THE DUNN DESPATCH m ncoml tie— met ter April let. 1914, at the poet oMee at Dtetn, N. C. under the Ml ef March A 187*. OUR TERMS: , One year. 14)0 Six Martha. . AO line Martha,. 26 L BU3BCK POPE. Publisher. i RMMMhl tea fact that tea date ef tea city aiactls* la Marty ai—tki in tka future, candidates tmt tea eerieea rikaa witkia tea gift af tea rater* have already begun to te feaUBg ear an municipal affairs aad to plan tkeir eam i t» tea eadaarer te land office. Tka aamfcn campaign promises to ko ana than tka usual laka-wana affair in teat that* are tern ar aura rondirfatoa for Mayor, riBtrmt wards far eaote la tea city •aeaaB. la tea choice af a man for Mayor parOcmUr car* aad discretion teaaM ha •narriiaiL la years gore ky k mattered Utile who hold this '•(i. The town wm small and itv sigpiAeaat aad tka datiaa aad poll Mae ef tea mayor were «rf minor Im Psrtsaas eorraapendiagty. Bat tee temper at ton is no loagor a stray gUag Tillage; k la a small city and coasteatly growing. Cansaqaeatly tka bead af the city government should ha a mu whoos qualities fol hr measure ap to tea requirements aad staadard* demanded by a pro graakra citizenship. He skoodl be » “e» ef uosual ability in business and goranuamtel again; ha akould paaaaaa qualities of Wadorskip; be sk—Id ha a man af drams as. strict tetegrity aad af sterling dmtacter, and akaald ban a sense of Justin aad impartiality. He akould be able te perform Ike duties ef his e c* tekk tea dignity that sack a post ttenroqpdrea aad, shore all, be one the pnpmiw apirit tf the city BailiHy, plaaia fat tk« city own eH *NU bUMkimthom ot ■■<• lllil ability aid latelRgceico *• »«e*Mt affairs wisely and wedL Injhe past than want aa pobiie ntil aMqt aad amtara ad tbs council *—Id ba aw the alert to am tha tawml beat Interest. TV voters abould ba folly eogni of tha abilities aad qualities of «w*dah» for tha different city of •raa, and ahooU weigh tha manta «d each baton carting their ballots. Thaoferr Rnaaaalt is area before aa. tee ad bis recent exploits It bit nmkinkl) la aad pronaotlea od tha American I agiaa, aa orgaaixatioo of mrtmal bardnd* of thousands of traiaad aa ska maid bo ready - •gbt tha iaataat war is deeiared. **• wwdd raise a dMalen of cavalry aad eaaase his her eon a to volunteer la teas branch of tho ear ice. Tha Oalenal*s fighting qualities an ad ainMo aad bis enthusaena •ad nail at, but jiaet at thia ii~ Daata laa ia not extaadiag much aroursgrami. 0 Bate your town. Da tbie not only at hatee bat abroad. Whao yaa nead Maada or money do yaa go claa •Baia far Kf No, yon ga ta aorna •aa yaa know, mm naighboring bariaaaa maa ar friend. Da you not aaw a date ta year beona town? Tea 4»0ad a Mg ana. Da ovary tiring la yaw power ta rapay H, If yoamMa. Wlaa yaa art “JotUaa* wba rlvaa Nt nadWii ta dat Nat tka .tran «•*. M* yaw neat daw neighbor tahaa yaa la and gtvoo yea a baaat aa that yaa can cmrry the load alone «f*a yew town a good name aa often aa yea aan. Xa Mind tnMkat«on wiB remain •* Baiatgh far two year* longer. The General Aanaaibty refaaad to non aldw Ma rcoMial from that rity at •Ida tea. Them la a yaaoiMllty that Ihla name gaaatlaa will ha taken ap M tha salt General Aaaately, and It "* tateSwad4 m A M>1 •■•laa ta Xante Co. bat failed One C. ' - —- ' Twg PmhwM Ah—m Aa The eompolaorjr school Us Is — that la not triad up to In ovary Maos of tho word. This is detrimental to tho children who coaue within tho Un its of tho tow and shows lack of to torast on tha pan of the parents, who should bo interested in their chil dren's welfare. D«ri than two aa exztisad absences in a school month of four weeks to a violation of the othoel tow. The tow demands that pot onto shall reuse thair child— be tween the ages of elgh t and twahra to attend school regularly. Tha penalty attached to violation of the law for neglect or refusal In causing the children to attend school is a flue. The fine for drat offense may be suspendod upon payment ol costa bat upon tha second offense the full penalty will bo exacted. Scctioi • of this act reads as follows, and U published for tho information of all parents: Every parent, guardian or other person in tho State of North Carolina having charge or control of a child or children between the ages ol eight and twelve years ahall cause said child to attend school as afore said: (Section one provides for coo tinoous attendance, and section S ex ample those physically disqualified ) Provided, that occasional absence from each attendance by such child amounting to not more than two on excused absences in four consecuthn weeks shall not be unlawful; Pro vidad further, that the soperinten dent, principal or taacher in chafga of any school may axcuse any child for a temporary absence because ol unusual storm or had weather, sick neea or death in the child's fhmlly unforeseen or unavoidable accidents and such excuse and reason therefoi shall be recorded by said auperinten .lent, principal, or teacher in charg. of school and reported to the attend ance officer aa he rl oaf ter provided Provided, further, that in case ol protracted illness of any child whom attendance is required under this acl or in case of quarantine of Ihe homa in which the child resides, upon re port of the health officer or upon sat isfactory evidence to this effect, tha attendance officer shall excuse fronr attendance such child until he la full) restored to health or until the Uma required by law that he shall stay oast of schoel after quarbitina hat beau raised Tko appropriation granted by thr '•te Geooral Assembly, amounted to 92,746,000. Tkia amount in targe in dead, when tko financial condition of the State and ite people U conakternd. The legislators wished to bo aa lib oral aa pcaaiMo and they vara. But • front deal me than they got to an advantage Aa tko State groan richer, tko appropriations will in crease accordingly. THR CABTER-AMKKNETHY CABS Tko quarrel hot ween Judge Car ter and Solicitor Abernethy ia at tracting State wide attention. The merits and demerits of each mar concerned are receiving full atten tion at tko hands of the public. Aa the investigation proceeds the fight baeomes more bitter and nastier. It ia decidedly personal and aach man ia seeking to tear down tho other's character. Tko Stats at largo will not benefit by tint, at all, and at soon »s tho facte can bo gotten together and Justice rendered tko better it will be for everybody. Tko Fourth Citato has lost heavi ly within the past fow dare on ae eouat of tho rfou.ka of Tbad It Man aiag. of Han demon, and Edward H. Farrias, of High Point. Tbo former •tea a veteran In *tho newspaper world but bo was not in service at tho time of hie death, having given up newspaper work several /an •go. Ho brought the Header son Gold Loaf into prominence and was known all over N. C. aa a strong and forceful writer. Mr. Farias was a young man and died in tho harness, Iwtng city editor of tho High Point Enterprise. Ho eras a man of abil ity and had a bright future. HARNETT EXEMPTED Th« Hoaaa of Repreaentatien in runaldering Dm State-wide Prim My Bill last Saturday to tad to hare i< t Uao 34 of the raid bill to apply to Harnett County. Thla taction yro Tided that the act thall not apply to nomination* for candidate for Mon ty oficer* and member* of tha Houae of Begrraantotlvee, but there h a prorleo that la one ilfth of tha Tatar* wheaa nambar la a* praat aa that I ram for Got err or in tha la*t election j petition, the comoiimionan caa hare aa election ordered far tha purpoee af determining aa ta whether they *•* aoma in under tho genera! pew «Mana of tha art. Mr. Baa wall cham pioned the earn of the Harnett Dem errata to hare tha county atriekea fram tha aactiaa, hat Rapraaaatatiwa McKay appaalad to the ilojm to lot Mr. Bernal! eon that reepon maWd faa ptarad on the Her net* repreeentetlre far esompUag tfca county from the ganaral prwria Uae of the net. ian ^mm|( *• ■■" * ■MftvMi Mu here af tho Pimntaa Diet mho kora i la Oar m are 7*1 dm _la that eaoa> icy. Thia ia aa Irtreae af awra ■MW *ma dm end rf »]«. Cumberland waato Dean to thrive, bat H la aat willing to gtoa part of tbia county to form the proposed county tf Jura. Ctunberiaad la too mail u It k It will probably to a long ton* before a Democratic legislator* will form a new EtpabUcan county. Of eoera* the reformation of *»—p— and .Hnraatt to devoutly wiatod lto, bat the legislator* too aid let ttoto work eat thafc own lahratioa and likely will—Fayetteville lades. PRESIDENT ORA HAM? IN AC CUEAL APRIL UST Invitations are totoc matted by the trustee* and faculty of the Univer sity of North Carolina to the Inaugu ral of Its preeidant, which aecuia at Chapel Hin on April Slat, 191k. The program of the eserristo fallows: ld:SO—Academic Preroooin* forms. 11:00— Inaugural Exercises. Ad dressee by Preeidant Geednew, Presi dent Finley, President Alderman, President Lowell. Inaugural ad der**. Greet Inga. 2.00—Luncheon. 9:30—Reception. The Academic coetame win be worn. LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS The 191k session of the Qeaere Assembly of North Carolina came to u end Tuesday night. An shun-' dance of local lagiaatien was sent through the mill, while tow toper taut State-wide men stir** war* en acted. The Revanu* and Machinery act was barely touched; it remain, about as it was. Tto usual appro priation* war* voted; aa increase here and decrease there. The pro hibition law* worn tightened up a bit; the amount a paraoa should re ceive in shipment was *p**M*l, L * , for each fifteen days not more than one quart of boose and net mere than five gallon, of tour. A State wide primary bttl waa passed, bat no on* Is making a fuss ever this -»»il he finds eat just what ton law means. AU-tn-all tto legislature was content to leave things aa they ware, bat, notwithstanding this fact, the party out of power win find much out of which they tope to build po litical capital. TVa Jarvis county movement con tinues to go fOrwarti. It is raining groand every day, not only la this aoctioo bat all wear tbs Stats. Paopl* ar* bsginniag to alt up and taka noties and listen to tb* matte of this movement. It has merit, an I arbors there U merit there is nr* ta b* corset deration. Plana are an foot to give Jarvis greater yahUatty and »«rt Saturday at 1:40 o'clock far tbs parpoe* of haaping tb* mne-nt be fore tbs people. Iat every crtixm attend. Tb* habit of abusing a parson's character is on* of tb* mast vtdooa known and on* that re-acta on th* abuser with great force. Par exvn pl* taka tb* parson who baa no ax* to grind; whoa* integrity eaanot be questioned; whoa* character will stand th* aaprams test and whoa* life is an open book, as It war*, with hi* record open to evarybad** inspec tion. Sock a parson is not injured by th* abuse of those srho weald un do him. H* travels an to Us I award, whatever it Bay ba. Bat the abuser, in turn, sinks draper into th* Bile, finding nothing clean there, contin ue* to reacts noddy hands far some thing cleaner. LONG BRANCH SCHOOL. Record of district receipts and ex penditures, July 1, 1914 to Jana 30, 1914, district No. 10, srUta race, Av sraaboro township. Balance brought over .*112 00 Local tax ...491 At County apportionment . 490.00 County building funds . 400.00 8tat* building fund* . 400.00 District expanses . 28.00 <« * of painting .9 40.40 Bala of old school prep. .... 41.00 40* of blackboard ....... 2 44 *0'* of school site. 40.00 Appo. from Cater. Itl4-'14 100A0 1,094.44 91,909.12 1,004JO Balance .$ *77.14 Expenditures for year beyfrafo* jaly 1,191*, ending Jans *0,1*14: J H. Tart—eeheel rite * 10040 Ceonty Board-Blackboards 0.10 G. O. Godwin— Bafldtey elssst *440 M. D. B—msrtis Pain tiny *04* C. H. Bops—Bsfldfay Hssas 144*40 W. T. Hands—Snaring wood 040 J. C. Annau Bases * Bips 1140 nuksr *0140 ■'•"‘a* Bsps Wssd 104* M. D. Oonussrlin — Balsses B^adOB, 0047 J. C. Bepe—Levering yard 740 Mrs. Weak* — TtnabsTS MOTTO AGS BALK OF TALC ABLE LAND By Tirtaa of authorit- contain*! if • nmde to Parrish Godwin Company bv G L. Sorrol aad duly recorded Reyistry Her net. (sMBrty. Book No. UO, pays tSA. dc faalt partny made in the payment M tha note secured by sums. the unde siynad win Mil at -ablie auction fo cash te tbo hlyhast Udder before the eeoTtbooao door ia UUinytan. N. G at 13:00 M. on Monday March Ut 1013* “O foilowiny deocribed proper to, took: ■ BoyhMbvy at a stake aad nointar. la a bottom, Joke A. Ennis' comer, aad runs as bis Uae 8. UVt X. orieoe i^o.^thlUld BaatL SO chaia. aad SO links to ataka In Jeha Ryal'. comae; thsoci as kk lino S. SO W S* ska Ins and 1* links to a stales aad potatars Us earner aad Elisa Ryal’s noo: tksaca as kar Uae re-croasiax tko said rood N 40 W 4* chains aad SB Uaka to a ataka Hickary aad Ptas pointers under a kill ta bar eorasr In the lies of loan Tuiiaetaa; thsoee aa har Uae M. SO B. IS chains aad 30 Haka ta a stake aad pointers bar comer; thence aa her Une N. 40 W. 0 chelae aad 10 ticks to Parrish comer; thence as his Une and past his comer N. 10 B. S3 chains te a stake aad pointers; thoned N. S4 B. 10 chains aad 30 links ta a sinks aad pointers R. Sorrell's comer; thanes as bis Uae 8. 00 B. IS chains aad 00 Haka te a stake ia Ennis' comer; tkaaco aa kia lias to tko »*-r<--<-y coin hi toy 100 norm more or loan. TSnaa of tala eaahl Time March 1st 1*13 at 13:00 M. at tha court heaao dear la Liliisrtan. N. G This SSrd day tf Jumary ISIS. PARRISH-GOD WIN CO, BARBOUR A BARBOUK^AMm**' This sale has boon continued until March 10, ISIS. - — None* or bax* By virtue at authority ceotalned ia a eartala mortMe dead oxeeuted by D. A. Holland end wtfe to hr rteh-Godwta (hapuy, rerietered b> Book 110. pace 08, of the record! of Harnett eaoaty, the wndorttanad KfSilSVWSreteSS Door *- *“*--*-Ner«X xtt, located j la the county >*0 line. R. M. raaa weat with 1(0 yarde to a " corner la -J Booth M A. Holland'! to a i V ui secured j tth. 19U —far eaeh. In LilUaftea, the following TewnaJun. a' la Oevelend B • W. lW • '.“Jb ^d j£EN _ LZV. ILM ihalm to a peat at, Coate aad Cary lannhor Ooatairt earner, aad rune Coate' Bne iTlt dacroJ W. IBM chafer to a otake aad pyint on Matthew WUttaae' er"er; theoca aa hia Haa N. BfH E. Add ehatoa to iptoe etump; thence 8. *7 deiriio E. to the boolnnhm eoo tolalac twenty throe (II) ecree more or leae. Thto Jaoary 17th, 1111. C. t. MKIOHBORS, Owner of DehL NOTICE or LAND SALE By rtrtne of authority contained fat • mwtgaro deed made U W. O. Me LMb by J. A. Me Lamb, Ika aald note end mortgage dead aecurtng tha aama haring bean on February ta, 1*14 tranaiarrad ta tha Farmer* Cam aurdal Bank, af Baaaoe , N. C, a£ieh mortgage U ragiatarad in the ®*o* of tha Banister of Dooda af 5«»pott County, North Carolina, B^k 107. pap 1M, default Karin* baan made in tha garment af tha nata aecured br awna tha undersigned will aoll to the highest bidder for Moh at tha Coart House door. Lil lingtoo, N. O, at 11 o'clock A. an Monday, April 11th, 1*18, tha fellow Ing daacribed property to-wit: Baglnnta* at a atnka on tha north ■Ida af roUy Branch In tha eM Une af the main tract of which this la a part, and rani thence N. 18 W. *7 rhnlna to ar ataka, tkonea W. 18 A^tea ta a ataka, thence B. 11 E. U • Make, thence 8. 88 C. 1171 eWlM to a ataka, tfcmca M. 47 I. 18.10 chains U thi h^ rfng ooeitninin* 11814 acres, sndbe )■« *J01!?— * te dead af D. A. MeDuAs to J. 0. l+T**, duly rwerdad ta book 171 of ^afmjBP 4~ Data, AarflUth, IBIS, IS M. Ftoja,