the Census by Frost dent Wilson. Mr. Bogan was m the State Corporation Commissioe for a term and is prominent tat North Carolina politics. He will not take charge of the census office until March 16. .ffcorUy after midnight Sunday morning fire destroyed the stork of . clothing, dices and dry goods of i. . M. riaslels at Wilson. The value of the stock Was pul et |W*000. The building was partially dent roped, hat ( it was covered by insurance. The stock was Insured for *8,000. Jhe origin of th* Arc is unknown. Tha reooni* of tha customs bout* , " WUmingtea show that al: iwico aa much uprpurt business was | *os»s during February of this year, , than durtafr Febroary, ISM. Urn as sorts this past February amounted to tl.TMJUA, during Febroary of 1814, the export businoss twfW6^00. • After discusmiag and prohibition io^slaHdn for reeks the GMem! AmamMy ■greed or 'an Anthjag BiU pdovidee that H shall be for any person, Arm,or i to racalso more thaa ■ririekay hr Are “ iag tha sp lays.' Urn a forbidden by uMs l*w alee, saw )*w. wll go into aCptt Apr! stock law, for tbs governaasat to Istd its help ia ban liking tbo cattis tick until a county adopt* the stock law and. shows it Is going to bald to Ha decision. A county that has shown ibe pregreasivansa* along other 1Hm* that Sarapeon has shown nataraUy ia not going to put up with the cattis tick aiueh longer.—Kalelgh News and Observer. SHOULD SMALL THINGS BE IN SPIRED ‘There's a lot of Interesting read ing on a thousand dollar bill. Get a few and amuse yourself.” it hap pens. however, that a thousand lara in made lip of one hundred thou» and Penates, end that there la a lot of interesting reeding on the pa rties one has spent foolishly and which he cannot get back when he la moat in need of them. Mountain* have been pulverised And east down, end castles at marble have been rased in the eourso of een turiea by the lichen, a moss ae b> significant that ha roots are scarcely discernible to the human eye. The earthworm plows the whole surface of the earth. The silk worm help* to doth* notions. If Columbus had not seen and picked up a small pise* of wood float ing on the water, ha might hove lost heart, as his man had already done, ; and turned, back. The developed acience of printing began with a few rede letters carved on wooden blocks What has print ing dona for the world T It has over thrown dynasties and mads democ racy (the rule of the people) passi ble; H has driven out ruperitltkai; it haa apraad the light of knowledge and troth over the whole earth. Th first rode settlement of Roam la* hocus* Rome, aed Rome, at length commanded the world. Boppoee Galilee had not ebeerved the "Winging of e lamp or Newton the falling of aa apple? Boppoee Franklin had not aeat op • kite? Boppoee that Watt, while mending broken flddee far a living, had not noticed the noemaity of keeping the wall of a cylinder at the earn* tern, poiwture aa the eteam which cam# lato them? Soppoee Rockefeller aad Carnegie had never saved a penny? Sappoee Noah Wabater had never learned hi* letter*? Th* umaUeet thing beeemm r» apeetahle whan regarded aa the cam ■noncement of what ha* advaaeed or ie advancing into magnificence."-'Ex. Tea**. But Jack Johnson did not ear* to riak himself that near the United Rtatea line. Daria* Rest*, th* EngU*h driver, in hie Feogot machine, wan th* Van derbilt cop race at Baa Fraactao* iatorday over away inalaeteaie Be [ DiniKu cvuArwu 1 . AXD l '• • .. ■ Wherever civilised mi m theauolves, the And mi the ___ foilsw. la the niWul eft* ml e. hill; mi ?,<$) inetitutieee to the happiness _ of any peeple abase ( •Uta. They axe -the of religion and kocs mighty i« v la this s standard that U Her diurrha* era _ (Wishing and'^jrjMosaiAhSr Especially U this tme sf IhL'^BSh! list. Baptist am* — r‘ I, ST' cations. Their heuese etf Cas tro taaatifsl inaaipln ef pAhj; *®T •1H dUasa is praad. ThatrmJE' >'*• he rltixenship. Dima's ‘h aaa • ’ 1 for hoing an to date la sari <- • • _ _ Ufc client re salts. The schools •«had by the beet and mea *•«*•'* They, Iha tha, ire veil | sad espq onrsnimea mad U o r>r«h fad Iha- sender •• •' or. I.njERTT BELL rtlLPILXB TIB DBBTUfT ______ 1 Strangely prophetic appear tha word* of the —lam I [p|1 lie M tha liWty Ball, in view, ct tha dramatic occurrence of Thsrtday, whan tha kadt wai rounded hy maUat-Meara far tha trot time tine H taltod for the death of Ju»tk* Jtarohsl) In ink end tha *ou»d tranisdtted to laa Franciem, waa re-echoed in tha stag Iny of "The Star Spangled Banner," distinctly aodibis hare. It has often bosa pointed oat that the word* of the l«tib versa of tha ?kth chapter of Lwrttlcu*. addad when the boll wu recast in 17M, rroro peculiarly applicable to the Declaration of Independence and tha 'Jinunciatory role of th. boll ia 17T. '•Proclaim liberty throughout tha knnd, onto all tbs Inhabitant* Than of." Bat not anti] this year of grnua was that injunction literally ful tmed, when the boO that had aiopt .tearly eighty yuan and waa thoaght to have boon -"ranil farooar •addon] y awoka and mat forth m Thursday tha thrilling Tltiiallia ad Its voice acroos ths rimllnoal ley af Concord’s ''embattled hram" as "tha (hot hoard araand tha warid." Evan from «aa to saa a* "th* vote* of asm •<**" nfinioasr—IhltaMshta PnbHc Lodger. ! _ A "KUHIOBr no IT I-aa* Monday n%te ,,**iifmnt one «« Um ooUytrtf noffro diatrina to th# wxith W tann, waa th# icana of JWf.o fiMH of annually f#r»-‘ty. A Quarral ItvtUH amon* th* M »m a# that l> allty aad Haatty •t’ti'd (If Himar vk*a Mary Ma hew up hor »b mil tat bo* aad Arad It tt TTorrtol Byrd. Harriot lo not aarioualy iindil bowaaar, aid will bo abla to attaad trial Tbando) nMnlno whoa Mary aad ah* «■ boo* It out Watt iodfo Barith. aapoaltlaa aoura* In 4 boon OT aria. •M* waa «7 14 odtaa aa h***** • j J* aap aj Boyoo . -a Jspws to** apac <j f oq

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