Trey O’Hearts BY LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE ^ . Oie Episode Each Week I life* MB* M hoagid dtrw (Mm tka bleak depth* la tka aiiaalBw aarfaca of a eight hanad peat. Aad lor a Nttla aka lay wnsclrrlng, kar halhaaafe wtu fumbling with •hair bwstniss at raatwlag aeanalnt •ao* with th« world. agdaa her mraniiin. Thla rad* *«■» af raagh plank walla and ■■Whitlva faralahtags; thU wide, hard aowah ska aka rad with bar atlll a him karWg alatar, Roe*; tka »l*w rwrwalad hr «■ window at tbo bedside: » (Mr fWimtltn of trse-dod moan taka tkroagh which a wlda keeomad aaayoi rollad dowa to aa emerald y*»tn. natklag to fear total Ah of aona epochal dbaag i la tka habits and snoatml proo oasas of.a roong HfoUmo, added to Who waa (ha herself, this strung* asaatnra who raatad her* ao ealmly tejha side of taaal If aba ware Jwdnh Trtoe hew came aka to be «k*ra» Irrenoadlabl* opposites In •wary pkaa* af akaiaatar, the staters had sadaloudy asoMad eaaoctatlon »f«k aaak other aror *h>e* childhood: they had hot shared the shelter of •oar wan* oversight sloe* ttma he yaad the hoards af JadMh'a memory, what. thaa. had aa ehaagwd than* both that they tkoald ha taaad In sack What. Indeed, had baaoma af the ••d thing. Judith Trtaa of yesterday* taraiy ah* had Rule enough la com mob w|tb I Me Judith of today, la wheaa heart was no mors room for Itlwm. so fBU *•< It of love which. thnngh It was tocaaad apoa tha paraoa af ana nan. aaaa tha laaa embraced hi) tha world—even har at star and rlral la that oaa man's af had not coma npoa har 8be had bean al ■••t My awara of Its adrrat through tha gtwdaal abftaalag of that aM iadlth'a hard sad vengeful nature ha tha some af tha last tow days, ■at aow that tha revolution waa no snmpUahad, aha hardly knew herself— too hardly knew tha world, indeed, aa dtanatlf did aha regard It—act allheal something af tha wide eyed wpa farm act af a child to Sod all thfaga aa aaw aM stowage aM haouti faL And this waa tha work af Lava! Haw Ike chain of memoriae waa gotta complete, so link lacking in Its aaadaolty. tha roaallad clearly ovary kdlut that had marhad tha slow youth af this groat tori ska had tor Aha Law, from that tru day. not yet a month old. when he had eecaped tha ■ary deathtrap aha had sat tor him aM repaid bar ooty by risking bis Ufa anew to save bar from destruction, down to this very morning when tha Stream from a hydraulic anoxia had ■ aapt over tbs brink af a throe bun dled-toot proniplea a crimson racing eatoasofaHe containing two desperate man bant upon compassing tha death Of bar beloved. By that act af shear self defense tha world waa richer for the laaa of tww Mack-hearted blackguards, aad Alha LAW might aow be considered sale from further pemscutlcn—since there aow ramalual not one soul loyal ewengh to Places Trine to prosecute Ma private war af vengeance aguinat determined Chat ha should have any opportunity so Una. toe knew, would hood to hinder her af action, aha. Judith, •ah step# aa Ms perae . If there ware any Uta • thief aba (tola across tb* •■bias Ooor to Alan's ltd*, hesitated, bast bar band to hta and toaabad bar Up* to hi* cheek—a caress to B(bl •at bo atapt oa la Ignorance of It. tbaa, aa aba lifted bar haad and •food wet bosom ooamlaed »ttb ■Want aob*. aba tookad squarely lata tb* moo of Iton. | • •HAPTIH Ilk Tb* Old Adam. A load mtnote olapaad before either warn morod or apoka. Trsnnflgpd bast 4* Alan's chair, Handy ton baraatt vltb p hand apon It* bosk. Judith ttarad at tb* Basra la tb* doorway in a tern par at ooea dls oombtad iM dsflant With this aba enlaced a pbsaa of incredulity. was’ •oars* able |o permed* hereelf that tMa woa truly Rosa who confronted | bar bopo who** aw sat sad genu* oabor* had aear tarred aa tba bitt' of Jodttk’a aontsmpt and ratkleee rt%nT W«t ram lotion with o renre MM, wash fcoa* threatened sad JsdHb ahronkt n woa as If lb* woman bad a*, abaopod aataraa while they tlepc Tba aountaoaooa that Rosa showed bar *Mar wag a thundercloud real. by tb* lurid Hdfctntad of her angry WOA Mar pea* wot taoa* sad alert. j nb* tb* poae of to animal oat to trbf. fa bar hand ban* a rtrahar. tb* aamo (Jodttb'a band sought tba boiatar at bar hip and found It empty) that bar Meter hod worn and for-, ■•(law to rtooe* whan aba dropped, j half da* It with fatigue, upon the bed.! And slowly, toward tba and of that tone, mute minute, tba girl’s grasp tightened span tb* grip of tb* weapon { and Its muni* lifted. •temarsiog uu, a naan or Mr oae tfma tamper quickened Judith. Of a ■uddan. with a start, ahs crowd ths , floor ha a single, noiseless strldo. sad throw herself before her slater. ~WeU7' she demanded hotly. "What are yoa waking for? Nobody's stop ping yoo: why don’t you shoot*” The upward moremeot of the kaad waa shacked: tha weapon hung lerel to Judith's breast—as level and «a-1 equivocal as the gtanee that probed her eyes and tbe tone of Rosa's rotes 1 as the demanded: “What were >om doing there7“ "If you mutt know from me what | you already know on tha evidence of your ay«o—I waa bidding good-by lo lb* mu 1 love—hissing him without hi* knowledge or consent before leav ing him to you for good oad slip "What do you mean 7“ That l‘m going away—that I cut stand this situation uy longer. Marro phat and Jimmy are dead, my father's balpleap—and I mean to as* that ha remains so. Noshing, then, stands la tba way of year marrying Alan but me. And such being tbe case—and because bo's ts dear to me as he Is to yoo—I'm going to toko myself off and hoop out of the way." ‘For fear lest he find out that yoo love him 7" Judith's lip carted. "Do yoo think him ao witless he doesn't know that already T“ “And so yoo leave Mm to me out of year charity1 Is that lit” "Any way yon like. Rut If It's so Intolerable lo you lo think that I data love him sad confess It to yon—If you begrudge me th* humiliation of •looping to ktaa a man who doesn't wut my klsaoo—If you Are so afraid of losing him wills I live and leva him—very wall. lb«a!" With a passionate gesture Judith tor* open tbe bosom of her waist, offering her flub to the minis of the revolver. A cry broke from tbe tips of Rose that waa like the cry of a forlorn child punished with cruelty that passes Its understanding She fell bark agatast tha wall. The revolver swept up through the sir—but its mark was bar own head rather Ihu JidHk'a Bat before her lager found strength to pan the trigger the n» at the table, startled from his sleep by the sound ef angry votroe, leaped from hie chair with a violence that sent U clattertmg to the loor. and harled hlro aeU baadlnng acroet the room. Im prisoning the wrist of his betrothed with oee hand white the ether wrested the weapon away aad paaaad U to JndMh. "Hooe!“ ha cried thickly, “what does this mean? Are yon mad? Judith—" Dragging the boaom of bar walet together, Jedlth thrust the weapoa late Its holster ud turned sway. -Be klad to her. Alan.* she said la an «nr artel n votes: “Che didn't under stand and—aad I Bonded her beyond endurance r«n afraid Forgive me— hot he kind te her alwaya!" Bomshnw. Mindly, she stumbled oel ef the caMa kite (be opea. possessed by a thought whose temptation wea stronger than her powers of resist' eaee. What Knee bad failed te ac complish might now serve to resolve Jadtth-s problem. . . . Hone, she told herself, bitterly, woe Id seek to binder bar. Bat aba taaaat so ta am age the matter that aoae should see or see poet and be moved to teterfere. Honed the Moulder of the mourn lain, na the road along the edge ef the cliff, she wan sere af freedom from nhaerenl hie -JudMh* Tea haem Whet Ike deeSl __... c « WheroTo ye lM< Wkmtnlbna phat and Jimmy r* Digging tha nalla of bar Angara pate fnl'l Into bar pa ha a aba braotbag drop, Dgbung down hysteria. rnairt lag bar art f-cootrol la ao abort a ipaoa of time that bar rather failed ta ap preciate that there was anything war common la tba mlad of tba gtrt. - Where r ha demaodad angrily ga ■be approached the ear. "urbsrn I want to hoow, are Marropbat and Jim-' my? Harao't yoa aooo or board aay tbtng of them? They left mo at eti o'clock this morning, to go after—“ •Dead!' Urn girl tntarnipted. saa tbotlooa. eytleg him strangely. "1 don't belters Ut" the old mao screamed, aghast. "1 wont bolters tt.! Tou're iytng to mm yoa lads' Tool* tying—’ "1 am not." aha broho la coldly, "t am telling you the plain truth . . Tbay followed OS all morning la that rad racer. Srtag at oa all tba wbOa. Finally tbay sought up wttb ns horn,' about oooo—cams op this road ah tot' Ing over tba wtadahleld. It waa ear Hero or tbstra. We turned the hydrate Ho stream oa them sad washed the oar over the ell*. If you don't ball ere me, gat somebody to show you tbotr fa era .'* She Indicated with a goaturo two forma that lay at a NtUa dlgfamoo back from tba rood aids, aintinnlaao beneath a ahaot of caaraa—the bodies of Trine “a oraoturoa. reooearad by tba mining gang and brought up Aar o Christlaa banal But Trias required ao mors ooaflrm atloa of Jadlth'a word- The tight •teksfwd sad died la hla aril old eyes; hie atrtekoa oouatenanoe »at a mad a boo ot pallor arte more In tense than waa normal with It; a broken anno Hawed tram hie trembling, thla. old Dpi; gad bit chin ragged ta Us ebook beery-weighted with despair that fob lowed realization of the fact that ho no longer owned seen oaa friend or creature upon whose rmmriserolaoa loyalty be might depend. Tba last bitter drop that brimmed hla cup of misery waa added when Alan Law himself appeared, leering the miners' cabin la company with hla betrothed—Rose now soothed and comforted, smiling through tba traces of her raesut terra as aha dang to her loser, nsailing la the hollow ot hla arm. To ▲loo. on tba ocher bond, thla rencontre teemed to afford nothing but the pleasantest surprise Imagin able Well l" ho cried, ralsoolafl Roes •pd ranatag down to the ear. THere'e lack) And at the vary mom oat when I was calling my lucky star hard! names! Hew caa I over reward ywurl thoughtfahaeea, Mr. Trine? tt bsata me how yoo do knap track of mo this' through her loror** protestation •; Jedlth loot Is pntMutat melancholy; Trisa marring hla rag*, working him •all ap Iota s silent far? show eoneo gueatee were ta he more far-reaching thaa area he dreemed ta hie wildest BOMAU. Ita Ont dereloomedt. tor all that, waa deeper*te enough. Tha agad monomaniac occupied tha rlgbUhaad oornar of tha roar Met Thaa Me one able hate waa wazt to Judith, ta cloaa Juxtaposition to tha ravolrar la tha bolster on bar hip. Without the least warnlag hla laft head cKhod upon tha weapon, with draw It ate leveled It at tha he ok of Alaa*a head. Am ha palled the trigger Judith gang hsreelf bodily upon the arm. Vrta an. tha buffot found a goal, though ta another thaa tha la lauded victim. Tha maaeular forcerr* of tha chaaffear raeofvad it With a shriek of pain tha man ra loaaod tha whool and a rasped hla arm. Before Alan ooald move to prevent the disaster tha ear. running without a guiding head, caromed off a low emhaahmeat to the left ate shot full tilt Into a shallow ditch oa the right, aheMag Ita pet sen guru like peas from a broken pod. Alan catapulted a good twenty teat through tha air and alighted with each force that he lay etuaned for serosal ■fools Whoa ha eaase to. ho found Bareut helping him to hit feat; a heavy aav sa ptaaaagar touring ear halted tn tha roadway Indicated tha manner la which hla trtsal had arrived ea tha aeaas of tha aaeldaat Whan damagee warn aaaaaeed It waa found that ooue of the party had suffered sarioualy but the ebaeffaur ate Baaaea Trine Mmeelf The former had only hla wound to show however, while Trine lay still ate MXMlsn at a very eenaMerable distance from tha wracked jtatoosobfle Nothing bat a barely pcrooptIMe resptrmrioa sad Intermttlaotly flatter ing talas pert and ad them that tbs Asms of NT* was not axil act In that poor. otd, pals-rucked body. - CMAWTffff LIII. Tha I tat Tramp. Toward tha area lag of tha third day toUawlag tha motor tpin. Judith ■at In tha deeply twoaaaad window of a bedchamber oa the toeond floor of a hotel thaa tad ta the heart of Can lorpmfguapags-ffrowtag lands. • StWfc* »«Wff Trine sat, ap parently arisen, la a wheeled tavmhd ehatr. There waa no occupant of tha room Though he had lata nearly twq days I* urn i. her father's subsequent i 1 way—uppMUf along like (Us every, time I aaad a ear tha went way ta' tba world!" 'Drive oa!" Trtna ear earn ad ta tba, chaaKear. "Drive oa. do yoa hearfi Rat Jadltk bad stepped ap oa tha' raaalag board aad wma ayalag the' 4 river so Idly, with see head etgaifl eeatly resting oa tha batt ad tba! weapon at bar ride Tba ear reputeod at e standstill- I Snlpharoei profaalty follow ad. a; paaaanl atraam of vitnparadao that was checked only by Jedith's bates raptloa: "We've bad la gag yoo eoea before, yoo know. If yoa want aaothar1 taita of that keep eat" 'Rot where*! Bareaar* Jodtth da man ded whaa, altar helping Boon lata1 the ear end raaalag off to I keek their boats. Also retarn*d bloeo to the ear. ' Hood ness only kaowe," tbs yaaag man answered obaarfally. "Ka weald toilet oa ratabllag eg down the San yo* ta aaareb of aa alleged leva abera wa could hire a asw ear — aaaaawbara down than. I triad la, ■taka kin anderstaad that wa bad' plealy of Urns, bat ba waa Mahan aa| ba gaaaraBy te wbra ba gets a Mahrit notion lata bis band. Sa I dbraaag! well meal kim eg bln wag baab—or alee relief somewhere by (ha road-1 ■Mai* Taking tha seat next ta tha dbnnb tsar, ha gtaa tha word ta drive ear aad they slipped away ha* tha In»! tlon of thy mtaJgg ramp, eatated ip r he ere from the mtnare Tba road dtppad rimrpfy dawn tha wwmm recovery oi bib tor as! state had been rapid. Now. ae eordtag (o a council of surgeon* aad physicians who bad beep summoned to deliberate oa his case, ha was la a fbtr way to rosed oat tha average spaa of a sound man's Hfatlme. Ha had appareally suBsrad nothing la eoaaaqusnaa of hta accident more sertona Hess prolonged uuoonaoloee aasa. Vbr tha last twenty-four hours he had henn la (ail posseesloa of his fhcalUas and (for soma reason I ns pee slhle to, Judith to fathom) unoom atoaly ebssrfuL froa Ibis slreamttaaou tbs drew a certs la Sanaa of mystlAed aaelety. Twice la the course of the mornlag she bad oasgbt his eye following bar wttb a gleets of aardoale amltaney, as though ha surged tome secret of ertmordtoary potewUnluiee. Aad rat (sbs argued) it waa quite lapsteWs that he ebould hare some fresh sabsma brewing for I be eaaassta alien of Alan. Mot a soul had had any sort Of eotntnunlcallnn wlu him Haas his rasorsi) bat the attending aur geon. A ssas of gatapaacbabla char eeler, a meek-mannered trained norsa, end barsnlt Judith Under aach «tr euTiulannuu be simply uould not bars •at a new oonsptracy afoot Aad y«t , . She was oppressed / dreaead mm end women, the paati Invited to the wedding of Rota Trine end Alan Law Within another ten minute* tbo man Judith loved with all hur body and aou) would be the buaband of her niter She bad told haraelf aba was re signed; but ahe was not, and ah* would never be. Her heart waa break ing In her bosom a* ahe aal there, watching, waiting. Ilatmlng to the aver heavier dotonatlon* of the ap pmarling thunderstorm and to th* juMUat pealing of a greet organ down below. The had told horaetf that, though| resigned, aba could not bear to wit-, neaa Iba ceremony. Now aa the mo ment drew near when the marriage would be a thing llatahed, flxed. Irretrievable, ahe found beraelf un able to mdarw th* strain alone. ■lowly, against her will, aha roaa and atol* across th* Boor to her fa ther1* chair. Hla breathing waa alow and regu lar; beyond doubt be alopt; unquoe tloaably (bar* waa no reason why ah* should not laava btm for tan minutes: area though b* waked It could not harm him to await her return at tbs and of Ibnt scant period. Like a guilty thing, on feat aa nolae )*aa aa any ansak thief*, aha crept from the room, slowed the door si lently, ran down tb* ball and de scended by a back wajr. a llrtle-uaad stalrcaae, to the lower ball, approach lag the scene of the marriage Constructed la Imitation of an old Spanish tale*ten chapel. It contained one of tb* asset organa In tb* world. ii tui clot* rang* iu daeptbroatsd too** Tied with the warnings of the •term Jadlth, larking In a passage way whoa* op*e door revealed the altar steps and chancel, was shaken to tha vary marrow of her being by tha saajsettc rarer he rations of tha music. Since they had regained contact with dvtllaalloo la a section of Ihs country where tha Law estate ted vast holding* of land, the chspol was thronged with men sad women who had known Alan's father and wished to honor his son. . . , Above stairs, In fh* room Jadlth had quitted. Booses Trtna opened both ayes wide and laughed a sflect laugh of navaga triumph when the door dosed behind hts daughter At last he was left to hit own de vtoea—and at a time the most fitting Imaginable for what ha bad In mind With a grin, Senses Trtna raised both arms and stretched them wide apart. Then, grasping the arms of his chair, ha lifted himself from It and stood trembling upon bla own fset tar the first time In almost twenty years. □rasping the back of tha wheeled chair, ha need It aa a crutch to guide bla feeble end ascertain movement*. But thaw* became momentarily stronger sad mors confident This. then. was tbs secret he had hugged to hts embittered bosom, a •acral uasaspected area by the at tending surgeon: that through the motor aoddent three days ago ho bad regained the use of limbs that bad been stricken motionless—etrangaty •sough, by a motor oar—nearly two decades since Howty but surely moving to the bureau In the room, he opened oco at Its drawers and took out some thing be had. without her knowledge, seen Judith pot away there while aha thought be slept. Then, with this hidden In tha Pocks* of his dressing gown ho red a straight If very deliberate course to the door, let himself out. and Ilka a materialised specter or the mao ha oaoa had been, navigated the corridor to the bead of the broad ouutral staircase and atop by slap, clinging with both hands negotiated tha descent. The lobby of the hotel eras deserted. As the osrsmoajr approached its anil •vary guest and servant In the house was crowding the doorway to tha chapel. None opposed the progress of this ghastly vision to dressing gown and sUppersd feat, chuckling Insanely to klmaelf aa ha tottered through tha empty halls aad esrrt dore. fiadta* an almoet supernatural strength to aaatala him till ha found hlmaalf face to taoe with bla eboeer. enemy and victim. The first that blookcd hla any lato tha ahapal, a bellboy of tha hotel, lookad round nt tha flrat touch of tha atow-lfte hand upon hta shoulder and •break hack with n cry of terror—a cry that waa eeboed from half a doten throats within another Instant. Aa If from the path af soma grisly visitant from tha world beyond tha Crave, tha throe* preaasd back and cleared a way for Betters Trine, fa ther of tha bride. Aad as tha way opened and ha leaked ap toward tha altar aad mw Alan ftaadtad band in hand with Raaa whUa the mtatater Invoked a Masala* span the union that had b*-n hut that Instant cemented. added atransth, tha etreugth af the Insane was given to Boases Trisa. Whan Alan, mtaoyed by the 61a tarhaaoa to Aa body od the ehapel. looked rouad. It waa to aaa tha aged maniac atoadta* within n doten fast of Mm; aad aa ha leaked aad cried •kt la weadsr. Trine whipped a re volver toons Aa pocket of hla dressing •awn and tuna* ft etaedtly to bear upon Alan's head. At that taatant Aa atsrm broke wtA la torus] fury span the load A trash of thoader *o heavy and pKiniid that It seem ad to rook tha very bafldla* upon Its foundations. platnl In tha hand of Seneca Trine, discharging tha waapoa even aa It ■truck him deed. As he fall tha boh sir err ad and ■track taro others down—Alan Law and tha woman who had Juat hsao made bia wife. CHAPTER UV. Again three __ paad; and Ju dith, returning from the . doable fu neral of her father and sister, doffed her mourning for a gown leas somber and more suited to the atmosphere of a sickroom, then relieved the nurea In charge of Alan. Ho remained aa he bad been ever since tbo falling of tha thunderbolt— In absolute eons Rut ha Used, and- -or tbe physicians Hod—must soon ragaln consciousness. Kneeling beside his bedside Judith prayed long and earuaaCty. Whan aha arose It waa to answer a Up upon tbe door. She .admitted Tom itarcua and suffered him to lead her Into the recesa of tbo window, where they conversed In guarded tones In spits of the fact that tho subject of their communtcatlens could not possibly have heard them. "I've come to tall yon something." Herons announced with characteristic awkwardness. 'Tvs known It for three dare—aver slues tbs wadding, la fact—and kept It to myself, not knowing wkather 1 ought to tall you yet or not." He paused, eyeing bar uncertainly, nnlihppUr ” am prepared. Judith assured him calmly. "You're nothing of the sort." be coentcred. argumentative You eooldn t be. It's tbo most smssfos thing Imsglnabls. . . . tee here . . " -Welir "Yon understand, don't you, that Alan mttst sever know that Roes- vai killed by that lightning stroke V "What do you mean?" "I mean.* the man Hoaoderud mis erably. "you see, he loved her to—I thought—I'm sure It would be best— If yoo ran bring yourself to ft—to let him go on bettering It wasn't Rose who wss killed, but Judith And that's skating so dose to ths troth that 1t makes no difference, the Jndlth Alan know and the Judith I knew tn tha beginning Is gona as completely as though she and not Roee had been killed." After a long pause, the girl asked hha quietly: T understand But le ; It possible you don't understand that. If I were to consent to tUt proposi tion. lend myself to a deception which I must maintain through all my Ilfs to oome—Alan would consider me bis wlfer "Welt, but—you see yon are his wife. . . . Oh, don't thlak Pm off my hat. I'm felling you the plain, unvar nished truth. You are Alan’s wife. . . . No. listen to me. You remem ber that day In Ntw York when yon ; substituted for Rose, when Alan tried to elope with her. and yon went with , him to Jersey City, sad stood up to be married by a preacher-guy named Wright—and Marrophst broke tn Just at the critical moment and basted up ■ ths party?" "Well?" she demanded breathlessly. Barcue produced a folded yellow pa per from his* coat pocket and prof fered It. "Read that It was handed to me as beet man. fast before the cere mony. Seeing ft was addressed to Alan and knowing be was la no frame of mind to be bothered by telegrams. I Slipped It late my pocket and forgot af! about It temporarily. When I came to find It I took the Kberty of reading It But reed It for yourself The typewritten lines of the long message blurred and run together al most lodedpberably In Judith's vision. None the less, she Contrived to (reap ths aubetanco of Its meaning. "WHY DIDN'T YOTT WIRE MX SOONER." H ran: "MARRIAOE TO rose rMPoasiRui rev. mr. WRIGHT INTORMED MB YOUR MARRIAO* TO JTinrru i iqt WEEK HAD DONE TOO FAR WHEN MARROPHAT INTERRUPTED. JU DITH I. BO ALLY YOUR WIFE. WOULD HAVE ADVISED TOU SOONER HAD TOU LET ME KNOW WHERE TO ADDRSBS TOU. UOPE TO HEAVEN THIS OBTS TO TOU > BEFORE TOO LATE." Tte »mi|» wu ii(nd «Hk the i Bam* of Alas'* eooftdcntlal mas at baslneea la flaw Tort. Whan Judith looked ap aka waa alos* la th* room, but tor th* atlaat patient on hla oooeh. ■lowly, almost fearfully, ah* Bract to kla bad aid* aad Mood looking dowa Into th* fao* of bar hoabaad. And white aha looked Alen a laaba* Battered, hla raaptratton quickened. a fatnt color crept late hla pallid abaeka —and hla ayes opened wide aad looked Into bom. Hla lips moved aad breathed a word of recognition: • "Jadltht* Witt a low ory of taadontoee. tbo gtrt sank to ker knaaa aad oaclrcted kla kaad with km arms. "Jndlth." ake wktaparad. hiding km fkaa to hla bonne*. -Jndlth Is no mere . . • A paaaa; aad the* the feeble votes: "Than. If I waa mistaken. If roe aren't JndRh. yon moat be Ease my »We?" She said eteadlly: "I am yoer wife" ■la heads fumbled wttt bar fees, closed span bar Bute. lifted km head aatS bar era* mna* look tarn Aad for many mtnTIm be held hm •WjMMag dee* late the aael ef the Then qmstly be *md t "I knew . VWUWt. . •■■■Ok _, WATCH THU COLUMN FOR MISSIONARY ITEMS HOME MISSIONS—TO CONSERVE OUR COUNTRY'S IDEALS Our* li • land of natural splendor I From ocean to ocean; from the great lake* to the Gulf, and our Aster Re public of Mexico, A spread, out a grand panorama of gifts of nature, bestowed on us by the lavish hand of Our Creator- Moees said to the Is raolitae just before his death. “And He hath brought ua into this place, and hath given ua this land, even a land that flowcth with milk and hon ey." Can we not trace in our history dealings of Providence with ns, simi lar to those with the children of Is real? Among tho nations of the earth, at present, we stand out n Christian nation. Since our begin ning we've had a group of activities to conserve the most cherished ideals of the United Stats* -we Southern er* uniting first In efforts to Chris tianise the African slaves (brought to us through no effort of our own) a* wall as joining with our Northern home missionaries in the western ex tension of religious influences keep ing pars with our geographical ex tension. Wherever the pioneer struck his tent the itinerant followed, ever looking back to tho home-chourch for support ‘TTls West," however, wa* "ever stationary, moving year by year toward the sotting sun. until tho frontier was lest in the Pacific. Now, as thsra U no more territory to occu py, no more titintivc work our homo mi**K>ni Kart bccoo« intunjivc, icokin* to keep our country true to Its God-given ideals. Othdf nro«i/U#l #a. ika - - A of the who]# human rare, making In dividual salvation contingent on per sonal acceptance of HU coalitions; but both sacred and secular history go to prove that nations are judged «ul punished hare and not hereafter, larma] was his first chosen nation—it failed! Shall weT Many of our clearest and moat consecrated schol ar* units in tha opinion that the United States of America is now committed the evangelisation of the world. Shall wt fail t With God’s help, not Let us unite is evsry ef fort to conserve our Cod-given ideals. lx» ord«r to b* God', in.trum.nt w. In order to b. God', instrument wo must “do his commandments’*—those given by God Himself, nt Mb Bmai, end re-enacted by Christ while oe “Not one jot or one tittle shall pees from the law„ were his words. The fourth then In the decalogue, Remember the Sabbath Day to hoop it holy, etc ” "One day in every seven must bo a day of rent from worldly t«bor. rest for all; employ^ eo,. ptoyuee, women, ehildren. servants, even beasts under our control. The Jewish Sabbath was on Saturday, closing each week with a rest from its labors. How much more algniA ***** our "on* day in seven" com memorating the resurrection of our Lord! Christ, Himself, on that first Easter Sunday, consecrating it as the day for the spread of the gospel (or good new*) to all; bearing those good tiding* in five separata appear ances on that day—to Mary, to the other woQjcn. to Pstsr; to two dis ciple. on the way to Emma us, and to all the disciple* save Thomas. Hit message that day of "Our Risen Lord" and His injunction “Go tell my disciples" com* sounding down the **•*1 making oar Sunday not only a day of ran from worldly colors and a Umo for tha reading of tha Scrip turns, but morn, much more than this • day sat apart for tha hearing toUrng of Ih, Gospel; end education day, getting knowledge for end of the hereafter. Shell w. com* to it froah and vigorous, with bodies rest 'd »"d minds alert for the lessons of the day! If „ our sver^ work must stop at a reasonable time on Saturday. Soma of our mere heats have already pledged to cioee their place* of business at 10 o'clock oo Saturday night—cant all loin la '*• oar busy boucmwivM a»k* their arrangement* on Batur d*)r. leaving Ihemeelv.. ^ aervaota fra* to attend Sonday School and all the regular errvleae of Sunday? W01 all huabaada rise early enough on that day to avoid being e hindrance laatead of a halp? One thing more! Some of our boy. end girli have grown into the habit of .Lnging .eng. not fit for the wor ■Wp of thU eecrod day; evan playing Jig* and "rag-tima"—navor elevat !ng, but poottlroly etnfut, on Sunday! *21 of yoa “Leaguer." Bright Jewel.,“ "Chriotlan Badeev or. or Young People'. Societiaa" take thle hi hand end gat all our young poeple aad children to kelp In making oar pait of oar United BUta* Ckrto (lan in reality aa wall a* in name? 0, that all ChrleUatia would unite la a petition ta the government to atop by law each deeeeratlone of our Sab bath day, a* running of Sunday iraina; the epealng af pUeae of amuaoment, etc, a* wall aa oaforao taw, already .elating egeinet all Op *a place, of budaeeal Staag. "1 would like to got a warrant far a men who obtained money under tale* proton***," announced the Ba rry man. “S'hat ta the trouble?" Baked the clerk. "A follow add m* a half Intaroet la a petticoat factoryreplied thj tagry man. “Well, what ta *a matter with pa> liooatoT** aakad tha dark. “Thor* ain't ao each “ ra tiled the angry -aa. 2

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