LOCAL A. C L. PA84ENGBR TRAIN SCHEDULES i Southbound, No. 88. 4:23 A. U. No. 44. 8:44 P. H. No. 44. 11:12 P.M., Northbound. ' Mo. M. 12:62 P. M. Mo 42. 11:42 P. M. Mo. 84 . 4:22 A.M. Hr. P. P. Pope, of Coats, wot in town today. Editor A. M. Mooro, of the f ay ettevtlle Index, waa in the city Toea <lay Mr. Jsasa Nor ns. an automobilo man of Raleigh, waa in town Tom day. Mrs. T. R. Hood, of South field, it visiting bar daughter, Mrs. Wallace Coltrano. Mias Mary Amoa, of Fort Norfolk, Virginia, waa a recant guest of Mroi Granville Tilghman. Mr. Jaa. Bain, who has been em ployed at Wilmington for the oast few moatha, ii hare. Mias Lota Gough, who has been visiting in tha city, relumed to her home at Lumberton Monday after Mr. Archie Hooka, who is with Alex Rprunt A Sons, cotton factors, •pent Monday at Pour Oaks on bnu Miss Florence Duncan, who has bean visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Papa, returned to bar home at Roes boro Monday. Mr. Willard Jackson, who is at tandbig tha Page School of Pharma cy at Raleigh, spent tha week-end hare with hii people. Hoe. J. R. Baggett, of Lallingtoo, waa nominated and confirmed by the General Assembly last Monday as a director for tha school for the Faable UI.J^l ir...... .. Country produce U coming to this' market in Urge quantities at this1 ti» Kip ara bringing fro 12 1-2 to IS amts Grown ban* nre being •old at S6 cants, while young chick ana ara scarce. Mr. J. W. Whitehead, the Atlan tic Coast Una agent at this place. U still in Florida in a hospital. Lata reports from his bedside nr* that bo is improving, which is pleasant news far hda larga cirri* of friend^ Mlaa OUra Trader, of . Baltimore, arrived In tasgn Hadpy ' morning. date of turn announced Idler . The remaining part of the Moo** Tripp star* an East Broad street is haiag removed. It iritl be re mem bared that this building eras partial ly destroyed by Ara during the Christ mas holiday*. Since tba An it Las remained untouched. It is Mr. Tripp's intention to plac* a nice brick struc ture on the lot a* soon .as ha car. do *0. Borne of the local automobile man ara considering the Jitney bus eat rice. Since Dunn has no trolley linos, enterprising automobile opera tors believe that car* can be operated on a regular schedule to point* in and near town at a profit. Of coarse the population is limited end the idee new, but the carries een be started In a email way and tbe publie edu cated to patronise it .Mjas Margaret Karnes, a native Baltimorean, arrived in Dunn last Friday. She baa com* to take charge . of the minhtcry deportment at B Fleishman A Reus.' store. This i* bar first season in our town. She bag bad y earn of experience in mil unary ana comae her* aa an expert with all the latest In woman*! heao r*»r. The iprior opening et this large artabliahmcnt will be atmounr ad later. The eerrlee at the Prsafcytarian Church Sunday morning wne largely attended. Special music wax render ed and Mlaaaa Lina Gough, of Lom berton, and lea Prareon aided the choir. Rev. A B. McQueen prxeched an able and Instructive sermon, fell ef food for thought. At the evening service Mlxa Kitty Poole, of the Mer edlth faculty aang a aolo which waa *nj*7*d vary much by tha congrega tion. Bav. Baylaa Ca > fined th* pulpit at th* Baptist Church Sunday at both morning and evening aaisicaa. At tha morning aarrite special music waa rendered by Mittas Pool* and Jehneasi, of th* Meredith faculty. A large congregation waa present Bav. Baylaa Cade, aatiitent pastor, la son do* ting a series of moating* I soeh evening this week at tha church. Geod Congregations are attending •very service. His sermons am full at scripture and Instructive. ' Cotton continues to com* In to Ufa aterkot Last Saturday 1«0 bales <fa*e Mthstsi Oe Monday DO hale* aeW. Tha prices rang* around * etnts and tha grades are i»oc*d Thau* la still large amounts of lht» Baaey pUpla pot in sold, the far nsra aalBng only whan they are In need *d supplies and when tha marvel brighter It ha* bean the policy of th* farmers In this section to sell ih* '*w »f cotton Immediately Jn high Ur. Thomas Abdo, of SmithAdd, was la the city Sunday. Dr. R. L. Warren made a profes sional trip to Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. Sam Parker mads a trip to Goldsboro the latter part of last waak. The Christmas Club at the First National Rank baa opened. Have you Joined ? '• Mrs. J. W. Jordan and Mrs. B. 0. Townsend went down to Payette villa this afternoon. Mr*. Goo. E. Prince returned, from Richmond this afternoon where she went on a business trip. Messrs. Geo. L. Cennady and A. U Newberry letumed from Fayetteville today where they went on o business trip. Maser*. T. L. Bsss, of Sampson, sod A. C. Bass, of Creanvflle, South 'aroiina, were visitors in tha city r» oantly. Dr. Jesse Coltranc, a prominent dentist of Zcbulan, (pent Sunday and Monday with his brother, I»r. Wal Isco Coltranc. The opening of the Christmas (Hub at tha First National Dank runs through two weeks, during which parted members will be received at all times during banking heura. Tha baseball nina of the Dunn Graded Schools played a nine of boys who styled themselves ss the "Iown Boys" Tuesday afternoon. Ths score was 9 to 0 in favor of the school team. The baseball team of tha Dunn Gradad School journeyed to Four Oaks today to meet the achooi team at that place. At this writing a re port from the game has not been re ceived. Last Monday evening a party of young people of the city enjoyed s small informal dance at the llall on West Broad Street. some of those present ware Misses Erne Mixon, Isabelle Yofmg. Mary Me Maura. J. i’earssll. II. C. 1-ee; Claud Gardner, Mr. Walker, pi Fayette ville. The plan that the First National Bank offers to the public to aavc money by depositing in the "Christ mas Club" ia a gnat one. The Club Is run ia three clessee, the 2Sr class, the Me class and (he $100 class The “Club" runs 40 weeks ending December 14th, 1*16. Their check is Uses mailed to each member Just ia tlnaa far Christmas shopping and comes at a good time for alL A new Arm has recently been or ganised in Dunn. U Is styled as ee the Pearsall Electric Company, with Messrs. William and Jerc Pear sall as partner*. The Arm.ha* rent • - -s a. *L. »*64i7^1fclV Store and will carry a stock of elec trical eappliea and will contract for both inside and outdoor electrical wiring. The young man are home boy* and an progressive. They de serve and will get the patronage of home people. The First National Bank of Dunn has again inaugurated a Christ m*» Saving* Club. It will be remember ed that this institution conducted such a club during 1914. It was a marked success and mnny saves* ra ce, vad checks Just before Chrietmar last year. The enrolling of names for the ensuing year will continue foi •wo weeks. There are three classes in th« dub, 1. a, 26c class, 50c class and $1.00 class. Any of these is s good class to get into. A representative of the Radcliffe Lyceum Bureau w*a in town a fr days ago conferring with local peo pis about securing a series ef high class attractions for next fall ami win tar. Nothing definite was done, but the representative will return to the city '.n the near future and it is hoped that ho will close e contract with Dunn people. This town needs a high class lyeeum course. T5 e ar tists that tba same would bring u> our people; and the grade of th. per formancee, would more than repay the parties interested Anancially and w*uld be a great source of pleasure to lovers of high class amusement and pleasure. «**. ERNEST NEIGHBORS HE COVERING Mr. Ernest Neighbors, son of Mr. S. C. Neighbors, who live* about three miles north of Dunn, ii slowly recovering after e painful accident twe weeks ego. He war handling eotna dynamite bleating cape when they suddenly exploded. U« was ter ribly shocked and his eyes were ef fected to soeh an extent that he loat hie eight. On Tuesday morning Mr. Neighbor* in company with hla fa' er aad brother. Messrs. 8. C. end John Neighbors, aad Dr. I. P. Hicka went to PayetUnrille to cone all Dr. H. W. Lilly at th« Cumberland Hot pital. An examination waa mads and treataaent given At this Hist H is not definitely known that hla sight will be restored. A *NEKDMORE" PICHT Lae* Monday night "Needmor *,• ene ef the outlying negro dietricu bo the Booth of town, waa the scene of negro frncaa of unusually fcro-'t.y. A quarrel developed ameng the dent »ene of that locality and Anally reached Ha climax when Mery Me Nefll drew op her shooting Ins and Arad H at Harriet Byrd. Harriet it not seriously worm dad however, and will be able to attend trial Thursday m0TT'i"« w*en Mary and aha win haw H out before Judge Imhh. TOR CHATTERBOX CLUB MBITS The Chatterbox Club met with Mia* Lucile Handle last Friday af ttmoon. After spending an hoar or no Industriously sewing, tho hoetees brought forth refreshments. Two cuv race wera served, a fruit course followed by hot chocolate and wa fers. Those present were: Misses I Iva Battle, Corinnn Jackson, Ruby lifldwin, Rachel Clifford. Myrtle* PilUhan, Emma I«e, Margaret Moore. "A BOX OF MONKEVS” WELL RE CElVBfl The enter lainment given by the lad tea of the Methodist church last Fri day evening proved to be • success from ell points of view. The play let. "A Hox of Monkeys,” was ooe of the best amateur production! ever seen here. All of the "actors" fitted Into their parts with ease and grace and acquitted themselves creditably. The second part uf the program was given over lo Madame Blvateki's Grand Orchsatra. The young ladies presented s pleasing appearance to their picturesque uniforms. Then music and it was mojtc—pleased the audionce immensely. The old time selections were interspersed with latest song hits end a little of die high-brow etulT was thrown in lo make it varied. The proceeds amounted to fifty dollars approxi mately end ax slated heretofore will go to the building fund of tho Moth odist Church. Mrs. Wallace Colt ran# in the pert of Mr*. Ondego 7bor.es was very t-md. She portrayed the part of '•served lady of rank with much aaaa. Mies Mary Freeman as Lady Guinevere Llandapore. of the Eng lish peerage, sras well received by th* eudienev. Mies Carrie WUaen as Sierra Uer.galine captivated the audience with ber work and showed th* talent of an expeit. The mete pert* were taken by Messrs. T. C. Young «nd Prentiss Knell It. Young as Edward Ralston, the own er of an American Gold mine, and Mr. Easel! as Chsuncey Oglethorpe, the partner of Ralston, were very rood ih their parte. Th# entertainment was so well re -rived in Dunn that those who have i. In charge ora contemplating pot ting it on at nearby towns. If suck be done it will no doubt bo received with crowded houses at evety par formanoa. THF HKiHSMITll FARM One afternoon last week Doctor rherla* Highamith cam* salting by the Dispatch oftca in Mr. W. R How the writer and asked “Deni you want to go oat to my farm?" sad without hesitation the three yelled n unison "You bet" The genta) physician brought (ha machine to a »top and the three clambered aboard. Ho pushed the button and away the ar aped. It maahdered itf » hrough the streets 3mtil it cam* to ’.he National Highway at the graded tehool building. After getting on the big rood. Doctor Highamith op ened the clutch until tha speedometer registered 2o mil as per hour, and ireeently Mr. J. C. Barrington', place was reached. Turning to th* left ‘here, th* cor continued its journey ?0T a mil* prohdbly and rolled up to •he Doctor’s farm. All jumped to the ground and th# visiters atndfht way began to look around to aae what sort of a place a town physician on ducts. Th* farm 1. not a large one—its area in about 3d acres, but neat and comfy-looking The outhouses are located conveniently and well ar ranged. Things in general looked ■u.ineaa-like and prosperous Th* doctor showed the party bis owi, while not a standard breed, are good animal, and giv* gallon* of rich milk every day. HI. herd la a •mall one at present but be mean, to add to H from time to time. Th# bog* ar* of good stock al.o, and tji# chickens arc of various breed.. It la Doctor Hlghsmith’a intention to raise rattle principally. He doe. not hope to get into it on a. large n wale as h# western farmers, but be le going Vo giv# the cattle raking bu.iaeaa a decent trial Too it is ■robable that be will astabltih • dalry--o«i a small scale at flret and later Increasing its capacity. Mr.. GoMMeW, HwUw to Virile, Last Thu rad.; afternoon lira. KI1U Goldstein entertained at a 8« Patrick’e party in honor of Uia fol lowing visitor, to Dann: Miae Mary Anioa. of Fort Norfolk, Virginia; MU« Erma Mlaon, of Oirleatoo, Sooth Carolina; and Mi.. Frada l*«ae». of Coldrimro. Au-llon bridge Wea the game of the after noon. lira. C. L. Wil.on won Aral Jntee, a leather eeore pad. The ear so la lien, a handeomely rrnbose.' om homed deck of playing car da, weal to Mra. E. T. Young. Pretty hand ranred silver pirtnr- frame, were presented to the honor guaetn. The decoration, ware vary ecqii' alta and tastefully Vniyengsd. The drawing room, in which the can! lablee were placed, waa adorned with hot house Aowera. Tha card table. wmrm adorned with violets, green car. nation* end frrna. The score card* uewl were very pretty, end had s shamrock painted on each The fay. or* were email green beta Ailed with I mints. A Art eO'Jraa luncheon was FRUITS, I DRIED FRUITS, 1 VEGETABLES, 1 FANCY CARES I AND CANDIES. I I o O OUB PRETTY IJTTLE O O STUBS IN BAILBOAD BT. 0 O IS NOW OPEN TO YOU— O <) ITS CONTENTS ABE REA- O 0 DY FOB YOUB INgPEC- O O TION AND APPROVAL* IN O O IT YOU WILE FIND FRESH O O CLEAN OOODS. AND ANY 0 O OP THEM WILL BE DELIV- O 0 KRED TO YOU PROMPT- O' 1 LY. O O O O TELEPHONE- O O O O O I THE I LITTLE I FRUIT STORE I FARMERS NOTICE—WK HAVE ■bout IK) load* of rood atabla ma nure for aale cheap for caah or oa tlma Lana A Lao*. WANTED-Hail, Banna*. Fncea rea aooabU. Apply to Mr*. Uiliau Vlnaon, or phoo* 148. THE LITTLE FRUIT STORE ON Railroad Street between poatofV* and Wilaoo and Lao, will pay hlfh aat caah price* for hotter and *cr* SEVERAL DOZEN WTANDOTTR Err*. RafiaUTod alack, far aal* at 11-iO par do.cn- A. D. WILSON, Dunn, N. C JOIN THE CHI the First Ni ly deposit will return yea total a* la when NI8SBS JOHN, AMO «urp»—C singing to everyone eras encored “Daddy" and ed back after tion* from . Hooter. In the dost,' j Off an <*ch, tb* twa displayed uhdr power* ». Him Poole’s soprano Johnson's contralto blended in thu number, and were re warded with applause. “Annie Laurie," Tenting To night," and "All the Night” were seng tbe two young ladies and these teatfliar num bers appealed to las Gertrude Jackson, on* of musicians, aided at tbe piaa* ta savor el num bers. served. Prosen ices in the shape of lhe shamrock were served to carry out the color scheme. Resides tb* honor guests, tb* fol lowing war* present: Mesdsmea J. Lloyd Wad*. John Kltagenld, Nat Townsend, Jack Lsai J. T. Hick*. Leslie Wilson, E. Young, R. L. God win and, Isabelle Young. One of the guests at the recant Taft banquet, after partaking freely of possum and Persia)moo beer; re marked to tb* waiter: "John, this ‘possum is going to my head.” The darkey replied. “Yowoah, bo** a ‘Poesora always woold hunt a boiler when you crowd him." __—r I Among tha death* reported dur ing the paat few day* are; Mr. B. R. Waethreoh, who lived ■ovoral mil*, nit of Dana. Bo wa* M year* of ag* and wa* a prornlnont faraiar of that aactiea. An infant ehild of Mr. Evandar Godwin, who lira* in Mingo tow. "Alp. Kan*peon county. Mra. Digtna Smith, who wa* an inmate of tha Stole Hoapitoi, at Mar ganton. The funeral *ervtcas warn conducted at Oodwta. DR. t. T. GIBBS TO BB HERB SUNDAY I>r. I. T. Oibbt, providing alder of the Fayetteville dletriet, will ho hero neat Rondey aad Monday. B* will pr^h at tha Methedtat Church at both morning aad waning aurvtom. On Monday morning at 10 o’clock the Quarterly Don formica will ha held. The pahiie gene* ally la iavitod to hoar (r. Gibb* at the Sunday ear rlcm. Bo la aa abta divine aad the church go big pahiie wfll have tha op Mr. -■__ ■ Tkis conservative bank it within jour reach, at vice. Your account is invited and will be given careful attention. COME TO SEE US $1.<X> .tarts * > . 1 9BS^BSSBSS6SSSSSS^^BBSBSSSSSKSSSSBSBSSSBSSSBtWKtBBtBtBMtftt^tKi$ ' ■ State Bank & Trust Co., I Dunn and Angier, N. C. 1 [« A WISE JAPANESE PROVERB ^___ _ The Japanese have a proverb: “A thousand miles begin with one ■■ etep.” Its meaning la an obvious that It la unnecessary for u* “to r 1 point tha moral and adorn tha tale,' except to suggaet tha ha sooner you k J begin your efforts in the financial world amt die harder you work at ■■ It, that much sooner you will begin to reap the harvest. And K is a • 31 moat magnificent harvest. . This bank Is owaed by home folks, who have poor interest at heart . ? J ae thoroughly se they have tha matter of making money for themselves, hi and will be only too glad to hare you “Take the first step” in that WE rood which leads to financial auoeottand future happlnasa, with as. Lot ill ua meat “with tha smile that don't wear of and a snare you that small si as well as large aeoaats are appreciated. t J Under strict State supervision. Ej| The Bank of Cape Fear, H . C.M. Trlgliman, PresUUnt T. V. Smith. Cmhigr .; • fl . Dunn, North Carolina ‘ PI Christmas Savings Club Opened Marc. First National Bank, Dunn, W. Ci Start now to mve money for Christ tom. Coats nothing to join. • Ttm« in throe cIumi in this club, juat the uiu aa laat year a ait* for •varybody. 25c, SOc and $1. pay meat cadi weak. The bank pay* mtermt on these SAVINGS at the I at* of FOUR p«r cent if the pay ments are kept up regularly. On I) ocember 14th. IBIS a check will be mailed to you for the amount of you r wring* which read, you in good tint for CHRISTMAS. This is an easy way to mve money VlkkEkS stay join the Club at any time this week, or joia neat week by malmg two weeks payment at that time. CaD at tbe hank and ask about U>» Club and you will be gladly fur nished with fun information. __ ' . ' • . BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Dewey Jonea celebrated her seventeenth birthday anniversary Tuesday evening in grand alyl*. At the horn* of her father, Mr. Ed Joaea, on Harnett Street she entertained a lent n amber of bar friends on thi* happy occasion. At S:ap the yoang people began to arrive and were received by Mrs. C. L. Gay, and. wer* served punch by Mr, A1 Westbrook and Mias Annie Wed*. After the guests had asstm b!ed in the parlors, rook games wore ployed and selections on the Plano rendered by Mlaaaa Pauline Blaylock and Ira Battle. The feature of the evening was a vary unique contest, which furnished much amusement and merriment to all. A table waa placed in the center of the group of young folks, and upon tho table were fourteen Afferent articles used in the household. It was permitted to ■1*7 h> view one and a half minutes and then removed. AD were given panel! and paper upon which they were to write what they had. seen. Miee Mary Martin received tha prise for guessing the highest number ot articles correctly. Mr. John Ben Hatcher gracefully presented the prise. Toward the letter part of the •vealng cream and cake ware atrv. ed, and shortly afterwards tha roast i mad* their departure voting Mlsi Dewey aa an ideal boots«o. Thoa* priuaat wore Misses lab Smith, Pa alias Blaylock, Cllder sleeve, Banal* Beseems, Paulina Has **n, Minnie Gey, Iva Battle, Van Bam**, Geneva Barnes, Orem Cheat ham, Mary Martin, Annie Wad* am ■ve 0*1*; Messrs- A1 Westbrook Craven lfeseU, Dick Taylor. Willi MgahaWl. Peg an* Naylor, Lewi Adley, John Ben Hatcher, J. D. Beg gard, Jaa. Pope, A. C. Parker am Parry Godwin. * , I •VMCBXm TO TEX DtSPATd Professional Cards MIm F«llb Crrtrnda Jachaoa tcachar nt Pinna, Hirau; and Theory TeUphoat IS*. I- C. Qiffard, N. A. Townaend, CLIFFORD * TOWNSEND ATTOHKEYS-AT-LAW OSIca on 2nd floor of Firat National Bank. Prompt attention given to ad boainaaa. FRANK UN T. DUPRES, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW ANGIES. N. C Offiee la Gregory Bldg. T. S DAEDSN | Veterinary Phyaicaa, Enrgaan and naailel PHONES: DAY, NO. 90. Night, No. 210 Dann,H C. DR. W. LPEEBLES 1 69 yoare old with M yaara agnart aaea treating Hornet, Malta or any i other athatlt. Phooa I ML, day or i night, all yoar patronage will bn ap pradalad. JACOB WEST RECEIVE?’ WAR CLAIM Tbo War Claim* bill, which pa**c<l | both houtco of CoocTOSi In tW lorn • I day* of tha wort mmIo.i, award* I. a largo numbar of elalaaa to NaHb . j Carolina ntltrn* and IratHctloa*. I, Tha naa>* a# Jaaob Woa*, of HarruX Connty, appaor* in tha liaL Ha wit rocolvo Bit Thi* la fa* darnag* iattetod bp fadaral troop* during tl 1 CItU War. FREE Ewwjr W.HP 1915 *dre i Iwom utn dkdactrr^ J. E. FLACK _«*<<W me ict^— aAT,»

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