CRAMUtS 0? COMMERCE SMOK HeswMay th* E.yAete at Hat Meet ing. The lien and the eeotiee eat down tagathar Tuesday evening ,nt live (Htambar at Commerce Smoker. Everybody »it there, the merchant, the banker, the profesrtbtfal man, • the mechanic and the hma. Never la the hutary at Dunn has there been such a meeting. Fton* the beginning the atmosphere at the gathering was charged with A magnetic, spirit of co-operation Old flames at jealousy were quenched, part records were rl. IMaratad, and a new era of greater V*. program M*» pesaparUy was pro claimed. Such a spirit ad khrmoAy eel Hah elm man Idas at daAag thiogs was-haajphg^-fhshehr feeds the Stir - . dentine <4 t^ira dpiUl a»d $»wo S •building. *. , The piece of Wn. wm "tka maasanoth farAlture dstsbiishment of. .the Sanaa-Holliday! C> ilwfuTs tbsi' •> north sAda d bS Wai£S$W. O* from part «i;tk|i T;iiamd*f>rmaor gerdrnttm, awri JuJgCC.. J. eflmith. mrfaAgiyi W <Mda-tn W free At BJO iMbmW Weam^lsd M ' order by Jud*» C. J. Sm% UAde . • %'apMck he . ty, Cwelbt toioWrisfly, educatlon *Hy, amMr dvery other Way, Ha ■ the wi> .?. .aMaA^ mwaf Mb k a djfcja »S.Me pyrt ip 0». ifro uildtag ta^by myihft that aTtarMTiad »e cured hie license he was a free lance and was not tied to any community. Aflar looking around a bit, he decid ed that North Carolina waa the best State and that Dunn was the b-:«t town, and that, u a consequence, he located here and that ha was he v to do everything in his power to pa: Dunn ia the front ranks. Hie re marks were hesrviiy applauded. lir. McD. Holliday was called upon for a few remark*. He accepted the compliment graciously and responded bv saying that he wanted Dunn to I catch the Atlanta spirit. Everybody knows that Atlanta is the New York of the South and that its co-operative spirit was known all over the *->vn try. In that city they ito thing, no matter what the cost. Mr. HolK.iuy stressed community spirit; he '.■edit ed that men, regard!*** of oc upa tion, must work together for ih* common welfare. Ho brought ■ ut the idea of a public building, a C"rjn ber of eomraerte building, where the eitisent might meet for the purpose of discussing and carrying on the work of Dnna’a upbuilding. He b.ud ed Dunn by staling there was no bet tor town and that the ritiasnship was of the highest class. Ha closed by aeking everybody for Iheir support whether it be moral or financial. Mr. Thoa. H. Webb, one of the vie Itora from Delia, wan introduced and made a abort talk on “Union.” He cited the growth of Dunn end this community since he came to this sec tion. Ho said that this canto through a spirit of co-operation, and for greater growth there must be closer co-operation. He paid a high com pliment to the telephone aervice giv en by the local exchange, end stated that at all Umss they were prompt and courteous; that the recent storm had crippled service considsrabiy, yet these people were fast getting the service heck on Its normal foot ing and that they ware to bo com mended. "One of the greet things far Dunn end Duke,” ha said, "would be the building of a turnpike between the two towns." Ho dwelt on good roads, and staled that they helped the farmer and helped the merchant. Ha offered both his time and hta men ay, and later in the meeting became aa active end paying member of the local organisation. Attorney J. F. Wilson in e few re marks atatod that he was glad that the brains of the community was get ting together, and that ha waa glad that he was in a community whore man were willing to put their beade hands and purses together for the public good. Mr. 0. L. Cennady compared the growth of the town with that of oth er towns, end compered He else now with He else Id years ago. He waa pleased at the feet that steps were being takes to better the tosrw and ..J* D- Kuall, superinendent -cf fountr schools, talked about •toola tad good roads. H« staled that wb«o bs Cans to Donn 10 run sgo^ha school buildings wars worth ahoot 18 Ed snd there wars a numbed or. so pupils, but now tha school prop, erty arms worth **>,000 and that at prasact GOO pupils wars anrolied. Ha boosted tbs town and said that thnrn was not anothat on* batter in North Carolina, and that its growth was not to bs compared arlth that of other towns. Ha boosted good roads loo. And ha wanted Kdwmids' rail toad to costa to Dunn instead of go tog t^Waeto.^ Hr. C. M. TUghman spoke on good r<*d»- Ho 9atod that t^o. tbambo: of com marts mMt^madpe ration with at^u an</addiml 'sMhtrltiss and that tha o^jsijiaatiost expected to isours tho«> to tha buQ^log ad-gsjei, r6^di, D...Bar«arkpoka on tha great •W Dun k«d autos . 'Ml .history —i oaa of .tha pl© H* rempsrsd torityeus U - - ''toi ago wfcfe araiim cod dKfchp. .Ha said thaV’kg© ekandrdt of ttofckres .and Its affdMg to M UdM'Xhaui wsth-rtr* coShtoftdable tot to •tor was da **~c of to haw splrtf'that rttiilfirifcji •to*. • dai.: Mr. R. G. Taylor mentioned Dunn'* rood schools, churches, roads and Its »*♦> type of citixenohlp. He said ’* was ylad to «o* that there was in livldual awakening of each citisen. d* admonished all not to benegligent >f the community welfare and asked •ach to bo ready tor Ssrric*. Mayor G. K. Grantham dwelt on ho new force* at work for the town's welfare. Ha spoke of the town's irilltant future, of the peat progress ind improvements. He claimed that Dunn could not be downed and thst t* future growth was unquestioned. Mr. E. F. Young spoke st length >n the proposed county with Dunn a* U capital. He pleaded co-operation Slid unity in this community's efforts to secure iL He said that there were two thing* necessary to show the legislature before it would con sider th« establishment of a new county. First, the new county must territory cut off must be able to mu lain itself. lie explained why he was apposed to the establishment of the new county two years ago, stating that the time was not propitious. This year, he said a re assessment, under the new revenue and machnary act, would enable the property holders and Jarvis county advocates to sea that all property be aaseaaed correctly. The done, the old part of Harnett would show that H was amply able to sustain itself. Mr. Thompson, of Fuqua y Spring*, mnda a few remarks about the pro gress of Dun*. >,aUs** Others who made talks wore: F. 8. Cooper, O. P. Shell, S. J. Hooka, J. W. Turnaga, T. C. Young, K. W. Stallings, J. L. Hines, K. L. Howard, J- 0. Goddard, J. E. Wilson, J. H. Pope, O. U Denning, E. Goldstein, 8. A. Parker, T. V. Bmlth, K. A. Stew art, C. L. Guy, Nathan Johnson, E. Lee. Many new members were added to the already large membership. THIRSTY ONUS AY COATS The Anti-Jug Law which went In to effect on April 1st, evidently rought soma af the thirsty onss at Coat* napping. The from Friday’s Fayetteville Observer ex plains Itself: “last night the express office i Coats, on the Durham and (Southern Railroad, waa broken Into and robbed of a good deal of liquor. All pack ages of mors than one quart were carried away, leaving all quart pack ages unmolested. Wa wonder If those robbers had ordered that boose, and, finding that they eoold not get It under the new law, got under cover of darkness. Such might be the case.” Miss Kata Herring , of Raleigh, •pent Eerier hare with her people. InoBWoktipk* HvjuT ; «frs *ed»in*UeadL Week M Can «f Capa Pear Mi B*vwa ul Bar **" >cV.»g • v Waahmgton, A^STin-Natth Caro lina will (ri a good y hoy af tha rival aod harbor Imjnay lipjltopruftad hi a lump nun by ConipwdiV/vrt War* adjournai«nt according to flffdrao gf» “ out bf uho.njir deportment today. Except in o few caaa^ tha jrar depart ment hit followed the bode* bill and fUtoml aech aaounti aa waa eon iained in that meaetire. Th« .e^aie.a^edjlMO OhO for work mi .Cff JW BW near -'^tthnuy **» hit thla amount waa '«ct d<riwn to Nhtform With the IIouM trill. • Rrprracnutive Godwin did good work for Um North Carolina project* ond it U «M MbJUa effort. that aaeh lyre amount* lire allowed far the Cape Peer work.. Thi projected pad, the aa»e«nto tUwwed by *4 war dw PHilfcV'Pfr*' u follow* •. ' wStiheay Croat NovflaCt, Va -Cf XJ"4*4 »400/)00^^cupp*r*o*r- I+V, w B-N6; Shallow Bay hay.' Elahlng Creak $1,000 Tar river* lUWk lM C*"4**4*** «•*< $1,000; __ E* *>.«•»! thm and TIWM rivarj iiZJMO-, Waterway frtgn w-^wli toned to Beaufort tnbt *° Qua' a^ssL’aatiai Zt ' E*roor y Wfr" miiii pijUt; Hmw* RK«v N;l^CK P*fcr xt --S VAKRJB* IN D«Lj|. Monday bi Qotfcuf to Uiaa IbJH. >»* ¥ A,alar Mr. --r5n aft Dunn on the Tiq^siu ind two or three fiicmli. The pirtjr ioumeyed to Durham and is the in Ioumeyed to Ihirham and in the In errai between trains Mr. Btephenam ind Mias Deal were quietly married Ihr party returned on the afternoon •outhLound tram, and the bridal -ouple journeyed un to Dunn, where >ey will reside. j . Mr. Stephenson is in the employ of the Stephcns-Howand Company md has charge of their bottling de partment. Also he conducts a groe ►ry store on Last Broad Street. Ho has boon a resident of Dunn einre his birth twonly-flve years ago, and in that time has made numerous riicnds who are congratulating him upon his acquisition of a better half. The bride was one of the popular young ladies of Angier und her many friends In that section are extemUrg i m t wishes. ANCIRR COES TO CHAI'KL HILL It given the Dispatch much plcsy or* u> announce that representative!, of Anger High School will journey to Chapel Hill on Friday, April iHh, tn contort for the Aycock Ucmornl Cup. For Angier the triangular de bating content, which occurred on March 2f(h, wan not so disastrous as reported in last week's Dispate Besides winning ovor Dunn, the As gier repro sente lives won the affirma livo over Apex at Angier. In win ring ovor loth of Its contestants, the Angier school la proclaimed vic tor in the preliminary. Thia paper gladly makes correction and pub HMves the follovrtng letter from Mr. C. S Adams, chairman of th* Angist Board of Trust cos: April lot, 1016. The Dunn Dispatch, Dunn, N. C. I Me in your paper that Angioi loel to Apex la the debate on the 28th, ultimo. Thia is a mistake. An* gier won the affirmative here sgainst Apex. And won the negative against Dunn at Dunn. Therefor*, the Angier school will go to Chapel Hill t« contest for the Memorial Cup. Yours truly, C. H ADAMS, Chm. Hoard of Trustees llaelalaied Letters Remaining at Dm PiwtoOre, Week finding April $. 1. Brockington, James 2. Cager. C. K. 8. Ferguson, Bdward 4. Ferguson, Edward 5. Ferguson, John* 8. Fettle, Arnca 7. Parker, W. H. 8. Porter, D. N. 0. Smith. Mrs. Lotretla. 10. Brown, hfiea Bonie 11. Davit, Mrs. Hattie 12 Cason, Mias R. E. 12 Godwin, Mr* B. J. 12 Jearkina, Mia* A. O. 12 Johnson. Miss Mini*. it sftJzasf&t'X* ST-v- | M tc ^stXisrx ,,„ *' the wind M,'tt wttfc the ’■^Wi'» piano the wonder of It continued te fell until B _ aloutL <’ ‘ Bnninecc men who exprted to fo Ih'ourh the Saturday <V»h. were bloe end all-out-of-eartn. They hor n-nd around their etoru etoree and talkod about the uncertainty of the weather, and the lent bir (new that came in the * prior, which occurred ■ omewhere in the ninntiea What few farmern came to town ware ruee inr and cialmtnr that the weather would be their ruin; that the fruit would be ruined and that early eropa were done for. And there wan nooe grouno ror pessimism. Ths Lateness of the storm, and its ferocity, was enough to get anybody’s goat almost And it ptlt an tbs Raster attire on Die blink. All ths beaux and lelles, who were counting on blue soming oat in their spring dads, wore dismal faces. And all the folks who had not bought thebe presented com placont countenances and walked around with “we should worry" feces. But this week finds the snow die appearing end slash with m yet Everybody is ready to extend a hear ty welcome to gentle spring. And If the sreather man artn be good enough for a short time, the snasnn of sunshine and Aowers will come fn stay. Superintendent BtgSeB was out early Saturday witlr^^fSpfcitenU looking over tho damage Tnd laying plans to (ret things la shipshaps Mr*fa>- He claim* that the loss will amount t* one thousand dollars ap proximately. Tho lights were out, and the plant (hut down foe three or four days. But the latter pert of the week And* everything about normal. The telephone peoplo ay that their damages will run into the thousands and that It will bo thirty days probe Wy before full toll service wlU be resumed. The local exchange has beta working since the storm, but hey are qperatlng under crippled conditions and their aeixiee has not heaa as satisfactory as usual. Other damage done to the storm Was to the roof of the Farmer* Ware house. The weight of 11m uiow caaw* I ed the overhead covering to cotlapte. rhe damage wUI amount to several thousands of dollara, but soon erork men will be busy repairing it, and it will mean no hindrance to the toliac-. to market. NEWS l'HOM DI KL Duke. N. C, April 6—The Kobsua Kook Club urn with Mn. E. S. Yar brough Thursday afternoon of last wuok, aad the meeting having been postponed from Wednesday afternoon oa account of snow. Thursday there were only a few members present, aad the only business transacted wu* to appoint a commrUes to select a now lot of books for the club. After tbs business Mm. Yarbrough served • salad course for lefreshmcnts. Owing to the severe snow storm Saturday the gams of ball to be played between Duke and Buie's Creek team, waa pot off and will' probably be played this coming Sat urday. This la twice that bad' wsathar has prevented games this year aad consequently there has not boon s game played oa the diamond. Forces ef hands art busy getting the Metric light*, telephone linrs aad telegraph lines bach into service, which were tom dews by the saow storm last Friday night Many poles are ta be replaced aad it seems thr.t all U* wires are down. Tboreday night Mrs. E. 8. Yar brough smarts ined the school teach an and asm. ef their friends. Pie twee.representing everyday exprea beesi piansd -to the walls ■E those prstout fhofesghly *nj»— •O the guessing coatast Foe re freshments a salad oourso was serv ed. Mr. W. A. F.rwtn, secretary and treasurer of Use Erwin Mills, with the head arfco at Wect Durham, N. C, has accepted an imrttatten to make the commencement address at the Duke Graded School. The addrej* will he on Thursday night, April a*. In addition to his genius and ability as a manufacturer, Mr. Erwin has became quite prominent as a lectu rer and the people of Daks and com munity look forward with a vast deal of pleasure to his coming. The remainder of the commencement ex orcise will be Friday night, the *Oth. to spite of the fact that the bad weather kept the minister away Sun day the Methodist congregation raised two thirds of their mission collection for the year. The collection waa taken at Ok Sunday Behool hour after it was found out that there would be no preaching at the eleven o'clock hour. Mias Wlllln Cooper, who la attend leg the Southern Conservator 4 Music at Durham, spent Easter at heme with her peepta. Mr. Arthur Pope, of Wake Forest College, spent Easter at home with Ms people. He states that the Wake Forest Callage Glee Chib and orchaa tra had a larger crowd at Dunn than at any -other town while the organ! ta'lon was on IU spring tour. Auauxlaf tbe Organization of lU Southland Farm & Real Estate Exchange, Incorporated Offices will be located in the New First National Bank Building as soon as ready for occupancy. For immediate business see Mr. J. Lloyd Wade. Watch for future an nouncements. " ■■ .. ■ , — IL P. S. COOPER, Pr«s. imi Dinetw B. O. TOWNSEND. Wy-Tr*.. .nd Ad*. M*r i. LLOYD WADE. VJV« FUU M«r Gnasypai, the Poisonous Substance ta Cot teamed Meal. Woat Raleigh, April 6. lUll—W, A. Wither* am) V. E. Carruth af th# Chemical Division of the North Caio iifx Agricultural Kx;*oria>«i>t fiWtioii hove succeeded in separating from cotton sead kernel, a substance which they bar* found to be poisonous In rabbit* when fed to thorn mixed v. corn meal or otherwise. Their ex periments soorw to indicate that this i» iho subsLunce which la th* cause of lh* harmful results which ar* frv qucutly obseived when cutumwci mewl is f«d to swine in large urnotl'-;,] and for lucig posiod* of time. The sub stance u the coloring matter of the] send and It makes up *oout 1 pur tont of iU weight. By examining' 'dth a sn ail magnifying plats it ca.i b« easily .son distributed througn the karoal*. Thl* tub stance seems to lx Idoo tical with the aubstaucu which Mairhlcwski, * distinguished chrm ist of Poland, saparatod from eruoi cottonseed oil in lMsi, and to which! he later assigned the uam« of Go**y po). Marehlcwski was studying the. meal not as a stock food but with ln»i view of uamg it* coloring ingle ir !«i the textile Industrie*, Msrchli >-d.j I w*s so firmly convinced of th: vu)uc' of Goasypol as a dyestuff that he *..d his sssictants took out putor.Ls in Germany and England. Many chemists from ttwi> r0 tiaiv have investigated the poisonous prop •i‘ti*s of cotton seed meal and have offered various explanations at it* cause but none of thorn has boon gen orally accepted. Until the work of WliWi and Car-’ ruth no daffaitc c hem leal compound has tvar been separated from tbs eot tonsood which by actual teat ha* beea found to be poisonous ta animal*. low numbers of Beware and of tha' Experiment .Station Record contain | reference, to this inecatigation. ' devastation follows THE WAKE OF RASTER| The Entire A (italic Seaboard Strewn With (he Wreckage of Beau Ms*; Veewale Laat N«r Yog*. April A—New Yorkhra enjoyed a aWi* Bam tabwy -for the llmt time in many yeara. Despite tJi* snow the annual Easter parade look place, a bright warm son aidii-; tboolands of men in clearing Fiftn BveniM for the display. Unusually large numbers of flower* were in cv* I dene* and photographer* were busy I snapping society in It* newest dices Hours before daylight 30,000 men wore lifting th* blanket of the 101 inches of snow that fell yesterday, in one of the imwt furious storms on record. Special attention was paid to Fifth avenue with the result that the san est pared or* found it dean ami ready Worshippers thronged the church-* for the special Easier service*. Sper ial service* took place in most edi fice*. The weather bureau reported th it the thaw was general over th* storm whipped Atlantic Seaboard and than railroad* were running their train* according to schedule one* mere. DOCTORS MUST RETORT Many ProaecuUnna Under I hr Vital Statistics Law. "Th* Vital Statistics law must bo respected." is the position taken by the Deputy State Registrar who hat jest returned from a trip over th* cistern part of the State prosecut ing doctor*, mid wive* and undertak er* who have been delinquent in re porting births and deaths to their local registrars. It SDMar* that In mi... ...IM_ Ik. doctor!, npriwives and undertakers hare gotten the impression that th> registrars are to look them up and got their reports. Similarly soma -ol the registrars have objected to and evan resigned (Heir office because thay thought they had to follow of the doctor*, midwivea and undrrtak era and get report* of birth* am death* from them. Now thi* I* *T wrong. It is not th* local registrar'! duty in any case to follow op th* dor tors, mk I wives and undertakers o even to **k them for report*. TV law la very plain an this point am the local registrars of the State hae been advised a* lo their doty, a* har atao the physicians, midwives and <m drrtsker*. Tha Vital Statistic* Department recently employed a special arsis tar to aid In making protacotlon* whet grow er wilful neglect ha* bee found In the matter of rrportte births aad doath*. The law, to i of any value to anyone, must be fn.l enforced, etherwte, the records wi be not only deficient but the stall tie* will he wrong and actually mi I leading and no on* wO! know bn misleading or how far wrong tV really are. I„ other word*, the thl ty or fatty thousand dollar* at apanl an thla matter win he wait •V avia wore* plan wasted If the h la not fully enforced— State Boa of H**Ml 'new corporation effects I'KKMANENT ORGANIZATION TV* Routhluml Kara: and Real Xt i tat* Exchange, Dunn* newest corpe | mtion. edwin) a permanent Otgaul | nation Monday. At th* ——tfrg of ! th* ifeaiv of Di-wcton* the fallowing officer a woit elected: P> seldom :•«* managing diraclor, Mr. Pratloa H. i Wip*v, president of the hirst Nat h>r-itl Rank, of Dunn; secretary, tr* to urer and advertising manager, K-. IS. 0. Town-w.ilJ, of th# State Hank ant' Trust Coiupur.y; ric*-pra#Hent urn* field manager. Ur. J. Uoyd Wote. capitalist- Various detail* of hti.|. tiers were ditcusM-d ijt this meeting nnd plans a&aoe to nuke ihti one «f tha largest concerns cf iu kind in i he eutiro atni*. The- corporal,on will buy, eal] and develop funr. lands anywhere ir th* Cu'ted ^States. It* ,ph*r* Js large and almost unlimited. To prepaid y Huyrtr* It offers ni.usual opport u :ii ties for racurir.g iwel eetat* in an/ quantity ond of ary value, and In any locality. It it backed by matt with money- and In touch with nwm«r oa* monied men whose capital runs into th* millions. If buyer* are anx inu# to anru:* mint peril rjinr prop «ty that is nut or. the Hat of lha corporation. It* official» will gel |» for them. To property-sellers It of fer* excellent op port uni ti«* to dia pose of their holdings at th* high est price* to the highest rtaseas of buyers. Alrcedy it has many good bantam* in real relate to offer to peopt* who wish to in east in lands that promise rick return*. Along with rani nuts, the corpo ration will handle securities, stocks, bond* and building supplies, and it will operate storage warehouses. At present h will not go into thaaa branch** until there Is grratar de mand. and bntfiMxs condition* !» Tbin corporation premiss* to to on* that will fa# of vaal benefit to Dunn and the surrounding section. Already it has been in ewiMpoe dmic* with cottou mill capitalists, and is confident of intonating then in the buildin of such n factory torn. Been if the firm should do no mare, this of Hsdf would prove Ha worth. _ . Mat it doae mU atop at It is going to continue to too* Doan, and to work for it. At the meeting Monday a goodly ran was apprnpriotad by the directors to advertise this section to the for ends of tho earth. Advertising mat ter of all descriptions will be scat tered broadcast and will he sent to aaen with money everywhere. This literature win toll the people of tho merit* of this sectloa, its many ad vantages in the way of good schools, good church#*, good land*, etc. It will tell there of the mdgnifleant op portunities that are lying dormant waiting f*»r the hands or some cm- - getic man with money to convert them into storehouses ot wealth tor themselves and for the cemmaaity. Already their plan* are under the <*f the heads of the leading rail wav systems of the south and the** men ore coming to Dunn to confer with the officials of tho local corpora titrn in regard to the large advert'* ing campaign that the company is going to inaugurate. And tho heads of the different governmental depart ment* of both the State and tho na tion arc in ro-opereion with thil com pany in their advertising campaign. Thus the section will ba advertised by experts to all the world. Of course this organization was organised and will be conducted for . private gain, but, to make money, K win fulfill the office of putting Du m | and Eastern North Caroliia before , more people than any other agency. ! The officials wlM >* glad to discus* I with charnlwrx of commerce and boosting organisations of this section any 'mention that will moke for tho hot Vermont and upbuilding of Har : nett, Sampson, Johnston, Cumberland or any other county in tho oast*it portion of tlsr Old h'orth State. TU company ran furnish almost any in formation that can be daoirad and will do so gladly. The company will occupy quarters on the fourth floor of tho now First National Bank building. At pesasnt they will have two or mere rooms, ’ but later they purpose taking error 1 the entire floor for their work, i . ' Prof. B. Bruit, a piano tenor who ■ ha* been coming to Uimhcrton for a number of years and is well-known hsrrabouts. enlisted In the British • I army as a drummer boy when Just 14 *1 year* old. Bti'i in tho Boboion ’I Ian office yeetciUy morning rending r it* arer news, Prof. gcull remarked that hurt on years ago, March >1, r| tars, ho 1 undos1 with the army at "I Korfh, In tho Adriatic Ban, nenr tho Hailsncllc*. from vhidi some of As -| m*rt interesting now* of the war haa 'I com* recently. That waa daring the *l| Crimes* war. Prof. Bruit served 11 r | J»nr* in tho army and Aon got Ms *1 dlarhargn because the darters said -|h# had heart Irnubla. TW yrnfeem *1 »• *«« 74 years eld bat an ana weald taka Mm to ha a day over late btriis Rob^ion Un,

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