O ’ H E A R T S PH VANCE One Episode Each We e •mmmmm!' \ ' .«*m| j which tot-1 of hi* ratara to New Tort. Mr. to* waa permitted to «a l«*a UbmII .‘ha happlaot cf mortal* AM laaaaMch aa this la aot aaly a aalotcmptad tarn af happt la bvmaaly common bat to aaaetloa than ordinarily tba whole or a lifetime, Alan waa parhapa to ba carted, area thouab dMIlaa too meat wbaa It came vat tad da*, sharp, aad to hba aaapeababty from eaalK peaks of supreme contact ta tba Meek depth* or a bleak Aver aos of despair. Tba haptaalap of tba period waa ayatfeiaauaa with Um atom ot a taxi cab door that abat away a sapwrtuoa* world from tba aompaay ot two who' torad. Tba aeend opened aafaty «a won u aaeeaaa In Alan1* aadarataodlac. Tba car slipped smoothly away from tba carp, panned naly by a Util* cost Of aamt-lraaic cheers from tba little company of workims mao who bad wit aaaaad aa wan aa measurably particl Pa tod la the putative elopement from tba boo** ot Triae. Tlgltoat for any Indication that their aeaaloo bad bad a witoe** la that stiaaga homo of deathless hatred. Atom watched H through the little tnnaow a tu back of tba cab until a aucnci Matted oat the vlaioa of It; ttaB wttb a slab at rallaf aaak down ky tha atda at tha x»u to ebon bta any thought, lapnlaa and emotion "■oaal” ha whtepathd. and tanta Ovaty toachgd cm of tha baada that My atnchad M bar la*. •ha napaadad with aavar a dn to •tftaato coasclouaoaaa altbar of hla And reminding hlmaatf at tha atraln ; bmponad upon bar by tha at partaa rig thrnagh which tbay had Mat paaaad, Alan paaaad bar unraapoaalraoeaa on makh at reaction, and tar tha tlmi Ml coontruaed to tet hla awaathcart raet aad mala bar aonaal polaa: than am Mlaa aaoagh lor Mm la tha —*t*d—aad that ha had van bar ■ntety away, that nothing now nan *•» wtU lk« mi «* I elun* passionately to him. "T*U mo ■gain that jroo lore m! aba pray ad •Promise mm yv.u'll nitar 1st anythin* •o»« bet seen as. Promise mm. Alan — promt** mi you'll ba bind to me al ways. dear!" "Caa yon doobt I will ba klndr ba murmured reproachfuDy. “1 am afraid . . ." aba whl* pared -flow coaid I ba a ay thin* ala*. tor lo« you aa 1 dor '1 am afraid . . .“ 'Why should I be unkind to your 'll isn't that . . . I'm juM afraid" “Of whatt "Of loaing you.” ”Bul that can sever bel” Tou cant be aura. What tf yea war* lo find roo d been mistaken r She caught bar breath and addad baatily—"That yoa didn't really fora ■in. I mean." ”0h, that's ridiculous!" ”1 can't bo sura. Nothin* la Ufa la permanent What Is lovel Illusion of lira senses I What I* happlnoai? A wtlKo’-the-uisp! What ts Ufa? A make-baneeul” "Dearest!" He bald bor more close If »tlll- "You era nervosa sod over wrought Yoa dua l kauw what you rs saying. You cant mean what yoota anyth*. ... Bat lay that tt‘e so— that Ufa la all make twUava. Than make-believe yoa loro me—" -Oh. but 1 do. I do!” “And make-believe for a little we've caatkt tho wllKo' tbe-wlap—only for a little—until you wake up and realise that It's ail real and true.” She dosed bar eyas a*aln: “Yea.” aba breathed, “you are right. Lets make-believe It’s ill true for a little •wa*er ... slid forget . . - Ha coaid by no means account for <hla strange humor; bat be did bis bast t<i comfort bar, none tba leas ten derly because of bis mystlilcatlon. And for a long time she 1st lUaalna blind bar. mating quietly la bis arms, task ing believe . . . Only Oil approaching tba Twenty third street tarry they must Beads roaaa and sit apart constrainedly for fear some one might slant's ihroigh tbo window and surprise their secret. As If uoe needed tbo evidence of a caress eachaasod to know that they ware lovers, who had oyas to SCO the flashed loveliness of the girt Shrink ing bank ln-fcer corner or wit to Inter pret tha radiant happiness that sheas ia Aina’s faoa as ba bant forward and watched warily from tba window. CHARTBR XXVil. Tba Ring. Thetr* was tba last vehicle to swing between tha gates before these last WTf clOUd And this was quite as well; for Alan. rtMng (or one last backward glance through the rear window, started In voluntarily and chukad a pan an ex clamation when be descried a power ful touring car tearing madly toward the ferry bouse, lie una passenger half rising from tba front seat, beside tha driver, and eahlbitiag a countenance Purple with congested chagrin as be saw bit car barred oat of the carriage entrance Quickly senalUve to his emotion. the girl aanght nervously at Alan’s band, bat la It, dear?" "Marrophat." be snapped. Rbe ottered a bushed cry of dismay. ■Posl be alarmed, however," he hastened to comfort bar. “Ha’a lost tba race: Ike gates era shot—even tha passenger gates—end there must ba a oompony spotter somewhere near by, tar tha gat a man la virtuously refusing ; to ba bribed by a roll of momer as thick as my wrist!'' At that Instant the lulnt roiled aboard the ferry-boat; the deck gates war* dosed; a boars* whistle rest tho roaring client* ot the city; winches rattled and chela* clanked; and the boot wore ponderously out of Its clip. "So much for Mr. Marrophat!** Alan crowed, bitting down. ~ Foiled again I lie can't atop aa •owl" “Perhaps . . ." "Why that perhaps? Why that toner' he demanded sharply, atroeb by the foreboding her accents con "Tbia Isn't the only ferry. Tbore’a the Peansylraola and the Lacks wen oa —**d by hard driving ha might oven manage to catch tbs boot that con nects with (kta from tho Christopher •treat ferry of the Erie!" "Impossible! I don't believe It! | woo'tl" “Lath sot,' aba agreed “Dot. Alan «• -Tsar “Promise aao— If bo should manage to cotab up with **—you won't lot him talk to yoa I mono, goal lot bier—" “Wo fear of that!" ho aao*rested hotly. “If bo tries to eecbaogo oo« word with me—I only wish bemoeM!" ■he aoeised aatlaAed with that; bat the Incident had served appreciably to I chil their eptritai They nnooaaplWted I tho remainder of that voyage In a etteaee that wag no teas depressed ho es*** they ant bend tn hand throogh Mar wag their taaieab thro* mlaatoa owt *f the lorry hoes* on the Jersey , etlmn IWa era* momaatartly glowing tans noticeable. As Msrvophst'e car draw ■ bread Alas nodded and said ge telly: "Deal w alarm ad; I cat attaad to this gen tleman stoglehsndeg." Aad this ha irnrmlif to drato with admirable sees rroa though called opoa to do ao tor soon at than ha had thoaght to Tr thinhr to Msrrophst's Wr brained proeipt tnney. For. talHag to laflsaaee Urn tad driver by ahowtod tinh or thraata. or to gala the lead attention from Also. Trtme'e drat --»t> roptiy aad surprisingly took kit Ufa ta hla band* aad la ana wild hoaad bridged tha distance between the two Sytog enra aad landed on the taxi's running- hoard. ■topi" ho aoroamod madly. "Stop. I eay I Ton dost know what you Ye doing I Let mo toll you—■" Ho got that far hot ao torthsa ta the owe breath Alaa had Snag wide the door aad was at thetoUoWi throat. There wae a.struggle of aegUgibte duration; Msrrophst was la ao way hla antagonist's match; within three seconds ho throw oat both taah clutched hnpiliaaly at tha framework ot the cah aad toll heavflp ta the •treat. The tail apod on without panes Its driver deaf to the n-n. at tens—t if Indignant bystanders. Alan pelted himself together aad looked back tost la time to catch s gUispaa of s num ber of loafer* lifting tterrophat to hte feet end helping him to the stdowslk 1 ——.i Incllud to MUtb (tal Kirrop4ct hoped to atop tho taxicab by deprlr •M K. to coarse of tfcMi of lta faoL And with thla to mtod ho woo proaaal to mrprlsed. as the eeb took a corner, to ooo Harrophath oar atop at that aorear aad Kanophat himself pat down. Tha brow at a bin totarraaad. ■batting off sight of tho blaohgnard aa ho kaslt and Ut a match. It was tho' girl who garo tha alarm, oaddaoly withdrawing bar hand tram tha win dow to serous at Atoa; "Hal And tho gasoline! It1* earn ing along tho atroot, toUowtng tho Kne of tho look—and catching up with net* Wlthoot pausing to put hla hand to tha latch. Atoo kicked tho door opaa. “Jump!* ha orlod. 'For poor life— lumpl Aa aooa aa that Aaaao natchoa up with tha laah—P Aimultaaooualy tha chauffour, oror i hearing, abut of tha power. Tho throe gatoad tha sidewalk bara ! to to time; tho ttojr trull ot Aaiaoa, el ■«t Imperceptible In tha sunlight, waa not a yard treat tha lot that (part ed through tho bo Hat hole to tho tank, la tha hatter ot aa oyalaah tha explo sion followed. Bad tha cab beta load ed wKh oltrogtroerto lta daatraetloa could hare boon ao mere abooluto. Thera waa a roar . . . aad than a heap of amoklag ruin a. Without walttag to ad astro tha epee taels, Atoa caught tha arm of tha girl and harried her up the street, ut tha same Urns catling to tha ekaaffoar to follow. Aad chance brought them to tbs next eorncr aa another tab, taro "That Waawn la 4«IKh Trl«a, > I of an ausarory lookleg tenement,' bo fora tba cab took a ooraar oo two wheats . . "Not seriously Injured, 1 fancy,' ba told tha girl In response to bar aagwr look. "Worse luck!" ba addad gloomily. But It a seemed tbat ba was to bare Croatsr causa tban thla ta complain at hia lack, before that ride waa ended, Three blocks further on a tire Maw oat with a report ilka a cannon-creek or. and tba taxi latched perilously, hesitated, slowed down, and limped dejectedly to the curb. -Alan aad tha ehoufwur piled oat la 1 tha same Instant, tha ana ***“*wg • guard—with aa aye oat as well far \ another cab—while the other aasaoMd | damages. "Nothing tor It bat a aaw tire, ah." ; thla last reported «r ra pel helically. "It 1 most hare boon a brokaa bottle or j something Uka that—M sure did rip t Iba usefulness clean oat of that shoe." J "Oo to It," Alan advised him terse ly; "aad If you make a quick Job of H. lH stand tha east of the saw lira." "Bat If another aab nomas slang while yooYa at It rouH teas aa as quick as a wink. Haro's my sard, ta cans era bare to duett yoe In a bony l you understand this la a sutler of Ufa and death, aad HI hara no liana ta settle up with you. But you ana euM at Mr. Dtgbrs office sod ha'll Ax things up to your aottefasllaa." The man took tka sard aad after a glance at tha name touched hte hat with more noticeable respect. "All right. Mr. Law,” ho agreed; "anything you any." Aad forthwith I rrd in wnrk Tha rapidity with which ha eoaa piatad tha changa at tiraa paw*ad Mat aa aacallaat c handcar, aa adapt at hf erafl: hot tha delay waa ana dlaaa trooa for all that. It warhad togatbsr with what Alaa pardonably deacrlbad as tba dartTa ewm hash to bring tha lourhig ear ta sight at tba praalai — seat whan tha abaaffeur waa srmnktag ap aad Alaa aa tba point ad ra eater lag tba cab. Aad thoagh thay wars l off again More Aina cnold alaaa (ho door, tha atteapt waa hapalaaa baa tha atari. Aad rat--whether or not hoaaaao Alaaa diatasta for latarfarsaaa had boon tea caarlaatagly demonstrated— the loturlDg ear far tha baa hadag , aontsatad Itself with trail lag a hoot 1 (by feat la tha roar, while tha taxi | dad tha tenement portions ortho hohaa waterfront aad (onad IU way lain the braadar elraada of aa aapra laatlaaa aabarhaa goarter. I Mot aatU thay warn wau Iota tha aaborha. with lew dwellings near and | no pad—tteas to latorfara. did Marrw ghat, rising la hda anil, frill« a ro rotror or or tha whdfhM aad draff Tha araah at hf wwapaa waa prea tmothUbTrsar aau at Urn*——?4 Matter wath piati dU Um ap hr—ig that tha pmn tend had b— M—»d » fa bnOte. ha — oat of Unhindered, end U determined, without covered the brief la a pile fully Thi behind a out oT stood shoul der to dooryerds ways ecaat. The up to a corner house of homely aspect. Two mlnntee Alan was ex with sad me kin* to Dlgby* good Mr. Wright. ooafastoa with facol tie*. A* tan moment approached when two should bo made one who bed goae through Are end flood, literally ea wall aa figuratively, for each oth er's sake. Incredulity drew e veil be fore hie vision, lie viewed the wo-*d ea la a glass, darkly. He was aware of a decently fur Dished mlnkler‘1 study; of two wit eaooao la the guise of unassuming womenfolk of the minister s house hold; of the Rev. Mr. Wright himself ee a benevolent voice rolling sono rously forth from a bltea-ciad pres ence; of the woman of bis heart stead lag oppoetta him; of questions sated and responses mads; of a ring that ■lor* apparently maintained agalnal proetsely similar emergencies; ol a band that took the band that waa to hi kla wtfe'a and placed h la bla: of hh elumay and wltlaea btingttng with tba teak of felting that rteg to tha Beget of bla awaatbaart'a hand . . . And tha* ha waa aware of a doot that banged rtoiaatly In the hnilway; of tba aoond of a man's rolrr making • om* Indistinguishable demand; that Rene's hand wan owddanty whipped away, before ha ooald at on tha rtag: that the study door waa twng open aad that thla animal of a Merrophst had praalpitated hlmaalf late tha root*. Ka opaaed bla month to protest— and Marropbat eila*eed him with a cry. "To* fool I Drop that rtagt Map •bla farm! Don't yoa know whom you're marryingr That woman la A* dMh Trine, you Idiot—not Roeel” Blankly Aina turned to tba girt. Her darning Mm. bar Milan area bar rary pete, from which the mao ear of Roee had dropped Ilka a r±M carmant. aonfasaad tha troth of Man rophafp aaaarttoo And aa if thla wan wMh • sodden outbreak at naknm aa merer Halt hare beam browed M Rom's matte nature. Tee dark I" aha arlad aad fbrwo hareaM la front ad Marmphal wMh a spring ad Mtba aa that of a toapardaaa "Tbha warafag haw from at; heap oat ad my tray forever after thte at tab* tha awaaawmataf Ood keen,’ ■fed ftad. "why I Aaa*t kill yea aa yaa staadt* ■a waa la bar way. batwam bar tad the apaa tear, me mm him aa * > *•* * * ckM to mere on]do. hot seised Mas so dereely by ths wrists that bo la •tlaotlvely lifted to protect himself, ead ebe fairly threw hla half a doscn feet dm her. Ha brought up with a crash agalast the wall even as the door slasoaed behlad the girl. Whsa Alan, the grot to recover, gained the sidewalk, she wee already la tha tartcah. Whatever reward she had prom Had the soao. ha whipped hla aaehtae away ad If from the tear of suddea death. had darttng from the bones bard on the Minister's heals. Marrophat leaped Into hla own ear and, as If he had sot hoard her threat or received substantial proof of her earnuatneat, tore of la pnreult. CHARTER XXVlIf. And the Rose. j Taking the daaad yotmg men by the head, aa though ha had been m child, the Reverend Mr. Wright lad AUa! hank to hla study and aatablUbed him! In a comfortable armohatr beside hla dash. "Sit there and compose yourself, my dear young friend." he Insisted In s soothing voice. At tha elbow of the Reverend Mr. j WHght a telephone shrilled Impels-, tfvely. With a gesture of professional pattaaoe he turned to the Instrument, lifted the receiver to hla ssr. and speks la musically modulated accents "Tea . . . Tea: this Is Mr Wright. ... Ah. yea. Mr. Dlgby. . . . Not coming 1 But. my dear sir. Mr. law In already hern. I must tell ytm—“ He checked with s reproving glance for Alan, who was twitching hla sleeve Insistently. "If you please," Alan begged, "let i me speak to Dlgby at oace. Forgive ■a—“ Mtiueuntiy the minister eurrcnacreo the telephone "That 700. Dtgby V "Alee! Bless my soul, whet are you' doing over there? la Miss Trine with yon? But bow can that be pcaaibler’ ' "Roes? No. Whit about bcrf“ Alan demanded, summering with anilely. “Why—one of my eples haa Juat re ported by telephone. He wee going on duty Ifaii morning when be saw a young woman—either Rose or Judith —weartng a rough coat over boudoir trees—climb out of one of the base ment windows of Trlae'e bouse. She waa apparently in great dla tree* of mind end anxious to escape without halu aaae teem iy Mem mi Wsdass my mna—whose porii of 0hear ration h ta U>* third story of ona of the homes* opposite—could gat to tha street eh* had beeo caught by several rough loosing customers, who rushed out of Trio* * hone*, sailed the girl, and made off with her la a motor car hearing a New Jersey license number 1 am sending man to watch the Jersey tarries Call me up tn an hour—" Without u word of response, and without a word of apology to tba Rev erend Mr. Wright, Alan dropped tha receiver, snatched up hla hat. and Sad that bowse like a man demented. Roee, escaping from Trine'a bonae. overpowered and made the captive of rrtart lowest creators*—gunmen poa Nhly, or the sump of teat animal wham Trtae had charged with the es u eel nation of Alan tha night before! There waa a either a motorcar U tight for him to charter nor any Um* to wants ta soaking one. Alan could only bops to find ona on bis way back ’ toward tha tarry. It must have bean apwarda of aa hour before be cane Into a street which be recognised, by tte dinglntas sad squalor, ga that In which ha had throws Marropbat from the running board of the taxicab Aad than, ea he passed, breathless and footsore, to cast about him for tha way ta tha tarry, a touring car turned a corner at top spsed and slowed to a stop before that eeltaanaa tenement of tha unsavory aspect to wbaua sidewalk ha had aeeu Marropbat assisted by thu loafers of the quarter. »»» ™ louring oar ni occupied by PO«o balf-e-doeea rufflens la whose bands a young girl wrltbad aad drug •lad wbaa, launadUlaly oe tba atop, tbay lumped oat aad wraatled bar out wttb brutal taeoaelderatlon Libs a abot Alaa bad croasad tba atraot—bwt only to bring np none to tha panala of tba tanamant door, pod ta dad blmnatf pained end thrown roughly aside by a burly deaisen when be creeps* the knob aad made aa If to follow ta. "Heap bask, young fattorl" bla aa aallaat warned hlaa rldounly "Keep ewta tbta. new. If yoa don't want to get Mo trouble." To tbe apeak Sr's aide another maced, ryetag Alan with a formidable aeowt At leirilloe be ateppad back and tamad aa If peraeadad to mind bln earn boaiaeae. than awaag on bla host, caught tba two la tba eery act of opao tag tha door, aad threw himself bo pleated heavily la the pit of ooa dieposad of him A blow from tba tba other reel las to the waa la tba teae hafl a fool aad dark aa a pit Us door waa ntaaad. IU mark rafter ad anty by tba dams of a hem ! aaaa lamp meoklmg ta a braebat near , tba Ibat af tba ataira. af min af fast wars an landtag. Alan ad Impataeeety to tba Ha top ta half a ad only In lima ta sao a af tba forward and af a bay tamed la Ha Moehed tbe way. to wall tor H to be ad by (Mat af tbe Wbrtn had gained th* doevd door before they recovered and sought to •tty bln. IndUTcrnnt to them all, be ebook the knob eud abouled: **110*01 Roee!" j Her cry oanie beck to him. a rnuf I lad acreem: "Alan! Help! Help!" I Decking away with a mad Idea of throwing hlmatlf bodily against the door and breaking It down, ho was eud donly confronted by a hideous maah of humanity—race of man all misshapen, braised and swollen end disfigured with smear* of dried blood und a dirty bandage round his iample*, but noae (h« lose vaguely recognisable. The words that slrenmnd from Its dielnrtad lips drove recognition home., "Gee. fellers, looh t who'a hvrel If It ain't th' guy what threw me off’a llial gtnicr title morn in'. Stand back' and let me kill th'—" Without the hesitation of a heart ! beat Also swing heavily fur the ihug'a! l»w The blow went eolldly home The man feil Ilka a polod ox. ^ Pandemonium ensued. Rallying to their comrade, the ruDana attacked Alan with one mind end one inloat.' Murder would have been done then -nd there hail it Dot been for e rotten i bau'stcr rail, which cava way, preclyl-l biting the tot to the ground Boor of tho hallway. ailll\iluuicoiiBi7 Lira ump on lav v«u ] wee struck from Ilk bracket mod crushed to the floor. tU glass well' breaking and loosing a flood of kero sene to roccive U>e burning wick. The explosion followed Instantly. la e trice tbo hallway waa a lake of burn ing oil. and hungry flames were lick Ing up the rotting wallpaper end eat ing into deoayed baseboards and stair I reads Killl lighting Uka e madman, con testing every foot of the way. Alan was boras down tba hall and out ol tho front door. A scream of Tire!" greeted him as be reeled oat Into the open. It wee echoed by a doteo throats Tbo doorway vomited man and women of the tenement. They choked It for e time, blocking both egrets and li'ltes By the time tkay broke out and left the way clear a solid well of Berne stood behind It Thrice Alan essayed to pate that barrier of Ire. end thrioe 11 threw him back. Than, struggling and kicking to release himself and try again, be was seised by a brace at able-bodied policemen and rushed flay feet from the boose before let.go. j^kp* >«?-*#•**■**%*•»«* He looked up. dashing from hk smarting ayes tears drawn by tbs stifling clouds of smoke, sad taw vaguely at the second story window a woman leaning out and shrieking for help. That It wee hopeless to attempt the ■talrcaae be well knew. ’Drawing aside, be endeavored to eons to bis sober senses, and cast about for some more feasible way to effect the resene or hit Rose. The tenement occupied one corner of a narrow street. Directly opposite, a storage warehouse stood upoe the other corner. Before this last was tbs common landing stage tor truck d» liveries, protected by a abed-roof. And. suspended from e timber that | peeieaJ out over tho saron, a hoisting Ch.rpad With tha Aaaasalnatlea « Ala a. taekla dragged tha ground with tti ropes U waa tbs work of a minute to cod aloes a thick headed poUoemsa that the attempt waa faaslbla and shook ba permitted It was tie work of lam Uiga another attests to rig a loop It Cho line and fasten round bis bodj baoaatb tha anas. Votaataara did no* lack; a eoapte of hoakr loagahoramaa sprang to tbo ropes at hit Bnrt call They heaved with a will Hie last lad the ground, ha soared, ba caught tbt aavaa of tbs shad-roof, tad shoaling h ceare banting, draw hlmaalf ap on thlt last, hacked a tittle ways down It sat calculating hla direct toe aloalr. wNl a rnnnlag Jaap Isnnshed hlmaalf am ever (ba streak The taeasestOm of hla leap canto btar wall oat over tha beads of the throag assembled la the street sot truly toward Ibat wUdow wbara Row waa waiting. Than its fares alack aaad Vor aa awdal last sat ha ba Iteved that bs bad (idled Bat with tb* last anpirtag owaca af Impater, ba wai brought within grasping distance a the window am WATCH THIS COLUMN FOB; MISSIONARY ITEMS THE AMERICAN HIGHLANDERS (Contributed.) Dr. iTalmage said: “1%e inhabi tants of the mountains are the laat of Mirth's children who shall yield their hearts to the conquering march of Christ. Win the Highlanders for Christ and you win tha werid for Christ. Tho mountains are the nat ural entrenchments, where the laat battle .hall be fought and tha foroee of ced be rooted by the everlasting cohorts of tight. This fact can be easily understood by studying pro fane ae well as religious literature. Tha world will never be won low Christ until tho roe pel shall have been preached unto all people. The last places to be ranched are tha high places of Urn earth. Tha mountains of the South are your Macedonia. They are the open door, near at band." Stuart Robinson College, Highland College and tha Canyon Falls Acade my, (Presbyterian). "The Stuart Roblnaon Collage baa a very remarkable record la Ha sec ond year. Tbe boarding department et Highland Collage it tbe largest In lu history. Tbe Canyon Tails Acad emy maintains Its excellent record of attendance and work In all depart - 1 Dents" 1 Southern Methodism has Sue Ben nett Momorial (London, By.), Bre vard Institute < Brevard, N. C. , San dy Valley Sensinary (Pointevilla, By) | Young Harris Collage (Bockmoth, ' Gs.), and Reinhardt Collage (Wales I ka. Ge.) For the Sue Bennett “twenty-frv* 1 acres, on e beautiful hill crest over ! looking tbe valley around, was given for the campus, and. ia tbs fall ef 1887 the school was opened. Seven ty-live student* responded to tbe drat roll call. The succeeding eigh teen have seen more than twenty three hundred students enrolled. Five building* and eight cottages have been erected, and the property la now valued at 180,000. Total on rollment in 1914 well over six hun dred. Tbe word of God la a text book ia the hands of every rtudant. Hrevard Epwortb School eras foun ded in 188b. out of which grew Bre vard College. Tbe people at Tran sylvania county cared as little for education at that tuna, tbe ft ret boarding pupil bad to be paid to at tend. Lent year there were twe hun dred and eight students and every available space was occupied. TVs campus now covers tweaty-six acres, and a ha mg la records ef U __ the Chris tk __ i ef High landers. who _ oppor tunity. Ace helping?— Com piled from the Soul Winner (Proa.) end tbe Voice (Math.) When over the. fair fanm of triaod •r foa Tha shadow of diagram shall fail; in stood Of words of blaass, or proof of thus and so, Lot something food be said. »j / •i I'orgst not that no fallow-being yet May fail so low but Ursa stay lift bis head. Even the cheak of shame with tears | *» w*t. If lomething good bs said. I Ko generous heart may vainly torn In ways of sympathy; no tool aa dead But may awoken strong and glori fied. If something good be sold. And so 1 charge ye, t>y the thou/ crown. And by tha cross on which tits Savior bled. And by your own soul's hope of fair ran own, Let something good be said I A BEAUTIFUL FSATEB Cut the following prayer out and put It whoro you eon rood It *ve.-y day .It ii good enough for Uw yout^ tho middle ogod end Uw old people. It is tho beet we have Men in i long time,—Honor McKee: Teach me that 60 mlnutaa maka one hour, M ounces on# pound, and 100 coats ona dollar. Halp me to lie* so that I can tie down at night with a floor coneciooeo' without a gon oodor my pi]law and haunted by tha facet at there to whom I have brought pain. Grant, I beaeech Ume, that I may aorn my maol ticket act Uw square, and in doing tharoef that I stay no* etlek the golf whoro it daee net be long. Doofto mo to Uio Jingle at tntet «d money end. Uw ruoUo of nMr skirts. Blind mo to tho faults of (ha ott er fallow, but reran! to me my *wr». Ouida mo so that aaah night whan I look serosa Uw dimwr table St Oly. wife, who has boon s blessing to ma l will have nothing to annual hoop m# young enough to tough, wkh my children and to loo* mpaolfi in Uwlr play. And than whan eonwa tho smoM of dowers and tho trend of soft stops aad Uw crushing of tho hiseoaV whoelo la tho gravel out hi front of my place. maka tho oaramaay ttoot aad tho opitaph sinspioi—1"Bore Mm

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