I THE laRESIDENT AM) HIS CARINKT AGREE Nat* to Ucrnunj Reiterate* Priori p)ea Bat Centals* No Threat. Washington, July JO.—President Wilson and his cabinet decided today on the general principles of the note to be tent to Germany within a few days renewing the effort* to secure for Atncrican cRJacos piotection in their rights on the high seas. The President read to hie official family, assembled for the flret time in a month, a drafl of a communica tion answering the German govwin ment’e note of July 8, which failed to grant the demands of the United States growing out of the sinking of the Lusitania. The draft eras Incom plete In form. On Its character and purposes, however, there was unani mous agreement, and Secretory Lan sing was at work tonight putting in more precise language the ideas set forth. Members of the cabinet generally preserved secrecy regarding the pro bable contents of the communication and I h t President cautioned •gainst detailed speculation in ad vance of the publication of the docu ment, lest mistaken impressions bo cabled abroad before the actual test is received in Berlin. -» Today's conference wee .Urnul In an extent to a dltmnion of whet tho American people really wanted the Washington government to do in tho present crisis. Ho far pa the cabinet officers coaid judge by the examina tion of public expressions, the nation had vowed an insistent desire that ths honor and dignity of the United States be upheld, hut that a course should be followed which would maintain peace On Germany's next reply and the crystallisation of public opinion thereafter will depend to a targe ex tant, according to intimations from officials, what the actions of the "i mi of the United States will he concerning future violations of American rights. Secretary Lansing stated today i that ho complete repart of what had occurred jn the encounter between s the* Jtftieh hner Orduaa and a £sr‘ 1 .. TH* COTTON MARKET When any commodity has experi enced the decline that cotton did last weak a reaction is natorally to be ex pected. Hence, the rally that set in this week was not in the least sur prising. On the sharp break that de veloped immediately after the recent holiday the market appeared to have become pretty thoroughly liquidated and many of the bearish features die' counted, so that traders on the short side were not disposed to press their advantage further. Moreover, cover ing on the part of these interests was prompted in no small degree by tha rather surprising statement is sued en Wednesday by the Census Bureau, which reports,! that Ameri can manufacturers had consumed 614,800 bales of cotton, exclusive of lintera, during June. This is a rec ord for the period and compares with 498,897 bales in the preceding month and 446,145 balsa in June a year ago. It'waa the largest aggregate af tha prasent season, with the single ex ception of March, when &23,9t>U bales were taken. Not a little encourage ment was derived from these etatii imiwuntr ««» mi avnir extent offset by consideration of the very heavy stocks held by domestic manufacturers and In independent warehouses throughout the South. The latter amounted to 2.0*8.347 balea, against only <130,487 at tba end of June, last year, while manufactu rer's stocks were officially placed at 1.422,499 balea, aa compared with 1,164,469 in 1914. The figures an tha consumption of I inters were highly interesting, inasmuch as these show ed 646JI33 balsa last month, nr folly donbla those of the same period a year ago. Since last August ths do mestic consumption of cotton hss in errs sod almost without Interruption. On the other hand, if the home con sumption is large the export situa tion presents many drawbacks and tba 8outh is confronted, with tho problem of finding a market for the. millions of bales that are not oaed annually In this country Foreign shipments have Utterly dwindled to comparatively Insignificant totals and with the handicaps of high ocean freight rates, the derange manta of foreign exchange, etc., to say nothing nf the attitude of Great Britain toward clearances from this side, the outlook is net exactly reas suring. large supplies are being carried over and a new crop will soon be svallabts, so that there are many people who are skeptical rrf any sub stantial and permanent advance In prices under existing conditions.— Dun's Review, 17th. Raw. J. A. Campbell, principal of Bglo'a Crook Academy, was la town ANOTHER GIFT FOR TRINITY COLRGi: Granite Wall Artiund Cimpa and Complete Driveway. Durham, July HP.—Through Dish op John C. Kilgo, J. R. and U. N. Duka have donated enough money to 1*7 lor the building of a granite Wall around the campus. This dona tion also include* enough money to pay fur completing the nuu-adamix ing of the circle that ha* l-orome a wall-known driveway. The work ia exported to ooat about $15,000. Dishop Xdgo spent a few days Id Durham on hi* return from New York, following the donation by the Watara Duka, and while here he s|Hike of the interest the lobaeen magnate* have in Trinity Gnlloge. According to the bishop, the Xesua. Duke laid to him a few day* ago: "What w. want to aac Trimly Col lage do la to make young men of high character and true worth. We have little concern about the number of studenta at Trinity, sometime* w* fear you havo too many, but we want Trinity to send out men of force. Better to make great men than to make many mediocre men. Don't let Trinity get a craxe fer number*. Be careful to do *oond and good work. Our internal is in doing the best, not doing the moat, unless it ia first the best." The new wall ia to be made of the finest granite obtainable, anil will be thirty inches high. It will circle the enure college campus and will, It ia confidently believed, be the means of makiog the campus much prettier. Him mows mad Godwin Against Kiln Session. Washington, July IS.—United States Senator Slat moot and Repre sentative Godwin who arc here on de partmental business told officials of lbs administration that North Caro Unions, irrespective of political af filiations, haro great faith ia the ability of President Wilson to handle the delicate foreign situation and ap prove of his p»Ucy so far. Neither Senator Simmons nor Rapraeaatatte^ Badwta behgve that ill* HI in extra session before December 1. They are not among those senators and congressmen who are urging the President to have Congress meet be fore the regular term to take action to prevent the shipxnent from this country of arms and ammunition to the warring nations. A movement was started some dsy« ago by the New York American und a few senators to urge the Presi dent to take this course. Renstor Simmons and Representative Godwin will call at the Whit* House tomor row. Senator Hoke Smith and a few of his following want an extra session, but there is no one here who believes It wjll be called unless it be to au thorise the President to dectare war. This is not anticipated now. -Groans boro Now*. FROM CHAPEL HILL High School CotHnwt Devotes Much Him to Dtecaaaiee at Mooa light School* and Farm Ufa School*, * Chapel Hill, July 19—School, and their improvement havo been the sub Joct which ha* engaged the attention of the teachers for the poet week. The High School Conference which **« *n session at the Summer School Inet week, discussed thoroughly every uoeatioo dealing with the work of our schools. Ono outstanding feature of tha conference *u the great Internet manifested m moonlight schools and In farm Ufa schools. Thursday morn ing Dr. J. Y. Joyner .poke in chapel on tha great work which the moon lightschool, are doiag and as a re* suit over ISO teachers of tha state offored their service, froe obligating to teach at least on# month In some Parra Hfa achooli alto reeotved at tention at the mooting* of tha confer enea. On Friday repreaenlatire* from tvary farm Ufa arhool In the tUla war. bar* and told tha taach *r* how they bad aocrwedad In build ing up thair arhoola. Dr. Joysur a) ao outlined the contemplated re quirement* for farm Ufa arhoola. Briefly theaa ware: Thera ahoald be s farm of 26 acre*, 2 taanu. a barn and 4 cowa; that thara ahould be a dormitory with a minimum ca pacity o€ 26 bays and 26 glrla; a acbool building to coat, at the low eat. >1^00; and a trained man for form damonatrator and a trained woman for home economic* work. Funda for the • at* hi i ah man t nod maintan anca of the acbool may ha meured from throe aourcea: 12,600 from the «taU; tha eame amount from tha county, and in addition an appropria tion aa a county high arhool. Tha meetingi of tha conference ware wall . attended and ad unaeoal value to tha tea char a of tha ate te^-Arnold A Me % | SAFER THAN MOTORING One Fatal Accident to Southern Rail way Passenger. Atlanta, Ga., duly 17.—Mora than 1 <1,600,000 passenger! — a n timber greater than the combined popu£a tion of Virginia, North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Georgia, A alba me, Tenneaeoe and Kentucky — ware transported by Southern Railway during tha yeai ended Jane “SO with only oils fetal injury to a passenger while on a train and that one waa ■landing on a car platform In direct violation of the company's rules, m Of this grant number of jissssa gvrK, not cna wat killed in a train ac cident. This excellent record was shown In tho office!I figuies given out today In diesling the high degree of safety that has been attained in the hand ling of Southern Railway passenger trains. In marked contract arc figures re cently given out by President Fair fax Harrison of Southern Railway, showing that during the same period IS persons ruling in autosnobiiaa nais' killed in accidonts at public highway crossings, every one of which aeei denta could have been prevented^ had the driver of the car observed the familiar warning, ''Stop, Look, and Listen." COTTON KERTILIZER BALES ABE DECREASED More Than Fifty Per cent. Under toil Tear. Washington. July 17.—Use of ccon R'.errial, fvrtiHxcr for cotton a# IE fleeted in the ealea at inspection tags to June 2t>, compared with as Ins to that date last year in the Sooth, .howcxl a decrease of SO per sent. The Department of Agriculture an nuurwed today that the tnunaga be June 23 this year was IdNdW against 4, 431. fjc"> last year. "The reduction In the aheelate quantity of commercial fertiiiaar uaod.Y says the depart■ set, “does not meesarc the full axtapt of the lest in^the^produrfive w>hi of the I tion. The quality of the fetiUsar sold b much inferior to last year's supply because of the lack of the available supplies of potash. This is reflected in the lower price at the fertilizer this year which is due la large part to its inferior aompoaiUon Whilc the tonnage sold in South Car olina. for Instance, has dropped to It per cent, of last year, the value is said to have fallen less than 30 per cent. • "On the ether hand. Southern far mers appear this year to have ex erted themselves to a hitherto un known extent in the utilisation at home-prodneed composts end. natu ral manures. “Tho use of comer rial fertilisers is practically unknown in the great Texas and Oklahoma cotton area, and in the nefc delta sections along the Mississippi river, and a reduction in' sales of this commodity in those dis tricts would have no appreciable in fluence on the cotton crop there." BIG RKFliKD TO OWNKR8 OF FORD A L’TOMOBI L£8 $13,900,004 Distributed Among Par ch**»r* Since Aegxst 1, 1914 Detroit. Mich, July 16.—Tha Pord Automobile Company this afternoon announced a refund of approximately 116,000,000 to comer* of Ford auto mobile* who have purchased their machines since August 1, 1914. On Auguxt 1., 1914, the company an nounced that if 900,000 machines were *old during tho ensolog year, each purchaser would receive a re fund of from 440 to 940. The 300^ 000 mark waa reached today. Tho company aaya tha refund is atrictly in the natore of tho profit distribu tion policy of tho company. Afraid ef Hank*. Kept Mosey at Heme sad Now It la Gene. Newborn, July 16.—Just because they were afraid of banka, I athe| and Ben Inary, two reaidant* of the Cooee Creek I (land section, are "ahort" aeveral thousand dollars, the caving of a life-time which they had locked in a safe in their home sod which waa atolen by asm* onknown thief or thieves. New* of tha rob l*ery touched Newborn yeetarday aad waa to the effect that tho money waa purloined from its hiding place while the men were away from home at tending to tome besineea matters. Upon returning they discovered th-it name on* had renaaekad tho hoaaa and upon Investigating found that their aafo had boon opened and tha last dollar had boon taken th«r*dr»m. The exact amount (talon la not known but all their life the men hove been earing whatever cash they sou Id and it la supposed that tho amount wta at least 91M00 efforts are being made to trace tha Udaf hat pa far these has* prsvm at as avafl. roan* omrr kM adk tor tka keoby priaa. Mb* Mad oawMktog. OX tka priaa X*Mn> right off. Buppooo i— ‘•fTi'i' bailing Botob iioeuo tka oubfact, and wtito US aw wfcat yoa do, or aond mm a payer witk an account of It, aad I wlU help yoa fa any wap I aa Ckycato Paoriak aad CoSoatai Fagaa. tka offfaori at tka Fair txoffHx.- ara tryfag to awka thU fair a groat edaoadowU aapooStioa of tto atoto. . Bat they eaa't do a tkfag aalaao you faoap to and pradaea tka exhibit. They WlU bo plod to allot rx gan, tram at (kargo, for H la mt a noag waking ■ekawo. Bor yaw dfaX praabat wkat yoa bars to okaW fa tall wkat year town apd county am toad whom tkey aro and wkat tkay kWm to offer tka world. Now while tka whale atoto la wak ing op to tka rakto of poUkdty, b up oomotklng fOb-'tka gtobb Fab that win gx yoa pan' akate. Boaoot dawn kora fa tko gaddktg* wo am gettfag ao nnaopltaaao tbat It b ean IwrraaXng loadfax WhM la with no aa too Won't h* Idwaaoaea.-Yau at tka atoto Mr faXyoar. Wo don’t wont to ham to flarrydff tkfag* that' way again I don't want toy eoaaty to took like a foaorito X Kaioigh. OX fa tka gnaw, aad awka It fa tor •ottag. Doan tot CJydo Daria aad ■ngtr Darby aad Boary Page and Leonard Tofu walk amend X tka tab looking no tf OH tka reX of tho atoto had pat ap- a ptoe at aato aaa Frtoadt, tot at Box Marik Oamltoa wldb tfag tkto ft# wttk a great owa* C 1 • •. * • ' CONCEKM1NG cttt ihhkt IT.*** Psept* Madntpd bch Dig •ad He employed the Nest. rroai waste fields to a thrivinj community of 60,000 Inhabitants It a four weeks is tb* transformauor which has takaa piece jast across Uu Vligtala State lino from hero, oa i ■SO* which will soon bo listed on tbs map a* Oty Paint. lauaonao powder mills, the largest ud most modem in the world, now nearing completion aad belonging to the da Peat dt Nemours Powder Company, era the magnet that bai draw* 17400 workmen to this now metropolis of the Old Dominion State la this ctty of uncompleted homos aad thousands of tents, which stretch la every direction, liquor has bean ta booed. Although the wotkmsu em ployed la the departments already completed aad the mechanic* aad la borer* whetting oa ths uncompleted buildings era for the moot part drawn from all part* of both status, the ah wars of liquor has retailed la aa orderly community, though tb* tows is yot la Ho Inception. Owe of ths novel footer** of the Hg powder plan* U the fact that while 17400 men are employed there, tba only regular pay rail maintained by the company la for the managers of ths diffsrsat depart mats. Each *f the 17400 employe* I* hired and discharged each day. Kvary night aaeh swplrys Is paid for the day and his omplo/sasut. in as far aa the com pany la coo earned la ended. If he nhowi ap la tha morning ha U again Urad aad pat to mark. TUs method of handling a force of 17,000, while a naval ana, haa baan found to give tha hast raoaha at CHy Point. Far the meet part tha lawn looks like a Ug camp. 8 portal afctrs arc pro sided by tha powdar company la enforce the law sod maintain order. CWaaUsri am per lob ad promptly, aad white eame liquor has baan can Sacated la tha town it la impoeaibte far a man to drink it aad obtain ttn |4 ay most with the powder company tha next day if he to f amd oat. High earplariiae far tha Kuripias ■Upped daily te seaports, whare it te lasdsd for Fa i up sen porta. Tri-ai tro-totoune. one of the most power ful exptoalva known, and In the test few yuan used ia tha British army aad nary, being prodaetad in large qaasntKtes.—Hlasdeld. W. Va, Die MOU THAN IMM LOOT IN FLOODS IN CHINA Consul General Cheaire Appeals For Atoteteass By Nary Department Washington. July 80—From eighty to eno hundred thousand lives have beau lost in tha floods ia tha vicinity of Canton, CMnsg according te s ca blegram to the B tats Puparttaostl to day from Faking' Consul (tenoral Cheshire has appealed for all tha as sistance that ana ba rssi dared by tha Navy Pepsi tni salt Tha Navy Department had no ad rices a* to tha flood eituatten today from Admiral Winterhalter, com manding tha Asiatic Sect, or from gunboats Wilmington said Callao which went to the aid of Uia flood victims several days ago. Secretary Daniels said Admiral Winterhalter had foil authority to sand any or all of Us skips to assit in rullsf work without consulting tha department. BENSON REVIVAL CONTINUES Banaon, N. C. July 21^-Tha TU1 man-Browning Revival ediich HaJ boon In program bam for morn than and which, It waa au ra Ul atom la at night. itlM Urn conductor! baaa de > extend tha amrtem until inday night. Tha public will taka aogniaanaa of tba fact of tha change la In taction* and. con tinue ta ba present at arery poaaibla tlm Tllghman Lumber Company baa purtbaaad far Ha rullrued which kadi from Dana about tO miles down lata Sampeon, two new locomotive* ta ba 4*1 We red early In August Thla fart brtnga relief to the mind* of local bealMea man who ware afraid , recent darUaa In lumber pa tom would force a temporary aaa aatdau a# tba Induetry’e aetWitlaa Hi 'thla laaalHy. It la probable that tha i will ba petitioned by^ tha to Inaagarata Hn road whan need In aarvieo tfaetatioc of l|g raaeuroaa and pro facta. Let aa abow tha Pabtielt) hnm that wo hgvt aomathlng u make pafeHc. Aa old Spartaeae mid lot aa “make Beam bao-w-whU' Oat bnay. La me boar from yea HON H. BUTLER Mutham rbu, N. C. FARMERS' MEETINGS Campaign far Wlatrr Grawing Craps la Hamate luw Meeting* to ba HaM. To The Editor:— Meeting* far faramr* will ba bald at the following time* and place# to Harnett county: Tuesday, July 37th, • a. to, Plaaa ant Union. Tuaedey, July *Tth, 2.SO p. m.,l Coat*. Wadneaday, July 28th, 0 a. ge. Kip Ifoff. Wednesday. Joly tSth, 3:90 p. m., I Chalyiwate Spring*. Thursday, July 30th, 0 a. m. Duka. Thursday, July 30th, 2:00 p. m, Dunn. FVIday, July 90th, 0 a. m, Sor mlr* School House. 1 win ba accompanied on this trip by K. C. Barrett, of Maatu county, end by CeugreoHaaa Godwin, at Duan. Raven meeting* wtU ba eoadoctad over Ike county and at ana of these »e want to *aa every brag who It Inter**ted to better fanning. The quastlone of cover crape, winter to rus*** and lime only will ba die rut* ad. Wa baps to be able to tall you anything yoo nay wfih to know row nerntng this phase of forming, the crop* to plant, how to prepare the toll, where to gat the boat seed at; the lowett price, the need and value sf liming, tk* kind of lima to uaa, where to get it end the delivered W. H. TUKUMOTOH, Demonstrator. ILLITERACY TO BE WIPED OUT Firm Bulletis Imd On Moonlight MmI Campaign. A sweeping anil to wipe not adult illiteracy in North Carolina was mt oat from tb* State Department at Education yesterday in the farm of Uw Bret bulimic on Moonlight School*. Tbo bulletin —ta out du undertaken dunag th* falL Tb* plan, briefly, la to call for * olnataer tgactien who wM conduct achool at laaat far one month during the year. The force* of the State will be or gnniaed in committee* similar to that which generated the commaalty eer-l rice movement laat year. The county and local oontmitteaaj formed laat year will be aahad to serve again and will be com man) hat ed with through the county aapoitn tundent of schools, la counties where committees did not serve laat fall the following committee will consist of tbo county superintendent, the farm demonstration agent, the secretary or president of tho county Farmers' Union, oditore at the county papers, mayor of tho county seat, member I sprs—ting the Junior Order United American Mechanics, and one repre senting the Women’s Clubs. Pledge I cards for Use hers will bo distributed through the Teachers’ Institutes dmr-l (nc Um fummir, Calk ta the •arviea by Dr. H. QJ Alexander, president of the North' Carolina Fanners* Union; President A. W. McAllister, North Caro Kim! Conference for Social Sendee; J. Walter Lang, General Secretary at the North Caroline Sunday School Association; Mis* Mary O Graham, President of the North CaroUaa Teachers’ Assembly; Paul Janes, I state Councilor Junior Order United.1 American Mechanics; Mrs. T. W. Lingte president of the North Chro lino Federation of Woman's dob*. Tk. —*■- i^n. -. u to wtpe oat the (total of • 14 per coot, illiterate voting population is tka! State against • United Btetaa1 aver-| age of )A per cent. According to tka aoctten ia which tka illitamtea are located, aaventeoe par coot, are la tke mountain section, twelve par cent in tke Piedmont section, aad tk'm wo con*, la tke eastern >aaia. It Is further estimated that if ail ike white population wars removed front, tke coon ties of Wake, Franklin, WH •en, Naak, Edgecombe, JohneUm ami Wayne, aad If all the Illiterate whiter tan years otd aad over fcn tka stats, ware segregated In those seven cewa tte*, tke white popalattea of tka weald art be thawed la In ottaar wards, thars are ly Illiterate whites In North Carolina as there era whites la three I f owitis®. That illiteracy ran bo wiped eat by moonlight schools Is shewn In Ike beltetln bp experiences from Ken trckp and bp experiences In Norik Carolina as weO. Utters era repro duce ia far-simile showing a tetter written by a man tweotp-fewr pears . eld who did net know a letter ha the alphabet tka first sight bat rrllaths 1 tetter after tka fourth loosen. Thar* ■ la another rspi sdaillsu ad a letter after after the thirteen* Usee* bp a | mat af aalddte age, and another after «iuui nc now COMES UTUBOAT ■ ■■ i i ■ i MmMi Oaualy'a AmuJ Tomato, ■atom. Jaly lib—On JatyMtk aa ■■ally aO Johtuton at Mm to *a* aad better baby to tka adjoining eouatki , Thle yaar'a » tka foonh fair and oe each nwaiaa »>aitor» bora Mid. "Wall, I bad aa Maa Selma bad grown bo bo iwefc aa imyartaat town." Tka exhibits (bin yoar will ba large aad attractive, and tear* will ba ■may ooteUc amaaamwito far yean,; ami old. Sixty or aeveaty-flve bakiaa will ba an tka acage naked to tka watte la mb than ana* ta have tka ▼enttet of tka Jadgia aa to wkirh la tka bate developed baby girl aad boy la the county—and raoalva tka frill (My two ran cat tka'Srat yrtoo a btaaa* modal off nod by tka Womaai Beam Ccmpaalon aad ton daSara mA by tka Wool baaka. five dal lara aack ta tka aaraad prim waa wIU ka given by tka Ckaatoar of Cam ■area aad Morrbaaf" Aaaadattoa and tt-fid aack tor third prise wto nara. All aril] gat a cartUUwto af entry from tka Women’, Home Cam Tto girl* tomato Mrs. ft J. WoOma iaar, *aya ttoy wig to in full fan aad win taka for dtacia' tow tto poaaibility of building tto Jaiuuton county Maaenic —-n—hi— ton. Tto town will to beautifully doeorwto* aad tto |a»ii to tto •d moat iaytuariv*. near • county. Tto towa limit* tended tar tto day ttot an can toy ttoy got to towa. KBB IKU COOL Bww ta l«y Caal m tower. Tto gastle art *1 keeping eaai it not ta to deepUad ttoaa day*. Kara are joat a faw little kinto wUcb. wbOa ttoy wont make tto iTin. star regfeter M all iartead ad to *r 100, win go a long, long way to ward* mitigating on*'* yrrrnmil *uf rering rim of all ka*y tto organ* od tltobiaUaw. especially tto bowela. •irking oaaily amt freqoently. Be Utla by oatiag fruit* an vagataWeo. itorlng a# mao la and put flag, and by drtektog lota «d aaol (net too cold) water and buttermilk inatand od aad Dma right. War gala baato tlaifca. If poaribta. and wear aa Nt tto aa tho tow af tha too* will atoa. That's aright? little these dago— •qeal righto far man. la tho wards to the WR wa are “marry lor oatM af tha todtoa to mac, far a fawaf Ihaat daot have math left to tahe Solid that stoegtog parth aaw that gaa here bean thtoki^ abort so tm* Toa*tt aaJag it as aadi that gaa wU —« to aoa It the gear raaad. Uthe •tortrie fan an taw spri to a da Ught thooa bat mghts U tha bad reams. tori of all deal worry, feat, er got orooo oad rerad. Keep sweat. Dank tog to do as much phgriial work aa at athar ttooaa. Manage to-da aa T*ar work to tha shade go toms with too hath toTsad Barg* tha waathar. Dent talk shoot H. Ole* that aabjsst a rest. Tho athar fallow wM thank yaa far h ttoto Board af Health. I lino Prados tt Goads oad Oaarga B. Gesso wara anltod la tho help hands wadi to. ths Her. O. B. Mar ad drtottog. Oraoo to in Nona. WAD TKS DOT** nsPATCi

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