TUB DUNN DISPATCH PnfaMnJ Every Wednesdsy _ Entered as second-class mat ter April 1st, 1914, at the poet oAcs at Dean. N. C, under the act of March S. 1879 OUB TERMS: One year. 1-00 8ix Months..00 Three Months,.. -20 L- BUSBEE POPE. Publisher. Dma. W. C, April SI. 1*1S rr iwnr too a town—rrs too IF pee west to live to the kind at a Uke the kind at s town yen like, Toe needn't dip year clothes to s grip Aad start ea a tong, tone kike. Yeutl only And what you left behind. For then's nothing that's really It's a knock at yourself when you ( knock jroer town. It tot year tows—it's you. Best teems sie oat made by ms aftald Loot esmshody else gate ahead, When every erne works sod nobody shirks Tee can retos a team Iron tbs And If wkils you stake your personal i stake Tour Doghbors can make one, too. Veer team w«i be what yea west to It toot year town—it’s you. _0-1 —oftBcwa. TH* LONG TONCUK The State has bsaa pat to euor awaa expense, and a number of peo ple have boon made to suffer need toady haraaai of tbo Carter-Abor aothy trial which consumed eight days of than aod a big wad of the people's sms ay. Aad all far what? Judge Carter waa fully exonerated aad pawl a character above re proach. Hi* tamper waa also proves hat a* far aa wo know, that wax nev er dialed, A few Ians tongue* began to wag. Evil eyes read into the Judge's ran dact things that never on farad kia mind. They rolled them as sweat owcmla under th* tongue. Thom ware gathered op and crystal taod into a "charge. ~ A woman area from a sick bod aad amde th* Jaar to Kaleigh to defend her jhar another- woman** aam* • Wa* and still suffering (a '* <On ef It all are long too gaa* pm wicked hearts. Wa rejok* far tbo haaer of our courts, that •lodge Carter waa vindicated. A few lawyer* whom b* had Jaatly rebuked far their Impel linear* had it la far the Jadge, hot tho people love him far the anemia* ho hao made. Th*r*, ware many Momenta *f evil an taring, late thi* rtdicloua aad rearing fares, hat the aula rsose waa th* long ora4.' lying toogua. O th* sorrow and the sham*, th* tsars and th* trouble Jab-1 . haring gossip* bar* broaght Into tbr| world I W* anmatlmaa think that taaa* aad aril talk has wrought more havoc to bumaa happiness Olaa all tho ague. More aad more do wo re ads* th* tremendous farce of th* Master's admonition “Let your eom maakutiea bo you, you nay, say, far. whatassvar la mar* than tbo** eom-| ath of Ortl." Th* aril ton goo ia a! •arid of Mguity aad no man can tame it. Hi* always hong to a rew ard aad a mask X* brave man ever aaasariaafad character, aad dial ia lb# chief burin*** of as #vQ tongue. Th* Carter-Abrmethy case la a very atriUag example of what wicked hearts can da through long tongurs The world M fall of bright and base UIU1 UMngs to talk a boot; wky dc ■MM pupil Bad so much joy in riv aling la tkn* thing* that sra nb aad rot gar T "flpaak nothing hot goad ad tho daad" la aa old adag*. Why Mat aalarga it to rood "Speak aatkiag bat good ad tha thing or taa daad?"—Charity and ChHdron. Sopor la tandaat D. B. Wiaalow, Uaitad Staoa gavaaamaat road ** part, wna Im tarn la at awak. While ta town ha rallad at tha Dispatch ef - - ■a l Ml 1 COM4 readily in this section. Mr.I Winslew is net only on expert read! man. bet is u excellent gentleman who makes frionds everywhere be re*. We 4eo\ believe the people of Dnoo waat to place the affairs of the town In the bends of tho*« citiavns who have not the progrnmdva tpirlL A man to be elected mayor or com missioner should be willing to eop j pert heartily any public eptiitodj movement Inaugurated. He should bo o member of the Chamber of Com r.ierco by oil means, willing to *t metre by all means, trilling to sup port it with hlr money. In fact, be a leader in the work «of this excellent organization. No man who it not interested enough^ in promoting the beet internets of ‘the town to be o member of iu public organisations should offer himself as a candidate. Uunn is a big corporation worth millions of doUara, and the very best men, men of business ability, men of character, progressive citilens, should be selected to govern it- It will be a fatal mistake if the town selects an incompetent board, one that does not know how to ronduct the business «f the big corporation. We should, all get together and select the prop, er men to fill these office*, end work, for the common good of the town,' financially, materially and morally. . A Tobacco Heart. The use of tobacco reveals some amusing things, like the one of liquor —that Is, when liquor could be had. We knew a man who dnsnk a good deal of liqaor, hut prided himself on the fact that be never got drank.! meaning thereby that he could w.«lk without Blsirrvrsc. When be look I a shrink of tiquor he always followed! it with at least a pint of ice water. Hl« Idea wa« that tha cold wa*»r would nullify tho ill effects «f the liquor. He kept up this practice for yeara; then he "bloweai up;" that ie to say, he died. A man chewy lobac-' «o, hut sayy tho reason he It not an-1 lured by it It Imcauao he chewt vary' weak tobacco, but sooner or later his heart runs sway with him. He gets whet is known as a tobacco heart, that is to cay, he contracts over ■emulation of the heart, and he "blows up" also.—Greensboro Record We rise in glory, as we sing in prido; Where boasting ends, Lhrre dignity begins. —Young. Mr. L. I. Grantham, of St. Paul, was In town for a feat-hours Friday. I Mr. G i an tha m in a successful drug-1 gist, being connected with stores all 8t. Paul, Rod. Springe and Lumber ton. • * (Continued from First Pape.) townships over to good roads, anil. U the Cnpitaal Highway docs't enter ' n hum on the way from Sanford to Raleigh the people of Harnett say iti will go by way of MUington, which la not a great deal farther, end aI-, ready the road is built bow from Moore county this far. and a good, bridge Haw crossed the river above I Mllingtou and the road force Is posh ing on toward the Wake county lino at tho northeast. In the west end of the county some enthusiastic road builders are at' work. One of the most active Is J. A. Carps, of the Keverfail farm, who has started out as though the -iti of making roads for Harnett county ns a task resting on his in dividual shoulders. He la building, out toward LUlington and to tho Plank road that connects Fayette ville and Cumeron, and also la stretch ing out toward the Overhill develop ment, and the big Kent-Jordan end the Lfndley nursery projects The J. Van Ltndlcy nurery scheme' is an'Interesting one. Some years' ago a Mr. Palmer, a small farmer near Southern Pines, brought to tho .'Otice of W. N. Hutt, the fruit artist wir omw AgncHiiumi unjunmcnt iota* apples he had raiacd an hlaj place in (he *and country. Mr. Hutt cent the applet to wim of the fairs out In th* apple countries of th* west at Spokane, at Omaha, and other place* where they have th* conceit to boost of their apple*, and th* ap ple* broarht home to North Carolina some Brit prise* At to boast about. t. Van fund ley saw the apple* and concluded that middle North Caro lina bad a rhaaee to try for apple*. The Lindley folk* bought a Mg acre age of land down in west Harnett county, and there they cleared off a big area and planted thousand* of little apple tree*. The tree* thrived and th* anrres* of the nursery ven ture proved. It self tram th* Brat few months of Ha existence. New th* Harnett apple nursery I* one of the Mg factor* In the Undley operation, and they hare planted a lot af tree* at their embard near Heather* Pines. tram which they have already takaa aama Ana fruit. Beside* apple tree* maay ether I tea* are raised In th* Harnett anraary, roan teeming to thrira remark*kly Mg Prapmdtlaa Werhtog Oat. Pram PayetkeviOa a rsad ha* been baht ap by Manchester, and It trill ba rang triad presently with th* read fAm to lindley*, Harp*. Kent-Jar dan and the township* which are handing ta Urn tower part at th* Mtorty. and what to to follow the towvart prophet stow not aanjartoia. Thto Hast lardaa preposdtxm I* ■to af ih* Mg thing* that Harnett to Agnring awt. aad It to working along I th* location ia attractive, water I Ooe Of the features, natural scenery Is another. On this big location It is proposed to build such another out-1 lag place aa Plnehurat, although It wil] bo Individual bi its kind, rather than a follower. The influence ef thee# operations ia already fait. Individual operators are coming Into this part of the State from various placet, an in the gt gantic wilderness of western and southern Harnett settlers are dotting tbe forests with theft farms. This advancement is not. confined to any one section of the county, either, Eastern Harnett baa been more thick ly settled and batter developed far a long time. Tbe construction of the Raleigh and Southport road from Raleigh to Fayetteville opened tbe territory from the center to the east nde, and the Durham and Southern roud helped that development along The Coast leas had lie offset on the south and east While the Cape Pear am'. Yadkin Valley read came op from Fayetteville to the old Moore county line, it did not give to the set side of the county the stimulus felt farther eastward. Nevertheless now the whole county seems to lie aroused by the same progassivc spirit that Is thawing Itatlf in the sadden awakening of the read enthu-| ■inam. J, D. Exxell superintendent1 of the county schools. In speaking of1 bis work, mentions the fact that ten years sgo the condition of the schools as compared with today sounds be Found belief. Thee the school prop erty was worth about fC.OOO. New it is worth 175,000. Then the school term was three months end a half. Now It It five month and a half in all districts that do not hava a long er term. But many of the districts have voted special tan and carry on the schools seven or sight months of I ham Looking (• the Filter*. Dr. J. W. Halford, who ha* been on* of the rejurenators of Harnett county. In passing the school bourn in Lillingten, remarked that when the building was put up tea or twelve years ago the wise men who erected it determined that they would pro vide fer into the future. The build in is so inadequate today that1 on the hill above the lively growing town is a handsome new structure that will cost (211,000, and srremo <h»t* the common schools and a farm Ufa school that will be the pride of the county. It is hoped, longer than the antiquated wooden building has don*. Harnett county is proud of Its school system which Includes with1 the other varieties of equipenent for gaining knowledge a lively number of those Institutions known as mooa give a man for beirng^TBSeTSad the procession if you see that hs is digging ia good and hard trying to catch up. It is the fellow op head whs is allowing himself to fall back that excites your animosity. It is a fact that North Caro line has been too far down in the list to be proud of when education has boon the sub ject in disco eaion, but the fact that the State is palling swiftly for better place is a horse of another color. Sunlight shoots, moonlight schools, farm lifa schools, graded schools, famous old Buies Crock Academy and I don’t know how many varieties of education are abounding in Harnett, end the school huso is as much in evidence as the good road. Truth to tell the folks who are sitting up at night hatching up achiraea to mul tiply roods ara also the school house brigade, and yoo will confess that a good road and a school house are two right commendable hob Met. A Bit af Fatima. There is a bitof pathos on the roed' that leads down into Harnett from Leo county. Not many miles out frem Islington stands a substantial bnck bsUding, and about K are here and there other structures, some right pretentious, some the worn* for the wear. It is evidently a little old town gone to seed ad, trying to re turn to Ilf*. A wav heck before tbs war when Hamatt comity was form ed Summerville was the scat of jus tice. If am are to judge by appear ances the jail era* tha important factor ia tha days of oar forofathors, for k was substantially designed and, constructed. It stands than In the! tall trees, lonely and out of harmony with its surroundings. Its compan ion piece, the court house. Is sold to hare been a wooden structure, less striking ia Its architecture and less •"during. The lonely old casjlc that Is the jail, 1s a victim of the Caps Foar river. The forks who cams from tha oast ride of the county dts Hkad to ferry across tha river and than drive several miles oat Into the reentry, so they askat that tha coun ty pkeb its sast of jostles an the hanks of tha stream. Raamaervllle gars up Its dream and LiMtngton took the place at the head of the table lHhagtea's llmstsaaasa For a long time LMNngton eras a restful sort of a place, and pastoral In ka temperament The coming of the Raleigh sad Southport Railroad hred the old towi with an ambition fhaa cam# the Western and Atlantic mad, and LHltagtoa la soaddaet that ts friends have arrived Thera Is pretty gaad arldanaa that k Is snly s question af • brief time astfl this road srfll push sa teerard tha seat, sad ita akimata destine tloa |s tha teas*. Tha talks at UlUagtea hers inf nr mat lea that leads them la ax tostthosrerfc s4 roastraetlan to ha Fadhf • gaadl horj relations To start with ther* is Dunn in the ifethcext of the court ty, which is a mighty wide qwakc meviber itself. Dunn has grown am h ived t« recent years and it now big enough so thfct it compare* othei Hare* with Itself, sod people on th< oxisxic of Lb* county arc beginoinj tu context that they know w'n.-rw tb prograsaire Harnett county town of Dunn is. Dunn .is setting s credits ble pace for tMt must con servstivi r#i‘Wn, und the feeling it extending out o.er the township lints. Fron. Du m has corns down Into the cotton counimt s story of prosperity dur ing the dull dsy* after the war broke out last fall in Europe. Folks in th* cotton belt have heard from tiro* to tin* of th* farmers up in th* Dunn region with rolls of currency stick ing out of their boot tops, and sheafs of tobacco tainted money saltod down in hogsheads until their prosperity is scandalous. Of course this may be exaggerated, but to th* folks in the Slough of Despond last winter any kind of prosperity looked fa' clous. Fa*nay • Ure On*. Then up across the border is Fo quay Springs. Fuquay la another place that cam* out of the woods and U now saturated with all kinds of getting on in the world. A peek at the map shows Fuquay Springs a cloas neighbor of Harnett county. The Fuquay tobacco belt has become as well acquainted aa bright tobacco. Harnett folks have observed that the bright tobacco belt from Fuquay region is pushing out acroxs the line. Th* farmers who have been planting tobacco in Wake ounty have shown that th* type of soil common in Harnett is aa good aa any for bright leaf, and Harnett far Across the rlrar from UUington Is a modal now farm created from an old farm hy J. U Roberta, who cam* down this way a year or to ago from Granville. Mr. Roberta has boon pat ting up red bam* at artistic at the big red Pennsylvania bum of Lan caster county, which are the staod »rd« when farm barns are mentioned. Ilia tobacco hams are built on brick foundations and painted red. IVy ere endoeed with German tiding and their corniest tre of planed board*. Don't think that tha Roberts farm is a show farm where money gets in and accounts com* out. Mr. Roberts has crops growing on his farm right now that tell of » substantial fertili ty. He keeps cattle. He plants cov er rrops. ii* Is tatting an essmple of intensive cultivation of the acres ha tends. H* has ;UK> acres here on n«tt sandhlllera Agar* that they can do aa much with thair candy land aa anybody ran, and perhaps more with thoir other land. So Hamottt seta iU atakaa to correspond with what the •unwinding coon ties ara doing, and tha whole papolatlon U being Hred with tha dsbarminatloa to get In with the crowd. “What do you think of oar town?” a Mtlmgton man ashed me, and. I told him to pot the teat on it. "Look if yea con lee any new dilnglea.” They bio mom eat on every Mil. Hoaeen are Ilka man. Tha old ones gradually go oat of rommlwion. If new anaa ara earning on, wall and good. If new anaa are not earning on than the burying ground la doing all tha buainaaa, and nobody Hkaa to bay cemetery lot* aa a • peculation or fog boalnaaa perptaoo. Maw Roof* aad Frsah Paint. Wellington boa plaoty of new roof a, and a creditable sprinkling of Crash paint, which is another good sign. Along tha read from Sanford to Lil liogton two or three right now vil lages are throating thair roof* ap out of tha trees, aad new country • lores tali tha setiafaatery story that fhraa ers are Andlag wants that H pays man to undertake to sopply at does hand. Another thing that kails of pregroaa la tha eoanty la tha rbangs from the IX ate plow aad ana mala ta the bigger aad net madam farm ImalimaaU aad Aa trigger team* •aw mills are peeking tha righting pine Umber beak fkrther and farther fra* tha atotliiahto and tha a* of tha ■« "ha |g dagrtag saw grail follow* tho Mid. behind him come* th# hMftor farm implement* and they lad ad* ororythinp from the ttamp pallor *p to tho la toot wrink le* that the iaiploaiant mao can think «f. It ia a *lpn of potnp ahead whan you can hapin to MO pretty red end follow term Implement! end machin ery under th* w^ehouoe chad at the crone road* (tore. Poeelapiap ia Ad A* ethane. Harnett la dovdophop la ad four quartan, factor la room ooctioa* than la othera, hot In all aeettenn, aad the .food read* at* net particu larly th* oaaaa, hot th* manifaatation Of th* eauae. Th* oaddon outbreak of tho paod made crate Ic pradaally erytUlHalnp eonrlction that tome thlafa ar* hotter than th* *U thlnpa When a community one* ratchet the ylage you cun look out for the gravel to fly. With the good road* tho coun try It opened in all directiona, and the Increann In land value becaeta of greater eccaaelhlHty end attendant greater production It InertaHng tho public fund*, to that the future la ex pected to bring greater headway for ward than It vlaiblo yet. Harnett | hat eaaght the Merth Caroline Idea of itarting eoraethhig, a habit that m more and mor# pronounced every day through the length and depth of the fttate, and la Joat now ihowlng Kf definite tymptoaa. It only take* an hour or to In the county and a trip out on# of the now read* to tnd out what la about to turn laono do wa hern *n tha Capa Fear. Harr.et t hat waked up. It hat Ike resource* end the ambition. It kei got the machine In motion. New road* and moat at them almost over night, new school house*, new homes, new farms new c jiint y. Plain as the noea or. your face.— Bum 11. Butler, in News and Obaar rer. NOTICE OF BALE UNDER EXE CUTION NORTH CAROLINA, IN SUPERIOR COURT HARNETT COUNTY, B. P. LANGDON A 80N MONROE LEE. J. H. BALLAKCE A COMPANY MONROE*"LEE By virtu* of two elocutions direct ed to the undersigned Sheriff of Har nett County from the Superior Court of said County, one in each at the two above entitled actions, I will on Monday the Sd day of May, 1816, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House Door of Harnett County, sell te the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions ell of the right, title, and Internet which the said Monro* Lae, the defendant in said execution*, has In the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a staka and runs 8. 42 w. 1650 chains te a maple; these* N 38 W. 13.70 chains to a stake; thence 8. 61 W. 8.60 chains to a stake thenca 8. 22 W. 8.60 chains to a nlae; thanes N. 82 W. 16.76 chains te a ■taka: thane* B. 61 W. It chainst e a stake; thence 8. 16 W. 13.40 chain* te a stake in John Jackson’s liae; thenca B. with John Jackson's Ihra and J. B. Lee’s line te the original rnemar- tkanea with TUI aa>. IU. te th* Western run of Black River; thence up eaid run to the line of J. B. Lee and J. C. Sorrell; thence North to the beginning, containing 100 ecrea, more or Wee, being the lands described in dead from J. B. Lea, and wife, to C. E. Lee and others recorded in Book "Q." Page 226, ef the reeorda of Harnett County. This the Slit dav of March, 1216. J. M. BTRD, SHERIFF, HARNETT CO. By A. F. 8URLES, D. 8. NOTICE OF LAND HALE By virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage daed executed by Mettle Williams, Alear.dor Moses and wife, Nannie Moeee, to T. L. Oerald, on the 13th Fahrurary, 1211, and recorded In tha regietry of Har nett eounty February 17Ui, 1211, in Book No. 106, Pace 120 The following described lands will bs sold to tha highest bidder for cadi at tha court bouse door,’ Utltngton, N. C., at 12 o'clock , neon, Monday, May am. 1216. Beginning at a etalca la Tart's 6eld on the ran of Little Stony Ran, for merly a black rum; thence 8. SC Glee U a stake. Tart*« comer; tbeoce a lino 8. S6 t. 64 poles to a small pine; thence N. 116 polet to a maple on the run of Stony Ran; thence deem the run as It meanders te the begin ning, containing thirty acres, (SO) mora or lees. SECOND TRACT; Beginning at a stake In the run ef Stony Run aad rune 8. 72. E. 88 rotes to a pine •tump; thence N. 86 E. 76 potea te a stake; thence down the run of Stony Run te the beginlne containing, twenty seven aad ana half acres (87 l-t) mora or teas. Time «f tala, 18 a’eloefc, Monday. May Srd, 1*11. Place of sale, court bouse dear, Lilltngtea, nTc Taring ef sale. cash. T. U GERALD, Mortgage*. This March list, 1*18. ; -' . > ' • Special Announcement. w. take pleasure In announcing to our many patron*, and in the trading public generally, throughout Kaeterh North Carolina, that we wtWK'hni awae ABSOLUTELY b’RPIE. to cveiy Dorehaeer of oae an Hart worth of any kind of mervfaa ndive in eihter of our department* for cath* One $300.00 High Grade Piano One 10-piece Dinner Set 8 Gold Coins, value $2.50 each ^^—————————— FOR EVERY CASH PUPCHASE OF ONE DOLLAR THE BUYER WILL QtT AKBY WITHOUT COST. THE FIRST KEY OPENING THE LOCK WILL ENTITLE THE HOLDER TO THE HANDSOME (300.00 PIANO ABSOLUTELY STRING the IDCK WILL ENTITLE THE TO JHE BEAUTIFUL 100 PIECE DINNER SET ABSO LlJTELY FRE£. THE NEXT EIGHT KEYS OPEN1 NG THE LOCK WILL ENTITLE J1?£nHOLDRRS 70 A TW° ANDA HALF DOLI.AR GOLD PIECE CiACu. | Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn, - - North Carolina BUY YOUR INSURANCE i Through I Dunn Insurance & j Realty Company. We write in the strongest, most conser-( vative and reliable companies in the world. Fire, Life, Auto, Accident, Plate Glass, Casualty, Bonds. Real Estate Loans a Specialty B.O.Townsend,Sec. andTreas. Tax Notice j The tax books will be open all day Saturday at the Bank of Cape Fear. You must pay before May 1st if you want to vote. No extra cost will be added to advertised land if you pay Satur day. L W. SMITH, Sheriff, Harnett County

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